All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact
Dissertations from 2024
Jagg Beeti, Shahana Afsar
A Decision Framework to Select Manufacturing Method Based on Part Complexity (Additive or Subtractive), Trad Mutair Alblawi
Creating Advanced Processes Through Utilizing Renewable Eutectics for Gas Capture and Separation, Ahmad Mohammad Rasheed Al-Bodour
An Experimental Study of Supervised Machine Learning Techniques for Minor Class Prediction Utilizing Kernel Density Estimation: Factors Impacting Model Performance, Abdullah Mana Alfarwan
Designing and Evaluating External Human-Machine Interfaces for Pedestrians- Autonomous Vehicle Interaction, Ali Atallah E Alhawiti
A Microgenetic Learning Analysis of Contextuality in Reasoning about Exponential Modeling, Elahe Allahyari
An Integrated Digital Twin Framework and Evacuation Simulation System for Enhanced Safety in Smart Buildings, Manea Almatared
Cosimulation Approach for High-Frequency Magnetic Component Modeling in DC-DC Converters, Faraj Alyami
All Children Matter: Developing Social Capital Through School Renewal Rounds, Jeremy Allen Andrick
Reclaiming Shadows, Samantha Atkins
Unlocking Potential: Analyzing the Impact of Special Education Services on the Assessment Outcomes of Students with Learning Disabilities, Kaitlyn Billops
Leadership Ways of the Three Fires Anishinaabek, Grace Boda
The Development of Youth Voice in a Community-Based Social Action Program, César A. Briones Mendieta
Say Her Name: a Phenomenological Study on Black Women’s Experiences with Fearful Encounters with the Police, Marilyn Shantey Buford
Three Essays on Fertility Rates in China, Lichun Cai
Private School Principals’ Leadership Roles in Times of Change Within the Dominican Republic, Benedicta Calderon
Infusing Values Into Written Exposure Therapy: A Comparison Study, Maegan Campbell
White Counseling Psychology Doctoral Trainees’ Experiences Broaching Whiteness with White Clients: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study, Zari Koelbel Carpenter
Occupational Performance with Formstack: Academic Fieldwork Coordinator's Perceptions and Experiences, Sara Clark
Using Resin-Bonded Hollow Aluminosilicate Microspheres to Create Patternless Molds for Rapid Casting, Sean Derrick
The Effects of Combined Evaluative and Memo, Matrix, and Graphic Objective Feedback on Performance When Receiving Fixed Pay, Amber L. Derthick
Effects of Video Modeling on Treatment Integrity of Behavior Plans, Akrum Eidelsafy
Pathways to Leadership in a Professional Association, Cheryl Lynn Endres
Picturing the Teaching of the Holocaust: A Narrative Case Study of Four English Language Arts Teachers Who Teach the Holocaust, Shelley L. Esman
From Pages to Pixels: Library Workers’ Perceptions of Power in the Digital Era, Sean Gaffney
Three Essays on Financial Economics and Monetary Policy, Kumadebis Tamiru Gemechu
A Case Study of the Organizational System of Articulation at a Midwestern Regional Public University, Katherine J. Giardello
Cell Signaling Mechanisms in the Initiation, Propagation, and Termination of Adult Tissue Regeneration, Samantha Joyce Hack
Digital Twin-Enabled Smart Infrastructure Management: A Multi-Level Data Fusion Approach for Decision Making in Predictive Maintenance, Obaidullah Hakimi
Public Health Implications of State-Level Public Health Organizational and System Structures, Cameron Ferguson Hays
Examining Ethnic-Racial Socialization as a Predictor of Resilience and Ethnic-Racial Stress in Hispanic/Latine Young Adults, Adrian Josue Hernandez
The Role of Evaluation Terms in the Quality of Final Evaluation Reports in International Development Cooperation: A Multi-Phase Mixed Methods Study, Fanny J. Hernandez de Alvarez
The Unconscious at Work: A Psychosocial Study of Leaders' Unconscious Processes Impacting Participatory Change Leadership, Vanessa Hills
A Model for Spacecraft Relative Motion Using Continuous Periodic Thrust, Philip Alan Hittepole
A Brief Self-Compassion Intervention for Survivors of Sexual Trauma With Psychological Distress, Natalie Marie Hogue
Alternative Adjacency Matrices and Spatial Analysis, Jaeseong Hwang
Exploring Perceptions and Factors Influencing the Adoption of Telehealth in Speech-Language Pathology: Adapting the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Heather M. Isaacson
Quasi-Monte Carlo Estimation for Functional Generalized Linear Mixed Models., Ruvini Kumari Jayamaha Hitihamilage
Creature Constellation, Alyssa Jewell
Modeling Blue Mondays: A Preclinical Evaluation of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Binge Dosing on Responding Maintained by a Progressive Ratio Schedule of Food Reinforcement in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats, Candace Brenda Johnson
Brief Treatment for PTSD: Promoting Trauma Recovery with a Five-Session Cognitive Processing Therapy Protocol, Sanela Kalakovic
Single-Shot meV-Resolution Hard X-ray Spectrograph for Cavity-Based X-ray Free Electron Laser, Keshab Kauchha
Long COVID Patients: A Phenomenology Study Exploring Mental Health and Psychosocial Adaptation to Disability, Tonia Joy Lans
From Doctoral Student to Professor: The Professional Socialization and Career Development of International Counselor Educators, Ayla Martine Ludwig
Working Logic Parameter Types and Philosophical Assumptions of Selected Evaluation Approaches—A Descriptive Qualitative Analysis, Thomas J. Lyzenga
The Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Polysaccharide-Based Additive To Improve Wet and Dry Strength and High-Barrier Properties of Paper Products, Cornellius Marcello
An Exploration of the Experiences That Influenced Black Males to Become Information Technology Professionals, Ronnie McMillian
Black Women’s Instagram Usage and Body Dissatisfaction, Shirlee Buchanan Moore Jr.
