Content Posted in 2015
2007 Complete Digest, Department of English
2008 Complete Digest, Department of English
2009 Complete Digest, Department of English
2010 Complete Digest, Department of English
2011 Complete Digest, Department of English
2012 Complete Digest, Department of English
2013-14 Annual Report, University Center for the Humanities
2013-14 Series - Bill McKibben, University Center for the Humanities
2013-14 Series - Michele Oka Doner, University Center for the Humanities
2013 Complete Digest, Department of English
2014-15 Annual Report, University Center for the Humanities
2014 Complete Digest, Department of English
2015-16 Series Brochure - Reimagining Community, University Center for the Humanities
2015 Morimichi Watanabe Lecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
25-Archaeological Investigations of 20OK476: A Late Eighteenth Century Native American Site on Apple Island, Oakland County, Michigan, David S. Brose
27-Phase II Site Examination: James McDonald Farm Site 12 OR 509, Hoosier National Forest, Orange County Indiana, Joseph Puntasecca, LouAnn Wurst, and Cara Mosier
38th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
39th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
40th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
41st Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
42nd Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
43rd Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
44th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
45th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
46th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
47th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
48th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
49th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
4-H Leaders: Factors that Affect Their Persistence in the 4-H Youth Development Program, Regina Schinker
50th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
50th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
51st Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
52nd Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
53rd Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
54th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
55th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
56th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
A Behavior Analytic Conceptualization of the Assessment and Treatment of Delusional Speech, Rebecca Braginton
Abelard and Heloise, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ability of Clinicians-In-Training to Recognize Vicarious Traumatization: A Multiple Case Study, Amy Cavanaugh
A Black Community Development Model: The Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League 1917-1940, Amnifu R. Harvey
"Abnormalities", Tia M. Dewitt
A Boiling Pot of Animosity or an Alliance of Kindred Spirits? Exploring Connections Between Native Americans and African Americans, Hilary N. Weaver
Absence of a Family Safety Net for Homeless Families, Kay Young McChesney
Academic Program Review and Planning update letter from Provost Greene, Office of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Academic Unit Assessment Panel, Betsy Aller, James Cousins, and Barbara Sagara
A Call for Hearing Loss Prevention Programs in College Music Education Programs, Jason Taurins
A Case Study of How Students Enrolled in CTE Programs and Faculty Understand and Assess the Implications of Globalization on Career Preparation, Mohammad A. Moradi
A case study of professional coach-client communication., Scott Shank
A Case Study of the Efficacy of a University Cohort Group in a Small Urban School District, Ann Rea Kopy
Acceleration of Agent-Based PandemicModeling on Multiple GPUs, Barzan Shekh
Acceptability of Interventions to Staff in Long-Term Care Settings for Older Adults: Comparing Ratings and Hierarchical Selection, Jonathan C. Baker
Access to Healthcare: Understanding Disparities among LGBT & Black Communities, Taylor Jones
Access to Prenatal Care and County Size: Implications for Service Delivery, Ellen E. Whipple
Acculturation and Assimilation in al-Andalus, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Acculturative Stress and Social Support among Korean and Indian Immigrant Adolescents in the United States, Madhavappallil Thomas and Jong Baek Choi
A Champion of Intellectual Freedom, Greg Fitzgerald
Achieving Justice in Child Protection, Rob Neff
A Child's Death: Lessons from Health Care Providers' Texts, Nancy M. Bell and Marie L. Campbell
A Commentary on The Social Class and Mental Illness Correlation: Implications of the Research for Policy and Practice, Julius A. Roth
A Commentary: Why Civil Commitment Laws Don't Work the Way They're Supposed To, Philip D. Arben
A Communitarian Critique of the Child Protective System, Toni Terling-Watt
A Comparative Analysis of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome among Individuals Exposed to Different Stressor Events, John P. Wilson, W. Ken Smith, and Suzanne K. Johnson
A Comparative Study of Extended Meta-Ethnography and Meta-Analysis Based on the Fundamental Micro-Purposes of a Literature Review, Rhae-Ann Richardson Booker
A Comparative Study of International Mathematics Curriculum Materials and Standards: Indonesia, Singapore, and the US Common Core State Standards, Erlina Mariana Rosada Sari Siregar
A Comparative Study of Learning Styles and Job Satisfaction to Medical Specialty Chosen among Physician Assistant Graduates, Eric H. Vangsnes
A Comparison of Child Welfare Curriculum in Undergraduate and Graduate Programs of Social Work, John T. Pardeck
A Comparison of Defense and Welfare Spending in the United States and the United Kingdom, 1946-1976, James L. Clayton
A Comparison of Maintenance-Training Methods for Children Diagnosed with Autism, Nicholas L. Weatherly
A Comparison of Methods for Teaching Auditory-Visual Conditional Discriminations to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Laura Lee Grow
A Comparison of Three Training Methods on the Acquisition and Retention of Automotive Product Knowledge, Rhiannon M. Fante
A Comprehensive Analysis of Sex and Race Inequities in Unemployment Insurance Benefits, Melissa Latimer
A Consideration of Healthcare in Honduras, Joseph Barnett
A Consumer’s Story – How Health Information Technology Impacted Family Health Outcomes, Monica King
A Continuum Theory for Social Work Knowledge, Yair Caspi
A Critical Analysis of Infant Mortality in Kalamazoo County, Audrey Jensen
A Critical Analysis of the Impact of Day Care on the Pre-School Child and the Family, John T. Pardeck, Jean A. Pardeck, and John W. Murphy
A Critique of Family Case Workers 1900-1930: Women Working With Women, Beverly A. Stadum
A Critique of the Global Trafficking Discourse and U.S. Policy, Moshoula Capous Desyllas
A Critique of The Truly Disadvantaged: A Historical Materialist (Marxist) Perspective, Ralph C. Gomes and Walda Katz Fishman
A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Psychiatric Symptom Expression Using Langner's Twenty-Two Item Index, Robert Nishimoto
A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Selected Mental Health Systems, Gary Mathews and Morton O. Wagenfeld
A Cross-Sectional Approach to Institutional Anomie and Gang-Related Homicide, Michael T. Klemp-North
Acting on Their Own Behalf: Affiliation and Political Mobilization among Homeless People, Marcia B. Cohen and David Wagner
Active Bundles for Protecting Confidentiality of Sensitive Data Throughout Their Lifecycle, Lotfi Ben Othmane
"Active Living": Transforming the Organization of Retirement and Housing in the U.S., Paul C. Luken and Suzanne Vaughan
Actual and Virtual Reconstructions of the Past, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Addressing Socio-Legal Problems: A Unifying Perspective for Social Workers, Raymond Albert
Addressing the Needs of Families of Wounded Warriors: Enhancing the Role of Occupational Therapy, Ann E. McDonald and Greg Leskin
Addressing the ‘Shift’: Preparing Preservice Secondary Teachers for the Common Core, Stephanie M. Bennett and Steven M. Hart
A Decent Home for Every Family? Housing Policy Initiatives Since the 1980s, Sondra J. Fogel, Marc T. Smith, and Anne R. Williamson
A Decision Model for Nurse-to-Patient Assignment, Ilgin Acar
A Delphi Survey of Experts’ Opinions Regarding Prevention of Impairment in Professional Psychology Training, Kin-Ming Chan
A Descriptive Analysis of Skin Color Bias in Puerto Rico: Ecological Applications to Practice, Ronald E. Hall
A Disarmed World: Problems in Imaging the Future, Elise Boulding
A Distributed Hierarchical Energy-Efficient Scheme for Large Scale Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Wasim El Hajj
Administrative Offices of Aging in State Bureaucracies: Agency Location and Organization Effectiveness, Barrie Blunt and Scott Ingram
Administrator Perspectives of Post-Secondary Educational Opportunities for Michigan High School Students, Carl Wozniak
Adolescence and Old Age in Twelve Communities, Pranab Chatterjee, Darlyne Bailey, and Nina Aronoff
Adolescents' Experience of the Factors Influencing Their Diabetes Treatment Regimen, Roger W. Apple
Adoption and Integration of Best Practice Methods in Secondary English Teaching, Gretchen Rumohr-Voskuil
Adoption in the U.S.: The Emergence of a Social Movement, Frances A. DellaCava, Norma Kolko Phillips, and Madeline H. Engel
Adsorption of Lead on Single and Mixed Solid Systems, Soumya Das
Advanced Placement Courses and College Student Success: Evidence from BPS: 96/01, Jinhai Zhang
Advantages of a Finite Extensible Nonlinear Elastic Potential in Lattice Boltzmann Simulations, Tai-Hsien Wu and Dewei Qi
Advice and Help-seeking Intentions Among Youth in Israel: Ethnic and Gender Differences, Moshe Sherer
Advisor and Student Experiences of Summer Support for College-intending, Low-income High School Graduates, Karen D. Arnold, Alexandra Chewning, Benjamin Castleman, and Lindsay Page
Advocacy and the Adversary System, Herb Kutchins and Stuart Kutchins
Advocacy/Empowerment: An Approach to Clinical Practice for Social Work, Stephen M. Rose
AFDC and Homicide, Lance Hannon
AFDC Encounters Joint Custody: Business as Usual Is Not the Solution, Jan L. Hagen
AFDC, Food Stamp, and Medicaid Utilization: A Research Note, Mark R. Rank and Paul R. Voss
A Few Contributions of Economic Theory to Social Welfare Policy Analysis, Michael A. Lewis
A Few Parting Words, Norman N. Goroff
Affect, Emotion, and the Senses in the Works of Alain Chartier and His Contemporaries, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Affirmation, Analysis, and Agency: Book Clubs as Spaces for Critical Conversations with Young Adolescent Women of Color, Jody N. Polleck and Terrie Epstein
Affirmative Action at the Crossroads: A Social Justice Perspective, Margaret Gibelman
A Force to Be Reckoned With, Linda Rolls
A Formative Study: Inquiry and Informational Text with Fifth-Grade Bilinguals, Lindsey Moses
A Framework for Analyzing Knowledge Utilization in Social Work Practice, Craig W. LeCroy, Jose B. Ashford, and Mary Wirtz Macht
African American Experiences of Race Relations in the Supervision Dyad, Brandi L. Pritchett-Johnson
African-American Facilities for Dependent and Delinquent Children in Chicago, 1900 to 1920: The Louise Juvenile School and the Amanda Smith School, Anne Meis Knupfer
African-American Girls and Scientific Argumentation: Lived Experiences, Intersecting Identities and Their Roles in Constructing and Evaluating Claims, Phyllis Haugabook Pennock
African American Grandmothers Providing Extensive Care to their Grandchildren: Socio-demographic and Health Determinants of Life Satisfaction, Dorothy Smith-Ruiz
African-American Males in Prison: Are they Doing Time or is the Time Doing Them?, Anthony E. O. King
African American Male Teachers in K-12 Education: A Limited Quantity, Kelley A. Peatross
African American Student Retention: A Study of the Effects of an Intrusive Advising Intervention at a Career College, DeAnna R. Burt
AFTER: A POEM, John Chad Sweeney
A Game of Skill: Video Game Enthusiasm and Confidence with Computers, Rebecca L. Sevin
Aging and Family Policy: A Sociological Excursion, Jason L. Powell
Aging and Older Men: Thoughts, Reflections and Issues: Introduction, Robert Blundo and Deborah E. Bowen
Aging Gower, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Aging in China, Nelson W. S. Chow
A Gravity Investigation of the Tobacco Root Batholith Southwest Montana, Stephen Charles Tatum
A Half-Century of California Poverty, Robert G. Mogull
A Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Studies, Tracey-Anne Cooper
A Hands-On Introduction to Astrolabes (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Heuristic Study of the Decision to Privatize Local Government Service, David L. Rich
"Aiding in the Transition: An Analysis of WMU's First-Year Experience Programs", Courtney Conrad
"Aiding in the Transition: An Analysis of WMU's First-Year Experience Programs", Kelsi Feriend
Ala Al-Fuqaha, Margaret von Steinen
Alfredian Texts and Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Library, a Saint, a Rose, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Alice’s Concussion, Austin Wines
Alienation of Youth as an Unintended Consequence of Military Assistance in Africa: Illustrations from the Ethiopian Experience, Quentin F. Schenk
Alive On the Street, Dead In the Classroom: The Return of Radical Social Work and the Manufacture of Activism, William De Maria
All I Am: Defining Music as an Emotional Catalyst through a Sociological Study of Emotions, Gender and Culture, Adrienne M. Trier-Bieniek
All Medieval Manuscripts Online: Strategic Plans in Europe, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"All That Jazz: directing a nonprofit vocal jazz ensemble", Elizabeth Wood
All the World's a Stage: Performance and Performativity in Medieval England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Almost a Partnership": African-Americans, Segregation, and the Young Men's Christian Association, Susan Kerr Chandler
Already Hit Bottom: General Assistance, Welfare Retrenchment, and Single Male Migration, Thomas Vartanian, Joe Soss, Sanford Schram, and Jim Baumohl
Alternative Media as Critical Media: Border Radio, Community Radio, and Radio for Education and Development, Paola Paniagua
Altruism or Self-interest? Social Spending and the Life Course, Debra Street and Jeralynn Sittig Cossman
Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca y sus narrativas sobre la exploracion del Rio de la Plata (1540-1545), Maria del Pilar Lopez-Castilla
A Man Without a Job is a Dead Man: The Meaning of Work and Welfare in the Lives of Young Men, Kathleen A. Kost
A Marxian Review of Gerontological Literature, Stephen M. Marson and L. Richard Della Fave
Ambiguous Women in Medieval Art, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Amerasian Refugees: Social Characteristics, Service Needs, and Mental Health, Hisashi Hirayama and Muammer Cetingok
American Identity and Attitudes Toward English Language Policy Initiatives, Carlos Garcia and Loretta E. Bass
Americanization and Cultural Preservation in Seattle's Settlement House: A Jewish Adaptation of the Anglo-American Model of Settlement Work, Alissa Schwartz
American Poverty as a Structural Failing: Evidence and Arguments, Mark R. Rank, Hong-Sik Yoon, and Thomas A. Hirschl
Americans' Attitudes Toward Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide, 1936-2002, Jen Allen, Sonia Chavez, Sara DeSimone, Debbie Howard, Keadron Johnson, Lucinda LaPierr, Darrel Montero, and Jerry Sanders
America's Changing Attitudes Toward Welfare and Welfare Recipients, 1938-1995, Laurie MacLeod, Darrel Montero, and Alan Speer
America's Health Care System: The Reagan Legacy, Terri Combs-Orme and Bernard Guyer
A Microscopic Simulation Approach to Performance Evaluation of Intelligent Transportation System Corridors: A Case in Michigan, Matthew Levi Clark
Aminoglycoside-Induced Otoneurotoxicity: Analysis of Inner Hair Cell Synaptic Plasticity Following Drug Exposure, Matthew M. Abernathy
A Mixed Methods Analysis of Social Capital of Liberian Refugee Women in Ghana, Alice Boateng
A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Concept of Female Sexual Health, Laura C. Ford
A Molecular Analysis of Training Multiple versus Single Manipulations to Establish a Generalized Manipulative Imitation Repertoire, Breanne K. Hartley
A Moment of Truth in the Warfare-Welfare Debate: The Transfer Amendment, Elizabeth Holtzman
A Monte Carlo Study of the Optimal Rank Order Relationship with Criterion Scores, Hongyan Cui
A Multimedia Resource of Orchestral Excerpts for Tuba, Regen Le Roy
An Afrocentric Perspective on Social Welfare Philosophy and Policy, Jerome H. Schiele
Analysis of Factors Related to Drop-Off Detection with the Long Cane, Dae Shik Kim
Analysis of Mobility Impact for Implementing Complete Streets, Marino Esteban Calderón Díaz
Analysis of Vibroacoustic Properties of Dimpled Beams Using a Boundary Value Model, Kyle R. Myers
Analysis of Vocational Education and Training in Ukraine Since the Soviet Era, Richard Zinser
Analytical, Computational and Experimental Studies of Capillary Flow in Complex Geometries, Yongqing Peng
Analyzing Administrative Experiences: Feminist, Labor, and Organizational Culture Perspectives, Joan L. Arches and Paula Schneider
Analyzing the Effects of Inquiry-Based Instruction on the Learning of Atmospheric Science among Pre-Service Teacher Education Students, Robert James Ruhf
Analyzing the Poverty Reduction Effectiveness of the Canadian Provinces: Do Political Parties Matter?, Robert D. Weaver, Nazim Habivov, and Lida Fan
An Analog Experiment Comparing Goal-Free Evaluation and Goal Achievement Evaluation Utility, Brandon W. Youker
An Analysis of Free-Will, Matthew Campbell
An Analysis of the General Well-Being of Blacks and Whites: Results of a National Study, Sonjia Parker Redmond
A Narrative Inquiry of Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Their Professional Development Experiences, Theresa Andrea Nugent
A National Study of Alternatively and Traditionally Certified Teachers, John F. Hoye
A National Study of Parental Involvement: Its Trends, Status and Effects on School Success, Alandra Washington
An Attempt to Establish Approval as a Learned Reinforcer, Kelly T. Kohler
An Automated Framework for Defect Detection in Concrete Bridge Decks Using Fractals and Independent Component Analysis, Fadi Abu-Amara
Anchorites, Hermits, and Medieval Popular Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anchorites, Hermits, and the Nobility, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ancient Magic and Modern Accessories: A Re-Examination of the Omamori Phenomenon, Eric Mendes
Ancient Magic and Modern Accessories: Developments in the Omamori Phenomenon, Eric Teixeira Mendes
"And they shall be two in one flesh": The Battle over the Virgin's Body in the Life of Christina of Markyate, Alexandra Locking
... and We Keep on Building Prisons: Racism, Poverty, and Challenges to the Welfare State, Paula L. Dressel
An Ecological Approach for Social Work Practice, John T. Pardeck
An Ecological Perspective on Housing, Health and Well-being, Claude Raffestin and Roderick Lawrence
An Evaluation of a Sexual Assault Education Program, Angela P. Hatcher
An Evaluation of Intraverbal Training and Listener Training for Teaching Categorization Skills, Anna Ingeborg Petursdottir
An Evaluation of the Efficacy of the Consultant Workshop Model in a Human Service Setting, Nicole E. Gravina
An Evaluation of the Primary Care Providers’ Perspective of the Effects of Moderate Alcohol Consumption on Health, Gisele Tchamba
An Evaluative Model for Incorporating Diversity Training into Teacher Preparation, Amy Sue DeSonia
A New Model for Cooperative Mobility in Support if QOS in Manets with Heterogeneous Autonomy Requirements, Ghassen Ben Brahim
A New Paradigm for Social Welfare, David Stoesz
A New Perspective on Families that Receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Christopher R. Larrison, Larry Nackerud, and Ed Risler
A New Rough Wall Layer Modeling for Turbulent Flows Using the Brinkman Equation, Meng-Huang Lu
An Examination of How Feminist Perspectives and Generational Differences lnfluence the Leadership Practices of Women Administrators in Higher Education, Marlene Kowalski-Braun
An Examination of Post-Secondary Education Access, Retentionand Success of Foster Care Youth, Angelique Day
An Examination of Research Explaining Public Welfare Spending at the State Level, Robert G. Mogull
An Examination of Several Variables Influencing the Efficacy of the Gateway in Street Sign Configuration on Motorist Yielding Behavior, Miles Bennett
An Examination of the Ecosystems Perspective in Consideration of New Theories in Biology and Thermodynamics, Barney McDowell
An Examination of the Job Satisfaction of Mid-Level Managers in Student Affairs Administration, Jessie L. Grant
An Examination of the Leadership Practices of Effective Rural Superintendents: A Multiple Case Study, Mark Forner
An Examination of the Mental Health Services Provided to Students at Western Michigan University, Melissa Rex
An Exploration into Individual Development Accounts as an Anti-Poverty Strategy, Timothy G. Reutebuch
An Exploration of Volition: Caregiver Perceptions of Persons with Dementia, Christine Raber and Mikel Stone
An Exploration of Worldview and Conceptions of Nature of Science among Science Teachers at a Private Christian High School, Kara M. Kits
An Exploratory Study of Neighborhood Choices Among Moving to Opportunity Participants in Baltimore, Maryland: The Influence of Housing Search Assistance, James X. Bembry and Donald F. Norris
Anglo-Norman England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Norman Literature and Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Saxon England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Saxon England and the Celtic World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Saxon Studies Now (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Animal Languages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
An Inquiry: the Concept and Application of Empowerment, Pamela Kay Wheelock
An Investigation of Relationship Characteristics, Exercise and Physical Activity, Couple and Life Satisfaction, Mark W. St. Martin
An Investigation of Successful and Unsuccessful Students’ Problem Solving in Stoichiometry, Ozcan Gulacar
Anomaly Detection Techniques for Ad Hoc Networks, Chaoli Cai
Anonymous Anglo-Saxon Prose Saints' Lives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
An Opportunity Lost: The Failure of the Michigan Commission on Death and Dying, Joseph Ellin
A Note from the Editors, Marguerite Rosenthal and Jennifer Zelnick
A novel cognitive cueing approach to gait retraining in Parkinson’s disease: A pilot study, Stephanie Morrison, Sandi Spaulding, Jeff Holmes, and Mary Jenkins
Antibiotic Resistance in Wild Birds, Jordan Teachout
Anticipatory Socialization toward Occupational Retirement, Yael Kremer and Itzhak Harpaz
Antiracism Discourse: The Ideological Circle in a Child World, Miu Chung Yan
Anti-War Work by Discouragement of Warriors: A Critique of Anti-War Tactics Used among Naval Personnel in the Vietnam War, Orabelle Connally
Anything Goes? Science and Social Constructions in Competing Discourses, Philip Dybicz
A Parallel Algorithm for Compression of Big Next-Generation Sequencing Datasets, Sandino N. Vargas Perez and Fahad Saeed
A Path Analysis of the Effect of Welfare on Infant Mortality, Michael A. Lewis
A Perspective on Differential Services in Counseling: Altruism and Likeness, James Latimore
A Phenomenological Study Assessing African American Women’s Perspectives on Successful Heterosexual Relationships, Shamika Yolanda Latrell Hall
A Poisoned Past: The Life and Times of Margarida de Portu, a Fourteenth-Century Accused Poisoner, Candace Robb
Applications of Time-Varying-Parameter Models to Economics and Finance, Peng Huang
Applying Case Characteristics to Expand Outcome Measures and Strengthen Effectiveness in a State Family Preservation Services Program, Randy Jay Baxter
Applying Computers to Clinical Social Work, James Gripton, Paul Licker, and Leo de Groot
Applying Rawlsian Social Justice to Welfare Reform: An Unexpected Finding for Social Work, Mahasweta M. Banerjee
Applying the "Unmotivated" Label to Clients in Social Service Agencies, Ben-Zion Cohen
Approaches to Teaching Pearl, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Approaching Portraiture across Medieval Art, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Preamble of Future HIT, Michael Weiner
April 10, 2012: Nagle & Wennerstrom ~ GWS Talk on Poly Legacies (Thurs., 4/12), Department of English
April 11, 2013: Please share the following with your students, subscribers and associates:, Department of English
April 11, 2014: Where is the Neil deGrasse Tyson of the Humanities?, Department of English
April 1, 2012: Poet Barbara Cully Reads this Thursday: Spring 2012 Gwen Frostic Reading Series, Department of English
April 12, 2012: Arnie Johnston in Concert with guest D. N. Bremer, Department of English
April 12, 2013: "Tony's Tigers": Please Support the Relay for Life Team in Honor of Dr. Anthony Ellis, Department of English
April 15, 2012: Playwright Sean Clark Presents His Work: Spring 2012 Gwen Frostic Reading Series, Department of English
April 15, 2013: MFA/PhD Festival: WMU Creative Writing Program, Department of English
April 16, 2012: Third Coast Fall Issue Reviewed at, Department of English
April 16, 2014: Nigerian Writer Chika Unigwe Visits WMU, Department of English
April 17, 2012: MA Capstone Presentations, Department of English
April 17, 2014: Newberry Graduate Scholar-in-Residence Opportunity!, Department of English
April 19, 2012: News From Ph.D. candidate Dustin Hoffman., Department of English
April 19, 2013: Nagle essay on queer temporality published, Department of English
April 20, 2014: Award-winning Writer Yoko Tawada Reading at WMU, Department of English
April 21, 2014: The Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies Presents, Department of English
April 2, 2012: New Issues Poetry & Prose, Department of English
April 22, 2012: Journal Edited by Ellis, Klekar, and Salisbury Discussed in NYRB, Department of English
April 22, 2013: Comparative Drama is pleased to announce the publication of our Spring 2013 issue, volume 47.1., Department of English
April 23, 2012: Congratulations Adam Pasen !!, Department of English
April 23, 2013: Happy Shakespeare's Birthday, Department of English
April 24, 2014: Shakespeare's Jewish Women, Department of English
April 25, 2012: Utz prefaces Neomedievalism in the Media, Department of English
April 26, 2012: Eclectic Mix of Kalamazooans Noted by British Celebrity, Department of English
April 26, 2013: Postcolonial Environments/Transnational Aesthetics at Notre Dame (5/3/13), Department of English
April 28, 2012: Beth Amidon retirement party, Department of English
April 28, 2015: New Issue of Comparative Drama, Department of English
April 29, 2015: Fellowship Opportunity--Deadline 5/8/15!, Department of English
April 3, 2012: Congratulations Katherine Zlabek !, Department of English
April 4, 2013: Jill M. Hebert publishes her first book, Morgan Le Fay, Shapeshifter by Palgrave Macmillan, Department of English
April 5, 2014: Wright Lecture Wraps Up Speakers Series, Department of English
April 6, 2012: McKittrick wins Research Fellowship, Department of English
April 8, 2013: WMU offers summer writing workshops for teachers, kids, Department of English
April 8, 2014: Bradburn to Participate in NEH Seminar, Department of English
April 9, 2012: WMU Creative Writing Program's MFA/PhD Festival Reading, Department of English
April 9, 2015: Graduate Scholar-in-Residence Program at the Newberry (5/1), Department of English
A Proof of Concept for Oppnets and Its Resource Utilization Techniques with QOS Constraints, Zill-E-Huma Kamal
A Qualitative cum Quantitative Approach to Construct Definition in a Minority Population: Reasons for Divorce among Israeli Arab Women, Rivka Savaya and Orna Cohenn
A Qualitative Exploration of African American Womanhood: Implications for Counseling and Counselor Education, Nikita Murry
A Qualitative Exploration of First-Generation Asian Indian Women in Cross-Cultural Marriages, Monica Thiagarajan
A Qualitative Study of Buddhist Informed Psychotherapists, Michael Sean Harris
A Qualitative Study of Instructional Strategies Used by Elementary General Education Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms, Kristen Peterson
A Qualitative Study of Letters to President Kennedy from Persons with Mental Illness and Their Families: Using the Research Poem in Policy Oriented Research, Rich Furman and Allison Shukraft
A Qualitative Study of School Lockdown Procedures and Teachers' Ability to Conduct and Implement Them at the Classroom Level, Bethney Bergh
A Qualitative Study of the Lived Experiences of Adults with African American and Korean Heritages, Elizabeth Sue Bradshaw
A Qualitative Study of Women Therapists’ Experiences of Spirituality in the Counseling Process, Sharon A. Carney
Archaeological and Artistic Intervention in the Medieval Heritage of the Iberian Peninsula, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Archaeology and Experiment: Moving beyond the Artifacts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Archaeology Unearthed: Hands-On History Demonstrations, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Redefinition of the Problem of Homelessness Among Persons with a Chronic Mental Illness, Donald M. Linhorst
Are Housing First Programs Effective? A Research Note, Danielle Groton
A Remote Sensing Based Early Warning System for Algal Blooms in Kuwait Bay and Coastal Waters, Cameron Manche
A Response to Critics of The Truly Disadvantaged, William Julius Wilson
A Response to "Professional Achievement in Social Work", Timothy W. Lause
A Response to the Rejoinder by Darlyne Bailey & Pranab Chatterjee, Thomas Packard
Are there shared characteristics among children with autism who develop speech while training with the Picture Exchange Communication System?, Katherine Neidhart
A Review and Case Exemplifications of Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile (HELP) and Its Screener (HELP–Screener) for Older Adults, Eric J. Hwang and Terry Peralta-Catipon
A Rewarding Feeling, Jonathan H. Mayes
"Are You Beginning to See A Pattern Here?" Family and Medical Discourses Shape the Story of Black Infant Mortality, Elaine R. Cleeton
A Role of Problem-Solving in Complex Intraverbal Repertoires, Rachael A. Sautter
A Roundtable on the Round Table, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Art and Technology in the Cloister and Castle I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Art and Technology in the Cloister and Castle II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthurian Landscapes, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arts, Architecture, and Devotional Interaction: Results of the 2014 NEH Summer Seminar for College Teachers in York (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Rubric-Based Approach to Assessing Resources for Writing Student Learning Outcomes, Jesus Romero and Kyra Tilmon
A Sequential Analysis of Staff Training Procedures to Efficiently Teach Novice Instructors to Implement Errorless Discrete-Trial Teaching Procedures, Jamie M. Severtson
Asian-American Elderly: A Review Of The Quality Of Life And Social Service Needs, Mizanur R. Miah and Dean R. Kahler
Asian American Experiences: A View from the Other Side, Pill Jay Cho
Asian American Immigrants: A Comparison of the Chinese, Japanese, and Filipinos, John K. Matsouka and Donald H. Ryujin
Asian-American Women: An Understudied Minority, Lina Y. S. Fong
A Social Justice Perspective on Medicare Part D in an Age of Reform: Critical Implications of Trends in Health Care Policy and Advocacy, Louanne Bakk and Marya R. Sosulski
A Socio-Economic Analysis of the Three Paths to Social Security Reform, Rebecca A. Van Voorhis
Aspects and Events of Medieval Military History, 452-1346, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Asphyxiation, Jera Hogan
Assessing Child Maltreatment: The Role of Testing, Joel S. Milner
Assessing Michigan School Counselors' Preparedness to Meet the Needs of Attractional/Sexual Minority Students, J. Frederick Bland
Assessing Social Agency Functions: A Model, Elizabeth W. Lindsey, John S. Wodarski, and Kristyn S. Greaves
Assessing Student Learning Outcomes in AQIP Accredited Community and Technical Colleges, Constance M. Schwass
Assessing the Effectiveness of a Picture Exchange Communication System on Increasing Manding and Vocal Speech in Identical Twin Adults with Autism, Laura C. Hilton
Assessing the Effects of a Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon on Vehicle Speeds along a Four-Lane Divided Highway, Michelle Van Wagner
Assessing the Impact of Serving the Long-term Mentally Disabled Homeless, Laura E. Blankertz, Ram A. Cnaan, and Marlene Saunders
Assessing the Interpersonal Effectiveness of the Dear-Man Skill Using a Social Psychology Paradigm, Matthew T. Jameson
Assessing the Needs of Mothers with Mentally Retarded Offspring: An Empirical Approach, Jonathan Rabinowitz
Assessing Volition in Pediatrics: Using the Volitional Questionnaire and the Pediatric Volitional Questionnaire, Anne Kiraly-Alvarez
Assessment Resources: How Do I Find the Help I Need?, Karen Stokes Chapo
Asset-Based Social Welfare Policy: Homeownership for the Poor, Alice K. Johnson and Michael Sherraden
Assets and Financial Management Among Poor Households in Extreme Poverty Neighborhoods, Cathleen M. Finn, Paz M-B. Zorita, and Claudia Coulton
Assets and Neighboring: An Exploration into Household Assets and Efforts to be a Good Neighbor, Tim Reutebuch
Assets, Future Orientation, and Well-Being: Exploring and Extending Sherraden's Framework, Marcia Shobe and Deborah Page-Adams
A Statewide Study of Neighbors' Knowledge of and Reactions to Physical Child Abuse, Gary W. Paquin and Janet Ford
Astrology and Medieval Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Astroturf, Technology and the Future of Community Mobilization: Implications for Nonprofit Theory, John McNutt and Katherine Boland
A Study of Career Preparation Activities Used in Michigan’s Public High Schools, Brian L. Pyles
A Study of Disaster Preparedness of Rural Hospitals in the United States, Barbara Cliff
A Study of Engagement in Active and Passive Roles in Casual Leisure Occupations, Anne M. Fenech
A Study of How Precursor Key Concepts for Organic Chemistry Success Are Understood by General Chemistry Students, Patrick Gerard Meyer
A Study of Intake and Assessment in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Christopher J. Richmond
A Study of Reasons for Non-Payment of Child Support by Non-Custodial Parents, Sumati N. Dubey
A Study of the Impact of a K-12 School District–University Doctoral Cohort on District Leadership Capacity, Sharon Davis
A Study of the Symbolic Clothing Disposition Behaviors of Generation Y, Patti A. Borrello
A Study on Becoming an Alternatively Certified Career and Technical Educator, Kymberli Cotton-Flanagan
A Study on Perceptions of Civil Engineers Regarding Mandatory Continuing Education, Alee A. Sleymann
A Study on the Productivity and Efficiency Effects of Enterprise Reforms in China, Song Gao
A Study to Determine the Influence of Workload on Nursing Personnel, Supreeta G. Amin
A Study to Investigate the Relationship Between a User’s Thermal Comfort and Seat Pan Materials, Anil Raghavendra Kumar
A Suryey of Music Therapists' Use of Music to Facilitate Reading Development in Children, Cynthia Cross
A Systems Paradigm for Community Development, Salvatore Imbrogno
A Tale of Two Hannas: Observations on Israeli and Palestinian Women's Resistance to Occupation (1991-1995), Christina Pratt
A Teacher's Life: Stories of Literacy, Teacher Thinking, and Professional Development, James Muchmore
A Thousand Pieces of Paradise: Landscape and Property in the Kickapoo Valley, Lynne Heasley
A Time Series Analysis of the Effect of Welfare Benefits on Earnings, Michael Anthony Lewis
Atomistic-Based Finite Element Simulation of Carbon Nanotubes, Yang Yang
Attachment, Social Support, and Perceived Mental Health of Adult Dog Walkers: What Does Age Have to Do With It?, F. Ellen Netting, Cindy C. Wilson, Jeffrey L. Goodie, Mark B. Stephens, Christopher G. Byers, and Cara H. Olsen
Attention Deficit Disorder and Case Management: Infusing Macro Social Work Practice, Dennis D. Long
Attitudes, Behavior, and Social Practice, Harris Chaiklin
Attitudes Toward and Knowledge of Affirmative Action in Higher Education, Erika Ann Carr
Attitudinal Predictors of Preferred Policy Options: Contrasting AFDC with Work Programs, Jill Littrell and Sahna Diwan
A Two-Sample Adaptive Procedure Based on the Log-Rank and Peto and Peto's Wilcoxon Tests, Annie A. Tordilla
Audio-Assisted Reading with Digital Audiobooks for Upper Elementary Students with Reading Disabilities, Kelli J. Esteves
Audio Narration and Reading Ability in Programmed Instruction, Wendy Jaehnig
Auerbach School of Occupational Therapy at Spalding University
August 13, 2012: Third Coast Writing Project highlighted by Otsego School District, Department of English
August 20, 2012: Herbert Scott Legacy Fund & New Issues Summer Celebration, Department of English
August 23, 2012: Kalamazoo Gazette Highlights New Issues Press Fundraiser, Department of English
August 24, 2012: Third Coast Writing Project Highlighted in NWP Press Release, Department of English
August 27, 2012: Kahn-Loftus's Summer Work Highlighted in Petoskey News, Department of English
August 27, 2013: 2013-2014 Distinguished Alum, James Griffioen, Department of English
August 30, 2013: WMU Teaching and Learning Bash, September 13, 2013, Department of English
August 31, 2014: 2015 Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference (Newberry Library, Chicago/Deadline: Oct.15), Department of English
Augustine's Philosophical Interactions with Christianity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Authority and Control in Medieval German Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Autism and its Effects on Students, Shane Fitzsimmons
Autism Project: Case Study Evaluating Behavioral Interventions for the Self-Injurious Behavior of Biting, Brittani Rohrig
Autumn on the Kal-Haven Trail, Charles Lein
A View From the Inside Out: Recipients' Perceptions of Welfare, Mark R. Rank
"Bachelorette": A Footlight Production, Tamsen Glaser
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.50, no.1, 2014
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.50, no.2, 2015
Back Matterr, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.51, no.1, 2015
Back To Our Roots Towards a Specialization in Social Justice, Linda Cherrey Reeser and Leslie Leighninger
Ballads and Social History/Ballads outside Social History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bastard Feudalism at Seventy: The Legacy of K. B. McFarlane on the Study of Politics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Battered and on Welfare: The Experiences of Women with the Family Violence Option, Judy L. Postmus
Bayesian Item Response Theory: Statistical Inference and Power Analysis, Jason W. Bodnar
Bayesian Network Detection of Breast Cancer Treatment Disparities, Diana Prieto and Milton Rene Soto Ferrari
Bayesian Rank Based Methods for Linear Models, James Dzikunu
Beading and Dimpling Techniques to Improve the Vibration and Acoustic Characteristics of Plate Structures, Nabeel Taiseer Alshabtat
Bead Making Demonstration, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beasts and Birds, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Because a Better World Is Possible: Women Casino Workers, Union Activism and the Creation of a Just Workplace, Susan Chandler
Becoming Formal or Informal Entrepreneurs: How Institutions Matter, Joël Luc Raveloharimisy
Bede's Library, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bede's Royalty, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Before and after Eriugena, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Behavioral, Attitudinal, and Decision-Altering Effects of Aggressive Video Games on Young Adults, Kent Smallwood
Behavioral Impacts of the Fear of AIDS: A Sociological Model, Raghu N. Singh, N. Prabha Unnithan, and James D. Jones
Behavioral Social Work in Community and Organizational Settings, Jack Rothman and Bruce A. Thyer
Behavioral Tolerance under Variable Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement, Barry Eshkol Adelman
Behavior Analysis Program to Improve Habits of Physical Activity, Eating, and Sleeping, Ivan Noe Martinez Salazar
Benedictines and Victorines in the Twelfth Century, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Benefits of CPFR and VMI Collaboration Strategies in a Variable Demand Environment, Dattaraj Kamalapurkar
Best Practices within Mediation Programs, Warren L. Hills
Between Family Obligation and Social Care-the Significance of Institutional Care for the Elderly in Japan, Raija Hashimoto and Mutsuko Takahashi
Between Lipany and White Mountain: Essays in Late Medieval and Early Modern Bohemian History in Modern Czech Scholarship, James Palmitessa
Between Stonewall and AIDS: Initial Efforts to Establish Gay and Lesbian Social Services, Michael G. Lee
Between the City and the Bush: Suburbia in the Contemporary Australian Novel, Nathanael David O'Reilly
Beyond An Underclass: An Essay on Up-Front Politics, Paula L. Dressel and Jeff Porterfield
Beyond Coping: An Empowerment Perspective on Stressful Life Events, Lorraine M. Gutierrez
Beyond EMR – Patient Privacy and Safety Implications in an Increasingly Mobile Health World, Brian Balow and Billee Lightvoet
Beyond Francis and Dominic: Saints and the New Religious Orders in Late Medieval Italian Art, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beyond Professional Emergencies: Patterns of Mistakes in Social Work and Their Implications for Remediation, Keith Roberts Johnson
Beyond the Rank and File Movement: Mary van Kleeck and Social Work Radicalism in the Great Depression, 1931-1942, Patrick Selmi and Richard Hunter
Beyond War: Empowerment for Senior Citizens in a Nuclear Age, Susan Rice
Beyond Welfare or Work: Teen Mothers, Household Subsistence Strategies, and Child Development Outcomes, Gunnar Almgren, Greg Yamashiro, and Miguel Ferguson
Big Data Proteogenomics and High Performance Computing: Challenges and Opportunities, Fahad Saeed
Bilingual Education, Federalism, and the Political Culture of American Public Education, 1964-1980, Robert Harold Duke
Bilingual England: Englishing Linguistic Others, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bioengineering of Protein Nanotubes and Protein Nanomaterial Composites, Thilak Kumara Mudalige
Bioinformatics Investigation of the Tanapox Virus Proteome, Chad Yee
Biracial Sensitive Practice: Expanding Social Services to an Invisible Population, Ronald E. Hall
Bishops and Their Towns: Aspects of Episcopal Influence within Urban Environments, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bitter Bonds: A Graduating Presentation, Amanda Fitzpatrick
Black and White Social Work Faculty: Perceptions of Respect, Satisfaction, and Job Permanence, Larry E. Davis
Black Butterfly: An English Translation of a Short Story by Yoshimoto Banana, Kathryn Hemmen
Black Pink Collar Workers: Arduous Journey from Field and Kitchen to Office, Judith B. Bremner
Black Women in the "Black Metropolis" of the Early Twentieth Century: The Case of Professional Occupations, Robert L. Boyd
Blue Leather, Marshall Sass
Blurring the Boundaries in Medieval Literature: Bodies, Species, Texts, and Objects, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bodies that Matter II: Impact and Outreach in Medieval Studies (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bodies that Matter I: Miracles, Manuscripts, and Medicine, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bonaventure and the Sacraments, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Book Review, Jonathan Rabinowitz
Book Review, Maurice M. Vance
Book Review: Ready, Willing, and Able: A Developmental Approach to College Access and Success, Christie Fox
Book Reviews, Michael Reisch, Ann Withorn, and Michael Hibbard
Book Reviews, Paul Adams
Book Reviews, Isidor Walliman, Elizabeth D. Huttman, Shimon S. Gottschalk, Robert Sheak, and Christina R. Curtiss
Book Reviews, James Midgley, David Stoesz, Howard Jacob Karger, Henry J. D'Souza, Leslie Leighninger, and Joel Blau
Book Review - Social Security after Fifty: Successes and Failures by Edward D. Berkowitz, James L. Wolk
Book Review: The Rhetoric of Remediation: Negotiating Entitlement and Access to Higher Education, Chad T. Patton
Borrowing Capacity and Foreign Direct Investments, Todd Sarnstrom II
Bound by Words: Oath-taking and Oath-breaking in Medieval lceland and Anglo-Saxon England, Gregory L. Laing
Breaching Religious Order: Towards New and Productive Uses of "Order" as a Category of Analysis in Monastic and Mendicant Scholarship, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Break & Networking, Western Michigan University
Breastfeeding with the Bronson Mothers’ Milk Bank, MaryKate Bodnar
Bridget Cappel: Senior Recital, Opera and Art Song, Bridget Cappel
Bridging the Divide: The Casework Policy Link, Peggy Pittman-Munke
Bridging Theories of Phonological Awareness for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children: Perspectives from Verbotonal Specialists in the United States, Jazmin Rambeau
Bringing the Organization Back In: The Role of Bureaucratic Churning in Early TANF Caseload Declines in Illinois, Chad Broughton
Broadening the Horizons of Theater: Geography and Theory, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1911, Western State Normal School
Brown and Gold - 1912, Western State Normal School
Brown and Gold - 1913, Western State Normal School
Brown and Gold - 1914, Western State Normal School
Brown and Gold - 1915, Western State Normal School
Brown and Gold - 1916, Western State Normal School
Brown and Gold - 1918, Western State Normal School
Brown and Gold - 1919, Western State Normal School
Brown and Gold - 1920, Western State Normal School
Brown and Gold - 1933, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold - 1935, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold - 1936, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold - 1937, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold - 1938, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold - 1939, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold - 1941, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold - 1942, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1944, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1945, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1946, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1947, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1948, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1949, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1950, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1951, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1952, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1953, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1955, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1956, Western Michigan College
Brown and Gold - 1957, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1958, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1959, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1960, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1961, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1962, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1963, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1964, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1965, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1966, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1967, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1968, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1969, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold - 1970, Western Michigan University
Brown and Gold: The 1929 Year Book, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold: The 1930 Year Book, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold: The 1931 Year Book, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold: The 1932 Year Book, Western State Teachers College
Brown and Gold Volume VII - 1917, Western State Normal School
Brown and Gold Volume XI - 1921, Western State Normal School
Bruges, Cradle of Capitalism, 1280-1390, James M. Murray
Building Citizen Support for Planning at the Community Level, Barry Checkoway
Building Hagiographies II: Saintly Imagery in Non-Episcopal Monumental Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Building Hagiographies I: Saintly Imagery in Episcopal Monumental Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Building the Auctores: Assessing the Use of Authorities in the Construction of Medieval Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Building Their Readiness For Economic "Freedom": The New Poor Law and Emancipation, Anne O'Connell
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1964-1965, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1965-1966 , Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1966-1967, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1967-1968, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1968-1969, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1969-1970, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1970-1971 , Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1971-1972 , Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1973-1974, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1974-1975, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1975-1976, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1976-1977 , Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1978-1980 , Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1980-1982 , Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Graduate Catalog 1982-1984 , Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Undergraduate Catalog 1970-1971, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Undergraduate Catalog 1971-1972, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Undergraduate Catalog 1972-1973, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Undergraduate Catalog 1973-1974, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The Undergraduate Catalog 1974-1975, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1969-1970, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1975-1976, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1976-1977, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1977-1978, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1978-1979, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1979-1981, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1981-1983, Western Michigan University
Bullying and Victimization among Children Raised by Grandparents, Oliver W. Edwards
Burn-Out Among Social Work Professionals: A Behavioral Approach to Causal and Interventive Knowledge, Karen M. Sowers-Hoag and Bruce A. Thyer
Burnout and Job Satisfaction: Their Relationship to Perceived Competence and Work Stress Among Undergraduate and Graduate Social Workers, David P. Himle and Srinika Jayaratne
Business Magazine (2015), Haworth College of Business
Byzantium and the Middle Ages: Bosom Buddies or Uneasy Allies? (A Roundtable Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Calculations of K-Shell Fluorescence Yields and Photoabsorption Cross Sections for Carbon Ions at the K-Edge, Muhammet Fatih Hasoglu
Cancerland, Marin Love Heinritz
Cancionero and Performance, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Canning Jars and Patterns of Canning Behavior: A Study of Households on the Hector Backbone, New York. 1850-1940, Jayne Ann Michaels
Can Psychology Research Inform Health Information Data Collection?, A. Michelle Wright
"Can These Bones Come To Life?" I: Field Reports from Re-construction, Re-enactment, and Re-creation in the Classroom, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Can These Bones Come To Life?" II: From Collector to Curator to Craftsperson (In Memory of the Higgins Armory Museum), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
CANTUS Antique Fragments Roadshow, or, "What's My Fragment?" (A Panel Discussion and Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Can We Get Nurses to Stay? A Qualitative Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Formal Mentoring Program in an Acute Care Health System, Eileen M. Willits
Capacity Building Legacies: Boards of the Richmond Male Orphan Asylum for Destitute Boys & the Protestant Episcopal Church Home for Infirm Ladies 1870-1900, F. Ellen Netting, Mary Katherine O'Connor, and David P. Fauri
Career Decision Making for Male Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Model of Critical Factors Aiding in Transitional Efforts, Gregory B. Gray
Careers in Aging: Increasing Interest and Investigating Career Paths, Paul Cunnington
Caregiving For and By Hispanic Elders: Perceptions of Four Generations of Women, Juanita L. Garcia, Jordan I. Kosberg, Wiley P. Mangum, Neil Henderson, and Colleen Cuervo Henderson
Carolingian Monasticism I: Benedict of Aniane Reconsidered, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Carolingian Monasticism II: Smaragdus, Hildemar, and Monastic Reform, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Carolyn Dinshaw's Chaucer's Sexual Poetics, 1990-2015, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Castration and Culture in the Middle Ages, Sara M. Butler
Cat Got Your Tongue? : Recent Research and Classroom Practices for Teaching Idioms to English learners around the world, Paul McPherron and Patrick T. Randolph
CEAS e-news 01.16.2015, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 02.13.2015, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.06.2015, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.17.2015, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 05.19.2015, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news - 09.2015, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.24.2015, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 12.22.2014, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Celebrating Occitania Then and Now: Responses across Disciplines, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Celebrating Ten Years of the Marco Manuscript Workshop: Mind the Gaps, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Celebrating the Fortieth Anniversary of the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Celebrations at Court, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Celebrations in the Heroic Age, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Celestials, Tyler van Hoorn
Challenges and Prospects of William J. Wilson's The Truly Disadvantaged, Robert G. Newby
Challenges and Resilience in African American Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: A Review of the Literature with Practice Implications, Fengyan Tang, Heejung Jang, and Valire Carr Copeland
Challenges Facing Female Leaders of Color in U.S. Higher Education, Fredah Mainah and Vernita Perkins
Challenging the Proposed Deregulation of P.L. 94-142: A Case Study of Citizen Advocacy, James G. McCullagh
Changes in Communication after the Diagnosis of an Illness, Kimberly M. Sniderman
Changes in Labor Force Activities and Income of the Elderly Before and After Retirement: A Longitudinal Analysis, Namkee G. Choi
Changes in Poverty, Income Inequality and the Standard of Living During the Reagan Years, Robert D. Plotnick
Changing Patterns of Acute Psychiatric Hospitalization under a Public Managed Care Program, Christopher G. Hudson
Changing Scenes: Production Then and Production Now (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Changing Women: An Ethnographic Study of Homeless Mothers and Popular Education, Lorna Rivera
Chant and Liturgy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Characterization of Membrane Potentials in Vascular Smooth Muscle of Hagfish, Lamprey and Trout, Prentiss Jones Jr.
Characterization of Molecular Events Following Heavy Metal Cadmium Exposure: A Cellular Regulatory Symphony in Response to Early Cadmium Insult, Chin-ju Jean Hsiao
Characterization of the AP-1 and NF-Kappa B Transcription Factors in the U-87 MG Astrocytoma Cell Line, Denise L. Smith
Characterization of the N-Terminal Domains and Disease-Causing Mutations of the Human Wilson Protein, Joshua Mutambuki Muia
Characterizing Potential Sustainable Energy Feedstocks, Jesse George Thompson
Charles d'Orléans and His Books (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chat-Room Voices of Divorced Non-Residential Fathers, Pauline Irit Erera and Nehami Baum
Chaucer, Saint Augustine, and Clerical Practice in the English Middle Ages: "Pronuntiatio and Its Effect on Chaucer's Audience" Once More, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucer's Feminine Subjects: Figures of Desire in the Canterbury Tales, Christopher Flavin
Chaucer Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chemical Exception, Maura Sands
Chemosensory Receptors: Conditioned or Not? And Effect on Consumer Taste Perception, Kimberley Gira
Chicano Social Work: A Critical Analysis, Julio Angulo and Lourdes Arguelles
Child Abuse and Mental Health: An Examination of Some Long Term Effects for Prison Inmates, Michael J. Belyea and Matthew T. Zingraff
Child and Family Teams Building Social Capital for At-Risk Students: A Research Note, Toby L. Parcel and Joan Pennell
Child Care and Development Fund: A Policy Analysis, Colleen K. Vesely and Elaine A. Anderson
Child Care Centers on Higher Education Campuses: Director Perceptions of Internal and External Roles and Director Leadership, Kerisa A. Myers
Child Care Needs of Welfare Recipients In Maryland's Welfare Reform Program, Barbara H. Vann and Todd W. Rofuth
Childhood and Adolescence in Early Germanic Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Child of God, Jared Sebastian
Children's Ideas about the Moral Standing and Social Welfare of Non-human Species, Gail F. Melson
Children‘s Protagonism at the Centro Cultural Da Criança: A Case Study, Claudia Protasio Ceccon
Children's Violence to Single Mothers, Larry R. Livingston
Child Support as Labor Regulation, Yiyoon Chung
Child Support Enforcement Reform: Can It Reduce the Welfare Dependency of Families of Never-Married Mothers?, Ann Nichols-Casebolt and Marieka Klawitter
Child Support Payment and Child Visitation: Perspectives from Nonresident Fathers and Resident Mothers, Stacey R. Bloomer, Theresa Ann Sipe, and Danielle E. Ruedt
Child Support Services And Non-Welfare Families, Kimberly A. Folse
China's Reforms and Reformers, Alfred Ho
Chivalry and Violence in Medieval Society, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chivalry, Honor, and Martial Skill: Visual Displays of Power in the Later Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Choice--‐Based Art: Students Who Create, Not Replicate, Hillary K. Moczerad
Choices in Malory's Morte Darthur, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Choices Related to Maximizing Quality of Life at End of Life, Theresa Lynn
Christian Attitudes toward the Jews in the Earliest Centuries A.D., S. Mark Veldt
Christine de Pizan and the Visual Arts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Christine de Pizan's Political Voice, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Christopher Tolkien as Medieval Scholar (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chrome Pig: Poems, Glenn Shaheen
Church, Mission, Enculturation, and Conversion in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Circumnavigation, Vincent Reusch
Cistercian Exempla Tradition, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Influences, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Property Management, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercians as Landowners, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercians in a Changing World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Textual Studies I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Textual Studies II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Citation Analysis and Journal Impact in School Psychology: 1995-2004, Rebecca Lanai Jennings-Knotts
Citation Management & Avoiding Plagiarism, Kate Langan
Citizen-Informed Performance Measurement and Reporting in Local Government: Key Factors for Effective Democratic Governance, Eileen L. Pierce
Citizen Participation in Neighborhood Organizations in Poor Communities and its Relationship to Neighborhood and Organizational Collective Efficacy, Mary Ohmer and Elizabeth Beck
Citizenship, Politics and Process: A Cross National Study of Citizenship Regimes, Marisha Lina Lecea
Civic Foundation Legends in Italian Art III (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Civic Foundation Legends in Italian Art II: The Southern Kingdom, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Civic Foundation Legends in Italian Art I: Rome and the City-Republics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Civil Resistance and the Corruption-Violence Nexus, Shaazka Beyerle
Civil Rights and Asian Americans, Gerson David and Jan Lin
Clairvaux's First Abbot, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Classical Philosophy in the Lands of Islam and Its Influence I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Classical Philosophy in the Lands of Islam and Its Influence II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Clean Needles and Bad Blood: Needle Exchange as Morality Policy, Elizabeth A. Bowen
Cleavage in American Attitudes toward Social Welfare, William M. Epstein
Client-Driven Advocacy and Psychiatric Disability: A Model for Social Work Practice, David P. Moxley and Paul P. Freddolino
Clientilism and Clientification: Impediments to Strengths Based Social Work Practice, Charles D. Cowger
Climate Change Education: The Perspective from Middle School Teachers, Peggy M. McNeal
Climate in Catholic Schools: A Comparative Study of Three Types of Organizational Structures, Andra Zommers
Clinical Efficacy of Music Therapy in Addiction Counseling: A Systematic Review, Marissa Renee Rinehart
Clinical Social Work and the Biomedical Industrial Complex, Tomi Gomory, Stephen E. Wong, David Cohen, and Jeffrey R. Lacasse
Closing the College Graduation Gap: National College Access and Success Benchmarking Report, Bill DeBaun, Sara Melnick, and Elizabeth Morgan
Coalescence Percussion Duo – ALTERNATIONS, Judy Moonert
Coal, Snow and Million Dollar Homes: Rural Economic Development via Global Industries in British Columbia, Paul Ciccantell
Co-Construction of Personal Narratives in Supporting Identity and Communication in Adults with Aphasia: The ‘My Story’ Project, Katie A. Strong
Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Laureate, DJ Delong
Coffee Break & Networking, Western Michigan University
Coffee Break & Networking, Western Michigan University
Coffee Break & Networking, Western Michigan University
Cognitive vs. Supportive Therapy for Distressed Collegians, Jean Clore
Coherency Among Substance Abuse Models, Stephen Kauffman and John Poulin
Collaborative Classification of Multiple Ground Vehicles in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Acoustic Signals, Ahmad Falah Aljaafreh
Collaborative Power: Graduate Students Creating and Implementing Faculty Development Workshops on Multilingual Writing Pedagogy, Dorothy Worden, Brooke R. Schreiber, Lindsey Kurtz, Michelle Kaczmarek, and Eunjeong Lee
Collective Bargaining in Public Schools: Superintendents' Perspective, Kyle W. Mayer
Collective Mobility and Fragmentation: A Model of Social Work History, David Wagner
Collectivity and Exchange, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 19: November 2014, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 20: December 2014, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 21: January 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 22: February 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 23: March 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 24: April 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 25: May 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 26: June 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 27: July 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 28: August 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 29: September 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 30: October 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
Color-blind Individualism, Intercountry Adoption and Public Policy, Pamela Anne Quiroz
Combined Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Plus Caregiver Sessions for Childhood Depression, Dikla Eckshtain
Commentaries as Conduits: Christian, Islamic, and Sectarian Influences in Medieval Jewish Exegesis, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Commentaries on Plato in the Middle Ages: Texts, Editions, Influences, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Comment on "Professional Achievement" in Social Work, Harris Chaiklin
Comments on William Wilson's The Truly Disadvantaged: A Limited Proposal for Social Reform, Bonnie Thornton Dill
Commissioning of the Helical Orbit Spectrometer: A New Device for Measuring Nuclear Reactions in Inverse Kinematics, Jonathan C. Lighthall
Commodification, the Welfare State and Israeli Kibbutz, John Gal
Common Roots and Functions of the Warfare and Welfare State, David G. Gil
Communications and Positioning in Wireless Networks, Yao Zhao
Community-Based Self-Help Groups for the Treatment of Agoraphobia, Bruce A. Thyer
Community College Partnerships with Business and Industry, Maryann Sharpley Lavender
Community College Retention: The Role of Late Registration Policies, Kay L. Keck
Community Development Corporations and Public Participation: Lessons from a Case Study in the Arkansas Delta, Valerie H. Hunt
Community Empowerment as a Non-Problem, John L. Russel-Erlich
Community Engagement at Work: A Service-Learning Project with Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes, Katrina Goodall, Pamela Jenkins, Cherlynn King, Jacob Lisak, Jennifer Malone, Becky Mullins, Douglas Schroeder, and Christina Smith
Community Mental Health: A View from American History, Mary Ann Jimenez
Community Organization Approaches to the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, Ronald J. Berger and Cherylynne E. Berger
Community Organization: A Survival Strategy For Community-Based, Empowerment-Oriented Programs, Stephen M. Rose
Community Organizing and Comprehensive Community Initiatives, Mark Joseph and Renae Ogletree
Community Work Practice and Client Empowerment Under Conservative Conditions: From Observed Practice to a Theory of Societal Context, Ralph E. Woehle
Comparative Analysis of Clavicular Tunnel Confìguration for Coracoclavicular Ligament Reconstruction, Mark Omwansa
Comparative Genomic Analyses and Expression of a Set of Overlapping Open Reading Frames of Frog Virus 3, Type Species of Ranavirus (Family Iridoviridae), Wendy Guat Hoon Tan
Comparative Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Comparative Perspectives on the Figure of the Poet, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Comparing First Generation and Non-First Generation African-American Students at Predominately White Institutions, Leatrice Renee Brooks
Comparing Indigenous and External Teachers: Beliefs, Origins of Beliefs, and Expectations, Richard H. Fowler
Comparing Slug Test Methods for Unconfined Aquifers, Hussain Jaber Alfaifi
Comparing the Accuracy of Performing Digital and Paper Checklists Using a Feedback Package during Normal Workload Conditions in Simulated Flight, William Gene Rantz
Comparison and Variation in Medieval Languages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Comparison of Item Response Theory Models for Data Fit of Quality Control Measurements for Maillard Reaction Browning in Foods, Polly Barrett
Comparison of Therapeutic Showering and Usual Care During Labor, Mary Ann Stark
Comparisons of Three Analytical Techniques for Measuring Absolute and Relative Temperature Changes During Ultrasound Treatment, Michael G. Miller
Competency and Voters with Psychiatric Disabilities: Considerations for Social Workers, Jennifer K. Davis
Competing Formal and Informal Institutions in a Democratizing Setting: An Institutional Analysis of Corruption in Romania, Mihaiela Ristei
Complete Issue, Christopher W. Tremblay, Ed.D and Patrick J. O'Connor PhD
Complete Issue, Christopher W. Tremblay and Patrick J. O'Connor PhD
Complete Issue - Vol 2 Issue 1
Composing Ourselves: Utilizing Literacy Narratives to Promote Knowledge and Reflection in Preservice Secondary English Teachers, Cheryl Henderson Almeda
Comprehension Instruction for Elementary Learners: A Content Analysis of Professional Literacy Texts, Margie Garcia, Mary Beth Sampson, and Wayne M. Linek
Computer Simulations of Propulsion of Self-Propelled Flexible Nanobody, Ye Luo
Computers in Social Work and Social Welfare Issues and Perspective, William H. Butterfield
Computer Technology - 1984 and Beyond, Terry Holbrook
Conceiving Identity: Bisexual, Lesbian and Gay Parents Consider their Children's Sexual Orientations, Carrie Yang Costello
Concepts and principles of behavior analysis, Jack L. Michael
Conceptual and Practical Analysis of Costs and Benefits in Evaluation: Developing a Cost Analysis Tool for Practical Program Evaluation, Nadini Persaud
Conceptual Change Resulting from Experiential Learning with Business Enterprise Software, Thomas F. Rienzo
Concise Arm and Hand Rehabilitation Approach in Stroke (CARAS): A practical and evidence-based framework for clinical rehabilitation management, Johan A. Franck, Jos Halfens, Rob Smeets, and Henk Seelen
Confidence Intervals and Tests on the Difference of Means of Two Delta Distributions, Karen Grace Villarente Rosales
Conflict and Continuity: Background and Reception of The Mirror of Simple Souls, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Conflicting Bureaucracies, Conflicted Work: Dilemmas in Case Management for Homeless People with Mental Illness, Linda E. Francis
Conflicting Femininities in Medieval German Literature, Olga V. Trokhimenko
Confronting Ageing as a Caribbean Reality, Joan M. Rawlins
Confronting Oppression not Enhancing Functioning: The Role of Social Workers within Postmodern Practice, Phillip Dybicz
Congress Attendees Conversing, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Congress Attendees Socializing, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Congress Exhibits Hall, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Congress Exhibits Hall, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Congress Exhibits Hall, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Congress Plenary Session, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Congress Reception, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Congress Session, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Congress Session, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Connected Health ̶ Connected Communities, Doug Dietzman
Connecting Personal Biography and Social History: Women Casino Workers and the Global Economy, Jill B. Jones and Susan Chandler
Connecting to Communities: Transformational Leadership From Africentric and Feminist Perspectives, Joan L. Arches
Connecting Youth and Communities: Customized Career Planning for Youth with Psychiatric Disabilities, Kim Brown
Connections, Issue 5, College of Health and Human Services
Conservative Welfare Reform Proposals and The Reality of Subemployment, Robert Sheak and David D. Dabelko
Considerations in the Development of a Scientific Social Work, Stanley L. Witkin and Shimon Gottschalk
Considering the Rationality of African Ritual Behavior, Joel Grant Mort
Constellarium, Jordan Brynn Rice
Constructing an Ecology of Foster Care: An Analysis of the Entry and Exit Patterns of Foster Homes, Lorna F. Hurl and David J. Tucker
Construction of a New Model System in Saccharomyces Cerevisa to Study YopO and Identify Its Targets, Laura Nejedlik
Contemporary Arab-American and Middle Eastern Women's Voices: New Visions of "Home", Abdullah Kheiro A. Shehabat
Contemporary Clothing Issues of Women Who Are Post-Mastectomy, Carol Beard
Content Analysis of University Alcohol Policies: "Party Schools" Compared to Non-Party Schools, Sarah E. Pernie
Contested Workplace: The Case of the Strike of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union versus Meijer, Barbara Thomas Coventry and Marietta Morrissey
Contesting Buddhisms on Conflicted Land: Sarvodaya Shramadana and Buddhist Peacemaking, Masumi Hayashi-Smith
Contesting National Identities in an Ethnically Homogeneous State: The Case of Armenian Democratization, Arus Harutyunyan
Contextual Learning for a Global Economy: A Comparative Case Study of Two Career Technical Centers and Two Machine-Tool Manufacturing Businesses, Jennifer L. Harrison
Continental Breakfast, Western Michigan University
Contributions of Foreign-Based Authors to Selected Social Work Journals in the United States, Muammer Cetingok
Controlling the Levers of Power: How Advocacy Organizations Affect the Regulation Writing Process, Richard Hoefer and Kristin Ferguson
Controversy over Near-Death Experience in American Christianity, Joel Sanford
Convalescent Serum Therapy as Rapid Advance Treatment for Ebola in West Africa, J Bankole Thompson MD, PhD; Patricia F. Mejabi MSc.; Olugbenga O. Mejabi PhD; and S Ahmed Tejan-Sie MD
Coordination, Collaboration, and Culture: Local Economic Development in a Time of Networks, Gregg G. Guetschow
Coping Strategies of Female Holocaust Survivors, Marlene Sway
Coping with Disaster: Lessons Learned from Executive Directors of Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) on New Orleans Following Hurricane Katrina, Steven L. Smith
Coptic Stitch Binding I (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Coptic Stitch Binding II (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cornering the Snarket: Sarcasm in Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Correlates of Teachers' Job Satisfaction: A Hierarchical Linear Model Study Using 2003-2004 Schools and Staffing Survey, Jeffrey M. Leslie
Correlates of the Elderly's Participation and Nonparticipation in the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program: A New Evaluation, Namkee G. Choi
Cottonlandia, Lisa Lishman
Counseling Professionals' Attitudes toward Transgender People and Responses to Transgender Clients, Emily A. Nisley
Counseling Troubled Adolescents: An Evaluation of a Statewide Training Program, Susanne Mitchell, Anne White, Wynn S. Wright, and Peter J. Pecora
Counselor Education and Peace Building: Current Status and Future Direction, Jenny Ritha Keller
Counselors Working in Integrated Primary Behavioral Health and the Influence on Professional Identity: A Phenomenological Study, Geniene Michelle Gersh
Counselor Trainees' Experience of Analyzing Their Counseling Sessions During a Master's-Level Practicum, Abbie VanDerWege
Counselor Trainees' Perceptions of Their Personal Growth: A Qualitative Inquiry, Ericka L. Souders
Courtly Elements in Epic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Court-Ordered Consent Decree for the Homeless: Process, Conflict and Control, Alice K. Johnson, Larry W. Kreuger, and John J. Stretch
Creating a Culture of Safety: The Influence of Medical Simulation on the Attitudes of Surgical Team Members, Diane J. Jones
Creating Journals in ScholarWorks, Maira Bundza
Creative Concentrations: A Secondary Design Curriculum, Linnea Roberta Gustafson
Creative Metacriticism: The Portrayal of Literary Theory in Contemporary Fiction, Zaydun Ali Al-Shara
Crime Rates and Confidence in the Police: America's Changing Attitudes toward Crime and Police, 1972-1999, Georgia Ackerman, Bobbie Anderson, Scott Jensen, Randy Ludwig, Darrel Montero, Nicole Plante, and Vince Yanez
Criminal Intent in English Literature and Law, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Criminology as a Force for Human Tolerance, Harold E. Pepinsky
Critical Components to Improve Literacy Learning for All Students, Marcia Harriet Kaye
Critical Criminology, Traditional Crime, and Public Policy, Ronald C. Kramer
Critical Imperative: The Future of Feminism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Critical Mediations (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Critical self-reflection questions for professsionals who work with grandfamilies, Megan L. Dolbin-MacNab
Cross-Cultural Comparison for Treatments of Autism Between Germany and the United States, Jenna Hicken
Cross-examining the United States and Germany's Education and Employee Treatments in Relation to the Unemployment Rate, Natalie Cook
Crossing Borders: Cross Influences in the Writings of Wales and Scotland and Their Bordering Neighbors, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crossings in Text and Textile, Katherine Joslin and Daneen Wardrop
Cross-Layer Design For Mobile Ad-Hoc Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communication Networks, Abdel Ilah Nour Alshbatat
Cross-reporting of Interpersonal Violence and Animal Cruelty: The Charlotte Project, Dennis D. Long and Shanti J. Kulkarni
Crusade and Literary Genre, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
CTO Updates - August 2014, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - December 2014, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - February 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - January 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - July 2014, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - June 2014, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - March 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - November 2014, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - October 2014, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - September 2014, Office of Information Technology
Cultural Values and Minority People of Color, Doman Lum
Culture as Deficit: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Concept of Culture in Contemporary Social Work Discourse, Yoosun Park
"Curiously Uninvolved": Social Work and Protest against the War in Vietnam, Susan Kerr Chandler
Curriculum-Based Measures in Writing: A School-Based Evaluation of Predictive Validity, Christina M. Terenzi
Cusanus and the Hussites, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cyclical Balance, Rachel Stickney
Daily Life of the Oldest Old, Margareta Carlsson-Agren, Stig Berg, and Claes-Goran Wenestam
Daily Practices Elementary Principals Utilize to Increase Student ReadingAchievement: A Case Study of Successful Michigan Elementary Schools, Susan L. Johnson
Dante I: Hybridity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante III: Other Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante II: Other Discourses, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Dardasha" : let's speak Egyptian Arabic : a multidimensional approach to the teaching and learning of Egyptian Arabic as a foreign language, Mustafa Mughazy
Dare to Dream, Marshall Sass
Dark Age Deity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dating Violence Policy: Making the Grade, Richard Hoefer, Beverly Black, and Mashooq Salehin
Day of Reckoning: Power and Accountability in Medieval France, Robert Berkhofer
Dead Language Karaoke (A Performance and Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Death by Boredom: The Role of Visual Processing Theory in Written Evaluation Communication, Stephanie D. H. Evergreen
Debatable Queens: (Re)assessing Medieval Stateswomanship, Power, and Authority, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Debatable Rule:(Re)assessing Medieval Statecraft, Power, Authority, and Gender (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Debugging Support for Message-Passing Based Concurrent Software, Mohamed Medhat Elwakil
Debunking: A Role for the Practicing Sociologist, Harris Chaiklin
December 11, 2014: Undergraduate English Majors Submit Papers to the Medieval and Renaissance Studies Colloquium 2015!, Department of English
December 1, 2012: Gwen Frostic Reading Series: Fiction Writer Emma Straub, Department of English
December 1, 2013: Bay Psalm Book Auctioned for $14.2 Million, Department of English
December 13, 2012: Premodern Foucault at the Newberry, Department of English
December 14, 2012: Jeffrey Masten History of the Book Lecture @ Newberry (1/11/13), Department of English
December 2, 2014: Green Rose Prize, Department of English and Department of English
December 27, 2014: Brian Gogan Kicks off Spring Season for Ellis Speakers Series, Department of English
December 7, 2014: Nagle Essay on Sade Published, Department of English
December 9, 2012: Brimhall wins NEA Award, Department of English
December 9, 2013: Kazoo Books Author Day, Department of English
Decision Support Systems in Product Development: A Batesian Network Approach for Injection-Molded Products, Jason S. Trahan
Deconstructing Heterosexism in the Counseling Professions: A Narrative Approach, James M. Croteau
De/Coupling Monstrosity and Disability, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Deepak Ravindra, Margaret von Steinen
Defining Human Services, Chaim Zins
Defining Success: The Politics of Evaluation in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Programs, James L. Wolk, David J. Hartmann, and William P. Sullivan
Defining the Concept of Crime: A Humanistic Perspective, Ronald C. Kramer
Deforestation and Rural Poverty in Developing Countries: The Role of Social Work, Shanta Pandey
Degreed and Nondegreed Licensed Clinical Social Workers: An Exploratory Study, John T. Pardeck, Woo Sik Chung, and John W. Murphy
Degrees of Institutionalization: Family Planning Policies and Programs in Senegal, 1980-2005, Yazmine Michelle Watts
Deindustrialization in Africa, Richard Grabowski
Deliver us from evil : essays on symbolic engagement in early drama, Clifford Davidson
Democracy on Stilts: Bolivia’s Democracy from Stability to Crisis, Miguel Centellas
Demographic Differences Between Sheltered Homeless Families and Housed Poor Families: Implications for Policy and Practice, Alice K. Johnson, Kay Young McChesney, Cynthia J. Rocha, and William H. Butterfield
Demographic Understanding of Volunteerism, David F. Gillespie and Anthony E. O. King I
Department of Occupational Therapy at Western Michigan University
Deprofessionalization, Proletarianization, and Social Welfare Work, Paula Dressel, Michelle Waters, Mike Sweat, Obie Clayton Jr., and Amy Chandler-Clayton
Dereliction of Duty: Training Schools for Delinquent Parents in the 1940s, Sarah K. S. Shannon
Derivatives of Hexahydroluplone, Gullan Saeed
Design and Analysis of Speed Control Using Hybrid PID-Fuzzy Controller for Induction Motors, Ahmed Fattah
Design and Implementation of Network Transfer Protocol for Big Genomic Data, Mohammed Aledhari and Fahad Saeed
Designing Community Social Services, John O'Looney
Designing Molecular and Nanoscale Materials for Environmental Chemistry Processes, Wen Guo
Designing Policies that Address the Relationship Between Woman Abuse and Economic Resources, Kameri Christy-McMullin
Design of Adaptive Collective Foraging in Swarm Robotic Systems, Hanyi Dai
Design of Novel Respiratory Equipment, Stephen John
Desire and belief : introduction to some recent philosophical debates, Arthur E. Falk
Detectable Coloring of Graphs, Henry E. Escuadro
Detecting and Reporting Child Abuse: A Function of the Human Service Delivery System, George E. Fryer Jr.
Determinants and Consequences of Workers’ Remittances, Carlos Ivan Vargas-Silva
Determinants of Farm and Non-Farm Family-Controlled Child Labor, Kofi Acheampong
Determinants of Knowledge about Social Security: A Study of Nonremarried Widows Caring for Children, Martha N. Ozawa and William T. Alpert
Determinants of the Timing of Social Policy Adoption, Chulsoo Kim
Determining Characteristics that Increase Success on the National Asthma Educator Certification Exam, Karen Kain
Determining Discharge from the Fallasburg Dam and the Hydrology of the Flat River Bypass Channel, Lowell, Michigan, Seth Kuiper
Determining the Probability of the Visual Detection of Sink Marks on Differently Textured Injection Molded Products, Kurt Frederick Hayden
Developing an Efficient Failure Prediction Model in Support of a Distributed Operating System for Autonomic Networks, Jondi Hesham Abed
Developing Critical Awareness at the Middle Level: Using Texts As Tools for Critique and Pleasure, Holly Johnson and Lauren Freedman Ph.D.
Developing Gifts In-Kind Support for Nonprofit Organizations: Case Study on Pretty Lake Vacation Camp, Erin Denay
Developing Social Work Interviewing Skills through a Micro-Video Analysis Training Program, Peter C. Iverson
Development of Long Endurance Small Unmanned Aerial System, Andreas Quainoo
Development of the Trauma Informed System Change Instrument: Evaluation of Factorial Validity and Implications for Use, Margaret M. Richardson
Devoile ou Degage: An Examination of the Debates Surrounding Female Islamic Dress in France, Kristen Canavan
Devotion, Theodicy, Prayer, and Crusade in Sixteenth-Century Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Diagnostics for Choosing between Log-Rank and Wilcoxon Tests, Ruvie Lou Maria Custodio Martinez
Dialect and Dichotomy: Literary Representations of African American Speech, Lisa Cohen Minnick
Did groundwater processes shape the Saharan and Martian landscapes?, Abotalib Farag
Dielectric Properties of Nitrogen Incorporated Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Films , Salem AlFaify
Dielectronic Recombination for Aluminum-Like Ions and Photoabsorption Cross Sections for Magnesium Ions at the K-Edge, Shahin Ahmed Abdel-Azim Abdel Naby
Differences by Degrees: Providing Services to Adult Students Based on Degree Level Pursued, Kathy L. Rix
Differences in Bachelors Degree Attainment: Are College Degrees a Function of Habitus?, Colin S. McCaleb
Differential Effects of Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) and Mephedrone in Rats Trained to Discriminate MDMA or a D-Amphetamine+MDMA Mixture, Eric Louis Harvey
Differential Perception And Adolescent Drinking In The United States: Preliminary Considerations, John B. Harms and James L. Wolk
Differential Test Performance in the American Educational System: The Impact of Race and Gender, Stephen J. Finch, Harvey A. Farberman, Jordan Neus, Richard E. Adams, and Deirdre Price-Baker
Different Types of Welfare States? A Methodological Deconstruction of Comparative Research, Rebecca A. Van Voorhis
Diffusion of the lnternet and its Effect on Gender Attitudes: A Cross-National Approach, Robert Roznowski
Digital Divide in Computer Access and Use Between Poor and Non-Poor Youth, Mary Keegan Eamon
Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists, Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Laura Braunstein, Liorah Golomb, and Kathleen Langan
Digital Humanities Resources for the Study of Central Europe in the Middle Ages (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Humanities: The Franco-Italian Huon d'Auvergne, an NEH-Supported Digital Edition and Translation Project (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digitally Enabled Scholarship of Medieval Manuscripts (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dimensions of Loss from Mental Illness, Amy E. Z. Baker, Nicholas Procter, and Tony Gibbons
Direct Care Workers Perceptions and Practices Related to Quality of Life in Long Term Care, Karen M. Kinyon
Direct Forcing and Heating Immersed Boundary- Lattice Boltzmann Method for Arterial Wall Thermography, Oluyinka Olugbenga Bamiro
Directory of programs in physical education teacher education, Suzan F. Ayers, Lynn Dale Housner, and Ha Young Kim
Direct Torque Control of an lnduction Machine Using Multi-Layer Perceptron Network, Adithya Chandrashekharan
(Dis)Abilities in the Pearl-Poems, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Disability in Medieval Saints' Lives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Discernment and Proof: Strategies of Authentication in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Discipline and Pacification in the Modern Administrative State: The Case of Social Welfare Fraud, Alec Pemberton
Discourse Analysis and Activist Social Work: Investigating Practice Processes, Karen Healy and Joan Mulholland
Discourses of Memory: Medieval Perspectives on the Past, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Discovery, January 2015, Office of Vice President for Research
Discovery, March 2015, Office of Vice President for Research
Discrimination and Human Capital: A Challenge to Economic Theory & Social Justice, Richard K. Caputo
Disempowering Minorities: A Critique of Wilkinson's 'Task for Social Scientists and Practitioners', Mitch Berbrier
Disguise and Incognito: 1000-1500, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Disruptive Effects of Aβ Oligomers to the Radial-Arm Maze Performance of Rats, Kineta Lynn Morgan-Paisley
Distribution of the Federal Tax Burden, Share of after-Tax Income, And After-Tax Income By Presidential Administration and Household Type, 1981-2000, Richard K. Caputo
Documentary Photography in American Social Welfare History: 1897-1943, Peter Szto
Doers of the Living Word: Gospel Ideology and the African American Womanist Novel, Rebecca Erin Huskey
Does Belief Matter? Social Psychological Characteristics and the Likelihood of Welfare Use and Exit, Michele Lee Kozimor-King
Does Farmer Field School Training Improve Technical Efficiency? Evidence from Smallholder Maize Farmers in Oromia, Ethiopia, Admassu Tesso, Workneh Negatu, Sisay Asefa, Adugna Lemi, and Bamlaku Alemirew
Does Social Security Redistribute Income?: A Tax-Transfer Analysis, Namkee G. Choi
Does the GI Bill Support Educational Attainment for Veterans with Disabilities? Implications for Current Veterans in Resuming Civilian Life, Alexa Smith-Osborne
Does the Harm Principle Justify Criminal Drug Statutes Against Drug Use?, Kyle J. Lucas Mr.
Does the Role Checklist Measure Occupational Participation?, Tore Bonsaksen, Ursula Meidert, Deana Schuman, Hildegunn Kvarsnes, Lena Haglund, Susan Prior, Kirsty Forsyth, Takashi Yamada, and Patricia J. Scott
Doing a Little More for the Poor? Social Assistance in Shanghai, Zhang Haomiao
Do Inner-City, African-American Males Exhibit "Bad Attitudes" toward Work?, Jill Littrell and Elizabeth Beck
Domestic Violence and Human Rights: Local Challenges to a Universal Framework, Karen Morgaine
Domestic Violence in the Korean Immigrant Family, Siyon Rhee
Domestic Violence Law Reforms: Reactions from the Trenches, Carol Bohmer, Jennifer Brandt, Denise Bronson, and Helen Hartnett
Domestic Violence Rights Movement in Tanzania: An Exploration, Flora Peter Myamba
"Don't Let the Job Change You; You Change the Job": The Lived Experiences of Women in Policing, Carrie Buist
Dorothy Smith and Knowing the World We Live In, Marie Campbell
Dosed Versus Prolonged Exposures: A Direct Comparison of One-Session Treatments for Animal Phobias, Richard William Seim
Doubling Up: Low Income Households Sheltering the Hidden Homeless, Edward F. Vacha and Marguerite V. Marin
“Do you have a brother? I have two!”: The Nature of Questions Asked and Answered in Text-Focused Pen Pal Exchanges, Elizabeth M. Hughes, Lea Evering, Jacquelynn A. Malloy, and Linda B. Gambrell
Dreams Deferred: Disability Definitions, Data, Models, and Perspectives, Barbara Barton
Dress and Textiles I: Creature Comforts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles III: Texts and Techniques, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles II: Rules and Roles, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg and the Religion of Biologic Living, Brian C. Wilson
Dropped From the Rolls: Mexican Immigrants, Race, and Rights in the Era of Welfare Reform, Alejandra Marchevsky and Jeanne Theoharis
Drying Behavior of Fractionated Fibers, Hussam E. Alkahasawneh
Ductile Mode Material Removal of Ceramics and Semiconductors, Deepak Ravindra
Dying and dead seas : climatic versus anthropic causes, Philip P. Micklin, Jacques C.J. Nihoul, and Peter O. Zavialov
Each Moment a Poem, Sarah Kidd
Early Arthuriana, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Childhood Overweight and Obesity in Multigenerational Households, Chelsea O. McKinney
Early Education Experiences & School-to-Work Program Participation, Richard K. Caputo
Early Medieval Art and Architecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe III, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Hagiography, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Yiddish Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Eastern European Refugees: Implications for Social Work, Richard P. Baker
Ēast Mēteþ West: Eastern Europe and Anglo-Saxon England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
East Norse Texts: From Runes to Reformation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
East/West Philosophical Synthesis in Transpersonal Theory, Edward R. Canda
Eat, Play, Teach: Medieval Food and Foodways in the Classroom, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ecological Approach in Practice: A Case Study of the Ounce of Prevention Fund, Marilyn Fernandez and Laura Nichols
Ecology, Animals, and Culture in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Eco Maps: A Tool to Bridge the Practice-Research Gap, Rena D. Harold, Lucy R. Mercier, and Lisa G. Colarossi
Economic Analysis of Michigan Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Strategies, Randy José Jorge Díaz
Economic and Human Capital Factors in the Future Work Plans of Young Widows, Martha N. Ozawa and Susan Whitelaw Downs
Economic and Risk Factors Associated with Sexual and Reproductive Health, Julio Cesar Hernandez-Correa
Economic Conversion, Productive Efficiency and Social Welfare, Lloyd J. Dumas
Economic Impacts of Casino Gambling on Rural Michigan Communities, Mark Steven Reece
Economic Impacts of the FIFA World Cup in Developing Countries, Mirele Matsuoka De Aragao
Economic Mobility of Single Mothers: The Role of Assets and Human Capital Development, Min Zhan
Economic Motivators for Shoplifting, JoAnn Ray and Katherine Hooper Briar
Economic Strain, Family Structure and Problems With Children Among Displaced Workers, Carolyn C. Perrucci
Economic Well-Being and Intimate Partner Violence: New Findings about the Informal Economy, Loretta Pyles
Economic Well-being of Single Mothers: Work First or Postsecondary Education?, Min Zhan and Shanta Pandey
Economies of Salvation, 1100-1300, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ecotastrophes (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Edge Colorings of Graphs and Their Applications, Daniel Johnston
Editing the Future of the Middle Ages: Some Speculative Emendations (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Editorial, Robert Leighninger
Editorial, Bob Leighninger
Editorial and Remarks, Gary Matthews and Charles Guzzeta
Editorial Note, Sisay Asefa
Editorial Note, Sisay Asefa
Editorial Note, Sisay Asefa
Editors' Introduction: Revisiting William J. Wilson's The Declining Significance of Race, Richard K. Caputo and Luisa S. Deprez
Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue "A Sociology of Survivors: Post-Traumatic Shock Syndrome", Dennis L. Peck
Editors' Note, Lauren Freedman, Susan V. Piazza, and Maria Selena Protacio
Editor’s Preface, Carol Symes
Education Problems with Urban Migratory Children in China, Fei Yan
Effective Critical Thinking Teaching Strategies as Perceived by Affiliated Program Evaluation Faculty, Dhaifallah Almatrodi
Effective Fund Raising Practices in Public Community Colleges, Mark A. Bergstrom
Effective Intervention Approaches for Increased Student Achievement with At-Risk Middle School Students: Voices from Parents, Susan J. Peets
Effectively Teaching African American Social Welfare Historical Developments, Wilma Peebles-Wilkins
Effectiveness of a Motivational Enhancement Group Treatment in a Community Treatment Program with a Substance Abusing Population, Matthew S. Willerick
Effectiveness of Executive Function Performance Test (EFPT) in Stroke Population, Faryal Shaheen
Effective Teaching Practices to Strengthen Outcomes for Students with Emotional Behavior Disorders, Brittnae Cole
Effect of a 7-Week Rock Climbing Class on Physical Fitness and Performance, Justin Scott Cargo
Effect of Extinction across Multiple Contexts on Renewal of Responses within a Functional Response Class, Jennifer L. Sobie
Effect of Information Literacy Instruction on Students in the Revamped PHYS 3100 Course, Carrie C. Leatherman and Christopher Hoffmann
Effect of Social Skill Training Programs on Bullying, Kaycee Johns and Megan Kloska
Effects of Age and Promotion in the Use of Psychological Resources of Promoted Employees, Janet M. Thorne-Chan
Effects of Altering Motivation in Pigeons Performing a Titrating-Delayed-Matching-To-Sample Task, Zachary J. Zimmermann
Effects of Anxiety Induction on Facial Recognition Skills within a Sample of Adult Victims of Childhood Abuse, Kathryn M. Bell
Effects of Cane Tip on Winter Travel for Blind Pedestrians, Eleni Gaves
Effects of Companion Animal Ownership among Canadian Street-involved Youth: A Qualitative Analysis, Michelle Lem, Jason B. Coe, Derek B. Haley, Elizabeth Stone, and William O'Grady
Effects of Detectable Warnings on Individuals with Mobility Impairments, Helen Lee
Effects of minimum wage changes on the development and use of the student employee pay rate structure at Western Michigan University, Kristin Kinney
Effects of Reducing Fatigue in Muscular Dystrophy Through Physical Activity, Callie Toaso and Alea Brown
Effects of Single Versus Multiple Verbal Operant Arrangements on the Acquisition of Mands and Tacts in Preschool Children, Tina M. Sidener
Effects of Two Parkinson’s Disease Patient Education Models on Disease Self-Management and Quality of Life, Lorraine Pearl-Kraus
Effects of Yellow Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons and Novel Lane Markings on Motorists’ Yielding, Speed, and Headway at Multilane Uncontrolled Crosswalks, Jimmy Wayne Shurbutt
Efficacious Words: Spoken and Inscribed, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
E. Franklin Frazier and the Interfacing of Black Sociology and Black Social Work, Jerome H. Schiele
E. Franklin Frazier's Theory of the Black Family: Vindication and Sociological Insight, Clovis E. Semmes
EHR 2.0 ̶ From Data to Information, Ash Goel, Ranjit Aiyagari, Prabhash Tatineni, Dennis F. Thompson, and John F. Tu
Eighteen Leading Social Critics Comment: What is the Real Threat to World Peace and Social Security?, Kenneth A. Kirkpatrick and L. K. Northwood
Elderly Immigrants: Their Composition and Living Arrangements, Mary M. Kritz, Douglas T. Gurak, and Likwang Chen
Election 2004: An American Government Supplement, John Clark and Brian Schaffner
Electoralism, Mobilization and Strategies for the 80s: An Assessment of Organizing Trends in the Mid-Decade, Steve Burghardt
Electronic Government Accessibility for People with Blindness or Low Vision Who Utilize Assistive Computer Technology, Robert J. Sobie
Electronic Health Records: Supporting Health Care Needs, Prabhash Tatineni
Electron Transmission Characteristics and the Production of Narrow Beams Using Glass Optics, Buddhika Senarath Dassanayake
Electron Transmission through Micrometer Sized Funnelshaped Tapered Glass Capillaries and Electron Micro-Beam Production, Samanthi Jayamini Wickramarachchi
Elegies and Epitaphs, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
El género detectivesco y su representación en la novela mexicana del sigloXXI, Maribel Colorado-García
Elizabeth de Burgh, Lady of Clare (1295-1360): Household and Other Records, Linda E. Mitchell
Adopting Maternity: White Women who Adopt Transracially and Transnationally. Nora Rose Moosnick.
Adoption and Financial Assistance: Tools for Navigating the Bureaucracy. Rita Laws and Tim O'Hanlon.
Advocacy in the Human Services. Mark Ezell.
Advocacy Practice for Social Justice. Richard Hoefer.
A Future for Everyone: Innovative Social Responsibility and Community Partnerships. David Maurrasse.
Aging in the New Millenium: A Global View. Terry Tirrito.
A Handbook of Comparative Social Policy. Patricia Kennett (Ed.).
American Families: Past and Present. Susan M. Ross, Editor., Lorelei Mitchell
American Taxation, American Slavery. Robin Einhorn. Reviewed by Paul H. Stuart., Paul H. Stuart
America's Environmental Report Card: Are We Making the Grade. Harvey Blatt., Terry V. Shaw
America's Struggle Against Poverty in the Twentieth Century. James T. Patterson
America Transformed: Globalization, Inequality and Power. Gary Hytrek and Kristine M. Zentgraf.
America Unequal. Sheldon Danziger and Peter Gottscshalk.
Among Empires: American Ascendancy and its Predecessors. Charles S. Maier.
A Nation in Denial: The Truth About Homelessness. Alice S. Baum and Donald W. Burnes.
A Poverty of Imagination: Bootstrap Capitalism, Sequel to Welfare Reform. David Stoesz
Approaches to the Welfare State. Pranab Chatterjee.
A Second Chicago School: The Development of a Postwar American Sociology. Gary Alan Fine (Ed.).
A Short History of Distributive Justice. Samuel Fleischacker.
A Short History of Sociological Theory. Alan Swinglewood
Backlash Against Welfare Mothers Past and Present. Ellen Reese, Allison De Marco
Beyond the New Paternalism: Basic Security as Equality. Guy Standing.
Blame Welfare, Ignore Poverty and Inequality. Joel F. Handler and Yeheskel Hasenfeld.
Emblem Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Emblem Studies and Visual Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Embracing Creativity in Occupational Therapy, Lydia Royeen
Embracing Creativity in Occupational Therapy, Lydia Royeen
British Social Welfare: Past Present and Future. David Gladstone (Ed.).
Building American: The Democratic Promise of Public Work. Harry C. Boyte and Nancy N. Kari.
Building America: The Democratic Promise of Public Work. Harry C. Boyte and Nancy N. Kari.
Careers in Social Work. Leon H. Ginsberg.
Catalogus Verborum: Catalog, List, and the Spilling-Over of Learning, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cerevisia Sancta: Monastic Brewing Revisited, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Challenges to Equality: Poverty and Race in America. Chester Hartman (Ed.).
Changing Politics of Canadian Social Policy. James R. Rice and Michael J. Prince.
Charitable Choices: Religion, Race and Poverty in the Post-Welfare Era. John P. Bartkowski and Helen Regis., James Midgley
Child Abuse and Neglect: Attachment, Development and Intervention. David Howe., Daniel Webster
Child Abuse: Towards a Knowledge Base. Brian Corby.
Children as Pawns: The Politics of Educational Reform. Timothy A. Hacsi.
Children in Poverty. Aletha C. Huston
Child Soldiers: From Violence to Protection. Michael Wessells., David K. Androff
Child Welfare Revisited: An Africentric Perspective. Joyce E. Everett, Sandra P. Chipungu and Bogart R. Leashore (Eds.)., Amy C. Conley
Choice and Coercion: Birth Control, Sterilization and Abortion in Public Health and Welfare. Johanna Schoen., Peggy Proudfoot McGuire
Color, Culture, Civilization: Race and Minority Issues in American Society. Stanford M. Lyman.
Combating Child Abuse: International Perspectives and Trends. Neil Gilbert (Ed.).
Community Builders: A Tale of Neighborhood Mobilization in Two Cities. Gordana Rabrenovic.
Companeras: Latina Lesbians. Juanita Ramos.
Concepts and Strategies for Combating Social Exclusion: An Overview. Jordi Estivill.
Confronting Drug Policy: Illicit Drugs in a Free Society. Ronald Bayer and Gerald M. Oppenheimer.
Confronting Injustice and Oppression: Concepts and Strategies for Social Workers. David G. Gil.
Contemporary Asian Communities: Intersections and Divergences. Linda Trinh Vo and Rick Bonus (Eds.).
Contemporary Issues in Social Work: Western Europe. Steven Shardlow and Malcolm Payne (Eds.).
Contemporary Political Idealogies. Roger Eatwell and Anthony Wright.
Contemporary Urban Sociology. William G. Flannagan.
Contested Lands: Israel-Palestine, Kashmir, Bosnia, Cyprus and Sri Lanka. Sumantra Bose., James Midgley
Contesting Communities: The Transformation of Workplace Charity. Emily Barman., Sara E. Kimberlin
Contructionist Controversies. Gale Miller and James A. Holstein.
Copia Verborum: Synonymy, Amplification, Lists, and Logorrhea, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Council on Social Work Education: Its Antecendents and First Twenty Years. Katherine Kendall.
Creating a National Home: Building the Veteran's Welfare State, 1986-1900. Patrick J. Kelly
Crime and Inequality. John Hagen and Ruth Patterson (Eds).
Critical Theories of the State: Marxist, Neo-Marxist, Post-Marxist. Clyde W. Barrow.
Deadly Worlds: The Emotional Costs of Globalization. Charles Lemert and Anthony Elliott.
Declarations of Dependency: The Civic Republican Tradition in U.S. Poverty Policy. Alan F. Zundel
Democracy in Action: Community Organizing and Urban Change. Kristina Smock.
Designing for the Homeless. Sam Davis.
Diversity Perspectives for Social Work Practice. Joseph Anderson and Robin Wiggins Carter (Ed.)., Rose Barreto
Does America Hate the Poor? The Other American Dilemma. John Tropman.
Drug Courts in Theory and Practice. James L. Nolan Jr. (Ed.).
Drugs, Alcohol and Social Problems. James D. Orcut and David R. Rudy (Eds.)., Sean R. Hogan
Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy: Right versus Left. Gardenia Harris, Bernard Ivan Tamas, and Nancy S. Lind, James Midgley
Enterprise and the Welfare State. Martin Rein and Eskil Wadensjo
Equal Employment Opportunity: Labor Market Discrimination and Public Policy. Paul Burstein (Ed.).
Emergency Room Use by Undocumented Mexican Immigrants, Ayse Akincigil, Raymond Sanchez Mayers, and Fontaine H. Fulghum
European Welfare Policy: Squaring the Circle. Vic George and Peter Taylor-Gooby (Eds.).
Evaluating Welfare Reform in an Era of Transition. Robert A. Moffitt and Michele Ver Ploeg (Eds.).
Exchange, Action, and Social Structure: Elements of Economic Sociology. Zafirovski, Milan.
Families in Troubled Times: Adapting to Change in Rural America. Rand D. Conger and Glen H. Elder.
Family Diversity: Continuity and Change in the Contemporary Family. Pauline Irit Erera.
Fatherhood Arrested: Parenting from Within the Juvenile Justice System. Ann M. Nurse.
Fatherhood Politics in the United States: Masculinity, Sexuality, Race and Marriage. Anna Gavanas.
Feminism and the Politics of Difference. Sneja Gunew and Anna Yeatman. Reviewed by Martin Bombyle, Fordham University., Marti Bombyk
Financialization of Daily Life. Randy Martin.
Fragile Families: Fragile Solutions. Robert Halpern
Global Energy Shifts: Fostering Stability in a Turbulent Age. Bruce Podobnik., Terry V. Shaw
Globalization and Human Welfare. Vic George & Paul Wilding.
Good Parents or Good Workers: How Policy Shapes Families' Daily Lives. Jill Duerr Berrick and Bruce Fuller (Eds.)., Mellissa Martin-Mollard
Human Capital or Cultural Capital? George Farkas.
Human Development Report 1993. United Nations Development Program.
Humanitarian Aid Work: A Critical Approach. Carlos Martin Beristain., David K. Androff
Human Rights and Social Policy in the 21st Century. Joseph Wronka
Human Services in Contemporary America. Paul Scmolling Jr., Merrill Youkeles and William R. Burger.
Hyle, Materia, Sylva, Subject Matter, Prime Matter, Woods, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ill Fares the Land. Tony Judt. Reviewed by Marguerite G. Rosenthal., Marguerite G. Rosenthal
Illicit Drug Policies, Trafficking and Use the World Over. Cathrina Gouvis Roman, Heather Ahn-Redding and Rita J. Simon., Sean R. Hogan
Illusions of Prosperity: America's Working Families in an Age of Economic Insecurity. Joel Blau.
Imitatio Christi in Early Modern English Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Imperium sine Fine: Power and the Quest for Permanence from Antiquity to Pre-modernity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Industrial Ruins: Space, Aesthetics and Materiality. Tim Edensor., Robert Leighninger
Inequality, Crime and Control. George S. Bridges and Martha Myers.
Inheritance Law and the Evolving Family. Ralph C. Brashier., Karen Jones-Mason
International and Transracial Adoptions. Christopher Bagley with Loretta Young and Anne Scully.
International Social Work: Professional Action in an Interdependent World. Lynne M. Healy.
Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work: The U.S. in Global Perspective. Katherine Van Wormer., David K. Androff
Irresistible Empire: America's Advance Through 20th Century Europe. Victoria de Grazia.
Jobs Aren't Enough: Towards a New Economic Mobility for Low-Income Families. Roberta Rehner Iverson and Annie Laurie Armstrong., James Midgley
Just Around the Corner: The Paradox of the Jobless Recovery. Stanley Aronowitz.
Kidnapped: Child Abduction in America. Paula S. Fass.
Labor, Lingua, et Ludi: Papers in Memory of Lawrence M. Clopper, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
La corónica International Book Award: Nicola Clarke, The Muslim Conquest of Iberia: Medieval Arabic Narratives (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Liberation Sociology. Joe R. Feegin and Hernan Vera.
Life Support: The Environment and Human Health. Michael McCally.
Lives on the Edge: Single Mothers and their Children in the Other America. Valerie Polakow.
Lost Fathers: The Politics of Fatherlessness in America. Cynthia R. Daniels (Ed.)
Managed Care in Human Services. Stephen P. Wernet.
Markets and Managers: New Issues in the Livery of Welfare. Peter Taylor-Gooby and Robyn Lawson.
Mental Health Policy and Practice Today. Ted R. Watkins and James W. Calicutt (Eds.).
Migration and Immigration. Maura I. Toro-Morn., Clare Sheridan
Miles to Go: A Personal History of Social Policy. Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
Mobilizing an Asian American Community. Linda Trinh Vo., Julian Chun-Chung Chow
Motherhood and Modernity. Christine Everingham & Mothering. Evelyn N. Glenn, Grace Chang, and Linda Rennie Forcey (Eds.). Reviewed by Michelle Livermore, Louisiana State University, Michelle Livermore
Mothers of Incest Survivors: Another Side of the Story. Janis Tyler Johnson.
Mother-Work: Women, Child Welfare and the State, 1890-1930. Molly Ladd-Taylor.
Moving the Mountain: The Women's Movement in America Since 1960. Flora Davis.
Moving to Opportunity: The Story of an American Experiment to Fight Ghetto Poverty. Xavier de Souza Briggs, Susan J. Popkin & John Goering. Reviewed by Margeurite Rosenthal., Marguerite Rosenthal
Much Ado about Nothing: Pre-Texts, Texts, and After-Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Multiracial America: A Resource Guide on the History and Literature of Interracial Issues. Karen Downing, Darlene Nichols, and Kelly Webster., Rose M. Barreto
Negotiators of Change: Historical Perspectives on Native American Women. Nancy Shoemaker.
New Approaches to Welfare Theory. Glenn Drover and Patrick Kerans (Eds.).
Not Working: Latina Immigrants, Low-wage Jobs and the Failure of Welfare Reform. Alejandra Marchevsky and Jeanne Theorharis., Rose Barretto
On Their Own: What Happens to Kids When they Age Out of the Foster Care System? Martha Shirk and Gary Strangler., Sarah Taylor
Opting Out? Why Women Really Quit Careers and Head Home. Pamela Stone., Cara Ellis Pohle
Ordering Lives: Family Work and Welfare. Gordon Hughes and Ross Ferguson (Eds.)
Organizing for Power and Empowerment. Jacqueline B. Mondros and Scott M. Wilson.
Emotional and Embodied Knowledge: Implications for Critical Practice, Colin Peile
Emotional Responses to Musical Dissonance in Musicians and Nonmusicians, Rebecca Joan Bumgarner
Emotion Recognition and the Propensity to Engage in Sexually Coercive Behaviors: A Study with College Males, Beth J. Dietzel
Emotions and Nation in Late Medieval France, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Partners in Care: Hospices and Health Authorities. David Clark.
Paths to Success: Beating the Odds in American Society. Charles C. Harrington and Susan K. Boardman
Empathy/Role Taking: A Theoretical Model for Feminist Therapy, Michele Wilson and Gayle Twilbeck Wykle
Performance Review and Quality in Social Care. Anne Connor and Stewart Black.
