Content Posted in 2025
Accessibility in ASL Through Dance, Jocelyn Supanich
Addressing the Needs of Jewish Clients and Students through a Trauma-Informed Approach, Amiya Waldman-Levi, Robin Akselrud, Zahava L. Friedman, Lola Halperin, Shifra K. Leiser, and Rivka Molinsky
A Decade of Advancing Knowledge: Celebrating 10 Years of GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice, and Policy, Angel L. Gullón-Rivera, Andrea B. Smith, Deborah M. Whitley, and Deborah Langosch
Advanced material manufacturing obtained from natural products for wastewater treatment, Neha Sawant
All Children Matter: Developing Social Capital Through School Renewal Rounds, Jeremy Allen Andrick
Analyzing Accessible Mental Health Resources for Black Americans in Rural Communities and the Benefits of Utilizing Telehealth, Jordan Woods
An Exploration of Russian "Plea Bargaining": Americanization and Administratization Theses, Nathaniel Brewer
An Exploration of the Experiences That Influenced Black Males to Become Information Technology Professionals, Ronnie McMillian
An Occupational Therapy Work-Self-Efficacy Intervention for LGBTQ+ Young People in Transitional Housing, Emily K. Simpson and Monika I. Robinson
A Novel Interpretation of Average Run Length for Assessing the Performance of Control Charts, Gonçalo Sousa
A Paradigm Shift? Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perspectives and Practices with Neurodiversity-Affirming Approaches, Kelli Pierce
A Psychosociocultural Exploration of Connection among First-Generation Latina Undergraduates, Elizandra Sandoval M.S. and Mary Dueñas Ph.D
Artivism for Access: Disrupting the Educational Status Quo, Mercedes Albarran and Rocio Zamora
Art, Nature, and Occupational Therapy in the Arctic Circle, Erin Barrus
Art, Nature, and Occupational Therapy in the Arctic Circle, Erin Barrus
Assessing Information Literacy Programs for First-Year Writing Courses at a Public University, Kathleen A. Langan, LuMarie Guth, and Dylan McGlothlin
Assessment of Pedestrian Safety at Roundabout Slip Lanes: A Study on Design Configurations and Surrogate Safety Measures, Norran Kakama Novat
A Translation of John Gower's Cronica Tripertita, Robert J. Meindl and Mark T. Riley
A Vision to Improve Policies for Grandfamilies, Kerry Littlewood
BCM Assessment Update Application, Marie Moreno
Belonging on the Field: Racial Identity, Inclusion, and Challenges of athletes of color in Predominantly White Sports, Mikaila Ealum and Madeline Koch
Beyond Diversity Checkboxes: Creating a Culturally Inclusive Learning Environment, Alex Whitman and Andrea Bugariu
Bridging the Gap: Examining the Discrepancies in Communication Skills Between University Education and Employer Expectations, Valerie Chan
Building Blocks for New Kinship Partnerships and Coalitions, Kathy L. Dial, Daniel J. Koltz, Janet Salo, and Erin Beasley
Career Adaptability in ASD: Investigating the Influence of Social Self-Efficacy, Logan E. Ankeney
Career Counseling – No Longer of Interest?, Kemmel A. Palmer MA, Avery Q. Mitevski MA, Amanda M. Munn BA, Miranda L. Hosbein MA, and Mark W. St Martin PhD.
