All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1972
Report of Professional Field Experience, Warner A. Johnson
The Effects of Task Difficulty and Closure on Production, Perceived Production Time and Two Related Time Estimates, Gary Dean Kissler
The Effects of a Structured Human Relations Training Laboratory on the Behavior of College Students, Daniel R. Klainer
An Experience with Student Personnel Services at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Ivan Klinesteker
A Conceptual Analysis of the Two Models of Power Distribution, Thomas E. Kolassa
The Effects of State Anxiety on Digit Span and Wonderlic Personnel Test Performance for Freshmen and Graduate Students, David P. Krackow
A Study of Personal Naming Customs in Medieval Poitou, Eleanor Louise Krawutschke
The Design and Construction of an Electron Lens for Use in a Low Energy Electron Diffraction System, Rodney S. Krieger
The Effect of Two Different Scoring Contingencies on Student Exam Performance, Alvin R. Kubat
Phospholipid and Fatty Acid Analysis of the Membrane of Acetobacter aceti var. liquefaciens, Cathie S. W. Kuoh
Visual Imagery to Increase Overt Behavior, Discern Interpersonal Reinforcers, and Identify Interpersonal Difficulties, John Edward Landino
The Treatment of Hallucinogenic Drug Abusers: A Study of Physicians’ Perceptions, Frederick Jon Latimer
A Comparative Study of the Labor Movements and Legislation in the United States and South Korea, Ki Yop Lim
The Humanistic Aspect of the Women's Liberation and Other Movements, John L. Longman
Captan-Induced Reversions in Bacteria, Gayle M. Nii LoPiccolo
Sediment-Topography Relationships in the Inner Nearshore Zone, Southeastern Lake Michigan, Robert David LoPiccolo
The Effects of Two Periods of Light Deprivation on Bar Pressing in Rats, Edward R. Lyon
A Study of Selected Michigan Elementary Schools to Identify Factors Supporting the Development of the Media Center, Peggy Maclean
A Reliability Study of a Sew System for Coding Family Therapists' Verbalizations, Judith Mayerovitch
The Effects of Reading a Report of Racial Conflict and Non Racial Conflict on Baseline Hostility Levels, Michael D. McClenic
The Influence of Peers in the Formation of Student Heroes, Alan W. McEvoy
The Fidelity of DNA Polymerase from Bacillus Licheniformis and Bacillus Stearothermophilus, Gerald R. McGowan
The Tax Treatment of Bonuses and Returned Income Paid Pursuant to Mineral, Oil and Gas Leases, Melville Peter McPherson
A Study of the Effects of Vacancies on the Angular Correlation of Positron Annihilation Radiation for Iron and Copper, Ronald L. Meade
The Application of Eric Berne's Theory of Structural and Transactional Analysis to Five Novels by Andre Gidé, Marcia Lynn Mead
An Investigation of the Froth Flotation Process as a Means of Concentrating Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge, Merwin Lee Miller
Effects of Container on Perception of Product Quality, Wayne O. Miller
L' Homme Robbe-Grilletien: Une Vision Subconsciente du Monde, Monica E. Nahm
An Analysis of Conceptual Color Matching, James T. Northrop
Spectral Analysis of Olfactory System Electrical Activity: Effects of Ketamine and Sodium Pentobarbital, John Ludwig Orr
A Composition (Untitled), Donald J. Para
Adventitious Reinforcement and Conditioned Reinforcement in Auto-Maintenance, Dennis H. Passe
Extinguishing or Modifying Smoking Behavior: A Comparison of Four Therapeutic Techniques, Alcid M. Pelletier
Improving Conceptual Performance with Programmed Instruction, Daniel G. Reese
A Comparison of Some Personality Traits between the Criminal Alcoholic and the Noncriminal Alcoholic, Jerry Reimann
Training Third Grade Educated Women to Teach Cognitive Skills to Disadvantaged Children, Michael D. Roberts
A Study of the Vegetation on Three Sanitary Landfills in Kalamazoo County, John Warren Rogers
Schedule-Induced Polydipsia: Effects of Delayed Water Availability, James Thomas Rowan
A Bibliographical Survey of the West Indian Novel, Ruta Mara Sani
Attitudinal and Perceptual Differences between Industrial Supervisors and their Subordinates Regarding Leadership Climate and Reward Criteria, Raymond Sauers
Apparent Motion as a Measure of Visual Preference for Dinnerware Patterns, Robert G. Schulz
A Study of Student Library Assistant Programs in Selected Class B Secondary Schools in the State of Michigan, 1970-71, Marie Rose Sivak
Interspecific Association among the Common Birds of Oak-Hickory Stands in Southwestern Michigan, Michaline Slomka
Immunochemical Studies of Ribosomes from Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria, Thomas L. Snyder
Imitation: Some Theoretical Issues, Charles Richard Spates