Pharmaceutical Reason: Knowledge and Value in Global Psychiatry. Andrew Lakoff., Peter Manoleas
Piers Plowman as Never Heard Before: A Dramatic Reading from Piers Plowman: A Modern Verse Translation (A Performance), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Empirical Essays on Inflation and Economic Growth, Lezheng Liu
Empirical Essays on the Impact of Health-Aid on Health Outcomes, Elsy Thomas Kizhakethalackal
Empirical Studies on Foster Care: Review and Assessment, Susan Horan, Gay Kang, Murray Levine, Caroline Duax, Barbara Luntz, and Carolyn Tasa
Employee Benefits and Policies: Do They Make a Difference for Work/Family Conflict?, Dina Banerjee and Carolyn Cummings Perrucci
Pluralism at Yale: The Culture of Political Science in America. Richard M. Merelman.
Policing Urban Poverty. Chris Crowther.
Postmodern Welfare: Reconstructing an Emancipatory Project. Peter Leonard.
Poverty and the Underclass: Changing Perceptions of the Poor in America. William A. Kelso.
Empowerment through Advocacy and Consciousness-Raising: Implications of a Structural Approach to Social Work, Maurice J. Moreau
Empowerment Through the Needs Assessment Process, Michael Hibbard
Practicing Sociology: Selected Fields. Robert A. Dentler.
Privatizing Social Security. Martin Feldstein (Ed.).
Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women put Motherhood before Marriage. Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas., Allison C. De Marco
Prostitution Policy: Revolutionizing Practice through a Gendered Perspective. Lenore Kuo.
Public Pensions: Gender and Civic Service in the States, 1850-1937. Susan M. Sterett., James Midgley
Race and Culture: A World View. Thomas Sowell.
Race and Ethnicity in America: Meeting the Challenge in the 21st Century. Gail E. Thomas (Ed.).
Racial Diversity and Social Capital: Equality and Community in America. Rodney E. Hero., Jaehee Yi
Racism in Metropolitan Areas. Rik Pinxten and Ellen Preckler., Rose Barretto
Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy: The Cold War Origins of Rational Choice Liberalism. S. M. Amadae., James Midgley
Reaching Higher: The Power of Expectations in Schooling. Rhona Weinstein.
Reflections on Community Organizing: Enduring Themes and Critical Issues. Jack Rothman (Ed.).
Regressive Taxation and the Welfare State: Path Dependence and Policy Diffusion. Junko Kato., Michael Courville
Remaking America's School Systems: Now Separate and Unequal. Milton Schwebel., Andrea Anderson
Residential Care: Horizons for a Neu, Century. Hans Goran Eriksson and Torill Tjelflaat (Eds.).
Resources, Deprivation and Poverty. Brian Nolan and Christopher T. Whelan.
Restructuring Family Policies: Convergences and Divergences. Maureen Baker., Mary Ager
Rethinking Orphanages for the 21st Century. Richard B. McKenzie (Ed.).
Rethinking Social Policy: Race, Poverty and the Underclass. Christopher Jencks.
Rethinking the Progressive Agenda: The Reform of the American Regulatory State. Susan Rose-Ackerman.
Rethinking Welfare: A Critical Perspective. Ian Ferguson, Michael Lavalette, & Gerry Mooney.
Revisioning Gender. Myra Marx Ferree, Judith Lorber and Beth B. Hess (Eds.).
Revitalising Communities in a Globalising World. Lena Dominelli, Editor., Kristine Frerer
Rights and the Common Good: The Communitarian Perspective. Amitai Etzioni.
Risk, Trust, and Welfare. Peter Taylor Gooby (Ed.)
Robbing Drug Dealers: Violence Beyond the Law. Bruce A. Jacobs
Rural Social Work Practice. Nancy Lohman and Roger A. Lohman.
Search and Destroy: African American Males in the Criminal Justice System. Jerome J. Miller
Seasons Such as These: How Homelessness Took Shape in America. Cynthia J. Bogard., Robert Leighninger
Shut Out: Low Income Mothers and Higher Education in Post-Welfare America. Valerie Polakow, Sandra Butler, Luisa Stormer Deprez and Peggy Kahn (Eds.)., Sarah Carnochan
Single Mothers and the State: The Politics of Care in Sweden and the United States. Cecilia Winkler.
Social Capital and Welfare Reform: Organizations, Congregations and Community. Jo Ann Schneider., Amy C. Conley
Social Inclusion: Possibilities and Tensions. Peter Askonas and Angus Stewart (Eds.).
Social Policy Analysis and Practice. Thomas M. Meenaghan, Keith M. Kilty, and John G. McNutt.
Social Policy and Social Work. David Denny.
Social Policy for Development. Anthony Hall and James Midgley., Joon-Yong Jo
Social Policy in a Changing Society. Maurice Mullard and Paul Spicker.
Social Policy in Britain: Themes and Issues. Pete Alcock.
Social Security in Ireland, 1939-1952: The Limits to Solidarity. Sophia Carey., James Midgley
Social Theory: Central Issues in Sociology. John Scott.
Social Theory: The Multicultural and Classical Readings. Charles Lemert.
Social Welfare: Structure and Practice. David Macarov.
Social Work and Aging in an Aging Society: Education, Policy, Practice and Research. Barbara Berkman and Linda Harootyan (Eds.)., Judie Svihula
Social Work in the Netherlands: Current Developments. Karl-Ernst Hesser and Wibo Koole.
Social Work Macro Practice. F. Ellen Netting, Peter M. Kettner and Steven L. McMurtry.
Social Work Practice in Nontraditional Urban Settings. Melvin Delgado.
Society, Work and Welfare in Europe. Christine Cousins.
Sociology and the Race Problem: Failure of a Perspective. James B. McKee. Reviewed by Charles Jaret, Georgia State University., Charles Jaret
Sociology, Environmentalism, Globalization. Steven Yearley.
Solving the Health Care Problem: How Other Nations Succeeded and Why the United States Has Not. Pamela Behan., Krista Drescher Burke
So You Think I Drive a Cadillac? Karen Seccombe
State Against Development: The Experience of Post-1965 Zaire. Mondonga M. Mokoli.
Strangers and Kin: The American Way of Adoption. Barbara Melosh.
Structural Social Work: Ideology, Theory and Practice. Robert Mullaly.
Support for the American Welfare State. Fay Lomoax Cook and Edith J. Barrett.
Sustaining the New Economy: Work, Family and Community in the Information Age. Martin Carnoy.
Taxes are a Woman's Issue: Reframing the Debate. Mimi Abramovitz and Sandra Morgen., Sarah Taylor
Tearing Down the Gates: Confronting the Class Divide in American Education. Peter Sacks.
Teen Mothers and the Revolving Welfare Door. Kathleen Mullan Harris
The Call to Social Work: Life Stories. Craig Winston LeCroy
The Careless Society: Community and its Counterfeits. John McKnight.
The Commercialization of Intimate Life: Notes from Home and Work. Arlie Russel Hochschild., James Midgley
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Sociology. Gordon Marshall (Ed.).
The Curious Feminist: Searching for Women in a New Age of Empire. Cynthia Enloe., Michelle Johnson
The Difference Disability Makes. Rod Michalko.
The Disposable Workforce. Thomas S. Moore.
The Economic Impact of the Welfare State and Social Wage: The British Experience. Rafat Fazeli.
The Economics of Aging. James H. Schultz.
The Europeanization of Social Protection. Jon Kvist and Juho Saari, Editors.
The Experience of Retirement. Robert S. Weiss., Nancy Giunta
The Female Circumcision Controversy: An Anthropoligical Perspective. Ellen Greunbaum
The First Year Out: Understanding American Teens After High School. Tim Clydesdale.
The Frankfurt School: Its History, Theories and Political Significance. Rolf Wiggershaus.
The Funding of Scientific Racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund. William H. Tucker.
The Generational Equity Debate. John B. Williamson, Diane M. Watts-Roy and Eric R. Kingson (Eds.).
The Immigrant Threat. Leo Lucassen.
The Juvenile Court and the Progressives. Victoria Getis
The Legal Environment of Social Work. Leila O. Schroeder.
The Mystery of Economic Growth. Elhanan Helpman.
The New Generational Contract: Intergenerational Relations, Old Age and Welfare. Alan Walker (Ed.).
The New Temperance: The American Obsession with Sin and Vice. David Wagner.
The New World of Welfare. Rebecca Blank and Ron Haskins (Eds.).
Theories of Deviance. Stuart H. Traub and Craig B. Little.
The Origins of Social Work. Malcolm Payne.
Theorizing Welfare: Enlightenment and Modern Society. Martin O'Brein and Sue Penna.
The Politics of Readjustment: Vietnam Veterans Since the War. Wilbur J. Scott.
The Politics of Retirement in Britain, 1878-1948. John Macnicol.
The Populist Persuasion. Michael Kazin.
The Postmodern Presidency: Bill Clinton's Legacy in U.S. Politics. Steven E. Schier (Ed.)
The Practice of Research in Social Work. Rafael J. Engel and Russell K. Schutt., Edward Cohen
The Promise of the Third Way: Globalization and Social Justice. Otto Newman and Richard de Zoysa.
The Promise of Welfare Reform. Keith M. Kilty and Elizabeth Segal.
The Rise and Fall of California's Radical Prison Movement. Eric Cummins.
The Segregated Origins of Social Security: African Americans and the Welfare State. Mary Poole., Allison de Marco
The Sociology of Social Work. Martin Davies.
The State after Statism: New State Activities in the Age of Liberalization. Jonah D. Levy, Editor., James Midgley
The Strengths of African American Families: 25 Years Later. Robert B. Hill.
The Welfare Experiments: Politics and Policy Evaluation. Robin H. Rogers-Dillon.
The Welfare Marketplace: Privatization and Welfare Reform. M. Byrna Sanger.
The Welfare of Children. Duncan Lindsey.
The Women's Movement: History and Theory. J.G.M. de Bruijn, L.D. Derksen and C.M.J. Hoberichts.
Thriving in the Wake of Trauma: A Multicultural Guide. Thema Bryant-Davis., Rose M. Barreto
Tongues Untied Truth Revealed: Body Image, Social Media, Identity Development, and Meaning-Making in Overweight and Obese Black Gay MSM, Amari Ja-Lynn Enam
Transformation of the Welfare State. Neil Gilbert.
True Security: Rethinking American Social Insurance. Michael J. Graetz and Jerry L. Mashaw.
Turning Points in Social Security: From Cruel Hoax to Sacred Entitlement. Sheryl R. Tynes.
Under Attack: Fighting Back: Women and Welfare in the United States. Mimi Abramovitz.
Understanding Disability: From Theory to Practice. Michael Oliver.
Understanding Poverty. Sheldon H. Danziger and Robert H. Haveman (Eds.).
Understanding Social Inequality. Tim Butler and Paul Watt.
Unemployment and Government: Genealogies of the Social. William Walters
Uninsured in America: Life and Death in the Land of Opportunity. Susan Starr Sered and Rushika Fernandopulle., Krista Drescher Burke
Unsung Heroines: Single Mothers and the American Dream. Ruth Sidel.
Violent Criminal Acts and Actors Revisited. Lonnie Athens
Visions of Charity: Volunteer Workers and Moral Community. Rebecca Anne Allahyari
War on the Family: Mothers in Prison and the Families They Leave Behind. Renny Golden., Amy C. Conley
Welfare Capitalism in Taiwan: State, Economy and Social Policy. Yuen-wen Ku.
Welfare in America: How Social Science Fails the Poor. William Epstein
Welfare Racism: Playing the Race Card Against America's Poor. Kenneth J. Neubeck and Noel Cazenave.
Welfare Reform: Failures and Remedies. Alvin L. Schorr
What's Love Got to Do With it?: A Critical Look at American Charity. David Wagner.
What We Know About Child Care. Alison Clarke- Steward and Virginia D. Allhusen.
When Welfare Disappears: The Case for Economic Human Rights. Kenneth J. Neubeck., James Midgley
White Backlash and the Politics of Multiculturalism. Roger Hewitt.
Who We Are: A Second Look. Margaret Gibelman and Philip H. Schervish.
Why Americans Hate Welfare. Martin Gilens.
Widening the Circle: The Practice and Evaluation of Family Group Conferencing with Children, Youths, and their Families. Joon Pennell and Gary Anderson (Eds.)., Anne Abramson-Madden
Women Battering as Marital Act: The Construction of a Violent Marriage. Margaret Hyden.
Women, Violence and Crime Prevention. Jalna Hanmer and Sheila Saunders.
Women Who Hurt Themselves. Dusty Miller.
Ye Nexte Generacioun: Young Scholars Look to the Next Fifty Years (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Energy, Angular and Charge Deposition Dependence of Electron Transmission through Insulating Polyethylene Terephthalate Nanocapillaries for Narrow Beam Production, Darshika Keerthisinghe
Energy Efficient Lighting Analysis, Jin Yu Woo
eNewsletter - August 2015, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter - December 2013, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter - December 2014, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter - December 2015, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter - February 2015, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter - January 2015, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter - October 24, 2014, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter - September 2015, College of Education and Human Development
Engendering Citizenship? A Critical Feminist Analysis of Canadian Welfare-to-Work Policies and the Employment Experiences of Lone Mothers, Rhonda S. Breitkreuz
England's Immigrants, 1350-1550 (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
English Non-Fluency and Income Penalty for Hispanic Workers, Song Yang
Enhancing Nonfiction Reading Comprehension through Online Book Discussions, Angela Falter Thomas
Enlightenment, Marshall Sass
Entanglement Perturbation Theory for Antiferromagnetic Spin Chains, Lihua Wang
Entering the Conversations, Practices and Opportunities of Multimodality Texts, Theresa Dark and W. Douglas Baker
Entrepreneurial Activities of Homeless Men, Steven Balkin
Environmental Beliefs and Concern about Animal Welfare: Exploring the Connections, Catherine A. Faver
Environmental Change and the Emergence of New Livestock Production Systems in Central Gansu Province, China, Gregory Veeck
Environmental Impact of Conference Realignment, Bradley Farley
Envisioning a Healthy Future: A Re-becoming of Native American Men, Paul Rock Krech
Envisioning the Afterlife in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Epigrams on Art in Byzantium, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Episcopal Identity and Power: The Tale of the Prince-Bishops of Durham and Their Castle at Auckland, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Equality and Family Policy in International Perspective: Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, Patricia Spakes
Erich Fromm’s Contributions to Sociological Theory, Walter A. Jensen
Escaping Poverty & Becoming Self-Sufficient, Richard K. Caputo
Essays on Asymmetric Loss and Learning in Macroeconomic Forecasting, Sagarika Mishra
Essays on Export Destination Decisions and Spillovers from Inward FDI: Evidence from Chilean Manufacturing Plants, Ivan A. Duran Diaz
Essays on Intrahousehold Allocation and the Family: Fertility, Child Education, and Nutrition, Alemayehu Azeze Ambel
Essays on the Latin American Foreign Exchange Market, Isabel Ruiz
Essential Novice Nurse Educator Role Competencies and Qualifications to Teach INA Pre-Licensure Registered Nurse Education Program, Kathleen A. Poindexter
Establishing a Basis for Multi-System Collaboration: Systemic Team Development, Rosalyn M. Bertram
Estadounidenses and Gringos as Reality and Imagination in Mexican Narrative of the Late Twentieth Century, Jessica Lynam
Estimating Homeless Populations through Structural Equation Modeling, Christopher G. Hudson
Estimating Poverty Rates in a Metropolis: The Example of Los Angeles/Long Beach, Robert G. Mogull
Estimating Sediment and Nutrient Loading in the Davis Creek Watershed Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Fatma Ulku Karatas
Estimating the Impact, Transmission Mechanism and Reaction Function of Monetary Policy: A Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (Favar) Approach, Dawit Legesse Senbet
E-therapy as a Means for Addressing Barriers to Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Persons who are Deaf, Dennis Moore, Debra Guthmann, Nikki Rogers, Susan Frake, and Jared Embree
Ethics in Field Education: Promise, Pretension, or Practice?, Gary Mathews, Susan Weinger, and Marion Wijnberg
Ethics with Character: Virtues and the Ethical Social Worker, Paul Adams
Ethiopian Language Policy and Health Promotion in Oromia, Begna Dugassa
Ethnic and Minority Groups in Israel: Challenges for Social Work Theory, Value and Practice, Eliezer D. Jaffe
Ethnic Identity, Intergroup Relations and Welfare Policy in the Canadian Context: A Comparative Discourse Analysis, Adrienne S. Chambon and Donald F. Bellamy
Ethnicity Matters: The Socioeconomic Gradient in Health among Asian Americans, Emily S. Ihara
Ethnic Minority Leadership: A Theoretical Perspective, Pallassana R. Balgopal
Ethnic Sensitive Social Work Practice: The State of the Art, Elfriede G. Schlesinger and Wynetta Devore
Ethnographic Study to Understand the Culture of Technology Manufacturing in Ghana, Yao-Martin Donani
Evaluating Organizational Effectiveness, Wesley A. Martz
Evaluating Sexual Assault Prevention Training Programs for College Women, Eliza S. McManus
Evaluating the Effectiveness and Benefit-Cost of Michigan Background Check Program Using Crime Opportunity Theory, Judith Brown Clarke
Evaluating the Effects of a Job-Aid for Teaching Visual Inspection Skills to University Students, Candice M. Jostad
Evaluating the Effects of Camera Perspective in Video Modelingfor Children with Autism: Point of View Versus Scene Modeling, Courtney Cotter
Evaluating the Immediate Impact and Short-Term Therapeutic Effects of the “Internalized-Other” Interviewing with Couples, Shai M. Brosh
Evaluating the Impact of a Performance Based Methodology on Transfer of Training, Richard Rashid Kazbour
Evaluating the Impact of Small-Group Discussion on Learning in anOrganizational Psychology Class Utilizing a Classroom Response System, Thorhallur Orn Flosason
Evaluating the Use of a Self-Advocacy Strategy as a Means of Improving Progress in the General Curriculum for Individuals with Cognitive Disabilities, Amy L. Schelling
Evaluation of an Abbreviated Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Intervention in a Pediatric Primary Care Setting, Colleen C. Cullinan
Evaluation of a Progressive Model for Identifying Preferred Stimuli for Children with Developmental Disabilities, Amanda M. Karsten
Evaluation of a School-Based Program Targeting Pediatric Asthma Self-Management Skills in an Urban Population, Dawn J. Dore-Stites
Evaluation of a Sleep Knowledge Translation Strategy for Occupational Therapists Working with Persons who have Dementia, Laura LaBerge, Blaire Sangster, and Cary A. Brown
Evaluation of Electron Donor Materials Used to Create Subsurface Permeable Reactive Barriers for Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Ethenes, Elizabeth S. Semkiw
Evaluation of Medication Effects on Academic Performance, Sleep, and Core ADHD Symptoms in Children, Tina K. Head
Evaluation of Silver/Graphite Ink Blends for Use in Printed Electronics, Sagar Satish Joshi
Evaluation of the House of Healing: An Alternative to Female Incarceration, Sara Lichtenwalter, Maria L. Garase, and David B. Barker
Evaluation of the Impact of a Large Corporate Leadership Development Course, Anna A. Rice
Evaluation of the Safety Effectiveness of Clearview Font and Fluorescent Yellow Sheeting on Michigan Freeways and Non-Freeways, Lusanni Mercedes Acosta Rodrieuez
Evaluation of Verbal Behavior in Older Adults, Amy Gross
Evaluation Theory, Models, and Applications, Daniel Stufflebeam and Chris L. S. Coryn
Everything Empty Is Broken, a Novel, Curtis VanDonkelaar
"Everything has Changed": Narratives of the Vietnamese American community in Post-Katrina Mississippi, Yoosun Park, Joshua Miller, and Bao Chau Van
Evidence Considerations for Mobile Devices in the Occupational Therapy Process, Kelly Erickson
Evidence of Bodies in Medieval and Renaissance England: Wombs, Wounds, and Words I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Evidence of Bodies in Medieval and Renaissance England: Wombs, Wounds, and Words II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Evolutionary Convergence of the Caffeine Biosynthetic Pathway in Chocolate Followed Duplication of a Constrained Ancestral Enzyme, Andrew J. O'Donnell
Evolution of Adult Foster Care, John M. McCoin
Examination of Anxiety and Substance Use Symptoms in Trauma Exposed Versus Environmentally Stressed College Students, Theresa M. Souza
Examination of the Basque Collectives: Lessons from One of the World's Most Successful Community Organization Efforts, Charles H. Frost
Examination of the Impact of Age, Family Conflict, And Perceived Parental Involvement on Treatment Adherence for Children and Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis and Diabetes, Blake M. Lancaster
Examining Human Capital Capacity’s Influence on Human Development and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa, Theodore J. Davis Jr.