CE Eligible Workshop: Implicit Bias Training, Janeé M. Steele PhD and Charmeka M. Newton PhD
CE Eligible Workshop: New Thinking in Ethical Decision-Making, Mark Leach PhD
Charlie Takes Flight! at Western Michigan University, Alicia Schneider
Clearing The Hurdles: Examining the Development of High-Speed Rail Systems in the United States of America, Shanice Tan
CO2 Capture Utilizing Novel Deep Eutectic Solvents: Modeling, Process Simulation, and Cost Analysis, Nazneen Aspi Kolah
Collections as Data: A Data Literacy Tool for Community Engagement, Daria Orlowska and Lynn Houghton
Comfort with Technology and Its Association with Depression of Custodial Grandparents During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sarah Pace, Yanfeng Xu, and Theresa Harrison
Community-Based Research Partnerships: Research as a Tool for Social Justice, Francesca Pernice PhD, Shannon Chavez-Korell PhD, Arash Javanbakht MD, Jessica Taylor, Mackenzie Jenuwine MA, Kali Rickertsen BA, Madeleine Reardon MA, and Brooke Waldon
Community Conversation, Community Lakes Conversation
Complete Issue Vol. 8, Issue 1
Comprehensive Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema Management Programs Addressing both Psychosocial and Physical Needs: A Scoping Review, Amanda Wheeler, Claudine Campbell, and Chenchen Cui
Computational Modeling in a Calculus-Based Physics Lab: Students’ Problems and Successes in Physics 2060, Abigail Sophia Flowers
Conference moves to St. Andrews Hall via Anthony Wayne Drive for mid-day activities, including lunch., Transition to St. Andrews Hall for Mid-Day Activities, Including Lunch
Confronting Privilege through Mindfulness, Sianne Alexis M.A.; Hannah LaMack; and Auriel A. Jasper-Morris M.A., LPC
Cosimulation Approach for High-Frequency Magnetic Component Modeling in DC-DC Converters, Faraj Alyami
Counseling Psychology in Action: Community-Rooted Solutions for Mental Health Equity in LMICs, Madeleine Reardon MS, Kali Rickertsen BS, Mackenzie Jenuwine MS, and Francesca Pernice PhD
Counseling Psychology & Social Justice in Challenging Times, Cassandra L. Hinger; Julia Phillips Ph.D.; Tawanda Greer-Medley Ph.D.; and Sharon L. Bowman Ph.D., HSPP, LMHC
Creature Constellation, Alyssa Jewell
Critical Consciousness, Community, and Systemic Change: Uplifting the Mental Health and Resilience Factors of Black Trans Women, Matthew J. Kasopsky MA, NCC; Imani S. Linton M.Ed; and Sharon L. Bowman Ph.D., HSPP, ABPP, LMHC
Culturally Adapted Therapies for Working with Black Americans Experiencing Internalized Oppression, Dennis Andra Brown Jr. and Courtney Cabell
Culturally Sensitive Therapy for Immigrant Clients, Ingrid Weigold PhD, Arne Weigold PhD, Yangtian Yan MA, and Yun Kai Chong MA
Curriculum for Kinship Caregivers: Evaluating the Feasibility of Implementing across Different Service Settings, Joseph Crumbley, Sierra Wollenhall, and Angelique Day
DBG Detroit’s approach to meaningful youth assessment, Amanda Case, Keenan Cain, Garrett Simmons Jr, Messiah Bethel, Jamarion Berry, Skylar Burkhardt, and Mikaela Westrick
DBT-Art Telehealth Skills Groups with Black Women, Karisse Callender and Callie Koziol
Deployable Assembly Structure and Harnessing for a Langmuir Probe (DASH-LP), Sean Cowell
Developing a Graduate Program Assessment Plan for the Department of History, Bill Warren
Development of a Deployable Langmuir Probe Spacecraft Potential and Space Ion Number Density Sensor, Brendan Schulz
Digital Twin-Enabled Smart Infrastructure Management: A Multi-Level Data Fusion Approach for Decision Making in Predictive Maintenance, Obaidullah Hakimi
Division 17 President Conversation Hour with Students, Mel Wilcox PhD
Eating Disorder Etiology in LGBTQ+ Individuals, Nina Michon MA and Sarah Kiperman PhD
Embodiment as Activism: Movement-Based Approaches to Collective Healing, Devon Kardel and Courtney Cabell
Cue Tears: On the Act of Crying by Daniel Sack, Peta Tait
Emotion Regulation, Stress, and Negative and Positive Affect in Minority Populations, Laura Torio, Khadeja Najjar, and Ilya Yaroslavsky
Persia in Early Modern English Drama, 1530–1699: The Imagined Empire by Chloë Houston, Bernadette Andrea
Pragmatic Liberation and the Politics of Puerto Rican Diasporic Drama by Jon D Rossini, Camilla Stevens
Staging Haiti in Nineteenth-Century America: Revolution, Race, and Popular Performance by Peter P. Reed, John Saillant
The Theatre Couple in Early Modern Italy: Self-Fashioning and Mutual Marketing by Serena Laiena, Erith Jaffe-Berg
Enhancing M&A Valuation Accuracy: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Financial Models and Machine Learning Approaches, Rachael MManga
ESG Systems and Financial Reporting, Madison Layton
Establishing Reliability and Validity for a Professional Development Tool for Graduate Health Care Programs, Lisa Handler and Amiya Waldman-Levi
Ethics of AI in the classroom, Kyle Kos
Expanding and Revising the Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Identity Scale for LGBTQ+ Youth, Jesse Chen MA and Sarah Hibner-Kiperman
Expanding Realities: Augmented Reality Exposure Therapy for Trauma and Beyond, Mackenzie Jenuwine M.A. and Madeleine Reardon M.A.
