All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1982
The Effects of Self-Recording on the Generality of Parenting Behaviors, Sonia Beatriz Meyer
A Comparison of the Effects of Two Different Respiratory Valves on Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Heart Rate Response of Selected Distance Runners, Jeffry Phillip Morgan
The Political Philosophy of John Rawls: An Examination of His View of Man and Social Stability in the Just Society, Calvin Jay Mouw
Hemispheric Perception of Modulated Rhythmic Patterns in a Dichotic Listening Task, Belinda Sue Ford Murray
The Effects of Contingent Shock on Cigarette Smoking Behavior: An Attempt to Replicate, Marianne M. Narick
The Design and Evaluation of an Information System for Assessing Performance Appraisal Practices, James Michael Naughton
Performance Feedback and its Relationship to Goal Setting, Douglas A. Nicola
Effects of Contingency Contracting on the Academic Performance of Special Education Students, Carolyn Marie Nock
Nitrate Levels in the Groundwater of Kalamazoo County, Michigan, William Robert Norman
Temporal Pattern of Gluconeogenesis in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Chinese Hamsters, John P. Ofenstein
Training Self-Control in Food Selection through Verbal Self-Instruction, Thomas Vincent O'Melia
An Exploration of the Relationship among Rhetorical Sensitivity, Communication Apprehension, and Nonverbal Decoding Ability, Mary Aileen Palanca
The Effects of Contracting and Self-Monitoring on the Academic Performance of Middle School Students, Carol Elaine Parker
Parental Foraging in Chipping Sparrows (Spizella Passerina), Dora Elisa Perez
Enuresis: A Case Study, Elaine Lee Phillips
The Detection of Behavioral Effects in the F(sub)1(/sub) Generation of Mice Treated During Spermatogenesis with Cyclophosphamide, Procarbazine or Mitomycin C, Anthony Michael Podraza
The Effects of Precipitation on the Quality of Ground Water and Leachate Seeps at a Stabilizing Landfill, Nicholas C. Pogoncheff
The LaSalle Ossuary: An Osteological Analysis, Cheryl Lee Puskarich
Teaching Behavior Management Skills and Assessing Generalization to the Classroom Setting, Kathleen A. Ratchford
Analysis of the Prehistoric Settlement Pattern Survey Project in the Lower Kalamazoo River Valley: The 1978 and 1979 Field Seasons, Deborah K. Rhead
The Support and Maintenance of a Behavioral Teaching Methodology in the Public Schools, Sheryl M. Rippee
Sampling the Invisible: Occupational Status in Victorian England, Rosamond Robbert
A Histopathological Study of the Effect of Ethylnitrosourea on HA(ICR) Mice Testes, Mildred Rodriguez
The Use of Twilight Training in the Treatment of Cigarette Smoking Behavior, John Joseph Seltenreich
Effects of the Serotonin Depletor Parachlorophenylalanine Upon Shock-Induced Aggression and Pressing Responses in Rats, Robert G. Sewell
Vantage Level Analysis: A Potential Tool for Reducing Conflict in a Labor Union, Pamela S.F. Shevchik
The Online Subject/Title Catalog of Western Michigan University, James N. Sleep
An Investigation of the Instructional Communicator Style Expectations of Nontraditional and Traditional Male and Female Undergraduate Students, Chryl Irvine Snyder
A Report of an Internship in the Admissions and Counseling Office at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Constance M. Speers
Pastoral Production Systems in Eastern Africa: A Comparative Analysis, Stephen Speranza
A Comparison of Selected Critical Writings of Jean-Georges Noverre and Theophile Gautier and their Continuing Influence on Dance, Kathleen Carol Tenniswood
Quality Control: A Behavioral Perspective, Cathy L. Thorne
Community Education, a Cooperative Effort, Mary Tracey
Closed Water Systems on Paper and Board Machines Using the Dysco Simulation Program, Stephen Robert Tremont
Recipe Design and Management in a Nutritional Data Base System, Robert G. Trenary
Counseling and Support Program for Retarded Adults: A Grant Proposal, Claudia Jo Unruh-DeGood
The Hyperactive Child and the Family: A Procedural Approach to Evaluation and Treatment, Marian Maria Sofia van Dooijeweert
The Effects of Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales as Antecedent and Consequent Stimuli upon Instructional Behaviors in a Special Education Setting, Dennis L. Van Hartesvelt
A Comparison of the Hutchings "Low-Stress”, Fulkerson Tens Method, and Conventional Addition Algorithms for Speed, Accuracy and Preference with Regular Education Students, Gregory N. Vaughan
On the Effects of Mixed Fi-Dro and Mixed Ri-Rdro Schedules on Rats' Lever Pressing, Marcelo Jose Villareal
A Comparison of Personality Self-Descriptions Using a Structured Personality Inventory and Open-Ended Personality Questionnaire and Critical Incident Survey, Birda Lee Walker
A Survey of Graduates of a One-Year Clerical Office Block Class —1976-1981— with Recommendations for Curriculum and Course Content Revision, Audrey Lee Watson
A Comparative Analysis of the Training, Internships, and Job Opportunities for Clinical and Counseling Psychologists, Mary Theresa Zirpoli
Theses from 1981
The Effect of Storm Sewer Drainage on an Urban Lake, Jose Ignacio Aizpurua
Increasing Job Performance by Training Employees How to Request Instructions and Feedback, LaVerne Talley Alebiosu
The Nixon Doctrine: Its Application in the Arabian Gulf, Abdulwahed Al-Mawlawi
Addressing Community Awareness of Self-Help Groups, David Glenn Anderson
Improving Instructional Skills of Special Education Teachers Using a Group Training Package, R. Thomas Arkwright
