Honors theses completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors or we have been unable to reach the authors, so the theses may be only available from on-campus computers. If you are an author of an honors thesis and would like to make it available off campus or if you have any questions, please contact wmu-scholarworks@wmich.edu.
Theses from 2024
Comprehensive Analysis of the Different Fields of Law, Kaitlyn Lee
Enhancing M&A Valuation Accuracy: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Financial Models and Machine Learning Approaches, Rachael MManga
A Legal Analysis of the Competition and Antitrust Law Enforcement Reform Act of 2021, Nicholas Owczarzak
Affording Higher Ed in the U.S., an OpEd, Will Roosien
Theses from 2023
Is the Fair Use Doctrine a viable argument for Generative AI?, Olivia Bainbridge
Net Present Value and Payback Period: An Analysis, Ezekiel Cotter
Recidivism Rates in the United States versus Europe: How and Why are they Different?, Madalyn Hayden
The Cost Benefit Analysis of College Dropouts Pursuing a Different Career vs. Students That Graduated from College, Brittany Jackson
The Trends in the Number of Women in the Financial Industry and the Reason, Jingru Li
The Impact of COVID-19 Epidemic on the World Economy, Yili Liu
Theses from 2022
Litigating Reproductive Rights: The Evolving Support Structure in the United States, Allison Anker
Business Financing: Bonds, Joshua Davis
Do College Baseball Players Want to See the Implementation of the Strike Zone?, Gavin Doyle
Business Plan: Airbnb Host, Madison Jonkman
Entrepreneurial Finance, Jackson Stewart
Theses from 2020
Parker Family Comprehensive Financial Plan, Max Murphy
Board Gender Diversity, ESG, and Corporate Performance, Novena Sutiono
Theses from 2019
Financial Literacy: The Argument for Required Coursework Regarding Personal Finance in Schools, Maclain Canfield
Renewable Energy-Solar Photovoltaic Business Plan, Brock Notter
Theses from 2017
The Importance of Impact Investing in African Developing Economies, Emmanuel Machena
Theses from 2016
EZ Timeout: The Business Plan, Simbarashe Chirara
The World of Finance in Russia, Matthew Thomas
An Analysis on the Growth of Student Loans and its Implications on the U.S. Economy, Jensine Voon
Theses from 2015
Learning from the Past: a comparative analysis of the influences of the Great Depression on the recent financial crisis., Shirish Bade Shrestha
Theses from 2014
Business Plan: Queens Glamour Boutique, Heaven Brown
The Efficient Market Hypothesis, Security Analysis, and Portfolio Management, Lance Cowles
The NFL: Growing Into its Death, Cole J. Molnar
Theses from 2012
The Impact of Whistleblowing Legislation on Developed and Emerging Markets, Catherine C. Koh
Personal Savings in the United States, Samanatha A. Marsh
International Real Estate, Jessica N. Nelson
The Impact of Quantitative Easing Measures on Interest Rates, Financial Markets, and Economic Activity: A case study of U.S.A., Aneesha A. Rai
Theses from 2009
The Financing and Reform of the United States Healthcare System, Sarah Georgeau Bernheisel
The Importance of Sovereign Wealth Funds and the Need for Greater Transparency, Sandra Groesch
Theses from 2007
Market Efficiency and the Time Value of Information, Benjamin Cooper
A Comparison of Airline Execution Efficiency on Losses Incurred Following an Abrupt, Significant Demand Decline, Jonathan Ottenbreit
Creating a Knowledge Path of Grant Funding Agencies for a Community Non-Profit Organization, Emily Popielarz
The Importance of an Internship and What Makes Quicken Loans an Extraordinary Place to Intern, Frank C. Salinger
Theses from 2006
President Bush Faces a Fork in the Road: Tax Reform 2006, Katherine Paris
Benefits of Outsourcing: A 3-Nation Study, Rahul Shah
Social Security Solvency and Privatization Proposals, Jeremy St. John
Theses from 2005
Dollar Cost Averaging Investment Strategy, Phalgun Chidanand
Investigating the "Friday the Thirteenth" Effect, Brandon Cook
IPO Valuation and Long-Term Company Results, Krisha Deering
A Study of the Social Security System and Potential Reforms, Jessica Tecca
Accounting Requirements in Corporate Finance, Norma Tomaszewski
Theses from 2003
Are Stock Prices Related to New York's Climatic Conditions?, Matthew M. Cullen
An Introductory Guide to the Financial Planning Process, Ryan M. Daus
The Use of Professional Selling in the Financial Planning Industry, Erica L. Johnson
The Consolidation of European Union Equity and Derivatives Exchanges, Kalvin M. Miller
Analysis of Graham & Dodd's Investment Criteria, Sanjay Mittal
Theses from 2002
The Global Stock Market: Implications to American Investors, Angela Giordano
Mergers and Acquisitions: An Exploration into Differing World Policies, Jamie L. Miller
Theses from 2000
Planning for Retirement: A Variety of Options, Amy Oltman
ADRs: Globalization of Equity Markets, Allison Sternburgh
Theses from 1997
401(k) Plans: Issues, Concerns, and Implications on the Future of Retirement in the United States, Thomas J. Rummel
A Company Specific Analysis of the Capital Budgeting Process as it Pertains to a Zero Emissions Mandate on the American Automobile Industry, Brian M. Woodcock
Theses from 1996
A Review of Defensive Strategies Used in Hostile Takeovers, Chirag Shah
Technical Analysis: Connecting the Dots or a Legitimate Investment Tool?, Daniel P. Sutter
Theses from 1994
The Finance and Trade Implications Associated With the Ratification of the Maastricht Treaty, Karen A. Kopka
The Unconstitutionality of the Criminal Provisions Under the Sherman Act Sections 1, 2, and 3, Susan A. Wetzel
Theses from 1992
From Mine to Ours: Analysis of Site Condominiums, Wayne L. Hearns
Exchange Rate Hedging Using Option, Shamsudin bin Ismail
Theses from 1991
Risk Based Capital Adequacy Requirements for Depository Institutions, William M. Picciotti
Theses from 1990
A Case Study of Deutsche Bank AG: A Global, European, and German Economic and Financial Analysis, Sean R. Sickinger
Theses from 1989
Poison Pills, Michele R. Bontrager
A Put/Call Parity Test of the Major Market Index, David L. Gaines
Theses from 1984
The Capital Asset Pricing Model and its Application Using Two Markets, Munyee Yim
Theses from 1982
The Development of an Electronic Funds Transfer System as a Payments Mechanism, Robin Boley
Fire Hydrants, Fortunes, and the Internal Revenue Code: Should Churches be Tax Exempt?, Laurie E. Karnes
Financial Futures as a Hedging Instrument in the Banking Industry, William W. McGinnis Jr.
Theses from 1981
Electronic Funds Transfer System: Retail Banking Application, Nor Azian Mohammed Ali
Theses from 1979
Free Press vs. Fair Trial: The Televising of Courtroom Proceedings, Michael S. Straubel
Theses from 1974
Commercial Bank Financing to a Conglomerate, Michael C. Cipicchio
An Approach to Opportunity Analysis for the Small Businessman, Frederick J. Thompson