All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1974
A Neuro-Clinical Study of the Spread of Experimentally Induced Epileptiform Discharge from the Amygdala, Daniel Rosen
A Study of Some of the Ways that Homework is Used in a School System and an Evaluation of its Possible Value, Gary C. Rosenthal
Bach's B Minor Flute Sonata: A Study of Six Recorded Interpretations, Edwin F. Sabrack Jr.
The Acquisition of Number Identification as a Function of the Type of Stimulus Presentation, Marco W. Salas Martinez
Alternating Punishment and Non-Punishment of Aggression, Joseph McIntosh Savage
A Study of Seven Library Technology Programs to Determine to What Extent the Programs Parallel the American Library Association Criteria for Library Technology Programs, Evelyn Ruth Schneider
Grand Rapids Junior College Counseling Center: An Internship, Robert D. Schneider
The Effects of Different Levels of L-Dopa on the Aggressive Biting Behavior of Rats, Kathryn A. Scholas
Personal and Professional Growth through an Internship Experience, Joyce A. Schuur
Objective Evaluation of a Treatment Program for Severely Maladjusted Children, Thomas I. Shikoski
A Review of Short Forms of the MMPI, William M. Skinner
Pollution Abatement at the Regional Level: A Case Study of the Grand River Watershed Council, Bradley F. Smith
The Operant Performance of Psychotics on Interval Schedules of Reinforcement, Patricia K. Sorensen
Reliability of Recording as Affected by Behavioral Consequences, LeRoy J. Switlick
Prediction of Turnover in a St. Louis Bank by Use of a Weighted Application Blank, Soon Meng Tow
Observations of Student Services for the Development of Human Potential in Selected Community Colleges and Universities, Festus H. Valentine
A Study of the Influence of Serum Thyroxine on the Annual Reproductive Cycle of the Adult Female Mallard, Deward L. Walker
Ortho-Substituent Effects on Reactivities of Benzohydroxamic Acids, Irl E. Ward
Schedule Induced Polydipsia: Effects of Inter-Food Interval on Access to Water as a Reinforcer, Richard H. Weiss
An Examination of the Distribution of Women in Regional Professional Associations of Sociology, Psychology, and Political Science, Robert Rogers Wheeler
Noise Pollution a Study in Kalamazoo, Michigan, William Thomas Williams
Graduate Recital Thesis in Composition, Sidney Wong
The Effects of Different Litter Control Procedures on Movie Audiences, Thomas Lee Zane
Polygraph Use in Increasing the Reliability of Self-Recorded Data, Stephen M. Zweibach
Theses from 1973
Some Implications of Occupational Socialization: The Case of the State Police, Paul G. Aldo
Differentiating Phonemic and Spectrografhic Speech Characteristics of DAF Susceptibility, Peter J. Alfonso
Angular Distributions of Protons from the 28Si(∝,P)31P Reaction, Susan Mary Allen
Metabolic Abnormalities in Liver and Pancreas of a Diabetic (Toronto-KK) Strain of Mouse, Michael Clayton Appel
Kinetics of the Metal Exchange Reaction between N, N'-BIS (2-Picolyl) Ethylenediaminenickel (II) and Copper (II), Craig Lee Barsuhn
The Assessment of Remedial Activities in an Instructor-Paced Course, Edward James Barton
Predicting Success in Instrumental Music, Charles A. Baughman
Spectroscopic Determinations Using Resonance Spin-Flip in 12C (p,p1) 12C and 50Ti (p,p1) 50Ti, Lee Robert Baumann
Limnodrilus Hoffmeisteri: Observations of the Coelomic Cells and Stage I Sperm under Laboratory Conditions, Field Conditions, and After Exposure to Several Levels of Radiation, Edward Michael Block
Effects of Nuclear Deformation on Neutron Total Cross Sections, Dennis Gilbert Blondin
Two Internships: Professional Training and Personal Discovery, Susan C. Bolon
Population Education through the Curriculum, Pat U. Boquiren
Blinding the Medusa's Eye: Prolegomena to a Social Hermeneutics, David Boyer
The Administration of the North Central Association Study and Visitation in the Parchment Public Schools, Richard D. Buehler
Perspectives for Industrial Arts Administrators, Peter G. Burke
Operant and Classical Conditioning of Single Units in Area 18a of the Rat’s Cortex, Francis E. Butler
Properties of 1‾ Excited States of Complex Nuclei, Carlos Ignacio Calle
Simultaneous Knudsen- and Torsion-Effusion Measurements of the Vapor Pressures of Tetraphenyl Silane and Hexaphenyl Disilane, Luz Marina Calle
The Effects of Age, Sex, and Educational Level on Ideal Therapist Choice, Bruce J. Cannon
A Study of the Relationship between Perspective Ability and Map Conceptualization in Elementary School Children, Russell L. Cobb
Schedule Effects on Individual and Paired Escape Behavior of Albino Rats, Anton P. Colasacco
A Study of Selected Factors Relating to Success Achieved by Beginning Typewriting Students at the High School Level, Loren A. Cook
The Changing Role of the Priest from Facilitator of Escape Responding to Mediator of Positive Reinforcement, Robert J. Crackel
The Influence of Nicotine on the Effect of Secretin on Gastric Secretion in the Rat and Dog, Donald H. Currie
Rate of Initiation of Pyrolysis of Pentachloroethane Using the Toluene Carrier Gas Technique, Teodomiro Cuzcano
Racial Integration and Educational Policy in Kenya, Suhashni Datta