Examining the Definition of Literacy in an Awakened Mexican Pueblo Fantasma and Flourishing Pueblo Mágico: A Case Study, Maria Angela Sackett
Examining the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Two Delivery Models to Teach Children Abduction Prevention Skills, Kimberly E. Seckinger-Bancroft
Examining the Effects of Robot-Enacted Guilt Appeals in a Human-Robot Negotiation, Brett Stoll
Examining the Outcomes of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as an Integral Tool of Public Sector: Reform in Selected Sectors of the Oromia Regional Government, Tolla Berrisso Geda and Daniel Beyera
Examining the Purdue Pegboard Test for Occupational Therapy Practice, Debra K. Lindstrom-Hazel and Nicole VanderVlies Veenstra
Examining the Relationship between Community Residents' Economic Status and the Outcomes of Community Development Programs, Christopher R. Larrison and Eric Hadley-Ives
Exchange Rules in the Mediation of Social Welfare Work, Paula L. Dressel, Michelle Waters, Mike Sweat, and Obie Clayton
Exchanges in Exoticism: Cross-Cultural Marriage and the Making of the Mediterranean in Old French Romance, Kristin Burr
Executive Functioning: Relationship with High School Student Role Performance, Donna P. Mann, Roberta Snover, James R. Boyd, Andrea J. List, Aaron J. Kuhn, Bridget N. Devereaux, Susan M. Chenoweth, and Gina L. Middaugh
Exhortations to Women and to Others if They Please, Lyn Blanchfield
"Existing on a Continuum of Intensity" Original Dance, Sarah Rot
Expanding the Canon: Period, Performance, and Pedagogy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Expanding the Ecological Lens in Child Welfare Practice to Include Other Animals, Christina Risley-Curtiss
Expectations of the Consequences of New International Adoption Policy in the U.S., Jo Daugherty Bailey
Experience and Innocence, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Experiences of African American Female First Generation College Students, Ashley Green
Experiences of Michigan Elementary National Board Certification Candidates, Kristen L. Dewitt
Experiences of Women Activists: Implications for Community Organizing Theory and Practice, Cheryl Hyde
Experiences That Influence a Student's Choice on Majoring in Physics, Donya Rae Dobbin
Experiences with grandparents and attitudes toward custodial grandparenting, Julie Hicks Patrick, Allyson Stella Graf, Danielle K. Nadorff, and Bert Hayslip Jr.
Experimental Analysis of Gambling Using a Concurrent-Schedules Procedure, Andrew Ellis Brandt
Experimentally Reducing Preset and Hysteresis Effects in Creating a Non-Linear Model for Brake Hoses, Jai Thomas
Explicating the Social Mechanisms Linking Alcohol Use Behaviors and Ecology to Child Maltreatment, Bridget Freisthler and Megan R. Holmes
Exploitation-The Invisible Hand Guided by a Blind Eye: Confronting a Flaw in Economic Theory, Phillip Dybicz
Exploration of Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Factors in Stroke Knowledge and Emergency Response: Studies of Input, Output, and Outcome, Laura L. O. Froeschke
Exploration of Stimulus Current Energy Reduction and Bifurcation Dynamics in Conductance-Based Neuron Models Using Optimal Control Theory, Michael E. Ellinger
Exploratory Research in Public Social Service Agencies: As Assessment of Dissemination and Utilization, Teresa Dal Santo, Sheryl Goldberg, Pamela Choice, and Michael J. Austin
Exploring Barriers to Inclusion of Widowed and Abandoned Women through Microcredit Self-Help Groups: The Case of Rural South India, Margaret Lombe, Chrisann Newransky, Karen Kayser, and Paul Mike Raj
Exploring Content Validity of Shore Handwriting Screening and Newly Developed Score Sheet With Pre-Kindergarten Students, Denise K. Donica and Erin Francsis
Exploring Homeowner Opposition to Public Housing Developments, Joanna Duke
Exploring the Experiences of Living with a Controversial Illness in Patients with Fibromyalgia, Samantha L. Wheeler
Exploring the Oncolytic Potentail of a Double Knock-Out Tanapoxvirus Containing FLiC Transgene, Esaw W. Kurban
Exploring the Relationship between Religious Faith, Mental Health Help Seeking Attitudes, and Preferences for Counselor Characteristics among Black American Churchgoers, Darryl P. Plunkett
Exploring the Role and Scope of Clinical Assessment in Occupational Therapy, Ann M. Chapleau
Exploring the Ultimate Role of Central Office in the Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Professional Development: A Comparative Case Study, Sarah Elizabeth Johnson
Exploring the Well-Being of Foster Children of Parents with Substance Abuse Problems in Family Dependency Treatment Courts, Barbara M. Howes
Exposing and Reframing Welfare Dependency, Elizabeth Bartle
Exposing Star Teachers of Children in Poverty, Bobbi Morehead
Exposure of Nervous System Cells to Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Results in Alterations of Neurotrophic Factor Expression, Gordon H. Gurley
Exposure of Young Welfare Recipients to Family and Peer Receipt of Welfare and Unemployment Benefits, Viola E. Shuart and John H. Lewko
Expressing Emotions in Medieval Latin Letters, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Extensions of Two-Part Tests to Compare K Independent Populations, Marwan Daoud
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors Influence Parasite Burden in the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus), Maarten Vonhof
Fabricating Freddy vs. Jason: Understanding a Motion Picture as a Social Encounter between Fans and Filmmakers, Jason M. Rapelje
Fabrication, Testing and Analysis of a Fatigue Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring, Subash Gokanakonda
Faces of Western - 1971, Western Michigan University
Facets of Courage: Colonel Charles Victor Deland and The American Civil War, Anthony P. Glesner
Factors Affecting Competition in State Contracting for Human Services, Peter M. Kettner and Lawrence L. Martin
Factors Contributing to Career Success: Perceptions from African American Male School Administrators, Oliver Wilson
Factors Contributing to Coalition Maintenance, Maria Roberts-DeGennaro
Factors Encouraging the Growth of Sustainable Communities: A Jamaican Case Study, Eleanor Wint
Factors in Length of Foster Care: Worker Activities and Parent-Child Visitation, Maryellen White, Eric Albers, and Christine Bitonti
Factors in Urban Stress, Ian Burton
Factors Predicting Residential Mobility Among the Recipients of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, Barbra Teater
Failing to Replicate: Hypothesis Testing as a Crucial Key to Make Direct Replications More Credible and Predictable, Pedro Fernando Mateu Bullon
Failing to Replicate: Hypothesis Testing as a Crucial Key to Make Direct Replications More Credible and Predictable, Pedro Fernando Mateu Bullón
Fairness Issues in Law and Mental Health: Directions for Future Social Work Research, Jose B. Ashford and Jane Holschuh
False Consciousness as a Major Hindrance to Control of Corruption in Africa, John O. Ouko
False Friends: "Translation," "Adaptation," or "Creative Interpretation" of the Medieval Text?, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Families and the Republic, John Braithwaite
Families of People With a Severe Mental Illness: Role Conflict, Ambiguity and Family Burden, James G. Hanson
Family and Community Integrity, Joshua Miller
Family Characteristics, Public Program Participation, & Civic Engagement, Richard K. Caputo
Family Correlates of Delinquency: Cohesion And Adaptability, Glenn Shields and Richard D. Clark
Family Feud! Familial Strife and Medieval Communities, ca. 1000-1500, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Family Foster Care for Abandoned Children in Egypt, Hamido A. Megahead
Family Functioning and Career Decision-Making Self-efficacy: A Study of First Year Malaysian Undergraduate Students, Melati Sumari
Family Functioning and Migration: Considerations for Practice, Amith Ben-David
Family Functioning and Psychological Well-Being in Vietnamese Adolescents, Quang Duong Tran and Cheryl A. Richey
Family Group Conferencing in Child Welfare: Responsive and Regulatory Interfaces, Joan Pennell
Family Involvement Interventions in Child Protection: Learning from Contextual Integrated Strategies, David Stuart Crampton
Family Planning, Pregnancy, and Birth in Guatemala: Maya Women and Modern Healthcare, Kelsay Payton
Family Preservation: A Professional Reform Movement, Marc Mannes
Family Resilience and Sojourning Japanese Families in the U.S., Mitsuyo Izumi
Family Structure Effects on Parenting Stress and Practices in the African American Family, Daphne S. Cain and Terri Combs-Orme
Family Structures and the Feminization of Poverty: Women in Hawaii, Susan Meyers Chandler and Jennifer Williams
Family Ties During Imprisonment: Important to Whom and For What?, Creasie Finney Hairston
Far From the Heart: The Social, Political, and Ecclesiastical Milieu of the Early Abbotsof La Chaise-Dieu, 1052-1184, Maureen M. O’Brien
Fashioning Change: The Trope of Clothing in High- and Late-Medieval England, Laura Diener
Fault Zone Hydrogeology in Crystalline and Sedimentary Aquifers in Arid Regions: Remote Sensing, Hydrological and Geoloectrical Methods, Lamees M. Mohamed
Fear vs. Facts: Examining the Economic Impact of Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S., David Becerra, David K. Androff, Cecilia Ayón, and Jason T. Castillo
February 10, 2012: 8 students to present in New Orleans, Department of English
February 10, 2015: Hart-Davidson Next Scholarly Speakers Series Lecturer, Department of English
February 12, 2013: Third Coast Writing Project Announces 2013 Summer Programs, Department of English
February 12, 2014: Awards, Awards, and More Awards! March 21, Department of English
February 14, 2012: Grad Conference Deadline ~ U of M ECGS/NCF, Department of English
February 14, 2013: After Dancing: Dancers Turn to Writing, Department of English
February 15, 2012: Comparative Drama essay wins award, Department of English
February 16, 2012: 2012 WMU Directors' Festival, Department of English
February 17, 2012: News from Dr. Perryman-Clark, Department of English
February 17, 2013: Comparative Drama Essay Wins Award, Department of English
February 17, 2013: Crosby Lecture next for Scholarly Speakers Series, Department of English
February 18, 2015: Jericho Brown Reading at WMU: Thurs., 2/26 @8:00pm, Little Theater, Department of English
February 20, 2012: Neville Hoad to Speak on "Wildean Savagery" February 23, Department of English
February 21, 2012: New From Dr. Adam Clay, Department of English
February 22, 2012:Utz prefaces volume on Neo-medievalism in the Media, Department of English
February 23, 2012: Graduate Student Conference, 2/24, Center for Humanities, Department of English
February 24, 2014: Adapting Shakespeare among Alabamans, Department of English
February 25, 2013: WMU's Jaimy Gordon invited as a guest reader at Aquinas College, Department of English
February 27, 2014: Mellon Summer Institute in English Paleography, Department of English
February 4, 2013: Playwright Edward Allan Baker Presents His Work: Spring 2013 Gwen Frostic Reading Series, Department of English
February 5, 2014: Graduate Student Conference April 2014-CFP, Department of English
February 6, 2012: Mlive speaks with Dr. Feffer., Department of English
February 6, 2013: 2012 Poetry PhD graduate Natalie Giarratano Wins 2013 Liam Rector First Book Prize for Poetry, Department of English
February 6, 2014: Third Coast Writing Project Camp for Young Writers, June 16-27, Department of English
February 7, 2012: Webb gives Keynote Lecture - 2/9 @ 7PM, Department of English
February 7, 2013: Eve Salisbury to present at the Mid-America Medieval Association Conference (MAMA), Department of English
February 8, 2012: Paul Johnston Upcoming Presentations, Department of English
Federal Advances to Support GrandFamilies, Ana Beltran
Federal Relief Programs in the 19th Century: A Reassessment, Frank M. Loewenberg
Feeling Medieval: Teaching Emotion in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Feelings of Western - 1971, Western Michigan University
Female Collegiate Gymnasts and Experiences in Sport Retirement Due to Injury, Coleen Harrington Barry
Feminist Theory and Social Policy or Why Is Welfare so Hard to Reform?, Dorothy C. Miller
Feminization of the AIDS Epidemic, Mark S. Kaplan
Fiber Polytopes, Joshua Withee
Field-Testing Reusable Learning Objects Related to Sensory Over-Responsiveness, Bryan M. Gee, Kiersten Moholy, Kimberly Lloyd, and Anthony Seikel
Fieldwork Educators' Perspectives: Professional Behavior Attributes of Level II Fieldwork Students, Marcie K. Campbell, Katelyn Corpus, Tracy M. Wussow, Teresa Plummer, Debra Gibbs, and Shelley Hix
Fifteenth-Century England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fifth Graders Blog with Preservice Teachers to Discuss Literature, Lindsay Yearta, Katie Stover, and Rachel Sease
Fighting for Inclusion: The Origin of Gay Liberation at the University of Michigan, Eric Denby
Figurations of Male Beauty in Medieval Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Financialism in Pretrial Release and Criminal Case Outcomes: A Relative Comparison of Finances, Ethnicity and Sex, Daniel White
Financial Knowledge of the Low-income Population: Effects of a Financial Education Program, Min Zhan, Steven G. Anderson, and Jeff Scott
Finding and Keeping Affordable Housing: Analyzing the Experiences of Single-Mother Families in North Philadelphia, Susan Clampet-Lundquist
Finding Sources: Play Texts and Archives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Finding the True Cause of the Salem Witchcraft Trials, Asa K. Leventhal
First-Generation, Income-Eligible Peer Mentor Study, Charlotte L. Giscombe
Five Year Cohort Study of Homeless Families: A Joint Policy Research Venture, John J. Stretch and Larry W. Kreuger
Flexography Printing of Silver Based Conductive Inks on Packaging Substrates, Ramesh Chandra Kattumenu
Flights Past: The Wright Brothers’ Legacy and Dayton, Ohio, James Clayton Johnson
"Flourish like a Garden": Pain, Purgatory and Salvation in the Writing of Medieval Religious Women, Liz Herbert McAvoy
Fluctuating Networks: The Constructive Role of Broken Bonds in the Medieval Mediterranean and Beyond, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fluency in Pigeons: The Effects of Response Rate on Learning, Matthew L. Porritt
Focus Groups, Program Evaluation, and the Poor, Robert S. Magill
Food and Feast in Medieval Outlaw Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Food, Feast, and Famine: Core Elements and Future Directions in the Interdisciplinary Study of Medieval Food and Famine (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Food Inc. : A Rhetorical Analysis, Rowen S. vonPlagenhoef
Food Stamps and Dependency: Disentangling the Short-term and Long-term Economic Effects of Food Stamp Receipt and Low Income for Young Mothers, Thomas P. Vartanian, Linda Houser, and Joseph Harkness
Foreword, Georgiana Donavin and Eve Salisbury
Foreword to the Special Issue, George McGovern
Foreword to the Special Issue, Chauncey Alexander
“For it Acordeth Noght to Kinde”: Remediating Gower’s Confessio Amantis in Machinima, Sarah L. Higley
Form across Discipline (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Formal and Informal Payments (Bribes and Gifts) in the Medical Care Sector in Russia, Alexandra Polovinka
Formant Frequency Transitions in the Fluent Speech of Adults who do and do not Stutter: Testing the over-reliance on feedback hypothesis, Kaitlin Arnold
For Shade and For Comfort: Democratizing Horticulture in the Nineteenth-Century Midwest, Cheryl Lyon-Jenness
For the Children: Accounting for Careers in Child Protective Services, Joan M. Morris
"For the Family": Asian Immigrant Women's Triple Day, Kamini Maraj Grahame
"For Their Own Good?": Sex work, social control and social workers, a historical perspective, Stéphanie Wahab
Forward to our Origins: Social Work Skills and Political Action in the Current Crisis, Bertram A. Weinert
Foster Care Workers' Emotional Responses to Their Work, Alissa Schwartz
Fostering the Efficacious Adolescent Artist, Regina Beltowski
Foster Parent Demographics: A Research Note, Kathleen M. Kirby
Foster Parents' Reasons for Fostering and Foster Family Utilization, Kathryn Rhodes, Mary Ellen Cox, John G. Orme, and Tanya Coakley
Foundation and Migration, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Foundation Grantmaking in the 1980s: How Three Human Service Fields Fared, Roslyn H. Chernesky and Irene A. Gutheil
Found Floating Face Down, Jess McKellar
Four Roads: A Novel, Kelly Daniels
Fragility Assessment of High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Hezha Sadraddin
Fragmentation and Method: Reading the Divided in Text, Song, and Image, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Framing Ecological Validity in Occupational Therapy Practice, Patricia A. Crist
Franciscan Women in Iberia: Translation and Transformation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Free Zone Scientology: The Social Structure of a Contemporary Reform Movement, Kyle D. Byron
Freshwater Boys, Adam Schuitema
From “Black is Beautiful” to “Gay Power”: Cultural Frames in the Gay Liberation Movement, Eric Denby
From Countrywoman to Federal Emergency Relief Administrator: Josephine Chapin Brown, a Biographical Study, Emilia E. Martinez-Brawley
From Entitlement to Contract: Reshaping the Welfare State in Australia, Richard Weatherley
From Financial Literacy to Financial Capability Among Youth, Elizabeth Johnson and Margaret S. Sherraden
From Frodo to Fidelma: Medievalisms in Popular Genres (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
From Henry Street to Contracted Services: Financing the Settlement House, Robert Fisher and Michael Fabricant
From Picture to Word to the World: A Multimodal, Cultural Studies Approach to Teaching Graphic Novels in the English Classroom, Shannon Renee Mortimore
From Plant Closure to Reemployment in the New Economy: Risks to Workers Dislocated from the Declining Garment Manufacturing Industry, Cynthia Rocha
From "Poor" to "Not Poor": Improved Understandings and the Advantage of the Qualitative Approach, Eleanor Wint and Christine Frank
From Reproduction to Consumption: The Economic Deterioration of Families in the United States after World War II, Michael David Gillespie
From Self-Sufficiency to Personal and Family Sustainability: A New Paradigm for Social Policy, Robert Leibson Hawkins
From Social Work to Human Services, David Stoesz
From Teachers' Control of Curricula to Curricula's Control of Teachers: An Analysis of Loss of Autonomy in the lnstructional Labor Process, Joseph Daniel Abbott Jr.