On Near-Linear Cellular Automata Over Near Spaces, Abdul-Rahman M. Nasser
Shigella Flexneri Diguanylate Cyclases Regulate Pathogenesis, Ruchi Ojha
Faulty Perception Correction of Autonomous Vehicles in Real-Life Driving Scenarios, Mark Omwansa
Intelligent Health Monitoring Systems via Flexible Hybrid Electronics and Machine Learning, Masoud Panahi
An Empirical Study of Cross-site Variation in Treatment Effects of Educational Interventions, Thuy Dung Pham
A Paradigm Shift? Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perspectives and Practices with Neurodiversity-Affirming Approaches, Kelli Pierce
Safety Assessment for Vulnerable Road Users Using Automated Data Extraction with Machine-Learning Techniques, Baraah Sami Qawasmeh
Systematics, Biogeography, and Floral Trait Evolution of the Plant Genus, Medinilla (Melastomataceae), John Peter Quakenbush
Using Video Prompting To Teach Daily Living Skills to Young Adults With Disabilities, Melissa Anne Rajter
3D Automated Surgeon’s Hand Motion Assessment Using a Cascade Fuzzy Supervisor During Intelligent Box-Trainer System Skills Training in a Multi-Thread Video Processing, Fatemeh Rashidi Fathabadi
Development of a discrete element model for artificial turf, Justin Rittenhouse
Mothering, Leadership, and Career: A Narrative Analysis, Joanne Susan Roehm
Translanguaging in an English as a Foreign Language Context: Practices and Perspectives of Indonesian University Teachers and Students, Marianus Roni
The Earth Speaks History: Narrative and the Anthropocene in Contemporary Climate Fiction, Hana Khalid Saeed
Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics of Novel Organic and Inorganic Nanohybrids, Sukanya Saha
Advanced material manufacturing obtained from natural products for wastewater treatment, Neha Sawant
Longitudinal Evaluation of Vitamin D Concentrations in Relation to the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes in American Adults: A Secondary Data Analysis, Kathryn Michelle Schurr
An Examination of Specific Learning Disability Identification Post Participation in the Michigan Department of Education Transformation Zone, Erin E. Senkowski
Establishing Practical Equivalence of Factor Loadings in Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Christopher Edward Shank
Synthesis, Characterization and Testing of Graphene-Based Materials for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Catalysts, Hassan Shirzadi Jahromi
Synthesis and Characterization of Heavy-Metal Oxoanion- and Phosphonate-Binding Nanojars, Pooja Singh
Methods and Metacognition: Teaching an Historically and Culturally Responsive Holocaust Unit, Katie Sluiter
Current to Best Practice: An Approach to Establishing a Clearinghouse, Alycia Sterenberg Mahon
New Alternative Methods Developed for the Measurement of Active and Total Clay in Foundry Green Sands, Piao Jian Tan
Performativity and the Formal Elements of Comics: Reading Nonviolent Resistance in Graphic Novels, Krista Turner
Integrating Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and Sentiment Analysis for an Enhanced Understanding of Emotions in Human Experience, Laura Urdapilleta
Beneficial Effects of Exercise on Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Content and Endplate Morphology in Skeletal Muscle of Aging Male and Female Rats, Juliana M. VanGyseghem
Investigating the Impacts of AI Integration on Workplace Well-Being, an Exploratory Case Study, Anezka Viskova-Robertson
Understanding the Experience of Being Food Insecure at an Independent College or University, Natalie Wagner
A Comparison of Training Approaches on Skill Acquisition Among Direct Care Staff at an Adult Day Program, Sandra Wagner
Acculturation, Well-Being and Identity of Oromo Immigrants, Hawi M. Wako
Printed Graphite Electrodes for Fast-Charging Lithium-Ion Batteries, Guanyi Wang
Principals Staying in Concentrated Poverty School Districts: Voices from Within, Mark Wilke
The Effect of Performance-Contingent Monetary Rewards on Creativity, Intrinsic Interest and Autonomy, Merrilyn Yeboah
Identity and Alterity in a Comedy Series from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, During the Presidency of Evo Morales, Anita L. Zandstra,
Enzyme-Enhanced ECF Bleaching: Improving Pulp Bleachability and Reducing Its Environmental Footprint, Bingyao Zhou
Dissertations from 2023
Associating Driver Behavior to Surrounding Environments and Cyclist Presence, Mousa Ahmad Abushattal
Synthesis of Glucomannan-Xylan Composite Biofilms: Characterization and Applications for Food Packaging, Kholoud Al-Ajlouni
Exploring the Use of Cultural Values in the Evaluation of Programs with Native American Tribes, Karen Lynn Alexander
State of the Art in The Knowledge of Engineers’ Job Satisfaction in Saudi Arabia, Muidh Awadh Algahtani
Towards Reliable Hepatocytic Anatomy Segmentation in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Using U-Net with Auto-Encoder, Koloud Najem Alkhamaiseh