"21st Century Writing Instruction [APA format]" by Detra Price-Dennis, Molly Trinh Wiebe et al.


In a position statement, Beliefs about the Teaching of Writing (2004), NCTE outlines eleven broad principles to serve as a guide for teaching language arts. Among the key ideas in this document is the call for language arts teacher educators to consider how literacy courses can create opportunities for pre-service teachers to account for the multifaceted and multimodal world of literacy with students in K-12 settings. The purpose of this qualitative case study is to learn from the experience of one pre-service teacher during his language arts methods course. Drawing on a subset of data from two, our research team focused on the following questions for this report:

1. How did the participant in this study come to draw upon his own process of writing and composing digital texts to support elementary students' writing development?

2. How did the participant take up the theoretical concepts presented in his language arts methods course during the field-based experience?

3. How did the participant enact tenets of CRP in a 21st century classroom?



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