Honors theses completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors or we have been unable to reach the authors, so the theses may be only available from on-campus computers. If you are an author of an honors thesis and would like to make it available off campus or if you have any questions, please contact wmu-scholarworks@wmich.edu.


Theses from 2023


Contracts in the Sporting World Volume I: NBA, Jude Mosher

Theses from 1998


Effective Leadership Approaches and Qualities, Brian A. DeVries

Theses from 1985


Quality Circles: Are They Successful in American Manufacturing?, Steven G. Siebert

Theses from 1981


Preparing Female Students to Enter the Business World, Patrice C. Sauve

Theses from 1978


The General Manager, "The Man in the Middle", David Dombrowski