Pandemic Response and Religion in the United States represents an initial archiving of online materials related to religion and the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. Materials are organized by thematic category and can be searched by keywords. This database will encourage further research into religion and pandemic response. We hope that such research will in turn serve to guide policy decisions by religious organizations and governments. It will also serve as a foundation for teaching about religion and health, disaster response, and other key issues at the high school and college levels. This project was made possible by a WMU Meader Presidential Endowment Covid19 Response Grant. The project’s principle investigator (PI) is Dr. Stephen Covell and the co-PI is Dr. Diane Riggs. Data was collected by the following graduate students in the Department of Comparative Religion: Cameron Borg, Gerald Brooks, Jarrett Stalinger and Emily Warren.
Submissions from 2020
Concern Rising Over Mikveh use Amid Coronavirus Epidemic, Jeremy Sharon
‘Where do we draw the line?’ Some California church leaders question order Barring Indoor Worship, Andrew Sheeler
‘Where Do We Draw the Line?’ Some California Church Leaders Question Order Barring Indoor Worship, Andrew Sheeler
Willow Creek, Life Church Among Churches that Received Millions in PPP Loans, Yonat Shimron
Religious Ideals Shaped the Broken U.S. Prison System. Can they also fix it?, Betsy Shirley
17 FAQs for Houses of Worship Considering Reopening Amid the Coronavirus Crisis, Maggie Siddiqi, Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons, Maura Calsyn, Thomas Waldrop, and Samantha Behar
Religious Exemptions During the Coronavirus Pandemic Will Only Worsen the Crisis, Maggie Siddiqi, Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons, and Eva Gonzalez
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Religion, Siddsg
When it Comes to Reopening Churches in the Pandemic, Supreme Court says Grace ain’t Groceries, Ross D. Silverman and The Conversation
Most White Evangelicals Satisfied with Trump’s Initial Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak, Gregory A. Smith
Congregations, Other Faith Groups Receive Millions in Federal Aid, Peter Smith
Passover, Covid-19 and the Dangers of Inhumane Healthcare, Jon Sommer and The Jewish News of Northern California
Trump Cabinet's Bible Teacher Says Gays Cause 'God's Wrath' in COVID-19 Blog Post, Brooke Sopelsa
$15,000 Fine After Secret Hasidic Wedding Draws Thousands of Guests, Laim Stack
Muslim Prayer Continues Amid Coronavirus Pandemic as CT Mosques Reopen, Ed Stannard
Coronavirus Outbreak Closes Church in Universal City that Once Again Allowed Hugging, Melissa Fletcher Stoeltje
GOP Activist DeAnna Lorraine: ‘God does not want us wearing masks’, Michael Stone
Texas: Religious schools can ignore local health officials on the coronavirus, Valerie Strauss
Student Religious Liberty Bill Passes Senate, Heads Back to House with COVID-19 Amendments, Susan Tebben
Everything We Know About the Eastern Oregon Church at the Center of State’s Largest Coronavirus Outbreak, Celina Tebor
For World's Largest Muslim Country, a Virus-Disrupted and Bittersweet Eid, Angie Teo and Agustinus Beo Da Costa
Should Mosques Remain Open for Congregational Prayer? Countering a Poor Fatwa, The Abrahamic Overview- With Mohammed Nizami
How Faith Shapes Feelings About the Coronavirus Outbreak, The Associated Press-NORC Center gor Public Affairs Research
Amid Pandemic, Christians Celebrate an Easter like No Other, The Associated Press and WTOP News
Freedom of Religion at Stake in the Context of Fighting Against Covid-19, The Catholic Church in the European Union (COMECE)
Guidance for Gathering Together in Houses of Worship, The Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives-Tennessee
Reasonable Restrictions do not Resemble Religious Persecution, The Rhode Island Catholic
Covid-19: Trump invites Hindu priest to chant ‘Shanti Path’ for safety of all at White House, The Tribune
The Religious Dimension of Iraq’s Coronavirus Response, The Washington Institute and Raed Ahmed
COVID-19: Indian pilgrims will not travel to Saudi Arabia for Haj 2020, Says Naqvi, The Wire Staff
COVID-19 Relief and Recovery: A strong, multi-dimensional safety net is needed, Katie Thompson and Berkley Center-Georgetown University
France’s Data Collection Rules Obscure the Racial Disparities of Covid-19, Annabelle Timsit
Midwest: Coronavirus-Related restrictions by state, Rachel Treisman
Many Suburban Places of Worship will Remain Closed Despite Lifting of Crowd Limits, John Tuohy
Religious Freedom in the Time of COVID-19, Asma T. Uddin
In Modi's India, Virus Fallout Inflames Divisions Between Muslims and Hindus, Alexandra Ulmer and Shipla Jamkhandikar
Closing Mosques – Islamic Justifications for Coronavirus Lockdowns, Sajid Umar and Islam 21C
Launch of Global Multi-Religious Faith-in-Action Covid-19 Initiative: Faith and positive change for children, families and communities, UNICEF and Religions For Peace
USCIRF Troubled by Denial of Food Aid to Pakistani Hindus and Christians, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
UChicago Divinity School/ AP-NORC Poll: Few feel restrictions on in-person worship violate freedom of religion, University of Chicago-Divinity School and The Associated Press- NORC Center for Public Affairs Research
Most States Have Religious Exemptions to COVID-19 Social Distancing Rules, Virginia Villa
NY Loosens Restrictions on Houses of Worship in Phase II of Reopening, Marina Villeneuve
NYC Mayor To Synagogues: Close for Coronavirus or be shut down permanently, Vos Iz Neias?
Latter-day Saint Apostle Days pandemic is a ‘Wake-up Call’ About the Fragility of Religious Freedom, Ted Walch
Diocese of Grand Rapids; Office of the Bishop Newsletter, David Walkowiak
COVID-19 Response and Recommendations, David Walkowiak and Diocese of Grand Rapids
California Churches Sue Newsom Over Coronavirus Stay-at-home Order, Danielle Wallace
Whitmer Exempts Michigan Churches from Penalties for 50+ Gatherings, Niraj Warikoo
Los Angelos County Reverses Bam on Indoor Religious Services After Supreme Court Decision, Marissa Wenzke
COVID-19 Outbreak Confirmed in Greenbrier County Church, West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
Executive Order 2020-11 (COVID-19) - Rescinded, Gretchen Whitmer
Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19) - Rescinded, Gretchen Whitmer
Illinois Ministry Sues Pritzker, Alleges ‘Hostility’ To Religion, Danny Wicentowski
The Rightwing Christian Preachers in Deep Denial Over Covid-19's Danger, Jason Wilson
Vatican Cardinal in Row Over Claim that Virus Hurts Religion, Nicole Winfield
COVID-19's Effect on Religious Liberty: 'It Doesn't Disappear During Public Emergencies', Jennifer Wishon
Church tied to Oregon's largest coronavirus outbreak, superspreading, Aylin Woodward
Religion Can Help Tackle Covid, Meeting Told, Tim Wyatt
In a Pandemic, Religion Can Be a Balm and a Risk, Vivian Yee
In Pakistan's Fight Against Covid-19, Religion Might not be Helping, Huma Yusef
Houses of Worship Included in Draft of White House’s Reopening Guidelines, Carol Zimmermann and America-The Jesuit Review
Submissions from 2016
The Bill of Rights: What does it say?, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration