The honors thesis is a time-honored tradition in the Lee Honors College. It is an opportunity for students to demonstrate to themselves and others the knowledge and skills they have developed during their undergraduate studies and honors experience. The general purpose of the thesis is to create a capstone work that reflects the expertise they have developed in their major field of study or interest.
Honors theses completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors or we have been unable to reach the authors, so the theses may be only available from on-campus computers. If you are an author of an honors thesis and would like to make it available off campus or if you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 2024
Fleet Renewal Proposal, Fatema Al Ajmi
Fleet Renewal Proposal, Amna Al Bulushi
Fleet Renewal Proposal, Siba Al Ghailani
Virtual Reality as an Adjunct to Behavior Therapy: A Systematic Literature Review, Alya AlHarrasi
Neurodivergent experiences in Communication Sciences and Disorders Programs as reflected in Reddit, Shadha Al Kalbani
Design of Telemetry and Remote-Control System for Electric Propulsion Testing, Logan Alvesteffer
Veterinarian Perception of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Mortality of Pets, Jason Bainbridge
A Comparative Study of Monolingual and Multilingual Employees, Megan Baldry
Fostering the Forum: Examining the Progress and Challenges in Cultivating a Free Speech Campus at Western Michigan University, Kalloli Bhatt
The Impact of Major Sporting Events in Kalamazoo on Consumer Behavior, Nicholas Biel
1st Person EV With Electronic Differential, Tessa Biondo
Perceptions and Attitudes of Western Michigan University Students on Antibiotic Medications, Emily Boask
Senior Recital, Concetta Brehmer
An Exploration of Russian "Plea Bargaining": Americanization and Administratization Theses, Nathaniel Brewer
Communication Research on Sign Language Telecommunication and Digital Modes of Interpretation., Scooter Briody
Narrative Feature Script, Shaun Burk
A Petrological Characterization of the Iutzi Member of Lucas Formation, Michigan Basin, Moira Burns
The impact of G-quadruplex DNA on expression of the human PKD1 gene, Seth Byrne
Identification and Antibiotic Resistances of Bacterial Isolates from Chicken, Goose, and Duck Eggs, Jade Cervantes Rodriguez
Bridging the Gap: Examining the Discrepancies in Communication Skills Between University Education and Employer Expectations, Valerie Chan
Impact of SNAP on Food Insecurity: A Michigan and Indiana Case Study, Cecelia Chapleau
Using Augmented Reality Application to Assist EMS During Emergency Situations, Kim Chheu
Using Augmented Reality Application to Assist EMS During Emergency Situations, Joshua Chuah
Hericium erinaceus Effects on Working and Reference Memory in Elder Rats, Dine Claire
Deployable Assembly Structure and Harnessing for a Langmuir Probe (DASH-LP), Sean Cowell
Fear as a Learned Behavior and how that Affects Ecosystem Biodiversity, Sarah Craft
Self and Tell: Exploring Identity Through Music, Logen Crandall
Psychological Influences on Reaction When Faced with Failure and Difficult Experiences, Marcus Cunha
Energy Recapture in a Soluble Corn Fiber Process, Nicholas Cutrara
The Rise of Merope, Emily Czerniak
Wearable Technology in Intercollegiate Sport: Ethical and Legal Considerations of Collecting Student-Athlete Biometric Data, Taryn DeShane
Solar Module Material and Support Testing, Darbi Dorr
Shedding Light on Shadow Casts, Kiara Durbin
Physical Therapy Interventions and Outcomes for Right vs. Left Side Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVA), Elissa Ferris
Green Solutions: A Smart Strategy for Recycling Electronics in Ghana, Yodit Fitsum
Effects of Peer Mentoring on Success and Satisfaction in Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Pilot Study, Rebecca Fraley
Does Kinesiology taping support lateral ankle sprains and provide stability to the injured ankle?, Lilianna Giacalone
Female Athletes' Psychological and Emotional Experiences Following Surgery Caused by Sports Injury, Brielle Gomez
Female Athletes' Psychological and Emotional Experiences Following Surgery Caused by Sports Injury, Brielle Gomez
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children’s Resources in K-12 Mainstream American Schools, Ashley Green
Medication Errors: The RaDonda Vaught Case, Nayeli Guandique-Benitez
A Tale of Two Toroidal Graphs, Akshat Gulgulia
Finite State and Sequential Automata, Kriti Gulgulia