Exploring Alzheimer's Disease Stages: Insights Through t-SNE and UMAP Visualizations, Sri Ram Karthik Bhagvatula
Exploring Non-Disabled Disability Allyship Development: A Qualitative Exploration of Motivation, Identity, and Action, Sara J. Conley M.A.
Exploring the Challenges and Benefits of Working at a Latinx Cultural Center, Jessica Alonso B.S and Berenice Sanchez Ph.D
Exploring the Relationship Between Handwriting Legibility and Praxis in Third and Fourth Grade Students, Denise K. Donica, Larymi Beck, and Kathryn Mumford
Exploring worldviews: The intersection of religion and race, Hannah M. LaMack, Sianne A. Alexis, and Auriel Jasper-Morris
Faulty Perception Correction of Autonomous Vehicles in Real-Life Driving Scenarios, Mark Omwansa
Female Athletes' Psychological and Emotional Experiences Following Surgery Caused by Sports Injury, Brielle Gomez
Formative Assessment of Writing to Improve Exit Portfolios, Anderson Hagler
Fostering Interconnectedness and Belonging within Diverse Communities through Humanistic and Afro-centered Perspectives, Courtney Cabell and Jasmine Perin
Fostering the Forum: Examining the Progress and Challenges in Cultivating a Free Speech Campus at Western Michigan University, Kalloli Bhatt
Foundations of orientation and mobility, Robert Wall Emerson
From Ethics to Action: Counseling Psychology’s Role in Supporting Palestine, Khadeja Najjar
From Pages to Pixels: Library Workers’ Perceptions of Power in the Digital Era, Sean Gaffney
From the Guest Editors, Mercedes Albarran and Rocio Zamora
From Theory to Practice: Integrating Safe Patient Handling and Mobility into Occupational Therapy Curriculum (Part 1/2), Kimberly Santorufo and Asha Roy
From Theory to Practice: Integrating Safe Patient Handling and Mobility into Occupational Therapy Curriculum (Part 2/2), Kimberly Santorufo and Asha Roy
Gathering Student Voices: A Qualitative Assessment of Learning and Experiences at Merze Tate College, Bonnie Pfingst
Gender and Pilgrimage in The Digby Mary Magdalene, Jiamiao Chen
Generations United & The Brookdale Foundation Group: An overview of progress in support of grandfamilies over the last decade, Ana Beltran, Jaia Lent, and Melinda Perez-Porter
Great Lakes Social Hour, Great Lakes Social Hour
Guidelines for Engaging in Social Justice in Clinical Settings, Liza Cohen and Sydney Majka
Health Considerations with GrandFamilies, Susan Kelley
Historical Underpinnings of Peer Support within U.S. Behavioral Health, Lara Law
How Acute Care and Inpatient Occupational Therapists Describe their Experiences with Secondary Traumatic Stress, Julie Suto, Ashley E. Lane, Rocio Torres, and Emily K. Simpson
How Do Welfare Regimes Moderate the Impact of Individual Factors on Citizens' Attitudes Toward the Welfare State? Comparative Analysis of the United States, Germany, and Sweden, Eun Kyung Lee and Tae Kuen Kim
How Racial Socialization Shapes Dating Experiences for Black/White Biracial Women, Alexis M. Briggins BS and James E. Brooks PhD
Identification of Interventions to Elevate the Sense of Belonging of LGBTQIA+ Students of Haworth College of Business: A Qualitative Study, Ann Veeck and Robert Harrison
Identifying and Understanding Post-Incarceration Trauma, Leena Ammari, Elaria Hissy, Tresi Ingram-Jolley M.A., Jessica Taylor, and Shannon Chavez-Korell Ph.D.
