All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact


Theses from 2024

Optimization of Stereochemical Disorder in Polycaprolactone (PCL) Nanofibers Using Machine Learning Models, Clifford Aidoo Mensah

Enhanced Removal of Ammonium Ions and Organic Dyes from Wastewater Using Functionalized Nanocellulose: Investigating Adsorption Kinetics and Isotherm Models, Eyad Alfarsi

Network Level Detection of IOT Attacks Via Time Series Shape Mining, Srijani Basu


Assessment of Inquiry-Based Learning Practice in Response to the Science Achievement Gap of City Schools, Lexus K. Baxendale,

Exploring Alzheimer's Disease Stages: Insights Through t-SNE and UMAP Visualizations, Sri Ram Karthik Bhagvatula


The Sounds Between Lordran and Yharnam: Exploring Motivic Recontextualization in Non-Linear Narratives, Tré Bryant

Numerical Validation of a Fractional-Order Electronic Chaotic Oscillator Using Lyapunov Exponents, Jadon John Clugston


Female Criminal Agency in Early Fourteenth-Century Norfolk, Anna K. Davis


Social Media Journalism and Its Impact on Social Change: The Case of Twitter(X), Daniel Ebo


Computational Modeling in a Calculus-Based Physics Lab: Students’ Problems and Successes in Physics 2060, Abigail Sophia Flowers

Towards Building a Recommender System to improve Diversity in Online News Feed, Joseph George


Speech Language Pathologists’ Confidence and Preparedness Working With Clients With Hearing Loss, Katherine Rosa Giustino


Moral Responsibility and Other Visceral Attitudes of Western Michigan University Students toward Food Waste, Quinn Heiser

Vengeance as Piety: The Heroic and Elegiac Devil of Genesis B, Alisa Heskin


Depicting Racial Residential Segregation: An Empirical Analysis of a Geographical Racial Project in Kent County, Michigan, 2000-2020, Deanna Hughes


Spirit Marches West: An Application of Hegel’s Historical Methodology to the American Frontier, Magnus Imber

Analysis of Two Heat-Treated Ni-Mn Melt-Spun Heusler Alloys for Magnetocaloric Applications, Sohaib Jabran

Spatiotemporal Variability of Land Surface Temperature in Chicago, Illinois: A Census-Based Multivariable Analysis of Land Cover Change Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning, S M Redwan Kabir


Bringing About Modernity: A Comparative Study of Urban Development in Korea that Connects East Germany and the Two Koreas, Junghyun Kim


CO2 Capture Utilizing Novel Deep Eutectic Solvents: Modeling, Process Simulation, and Cost Analysis, Nazneen Aspi Kolah


Cocoa Production in The Era of Crude Oil Economy: The Case Study of Ondo State, Nigeria., Hakeem Shina Lamidi


Einstein Field Equations and the Solutions for Uncharged Black Holes, Yogesh Mahat


Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvents: Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Organic Water Pollutants, Abigail Louise Maletta


Echo Chambers and the Rise of the Alt-Right, Ian Robert McDonald


The Effects of Technology Based Self-Monitoring on Behaviors Related to Academic Engagement of a University Student with a Disability, Rachel Mickelson


Existential Crisis (or the Art of Buying a Guitar), Maxwell Miller


The War Within: Mexican Drug Cartels and the Impact of the Drug Trade on Society and Governance, Haris Mohammad


Understanding the Performance and Perception of Odawa Warfare, 1615–1700, Eric P. Morningstar


Assessment of Pedestrian Safety at Roundabout Slip Lanes: A Study on Design Configurations and Surrogate Safety Measures, Norran Kakama Novat

Theophylline Riboswitch for Gene Induction and Repression in Mycobacteria, Teresa O'Neill


Maize Production in Ghana: A Case Study of Asante Akim North Municipality, Vincent Osei

Lanthanide-dependent methanol metabolism in Sinorhizobium meliloti, Enish Pathak


Dietary Probiotic Supplement Attenuates Methamphetamine-Induced Conditioned Place Preference in Female Sprague-Dawley Rats, Kristen Powell