The Effects of Performance Appraisal on Staff Performance, Steven S. Armstrong
U-Pb Systematics and Ages of Rocks from the Zone of Cataclasis, Bitterroot Dome, Southwestern Montana, Edward Charles Arruda
A Report of an Internship in the Kalamazoo Police Department, Roy C. Aslanian
Improving Staff Performance Through Checklists, Duane Lee Bacon
Effects of Supervisory Feedback Skills on Performance and Job Satisfaction, Kenneth Wayne Barnes
Petrology of Fluvial and Shoreline Sands in a Modern Arc-Trench Gap, Guatemala, James Robert Bartel
Effect of Informational Posting and Employee Inspection on Safety Hazard Reduction in a Retail Drug Store, Craig A. Berger
The Resistance to Temptation Paradigm with Modeling - A Review, Lorre Patricia Berger
Development and Implementation of an Outlining Preskills Program Utilizing a Multiple-Probe Design, Patricia Ellen Bird
The Induced Histopathology of the Testes and Epididymides of Cf-1 Mice by Known or Suspected Teratogens, Mutagens, and Carcinogens, Kevin K. Block
Tristan und Isolde: Gottfried's Paradigm for Emancipation, Elvira Borgstadt
Elite Perspectives and Predictive Potential: Park in Korea 1963-1972, Brian Borlas
The Evaluation of an Incentive Program Used to Recruit Health Club Memberships through Friend Referrals, Michael D. Bowles
The Effect of Active-Participation with Feedback in a Videotape, Discrimination-Training Program, Stephen M. Brewer
An Activity Perspective of Alcohol Consumption and Problem Drinking Among Older Adults in Michigan, Gerald M. Burns
A Comparison of Overall Verb Complexity between Aphasic Adults and Language Disordered Children, Cheri Suzanne Carrico
The Applicability of the "Best Books for Young Adults" List as a Book Selection Tool in Public High Schools in a Three County Area, Ricki Hemenway Chowning
A Confusion Matrix Intelligibility Testing Procedure for Preschool Children, Jane C. Coe-Kruse
Structural Analysis of Precambrian Metasedimentary Rocks of the Swede Gulch Formation, Nahant, South Dakota, Richard G. Cookman
An Analysis of Behavioral Approaches to Obesity/Weight Reduction, Charlene Marie Curtis
The Effects of Quality of Work Life Processes on Job Satisfaction and Productivity, Greg Alan Dabicci
The Effects of Self-Management Training on Academic Performance, Mark R. Dean
The Hydrologic Factors that Control Carbonate Hardness in Kalamazoo County Lakes, Southwestern Michigan, Linda Brittain Fenner
An Experiential Project Examining the Realm of the School Business Function, Robert J. Gabel
Matching-to-Sample in the Pigeon: An Analysis of the Effects of Correction and Noncorrection Procedures, Deborah Lou Grossett
The Effects of Written Instructions and Videotape Modeling on the Quality of Performance Feedback Provided for Subordinates, Ileana Habsburg-Snyder
The Effects of Hutchings’ Low Stress Addition and Subtraction Algorithms on the Accuracy and Rate of Problem Solving with Low Performing Math Students, Stephen Edgar Hadden
The Petrology and Geochemistry of Keweenawan Diabase Dikes in Ontonagon, Gogebic, Iron and Dickinson Counties, Michigan, James J. Hahnenberg
A Multiple Baseline Analysis of the Use of a Social Skills Training Package with Shy Children, Patricia A. Haist
Congruence and Development of Beliefs and Hierarchic Position among Institutional Mental Patients, Keith T. Handell
Economic Aid as an Instrument of Soviet Foreign Policy: The Case of Ghana 1957-1966, Patricia Masilo Hoeane
The Effects of Individual Verbal Training Versus Group Verbal Training Upon Preschooler's Corresponding Snack Selection, John W. Hoedl
Stress Relative to the Onset of Multiple Sclerosis Exacerbations, Charlene A. Horgen
Factors Influencing Termination Status of Clients in the Kalamazoo County Juvenile Court Volunteer Probation Program: November 1969-June 1973, Christine Clare Iavelli
A Functional Analysis of Response Contingent Full Physical Guidance, Richard J. Jackle
Career Exploration at the Calhoun Area Vocational Center, David Johnson
The Perceived Utility of the Job Model as a Planning Document for Faculty Members, Victoria Kai-Cacho
An Analysis of Validity Constructs in the Dichotic Listening and Hemispheric Competition Procedures, Wade Addam Kapik
Distributive Fairness: An Exploration of Male-Female Differences in Allocation Behavior, Daryl G. Kelley
Improving On-the-Job Performance of Restaurant Employees through Behavior Modification Techniques, Patricia A. Kershek
An Analysis of Nitrate Concentrations in the Ground-Water of Antwerp Township, Van Buren County, Michigan, John Emil Klanke
Control of Eating Behavior: An Evaluation of the Effects of Serving Less Preferred Foods Prior to the Meal on Preschoolers' Eating, Paul Joseph Smith Knight
Early History and Influence of Harvard College’s Hollis Professorship of Divinity (the First Endowed Professorial Chair in America), Russell Vernon Kohr
The Menu Formation in a Computerized Nutrition System, Kathleen Ann Kostrzewa
Prompts and Feedback as a Means of Increasing a Customer Service Behavior in a Family Restaurant, David B. Lennox
Middle Woodland Ceramics of Northwestern Indiana and Western Michigan, William L. Mangold
A Diagnostic Teaching Analysis of the Feasibility of Teaching Trainable Mentally Impaired Students Hutchings’ Low-Stress Addition Algorithm, Marsha K. Markle
Component Analysis of Hutchings' Low-Stress Addition Algorithm, Daniel V. McCallum
Politics and Medicine in the Estrogen Replacement Controversy: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and Great Britain, Frances B. McCrea