Improved Methods for Characterization of Metal Castings Sand, Zachary Yu Xian Tay
Intelligent Health Monitoring Systems via Flexible Hybrid Electronics and Machine Learning, Masoud Panahi
Interview with Aaron Cowles, Aaron Cowles
Interview with Beverly Rand, Beverly Rand
Interview with Bill Mills, Bill Mills
Interview with Dave Branch, Dave Branch
Interview with Don and Linda Bradford, Don Bradford and Linda Bradford
Investigating the Impacts of AI Integration on Workplace Well-Being, an Exploratory Case Study, Anezka Viskova-Robertson
Invited Keynote Speaker: Division 17 Presidential Keynote Address: Advancing a Critical Counseling Psychology, Mel M. Wilcox PhD
Invited Keynote Speaker: Feeling Like a Fraud: The Impostor Phenomenon and Mental Health, Kevin Cokley
Invited Speaker Keynote Address: Advancing Science and our Collective Impact During Turbulent Political Times, Ezemenari M. Obasi PhD
“I want a bath!”: On the Depth and Limits of Universalist Liquefaction in Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice, Michel Büch
Jagg Beeti, Shahana Afsar
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Volume 51, Issue 4 (2024)
Latinas Graduate Students: Exploring the Psychosociocultural Influences as They Navigate Doctoral Education, Berenice Sanchez PhD
Leadership Ways of the Three Fires Anishinaabek, Grace Boda
Learning from Experience: What Is Successful Respite During and Post-Pandemic?, Jennifer A. Crittenden, Darlene Sansone, Kristina Brant, Jennifer Odum, Caitlin O'Brien, and Lisa McCormick
Lee Honors College - Assessing College-Wide Student Learning Outcomes, Anthony Helms and Ajani Wilson
LGBTQ+ Trauma and Dissociation: An Integrative Review, Laci Johnson M.S.Ed.
LGBTQ+ Youth’s Experiences of Minority Stress: A Survey, Liz Ballinger B.A., Jesse Chen M.A., Caitlin Johnson M.A., and Sarah Kiperman PhD
Linking the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to Occupational Therapy Skilled Nursing Home Interventions, Janel Anne Belarmino, Laura Novak, and Vanessa D. Jewell
Lunch Begins at St. Andrews Hall, Lunch Time
Lunch Hour, Lunch Time
Machine Learning and Evaluation of Diabetes Risk Using 2022 BRFSS Data, Addie Weaver
Marshallese Child Development Account Program: An Exploratory Study Using the Status Attainment Framework, Marcia A. Shobe, Yvette Murphy-Erby, Baqir Fateh, and Haixia Wang
Mindful Journaling with Women Health Science Graduate Students, Callie Koziol and Karisse Callender
Mothering, Leadership, and Career: A Narrative Analysis, Joanne Susan Roehm
National Research Center on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Neurodivergent experiences in Communication Sciences and Disorders Programs as reflected in Reddit, Shadha Al Kalbani
NSAC AAF Case Competition, Sydney Kott
Occupational Performance with Formstack: Academic Fieldwork Coordinator's Perceptions and Experiences, Sara Clark
Openness to Critique is Essential, Brenda L. Beagan, Niki Kiepek, Heidi Lauckner, and Paula W. Rushton
Optimization of Stereochemical Disorder in Polycaprolactone (PCL) Nanofibers Using Machine Learning Models, Clifford Aidoo Mensah
Overcoming Research Barriers with Undocumented Populations: COVID-19 Lessons Learned, Maryam Rafieifar and Richard L. Beaulaurier
Perceptions and Attitudes of Western Michigan University Students on Antibiotic Medications, Emily Boask
Picturing the Teaching of the Holocaust: A Narrative Case Study of Four English Language Arts Teachers Who Teach the Holocaust, Shelley L. Esman
Police Brutality Online: Allies’ Movement Towards Anti-Racist Behaviors, Halle Letizio M.A. and Casey Hinger Ph.D
Preface to A Translation of John Gower's Cronica Tripertita, Georgiana Donavin and Eve Salisbury
Preparing for Trump 2.0: Serving Targeted Populations in Clinical Practice, Fern Pinkston PsyD and Caleb Chadwick PhD
Private School Principals’ Leadership Roles in Times of Change Within the Dominican Republic, Benedicta Calderon
Professional Behaviors as Forced Assimilation: A Critical Reflection on the U.S. History of Education and Beyond, Quinn P. Tyminski, Karla Reese, and Linn Wakeford
Promoting Student-Led Advocacy Initiatives in Graduate Programs: A Narrative Review of the Literature, Nawar Albarak
Psychedelic-Assisted Therapeutic Treatment: Critical Considerations, Michael Sowles MACP and Sarah Kiperman PhD