Sisu, Kaizen, and American Management: An Exploratory Study of Cross-Cultural Approaches to Organizational Success, Bryan Hagenbarth
An Investigation of Bone Preservation as a Result of Environmental and Cultural Variables in Mortuary Contexts, Adyn Hallahan
Improving the Xplore.0 Lab with MES Integration, Mallory Hammill
BFA Show, Emma Hampel
Synthesis and Characterization of Substituted Pyrazole Ligands for Nanojars, Emily Hayward
Reusable Takeout Container Research and Implementation in the City of Kalamazoo, Alexa Hempel
Women in Business Marketing: An Analysis of the Glass Ceiling, Hailey Hornberger
American and German Environmental Policy: Differences in Institution Building between the Great Lakes and Lake Constance, Thomas Johnson
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Catalyst Test Stand for Single Cell Evaluation, Tyler Johnson
Personal Insights: Navigating Informal Networks, Catherine Jordan
WMU Technical Director for Clue, Fleck Joseph
Kangaroo Care’s Role in Fostering Neonatal Health and Parental Well-being in the NICU, Ayah Kasem
A Comparative Analysis of the Gastrocnemius Muscle Fiber Types in Diverse Rat Strains, Byrd Kayla
Ethics of AI in the classroom, Kyle Kos
NSAC AAF Case Competition, Sydney Kott
The Role Internships Play in Political Science Education, Madaline Lankford
National Advertising Campaign for Indeed, Karen Larsen
LATU MAE RISSA: Leader Come to War! An Autoethnography of Colonialization and Post-colonization, Leah Latumaerissa
Energy-Absorbing Helmet for Safer Football, Aidan Laudeman
ESG Systems and Financial Reporting, Madison Layton
Comprehensive Analysis of the Different Fields of Law, Kaitlyn Lee
Leo: a carrier to help increase disaster evacuation compliance among cat owners, Anna Lorino
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Relationships: Examining the Correlation Between TEIQue Score and Support System Health, Anna Lowes-Cannizzaro
Fear of the Other: Judaism and its Role in the Horror Genre, Wesley Luka
Production of mRNA Vaccine for Influenza, Christina Miller
How Social Movements Have Influenced Child Custody Standards Over Time, Victoria Miller
Enhancing M&A Valuation Accuracy: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Financial Models and Machine Learning Approaches, Rachael MManga
What Is Known and Not Known About the Impact of Social Media on Self-Esteem: Systematic Literature Review of Research on Adolescents (2014-2024), Kailen Mokhantha-Sopraseuth
to us 2024 Graduating Presentation, Jordan Moyer
The Immune System Under Pressure: Understanding the Impact of Stress on Immune Function and Health, Kaeshwinie Murugan
Neurogenic Effects of PNU-282987 Treatment on Blast-Induced Ocular Trauma in Adult Mouse Retinas, Giovanna Nolasco de Carvalho
Investigating the Role of Apoptosis in Planarian Regeneration, Caitlin Nolff
The International Lens of Western Michigan University, Tesha Nowak
An Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Sydney Osinski
A Legal Analysis of the Competition and Antitrust Law Enforcement Reform Act of 2021, Nicholas Owczarzak
Migratory and non-migratory Yellow Perch differ in locomotor traits, Wade Poling
Ellie Underground: Exploring Archaeology through Middle-Grade Graphic Literature, Hollie Powless
Virtual Flywheel Torque Sensor, S Tousif Raiyan
College Football Success and its Impact on the Surrounding Community, Local Economy, and Institution Enrollment, Jacob Reynolds
Implementing choice in treatment modality for adolescents with autism learning daily living skills, Silvia Robazza
The Effects of Therapy Dogs on Students, Chloe Romack
Affording Higher Ed in the U.S., an OpEd, Will Roosien
Reclaiming the Tides Within, Ashlie Roth
Scramjet Combustion Lab Test Section Manufacturing Project, Andrew Rusu
A Survival Guide to the Aviation Flight Science Degree at Western Michigan University, Aidan Schmidt
Charlie Takes Flight! at Western Michigan University, Alicia Schneider
Happy Horn Business Plan, Joseph Schwarz
Flying Safely: Mitigating Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Risks in Long- Haul Travel, Archana Shrestha
Interneurons Distinguish Between UV & Green Light Depending Upon Spatially Relevant Inputs in H. verbana, Gwenyth Sirrine
Improving Restaurant Customer Service through Job Aids, Madisyn Slater
5675 WiredCats Scouting Hub, Sebastian Smiley
Understanding the evolution of the genes and pathways responsible for caffeine production in Ilex paraguariensis, Madeline Smith
The End Credits Music of the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Nikolas Solfronk