Spatial Patterns of Women Enrolled in Undergraduate Higher Education Coursework in the US from 2010 to 2020., Dorcaslove Naa Oyo Quartey


Obliquely Impinging Jet Heat Transfer Fields: Effects of Mach Number on Nozzle-to-Plate Distance, Thinnesh Ragupathy


Spatiotemporal Changes of Urban Growth and Particulate Matter2.5 Concentrations: A regional study using GIS-Remote Sensing techniques, Mizanur Rahman


Design and Simulation of Flow Channel of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC), Rishya Shringhan Ravichandran

How will climate change-induced increases in wildfire frequency affect soil bacterial communities?, Bahar Saadaie Saadaie Jahromi

Development of a Deployable Langmuir Probe Spacecraft Potential and Space Ion Number Density Sensor, Brendan Schulz


Segregation and Heat Treatment Response of Cast Quench and Partition Steels, Mujeeb Hussain Shaik


Comparison of Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization and Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for the Direct Analysis of Hops Bittering Compounds, Chhiring Sherpa


The Correlates of Neurobiology and Lived Experiences of Music-Induced Bonding, Empathy, and Shared Flow, Ashley Marie Sherwood

Diagnosing Discharge Events within a Novel Miniature Simplified Coaxial Ion Trap Mass Analyzer, David Virgil Sirbescu-Stanley


A Novel Interpretation of Average Run Length for Assessing the Performance of Control Charts, Gonçalo Sousa


All Is Flux for Solo Vibraphone and Fixed Media, Ethan Stearley


Evaluation of Dietary Probiotic Supplements on Methamphetamine-Induced Impulsive Action in Rats Maintained on a Differential Reinforcement of Low Rate Schedule, Kaitlyn Steck


Teaching Classification of Environmental Events in Narrative ABC Data Using Video-based Behavioral Skills Training, Grace E. Sylvester

A Qualitative Study on the Role of Companion Animals for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Fariha Tabassum

Improved Methods for Characterization of Metal Castings Sand, Zachary Yu Xian Tay


Environmental Fate and Transport of Pfas in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Discharged to Rapid Infiltration Basins, Kai M. Trobisch


Machine Learning and Evaluation of Diabetes Risk Using 2022 BRFSS Data, Addie Weaver

A Spatiotemporal Analysis of The Impacts of The Natural and Human-Induced Factors on Flood Exposure in Coastal Region of Bangladesh, Farhana Kabir Zisha

Theses from 2023

Urban Agriculture and the Future of U.S. Rust Belt Cities: The Example of Detroit, Michigan, Tamanna Akter


Factors Affecting Groundwater Nitrate Concentration in Madinah Area, Saudi Arabia, Majed M. Almutairi

Investigating the Effects of an Island, and a Speed Sign Gateway to Decrease Driver Speeding, Louai Al Shomaly


Assessing the Total Economic Value of Parks in Kalamazoo County, Samuel Herman Ayivi

Retrofitting the American Football Helmet with Energy Absorbing Metals, João Pedro Beleza Pereira Seixas e Sousa


Wake Up America: Conceptualizing the Social Determinants of Sleep, Nicole Eve Bray


Evaluation of a Cue Associated with Alternative Reinforcement to Mitigate Resurgence, Hayley Brown


Analysis of Small Lake Water Level Fluctuations by Remote Sensing in Twin Lake, Michigan., Eric Carballido


Behavioral Economic Factors in Collective Bargaining, Cristal Cardoso Sao Mateus Cardoso Sao Mateus


Improving Future Vehicle Fuel Economy and Operational Design Domain Through Novel Data Pipelines, Kyle James Carow

Rapid Reaction Studies on the Chemistry of Flavin Oxidation in Urocanate Reductase, Niusha Delavari


Examining the Use of Video Modeling with Verbal Feedback to Enhance Performance in Springboard Divers, Erin M. J. Isola


Advancing Winter Weather ADAS: Tire Track Identification and Road Snow Coverage Estimation Using Deep Learning and Sensor Integration, Parth Kadav

Stromal Chaperone Proteins in Disaggregation and Insertion of Light-Harvesting Chlorophyll-Binding Proteins, Alexander J. Kolstoe


On Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvents: Thermo-physical Properties and Applications in Gas Solubility, Shan Khai Liew


Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Treated Sewage Sludge from Michigan Wastewater Treatment Plants, Garrett Wesley Link


Trends of Autumn Phenology in Response to Environmental and Meteorological Variables, Meagan Renee Maguire


Equity Audits for Schools Within Restrictive Settings, Matthew Phillp Milanowski


Investigating Disparities and Safety Equity in Pedestrian Nighttime Crashes in Michigan, Sia Isaria Mwende


Nonlinear finite element model for functionally graded porous circular/annular micro-plates under thermal and mechanical load, Enrique Nava Munoz


Development of S.T.E.A.M. Daises in Formal and Informal Environments for Educating Primary I Learners, Frances Neville

Direct Quantitation of Hops Bittering Compounds by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Vitalis Mikima Omulo


Assessment of Industrial Policies in Ghana: A Case Study on the Current Policy of One District One Factory Policy (1D1F), Ama Nyamekye Obenewa Otoo


Final Songs: Music and the Voice in NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139..., Haden Douglass Plouffe


Nyugodjék Békében: Expressions of Change in a Midwest Hungarian-American Cemetery, Emily Powell

Process Improvement of Cu(Ii)-Trymethylamine-Based Active Clay Measurement Test and Total Clay Measurement Test, Christopher Michael Remily


Copper-Indazolate Nanojars: Synthesis and Characterization, Nicholas Alexander Rudell


Concept Validation: Collecting Composite Samples to Understand the Presence of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Michigan Forested Areas, Nicole Renee Sanabria

3D Printed Poly Lactic Acid Structures for Cell Growth and Nanoparticle Transport-Simulation and Experimental Validation, Shrikrushna Vinayak Sonawane


Consistency Is Key: Investigating Vocal Consistency in Field Sparrows, Stephanie Stanton

The Association Between Criminal Defendants and Health in Kalamazoo County (2012-2016), Ernest Baffour Tweneboa

The effects of frequency building to a performance criterion in a simulation environment on vocational skill acquisition for young adults with disabilities, Kyle Akira Visitacion

Theses from 2022


The Relationship Between Eviction, Rent Burden, And Poor Births In Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Joseph Agati

Physical Implementation and Testing of a Transmission Line Fault Location Algorithm, Shadi Mohammad Alshagarin


The Bean Pie: Black Muslims and Identity in Early Twentieth Century Detroit, Alexandra Christine Bicknell


The Relationship Between Distance to the Woodward Avenue Streetcar and Real Estate Prices in Central Detroit, Alex Biles

Examining White Educators' Perceptions of Racial Identity in a Predominantly White Elementary School, Jill Ackerman Braman


Taking Aim: The Evolution of Women in Competitive Shooting Sports in the 20th Century United States, Alena Rose-Marie Buczynski


Uplifting Voices: Implementing a Heritage-Based Civil Rights Program in the United States Forest Service, Amanda Jo Campbell Crawford


Exploring Discourse Markers As A Treatment Outcome Measure For Aphasia, Anna K. Cedoz


FUNGAL CHAPEL, Gabrielle Joy Cerberville


Kinetic and Structural Characterization of Pseudooxynicotine Amine Oxidase from Pseudomonas Putida S16, Vishakha Choudhary


Dynamic Maneuvers For Satellite On-Orbit Servicing Utilizing Novel Continuum Robotics: Development & Experimentation, Nathan Dalton


Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning as a Tool for Achieving a Scientifically Literate Future: Combating a Post-truth World, Lauri Elizabeth Davis


Neurogenic Stuttering: Exploring Potential Emotional And Life Impact, Natalie DeVries


Short-Term 2D And 3D Geomorphic Change Detection At A Public Park On Lake Michigan Using UAS Remote Sensing Techniques, Scott Patrick Fitzgerald


Instructor Selection And Use Of Virtual Field Experiences In College Geoscience Course, Kristen Foley


The Potential Growth of Synchronized Skating in the Midwestern Section of US Figure Skating, Hanna Marie Fussman