Psychosocial Occupational Therapy Interventions for Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: A Scoping Review, Sabina Khan and Christianah Edema
Public Health Implications of State-Level Public Health Organizational and System Structures, Cameron Ferguson Hays
Race-Specific Multicultural Training Experiences in Counseling Psychology Graduate Courses, Samuel T. Beasley PhD, Adrian J. Hernandez PhD, and Francine T. Bartolome Biscocho BA
R.E.A.C.T.: Relationship Efficacy and Complex Trauma, Mandilyn Graham
Refining the Fashion Merchandising and Design Program Assessment Components, Mary Simpson, Chitra Singh, and Zee-Sun Yun
Religiosity and Spirituality in Emerging Adults: A Cluster Analysis, Hannah M. LaMack and Ingrid Weigold PhD
Remembrance of Dr. Suzette L. Speight, Colleagues of Dr. Speight
Resilience and Critical Consciousness Among AMENA and Muslim College Students in Times of Crisis, Fatima Charara BA Disability Studies and Psychology; Dr. Loubna Alkhayat Ph.D in Counselor Education and Supervision, LPC; Noor Az Zahraa Khachab BA Honours Psychology with Thesis; Elaria Hissy BA Honours Psychology with Thesis; and Nour Yassine BA Honours Psychology with Thesis
Reusable Takeout Container Research and Implementation in the City of Kalamazoo, Alexa Hempel
Sammons Rider Occupational Therapy Assistant Degree Program
Single-Shot meV-Resolution Hard X-ray Spectrograph for Cavity-Based X-ray Free Electron Laser, Keshab Kauchha
Sisu, Kaizen, and American Management: An Exploratory Study of Cross-Cultural Approaches to Organizational Success, Bryan Hagenbarth
Social Media's Impact on Eating Disorders in Minority Groups, Amber Michon MA and Nina Michon MA
Solar Module Material and Support Testing, Darbi Dorr
Special Tribute to Guy L. McCormack, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
State of the Journal: The Importance of Human Occupation, Diane Powers Dirette
Strong Black Women Schema: Sexual Assault, Identity, Mental Health Outcomes, Ishara Jean-Francois, Cassandra Hinger, and Kelly Yu-Hsin Liao
Substance Use and IPV in Sexual and Gender Minority Relationships, Marissa S. Dongarra
Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Disaffirming Legal Climates, Sarah Hibner-Kiperman PhD, Madeleine Reardon MA, Caitlin Johnson M.A., Nina Michon MA, Liz Ballinger B.A., Jesse Chen MA, Sahar Altweej MA, and Gabriel DeLong MA
Supportive Programming during a Worldwide Pandemic and Beyond, Rainie B. Jueschke, Charissa Lynch, Anne Stokes, and Tracy Van de Vate
Sustaining Critical Support Services for Relative Caregivers Through the Covid-19 Pandemic and BEYOND, Shelly Willis Mrs, Lori Latimer, and Rolanda Pyle
Synthesis, Characterization and Testing of Graphene-Based Materials for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Catalysts, Hassan Shirzadi Jahromi
Systematic Review of Arab American Emerging Adults Mental Health, Sahar Al-Tweej and Sarah Kiperman
TCiB: A Culture-Specific BID Treatment for Black Gay Men, Gabriel DeLong and Sarah Ashar Kiperman PhD
Teletherapy After COVID: Ethical and Practical Considerations, Ingrid Weigold PhD, Arne Weigold PhD, Chris Ng BA, McKay Ross BA, Hannah M. LaMack MA, and Elinor E. Rayburn
The African Continental Free Trade Area: Prospects, Problems and Challenges, Benjamin Ofori-Amoah
The Associations Between After-School Settings and the Cognitive Outcomes of U.S. Elementary School Children: Results from Household Income Differences, Hyejoon Park, Keeyoon Noh, Jimin Oh, Gwen Johnson, and Kennedy Allyn
“The Bible say”: August Wilson’s Scriptural Improvisation, Patrick Maley
The Black Feminist Coup: Black Women's Lived Experiences in White Supremacist Feminist Academic Spaces, Jennifer Richardson, Mariam Konate, Staci M. Perryman-Clark, Olivia M. McLaughlin, and Keiondra J. Grace
The Effect of Performance-Contingent Monetary Rewards on Creativity, Intrinsic Interest and Autonomy, Merrilyn Yeboah
The Immune System Under Pressure: Understanding the Impact of Stress on Immune Function and Health, Kaeshwinie Murugan
The Impact of Major Sporting Events in Kalamazoo on Consumer Behavior, Nicholas Biel
The Impact of Parental Involvement on Therapy Outcomes for Children with Anxiety: A Systematic Review, Jade E. Carriero B.A.
The Lived Experience of Therapists During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Using Photovoice Methodology, Alison De la Montaigne, Catana Brown, Sarah A. Anderson, and Tamara Turner
Theophylline Riboswitch for Gene Induction and Repression in Mycobacteria, Teresa O'Neill
The Psychological and Clinical Implications of Digital Media Consumption, Julianna Carpenetti M.Ed.
The Purpose Room - Illuminating Systematic Change in Detroit Through Mental Health, Economic Empowerment. and Community Healing, Precious Green
The Role of Coping Strategies on Acculturative Stress, Depression, and Anxiety in an Arab Community, Laura Torio, Khadeja Najjar, and Ilya Yaroslavsky
The role of shame and underreporting in the relationship between Intimate Partner Violence and PTSD symptoms in Indo-Caribbean Women, Ashley C. Velez and Casey L. Hinger
The Unconscious at Work: A Psychosocial Study of Leaders' Unconscious Processes Impacting Participatory Change Leadership, Vanessa Hills
The Value of 360-Degree Assessment in Higher Education, Daniela Schroeter and Heather Jach Turner
The War Within: Mexican Drug Cartels and the Impact of the Drug Trade on Society and Governance, Haris Mohammad
Towards Building a Recommender System to improve Diversity in Online News Feed, Joseph George
Transformative Supervision: Advancing Social Justice and Critical Consciousness in Clinical Training, Khadeja Najjar, Seongwon Lee, Ananya Sharma, and Maleyah Zataray
Transgender & Gender-Expansive Therapy Participants: A Roundtable Discussion, Gabriel DeLong and Logan Harding
Trauma From a Distance, Katelyne Griffin-Todd, Katherine Mcraven, and Casey Hinger
Understanding Competition Among Doctoral-Level Psychology Students, MaryKate T. Godinez and Dallann A. Johnson
Understanding psychology licensure and board certification, Sharon L. Bowman Ph.D., HSPP, LMHC
Understanding the Experience of Being Food Insecure at an Independent College or University, Natalie Wagner
Understanding the Performance and Perception of Odawa Warfare, 1615–1700, Eric P. Morningstar
Understanding the Social Emotional Needs of Returning Citizens: Mixed Methods Study informing Group Therapy Intervention, Tresi Ingram- Jolley, Shannon Chavez-Korell, and Jessica Taylor
Understanding the Unique Experiences Contributing to Outcome Disparities for Black Foster Care Alumni: A Systematic Review, Lilian Hicks
Using Resin-Bonded Hollow Aluminosilicate Microspheres to Create Patternless Molds for Rapid Casting, Sean Derrick
Wearable Technology in Intercollegiate Sport: Ethical and Legal Considerations of Collecting Student-Athlete Biometric Data, Taryn DeShane
What Is Known and Not Known About the Impact of Social Media on Self-Esteem: Systematic Literature Review of Research on Adolescents (2014-2024), Kailen Mokhantha-Sopraseuth
What Lies Ahead? Future Directions for Grandparent Caregiving Research, Bert Hayslip
WMU Board of Trustees Formal Session December 12, 2024, WMU Board of Trustees
WMU Board of Trustees Formal Session February 5, 2025, WMU Board of Trustees
Years of Mindfulness Practice and Intervention Impacts, Anderson Boatman, Ellary Darling, Mark St. Martin, and Zeljka Vidic