Organizational Traits Affecting Change in the Michigan Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Mary Jo Deegan
A Classification and Review of Group Contingency Procedures Used in Educational Settings, Lois M. De Mersseman
Separation of the Membrane Associated L-Malate and Reduced Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Dehydrogenases of Micrococcus Lysodeikticus, Steven S. Dills
The Replicability of Behavioral Definitions: Implicit vs Explicit Definitions, Robert W. Dobes
Family Value-Patterns and Student Demands for Student Power, Paul Alan Dorsey
A Single Session Design to Assess Schedule Interactions, Thomas J. Edwards
The Effect of Audible Sound on the Germination and Root Elongation of Oats and Wheat, Ferne George Ellis
The Kinetics of the Metal Exchange Reaction between Biseminodiacetatonickelate (II) and Copper (II), Stephen H. Erickson
A Study of Current and Planned High School Business and Vocational Office Education Programs in Southwestern Michigan, John A. Fabrizio
A Study of Shore Erosion at Seventeen Sites along Eastern Lake Michigan, Walter George Fingleton
The Questionable Moral Value of Major Characters in the Later Works of Henry James, Joseph R. Fiore
Contrast Modulated Schedule-Induced Polydipsia, Thomas L. Fisher
Dimensionality and Internal Composition of the Twenty-Two Item Mental Health Inventory, John William Fox
The Use of Token Punishers and Delayed Timeout with Emotionally Disturbed Children, Joel C. Frost
The Effects of Instructions with and without Contingencies on Parent’s Attending Behavior, Betty Lou Fry
Peer Recording and Its Effects on Observer Behavior, Ronald J. Gumm
Schedule Induced Polydipsia, A Study of the Contrast Effect on a Multiple Fixed Time Schedule of Food Delivery, Arlyne J. Gutmann
A Direct Measurement of the Ratio of the Reaction Cross Sections for Two-Photon and Three-Photon Positron Annihilation in Aluminum and Silver, Robert Maurice Heavenrich
Latent Conflict in the Classroom, Joel H. Henderson
An Examination of Countervailing Forces in Canadian Foreign Policy, James F. Hettinger
A Measure of the Differential Effects of Two Language Training Sequences: Expressive-Receptive and Receptive-Expressive, Melbourne Frank Hovell
An Evaluation of Tin Can Recycling in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Rose Ann Husted
An Exploration of Numerous Customer Characteristics Associated with Impulse Purchasing Behavior, Ira J. Jager
Conditioned Suppression in Humans as a Function of Task Complexity, Henry H. James
Petrogenetic and Trend Surface Analysis of Hell Canyon Pluton, Montana, William M. Johanns
Seating Patterns in the College Classroom: The Relationship Between Spatial Location and Selected Role, Personality, and Status Variables, Dolores Burchell Jones
Conflicting Perspectives and Policies: An Analysis of the Failure of the United Nations Capital Development Fund, Marjon Vashti Kamara
A Comparative Analysis of a Patient Trainer versus a Student Trainer as Therapeutic Agents in Occupational Therapy Setting, Elahe Karimi
Behavioral Contrast After Errorless Discrimination Learning as a Function of Non-Contingent Shock, James H. Kaye
Implications of Photogeologic Linears in the South Long Lake Area, Alpena and Presque Isle Counties, Michigan, Richard E. Kimmel
A Floral Survey of the Lake Michigan College- Ross Property, Van Buren County, Michigan, William Monroe Knott
Successive Discrimination Reversal Learning in the Rat Offspring as a Function of Maternal Stress during Gestation, Miles A. Kowall
Effects of Reinforcement on the Rate and Generalization of Play Behavior in Four Severely Retarded Children, Elizabeth Anne Labanowski
An Analytic Study of a System of Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations at an Irregular Type Singularity, James M. Lamb
The Mental Patient as Machiavellian: An Exploratory Study, Louise B. Leader
Further Investigation of the Midi-Mult, Wilbur B. Leer
Physical Survey of the Lake Michigan College-Ross Property, Van Buren County, Michigan as an Environmental Resource, Raymond C. Levesque
An Analysis of Behavioral Contrast in a Concurrent Schedule Using Qualitatively Different Reinforcers, Richard J. Lodge
Report of an Internship Experience with the Calhoun Intermediate School District, Robert G. Lowman
The Calhoun Area Vocational Center: An Internship and Project, Gerald D. Lutz
Geology of Atwater Well Field Kalamazoo County, Michigan, John E. Malanchak
A Training Sequence Designed to Teach Vocal Imitation to a Retarded Child Exhibiting a Stereotyped Vocal Response Pattern, Patricia Ann Martin
A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of an Interest Grouping Classification for Primary Grade Children, Dianne T. McAfee Williams
Fried's Theory of Political Evolution: An Empirical Test, Diana Battjes McKenna
A Study of the Acquisition of Learning-Set Behavior in Pigeons, E. Jill Moir
A Comprehensive Survey, Index, and Listing of Community Agency Resources Currently Providing Services to the Residents of Charlevoix and Emmet Counties, Ronald L. Moore
Field Radiation of Spin I Massless Particle, Ralph Alvin Mudgett
The Effect of the Degree of Cationic Charge on the Binding Strength of a Cationic Starch-Kaolin Clay Coating, Hugh K. Myers