Learning Set and Generalization of the Non-Matching Concept in Pigeons, M. Katherine Stephens
The Frequency Coding Theory of Olfaction, William B. Stewart
The Relationship between Selected WISC Factors and the Differential Responsiveness of Children in Two Token Economy Systems, Edward F. Strong
The Analysis of Three Narrow Resonances Observed in Protons on Oxygen-16, Benjamin Y. J. Tan
Development of an Ultra High Shear Recording Viscometer, David C. Thornton
Powerlessness and Support for Student Protest, Edmund Y. S. Tong
The Perception of Responsibility in the Frustration-Aggression Paradigm, Susan Ann Coyle Tong
Another Look at the Mini-Mult, Dianne S. Umansky
Participation of Mental Patients in Aftercare Services as a Function of Self-Concept, James Garner Wentzell
Automobile Safety Construction, Robert C. White
Hydrostatic Pressure Effects on the EPR Spectrum of V2+: A1203 and Cr3+: A120, Charles J. Wilcox
The Development and Empirical Validation of Programmed Instructional Materials to Improve Conceptual Mastery, Richard M. Woolfenden
The Life and Songs of John Danyel, Sally J. Wylie
The Effects of a Programmed Sex Education Course on Institutionalized Mental Patients, Alan G. Zukerman
Theses from 1971
Interest and Pupil Dilation: A Print Advertising Pre-Test, Roy Douglas Adler
Hydrostatic Pressure Effects on the EPR Spectrum of V2+:Al203, Jonathan Lloyd Albain
The Kalamazoo County Community Action Program a Qualitative Analysis, Michael Carl Allerding
A Comparative Study of the Helminth Fauna of Salmo Gairdneri Rich. From Three Different Environments: A Hatchery, a Lake and, a River, Jose Felipe Ribeiro Amato
A Report of a Summer Internship at Buckhorn Children's Center Buckhorn, Kentucky, Catherine Smith Armitage
Stimulus Control and the Effects of Stimulus Change on Aggression in Children, Marilyn S. Arnett
The Military in the Politics of South Korea, 1961-1966: The Role of Political Institution-Building, Soo Young Auh
Managerial Success and Personality Traits of Self-Actualization, Louis H. Ballenger
A Study of the Effects of a Reading Program for Reluctant Readers, Florence Evelyn Banks
The Effects of Several Chemical Agents on Short Term Memory, Michael J. Bedecs
Development of a Middle School Philosophy and Program for the Charlotte Junior High School for the School Year 1968-1969, Clarence J. Benson
Comprehension of Speech as a Function of Rate, Mary D. Berry
Anselm of Havelberg His Life and Works, Raymond Eugene Bierlein
The Effects of Chlorpromazine on Escape and Avoidance Behavior, Susan E. Bohlmann Lapato
Auditory Evoked Potentials: Relationship to Stimulus Intensity and Effects of Noise Exposure, Judith Lyn Buelke
Current Techniques in the Internal Auditing of Construction Contracts for Public Utilities, Vernon M. Buttles
Effects of Vicarious Feedback and Social Model Type upon Cumulative Verbalization and Personal Pronoun Frequency, Louis F. Caputo
The Palmar Dermatoglyphics of Macaca Fascicularis: Compared with Data on Macaca Fuscata, Ronald G. Cauble
A Biosystematic Study of Cacalia Atriplicifolia L. with Emphasis on Its Life History, Tso Pen Chang
The Development and Empirical Validation of a Teaching Program, Arlene Chmil
Towards the Study of Imperialism as an Ideology: The Particular Case of Victorian England, John Elliot Comando
Short Term Retention of a Positioning Movement under Three Levels of Interfering Task Conditions, Mark E. Conklin
Positive Conditioned Supperssion: A Replication and Extension, Julia C. Curtin
Learning-Set Acquisition in Pigeons, Stephen A. Daniel
A Comparative Analysis of Training Methods Used for the Development of Clerical Checking Skills, Tyrone Daniels
Exploring the Role of Various Education Strategies in National Economic Development, Donald F. Depew
Construction of a Small Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrograph, Dale A. Eding
Average Solid Angle for Detection of Photon Pair Positron Annihilations, Albert S. Ferrari
Wavelength Matching in the Pigeon, Robert W. Griffin
Change in Cysteine and Total Basic Amino Acid Contents in Regenerating Planaria, Lynn Gunnison
The Constructive Theory of Distributions, Elsie M. Gustafson
A Comparison of the Standard MMPI with a Short Form: The Mini-Mult, B. Gerald Hartman
Triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer in Enzyme-Inhibitor Complexes, Ronald Earl Hauxwell
An Analysis of Variation in Sentencing Tendencies Among Judges of Multi-Judge Circuits in Michigan, John T. Hawthorne
The Effect of Daily Quizzes on Hour Examination Performance in a Junior Level Psychology Course, Rose Marie Hesse
Daily Quizzes with Review and Rededial Quizzes and Examination Performance, Mary Collamer Hubbard
Conditioned Punishment of Self-Injurious Behavior, George Hunt