From the Aztecs Towards Modernity: a Thesis on the Early History of Mexican Surgical Practice, Julia Buck
From the River Jordan, Tyler van Hoorn
From Welfare State to Social Compacts: Welfare Transformation in Poland, David Stoesz and Mark W. Lusk
From Welfare to Work: Does it Make Sense?, Ann E. Kerlin
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.50, no.1, 2014
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.50, no.2, 2015
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.51, no.1, 2015
Fueling performance: Determining the efficacy of low-carbohydrate diet models for athletic populations, Chelsea Jackle
Functional Analysis of Gambling, Mack S. Costello
Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Compared to Watchful Waiting for Enhancing Social Connectedness: A Randomized Clinical Trial with a Diagnosed Sample, Daniel W. M. Maitland
Fundamentals of Business Marketing Research, David Reid and Richard Plank
Funding Michigan K-12 Educational Adequacy without Rewarding Inefficiency, James J. Walters
Future Directions for Research in Medieval Medicine (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Future of Religion: Creator, Exodus, Son of Man and Kingdom, Rudolf Siebert
Gatherings No. 48 Summer 2015 -- Special Issue: Tribute to Laurel, Friends of the University Libraries
Gay and Lesbian Adoptions: A Theoretical Examination of Policy-Making and Organizational Decision Making, Thom Reilly
Gaylord Workshop on Reading Chaucer Aloud, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gay Marriage Laws in Europe Compared to the United States, Megan Stamm
Gender and Genre in La estoire de Seint Aedward le Rei: Reading Versions of Medieval Queenship, Alexandra Verini
Gender and Law in Comparison, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender and Materiality in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender Disparity in Nigerian Education: Women’s Experience of Barriers to Equal Educational Opportunity, Eugene Okoli
Gender, Employment and Psychosocial Well-being, David C. Congdon
Gender inclusive and gender specific language in English and Spanish, Elyse Hogan
Gendering Emotion in Medieval Thought, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender Poverty Disparity in US Cities: Evidence Exonerating Female-Headed Families, Sara Lichtenwalter
Generalization or Specialization in High School Based Health Careers Transition Programs: What Is the Impact on the Health Care Work Force Shortage?, James Wm. Taylor
Generational Equity, Generational Interdependence, and the Framing of the Debate Over Social Security Reform, John B. Williamson, Tay K. McNamara, and Stephanie A. Howling
Generation and Use of Monoclonal Antibodies to ldentify Subpopulations of Post Thaw Stallion Sperm, Sarah Abdulaziz AlMuhanna
Genetic and Morphological Study of the Role of UNC-82 and UNC-89 Kinases in Thick Filament Assembly, Emily Manzon
Genre Bending in Lawman's Brut, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Gentle Student Bend Thine Ear To My Speech" An Essay About Sojourner Truth, Abolitionist and Feminist, Laura B. Somerville
Geochemical Investigation of the Origin of the Back Forty Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit in Menominee County, Michigan, Joyashish Thakurta and Anthony Boxleiter
Geological Controls on Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of the Mississippian Marshall Formation, Michigan Basin, U.S.A., Joseph G. Adducci
Geosciences Newsletter - 2014, Department of Geosciences
Geosciences Newsletter - 2015, Department of Geosciences
Get Thee to a Shelter, William M. Epstein
Getting Old in the U.S.: Dilemmas of Indo-Americans, Pallassana R. Balgopal
Getting to the Grassroots: Feminist Standpoints Within the Welfare Rights Movement, Cynthia Edmonds-Cady
Ghost Dance, Janel R. LaPalm
Giving Birth to Christ in Later Medieval Mystical and Devotional Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Glaciotectonic Deformation along the Valparaiso Upland in Southwest Michigan, USA, Brian C. Bird
Global and Quantitative Gene Expression Analysis of the Effects of Drinking Water Exposure to Lead Acetate in Fisher 344 Male Rats Liver, Worlanyo Eric Gato
Global Chaucers: Reflections on Collaboration and Digital Futures, Candace Barrington and Jonathan Hsy
Globalization and Drug and Alcohol Use in Rural Communities in Nigeria: A Case Study, Charles Fiki
Globalization and Human Trafficking, Loring Jones, David W. Engstrom, Tricia Hilliard, and Mariel Diaz
Globalization and Social Work Education and Practice: Exploring Australian Practitioners' Views, Marina Findlay and John McCormack
Globalization, Immigration and the Welfare State: A Cross-National Comparison, Qingwen Xu
Globalization, Precarious Work, and the Food Bank, Ernie S. Lightman, Andrew Mitchell, and Dean Herd
Global Sanctity: Demons and the Demonic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Glucosamine-Induced Insulin Resistance in Primary Rat Hepatocytes and the Role of Selenium as an Insulin Mimetic, Sandhya N. Adiyodi Veetil
Goal Attainment Scaling: An Interprofessional Assessment of Student Learning, Ann M. Chapleau, Jennifer Harrison, Kathryn Hillenbrand, Edward Roth, and Kimberly Searing
God, Nation, Text: Religion and Identity in Seventh-Century Gaul and the Isles, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gold Nanoparticle - Modified Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles as Novel Photocatalytic Materials, Nayane Udawatte
Good Behavior/Bad Behavior: Asserting and Advocating Behavioral Norms in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Good Governance for Achieving Food Security in Ethiopia: Challenges and Issues, Mussie Ybabe and Sisay Asefa
Good Love for All: Opening the Libro de buen amor, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gottfried von Strassburg's Tristan, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Governance and Private Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa, Idrissa Mohamed Ouedraogo and Pascal T. Kouman
Governance of Land and Natural Resource for Sustainable Development in Botswana: Possible Lessons for the Agricultural and Tourism Sectors, David Sebudubudu, Patricia M. Makepe, Kgomotso Montsi, and Keratilwe Bodilenyane
Gower and Medicine, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gower and Memory, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gower and Performance (A Performance), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Grade Point Average as a Predictor of Timely Graduation from Associate Degree Registered Nursing Programs, Delores J. Jackson
Grandfathers and The Impact of Raising Grandchildren, Karen Bullock
Grandma's Babies: The Problem of Welfare Eligibility for Children Raised by Relatives, Rebecca L. Hegar and Maria Scannapieco
Grave Matters: Books Unknown and Disappearing, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gravity: Stories, Michael J. Davis
Greatest Lancastrian Legacy? The Six-Hundredth Anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Greed-Driven Mistreatment, Joseph D. Loescher
Greek-Letter Membership and College Graduation: Does Race Matter?, Ronald E. Severtis Jr. and C. Andre Christie-Mizell
Grief and the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Charles P. Flynn and Alexandra Teguis
Group Cohesiveness Represented through a Multidimensional Analysis of Group Improvisations, Rosemary Hakes
Group conversation M2-01_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-01_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-01_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-02_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-02_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-02_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-03_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-03_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-03_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-04_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-04_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-04_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-05_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-05_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-05_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-06_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-07_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-07_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-07_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-08_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-08_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation M2-08_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-01_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-01_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-01_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-02_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-02_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-02_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-03_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-03_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-03_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-04_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-04_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-04_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-05_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-05_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-05_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-06_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-06_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-06_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-07_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-07_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-07_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-08_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-08_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-08_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-09_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-09_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-09_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-10_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-10_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group conversation S2-10_Video recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Group Leaders’ Perceptions of Interventions with Grandparent Caregivers: Content and Process, Bert Hayslip Jr., Julian Montoro-Rodriguez, Gregory C. Smith, and Frederick Strieder
Group Work's Place in Social Work: A Historical Analysis, Janice Andrews
Guest Perspective: Lumina Foundation, Jamie P. Merisotis
Guest Perspective: Preparation Gaps, Mandy Savitz-Romer
Guinevere at Amesbury: Monasticism and the Arthurian Tradition, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Habitat Suitability Study of Parcel in Gourdneck State Game Area for Downy Woodpeckers, Emma Fojtik
Hacking the Stacks: The Inside Scoop on Library Resources for Graduate Level Research from WMU's Research Experts, University Libraries
Hamiltonicity and Connectivity in Distance-Colored Graphs, Kyle C. Kolasinski
Harry Lurie's Assessment and Prescription: An Early View Of Social Workers' Roles and Responsibilities Regarding Political Action, Joe M. Schriver
Hate Crime Laws and Sexual Orientation, Elizabeth P. Cramer
Hate Crimes Against the Homeless: Warning-Out New England Style, Sandra Wachholz
Haworth College of Business News (01/2015), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (02/2015), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (03/2015), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (04/2015), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (05/2015), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (06/2015), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (08/2015), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (11/2015), Haworth College of Business
Head Start, Other Preschool Programs, & Life Success in a Youth Cohort, Richard K. Caputo
Health and Social Service Needs in a Northeastern Metropolitan Area: Ethnic Group Differences, Paul D. Cleary and Harold W. Demone Jr.
Health and Social Welfare Needs of the Elderly: A Preliminary Study, Baxter Wright and Bruce A. Thyer
Health Aspects of Housing and Town Planning, Eric Giroult
Healthcare Informatics Realities and Future Directions in Health Informatics, Cinda Cowen, Julia Stocker-Schneider, and Marie VanderKooi
Health Care Poverty, Lisa Raiz
Health Implications of Homelessness: Reports from Three Countries, Gerald Daly
Health Inequalities and the Welfare State in European Families, Simone Sarti, Marco Alberio, and Marco Terraneo
Health Information Technology and Its Impacts on the Improvement of the Long Term Care, Theresa Chang
Health Service Access for Rural People Living with HIV/AIDS in China: A Critical Evaluation, Xiying Wang, Xiulan Zhang, Yuebin Xu, and Yurong Zhang
Health Services Social Workers' Activities with People with Disabilities: Predicters of Community Practice, Richard L. Beaulaurier
Helen Hall (1892-1982): A Second Generation Settlement Leader, Janice Andrews
Hell Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Her Body Sparks with More Than Electricity: A Battle of Wits Between Whitman and Bradbury, Hannah L. Lane-Davies
Hermeneutics and the Social Sciences: An Evaluation of the Function of Hermeneutics in a Consumer Disability Study, Charles Ringma and Christopher Brown
Hermine: An Animal Life, Maria Beig and Jaimy Gordon
Heroines of the French Epic: A Second Selection of Chansons de Geste, Kathy M. Krause
He Said—He Said: A Scholarly Conversation about Assessment, Glen Gillen and Jim Hinojosa
"He's Not Mr. Right, He's More Like Mr. Now"* Patrifocal and Matrifocal Discourses Among Homeless Mothers in Kentucky, Joanna M. Badagliacco
Heteroscedastic Linear Model Estimation Based on Ranks: An Iterated Reweighted Least Squares Approach, Themba Louis Nyirenda
Heterosexual Males: A Group Forgotten by the Profession of Social Work, Jordan I. Kosberg
Hiberno-Latin Literature and Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hidden Gems of the Library, Maria A. Perez-Stable
High-Fidelity Simulation: A Tool for Occupational Therapy Education, Chi-Kwan Shea
High Impact IT: Making a Different at UMHS, Sue Schade
Highly Qualified Public School Teacher: Its Status, Distribution, Determinants, and Relationship with Job Commitment and Job Satisfaction, Samuel Striker
High School Mathematics Teachers' Evolving Understanding of Comparing Distributions, Sandra R. Madden
High-Throughput Screening Studies of Inhibition of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II and Bacterial Flagella Antimicrobial Activity, Albert A. Barrese III
Hildegard von Bingen: Bridges to Infinity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
His Eyes Sighed (with Reference to Norman Dubie’s Blue), Jess McKellar
Historical Perspectives on the Care and Treatment of the Mentally Ill, Albert R. Roberts and Linda Farms Kurtz
Historical Trends in State-Level ADC/AFDC Benefits: Living on Less and Less, Sandra Wexler and Rafael J. Engel
History of Contemporary Social Policy: Introduction, Richard K. Caputo
HIT Architects’ Update - Bridging the Technology Gap in Healthcare: The MICARE Center, Guy Hembroff
HMML at Fifty: Preserving Manuscripts and Providing Access for Five Decades, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hoccleve Less Studied, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Holidays as Multiple Realities: Experiencing Good Times and Bad Times after a Disabling Injury, Mary Jo Deegan
Holocaust Survivors and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders: The Need for Conceptual Reassessment and Development, Jerome Rosenberg
Home Care Allowances for the Frail Elderly: For and Against, Jorma Sipila
Homeless in Ann Arbor, Madeline E. Halpert
Homeless in Philadelphia: A Qualitative Study of the Impact of State Welfare Reform on Individuals, Anthony Halter
Homelessness and De-Institutionalization, John J. Conklin
Homelessness and the Low Income Housing Crisis, Cushing N. Dolbeare
Homelessness: Residual, Institutional and Communal Solutions, Ron E. Roberts and Thomas Keefe
Homelessness: The Service Providers' Perspective On Blaming the Victim, Elizabeth Tracy and Randy Stoecker
Homeless Persons' Interest in Basic and Health Services: The Role of Absolute, Relative, and Repressed Needs, Russell K. Schutt
Home Safety-The Challenge to Public Health, Ray Ranson
Homonationalisms (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Honoring the Elders: Interviews with Two Lakota Men, Deborah E. Bowen
Horses: How Saddle Style Defines a Culture and the Skeletal System, Brandy Morgan
Horses: How Saddle Style Defines a Culture and the Skeletal System, Elizabeth Brandon
Housing Affordability, Stress And Single Mothers: Pathway To Homelessness, Elizabeth A. Mulroy and Terry S. Lane
Housing and Health in Beijing: Implications of High-rise Housing on Children and the Aged, Solvig Ekblad and Finn Werne
Housing Assistance and Disconnection from Welfare and Work: Assessing the Impacts of Public Housing and Tenant-based Rental Subsidies, Andrea Hetling and Hilary Botein
Housing for People with Serious Mental Illness: Approaches, Evidence, and Transformative Change, Geoffrey Nelson
Housing, Health and Well-Being: An International Perspective, Gregory Goldstein, Robert Novick, and Morris Schaefer
How Can Art Education Enhance the Content Subject Area in an Urban School Setting?, Lonnie Ford
How Do Middle School Core Content Area Teachers in a Title 1 School Use Cooperative Learning in the Context of High Accountability for Student Proficiency: A Multiple Case Study, Martha Cunigan-Wells
How Has the Violence Against Women Act Affected the Response of the Criminal Justice System to Domestic Violence?, Hyunkag Cho and Dina J. Wilke
How Patient Educators Teach Students: “Giving a Face to a Story”, Natalie Hedge, Marsha A. Neville, and Noralyn Davel Pickens
How Politics, Economics, and Technology Influence Evaluation Requirements for Federally Funded Projects: A Historical Study of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act from 1965 to 2005, Maxine R. Eversley-Gilling
How Soon is Now? Medieval Texts, Amateur Readers, and the Queerness of Time, Christine E. Kozikowski
How Three Schools View the Success of Literacy Coaching: Teachers’, Principals’ and Literacy Coaches’ Perceived Indicators of Success, Kristen Ferguson
How to Be a Heretic: Teaching Heterodoxies and Non-Christian Practices (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
How to Help the Working Poor Develop Assets, John R. Belcher
How to Make an Editor Happy, Diane Powers Dirette
How Voluntary Agency Networks Fared in the 1980s, Margaret Gibelman and Harold W. Demone Jr.
Human Consequences of Animal Exploitation: Needs for Redefining Social Welfare, Atsuko Matsuoka and John Sorenson
Humanistic Criminology: Future Prospects, Erdwin H. Pfuhl
Humanistic Criminology: Is It Possible?, Clayton A. Hartjen
Humanistic Criminology: Roots from Peter Kropotkin, Larry L. Tifft and Lois E. Stevenson
Humanistic Perspectives in Criminology, Ronald C. Kramer and Stuart L. Hills
Humanitarian Aid and the Struggle for Peace and Justice: Organizational Innovation after a Blind Date, Joseph G. Bock
Humans' Bonding with their Companion Dogs: Cardiovascular Benefits during and after Stress, Rebecca A. Campo and Bert N. Uchino
Human Security or National Defense: The Question of Conversion, Bruce Birchard
Hybrid Fuzzy-PID Controller for Buck-Boost Converter in Solar Energy-Battery Systems, Karime Farhood Hussein
Iberian Borders and Beyond: Medieval Liminalities in Conversation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ibero-Romance Philology: In Honor of David Mackenzie, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
ICHITA Banquet, Western Michigan University
ICTs and Regional Economic Integration: An Anticipatory Scenario for the Horn of Africa, Ali Noor Mohamed
Identical Hearts, Different Rhythms: The Various Viewpoints of Marlowe, Raleigh, and Dickinson, Pavitra M. Attanayake
Identity in Flux: Finding Boris Kolomanovich in the Interstices of Medieval European History, Christian Raffensperger
Ideology and Opportunity in Social Work During the New Deal Years, Norma Kolko Phillips
Ideology. Public Policy and Homeless Families, Padmini Gulati
Idiot’s Guides: Quantum Physics, Marc Humphrey, Paul V. Pancella, and Nora Berrah
If I Were the World’s Greatest Poet, Renée Beaudoin
If Not Welfare, Then What?: How Single Mothers Finance College Post-Welfare Reform, Kristin Wilson
I Get By with a Little Help from My Friends: A Qualitative Study of Nurse Close Work Friendship and Social Support, Jennifer Ptacek
Illness Career Descent and the Descending Hierarchy: The Organizational Structure of a Retirement Facility, Bradley J. Fisher
Illustration, Complication, Contradiction: Dialogue between Word and Image, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
“I Love the Country but I Can’t Stand the Scene”: Teaching Literature to Examine and Complicate Adolescent National Identity, Suzanne Ehst
Imagery in Medieval Herbals, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Imagination, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Imagining the Academy: Higher Education and Popular Culture, Susan Huddleston Edgerton, Holm Gunilla, Toby Daspit, and Paul Farber
"I'm Glad you Asked": Homeless Clients with Severe Mental Illness Evaluate Their Residential Care, Katherine Tyson McCrea and Lesa Spravka
(Im)materiality in English and Welsh Medieval Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Impact of Athletic Identity and Emotional Competence on Athletes’ Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help, Garett V. Weatherhead
Impact of Calendering and Silver Addition to Carbon Nanotube-Based Electrodes Used in Printed Multi-Layer Capacitors, Ramea Awni Al-Mubarak
Impact of Enrollment Management, Marketing and Strategic Planning on Adult Higher Education Enrollment Patterns, Kinfu Adisu
Impact of Social Capital on Employment and Marriage among Low Income Single Mothers, Jennifer A. Johnson, Julie A. Honnold, and Perry Threlfall
Implementation of the 2009 CACREP Standards Addiction Competencies, Tiffany K. Lee
Implementation of Traditional Printing Techniques for the Development of Flexible Printed Sensors, Sai Guruva Reddy Avuthu
Implementation Problems in the Development of Urban Community Services in the People's Republic of China: The Case of Beijing, Agnas K.C. Yeung, Kwok Kin Fung, and Kim Ming Lee
Implementing a Mastery Model through Self Quizzing in an Online Learning Environment, Amy E. Scrima
Implementing an ASCA-Informed School Counselor Supervision Model: A Qualitative Field-Based Study, Janet M. Glaes
Implementing Community Policing Successfully: An Analysis of the Degree of Police Engagement with the Philosophy and Practice of Community Policing, Robert G. Muladore
Implementing Resources for Reform: One Teacher’s Experience with a Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum, Lynn Best Royer
Implications of Conservative Tendencies for Practice and Education in Social Welfare, David G. Gil
Implications of Media Scrutiny for a Child Protection Agency, Lindsay D. Cooper
Implications of Photogeologic Linears in the South Long Lake Area, Alpena and Presque Isle Counties, Michigan, Richard E. Kimmel
Implications of the One-Child Family Policy on the Development of the Welfare State in the People's Republic of China, Fernando Chiu-Hung Cheung
Implicit Beliefs About Change: A Theory-Grounded Measure Applied to Community Organizations Serving Children, Youth, and Families, Susan B. Silverberg, Sherry C. Betts, Angela J. Huebner, and Sonia Cota-Robles
Importance of Preserving History: A Conservation of an Edwardian Wedding Dress, Brittany Aris
Important or Impotent? Radical Right Political Parties and Public Policy in Germany and Austria, Marcella J. Myers
Improving Reading Fluency and Comprehension in Elementary Students Using Read Naturally, Rebecca Arvans
Improving Social Work Practice with Persons Who are Homeless and Mentally Ill, Carol T. Mowbray, Shirley P. Thrasher, Evan Cohen, and Deborah Bybee
Improving the Analysis of Proteins by Desorption Electrospray lonization (DESI) by the Addition of Ammonium Bicarbonate, Elahe Honarvar
Improving the Mental Health Care Delivery System for Elderly Nursing Home Patients, Richard J. Caston, Sharon Kohls, and Susanna Bozinovski
Improving the Quality of Child Care in the Rural South, Margaret E. Griffin, R. Dwight Hare, Patrica A. Baggerly, Melinda M. Leftwich, Sue Standifer, and Susan A. Elkins
Inabel Burns Lindsay: Social Work Pioneer Contributor to Practice and Education through a Socio-cultural Perspective, Annie Woodley Brown, Ruby Morton Gourdine, and Sandra Edmonds Crewe
In Awe of the Past, Charles Lein
In a Word, Philology: Etymology, Lexicography, Semantics, and More in Germanic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Incarceration and Unwed Fathers in Fragile Families, Charles E. Lewis Jr., Irwin Garfinkel, and Qin Gao
Incarceration in the Fourteenth Century, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Incarnating Heaven: Making the Hospice Philosophy Mean Business, Mark A. Mesler and Pamela J. Miller
Incidental Phonological Awareness Instruction in Early Childhood Education: The Development of an Observational Tool, Emma Cooper
Income and Personal Resources: Correlates of Psychological Adjustment to Widowhood, Martha N. Ozawa, Susan Whitelaw Downs, and Daniel Frigo
Income Maintenance Programs and the Reagan Domestic Agenda, Howard Jacob Karger
Income Tax and Inequality: What Constitutes Welfare State Expenditure?, Gordon W. Ternowetsky
Increasing Access to Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Amy L. Cook, Laura A. Hayden, Felicia Wilczenski, and Timothy A. Poynton
Increasing College Opportunity: School Counselors and FAFSA Completion, Laura Owen and Erik Westlund
Increasing Physical Activity in Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Katherine B. LaLonde
Indefatigable, Maria A. Perez-Stable
Index of Volume XXXIV, Issues 1-4
Indicators for Safe Family Reunification: How Professionals Differ, Brad R. Karoll and John Poertner
Individual Experience and Critical Consciousness: Sources of Social Change in Everyday Life, David G. Gil
Individual interview M1-01_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-01_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-02_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-02_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-03_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-03_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-04_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-04_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-05_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-05_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-06_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-06_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-07_Audio recording, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview M1-07_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann