Content Posted in 2016
1016: Year of Three Kings, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
1. Plenary Session: Key Note Lectures, Sisay Asefa
1. Session: Good Governance and Corruption, K. Mathews
258 French Hands, Emily W. Recchia
2. Plenary Session: Keynote Lectures, Sisay Asefa
2. Session: Federalism and Regional Integration I, Worku Aberra
2. Session: Gender and Development, Dilu Shaleka
2. Session: Tourism and Development, Mulugeta Fisseha
3D Printed Bone Supplement Materials, Azem Khalifa Yahamed
3. Plenary: Health and Public and Private Partnerships: Global and Domestic, Sisay Asefa
3. Session: Agriculture and Development, Alemayehu Seyoum
3. Session: Federalism and Regional Integration II, Tessema Taa
4. Session: Water for Sustainable Development, Getnet Alemu
4. Session: Youth and Development, Tadele Ferede
51st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
57th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
58th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
5. Session: Economic Development, Finance and Trade, Daniel Teferra
5. Session: Education for Sustainable Development, Endashaw Bekele and Ferdisa Aga
6. Session: Health and Development, Tewabech Bishaw and Alemayehu Seyoum
6.Session: Peace and Conflict Studies, Habtamu Wondimu
7. Session: Land Tenure and Land Use, Sisay Asefa
7. Session: Livelihood and Food Security Governance, Workneh Negatu
8. Session: Entrepreneurship and Development I, Abate Mekuriaw
8. Session: Entrepreneurship and Development II, Atsede Assefa and Elizabeth Ayalew
9. Session: Enviroment and Sustainable Development, Negussie Sime
9. Session: Urbanization and Sustainable Cities and Towns, Degefa Tolossa
A Bare Unpainted Table, Gladys Cardiff
A Bare Unpainted Table: A Manuscript of Poems, Gladys Cardiff
Abbo of Fleury, Abbo of Saint-Germain-Des-Pres, and Acta Sanctorum, Frederick M. Biggs, Thomas D. Hill, Paul E. Szarmach, E. Gordon Whatley, and Deborah A. Oosterhouse
A Behavioral Account of Remembering: Precurrent Behavior and Mediation of Delayed Matching to Sample, David W. Sidener
A Behavioral Model for the Assessment and Management of Dehydration in Older Adults, Leilani Feliciano
A Behavioral Systems Analysis of Textbook Quality Improvement, Elizabeth T. Suarez
A Behavior Systems Analysis Approach to Designing a Hlgh-Impact Knowledge Management System, Jacalyn S. Smeltzer
Abelard and Heloise: In Memory of Steven Cartwright, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A "Birthright into a New World": Representing the Town on Brome's Stage, Denys Van Renen
A Bootstrap Method to Analyze an Intervention Model with Autoregressive Error Terms, Scott D. McKnight
Academic Freedom in Times of Turmoil, Petr Kolar
Academic Honesty and the New Technological Frontier, Jennifer Deranek and Ceceilia Parnther
Academic Performance, Persistence, and Cultural Congruence of African American Males Attending Predominantly White Colleges and Universities, Darrell Johnson
Academic Self-Esteem of Michigan High School Students, Dolores J. Howe
A Case Study of Academic Achievement of African American Males, Loistean Mason
A Case Study of the Effects of the Strategic Planning Process on the Trust Level of Administrative Staff in a K - 12 School District, Michael F. Paskewicz
A Case Study Perspective toward Data-driven Process Improvement for Balanced Perioperative Workflow, Jim Ryan, Barbara Doster, Sandra Daily, and Carmen Lewis
A Causal-Comparative Study of the Relationship of Mathematics, Science, Athletics and the Career Expectations of Adolescent Women, Elwood Martin Bowers
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Adolescent Difficulties with Emotion Regulation: An Open Trial, Julissa A. Duenas
Achieving High Educational Standards for All: Conference Summary, National Research Council, Timothy Ready, Christopher Edley Jr., and Catherine E. Snow
Achieving Teaching, Scholarship, and Service through Community Engagement, Carole K. Ivey, Jodi L. Teitelman, Kelli W. Gary, Dianne F. Simons, Jayne T. Shepherd, and Albert E. Copolillo
Acknowledgements/Image Credits, Molly Lynde-Recchia
A Classroom Meeting Model for Teacher Use in Classroom Management, Gerald L. LeCureux
A Comparative Study of Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Women's Perception of Their Relationship with Their Father, Judith A. Hinga
A Comparative Study of Employment Outcomes of the Projects with Industry and the State/Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Programs, Robert J. Leneway
A Comparative Study of High and Low Achieving Inner-City African-American Sophomore Males’ Expectations of Self, in-School and Out-of-School Support, John L. Jackson Sr.
A Comparative Study of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Work Values and Career Maturity for Minority College Students, Marvin Hall
A Comparative Study of Primary Preventive Behaviors and Secondary Preventive Behaviors Among Michigan Adults, Jing Chang
A Comparative Study of the Coping Ability of Mobile and Nonmobile Elementary Pupils, Solomon Mokone Lebese
A Comparative Study of Three Alternative Procedures for Identifying Severe Discrepancy in Learning Disabled Students, Carol Tully Uhlman
A Comparison Between Computer Assisted Group Therapy and Group Psychotherapy, Dennis A. Hunyadi
A Comparison of African American Elderly Women Abstainers and Light to Moderate Consumers of Alcohol, Treva L. Bostic
A Comparison of Beginning and Advanced Counselor Education Students on the Health Locus of Control Scale, Christina Minger
A Comparison of Blood Volume Pulse and False Biofeedback in the Treatment of Migraine, Paul Greilick
A Comparison of Cognitive Restructuring and Systematic Desensitization Techniques for Anger Reduction with an Inmate Population, Lori Ann Diaz
A Comparison of Different Schemes for Selecting and Estimating Score Functions Based on Residuals, Ali A. Al-Shomrani
A Comparison of Four Methods to Teach Complex Verbal Concepts Using a Computer-Assisted Instruction Program, John Byron Connors
A Comparison of Gastrointestinal Bacterial Population Between Indoor Cats and Outdoor Cats, Farhana Binti Ikmal Hisham
A Comparison of Gay and Lesbian Sensitivity Trainings On Student Counselors’ Attitudes Toward Same Gender Sexual Behavior, H. Dean Dorman
A Comparison of International and U.S. Students in APA-Accredited Programs: Acculturation, Counseling Self-Efficacy and Role Difficulties in Supervision, Johanna E. Nilsson
A Comparison of Junior High Schools to Middle Schools with Respect to Achievement and Attendance, Darrell Clay
A Comparison of Learning in Adult Accelerated and Non-Accelerated Courses, Donald J. Green
A Comparison of Male and Female Elementary School Principals' Perceived Instructional Leadership Behavior, Carol Lynn Babcock
A Comparison of Methods For Detection of Qualitative Interaction In Multicenter Trials, Boyd Jay Hanson
A Comparison of Minimal-Therapist-Contact Programs in the Treatment of Chronic Headaches, John Kesselring
A Comparison of One-to-One and Small Group Instruction for Young Children with Autism: Focus on Effective Teaching and Behavior Management, Kathy Marie Bertsch
A Comparison of Perceptions Related to School District Consolidation, Grace A. Peapples
A Comparison of Print and Cursive Handwriting in Fifth and Sixth Grade Students: A Pilot Study, Anne H. Zachry, Allison P. Doan, Stephanie B. Lancaster, Brittany Simmons, Cary Smith, and Jaclyn N. Wicker
A Comparison of Reported Teacher Selection Practices of Elementary Principals in Michigan to Recommended Selection Methods, John E. Jarpe
A Comparison of Science and Mathematics Achievement, Attitudes, Curricular Experiences, and Career Interest Resulting from Magnet and Traditional High School Programs, Rozana Abdul Razak
A Comparison of Sociological and Demographic Factors of Custodial and Noncustodial Single Fathers, Daniel D. Petterson
A Comparison of Strategic Decision Task Variable Analysis Between School and Business Executives, Peter A. Behnke
A Comparison of Teacher Attitudes Based Upon Their Involvement in Various Levels of Staff Development, James Lehto
A Comparison of the Effects of a Linear and an Exponential Performance-Pay Function on Work Productivity, Shezeen Oah
A Comparison of the Effects of Differential Behavioral Strategies on Therapeutic Compliance: Making and Keeping Appointments, Shara Johnson
A Comparison of the Effects of Temporal Requirement and Response Form on Retention, Equivalence, and Endurance, Amy Lorraine McCarty
A Comparison of the Personal Values of a Sample of Unemployed American Males and a Normative Sample of American Males as Measured by the Rokeach Value Survey, Timothy J. Howard
A Comparison of the Spontaneous Utterances of Students with Autism Across Two Educational Settings, Mary E. Peterson
A Comparison of the Sub-Types and Specific Learning Disabilities of Attention Deficit Disordered Children, George D. Pommer
A Comparison of Three Procedures for the Establishment of a Novel Response with Delayed Reinforcement, Jayson W. Wilkenfield
A Comparison of x86 Computer Architecture Simulators, Ayaz Akram and Lina Sawalha
A Comparison of Youth Living Environment in Small and Large Communities of Michigan, Huilan Yang
A Comprehensive Approach for Evaluation of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination, Shafiul H. Chowdhury
A Computer/Tutorial System Compared With a Workbook/Tutorial Systeg for Presenting Instructional Material to At-Risk Elementary School Students, Vincent O. Hodge
A Content Comparison of Nontechnical Curricula for Engineers, Bryan Lynn Lundgren
“A Course No One Wants to Teach”: A Brief History of the Undergraduate Writing Methods Course, Christine E. Tulley
Acoustic Correlates of Speech Naturalness in Post-Treatment Adults who Stutter: Role of Speaking Rate, Caylee Jessen
Acquisition of Conflict Management Skills with High School Adolescent Females, Leslie Skinner-Hughes
A Critical Examination of the Use of Preliminary Tests in Two-Sample Tests of Location, Kimberly Tucker Perry
Active Local Volume Displacement Cancellation of a Vibrating Baffled Beam, Marcellin Zahui
Activity between Supervisors and Supervisees Outside of Their Supervisory Sessions, Paul R. Ginter
A.D. 716: Bede, Wearmouth Jarrow, and Beyond I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A.D. 716: Bede, Wearmouth Jarrow, and Beyond II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Adaptability and Performance Evaluation of Pure Boer Goats at Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center, Girma Debele, Mieso Guru, and Tesfaye Alem
Adapting The Liberal Lover: Mediterranean Commerce, Political Economy, and Theatrical Form under Richelieu, Ellen R. Welch
Adaptive Leadership Style and Sales Performance: A Test of the Social Style Model, Frank M. Gambino
Addressing Ataxia Among Children with Cerebellar Disorders, Maureen McConville and Shane O’Shea
Addressing Career Diversity for Medievalists (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Adeline and Julia, Robert Meyers and Janet Coryell
Adequacy of Summer -in-Service Program for Enhancing Professional Competence of Teachers: Implication for Quality of Education, Kassegn Berhanu and Melese Kashu
A Descriptive Study of Programmatic and Curricular Components of Regular and Developmental Kindergartens, Stephen A. Anderson
A Descriptive Study of Six Career Developmental Tasks as a Function of the Performance Ratings of Supervisory Personnel of the Financial Department within One Division of a Multi-National, Fortune 500 Manufacturing Corporation, Claudia Mettler Duranceau
A Descriptive Study of the Development and Validation of a Curriculum Development Process for Occupational Therapy in an Institution of Higher Education, Alfred G. Bracciano
A Descriptive Study of the Implementation Process for All-Day Alternate Day Kindergarten Schedules in Michigan Public Schools, Kenneth G. Drenth
A Descriptive Study of the Physical Education Programs for Kindergarten through Third Grade Students in Michigan, Allison Ann Hammond
“A Difficult and Dangerous Thing”: Religious Reform in Late Medieval Ulm, 1434-1532, Jamie McCandless
Administrative and Faculty Development: A Study of Academic Chairpersons, Mary Ann Bowman
Administrative Commitment to Public Service Programs in Institutions of Higher Education, Mary Ellen Brandell
Administrator and Consultant Perceptions of Consultant Services in Michigan Schools, Julia A. Berg
Adolescent Students at Risk: The Roles of Stress, Distress, and Coping, Jennifer Massicotte
Adolescent Substance Use Patterns: Testing a Multidimensional Sociogenic Model, Eric O. Johnson
Adult Male Assaultive Behavior and Correlates with the MMPI-2, Tom G. Lanning
Advocating for Mother Earth in the Undergraduate Classroom: Uniting Twenty-First Century Technologies, Local Resources, Art, and Activism to Explore Our Place in Nature, Christina Triezenberg Ph.D. and Ilse A. Schweitzer VanDonkelaar
Advocating for Mother Earth in the Undergraduate Classroom: Uniting Twenty-First Century Technologies, Local Resources, Art, and Activism to Explore Our Place in Nature, Christina Triezenberg and Ilse Schweitzer VanDonkelaar
Ælfrician Texts and Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Affect and Emotion in Medieval Iberia I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Affect and Emotion in Medieval Iberia II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Affective Expression and Behavior in Sex Offenders, Peter F. Rausch
Affective Orientation, Alexithymia, and Multidimensional Empathy in Counselors-in-Training, Terrilyn J. Krueger
Affective Responses to Television Newscasts: Have You Heard the News?, Jessica Purtan Harrell
Affine Equivariant Multivariate Rank-Based and Generalized Rank Regression, Majeda Salman
Affirmative Action: A Contradiction of Theory and Practice, Kimberly Hellmers
Affirmative Action: A Vision For Today, WMU Center for the Study of Ethics in Society
Affirmative Action Defended, Laurence Thomas
Affirmative Action: Diverse Goals, Diverse Policies, Eric Wampler
Affirmative Supplement to the WMU Student Code, Jeremy Ynclan
Affirming the Affirmative Action Intention, Barbra Jotzke
A Foundation for Democratic Transition: The Evolution of Korean Civil Society 1972-1987, Sukhee Lee
A Framework towards Technology Creation in Africa, Focusing on Ghana, Donani Martin, Kugblenu Hannatu Abue, and Fuseini Azindow Bawa
A Free and Undemocratic Press?, Stephen J. A. Ward
Africa in Global Climate Change Governance: Analyzing its Position and Challenges, Anwar Hassen Tsega
African-American and White Female Homicide Offenders: Women who Kill Intimate Partners Versus Non-Intimate Partners in Chicago between 1980-1995, Shauntey James
African-American Females and the Glass Ceiling in the Defense Logistics Agency, Velma Lee Clay
African Americans in Michigan, Lewis Walker, Benjamin C. Wilson, Linwood H. Cousins, Benjamin C. Wilson, and Lewis Walker
African-American Women’s Emotional Responses to Historical Racial Events as a Function of Socioeconomic Status, Melissa Ruth Stevenson
After Chekhov: The Three Sisters of Beth Henley, Wendy Wasserstein, Timberlake Wertenbaker, and Blake Morrison, Verna A. Foster
Against Progess: Pastoral and Innovation in Medieval and Renaissance Poetry (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Age, Frequency, and Precautions in Relation to Stimulation in the NICU, Kathleen Nickens and Ceara Fauble
A General Code to Simulate the Effect of Indirect Lightning on Overhead Lines Using EMTP-Type Programs, Hasan Jameel Hasan
A Generalization of Cayley Graphs for Finite Fields, Dawn M. Jones
Agent-Based Modeling of ABC Methods for Decision-Making in Highway Bridge Projects Including Uncertainty and Several Stakeholders, Abdul Wahed Mohammed
Agents of Justice: Female Plaintiffs in the King’s Court in Thirteenth and Fourteenth-Century England, J. Savannah Shipman
Aging Beauty: The Adaptive Reconstruction of the Aging Process in Women, Sheila Marie Bluhm
A Graph Theoretic Study of the Similarity of Discrete Structures, Heather D. Gavlas
Agricultural Extension in Ethiopia: Then and Now, Elsje Fourie
A Grounded Theory in the Development of the Tantric Proposition in Leadership Education, Marsha Wislocki Goin
A Hands-On Introduction to Islamic Astrolabes, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Heated Debate: Theoretical Perspectives of Sexual Exploitation and Sex Work, Lara Gerassi
A High Performance Architecture for an Exact Match Short-Read Aligner Using Burrows-Wheeler Aligner on FPGAs, Dana Abdul Qader
A History of Business in Medieval Europe, James Murray and Edwin S. Hunt
Aid Effectiveness, Policies and Reform, Elias Kedir Shukralla
A Kierkegaardian Understanding of Self and Society: An Existential Sociology, Chris L. Jakway
Alcoholism, Domestic Violence, & Mental Illness: As a Graphic Novel, Abigail Jackson
Alcoholism Treatment and Its Effect on Subsequent Health Care Costs: A Medicaid Study of Cost Differences by Treatment Setting, Edmund Paul Kemp
A Leadership Model for Roman Catholic Social Service Agencies, Richard A. Ketrow
Alexander Cannon, Carol Barber
Alfredian Texts and Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Alfred the Wise, Jane Roberts, Janet L. Nelson, and Malcolm Godden
Allied Paper Landfill, a Case Study of Superfund, Kaitlin Braunschweig
Alliterative Traditions: In Memory of Larry D. Benson (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
“Allow, Accept, Be”: Terrence McNally’s Engagement with Hindu Spirituality in A Perfect Ganesh, Raymond-Jean Frontain
All Roads, Colleen O’Brien
All the Queen's Ladies? Philippa of Hainault's Female Attendants, Caroline Dunn
“All Things Considered”: A Comparative Case Study Examining the Commercial Presence within Public Radio, Peter P. Nieckarz III
A Longitudinal Study of the Developmental Kindergarten Program in the Troy Schools, Troy, Michigan, Dennis H. Raetzke
Amanda Bistolfo, Conductor, Amanda Bistolfo
Ambiguous Allegories: What the Mythological Comedia Reveals About Baroque Tragedy, Sofie Kluge
A Measure of State-Trait Anger with Adolescent Sex Offenders, Adolescent Delinquents, and a Normal Adolescent Population, Brett D. Lincoln
American Indian Perception of Counselor Characteristics in a Counseling Interview, Francis Donald McLeod
American Students Performing the Foreignness of Human Culture in Foreign Drama, Les Essif
A Metaevaluation of School Counseling Program Evaluations, Saeed Mohammed Almueed
A Metaevaluation of the Commission on Fire Accreditation International Accreditation Process, Stacy A. French
A Model for Using the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination Results as a Method of Outcomes Assessment, Debra Scott Schultz
Among Actions, Objects, and Ideas: The Telescope in Thomas Tomkis’s Albumazar, Vivian Appler
A Multimethodological Study of Teachers’ Perceptions of Technology Professional Development, James Brown
An Account of Expert Phylogenetic Tree Construction from the Problem-Solving Research Tradition in Science Education, Steven D. Brewer
An Account of Novice Phylogenetic Tree Construction from the Problem-Solving Research Tradition, Terrance E. Brisbin
An African American Cultural Critique of Weight, Race, Gender and Class Using a Semiotic Analysis of Queen Latifah’ s Film Roles, Angela Denise Prater
An Alternative Model for School District Organization in Michigan, William M. Johanns
Analysis of Benzo(A)Pyrene-Induced Gene Expression Changes in Fisher 344 Rat Liver by Affymetrix Microarray and Quantitative Real-Time PCR, Alhaji Umar N’jai
Analysis of Factors Involved in Ratings of Treatment Acceptability for Trichotillomania, Amy J. Elliott
Analysis of Group Differences and Predictors of Hooper Visual Organization Test Scores, Michael R. DeVries
Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes in Michigan, Ahmed Abbas Ghubin Al-zubaidi
Analysis of the Local Government Sustainability Implementation Strategy in Nigeria and South Africa, Robert Dibie
Analyzing Repetitive Sequences with Structured Dynamic Bayesian Networks, Thomas. L. Lake
An Analogue of Science, Michael Albert Minervini
An Analysis of Conduct Disordered Boys’ and Their Parents’ Perceptions of Their Family Social Environments, John Rolph
An Analysis of Evaluation Practices of Two Training Programs in the Healthcare Sector Using the New World Kirkpatrick Model, Michelle Woodhouse
An Analysis of Fecal Coliform Bacteria as a Water Quality Indicator, Janet Heyl Vail
An Analysis of Four Performance Techniques for Paraprofessional Direct-Care Staff Working with Developmentally Disabled Adults in Group Homes, L. Martin Grabijas
An Analysis of Grade-Level Expenditures of At-Risk Funding Among Districts of Different Economic Status in the State of Michigan, Benard A. Meyer
An Analysis of Local Response to State Initiated School Reform Legislation: Michigan Public Act 25, A. Bruce Watson
An Analysis of Nine K-12 School Districts that have Established Membership with the Coalition of Essential Schools, Shari A. Peters Kitchen
An Analysis of Parental and Peer Attachment and its Determinant Factors: A Test of Attachment Theory on Malaysian Students at American Universities, Noriah Mohd. Ishak
An Analysis of Police Perceptions of Community Policing and Female Officers, Rhonda Kaye DeLong
An Analysis of Preflight Inspection Practices in the Collegiate Training Environment, Seth Laws
An Analysis of Saudi Arabian Employee Performance in Selected Public Sector Service Organizations, Yousif Mohamad Saad Al-Hendy
An Analysis of Student Math Scores Based Upon Teacher Training in the Instructional Theory into Practice Model, Martha O'Kray
An Analysis of the Auditory-Verbal and Visual-Figural Learning and Memory Patterns of College Students with Learning Disabilities, Robert K. Eckert
An Analysis of the Content and Methods of Instruction at Michigan Institutions that Prepare Principals, Thomas E. Engel
An Analysis of the Correlation between Coping Factors and Clinical Symptoms, Justin Morgan Wilson
An Analysis of the Effect of Matching Student Learning Style to the Method of Instruction, Addamae Akin
An Analysis of the Effects of a Low Glycemic Diet on the Antisocial Behavior of Juvenile Offenders, James Edward Longhurst
An Analysis of the Impact of an Outlier on Correlation Coefficients Across Small Sample Data Where RHO is Non-Zero, Maria A. Suchowski
An Analysis of the Level of Union Membership in the United States Since the Implementation of NAFTA, David D. Westcot
An Analysis of the Relationship of Achievement, Attitude, and Sociological Element of Individual Learning Style of Students in an Interactive Television Course, Thomas A. Burkman
An Analysis of the Use of Special Masters for Assuring Compliance with Judicial Decrees in Corrections Litigation, Richard J. Liles
An Analysis of the Utilization of Power by Florence Nightingale 1856-1872, Louise C. Selanders
An Assessment of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Application in Ethiopia: Oromo Regional Government Revenue Bureau in Focus, Tolla Berisso and Daniel Beyera
An Assessment of Generalization Across Settings of a Parenting Strategies Program for ADHD Children, Barbara M. Todd-Nelson
An Assessment of Home Energy Efficiency in Kalamazoo, Alexis Coutts
An Assessment of the Characteristics of Catholic School Boards in the State of Michigan, Frank C. Wippel
An Assessment of the Counseling Services Provided to Juvenile Delinquents in Jordan through the Perceptions of Juvenile Probation Officers and Administrators, Ahmad Suleiman Zaghalil
An Assessment of the Instructional Needs of Ohio's Educational Administrators Relative to Computer Technology, Mary F. Missavage Berney
An Assessment of the Relationship between Decision-Makers' Opinions about Comprehensive Sex Education and Factors That Influence Those Opinions, M. Terri Voit-Devine
An Assessment of Vocational Technical Education Students' Literacy Levels and Awareness of Employer Expectations, Toni Woolfork
And the Wind Blew Cold: The Story of an American Pow in North Korea, Richard M. Bassett and Lewis H. Carlson
An Ecological Study of Coaching Behaviors and Corresponding Player Performance and Perception and Performance for the Sport of Collegiate Ice Hockey, Joseph M. Kalinowski
An Effective Cognition Assessment in Ventilated Patients, Gabrielle Lober and Rachel Walker
An Elective Course Exploring Occupational Justice Through Occupational Storytelling and Story Making, Julie A. Bednarski
An Empirical Study of Fiscal Decentralization of Local Governments in China, Jianfeng Wang
An Environmental Scan of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on University and College Campuses: A Research Note, Kaley J. Cieslak, Lehanna E. Hardy, Natalie S. Kyles, Erika L. Miller, Becky L. Mullins, Katelyn M. Root, and Christina M. Smith
An Evaluation of a Method of Suicide Assessment Training, Gerald A. Juhnke
An Evaluation of an Intervention Program for Juvenile Probationers, Kevin I. Minor
An Evaluation of an Organizationally-Focused School-Based Delinquency Reduction Program: The Milwood Project, H. Preston Elrod
An Evaluation of Methylphenidate Preference in Adults Diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Emily Kathleen MacDonald
An Evaluation of Privatization, Taxes, and User Fees as Alternative Strategies for Municipal Trash Collection, James Neubecker
An Evaluation of the Acceptability and Effects of a Computer-Delivered Values-Based Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression Among Older Adults, Kellie Reynolds
An Evaluation of the Renaissance Zone Programs of Michigan, Yuanlei Zhu
A New Type of Particle Detector for Nuclear Scattering Experiments, Philip Ugorowski
An Examination of Academic Grit in Urban High Schools, Ronald Gorman
An Examination of Depression in a Subclinical Eating Disorder Female Population, Christine Hill-Melton
An Examination of Factors Contributing to Exemplary Schools in an Urban Public School District in the Midwest, Gordon D. Griffin
An Examination of Self-Efficacy in Master’s Level Counselor Trainees, Matthew G. Rushlau
An Examination of the Effects of Fluency Training on Retention, Distractibility, and Generativity, Victoria Mary Pellettiere
An Examination of the New York State Workers' Compensation Reform Act of 2007, Julia Ostrov
An Examination of the Relationships among Locus of Control, Role Variables, and Perceived Job Satisfaction, Glenn Ellis Liddell
An Examination of Voir Dire from an Interactionist Perspective, Peter R. Stevenson
An Experimental Analysis of Instructional Technologies Applied to the Three Contingency Model of Performance Management, Judith S . DeVoe
An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Reading Interventions in a Small Group Reading Instruction Context, Christine M. Bonfiglio
An Experimental Demonstration of the Transitive Conditioned Establishing Operation with Pigeons, Rachel Nunes da Cunha
An Experimental Study of the Effects of a Prescriptive Mental Health Consultation Approach on the Adjustment of Children Enrolled in the Blue Water Head Start Program St. Clair County, Michigan, Michael J. Duffy Jr.
An Exploration of CubeSat Propulsion, Andrew Davis Hine
An Exploration of Strategic Planning Perspectives and Processes within Community Colleges Identified as Being Distinctive in Their Strategic Planning Practices, Lisa J. Augustyniak
An Exploration of Students’ and Business Persons’ Ratings of the Importance of Writing Skills for Business Success, Miriam P. Coleman
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Critical Thinking Skills and Preferred Learning Styles of First Year Nursing Students, Gloria J. Clocklin
An Exploratory Study of Michigan Grantmaker Attributes and Competencies, Lisa R. Wyatt Knowlton
An Exploratory Study of Sentient Evaluators: Communication, Ethics, and Relationships in the Evaluation Process, Mary Elizabeth Piontek
An Extension to the AVC Discrimination Test by the Addition of One Level Above AVC Level VI, Charles P. Butler
Angle-Resolved Studies of Inner Shell Excitations for Argon, Krypton and Xenon using Third Generation Synchrotron Sources, Ahmad H. Farhat
Anglo-Norman Identity: Material and Memorial Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Norman Texts and Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Saxon Books and Libraries: In Memoriam Lewis Nicholson (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Saxon Elements in Middle English Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Saxon Gestures and the Roman Stage, C. R. Dodwell
An Historical Analysis of Public Policy for the Care and Treatment of People Who Are Mentally Retarded in Michigan, Kenneth O. Slater
Anibal J. Hernández, Trombone, Anibal J. Hernández
Animal Languages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Animals and Power: Human-Animal Interactions and the Representation of Social Order in Medieval Research and in Teaching the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
An Improved Technique to Study a Hidden Immigrant Population, Daniel Abraham Mengistu
An Integrated Framework for Cardiac Sounds Diagnosis, Zichun Tong
An Interactive Web-based Tool for Fatigue Analysis and Life Prediction, Joshua Teo Lee Kuok
An Intra-Site Spatial Analysis of Fort St. Joseph (20BE23) in Niles, MI, Katelyn Deann Hillmeyer
An Introduction to Image Processing for Multispectral Projects, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
An Introduction to Korean Culture, Andrew C. Nahm and John H. Koo
An Investigation into Relationships between Alternative Assessment and Pre-Service Elementary Teachers’ Beliefs about Mathematics, David Charles Coffey
An Investigation of Elementary Teachers' Self-Perception of Burnout While Participating in a Professional Development Change Process, Lana L. Callihan
An Investigation of Teachers' Beliefs Concerning Evaluation Procedures and Criteria and their Willingness to Assume an Active Role in the Process, Terina Walker-Harvey
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Homework Assignments in Counseling and Perceptions of Specific Counselor Characteristics, George T. Starrett
An Investigation of the Relationship between Premorbid Personality and Depression, William Essenburg
An Investigation of the Traditional and Non-Traditional College Students' Perceived Benefits Regarding Participation in the Cooperative Education Program, Beatrice C. Ullrich
An Investigation of Variables Related to Successful Foster Care of Juvenile Delinquents, John Charles Weiks
An Investigation on the Impact of the Structure of Summative Student Evaluation on Self-Regulated Learning, John Charles Ritzier
Annus Horribilis, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anonymous Anglo-Saxon Prose Saints' Lives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
An Open-Access Review to Determine Best Evidence-Based Practice for COPD, Beth Ann Walker, Heidi Breckner, Morgan Carrier, Wendy Pullen, Erin Reagan, Lisa Telfer, and Taryn Zimmerman
An Opportunity to Reflect and Recommit, John M. Dunn
Anorexia/Bulimia, Transcendence, and the Potential Impact of Romanticized/Sexualized Death Imagery, Heather D. Schild
Another Person's Skin: Imagining Race in the Works of Crane, Dunbar, Cather and Stevens, Lisa M. DuRose
An R-Matrix, Quantum Defect Theory Approach to the Photoionization of Molecular Nitrogen, Gaetan L. VanGyseghem
"Antitheta quae sententiae pulchritudinem faciunt" (Isidore): Contrasts in Medieval Texts and Images, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Antonio’s (Happy) Ending: Queer Closure in All-Male Twelfth Night, Chad Allen Thomas
A Numerical Approach to Investigate the Influence of Deformable Blockages on Blood Flow in an Elastic Vessel, Tai-Hsien Wu
An Unfinished Journey: The Evolution of Crime Measurement in the United States, Daniel J. Patten
Anxiety in the Aisle: A Multi-Channel Study of the Incongruence between Wine Consumption and Wine Shopping, Brianna Amat
A Paleoclimatic Study of the Midwestern United States from the Stahle Isotope Records in Lake Sediments, Norman Alan Lovan
A Parameterized Implementation of a Hybrid Fuzzy Boolean Finite State Machine using an FPGA, Sean T. Fuller
A Parent Training Program for Teaching Preschool Children Independent Self-Care Skills, Dalene Rooks DeGraaf
A Phenomenological Approach Examining the Completion of Latino High School Students through the Lenses of Critical Race Theory, Anna M. Rangel-Clawson
A Phenomenological Investigation of Women and Depression, Denise Twohey
A Phenomenological Study on the Perception of Occupational Therapists Practicing in the Emergency Department, Gregory Chown, Theresa Soley, Susan Moczydlowski, Christine Chimento, and Amy Smoyer
A Pilot Test of the Career Adjustment and Development Inventory as a Career Needs Analysis Technique, Richard W. Zinser
A PNN-Jensen-Bregman Divergence for a WLAN Indoor Positioning System, Osamah Ali Abdullah
Apocalypticism in the Age of Cusanus: In Memory of Louis B. Pascoe, S.J., Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Portrait of Assessment in Reformed Mathematics Classrooms, James R. Kett
A Post-Election Message from President Dunn, John M. Dunn
Appeal and Vulnerability Patterns in Girl Victims of Incest, Ruth Mausert-Mooney
Application of Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Ionic Liquids and their Biodegradation Products, Sepideh Rahbarirad
Application of Starch-Based Nanoparticle Colloidal Dispersion in Curtain Coating, Ting Chen
Applications of the Tap Te Chino of Lao Tzu to Psychotherapy Theory and Technique, Thomas E. Hranilovich
Applied Chemical Hydrogeology, Alan E. Kehew
Applied Relaxation Training in the Treatment of Genital Herpes, Kent A. Koehn
Applied Thermoplastic Screw Plastication Theory: Industry Acceptance and Implications for Plastics Processing Education, Paul V. Engelmann
Applying a Business Model to the University, John Neill
Applying Sen's Capability Approach to Understand Work and Income among Poor People in India, Mahasweta M. Banerjee
Applying the Sustainable Development Goals Framework to Sustainable Improvement of Slums in Addis Ababa, Zafu A. Teferi
Approved for All Audiences: A Longitudinal Content Analysis of the Portrayal of Women in Movie Trailers, Brooke S. O’Neil
A Preliminary Investigation of The Acceptability and Effectiveness of Computer-Based Adjunctive Parent Training for Child Noncompliance, Dwayne M. Munneke
A Previous Suicide Attempt as a Factor to Predict Successful Completion of a Residential Alcohol Treatment Program, Michael William Glover
APRICOT: A Pedagogical Hub for Medieval Studies (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Progressive Disease Model for Doubly-Censred Bivariate Survival Data that Accommodates Covariate Information, Hilmi F. Yahya
A Prosopography of the Capital Pledges of Medieval Norwich, Samantha Sagui
A Psychoanalytic and Archetypal Examination of Two Seminal Dreams and Visions of Ellen G. White, Dennis E. Waite
A Qualitative Exploration of Women Survivors’ Disclosure of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Joanne Dodgson
A Queen Is Born: Celebrating the Five-Hundredth Birthday of Queen Mary I of England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Archaeology and Experiment: Moving beyond the Artifacts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Archaeology of the Medieval Iberian Peninsula: Another Way of Approching Its History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Archipelago, Rebecah Pulsifer
Architectural Hardware, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
Archives from Houses of Cistercian Nuns and Their Evidence for Powerful Thirteenth-Century Secular Women, Constance H. Berman
A Rediscovered Life: Thomas of Celano's The Life of Our Blessed Father Francis, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Are Payday Loans Really Evil? Controversy, Regulation, and Innovation in the Secondary Financial Services Market, David Stoesz
A Replication of the National Association of Secondary School Principals Study of High School Principals and their Schools in Michigan, Helen M. Potoczak
A Representation of Chemical Reactions by Labeled Graphs, Héctor Hevia
A Review of Governance for Food and Nutrition Security in Ethiopia, Esubalew Abate Alemu
Are We There Yet? Assessing Our Progress in Assessment, Katharine Cummings
Arguing for Economic Equality, John Baker
A Robust Estimate for an Autoregressive Time Series, Jeffrey Terpstra
A Robust Two-Sample Procedure to Estimate a Shift Parameter, Feridun Tasdan
Art and Material Culture in Medieval Ireland: Papers in Memory of John Bradley I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Art and Material Culture in Medieval Ireland: Papers in Memory of John Bradley II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Art as Work: Value in Vulnerable Populations, Ann Marta
Articles of War: Winners, Losers and Some Who Were Both in the Civil War, Albert Castel
Arts of Life: A Place for Artists to Participate and Engage, Lydia Royeen
Arts of Life: A Place for Artists to Participate and Engage, Lydia Royeen
A Sense of Entitlement to Self in Relationships: An Elaboration of Attachment and Feminist Object Relations Theories, Suzanne Elaine Wolfe
A Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Silurian A-1 Carbonate and Modeling of a Niagara-Lower Salina Reef Complex, Michigan Basin, U.S.A, Jonathan D. Garrett
A Service Disparity for Rural Youth: The Organization of Social Services Across the Urban Youth Centre and its Rural Branch, Jessica Braimoh
A Session of Ice and Fire: Medievalism in the Game of Thrones Franchise, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Asian Indians in Michigan, Arthur W. Helweg
A Silence in Perfect Cursive, Carissa Dismuke
A Smart Girl's Guide to Friendship Troubles, Patti Kelley Criswell
A Socio-Cultural Comparative Study of Freshmen of Mexican Descent Attending Western Michigan University, Diane M. Ariza
A Socio-Historical Analysis of the Benton Harbor, Michigan Desegregation Case between 1967 and 1981, Tiffany Anne Loftus Butzbaugh
A Sociological History of Prison Privatization in the Contemporary United States, Donna Selman-Killingbeck
Assertive Communication: Its Effect on Conflict, Trust, Hostility, and Productivity in the Organization, Jacqueline J. Brayman
Assessing Access to Social Services in Emerging Systems: A Conceptual Approach, Steven G. Anderson, Meirong Liu, and Xiang Gao
Assessing Change in Attachment Security of Adolescents at Residential Therapeutic Programs, Laura Santa Thum
Assessing functional impairment in individuals with mild cognitive impairment, Patricia da Cunha Belchior, Taranpreet Bains, Jennifer Hargadon, Sofia Tran, Courtney Uphoff, Jade Chiu W. Kwok, Navaldeep Kaur, and Isabelle Gelinas
Assessing Pediatricians' Diagnostic Practices: An Analogue Study of Responses to ADHD-Like Presentations in Preschoolers, Helle Augustesen
Assessing Putnam’s Theory of Social Capital through the Use of Path Analysis, Craig Tollini
Assessing Students Rule-Bound Writing Development, Kim Ballard
Assessing the Differential Outcomes Procedure with Children Diagnosed with Autism, Ivy M. Chong
Assessing the Impact of Historical Story Telling on Student Learning of Natural Selection, Janice Marie Fulford
Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Spanish Translation of Two Help-Seeking Instruments, Salvador Lopez-Arias
Assessment at the College Level: Core Comptencies, Sue Caulfield
Assessment Inequities of Residential Properties in Nine Michigan Townships, Sivaswami Amarnath
Assessment of Concussion Education for Student‐Athletes, Miriam Carroll-Alfano
Assessment of the Roles and Constraints of Women in the Economic Development of Ethiopia: The Case of AmboTown since 1991, Gashaw Ayferam
Assistive Technology Accessibility and Abandonment: Challenges for Occupational Therapists, Daniel MC Cruz, Maria Luisa G. Emmel, Mariana G. Manzini, and Paulo V. Braga Mendes
A Status Study of Economic Education in Michigan Elementary Schools, Barbara C. Johnson
A Status Study of Formal Evaluation Procedures Employed by Michigan Philanthropic Foundations, John R. Seita
Asterisk Tolkien: Filling Medieval Lacunae, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Structural Analysis of Law Enforcement Officer Deaths; 1995-1999, Kasey A. Tucker
A Study in Correctional Leadership and Conflict within the Informal Organization of a Correctional Setting: A Paradigm Shift in Correctional Treatment, Francis L. Crowe
A Study Management Course for High-Risk Black College Freshmen, Mark Andrew Jackson
A Study of Active Participation Instructional Strategies Increasing Student's Higher Order Thinking Skills, Scottie J. Griffin
A Study of a Prekindergarten Screening Test: The Project Intercept Inventory, Francis J. Rutowski
A Study of Cooperative Learning at the High School Level, Lisabeth S. Margulus
A Study of Dual Relationships in Small College Counseling Centers, Terry W. Darling
A Study of Effects of Persistence and Nonpersistence in Mastery Learning PSI Remedial English in a Two-Year College, John H. Corbin
A Study of Emergent Leadership Factors in a Total Ministry Model, David C. Meyers
A Study of Expert Problem-Solving in Qualitative Organic Analysis Using a Computer Simulation, Keith A. Schramm
A Study of Factors Affecting Responses in Electronic Mail Surveys, Kimberly Post Good
A Study of Factors Correlated with Career Persistence of Male Pastors in the Free Methodist Church in Michigan, Robert Q. Bailey
A Study of Leadership Behaviors of Principals in Schools Which Educate Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities in Regular Education Classrooms, Patreese Ingram
A Study of Leadership Styles of the County Sheriffs in the State of Michigan, David A. Miramonti
A Study of Licensed Psychologists and the Problem of Addressing Spiritual/Religious Issues in Therapy, Suzanne Lorenz Brennan
A Study of Local-Cosmopolitan Orientation with a University Support Staff, Sharon Carr
A Study of Parental Characteristics and School Choice, Chia-Lin Hsieh
A Study of Personality Factors and Music Preference, Involvement, and Use among Youth, Sheila Ann Smith
A Study of Personality Style and Intergenerational Attitudes on Parenting, David Lee Russell
A Study of Retention Intervention Programs Used in Rural Michigan Schools, Randall E. Busscher
A Study of Selected Strategies for Allocating Funds to Improve County Roads, Ronald E. Reid
A Study of Some Characteristics of Chippewa Valley Public School Teachers and Their Attitudes toward Merit Pay, Michael D. Samulski
A Study of Stress Factors Related to the Attrition of Christian Reformed Church Missionary Personnel in a West African Work Environment, Dirk W. Vander Steen
A Study of Students Involved in a Leadership Development Program, "Excellence in Leadership", at Grand Valley State University, Paul McKimmy
A Study of Support for Transfer and the Alignment of the Training with the Strategic Direction of the Organization, Max U. Montesino T.
A Study of Teachers’ Perceptions of Principal Effectiveness Among Secondary School Teachers in Malaysia, Ariff B. Kasim
A Study of the Attitudes of Michigan School Board Presidents toward Superintendents' Political and Policy Leadership in Third and Fourth Class School Districts, Jon Bradley Johnson
A Study of the Awareness and Understanding of Distance Education by Leadership Roles at Community Colleges in Michigan, Douglas H. Lape
A Study of the Correlation Between Per Pupil Funding and Student Achievement in the State of Michigan, Douglas Harold Snyder
A Study of the Counseling Practices of Wesleyan Pastors, Kurt A. Stevens
A Study of the Effectiveness of the Michigan Certified Boardmember Award (CBA) Program, Henry Bothwell III
A Study of the Effect of Developmental Kindergarten Placement on Student Achievement: Issues and Other Alternatives for the "Unready" Child, Sandra F. Earley
A Study of the Effect of Group Family Play on Family Relations for Families with Children Considered At-Risk for Educational Failure, Carmen Colleen Baldus
A Study of the Effects of Charter Schools on Achievement, Attendance and Selected Mitigating Factors in a Midwestern State’s Small Urban School Districts, Frederick C. Clarke
A Study of the Effects of Goal Conflict on Job Satisfaction in Auxiliary Enterprise Units within Higher Education, Stephen M. Keizer
A Study of the Effects on Second-Grade Students of a Leadership Curriculum, Michael Frazee
A Study of the Emotional Responses and Coping Strategies of Male and Female Athletes with Moderate and Severe Injuries, Donna S. Eaton
A Study of the Feasibility of Developing a Training Model to Incorporate Management by Objectives in Higher Education in Iraq, Nadhim J. Bakri
A Study of the Impact of Supervisory Style on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in the Secondary Schools in Kuwait, Abdulaziz D-M Al-Duaij
A Study of the Knowledge Structure of Expert, Intermediate, and Novice Subjects in the Domain of Physics, Jennifer L. Discenna
A Study of the Leadership Preparedness of U.S. Public University Chief Business Officers, Daniel J. Hurley
A Study of the Relationship Between Epistemic Style and Evaluation Practice, Deanna Draze
A Study of the Relationship between Michigan Public School Principals' Perceptions of Self-Actualization Needs and Their Perceptions of Satisfaction with their Job, James Mervyn Cambridge
A Study of the Relationship between Oral Communication Apprehension and Cognitive Restructuring in High School Speech Class, Lolita Fox Balch
A Study of the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture, Mildred Patricia Howard
A Study of the Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and School Climate, Christine L. Jensen
A Study of the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Teacher Attitudes, Scott Palczewski
A Study of the Thematic Integrated Curriculum (TIC) of the Focus 2000 Program, Sherry Collins
A Study of Tuition in Public Comprehensive Universities and Colleges: A Model for Analyzing Factors that Affect Tuition, Michael J. Roy
A Study of Variables Related to Teacher Absenteeism in a K-12 School District, Dale F. Martin
A Study of Wage Differentials between Females and Males in Administrative Positions in a Michigan University, Barbara S. Liggett
A Study to Determine the Relationship Between Perceived Communication Practices of Leaders and Subordinate Response to Change, Catherine L. Chevalier
A Successor Is Born: Contested Births and Unexpected Heirs, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Survey of Oral Communication Instructional Practices in the Elementary Public Schools of Michigan, James N. Walker
Asymmetric Benefits: The de facto Economic Union between Eritrea and Ethiopia 1991-1998, Worku Aberra
Asymptotic Diagonalizations of a Linear Ordinary Differential System, Feipeng Xie
A Systematic Approach to Staff Management and Systems Evaluation in an Inpatient Psychiatric Setting: The First Step toward Reform through Accountability, Helen Diann Pratt
A Systematic Review of Yoga Interventions in the Incarcerated Setting, Alexandra S. Wimberly and Jia Xue
A Systems Approach to Designing an Internship Model that Benefits the Sponsoring Organization, Peter-Comelius Dams
A Systems Approach to Performance Quality: An Application to Higher Education, Tobias LaFleur
A Test of a Rapid Developer Model: Workplace Factors Associated with Learning and Development, James A. Alexander
A Test of Factor Analysis as a Validation Procedure for Physician Certification Examinations, Jeffrey D. Greene
A Thracian Charm and Socratic Teaching: The Politics of Education, Arlene W. Saxonhouse
A Transdiagnostic Approach to Emotion Regulation: The Development and Validation of Two Scales of Emotion Regulation, Lauren M. Borges
A Trend Analysis of Occupational Therapy Treatment Outcomes Following Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery, Richard G. Cooper
Attending to Manuscript Realities, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Attitudes and Perceptions of Michigan School Administrators toward Female Administrators, Dorothy J. VanderJagt
Attitudes of Black Secondary School Teachers Toward School Guidance in the Potchefstroom Area, South Africa, Elias H. Masibi
Attitudes of Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants Toward the Entry-Level Bachelor’s Degree for OTAs, Randy P. McCombie
Audio Software (VST Plugin) Development with Practical Application, Zachary Hummel
Augustine on the Body: Metaphysical, Biblical, and Empirical Approaches, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Austerity Versus Stimulus: An Introduction to the Special Issue, James Midgley, Howard Karger, and Subas Risal
Austerity Versus Stimulus: Theoretical Perspectives and Policy Implications, James Midgley
Authentic Protest, Authentic Shakespeare, Authentic Africans: Performing Othello in South Africa, Natasha Distiller
Authority and Dissent in Medieval Art History Today: A Roundtable Discussion in Memory and Celebration of Barbara Abou-El-Haj, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A case study of Mikey, Gabrielle Lober
Autocorrelation in Single-Subject Data: A Meta-Analytic View, Laura L. Methot
Automotive Service Technology Intersectional Skills Proficiency Assessment, David L. MacQuarrie
A Validation of the Family of Origin Scale Using Alcoholic and Mental Health Patients, Arthur J. Fedor
A Wellhead Protection Study of a Small Agricultural Community in Glaciated Terrain, as a Model for Wellhead Protection Efforts by Similar Communities, Cole Kevan Lovett
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.51 no.2 2016
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.52 no.1 2016
Backwater, Jacob M. DeVoogd
Bacteriophages that can Lyse Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria, Michael Monaco
Ballad of the Lone Medievalist, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Job (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bandwidth, Edgesum and Profile of Graphs, Yung-Ling Lai
Bangladesh Norms for a Gender-Specific Functional Fine Dexterity Test (FFDT), Debra K. Lindstrom-Hazel, Umme Aeyman, Md. Julker Nayan, and Syed Shakawat Hossain
Baptism, the Three Enemies, and T.S. Eliot, Clifford Davidson
Basic Income Guarantee: The Gender Impact within Households, Sara Cantillon and Caitlin McLean
Basic Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, Po-Fang Hsieh and Yasutaka Sibuya
Bayesian Rank Based Methods for Linear and Generalized Linear Models, James Kodzo Dzikunu
Bearing Witness and Taking Action: Audiences and Morality in Renaissance Tragedy and Activist Street Theater, Horacio Sierra
Beauty and the Beast: The Influence of the Medieval Bestiary in Text and Image, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Before/After Constantinus Africanus: Medicine in the Beneventan Zone and Beyond I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Before/After Constantinus Africanus: Medicine in the Beneventan Zone and Beyond II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beginning Well: Pedagogical Approaches and Resources for Early Career Medievalists (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Behavioral Treatment of Headaches, Walid Salim Salah-Kailane
Behavior and Attitudes Related to the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Disease and Unplanned Pregnancy, J. Lee Hoover
Being on the Mat: A Process Evaluation of Trauma-Informed Yoga for Women with Substance Use Disorders, Amy B. Smoyer
Beliefs and Perceptions of Michigan Superintendents Toward Females Advancing in the Ranks: Perspectives to Increase the Minority Pool, Dennis J. Stanek
Benedictines and Victorines, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ben Jonson and The Mirror: Folly Knows No Gender, Sherry Broadwell Niewoonder
Best Practices in Weaning Children off Tube Feeds to Oral Intake, Kylie Abernathy and Andrea Newton
Best Practices, Worst Mistakes: Insider Advice on Editing Collected Essays (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Between Retrenchment and Recalibration: The Impact of Austerity on the Irish Social Protection System, Fiona Dukelow and Mairead Considine
Betwixt and Between: The Effect of Cultural Transition in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Peninsula, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beyond Contingency Theory: Environment, Structure, and Administrator's Coping Ability in the Public Sector, Shyu-tu Lee
Beyond Image and Convention, Janet L. Coryell, Martha H. Swain, Sandra Gioia Treadway, and Elizabeth Hayes Turner
Beyond the Diocese of Orléans: In Memory of Thomas Head, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beyond Women and Power: Looking Backward and Moving Forward, Kathy M. Krause
Biblical Self-Esteem and Psychopathology: A Psychological/ Theological Integration, Allan Warren Crummett
Bibliography of Slavic Literature, Dasha Culic Nisula
Binge Drinking and Salutogenesis: Sense of Coherence, Stress, Religiousness and Spirituality, Jeanne C . DeBruyn
Bioinformatics and Laboratory Study of Tanapox Viral Protein 91L, Kurt Wendland
Biomedical Ethics in the Soviet Union, Richard T. De George
Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Saints' Days, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bivariate Negative Binomial Hurdle with Random Spatial Effects, Robert McNutt
Black Eden: The Idlewild Community, Lewis Walker and Benjamin C. Wilson
Black Puritan, Black Republican: The Life and Thought of Lemuel Haynes, John Saillant
Black Women Build Community: An Examination of the Radcliffe Black Women Oral History Project, Dawn Michelle Hinton
Blood, Sweat, and Tears: Violence and Emotion in Medieval England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy through the Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
“Born Digital”: A Tale of New and Developing Health Sciences Libraries., N. Dexter and Elizabeth Lorbeer
Boundary Spanning Engagement: Transforming Institutional Culture to Support and Sustain an Engagement Agenda at a Public Research University, Sharon Seabrook Russell
Boundary Spanning in a Complex System: Leadership Reflections of a Faculty Fellow, Julie Apker
Breastfeeding and Subsistence Work: Connecting Theory and Experience, Olivia M. McLaughlin
Brian Friel’s Transformation from Short Fiction Writer to Dramatist, Richard Rankin Russell
Bridging the Gap in Care for Older Adults Through Increased Training of PA-Cs, Stacy Bangert
Bringing Ritual to Mind: Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms, Robert N. McCauley and E. Thomas Lawson
Broadening the Scope and Impact of Occupational Therapy Education Research by Merging Two Research Agendas: A New Research Agenda Matrix, Barbara Hooper
Brothers and “Gentles” in The Life of King Henry the Fifth, Maurice Hunt
Bufadienolides In The Chemical Defenses Of The Toads, Bufo Americanus and Bufo Fowleri, Catherine E. Merovich
Building Diverse Communities: Applications of Communication Research, Trevy A. McDonald, Mark P. Orbe, and Trevellya Ford Ahmed
Building Infrastructure for Hydrological/Water Crisis Management in Nigeria in the 21st Century: Imperatives for Policy Reforms, Akongbowa Bramwell Amadasun and Ekhosuehi Oghator
Bulletin: Details of Undergraduate Curricula 1953-1954, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Facts for Freshmen and Information for New Students, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Graduate Division Announcement for the 1953 Summer Session and the 1953-54 School Year, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Summer School Announcments, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Summer Session 1951 Western Michigan College, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: This is Western, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan College Announcements for July 1954 through June 1955, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan College Details of Undergraduate Curricula 1954, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan College Graduate Division 1956 Summer Session, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan College Summer Session 1954, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan College Undergraduate Catalog 1953-1954, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan College Undergraduate Catalog 1955-1956, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan College Undergraduate Catalog 1956-1957, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: School of Graduate Studies Catalog 1957-1958, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: School of Graduate Studies Catalog 1958-1959, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: School of Graduate Studies Catalog 1963-1964, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Summer Session 1953, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The School of Graduate Studies Catalog 1960-1961, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The School of Graduate Studies Catalog 1961-1962, Western Michigan University
Bulletin - Western Michigan University: The School of Graduate Studies Catalog 1962-1963, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1957-1958, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1958-1959, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1959-1960, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1960-1961, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1961-1962, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1962-1963, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1963-1964, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1964-1965, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1965-1966, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1966-1967, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1967-1968, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 1968-1969, Western Michigan University
Business Magazine (2016), Haworth College of Business
Busy Tenants? Land Transfer and Commercialization: Late Medieval England and Austria in a Comparative Perspective, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"But Will It Work With Real Students?": Scenarios for Teaching Secondary English Language Arts, Janet Alsup and Jonathan Bush
Byrhtferth of Ramsey (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
CAB Documentary: A Year in the Life of a Student Leader, Cassie Hess
Camelot on the Small Screen (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Campus, Community, Connection: A Public Relations Campaign, Elizabeth Blasko
Can a student write a novel in a month?, Julia Tanner
Can People Experiencing Homelessness Acquire Financial Assets?, Allison De Marco, Molly De Marco, Alexandra Biggers, Maggie West, Jonathan Young, and Rachel Levy
Can Principals’ Personality Traits Predict their Risk-Taking: Uncertainty and Success Orientation as they Relate to Risk Propensity, Bruce A. Evans
Can Psychology Research Inform Health Information Data Collection?, A. Michelle Wright
"Can These Bones Come to Life?": Insights from Re-construction, Re-enactment, and Re-creation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Can We Share Ethical Views with Other Religions?, Robert Hannaford
Can You Help Me Now? The Effects of Cell Phone Use on Social Capital Formation, Simon Purdy
Can You Help Me Now?: The Effects of Cell Phone Use on Social Capital Formation in a Group Setting, Simon J. Purdy
Capacitated and Uncapacitated Facilities Locationallocation Problem with Sensitive Prices, Stochastic Demands, and Inventory, Yaser Al-Alawi
Capitalism, Social Institutions, and Pathways to Crime: Reconstructing Institutional Anomie Theory, Amanda Marie Smith
Capital Punishment: A New Perspective on Race and Ethnic Differences in Punishment and Death Sentence Outcomes, Martin G. Urbina
Captured by Care: An Institutional Ethnography on the Work of Being in a Rehabilitation Process in Norway, Janne I. Paulsen Breimo
Career Commitment and Retention Strategies for New Teachers: A National Study, A. Celeste Shelton-Harris
Career Dynamics of Counselor Trainee Stereotyping: Bias Toward Physical Ability, Social Class, Gender, and Race of Clients, J. Stephen Neynaber
Career Experiences and Career Development among Chinese American Professional Women: A Qualitative Study, Yi-Ling Linda Kuo-Rice
Career Planning Needs of Students, Carol Nowakowski
Caring for Dementing and Nondementing Chronically Ill Elderly in Belgium: Modeling Salutogenic and Pathogenic Processes, Timothy John Gallagher
Caroline Bartlett Crane and Progressive Era Reform: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Ideology in Action, Linda J. Rynbrandt
Case Studies for School Leaders: Implementing the ISLLC StandardsRecurrencia equinoccial, William Sharp, James K. Walter, Helen M. Sharp, and Scott D. Thomson
Case Studies of Organizational Evaluation in Community Foundations, Joyce Box Brown
Causes of Juvenile Delinquency in Jordan, Ayed A. Irfaifeh
CDS- Annual Report 2013, College of Health and Human Services
CDS- Annual Report 2014, College of Health and Human Services
CDS- Annual Report 2015, College of Health and Human Services
CDS- Annual Report 2016, College of Health and Human Services
CEAS e-news 06.2015, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 07.2015, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.2015, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Celebrations at Court in Medieval Iberia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cellular Proliferation, Death and Histology in Gambusia Affinis Livers after Exposure to 2-Aminofluorene and Benzidine, Susan J. Lentz
Center for Disability Services- November 2015, College of Health and Human Services
Center for the Study of Ethics in Society: Celebrating 25 Years, Center for the Study of Ethics in Society
Challenges and Opportunities for Effective Public-Private Partnerships in Ethiopia, Mulu Solomon
Challenges and Opportunities of Community Based Ecotourism Development in Ethiopia, Sewnet Tesfaye Lema
Chance Trottman-Huiet, Tuba, Chance Trottman-Huiet
Changes in Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Nerve Growth Factor Expression with Development, Age, Exercise and Hypertension, Bertha C. Rebimbas-Cohen
Changes in Hypnotizability as A Function of Suggestion-Based Experimenter Manipulations, Marlin 0. Trulsen
Changing Family Environments of Delinquent Adolescents Using Paradoxical Therapy Techniques, Steven G. Townsend
Changing Mathematical Discourse: A Case Study of a Secondary Mathematics Teacher, Mary Lynn Breyfogle
Changing the Culture of Science: Teaching Research Ethics to Graduate Students and Post-doctoral Fellows, Brian Schrag
Characteristics and Human Skills of Women Who Manage Women: A Community College Case Study, Susan Young Duley
Characteristics of Community Foundations at Different Ages and Asset Sizes, Kathryn Ann Agard
Characteristics of Nursing Home Administrators: Perceived Influencers on Own Career Paths, Shirley L. Cornelius
Characteristics of Patients who Experience Fear During Hospitalization, Marlena Vande Streek
Characterizing Groundwater Recharge and Streamflow using Stable Isotopes of Oxygen and Hydrogen, Chanse M. Ford
Charity and Poverty, and Bishops and the Secular Clergy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Charlemagne in Spain (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chas Helge, Cello, Chas Helge
Chaucer Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chemical, Isotopic, and Hydrogeologic Investigations of an Agriculturally Impacted Area, Nottawa Creek Watershed, Calhoun County, Michigan, Gerald A. Unterreiner
Childcare and Experiential Knowledge: Expanding Definitions of Childcare, Lori L. McNeil
Child Discipline in African American Families: Current Research Findings, Carla Adkison-Johnson
Childhood/Innocence in Victorian Medievalism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Childhood Language Disorders in Context: Infancy through Adolescence, Nickola W. Nelson
Children of Coalwood, Maria Smith
Child Welfare and Devolving Federalism: An Analysis of The Effects of Federal Funding Schemes on Selected Child Welfare Outcomes in Michigan, Timothy J. Kangas
China and India’s Role in African Development, K. Mathews
China and Post-Millennium African Economic Development Strategy as a Non-Zero-Sum-Game, Paulos Milkias
Choice and Rigor: Achieving a Balance in Middle School Reading/Language Arts Classrooms in the Era of the Common Core, Nancy L. Stevens
Choice by Rats for Enriched Versus Standard Home Cages Plastic Pipes, Wood Platforms, Wood Chips, and Paper Towels as Enrichment Items, Anita Lynn Bradshaw
Choice in the Classroom: Human Impulsivity and Self-Control, John W. Esch
Chris Given-Wilson's New Yale Biography of Henry IV of England (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Christianity, Brian Wilson
Christian Muslim Contacts on the Fringes of the Mediterranean, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Christine and Feminism: A Twenty-First-Century Reassessment, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Christine and Moral Conduct, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chromatic Connectivity of Graphs, Elliot Laforge
Chromatic Partitions, Paresh J. Malde
Chronicles and Grimoires: The Occult as Political Commentary, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Church, Mission, Enculturation, and Conversion in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Exempla, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercians in Central Europe, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercians on Bernard of Clairvaux, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Words and Meaning, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Writers, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Civility in America, Brian Schrag
Classical Influences in Dante, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Classical Philosophy in the Lands of Islam and Its Influence (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Classroom Personalities of Effective Teachers within a Technical College Setting, Fred Manley
Classroom Questioning Strategies as Indicators of Inquiry Based Science Instruction, Linda Hale Goossen
Clean Up on Aisle Six: Closing the Gap between Spectator and Performance in Uli Jaeckle’s Discounter, Brian Rhinehart
Clients' Self-Reports of Counselor Style and Personal Change: A Comparison of Inexperienced and Experienced Counselors, Ronald M. Crafton
Closing Remarks, Sisay Asefa, Admasu Tsegaye, Nuriligne Teferra, Tasew Wolde Hana, Desalegn Mengesha, and Tolla Berisso
Closing The Loop: A Study of How the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is Used for Decision-Making and Planning in Student Affairs, Jennifer Lee McCaul
Cocktail Hour in East Berlin, Mary Maroste
Codes of Ethics in Business, Michael Davis
Coefficients of Multiple Determination Based on Rank Estimates, Lee D. Witt
Cognitive Components of Social Anxiety: A Comparison of Elderly and Young Adults, Jeffery Alan McNeil
Cognitive Orthotics for Students with Cognitive Disabilities, James V. Yanna
Cold War America, 1946 to 1990, Ross Gregory
Collaboration through Partnerships: A Review of Six Michigan Communities, Cheryl Kay Sibilsky-Soule
Collapsing Microfinance Institutions in Ghana: An Account of How Four Expanded and Imploded in the Ashanti Region, Festival Godwin Boateng, Stephen Nortey, Jonas Asamanin Barnie, Peter Dwumah, Martin Acheampong, and Eunice Ackom-Sampene
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 31: November 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 32: December 2015, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 33 : January 2016, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 34: February 2016, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 35: March 2016, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 36: April 2016, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 37: May 2016, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 38: June 2016, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences E-News Issue 39: July 2016, College of Arts and Sciences
College Student Development and Emerging Adulthood, Gina Cavanaugh
Collision Spectroscopy of Low Energy Capture by Multiply Charged Ions from Atomic Targets, Kadir Akgungor
"Come and Go", Izzabella Irwin
Common Moment Sets of Complementary Graphs, Hang Chen
Common Sense Parenting (CSP) Learn at Home Kit: A Clinical Effectiveness Evaluation of a Commercially Available Video Training Program for Parents, Sean T. Smitham
Communication and the Pragmatic Condition, Gregory J. Shepherd
Communication Ethics: Methods of Analysis, James A. Jaska and Michael Pritchard
Communities at Margins: Spaces of Large Scale Development Projects Intervention in Contemporary Ethiopia, Desalegn Amsalu
Community College Student Success: The Relationship of Basic Skills, Study Habits, Age, and Gender to Academic Achievement, Margaret Lynn Hills Wonnacott
Community Radio and Peace between Rival Ethnic Groups: Considering New Indices of Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ali Noor Mohamed
Comparative and Contributive Effects of Process and Human Performance Improvement Strategies, Joseph R. Sasson
Comparative Perspectives in Hagiology, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Comparing Bilingualism in the Anglo-Saxon and Frankish Worlds II: The Languages of Anglo-Saxon Poetry and Historiography, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Comparing Bilingualism in the Anglo-Saxon and Frankish Worlds I: Literacy and Languages in Charters, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Comparing Online and Traditional Interview Techniques: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Researchers and Participants in the Malaysian Context, Diyana Kamarudin
Comparing Outcome o f Residential and Intensive Outpatient Treatment Services for Substance Dependence, Shawn E. Channell
Comparison and Generalization of Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral One-Session Exposure Treatments for Small Animal Phobias, Ellen I. Koch
Comparison of Electron and Light Microscopy of Chromosome Aberration Induced in Human Lymphocytes by Adriamycin and Mitomycin C, Abbas Parsian
Comparison of Five Role Groups of Michigan Participants in NASSP Assessment Centers, Janice I. Blanck I. Blanck
Comparison of Medians Using Multivariate Mixed Design Data, Libertie B. Mantilla
Comparison of Safety and Operational Performances for Three Engineering Countermeasures, Ali Hamzah Hussein Alzuhairi
Comparison of Selection-Based vs. Topography-Based Verbal Behavior, William F. Potter
Comparison of Shareholder value between Full-Service Airlines (FSAs) and Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs)., William Kee
Comparison of the Effects of Biofeedback Assisted Treatment on the Reduction of Stress Among African-American and White Employees, Ollie O. Barnes III
Comparison of Training Procedures on Acquisition, Retention, and Generic Extension in Retarded and Non-Retarded Children, Wendy Leys Rudolph
Comparisons of Learnings from Structured and Nonstructured Visits to a Science Exhibit, Rosario Canizales de Andrade
Comparisons of Several Medians in a Lognormal K-Sample Context Where Some Data May be Left-Censored, Stavros Costa Pouloukas
Comparison Study of the Implementation Rate of Eighteen Middle School Characteristics in Michigan and National Blue Ribbon Schools, Gregg G. Mowen
Competencies Needed by the Chief Executive Officer of a Local Affiliate of the National Urban League, Inc., Walter Melvyn Brame
Competencies Needed for Effective Church Leadership from the Perspective of Current Pastors, Cecile Elizabeth Fransman Hewitt
Competing in the International Collegiate Sales Competition, Christina Cook
Complete Issue-GrandFamilies-Issue 3(1)
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Pedestrian Countdown Signals on Road Users in Michigan, Richard Atta Boateng
Compressive Sensing Framework for Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis, Khalfalla Ahmad Kh. Awedat
Compunction and Empathy in Anglo-Saxon England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Computational Neural Networks in Chemistry: Model Free Mapping Devices for Predicting Chemical Reactivity from Molecular Structure, David Wayne Elrod
Computer Aided Brain Tumor Edge Extraction Using Morphological Operations, Warqaa Shaher AlAzawee
Computer-Assisted Consultation: Problem-Identification, David B. Lennox
Computer-Based Fluency Training with the Terminology of Behavior Analysis, Guillermo E. Yaber-Oltra
Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Ellen F. Monk, Bret J. Wagner, and Ellen F. Monk
Concepts of Camelot, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Conceptualization, Measurement, and Effects of Helicopter Parenting on College Students from the Millennial Generation, BaoChun Z. Hind
Concerns and supports of grandfamilies using formal services: Do they have the help they need?, Susan M. Collins, Christine A. Fruhauf, and Kimberly Bundy-Fazioli
Concretize the “Functioning and Capabilities” Paradigm for Sustaining Development in Africa, Amar Amine
Conference Dinner Reception and Entertainment with Ethiopian Music
Conflict, Carnage, and Cats: Toward a Comic Cú Chulainn in Martin McDonagh's The Lieutenant of Inishmore, A. J. Knox
Connections, 01/2016, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 02/2016, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 03/2016, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 04/2016, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 05/2016, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 06/2016, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 07/2016, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 08/2016, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 09/2016, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 10/2016, College of Health and Human Services
Connections between Western Chant Traditions, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Connections in the North Atlantic World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Connections, Issue 6, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, Issue 7, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, Issue 8, College of Health and Human Services
Consciousness: New Philosophical Perspectives, Quentin Smith and Aleksandar Jokic
Consensus Democracy?, Gunther M. Hega
Conservancy: The Land Trust Movement in America, Richard Brewer
Conservation, Reconstruction, and Interpretation in a Digital Age (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Considering (An)Other: Core Elements and Future Directions in the Interdisciplinary Study of Otherness in the Medieval Period (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Considering Post-Crisis Stimulus Measures: Welfare Policy and Social Inclusion in Brazil, Lenore E. Matthew
Constitutional Rights Sourcebook, Peter G. Renstrom
Constructing the Other, Defining the Self: Re-evaluating Religious Identity in the Later Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Construct Validation of the Family of Origin Scale: A Factor Analysis, Omar L. Mangrum
Contact Zones and Exchange in the Crown of Aragon and the Mediterranean, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Contagious Currency Crises, Fasika Damte Haile
Contemplating Royal Women's Access to Power and the Transition Between the Middle Ages and the "Monstrous Regiment" of the Early Modern Era, Elena Woodacre
Contemporary Mathematics in Context: A Unified Approach, Course 1, Part A, Student Edition, Arthur F. Coxford, James T. Fey, Christian R. Hirsch, Harold L. Schoen, Gail Burrill, Eric W. Hart, Ann E. Watkins, Beth Ritsema, and Mary Jo Messenger
Content Analysis Challenges to Emiratisation, Mohammed Aljanahi
Contingency-Shaped Behavior and Rule-Governed Behavior: A Comparison in Terms of Speed of Acquisition, Generalization and Maintenance, Ronald Ramirez-Henderson
Continuing Professional Education for Teachers and its Relationship to Teacher Effectiveness, Gregory Allen Knoblock
Continuity or Shift? A Multiple Streams Framework Analysis of the Family Policy in Turkey, Azize Aslihan Nisanci
Continuous and Interrupted Exposure Therapy in the Treatment of Public Speaking Anxiety, Stacey A. Waller
Contraceptive Use Among Nigerian Undergraduates: Evidence from Students of a Federal University, Olusegun Fariudeen Liadi
Contrived Versus Natural Reinforcers in the Acquisition of a Verbal Repertoire by Adult Learners, Lisa Ann LeBlanc
Controlling Pilot Error: Automation, Vladimir Risukhin
Control of Cation Ordering in Zinc Tin Nitride and In-Situ Monitoring of Growth, Brian Christopher Durant
Controversial Maternal Roles of Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse Cases, Rhonda Elliott McGee
Controversy in Skeletal Biology: the Use of Pathological and Osteological Markers as Evidence for Activity Patterns, Anna Alioto
Conversion of the Coldwater Regional Mental Health Center: The Impact on Employees, Connie Dunham Dykman
Co-Occurring Disorders and Selective Substance Use in Females Ages 10 to 25 Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Nancy A. Clinton
Coping Strategy and Social Support Differences Among COPD Patients: Effects on Psychological Well Being, Functional Status, and Health Care Utilization, Terri Belville-Robertson
Coping with Chronic Fatigue, Susan Lynne Jensen
Coptic Stitch Binding (A Hands-On Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cornering the Snarket (Return of the Sting), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Corporate Governance and Ethical Values: The Case of Ethiopian Financial Institutions, Abrar Fitwi
Corporate Resistance to Early Return to Work Policy, Roger J. Shoemaker
Corporate Social Reponsibility Reporting: Industry Comparisons, Yu Cao
Correlates of Job Burnout among Human Services Workers: Implications for Workforce Retention, Madhavappallil Thomas, Vandana Kohli, and Jong Choi
Correlates Of Life Satisfaction After Retirement, Richard A. Tackett
Corruption and Development: Alternatives to Combat Corruption, Adane Tekilay
Cost Domination in Graphs, David John Erwin
Cost Sharing Under Complex Federalism: Welfare Reform Cost Neutrality Calculations, Robert G. Lovell
Counselor-Client Value Similarity and Dissimilarity, the Working Alliance, and Counseling Outcome, Lynn Nylund Lupini
Counselors’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Career Education Programs in Assisting High School Students when Making Career Decisions, Sandra L. Roberts Standish
Cozy Politics: Political Parties, Campaign Finance, and Compromised Governance, Peter Kobrak
Cracks in the Pavement, Ben Koval
Creating and Implementing a Departmental Teaching Assistant Policy, Heather Petcovic
Creating Environments Through the Art of Occupational Therapy, Lydia Royeen
Creating Environments Through the Art of Occupational Therapy, Lydia Royeen
Creating in a Participatory Culture: Perceptions of Digital Tools Among Teachers, Emily Howell, Rebecca Kaminski, and Sarah Hunt-Barron
Creating spaces for literacy, creating spaces for learning, Christy M. Howard
Creation of Intern Manual for WMU Fall Welcome Program, Valerie Horwath
Creatures, William C. Schirado and Teresa Marie Assenzo
Crime and Development: A Comparative Analysis, Dick Taver'shima Andzenge
Criminal Law: Cases, Statutes, and Problems, Patrick Corbett, Ronald Bretz, and Alan Gershel
"Cripping" the Middle Ages: What Disability Studies Can Do for Medieval Studies and Vice Versa (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crises in the Regulation of Long-Term Care, Randall Earl Phillips
Critical Thinking Attributes of Undergraduate Nursing Faculty, Julie A. Coon
Cross-Cultural Mentoring Relationships between Faculty and Students in Undergraduate Athletic Training Programs, Scott D. Michel
Crossing Boundaries: The Movement of Manuscripts and Printed Books, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crossing the Hanseatic Threshold and Beyond: Making Connections in Medieval Art, ca. 1200-1500, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crossroads of Medieval Languages and Literature: Results of the NEH Summer Seminar in the Irish Sea Cultural Province (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crowd Sourced Product Reviews: A Study of Evaluation Standards Used, Alexander W. Manga
Crusading and the Byzantine Legacy in the Northwestern Black Sea Region, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crusading Conversations: New Work in Crusade Studies from Both Sides of the Atlantic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
C. S. Lewis and the Middle Ages II: Lewis and Medieval Philosophy/Theology, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
C. S. Lewis and the Middle Ages I: The Lewis Bestiary, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
CTO Updates - 01/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates- 02/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates- 03/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates- 04/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates- 05/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - 06/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - 07/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - 08/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - 09/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - 10/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - 11/2016, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - April 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - August 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - December 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - July 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - June 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - May 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - November 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - October 2015, Office of Information Technology
CTO Updates - September 2015, Office of Information Technology
Cultivation in an On-Demand Era: Television Consumption, Explicit and Implicit Attitudes toward Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals, Jasmine M. LaBine
Cultural Contradictions and Ethical Dilemmas in the Corporate-Styled University, Eric Gould
Cultural Interactions in the Crusader States I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cultural Interactions in the Crusader States II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Culturally Relevant Education for Rural Schools: Creating Relevancy in Rural America, Joshua J. Anderson
Culture and the Effectiveness of Supplier Diversity Programs: A Test of Predictors, Gwendolyn Whitfield
Cultures of Play/Cultures at Play in Medieval Italy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Culture-Specific HIV/STD Prevention Programming for Lesbian and Bisexual Women, Kathleen M. Morrow
Current Situation of Agricultural Trade: What Effects does it have on Food Security in Africa?, Ismaelline Eba Nguema
Current Trends and Corporate Cases in Transfer Pricing, Roger Y. Tang
Cyclorama (Poets Out Loud), Daneen Wardrop
Cynthia Bournazos, Ph.D., OTRL
Dance and the Deaf Community, Brianna Benvenuti
Dangerous Games: Proscription, Transgression, Control, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante I: Genre and Medium, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante III: Female Figures, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante II: Philosophical Questions, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dan Willenberg, Piano and Keyboards, Dan Willenberg
Dark Side of the Dream: The Social Gothic in Vietnam Era America, Greg Smith
Darning the Wear of Time, Miranda Howard Haddock
Darwinism and philosophical analysis, Arthur E. Falk
Darwinism and the Meaning of Life, Arthur Falk
Dave Van Haren, Drums, Dave Van Haren
Days of Gold: Klondike Gold Rush adventure, Ardyce Czuchna-Curl
Dead Language Flyting Karaoke (A Performance and Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Deafness and Dominance: Analyzing The Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s Production of To Kill a Mockingbird, Maureen McDonnell
Dear Beyond, Kirsten Hemmy
Debating Medieval Iberia: Competition, Argument, and Exchange of Ideas, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
December 12th, 2014, Jared Sebastian
Decision Making and the Felony Offender: A Cognitive Approach, Marlene O’Hara
Decisions on the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Ashlyn Kuersten and Donald Songer
Deconstructing Fordism: Legacies of the Ford Sociological Department, Georgios Paris Loizides
Deep Fluid Inputs into the Continental-Scale Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System Constrained by Hydrochemical, Stable Isotope, and Noble Gas Data, Abdel Mawgoud Mohammed
Defining a Social Problem: A Sociohistorical Analysis of the Antinuclear Weapons Movement, Frances B. McCrea
Defining Equity and Addressing the Social Determinants of Equity in International Development Evaluation, Kelly N. Robertson
De lingua Latina vivente in studiis mediaevalibus huius temporis (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Demographic Characteristics, Rehabilitation Outcomes, and Family Concerns of Individuals Who Are Older and Blind, John E. Crews
Demographic Factors Predictive of Medicaid Enrollment in Michigan Counties, Dale Kennedy Howe
Demographic Profile, Geographic Distribution, Disability Prevalence, and Likelihood of being In-Poverty amongst Grandparents Responsible for Grandchildren, Carlos Siordia and Mary E. Rauktis
Denominational Rituals as Influencers of Grief Adjustment, Suzanne Jean Martz Webb
Department of Geosciences- 2002, Department of Geosciences
Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of Niagaran-Lower Salina Reef Complex Reservoirs of the Guelph Formation, Michigan Basin, Matthew J. Rine
Deposition and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTS) Based Films for Sensing Applications, Amila C. Dissanayake
Depression and Anxiety in Postmenopausal Women: A Study of Black, White, and Hispanic Women, Patricia Groessl
Depression in Alcohol and Other Drug Abusers: Prevalence, Nature, Assessment, and Relationship to Short-Term Relapse, Patricia Moulton Guilford
Deputized Brokers: A Technique for a Case Study of Conservative Think Tanks in 1990s Welfare Reform, Sergio Romero
Descriptive Analysis of Activity Transition Data in an Intensive Autism Treatment Center, Ashley Marie Kotsiris
Design and Analysis of Efficient Algorithms to Solve the Maximum Concurrent Flow Problem, Farhad Shahrokhi
Design and Fabrication of an Instrumented Cane for the Blind, Aaron Dean
Design and Synthesis of New Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs with Anti-Cancer Activity on Colon Rectal Cancer Cell Lines HCT-116 and Caco-2, Wanda Ivette Rodríguez Rivera
Designing an Accessible Hall Effect Thruster, Matthew Baird
Designing and planning programs for nonprofit and government organizations, Edward J. Pawlak and Robert Vinter
Design of a New Digital Relay for Transmission Line Fault Detection, Classification and Localization Based on a New Composite Relay and Artificial Neural Network Approach, Ahmed Sabri Altaie
Design of a Program of Instruction to Teach State Notation, Esther Hannah Shafer
Design of a Quick Connect Coupler for a Surgical Drill, Alexander Auer
Design of a Tandem Rotor Hovering Vehicle, Nicole St. Louis, Steven Beuerle, Brent Kostich, and Andrew Verstraete
Design of a Tandem Rotor Hovering Vehicle, Brent Kostich
Design of Digital Down Converter Chain for Software Defined Radio Systems on FPGA, Nagarjun Marappa
Design of Oppnet Virtual Machine for Opportunistic Resource Utilization Networks: A Universal Standard for Application-Level Resource Sharing, Mai A. Alduailij
Desolventizer Toaster Design Evaluation for Maintenance Reliability, Stephanie Kilbourn
Detection of Sexual Cues: An Assessment of Nonaggressive and Sexually Coercive College Males, Rita Kenyon-Jump
Determinant Factors in the Utilization Process of Social Services in Saudi Arabia, Fahd Abdullah Ali Dileym
Determinants of Aggregate R&D, Role of Fiscal Policy, and the Effects of Government R&D on Economic Growth, Ashraf Galal Mohamed Eid
Determinants of Changes in Cropping Patterns and Land-Use in Ethiopia: Evidence from Seven Rounds (1994-2009) of Survey Data, Adugna Lemi and Michael Denney
Determinants of Student-Faculty Informal Contact, Alan W. Barr
Determination of a "Benchmark" Rate of Return for Regulated Small Telephone Utilities in the State of Michigan, Gondy Bhaskara Rao
Determination of Spatial Strata for Environmental Regulatory Purposes, John Edward Daniels
Determining Cutoff Scores for the MMPI-2 Substance Abuse Scales For an Inmate Population, Barbara A. Johnston
Determining the Fates of WMU’s Programs in Educational Technology and Organization Learning and Performance, Brian Horvitz
Developing an Indigenous, Entry-Level Master’s Degree Program in a Country with an Emerging OT Profession, Lesley A. Garcia, Julie D. Kugel, Heather Javaherian-Dysinger, and Esther Huecker
Developing Language Through a Musical Program and its Effect on the Reading Achievement of Spanish Speaking Migrant Children, Dora Dominguez
Developing Preservice Writing Teachers’ Professional Judgment: Design Conjectures for Supporting Equitable and Rigorous Writing Instruction, Britnie Delinger Kane
Developing Standard Procedures for Structural Aspects of Slide-in Bridges in Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC), Ozan Utku Ridvanoglu
Developmental and Functional Hand Grasps, Sandra J. Edwards, Donna J. Buckland, and Jenna D. McCoy-Powlen
Developmental, Psychosocial, and Economic Predictors of Healthy Newborns in Michigan’s Teenage Pregnancies, Cheryl Lauber
Development and Evaluation of an Infant-Care Training Program with First-Time Fathers, Ronald S. Dachman
Development and Evaluation of Matrix Material Formulations for Potential Integration into Immunodiagnostic Biosensors, Payam Aminayi
Development and Psychometric Properties of the Emotional Intelligence Admission Essay Scale, Sharon A. Gutman and Janet P. Falk-Kessler
Development of a Capacity Deployment Model for Disrupted Supply Chain Networks, James D. Burns
Development of a Clinical Performance Assessment Tool for an Occupational Therapy Teaching Clinic, Whitney Henderson
Development of an Analogue of a Response-Class Hierarchy, Daniel B. Shabani
Development of Knowledge Base of Concrete Bridge Maintenance System, Bahre Karam
Development of Michigan JTPA Title IIA Performance Standards Regression Models under the New Federalism, Yung Sung Wu
Development of Strain and Pressure Sensors on Flexible and Stretchable Platforms, Mohammed Mudher Mohammed Ali
Devolution of Power Through Shared Decision Making, Jean DeBoer Schmeichel
Diagnosis of a "Plague" Image: A Digital Cautionary Tale, Monica H. Green, Kathleen Walker-Meikle, and Wolfgang P. Müller
Diagnostic Issues with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Conditional Probabilities and a Measure of Symptom Ratings, Margo Adams Larsen
Differences among Accredited Athletic Training Education Programs in Preparing Students for the National Certification Examination, Donna M. Ritenour
Differences in Experiences of Racial and Ethnic Microaggression among Asian, Latino/Hispanic, Black, and White Young Adults, Shandra Forrest-Bank and Jeffrey Jenson
Differences in Perceptual and Subjective Body Image between Weight Cycling and Noncycling Graduate Students, Karen Casebeer
Differences in Typology among Nurses at Different Levels of Management in Acute Care Institutions as Measured by the MBTI, Catherine Marie DeVet
Differential Effects of Individual and Group Pay Contingencies on Individual Performance, Judith A. Honeywell-Johnson
Differential Response Latencies Using Auditory Stimuli, Albert Edward Neal
Differentiated Drug Use and its Relationship to Locus of Control and Personality Factors Among Women of Low Socioeconomic Status, Aubrie Catheryn Gordon
Digitally Teaching the Middle Ages: Case Studies (A Poster Session), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Manuscripts: Engaging the Public(s), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Methods II: Manuscript Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Methods I: Paleography and Codicology, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Skin: Sensory Experiences of Digital Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Storytelling as Poetic Reflection in Occupational Therapy Education: An Empirical Study, Lisebet S. Skarpaas, Grete Jamissen, Cecilie Krüger, Vigdis Holmberg, and Pip Hardy
Direct Service Staff's Perceptions of Psychotropic Medication in Noninstitutional Settings for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, LeeAnn Christian
Disability and the Medieval Romance, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Discovering a Units’ Mission, David Rudge
Discovery, December 2016, Office of Vice President for Research
Discovery, June 2016, Office of Vice President for Research
Discovery, November 2015, Office of Vice President for Research
Discovery: Research Annual Report 2013, Office of Vice President for Research
Discovery: Research Annual Report 2014, Office of Vice President for Research
Discovery: Research Annual Report 2015, Office of Vice President for Research
Discovery: Research Annual Report 2016, Office of Vice President for Research
Discovery, September 2016, Office of Vice President for Research
Discrimination Against Female Graduate Teaching Assistants, Joanne Ardovini-Brooker
Discriminative Stimulus Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone and 4-Methylmethcathinone, Michael D. Berquist
Discriminative Stimulus Properties of 3.0 mg/kg Mephedrone in Rats, Nathyn Thompson
Discursive Bodies: Representations of Heroic Women in Medieval Spanish Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Disparate Gowers, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Disruption of the Discriminative Stimulus Effects of (+)-3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) by (± )-MDMA Neurotoxicity: Protection by Fluoxetine, Thomas B. Virden III
Distances Associated with Subgraphs and Subdigraphs, Steven John Winters
Diversity and Multiculturalism Action Plan (DMAP) Goal Progress, Tiffany B. White
Diversity, Democracy and Dialogue in a Human Rights Framework, Carol C. Gould
Divine Minds: The Cognitive Foundations of God and Religion, Todd Tremlin
Documenting Lines of Communication between School Personnel and Physicians for Medication Evaluation Purposes for Students with ADHD, Pamela M. Radford
Does Experience in a Business Incubator Increase Student Entrepreneurial Intentions?, Laurel F. Ofstein
Does social media help create brand loyalty?, Ali Russo
Does Unlearning Impact Interaction of EHR End-Users?, Julee Hafner and Cherie Noteboom
Domestic Structures - 1, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
Domestic Structures - 2, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts, Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price
Domination in Digraphs, Lisa Hansen
Do Parties Matter? A Political Model of Monetary Policy in Open Economies, Hulya Unlusoy
Do Professors Need Professional Ethics as Much as Doctors and Lawyers?, James W. Nickel
Do Reinforcer Surveys Enhance a Brief Parenting Skills Program for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disordered Children?, Maria A. Channell
Doublebass Recital, Steven Fernandez
Double Exposures: On the Reciprocity of Influence between Tennessee Williams and Jean Cocteau, Laura Michiels and Christophe Collard
Double Photoionization of Atoms, Marco Wiedenhoeft
Dreamers and Insomniacs: Audiences in Sleep No More and The Night Circus, Jennifer Flaherty
Dress and Textiles I: Dress in Transition, Late Medieval to Early Modern, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles II: Codes, Classification, Camouflage, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles III: Working with Textiles, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Drug Courts: A Study of Retention and Suspension in the Kalamazoo County Drug Court Program, James H. Houston
Dutch in Michigan, Larry Ten Harmsel
Dyadic Similarity of the Superintendent-Principal Interpersonal Relationship, Principal’s Job Satisfaction, and Subordinate’s Performance Evaluation, Richard William Drury
Dynamically Reconfigurable Miniature Golf Course, James Lind
Early English Bits and Pieces, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe II: Church and State in the Carolingian Kingdoms, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe III: Systems of Knowledge, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe I: Politics and Identities, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe IV: Christianity and Historiography, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Modern English Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ease of Learning and the Emergence of Equivalence Class Formation: A Comparison of Topography-Based and Selection-Based Paradigms, Riad M. Wraikat
Easter 1916: Revolutionary Medievalists, the Celtic Revival, and the Cultural War for Irish Independence (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Eat, Pray, Love: Gluttony, Devotion, and Lust in Medieval Society and Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ebb and Flow: A Multiple Streams Analysis of Change in Kansas Domestic Violence Policy, Emily Bell-Sepulveda, Juliana Carlson, and Sara Rust-Martin
Ecocritical Outlaws, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Economic Development and Social Diversity: The Origin and Composition of a Systemic Growth Regime in Louisville, Kentucky, 1897-1933, John W. McTighe
Economies of the Fourteenth Century: Macro and Micro Issues, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Editing for the Classroom, Translating for the Stage: Making Medieval Drama Accessible to Modern Audiences, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Editorial Note, Sisay Asefa
Editor-in-Chief of the Laureate, Michael Bodinger
Editor's Introduction to Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World: Rethinking the Black Death, Monica H. Green
Ed Roth, Margaret von Steinen
Educational Affirmations for Healthy Self-Esteem- An Exploratory Factor Analysis, Kaye L. Centers
Educational Outcomes of Children with Two Working Parents, Michael B. Dib
Education, Social Security, and the Welfare State: Alternative Policy Choices in the United States and Germany, Karl G. Hokenmaier
Education Systems that Forgot the Unforgettable Values: The Case of Ethiopian Education System from 1941 to 1991, Tamrat Binayew Getahun
EEMI - An Electronic Health Record for Pediatricians: Adoption Barriers, Services and Use in Mexico, Juan Carlos L. Jarquin, Roberto Garza, Lorena G. Gomez Dr., Manuel J. Silva-Cavazos, and Víctor J. Lara-Díaz
Effective Changes in Hospital Patient Accounting Since the Prospective Payment System (PPS), Carol L. Francke
Effectiveness of Employee Participation Groups in a Manufacturing Company, John F. Blamy
Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning Strategies within Police Training Academies and Correlates with Licensing Exam Outcomes, Cecil R. Queen
Effectiveness of Teaching Modalities for Pre-College Level Mathematics Courses, Dorothy Latuszek
Effective Utilization of Progressive Mobility Programs in Medical Intensive Care Units (MICU’s), Abby Davis and Megan Palczewski
Effect of Coating Additives on the Rheological and Optical Properties of Coated Papers, Burak Aksoy
Effect of Computer Graphics Use on Student Understanding of Calculus Concepts, Charlene E. Beckmann
Effect of Participation in Design on Trainee Satisfaction, Abdullatif S. Al-Abdullatif
Effects of Alternative Activities on Productivity under Different Percentages of Incentive Pay, Grainne A. Matthews
Effects of Caffeine Consumption on Cardiovascular Indices, Attention, Task Performance, and Memory Retention in Children, Suzanne L. Keller
Effects of Creatine, Leucine, and Ethanol on Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells, Daniel Waters
Effects of d-Amphetamine on Free-Operant Response Acquisition with Immediate and Delayed Reinforcement, Mark G. LeSage
Effects of Differential Force Requirements on Choice Behavior Under Concurrent-Chain Schedules, Randal D. Reynolds
Effects of Downsizing Strategies on Survivors’ Organizational Commitment: The Case of Ethio Telecom, Mesfin Lemma
Effects of Exercise and Psychosocial Stress on Blood Glucose in Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetics, Lisa Renae Clemensen
Effects of Feedback Type and Signal Probability on Quality Inspection Accuracy, Matthew A. Mason
Effects of Interactive and Linear Video on Patient Understanding of Risks in Medical Procedures, Christopher P. Giuliano
Effects of Linear and Non-Linear Incentive Pay Systems with Individual and Group Payouts on the Social Psychology Phenomenon of Social Loafing, Delores A. Tinley Smoot
Effects of Native American Geographical Location and Marital Status on Poverty, Tess Collett, Gordon Limb, and Kevin Shafer
Effects of Nicotine and Anatoxin-A Exposures on the Operant Performance of Rats, Kimberly Ann Jarema
Effects of Performance Feedback and Goal Setting on the Productivity and Satisfaction of Clerical Workers, Leslie Ann Wilk
Effects of Ro 15-4513 on Schedule-Induced Ethanol Intake in Rats and Schedule-Maintained Responding in Pigeons, Dawn D. Delaney
Effects of Sodium Metaborate on Kraft Pulping, Biljana M. Bujanovic
Effects of Software Use on the Preparation of the Individualized Education Programs (IEP’s), Nancy Ann Beukema
Effects of Task Difficulty, Performance Consequence, and Social Interaction on Physiological Reactivity in Post-Coronary Patients, A. Janelle Maldonado
Effects of Terminal-Link Response Topography on Choice Behavior under Concurrent-Chains Schedules, Stephen P. Starin
Effects of the Great Depression on Private Higher Education: Impact On Private College and University Planning, J. Michael Hostetler
Effects of Training and Development on Individual Job Performance and Organizational Effectiveness: The Case of Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority, Mesfin Lemma and Hagos Birhane
Effects of Training Method on Inspector Accuracy in a Simulated Quality Control Task, Cathy L. Thorne
Effects of Training on Measures of Productivity: A Meta-Analysis of the Findings of Forty-Eight Experiments, Alice Susan Leddick
Effects of Western Education on Employees' Participation and Job Satisfaction in Saudi Arabian Industries, Abdulrahman Y. Al-Selaim
Efficacy of Eye Patching in Post-Stroke Patients, Ann Marta and Elizabeth Kos
Efficient Dominating Sets in Oriented Trees, Quan Yue
Eiffel Tower, Day of Charlie Hebdo Shooting, Roland Black
Electron Correlation Leading to Double-K-Shell Vacancy Production in Li-Like Ions Colliding with Helium, Ali Sami Alnaser
Electron Emission Following the Interaction of Slow Highly Charged Ions with Solids, Joseph W. McDonald
Electronic Enterprise: Strategy and Architecture, Andrew Targowski
Electronic Literacy: Teaching Literary Reading through the Digital Medium, Robert Adams Rozema
Electronic Medical Record for Patients with Autism, Julia Maassen
Elemental Approaches I: Earth, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Elemental Approaches II: Fire, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Elemental Approaches III: Water I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Elemental Approaches IV: Water II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Elementary Teachers’ and Principals’ Perceptions of Principal Leadership Style and School Social Organization, Thomas Jack Evans
Eliminating Self-Defeating Behaviors, Milton R. Cudney
A Community in the Open, An Autumnal Fossil, On Skeletons, and Orpheus at the Butcher Shop by Shiro Murano, Goro Takano
A King Travels: Festive Traditions in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain, by Teofilo F. Ruiz, Max Harris
All Dressed Up: Modern Irish Historical Pageantry, by Joan Fitzpatrick Dean, Michael P. Jaros
A Man Out of Time: Aias 646-692 by Sophocles, Emily Anhalt
An Ocean of Tears, The Chest, Between the Loss & the Delay, and How Do I Tell You I Love You? by Mariam Michtawi, Jake Gordon
A Poet's Eye: Poems by Princess Shikishi, Rose Bundy
At Work in the Early Modern Theater: Valuing Labor, by Matthew Kendrick, Elizabeth Rivlin
Beatus: The Spanish Apocalypse (A Film Screening and Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Befriending the Commedia dell’Arte of Flaminio Scala: The Comic Scenarios, by Natalie Crohn Schmitt, Jenna Soleo-Shanks
Beowulf, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bernard Kops: Fantasist, London Jew, Apocalyptic Humorist, by William Baker and Jeanette Roberts Shumaker, Laini Kavaloski
Emblem Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Embodiment: Senses, Body, and Space in Medieval Art and Architecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Embracing “Other” Forms of Sponsored Activity: Leadership Perspectives on Building Research Capacity at WMU, Kathy Purnell
Embracing the Ambiguity of Economic Development and its Implications for Good Governance, Teshome Abebe
Caryl Churchill, by Mary Luckhurst, Verna A. Foster
Catullus 101, 48, 81, Samuel N. Rosenberg
Commedia dell’Arte and the Mediterranean: Charting Journeys and Mapping “Others.”, by Erith Jaffe-Berg, Linda L. Carroll
Controversy in French Drama: Molière’s Tartuffe and the Struggle for Influence, Daniel Smith
Corpus Christi Plays at York: A Context for Religious Drama, by Clifford Davidson with a contribution in collaboration with Sheila White, Hans-Jürgen Diller
Cruelty and Desire in the Modern Theater: Antonin Artaud, Sarah Kane, and Samuel Beckett, Rob Connick
Dark Matter: Invisibility in Drama, Theater, and Performance, by Andrew Sofer, Fran Teague
Deathly Experiments: A Study of Icons and Emblems of Mortality in Christopher Marlowe’s Plays, by Clayton G. MacKenzie, Clifford Davidson
Documentary Trial Plays in Contemporary American Theater, by Jacqueline O’Connor, Leopold Lippert
Domesticating Ibsen for Italy: Enrico and Icilio Polese’s Ibsen Campaign, by Giuliano D’Amico, Patricia Gaborik
Don Pedro Calderón, by Don W. Cruickshank, Hilaire Kallendorf
Drama and the Transfer of Power in Renaissance England, by Martin Wiggins, Adam Zucker
Dramatic Revisions of Myths, Fairy Tales and Legends: Essays on Recent Plays, Verna A. Foster, ed., Stephe Harrop
Dramaturgy of Sound in the Avant-Garde and Postdramatic Theatre, by Mladen Ovadija, Ross Brown
Emulation on the Shakespearean Stage, by Vernon Guy Dickson, Marissa Greenberg
Enduring Scars by Ahmad al-Safi al-Najafi, B. N. Faraj
Ennui by Abe Kōbō, Darcy L. Gauthier
Erotic Subjects: The Sexuality of Politics in Early Modern English Literature, by Melissa E. Sanchez, James M. Bromley
Euripides: Suppliant Women, by Ian C. Storey, Eric Dugdale
Europe's Languages on England's Stages, 1590-1620, by Marianne Montgomery, Peter Kirwan
Faith in Shakespeare, by Richard C. McCoy, Jennifer C. Vaught
First Poem for Her and Poem for My Shadow by Marie-Célie Agnant, Corine Tachtiris
Five Words: Critical Semantics in the Age of Shakespeare and Cervantes, by Roland Greene, Gabriela Carrión
Flared Skirt and The Healds by Arai Takako, Carol Hayes DR and Rina Kikuchi
French Origins of English Tragedy, by Richard Hillman, Hassan Melehy
Hamlet’s Arab Journey: Shakespeare’s Prince and Nasser’s Ghost, Khalid Amine
Harold Pinter: The Theatre of Power, by Robert Gordon, William Hutchings
Heritage, Nostalgia and Modern British Theatre: Staging the Victorians, by Benjamin Poore, Anette Pankratz
I am a Child of the Sun by Fukushi Kōjirō, Joshua L. Solomon
Ibsen in Practice: Relational Readings of Performance, Cultural Encounters and Power, by Frode Helland, Amy Holzapfel
Ibycus 286, Ana Maria Guay
Illustrating Shakespeare, by Peter Whitfield, Alan R. Young
Image Ethics in Shakespeare and Spenser, Jane Kingsley-Smith
Ingenium and Memoria, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Jerusalem by Mahmoud Darwish, Uri Horesh
Inns of Court: Records of Early English Drama, eds. Alan H. Nelson and John R. Elliott, Jr., W. R. Streitberger
Intimacy and Sexuality in the Age of Shakespeare, by James M. Bromley, Gina Bloom
John Lowin and the English Theatre, 1603–1647: Acting and Cultural Politics on the Jacobean and Caroline Stage, by Barbara Wooding, Matthew Steggle
La corónica International Book Award: Dr. Ryan Szpiech, Conversion and Narrative: Reading and Religious Authority in Medieval Polemic (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Le Morte Darthur, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Life's Fount by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, William A. Ruleman III
Ludics in Surrealist Theatre and Beyond, by Vassiliki Rapti, Pierre Taminiaux
Manly Mechanicals on the Early Modern English Stage, by Ronda Arab, Jennifer Low
Marlowe’s Ovid: The Elegies in the Marlowe Canon, by M. L. Stapleton, Bruce E. Brandt
Martial IX.10, VIII.19, VII.93, George Held
Mei Lanfang and the Twentieth-Century International Stage: Chinese Theatre Placed and Displaced, by Min Tian, Cecilia J. Pang
Memories of Chekhov: Accounts of the Writer from His Family, Friends, and Contemporaries, ed. and trans. by Peter Sekirin, Valleri J. Hohman
Metaphor and Shakespearean Drama: Unchaste Signification, by Maria Franziska Fahey, Jay L. Halio
Metatheater and Modernity: Baroque and Neobaroque, by Mary Ann Frese Witt, Tessa C. Gurney
Modernity, Community, and Place in Brian Friel’s Drama, by Richard Rankin Russell, Rhona Trench
Molière and Paradox: Skepticism and Theater in the Early Modern Age, by James F. Gaines, Aurélie C. Capron
Molière on Stage: What's So Funny?, Mechele Leon
Motherhood and Patriarchal Masculinities in Sixteenth-Century Italian Comedy, by Yael Manes, Sal DiMaria
My Bones, Journey, and Winds of Betrayal: On Artaud's Van Gogh by Yoko Mihashi
New World Drama: The Performative Commons in the Atlantic World, 1649–1849, by Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, Meredith A. Conti
Of Bondage: Debt, Property and Personhood in Early Modern England, by Amanda Bailey, Lorna Hutson
Orchards 52, Orchards 54, Orchards 57: The Doe, and Orchards 59 by Rainer Maria Rilke, Susanne Petermann
Othello: Pre-texts, Texts, and After-Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Emotional Expressiveness and Problematic Behaviors Among Male Juvenile Sexual Offenders, General Offenders, and Nonoffenders, Carin M. Ness
Emotions and Performativity in Early Drama, Art, and Music, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Pageantry and Power: A Cultural History of the Early Modern Lord Mayor’s Show, 1585–1639, by Tracey Hill, Kara Northway
Passing Strange: Shakespeare, Race and Contemporary America, by Ayanna Thompson, Francesca Royster
Performing Bodies in Pain: Medieval and Post-Modern Martyrs, Mystics, and Artists, by Marla Carlson, Barbara Ellen Logan
Performing Masculinity in English University Drama, 1598–1636. Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama, by Christopher Marlow, Jeanne H. McCarthy
Philosophers and Thespians: Thinking Performance, by Freddie Rokem, Lydia Goehr
Pioneer Performances: Staging the Frontier, by Matthew Rebhorn, Nicolas S. Witschi
Empirical Evaluation of Different Features of Design in Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Deyab Almaleki
Empirical Spectral Analysis of Random Number Generators, David Zeitler
Playwright, Space and Place in Early Modern Performance: Shakespeare and Company, by Tim Fitzpatrick, Michael Flachmann
"Pourquoi sous cette table?": More Candlelight on Molière's Tartuffe, David G. Muller
Puppet: An Essay on Uncanny Life, by Kenneth Gross, Claudia Orenstein
Rainy Night in Linqing, Spring Rain, and Evening Meditations by Yao Nai, Andrew Gudgel
Religion Around Shakespeare, by Peter Iver Kaufman, Cyndia Susan Clegg
Ritus, Artes, Musica: A Session in Honor of Nils Holger Peterson, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Sacred Folly: A New History of the Feast of Fools, by Max Harris, Ann Eljenholm Nichols
Samuel Beckett: Laughing Matters, Comic Timing, by Laura Salisbury, Baylee Brits
Sexual Types: Embodiment, Agency, and Dramatic Character from Shakespeare to Shirley, by Mario DiGangi, Melissa E. Sanchez
Shakespeare Among the Courtesans: Prostitution, Literature, and Drama, 1500-1650, by Duncan Salkeld, Theresa D. Kemp
Shakespeare and Biography, by David Bevington, R. A. Foakes
Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, by Jonathan Hart, Hilaire Kallendorf
Shakespeare and the Book Trade, by Lukas Erne, Douglas Bruster
Shakespeare and the Grammar of Forgiveness, by Sarah Beckwith, Jan Frans van Dijkhuizen
Shakespeare and the Staging of English History, by Janette Dillon, Wai Fong Cheang
Shakespeare in America, by Alden T. Vaughan and Virginia Mason Vaughan, Kim C. Sturgess
Shakespeare in Company, by Bart Van Es, Tim Fitzpatrick
Shakespeare, Politics, and Italy: Intertextuality on the Jacobean Stage, by Michael J. Redmond, Jason Lawrence
Shakespeare’s Curse: The Aporias of Ritual Exclusion in Early Modern Royal Drama, by Björn Quiring, Emily King
Shakespeare, Sex, and Love, by Stanley Wells, Elizabeth Klett
Shakespeare’s Freedom, by Stephen Greenblatt, Coppélia Kahn
Shakespeare's Great Stage of Fools, by Robert H. Bell, Robert Hornback
Shakespeare's Opposites: The Admiral's Company, 1594–1625, by Andrew Gurr, Melissa D. Aaron
Shakespeare's Schoolroom: Rhetoric, Discipline, Emotion, by Lynn Enterline, Jayne Elisabeth Archer
Shakespeare’s Unreformed Fictions, by Gillian Woods, Phebe Jensen
Shaw, Plato, and Euripides: Classical Currents in “Major Barbara,”, by Sidney P. Alpert, David Kornhaber
Shaw’s Settings: Gardens and Libraries. Gainesville, by Tony Jason Stafford and Bernard Shaw and Totalitarianism: Longing for Utopia, by Matthew Yde, Christopher Wixson
Singing Simpkin and Other Bawdy Jigs: Musical Comedy on the Shakespearean Stage; Scripts, Music and Context, by Roger Clegg and Lucie Skeaping, Catherine A. Henze
Something Fills the Soul, On the Threshold of Wishing, Time Utters It, and I Color My Name by Yousef el Qedra, Yasmin Snounu and Edward A. Morin
Spectacle, Rhetoric and Power: The Triumphal Entry of Prince Philip of Spain into Antwerp, by Stijn Bussels, Sofie Kluge
Speculatio, Medieval and Modern, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Staging Authority in Caroline England: Prerogative, Law and Order in Drama, 1625–1642, by Jessica Dyson, Heather Hirschfeld
Staging England in the Elizabethan History Play: Performing National Identity, by Ralf Hertel, Kristen Deiter
Staging Spectatorship in the Plays of Philip Massinger, by Joanne Rochester, Julie Sanders
Staging Women and the Soul-Body Dynamic in Early Modern England, by Sarah E. Johnson, Ariane M. Balizet
Susan Glaspell: The Complete Plays, Linda Ben-Zvi and J. Ellen Gainor, eds., Cheryl Black
Suzan-Lori Parks in Person: Interviews and Commentaries, edited by Philip C. Kolin and Harvey Young, Valerie M. Joyce
Tedium: An Essay on Drag, Attunement, Theater, and Translation, Loren Kruger
The Age of Thomas Nashe: Text, Bodies and Trespasses of Authorship in Early Modern England, Stephen Guy-Bray, Joan Pong Linton, and Steve Mentz, eds., Jason Scott-Warren
The Cambridge Introduction to Tom Stoppard, by William W. Demastes, David Kornhaber
The Chaucer Review at Fifty II: Seeing and Interpreting, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Chaucer Review at Fifty I: Relationships, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Country Wife, Dance of the Cuckolds, David Gelineau
The Drama of Ideas: Platonic Provocations in Theater and Philosophy, by Martin Puchner, Freddie Rokem
The Drama of Reform: Theology and Theatricality, 1461–1553, by Tamara Atkin, Clifford Davidson
The End of Satisfaction: Drama and Repentance in the Age of Shakespeare, by Heather Hirschfeld, William Junker
The Ethos of Drama: Rhetorical Theory and Dramatic Worth, by Robert L. King, Martin J. Plax
The Faerie Queene, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Farce of the Fart" and Other Ribaldries: Twelve Medieval French Plays in Modern English, by Jody Enders, Noah Guynn
The Ghosts of the Avant-Garde(s): Exorcising Experimental Theater and Performance, by James M. Harding, Jennifer Buckley
The Improbability of “Othello”: Rhetorical Anthropology and Shakespearean Selfhood, by Joel B. Altman, Matthew J. Smith
The Ingenious Simpleton: Upending Imposed Ideologies through Brief Comic Theatre, by Delia Méndez Montesinos, Cory A. Reed
The Modern Art of Influence and the Spectacle of Oscar Wilde, by S. I. Salamensky, Ellen Crowell
The Poetics of Piracy: Emulating Spain in English Literature, by Barbara Fuchs, Hilaire Kallendorf
The Queen’s Dumbshows: John Lydgate and the Making of Early Theater, by Claire Sponsler, Emma Lipton
The Riverside Chaucer: In Memory of Larry D. Benson (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Sarah Siddons Audio Files: Romanticism and the Lost Voice, by Judith Pascoe, Amy Muse
The Sentimental Theater of the French Revolution, by Cecilia Feilla, Yann Robert
The Stranger by Charles Baudelaire, Kent Dixon
The Tears of Sovereignty: Perspectives of Power in Renaissance Drama, by Philip Lorenz, Hilaire Kallendorf
The Theater of Terrence McNally: A Critical Study, by Peter Wolfe, James Marland
The Tragic Paradox, by Leonard Moss, Jennifer Wallace
The Universe in Perspective, Commentator, and The Birth of a Masterpiece by Yu Kwang-Chung, Hsinmei Lin
The Visa by Hisham Al Gakh, Houssem ben lazreg
Tom Stoppard: Bucking the Postmodern, by Daniel Keith Jernigan, William W. Demastes
Transference Vol. 3, Fall 2015
Transi Tombs and Middle English Alliterative Poetry, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Twelve Tanka on Scooters by Huang Minhuei, Dean A. Brink
Unruly Women: Performance, Penitence, and Punishment in Early Modern Spain, by Margaret E. Boyle, Hilaire Kallendorf
Urban Drama: The Metropolis in Contemporary North American Plays, by J. Chris Westgate, William Storm
When Government Helped: Learning from the Successes and Failures of the New Deal. Sheila D. Collins and Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg (Eds.). Reviewed by Robert D. Leighninger, Jr., Robert D. Leighninger Jr.
Whether You See Me or Not by Tan Xiaojing, Jun Tang
Women and Revenge in Shakespeare: Gender, Genre, and Ethics, by Marguerite A. Tassi, Lesley Kordecki
Enclosure, Transgression, and Scandal in Medieval Nunneries, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ending, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
eNewsletter- April 2015, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter- April 2016, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter- February 2016, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter- January 2016, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter- May 2016, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter- November 2016, College of Education and Human Development
eNewsletter- October 2015, College of Education and Human Development
Enforcement and Application: Building a Case for Early Medieval Legal Texts as Law and Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Engaging Employers as Partners in Subsidized Employment Programs, Sarah Taylor, Sarah Carnochan, Gina Pascual, and M J. Austin
English Books Abroad: Their Reception in Late Medieval France, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
English-Spanish Cognates in the Charlotte Zolotow Award Picture Books: Vocabulary, Morphology, and Orthography Lessons for Latino ELLs, José A. Montelongo, Anita C. Hernández, and Roberta J. Herter
English Studies + STEM: Envisioning a 21st Century Curriculum, Gwen Tarbox
Enhancing Commercial Aircraft Survivability via Active Venting, Roger L. Veldman
Enterprise Information Infrastructure, Andrew Targowski and Allen D. Kozlowski
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) at U.S. Colleges and Universities: Administration Processes Regarding the Adoption, Implementation, and Integration of ERM, Anne E. Lundquist
Enumerating the Orientable 2-Cell Imbeddings of Complete N-Partite Graphs, Bruce P. Mull
Environmental Applications of Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Wisam Abdulabbas Flayyih Al Isawi
Environmental Characteristics and Geographic Information System Applications for the Development of Nutrient Thresholds in Oklahoma Streams, Jason R. Masoner
Epidemic Diseases in the Middle Ages: Twenty-First-Century Understandings, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Epidemic Diseases: Medieval Witnesses, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Epilogue: A Hypothesis on the East Asian Beginnings of the Yersinia pestis Polytomy, Robert Hymes
Epilogue: Universities and Corporations, Robert Kauffman
EPortfolio: The Scholarly Capstone for the Practice Doctoral Degree in Occupational Therapy, Jim Hinojosa and Tsu-Hsin Howe
Erchemperto, Piccola Storia dei Longobardi di Benevento, Luigi Andrea Berto
Erratic Letters (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Essays on Monetary Policy in Bangladesh, Sayera Younus
Essays on Portfolio Choice and Risk Management, Yi-Chin Hsin
Essays on the Econometrics of Financial Volatility, Yasemin Bardakci
Essays on the Relationships between Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade, and Exchange Rate Volatility, Bedassa Tadesse Ayele
Essential Elements of an Implementation Process for Grant-Funded Projects/Programs in Nonprofit Organizations, Margaret M. Bernhard
Estimating IBNR Reserves with Robust Statistics, Daniel Cheung
Ethcaste: PanAfrican Communalism and the Black Middleclass, Douglas V. Davidson
Ethically A’twitter, or A-twitter? Attending, Attention, and Access with or without the Live-Tweet (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ethical Norms in Science, Rachelle D. Hollander
Ethical Reasoning and Analysis: The Elements, Martin Benjamin
Ethics and the 21st Century University, Judith Bailey
Ethics at the End of the Century: A Mosaic form Genesis to Genetics, David H. Smith
Ethics in Academia, Diether H. Haenicke
Ethics in Academia, Diether Haenicke
Ethics in Academia, 2000, WMU Center of the Study of Ethics in Society
Ethics in the Nonprofit Sector: A Study on the American Red Cross, Emily Smith
Ethiopia between Election Events: The Possibility of U-Turn in to Authoritarianism, Yemane Negish and Constantinos Berhe
Ethiopians’ Self-Identification and Pan-African Consciousness in the Diaspora: The Case of Washington D.C., Goshu W. Tefera
Ethnic Federalism: A Means for Managing or A Triggering Factor for Ethnic Conflicts in Ethiopia?, Muhabie Mekonnen Mengistu
Ethnicity in Michigan-Issues and People, Jack Glazier and Arthur W. Helweg
Eurasian Connections: The Late Antique World Reconsidered, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Eusebius: The Church History, Paul L. Maier
Evaluating Progress in Behavioral Programs for Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Continuous Versus Intermittent Data Collection, Anne Rena Cummings
Evaluating the Effects of Postive Peer Reporting on Social Acceptance, Mary Short
Evaluating the Operative Mechanisms Underlying the High-Probability Request Sequence, Carrie L. Coleman
Evaluating the Social Acceptability of Persons with Habit Disorders: The Effects of Topography, Frequency, and Gender Manipulation, Douglas W. Woods
Evaluating the Visual Identity Program guidelines, Kim Nelson
Evaluation for Social Workers, Peter Gabor, Yvonne A. Unrau, and Richard M. Grinnell Jr.
Evaluation Models: New Directions for Evaluation, Daniel L. Stufflebeam
Evaluation Models: Viewpoints on Educational and Human Services Evaluation, George F. Madaus, M. Scriven, and D. L. Stufflebeam
Evaluation of a Computer Simulation to Assess Subject Preference for Different Types of Incentive Pay: Part Two, Stephen Mark Sundby
Evaluation of a Home-School-Community Liaison Scheme in Irish Elementary Schools, Sandra Ryan
Evaluation of an Alternative Natural Surfactant for Non Aqueous Phase Liquid Remediation, Brian A. Beach
Evaluation of a Psychoeducational Curriculum for Promoting Psychological Health and Self-Esteem, Michele Susan Meola
Evaluation of Outcomes Associated with a Leisure-time Activity Program for Disadvantaged Youth, Juanita Bester and Maatje Kloppers
Evaluation of Raman Spectroscopy and Ruby Piezospectroscopy as Tools for Investigating the Corrosion of Metallic Alloys, Daniel P. Renusch
Evaluation of the Master of Arts Hybrid Program in Psychology, Denise Ross and Cynthia Pietras
Everyday Thoughts about Nature, W. W. Cobern
Evidence-based educational methods, Daniel J. Moran and Richard W. Malott
Evidence for Recent Spring Activity on Mars, Abotalib Farag
Evolving From an Illusionary and Self Destructive Quest for Power to a State of Empowerment: The Curative Potential Yoga May Hold as a Vehicle to Reclaiming Bodily Empowerment for Women with Anorexia, Heather C. Pizzanello
Evolving Sisterhood: An Organizational Analysis of Three Sororities, Bonnie J. Galloway
Examination of the Efficacy of Behavioral Activation in the Treatment of Co-Morbid Major Depressive Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Patrick S. Mulick
Examination of the Skills and Dispositions Needed for Assistant Principals to Be Effective Disciplinarians, Sherie Lynn Williams
Examining Sensory Processing Tools for a School System, Rachel Chaney and Lisa Wilkey
Examining the Effectiveness of a Training Video on the lmplementation and lnterpretation of a Functional Analysis, Alissa Anne Conway
Examining the Existence and Importance of Ten Skills for Successful School Leaders from Saudi Principals’ Perspectives, Khalifah Albalawi
Examining the Experiences of Nontraditional Undergraduate Women: Pedagogy versus Andragogy, Beverly Ann Hair
Examining the Keyword Mnemonic Strategy as an Effective Academic Intervention for High School Students Labeled Emotional or Behavioral Disordered, Karen A. Kleinheksel
Examining the Meaning and Experience of Self-Determination and Its Impact on Quality of Life for Individuals with Cognitive Disabilities, Carol Marie Sundberg
Examining the Performance of Older and Younger Adults When Interacting with a Mobile Solution Supporting Levels of Dexterity, Ayidh Alqahtani, Abdulwhab Alsalmah, and Ahmad Alaiad
Excerpt from A Pilgrimage to Sumiyoshi by Ashikaga Yoshiakira, Kendra D. Strand
Executive Coaching as an Individually Tailored Consultation Intervention: Does it Increase Leadership?, Sheila Kampa-Kokesch
Executive Personality Types: A Comparison of Military and Civilian Leaders in a Single Organization, John Edward DeWald
Experiences and Meanings of Maternal Ambivalence with First-Born, Early Adolescents, Teresa M. DiStefano
Experiencing Scale Discrimination between More and Less Productive Psychotherapy Sessions, Drevis L. Hager
Experiential avoidance post-trauma: Investigating predictors of traumatic stress and problematic behavior., Elise Trim
Experimental Study of Simulated Geophysical Buoyancy-Driven Vortical Flow, Mohammad Hady Makhmalbaf
Exploration of Experiences and Perceptions of Saudi Arabian Students within a Team Project Setting at an U.S. University, Ronald A. McKean
Exploring Cloud Computing Implementation Issues in Healthcare Industry, Sadaf Ashtari, Ali Eydgahi, and Huei Lee
Exploring Factors Associated with Citizens’ Perception of Their Political Environment: Evidence from Palestine, Najwa S. Safadi and Margaret Lombe
Exploring How Secondary Pre-Service Teachers’ Use Online Social Bookmarking to Envision Literacy in the Disciplines, Jamie Colwell and Kristen Gregory
Exploring the Behavioral Function of Work Monitoring, Don H. Rohn
Exploring the Impact of Globalization on Linguistic Culture, Autumn Kearney
Exploring the Manuscripts and Textual Traditions of Geoffrey Chaucer, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Exploring the Relationship Between Entry-Level Master’s Program Class Size and the Number of Graduate Credits Offered and Aggregate NBCOT Pass Rates, Scott Truskowski
Exploring the Relationship between Race-Related Stress, Identity and Well-Being among African Americans, Darrick Tovar-Murray
Exploring the Self-in-Relation Theory: Women's Idealized Relationships-of-Choice and Psychological Health, K. Heidi Fishman
Export Barriers and Competitiveness of Developing Economies: The Case of the Ethiopian Leather Footwear Industry, Gebreyohannes Gebreslassie Gebrewahid
Expression of Insulin Responsive Genes in Insulin Resistant Conditions, and the Effect of Selenium on Gene Expression, David L. Ruff
Expressive Identification of Pictures, Jordyn Elliott
Extended Gamut Printing in Flexographic Packaging and the Impact of Brand Management, Andrew Bogan
Extent of Capillary Rise in Sands and Silts, Rachel Lynn Salim
Extraction of Phosophorus from Runoff Sediments Using Fungal Exudates, Shaun Shields
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Low: The vocal response of House Wrens, Troglodytes aedon, when exposed to increasing volumes of noise., Monique Pipkin
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Treatment of Communication Anxiety: A Closer Look, Teresa Foley
Eye Over Whitehall, Sarah E. Mead
EZ Timeout: The Business Plan, Simbarashe Chirara
Fables and Other Works of Marie de France, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Face Zion Forward": First Writers of the Black Atlantic, 1785-1798, Joanna Brooks, John Saillant, and Richard Yarborough
Facilitative Characteristics of Supervisors, Elizabeth A. Olson
Facing Our Demons: Psychiatric Perspectives on Exorcism Rituals, Joel R. Sanford
Fact Book 2004-05, Western Michigan University
Fact Book 2005-06, Western Michigan University
Fact Book 2006-07, Western Michigan University
Fact Book 2007-08, Western Michigan University
Fact Book 2008-09, Western Michigan University
Fact Book 2011-12, Western Michigan University
Fact Book 2012-13, Western Michigan University
Fact Book 2013-14, Western Michigan University
Fact Book 2014-15, Western Michigan University
Fact Book 2015-16, Western Michigan University
Factors Affecting Faculty Attitudes toward the Use of Instructional Media in Selected Public Colleges and Universities in Michigan, Abdelgader Ali El Musrati
Factors Affecting Proper Utilization of Budget in Ethiopian Public Universities, Semeneh Bessie Desta
Factors Affecting School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists’ Use of Language Assessment Practices with Bilingual Children, Lena Gloria Caesar
Factors Affecting Superintendent Longevity in Michigan, Sally Hipp
Factors Affecting the Access of Women to Poultry Extension Services in North Western Tigray, Ethiopia, Alem Tadesse Atsbeha
Factors Affecting Treatment Program Development in a Mental Health Facility Serving Prisoners, Ruby Miranda Meriweather
Factors Associated with Success in a Participative Decision Making Program for Supervisors, Managers, and Salaried Professionals, Eric Paul de Nijs
Factors Influencing Persistence of Adult Students in High School Completion Programs, Joan E. Garbarino
Factors Influencing the Hiring of Women as Community College Chief Executive Officers, Diane Chaddock
Factors lnfluencing Weight Gain and Perceived Barriers of Exercise in First Semester College Students, Noah C. Neuenfeldt
Factors Predicting Distress at Marital Therapy Onset, Joseph J.H. Horak
Faculty Development Programs and Evaluation in American Colleges and Universities, Antonio Nicolas Rubino
Faculty Satisfaction with their Position Functions of Teaching, Research, and Service Across Venezuelan Teacher Colleges, Ana Gil-Garcia Serafin
Faith and Cults: Between Promotion, Proselytism, and Conflicts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fall Convocation 2016 Flier, Office of Faculty Development
Fall Convocation 2016 Program, Office of Faculty Development
Fall Convocation 2016 Schedule, Office of Faculty Development
Family and Dynasty in the Late Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Family and Peer Groups’ Impact on Adolescent Marijuana Use, Brian Lunn
Family Birth Order and Leadership Behavior of Public School Principals in Michigan, Larry J. Corbett
Family Centered Care in ICU Settings, Victoria Kingsinger
Family Structure and Attachment and Their Role in Reducing Delinquency in the African American Family, Kiesha Warren
Fanfiction in Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Farmers’ Preference and Adoption of Drought Tolerant Maize Varieties: The Case of Drought Prone Areas, Ethiopia, Bedilu Demissie Zeleke, Mekonnen Sime, Bedru Beshir, and Endeshaw Habte
Far Out! (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fashionably Late: Queer Temporality and the Restoration Fop, Emma Katherine Atwood
Fathering, Fostering, Translating, and Creating in the Works of J. R. R. Tolkien, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fault Detection and Localization in Solar Photovoltaic Systems using Sensing Frameworks, Masoud Mohsen Alajmi
Fay Weldon's Late Bloomers and Comedy and a Lawyer, a Vet, and a Couple of Dogs, One of Them Dead, Susan Rote Siferd
Fear and Misinformation as Predictors of Support for Sex Offender Management Policies, Poco Kernsmith, Erin Comartin, and Roger Kernsmith
Fear Mongering, Media Intimidation, and Political Machinations: Tracing the Agendas Behind the All God's Chillun Got Wings Controversy, Jeffrey Ullom
Feasibilities of Beekeeping in Hillside Rehabilitation Areas for Rural Entrepreneurships and Climate Change Adaptation in Tigray Region, Ethiopia, Teweldemedhn Gebretinsae Hailu and Berhanu Gebremedhin
Feasibility of a Research Protocol to Investigate the Effect of the TherapressureTM Program Using Salivary Cortisol, Scott Weeks, Kobie Boshoff, Hugh Stewart, Shona Kelly, and Chris B. Della Vedova
Feedback in Online Writing Forums: Effects on Adolescent Writers, Heather J. S. Birch
Female Patrons of Late Medieval English Monasteries, Karen Stöber
Females in Automotive Careers: Career Decision-Making Influences and Experiences During University Preparation and Beyond, Russell A. Leonard Jr.
Female Tricksters, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Feminist Readings of Obscenity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Festivals of Freedom: Memory and Meaning in African American Emancipation Celebrations, Mitch Kachun
Fictional Narratives about Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Focus Group Analysis and Insight, Teresa Cardon and Jane E. Kelley
Field Testing of an Instrument for Measuring Educator Knowledge of Laws of the State of Michigan, Barbara A. Souve
Film, Video & Media Studies, Luke McCrary
Final Report of Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Nature of the University, Western Michigan University
Finding the Medieval Library: Lambach Manuscripts at the Beinecke Library, the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, and Elsewhere, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
First Generation College Students and Mobile Device Acceptance in Nursing Education, DeAnna Gapp and Tsu-Yin Wu
First in My 'Familia' College Day: Increasing College Access among Latino/a Students., Adriana Cardoso
"First Things": Interpreting Genesis in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fish For All: An Oral History of Multiple Claims and Divided Sentiment on Lake Michigan, Michael C. Chiarappa and Kristin M. Szylvian
Fitness-to-Drive Screening Measure©: Patterns and Trends for Canadian Users, Sherrilene Classen, Shabnam Medhizadah, and Liliana Alvarez
Five Hundred Years of Orlando Furioso, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Flexographic Printing of Conductive Silver Inks onto PDMS: Surface Treatment and Novel Processes for Creating Printed Electronic Devices, Michael James Joyce
Floating Holidays: A Novel, Christopher Joseph Torockio
Flow, Christina G. Collins
Flow Experiences among Individuals with Aphasia, Thomas W. Sather
Fluency Training on Quantitative Skills Tested by the Graduate Record Examination, Pamela L. Vunovich
Food Marketing Conference, 2016, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2016- Advertisers, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2016- Covers, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2016- Food and CPG Marketing Board, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2016- Food and CPG Marketing Programs, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2016- Program and Speakers, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2016- Student Yearbook, Haworth College of Business
Food Production in the Croxton Play of the Sacrament, Ernst Gerhardt
Fools on the Premodern Page and Stage, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Forecasting the Potential for Emergency Department Overcrowding, Jeff Skinner and Raymond J. Higbea
Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries: Uncertainty, Trade and Welfare, Adugna Lemi
Foreign Schooling Experience and Its Impact on Educational Outcomes and Aspirations: The Case of Children of Immigrants, Pimam Manzi Pidalatan
Foreword, Georgiana Donavin and Eve Salisbury
Foreword, Georgiana Donavin and Eve Salisbury
Formal and Informal Institutions: Gender and Participationin the Panchayati Raj, Aparna Thomas
Formulation and Evaluation of Soy Polymer Based, Gravure Printed Resistive Inks for Applications in Printed Electronics, Bhushan Hiralal Patil
For Shade and Comfort: Ornamental Plants in Nineteenth- Century Midwestern Domestic Landscapes, Cheryl Lyon-Jenness
For the Fund$ of it: Product Development, Josie Marshall
Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2015 Field Season, John Cardinal and Erika Loveland
Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project Annual Report, 2015, Michael S. Nassaney
Fort St. Joseph Post - Spring 2016, Michael S. Nassaney
Fostering Reflective Thinking in First-Semester Calculus Students, Pamela Crawford
Foster Parents’ Experience of Loss and Their Coping Response Style, Kathleen M. Kirby
Foundations of Board Development: Theory and Practice in Community Service Organizations, David P. Moxley
Founding Feminisms in Medieval Studies: Essays in Honor of E. Jane Burns, Felice Lifshitz
Four College-Level Writing Assignments: Text Complexity, Close Reading, and the Five-Paragraph Essay, Elizabeth Brockman and Marcy Taylor
Four One Acts: Quaddies, Static, Pluto, Pis Associates, and Woody Woodpecker's Dream Cafe, Douglas Engebretsen
Four Romances of England, Ronald B. Herzman, Graham Drake, and Eve Salisbury
Franciscan Theology: The Implications of a Good Creation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Franciscan Virtue? Minorite Morality and Beyond, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
French Literature of the Twelfth Century, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
French Romance, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Frequency of Job Skills Deemed Critical by Employers Appearing on the Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) of Moderately Retarded Students, Linda Dagen McCrea
Friendly and Economically Viable Alternative to Big Oil, Ryan Kohsel
Friends or Foes: The Impact of Political Ideology and Immigrant Friends on Anti-Immigrant Sentiment, Elizabeth Kiehne and Cecilia Ayón
From Hildegard to Mother Courage: Celebrating the Life and Work of Robert Potter (1934–2010), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
From Many Lives a Single Play: The Case of Saint Margaret and the Dragon, Vicki L. Hamblin
From Networked Learning to Operational Practice: Constructing and Transferring Superintendent Knowledge in a Regional Instructional Rounds Network, Timothy J. Travis
From Pain, Poetry: Howard Barker’s Blok/Eko and the Poetics of Plethoric Theater, Matthew Roberts
From Physics to Metaphysics: Change and Causation in Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
From Shrew to Subject: Petruchio’s Humanist Education of Katherine in The Taming of the Shrew, Elizabeth Hutcheon
From the--little log cabin in the lane, Virginia Handy
From Violence-Prone to Violence-Prepared Organizations Assessing the Role of Human Resources Management in Preventing Workplace Violence in American City Governments, Saleh Abdel Rahman Ahmed
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.51 no.2 2016
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.52 no.1 2016
Fugard, Kani, Ntshona’s The Island: Antigone as South African Drama, Robert Gordon
Fumed Metallic Oxides and Conventional Pigments for Glossy Inkjet Paper, Hyunkook Lee
Functional Electrical Stimulation Compared to Stretching/Strengthening Interventions for the Multiple Sclerosis Individual, Kara Johnsen and Jessica Tariske
Funeral Season, Carolyn Nims
Gaylord Workshop on Reading Chaucer Aloud, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender, Affect, and Lyric Voice (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender and Assumptions Underpinning Research among Doctoral Students, Eileen F. Stryker
Gender and Voice in Medieval French Literature and Lyric, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender, Authenticity, and Diasporic Identities in Adebayo’s Moj of the Antarctic and Iizuka’s 36 Views, Ellen Moll
Gender Differences and Training Effects on Empathy, Carol S. Jones
Gender Differences in Self-employment of Older Workers in the United States and New Zealand, Angela L. Curl, Deanna L. Sharpe, and Jack Noone
Gender Discourse in Small Learning Groups of College-Level Developmental Mathematics Students, Allen W. Emerson
Gendered Dimensions of Natural Resource Control within the Community Share Ownership Trusts in Zimbabwe, Manase Chiweshe
Gendered Spaces, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender Issues in Public Administration: The Search for Women in Public Administration Curricula, Nicole Milliman
Gendernye Istorii Vostochnoi Evropy, Andrea Pető, Elena Gapova, and A. R. Usmanova
Gender Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
General Introduction to the Studium Project, Jean-Philippe Genet, Hicham Idabal, Thierry Kouamé, Stéphane Lamassé, Claire Priol, and Anne Tournieroux
Generalized Connectivity in Graphs, Ortrud R. Oellermann
Generalized Distance in Graphs, Garry L. Johns
Genuflect, Gentlemen and Other Stories, Matt B. Mullins
Geochemical and Petrological Characterization of the Back Forty Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit, Anthony Robert Boxleiter
Geochemical and Petrological Characterizations of Peridotite and Related Rocks in Marquette County, Michigan, Andrew Lloyd Sasso
Geochemical and Petrological Studies on the Origin of Nickel-Copper Sulfide Mineralization at the Eagle lntrusion in Marquette County, Michigan, Benjamin Davis Hinks
Geoelectrical Response of an Aged LNAPL Plume: Implications for Monitoring Natural Attenuation, Douglas D. Werkema Jr.
Geoffrey of Monmouth and Wales, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Geology Newsletter- 1975, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1984, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1987, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1988, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1989, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1990, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1991, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1992, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1993, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1994, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1995, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1996, Department of Geology
Geology Newsletter- 1997, Department of Geology
Geology of Michigan, William B. Harrison III
Geo-Needs Focus Group Meetings Report Executive Summary, Heather L. Petcovic, Sheldon P. Turner, Emily Geraghty Ward, Tina Cartwright, Nicole LaDue, David Mogk, Andrew P.K. Bentley, and Xai Her
Geo-Needs: Stakeholder Needs Assessment for Broadening Participation in the Geoscience Workforce, Heather L. Petcovic, Sheldon P. Turner, Emily Geraghty Ward, Tina Cartwright, Nicole LaDue, David Mogk, Andrew P.K. Bentley, and Xai Her
Geosciences Newsletter- 1998, Department of Geosciences
Geosciences Newsletter- 1999, Department of Geosciences
Geosciences Newsletter - 2000, Department of Geosciences
Geosciences Newsletter - 2001, Department of Geosciences
Geosciences Newsletter- 2002, Department of Geosciences
Geosciences Newsletter- 2003, Department of Geosciences
Geosciences Newsletter- 2007, Department of Geosciences
Geosciences Newsletter - 2009, Department of Geosciences
Geosciences Newsletter - Spring 2008, Department of Geosciences
Gesture in Medieval Drama and Art, Clifford Davidson
"Get Ye Flask": Friars and Uroscopy in Medieval England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ghost Notes, Scott M. Bade
GigaPan Education, Marissa Morgan
Girls and Science: A Qualitative Study on Factors Related to Success and Failure in Science, Paula Denise Johnson
Gli inca, Catherine J. Julien
Globalizing Your Medieval Studies Program: Institutional Perspectives, Problems, and Solutions (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Global Optimality Conditions in Mathematical Programming and Optimal Control, Pariwat Pacheenburawana
Global Paths to Enlightenment: A Foundation Scholar Study Abroad to the Dominican Republic, Tacy Allan
GME Graduate Retention Rates: A Single Institution Study, Tracy J. Frieswyk
Goals and Expectations of Continuation High School Students Transitioning to Postsecondary Education, Chi-Kwan Shea and Gordon Muir Giles
God's Getting Married: The Wedding at Cana as a Dramatization of Covenantal Fulfillment, Rachael M. McGill
Goffman and the Infantilization of Elderly Persons: A Theory in Development, Stephen M. Marson and Rasby M. Powell
Gold-Encrusted Chaos: An Analysis of Auschwitz Memoirs, Mary D. Lagerwey
Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia: A Research Framework, Berhanu Beyenem and Asseghedech Woldelul
Good Governance Challenges and Strategies: Major Cities of Ormia in Focus, Bekele Shiberu and Tolla Berisso
Gothic Architecture: New Approaches and Methods, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gower and the Globe, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gower's Material World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
GPU-ArraySort: A parallel, in-place algorithm for sorting large number of arrays, Muaaz Awan and Fahad Saeed
Graduate Student Experiences: Training for the Current Job Market (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Grand Challenges: Social Justice and the Need for Evidence-Based Sex Offender Registry Reform, Jill S. Levenson, Melissa Grady, and George Leibowitz
Graph and Directed Graph Augmentation Problems, Zhuguo Mo
Graph Products and Covering Graph Imbeddings, Ghidewon Abay Asmerom
Graphs of Groups on Surfaces: Interactions and Models, Arthur T. White
Gravity, June Rose
Greatest Common Subgraphs, Grzegorz Kubicki
"Great Settings" in Medieval History and Literature: Performing and Reception, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Groundwater Hydraulics and Slope Stability Analysis: Elements for Prediction of Shoreline Recession, William W. Montgomery
Groundwater-Kalamazoo River Interaction Near the Parchment City Wellfield, Parchment, Michigan, W. Richard Laton
Group Processes in Group Supervision: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study, Jeremy M. Linton
Guardians of Chastity and Morality: A Century of Silence in Social Work, Elizabeth O'Neill
Guided Educational Tourism as Informal Science Education: An Empirical Study, Joseph Martin Lane
Guiding the Wild Heart: Steering the State Safely Between Scylla and Charybdis, Robert P. Brown
Guilt, Ego Development, and Christian Faith, Dane Ver Merris
Gun Control, Hugh LaFollette
Hagiography II: Asia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hagiography in Anglo-Saxon England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hall Director Professional Development Plan, Roshona Porter
Halloween, Drew Heuermann
Hamlet and the Difference Machine, Stephen Barker
Harassment in the Academy (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Harris Ave After Church, Mary Maroste
Have Charter Schools Materialized Their Promise a Contrast Between Rhetoric and Reality, Mary Kay Kempker-VanDriel
Haworth College of Business News (01/2016), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (02/2016), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (03/2016), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (04/2016), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (05/2016), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (06/2016), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (08/2016), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (09/2015), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (09/2016), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (10/2016), Haworth College of Business
Haworth College of Business News (11/2016), Haworth College of Business
Health Care Beliefs of Nursing Students as Predictors of Intentions to Care for A.I.D.S. Patients, Catherine Ellen Earl
Health Impacts of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Aquatic Organisms, Marla Ann Fisher
Health Status, Medicare Part D Enrollment, and Prescription Drug Use Among Older Adults, Jin Kim
Heavenly Khan, Victor Cunrui Xiong
Heimat (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture), Peter Blickle
Hell Studies: Presenting and Representing Hell, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Helping to Harm? The Ethical Dilemmas of Managing Politically Sensitive Data, Sylvie C. Tourigny
Here I stand : a musical history of African Americans in Battle Creek, Michigan, Sonya Bernard-Hollins and Sean Hollins
Hermaphrodites: Genitalia, Gender, and Being Human in the Middle Ages (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hermaphroditus in Medieval Art, Literature, and Thought, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Heterogeneous Immunological Landscapes and Medieval Plague: An Invitation to a New Dialogue between Historians and Immunologists, Fabian Crespo and Matt B. Lawrenz
Heywood’s Epic Theater, Mark Bayer
Hiberno-Latin Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hidden and Revealed: New Research on the Art and Architecture of Parish Churches in Medieval England (1100-1600) I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hidden and Revealed: New Research on the Art and Architecture of Parish Churches in Medieval England (1100-1600) II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
High Breakdown Rank-Based Estimates for Linear Models, William H. Chang
Higher Education Attorneys’ Perceptions Regarding Academic Freedom and Challenges to Academic Freedom, Manuel R. Rupe
Higher-Order Discrimination, Adrian M. S. Piper
High-Fidelity Simulation in Occupational Therapy Curriculum: Impact on Level II Fieldwork Performance, Rebecca Ozelie, Catherine Both, Emma Fricke, and Carolyn Maddock
High Impact Learning: Strategies For Leveraging Performance And Business Results From Training Investments, Robert O. Brinkerhoff and Anne M. Apking
High Performance Bayesian Applications in Medical, Economics and Climate Sciences, Ahmed Almulihi
Highway Deicing Salts and the Mobilization of Selected Heavy Metals from Stream Sediments, Harlie David Cole
Hildegard von Bingen: Bridges to Infinity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Historical Dictionary of Liberia, Elwood D. Dunn, Amos J. Beyan, and Carl Patrick Burrowes
History, Religion, and Violence: Cultural Contexts for Medieval and Renaissance English Drama, Clifford Davidson
"Hit iseie aboc iwrite": Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Vernacular Devotional Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
HIV Prevention and Heterosexual College Students: The Impact of Video Instruction on the "Safer" Sexual Behaviors of Sexually Active Men, Cheryl L. Knight
Hollywood and the Rise of Physical Culture, Heather Addison
Holy Celebrity: Saints and/as Social and Economic Capital, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Holy Landscapes and Sacred Space, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Homo Narrans : the poetics and anthropology of oral literature, Richard Utz and Zygmunt Mazur
Honors First: A Pilot Recruitment Initiative Targeting Western Michigan University’s Highest Achieving Applicants, Anthony P. Helms
Hope, Stephanie R. Goodman
How are Social Problems Viewed and Analyzed in Social Work Policy Textbooks?, Marietta A. Barretti
How Children and Adolescents Relate to Nature, Patricia Nevers
How Does It Mean? Literary Theory as Metacognitive Reading Strategy in the High School English Classroom, Lisa J. Schade
How Gender and Psychological Separation from Parents Interact with Depression in the Young Adult Experience of Parental Separation and Divorce, Mary Oppenhuizen
How Recipient Age Affects Long Term Survivability in Heart Transplantation Patients, Daniel Baker
How Secondary School Mathematics Teachers Construct an Understanding of "Appropriate Use" of Graphing Calculators in the Context of Collegial Inquiry, Marcia L. Weller Weinhold
"How Should One Love?": Alternative Love Plots and Their Ethical Implications in the Victorian Novel, Jennifer J. Carpentier
How to Do Witchcraft Tragedy with Speech Acts, Eric Byville
How We Read II: Medieval Scholarship, Translation, Historiography, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
How We Read I: Medieval Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Human-Assisted Fluid Power Vehicle, Andrew Bonter
Human-Assisted Fluid Power Vehicle, Aaron Huntoon
Human Impulsivity: Effects of Reinforcement Procedure, Catherine A. Karas
Human Rights in the Social Sciences, Erika Loerner FriedI
Hydrogeology and Hydrogeochemistry of Government Marsh, North St. Joseph County, Michigan, Michael C. Kasenow
Hydrogeology and Stable Isotope Investigations of a Landfill Impacted Site in Southwest Michigan, Eliot Anong Atekwana
Hylomorphism and Mereology, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
I Ache in Portugese, Cristal Cardoso Sao Mateus
I ain't Sorry for Nothin' I Done, Joan Herrington
I Am Wild, Courtney Bedrosian
Ideal and Real Performance Expectations of Baccalaureate Nursing Graduates as Perceived by Graduates, Nurse Educators, and Nurse Administrators, Maureen Martin Fochtman
Identification and Classification of Coryneform Bacteria Isolated from Bovine Mammary Glands, Jeffrey L. Watts
Identification of Effective Classroom Management Practices Among Teachers in Elementary Special Education Computer-Use Classrooms, Stephanie L. Kenney
Identifying a 9-12 Curriculum for High Schools in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Patrick Manning
Identifying the Function of Aberrant Behavior: Comparing Variations of the Experimental Functional Analysis, Kathryn M. Potoczak
Ideology or Insanity? Media Presentation of Ted Kaczynski and Tim McVeigh, Matthew P. Sheptoski
If Deliberative Democracy is the Solution, What is the Problem?, Emily Hauptmann
“I Have Done the State Some Service”: Reading Slavery in Othello through Juan Latino, Emily Weissbourd
II. Self Portrait at Dinner, Mary Maroste
I, Jesus, Jill A. Mceldowney
"I just die for some authority!": Barriers to Utopia in Howard Brenton's Greenland, Siân Adiseshiah
"I’ll Do It Tomorrow." A Radical Behavioral Analysis of Procrastination, Cassandra Ann Braam
“I’ll Find a Day to Massacre Them All”: Tamora in Titus Andronicus and Catherine de Médicis, Jo Eldridge Carney
Illuminated Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Images on Edges I: Frames, Borders, Bodies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Images on Edges II: Portals and Passages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
“Imagined Communities” in Showcases: The Nationality Rooms Program at The University of Pittsburgh (1926-1945), Lucia Curta
i’m never believing in god, Kay Tarleton
Impact of Community Investment in Safety Net Services on Rates of Unsheltered Homelessness Among Veterans, Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, Jamison Fargo, and Thomas H. Byrne
Impact of Standards on Physical Education Teacher Education: Curriculum, Collaboration, and Learning Outcomes, Xiangren Yi
Implementation of an "Early Return to Duty" Policy within the Michigan Civil Service: An Exploratory Study, James Patrick Hurren
Implementation of a Staff Management System to Increase Consumer Engagement in Group Homes, Jeana L. Koerber
Implementation of Second-Year Experience at WMU, Adrienne Fraaza
Implementation of Software Community Radio Using Low Cost Resources, Amean Shareaf Ghazi Al-Safi
Implementing a Linear Quadratic Spacecraft Attitude Control System, Daniel Kolosa
Implementing Organizational Change in a Public Agency, David E. Freed
Implications of Changing to 4 by 4 Semester Block Scheduling for Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities, Sandra Kay Wayne
Improving Evaluation in Nonprofit Organizations: A Study of How Evaluation Requests for Proposals Are Developed, Responded to, and Fulfilled, Nakia S. Matthews
Improving Networks Reliability, Jamal H. Nouh
Improving Online Student Experience, Tara R. Gish
Improving Service Quality Through Self-Monitoring, John Patrick McDonough III
Improving Special Education Teachers' Use of Data-Based Instruction, Steven D. Goodman
Improving the Documentation of Patient Progress in a Mental Health Facility Through the Use of Training and Feedback, Maria Sonia Acosta
Impure Language(s), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
I'm right here., Emily Gadzinski
In a Word, Philology: Etymology, Lexicography, Semantics, and More in Germanic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Bad Taste - Art Show, Katherine Kolean
Inbreeding, Male Diploidy, and Complementary Sex Determination in the Solitary Wasp Euodynerus Foraminatus, Julie Kozaczka Stahlhut
Income Packaging Strategies of Economically Disconnected Women and the Implications for Social Policy and Practice, Andrea Hetling, Jinwoo Kwon, and Elizabeth Mahn
Increasing Blood Glucose Monitoring in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Effects of a Prompt, Stephen J. Albrecht
Increasing Capacity of a Hydraulic Rebuild Center, Matthew Garvin
Increasing Caregiver Supervision of Young Children: Teaching Scanning, Predicting Behavior, and Modifying for Safety, Natalie Truba
Increasing Organization Capacity: A Systems Approach Utilizing Transformational and Distributed Leadership Practices, Patricia L. Reeves
Increasing the Awareness of Human Resource Development Activities in Small Firms, Hanacho Michael Nmom
Increasing Vocal Behavior and Establishing Echoic Stimulus Control in Children with Autism, Joseph Shane
Increasing Vocalizations in Children with Autism, Nicholette Christodoulou
Individual and Country-level Institutional Trust and Public Attitude to Welfare Expenditures in 24 Transitional Countries, Nazim Habibov
Individual Differences in Attributional Style: The Mediating Influence of Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, and Sex Role Identity, Angela J. Hirschy
Indoor/Outdoor: Poems, Jeffrey Greer
Industrial Applicability of the Joint Committee's Personnel Evaluation Standards, Michael Jay Orris
Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Studies in Lithium and Metal Ammonia Solutions, Ayman Hasan Said
Inequality, poverty, and neoliberal governance : activist ethnography in the homeless sheltering industry, Vincent Lyon-Callo
In Fashions Reminiscent: The Overlapping Objects, Discourses, and Ideas of the Sixties and the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Influence of Psychiatric Diagnostic Training on Counseling Students’ Development of a Model-for-Helping and Professional Identity, Jerry E. McLaughlin
Influence of Uncorrelated Defects on the Vortex Phase Diagram in YBA2Cu3O7-6 Superconducting System, Lucian M. Undreiu
Informatics for Healthcare Professionals, Kathleen M. Young
Information and Communication Technology in Child Welfare: The Need for Culture-Centered Computing, Richard J. Smith and Tara Eaton
In Honor of Anne Lake Prescott, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of E. Jane Burns I: Gender and Society, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of E. Jane Burns II: Feminists and Feminisms in the Academy (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of Verlyn Flieger (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Memory of John H. Fisher, Scholar and Editor, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Memory of Larry Syndergaard: The Ballad, Medieval and Modern I (Anglophone), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Memory of Larry Syndergaard: The Ballad, Medieval and Modern II (Scandinavian), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Memory of Thomas Head (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In My Bedroom/Winter Has Been Far Too Long, Andrew Soliday
Innovation in Identities, Innovation in Narratives: Literature in the Mediterranean Region in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Innovative Techniques of Counseling, Milton R. Cudney
“In Our Own Words”: Exploring Female Psychosocial Student Development, Elizabeth Maier Marietta
Inquiry, August 2000, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, July 2000, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, literacy, and learning in the middle grades, Lauren Freedman and Holly Johnson
Inquiry, September 2000, Office of Vice President for Research
Inroads toward Contemporary Latina Literature: Poetry and Criticism, Adela Josefina Najarro
In Search of the First Venetians: Prosopography of Early Medieval Venice, Studies in the Early Middle Ages., Luigi Andrea Berto
In Search of Virginity (A Roundtable Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Sight of the White Cathedral., Nathan Lipps
Inspire e-News 03 2016, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Inspire e-News 04 2016, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Inspire e-News 05 2016, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Inspire e-News 06-07 2016, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Inspire e-News 08-09 2016, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Inspire e-News 10 2016, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Institutionalization of Children in the Czech Republic: A Case of Path Dependency, Victoria Schmidt and Jo Daugherty Bailey
Instructional Writing in the History of English, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment: Co-Occurring Evidence-Based Practice Implementation, Alteration, and Fidelity over Time, Jennifer Harrison
Integration of Multiple Perspectives on Leadership: A Comparative Study of Experienced and Novice Leaders, Rigoberto J. Rincones-Gomez
Integration of outcrop and modern analogs in reservoir modeling, G. Michael Grammer, Paul M. Harris, and Gregor P. Eberli
Integration of Professional Identity and Christian Religious Identity in Undergraduate Social Work Students, Lolene K. Bargerstock
Integrity of Digraphs, Robert Charles Vandell
Interaction between Human Experience, Landscape , and Coffee Production in the Blue Mountain Region of Jamaica, Shohei Yoshida
Inter-annual Variability of Lake-effect Snowfall in Lower Peninsula of Michigan, Dale E. Arnold, Bandhan Ayon, Brian Chambers, and Nirjala Koirala
Interdisciplinarity, Christina G. Collins
Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Late Medieval Lyric, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in the Elementary School a Case Study, Kathryn Kinnucan-Welsch
Interfaith Relations in the Fourteenth Century, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Interferences in Electron Emission Spectra for H+ Impact on H2, Sabbir Hossain
Intergenerational Power Exchange Model: Meta-Analysis of Male Batterers’ Intervention Programs, Suzanne Van Weelde
Intergovernmental Authority on Development and East African Community: Viability of Merger, Andualem Zewdie Belaineh
Intergovernmental Cooperation in Metropolitan Grand Rapids, Michigan, James M. Kadlecek
Interim Outcomes and Change Processes: A Case Study of School Restructuring, Meg V. Blinkiewicz
Interim Summative Evaluation: Assessing the Value of a Long Term or Ongoing Program During its Operation, Sharon Craven Dodson
Interlingual Exchange, Interlinguistic Comprehensions, and Multilinguism in Occitan Spaces, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Internal Fault Location in Transformer Windings, Samir Yehya Abed-Alkareem Alzekri
International Financial Integration, Sonila Beliu
International Handbook of Educational Evaluation: Part One: Perspectives / Part Two: Practice, Thomas Kellaghan, Daniel L. Stufflebeam, and Lori A. Wingate
International Journal of African Development, Vol. 3, Issue 2
International Trade Effects of Regional Economic Integration In Africa: The Case of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Mengesha Yayo and Sisay Asefa
Interpersonal Issues of Dependency in Adult Children from Dysfunctional Relationships, Dennis Michael Beaufait
Interpretations of Native North American Life: Material Contributions to Ethnohistory, Michael S. Nassaney and Eric S. Johnson
Interprofessional Collaboration for Children with Special Healthcare Needs: A Review of Effective Education Integration, Catherine Giroux and Julie Corkett
Interprofessional Education in Occupational Therapy: The Idaho State University Model, Bryan M. Gee, Jennifer Holst, Kathleen Baron, Eydie Kendall, Sarah Knudson, Laura McKnight, and Karren Streagle
Inter-rater Reliability: Wrist Goniometer Placement, Jamie Hain and Kelli Turner
Interrogating the Ruling Relations of Thailand’s Post-tsunami Reconstruction: Empirically Tracking Social Relations in the Absence of Conventional Texts, Aaron Williams and Janet Rankin
Intersections of Poverty, Geography, and Custodial Grandparent Caregiving in Appalachia, Deborah L. Phillips and Ben Alexander-Eitzman
Intersections of the Sacred and Secular in Medieval Romance, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Interspecies Encounters: An Ethnography of a Veterinary Hospital, Dana Atwood-Harvey
In the Café Down the Road, Bradley Miller
In the House of Memory, Clifford Davidson
Into and out of Latin, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Intracellular Degradation of Ribosomes in a Mesophilic and a Thermophilic Species of Bacillus, Joe William Davis
Intrinsic Motivation for Learning of the Adult Graduate Student at Western Michigan University, Phyllis Crandall
Introducing The Medieval Globe, Carol Symes
Introduction, Joseph Ellin
Introduction, Elizabeth Bradburn and Lofton L. Durham
Introduction: The Entrepreneurial University, Joseph Ellin
Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology, Thomas Byrne and Alan Poling
Introduction to the Special Issue: Mind-Body Interventions in Social Work Practice, Melinda McCormick and Yvonne Unrau
Introduction to the Special Issue: New Scholarship in Institutional Ethnography, Paul C. Luken and Suzanne Vaughan
Introduction to the Symposium on The Basic Income Guarantee, Richard K. Caputo Ph.D. and Michael A. Lewis
Introduction: “What Have You Learned Today?”, Sidney Homan
Intuition in Decision Making by Human Service Administrators, Judith Huber Halseth
Intuitive Understanding of Time and Space At the Age of Four, Josephine Barry-Davis
Investigating Ocular and Dermal Phototransduction in Planarian Flatworms, Jessica Bacher
Investigating Student Approaches to Learning with Structured or Unstructured Client Collaboration, Cara E. Masselink
Investigation of the Iced Flowfield Characteristics Related to the Stall Margin Instrumentation Used in Icing Conditions, Erik Pederson
Investigation of the Relationship between Occupation, Learning Style, and Productivity Preference, Charlotte Wenham
Investigation of the Synthesis and Polymerization Behavior of Vinyl Benzoate, Selim Mehmet Erhan
Investment and Capital Flows under Uncertainty and Capital Market Imperfection in Oil Producing Countries, Mohamed Gaber Hassan Elsayed
Involvement of Females as Authors, Editors, and Participants in Journals Concerned with Mental Retardation and Related Topics, Cari L. Porter
Ionization and Charge Changing in 0.5 - 8 qMeV Li^q+ + He (q=1,2,3) Collisions and Setup of an Electron Spectrometer Control System, Oliver Woitke
Irina Kagan, Violin, Irina Kagan
Irradiation Induced Order-Dis Order Transformations in Ni-Mo Alloys, Ovidiu F. Toader
I Sailed with Magellan, Stuart Dybek
Is Community-based Work Compatible with Data Collection?, John W. Murphy, Berkeley A. Franz, and Karen A. Callaghan
Is Democracy Necessary for Good Governance, John Ishiyama
Islam and Democracy: An Empirical Examiniation of Muslims' Political Culture, Moataz Bellah Mohamed Abdel Fattah
Islamic Law Measures for Good Governance and Justice: Lessons for Nigeria Against Dictatorship, Abdullahi Saliu Ishola and Issa Olawale Solahudeen
Isospectral Graphs and the Expander Coefficient, Ian Campbell Walters Jr.
Is Preoperative Functional Status a Predictor of Postoperative Mortality, Morbidity and Quality of Life in Open Heart Patients?, A. Kate MacPhedran
Issues in Metaphysics, Logic, and Epistemology in Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Issues of Factorial Invariance Inherent in Conceptual Change: Teachers’ Evolving Perceptions of Classroom Practice, Cynthia C. Phillips
Is There a Text in This Field? Middle English Canonical Texts and the Edition of Record (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Is the zebrafish zombie mutant caused by a mutation in CDC20?, Peyton Johnston
Is What's Best for Dads Best for Families? Paternity Leave Policies and Equity Across Forty-Four Nations, Karie Feldman and Brian K. Gran
“It’s a Two-Way Street”: Giving Feedback in a Teacher Writing Group, Lochran C. Fallon and Anne Elrod Whitney
“It’s Crazy, That Was Us”: The Implicated and Compliant Audience in The Boys of Foley Street, Nelson Barre
“It’s just too sad!”: Teacher candidates’ emotional resistance to picture books, Aimee Papola-Ellis
Jacobi Moments in Applied Mathematics with Computer Applications, John A. Kapenga
James Yuhas, Trumpet, James Yuhas
Jane Addams : a writer's life, Katherine Joslin
January 12th, 2015, Jared Sebastian
Japanese Students' Perceived Need for Communicative English and Their Perceived Proficiency Levels, Takanori Mita
Jeremy Larson, Horn, Jeremy Larson
Jetpack Cats and Penis Trees: An Oral-Traditional Approach to Humor in Medieval Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Jewish Women in Medieval England (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Jews and Christian Materiality, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Joan de Valence: The Life and Influence of a Thirteenth-Century Noblewoman, Jitske Jasperse
Job Aids, Feedback, and the Teaching of Verbal-Reasoning, Angela Williams Campbell
Job Perceptions within Campus Law Enforcement, Duane Terpstra
Job Satisfaction and Leadership Style: A Study of Michigan High School Principals, David A. Barry
Joe Busuito, Conductor, Joe Busuito
John de Stratford and His Corrodies, Larry Usilton
John Jasper: The Creation of a Character, Blake Price
Jordan Hamilton, Cello, Jordan Hamilton
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare Vol. 42 No. 1 (March 2015)
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare Vol. 42 No. 2 (June 2015)
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare Vol. 42 No. 3 (September 2015)
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Vol. 41, No. 1 (March 2014)
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Vol. 41, No. 2 (June 2014)
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Vol. 41, No. 3 (September 2014)
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Vol. 41, No. 4 (December 2014)
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Vol. 42, No. 4 (December 2015)
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Vol. 43, No. 1 (March 2016)
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Vol. 43, No. 2 (June 2016)
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Vol. 43, No. 3 (September 2016)
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Vol. 43, No. 4 (December 2016)
Journey of a Peace Journalist, Robert Koehler
Journey to Self: The Experience of Inner Life of Helping Professionals, Candace W. Ross
Juan Rodríguez del Padrón, Triunfo de las donas / The Triumph of Ladies, Emily C. Francomano
Judicial Decision Making Under Michigan Sentencing Guidelines, Abel E. Ekpunobi
Just Business - 01/26/2016, Kay Palan
Just Business - 10/27/2015, Kay Palan
Just Business- 4/1/2016, Kay Palan
Just Business 5/25/2016, Kay Palan
Justice Is a Mirage: Failures of Religious Order in Marlowe's Tamburlaine Plays, Leila Watkins
Juvenile Justice: An Examination of Disparities in Dispositions, Michael P. Brown
Kalamazoo: Kalamazoo Regional Chamber of Commerce celebrating 100 years, Roger Kullenberg
Kalamazoo Lost & Found, Lynn Smith Houghton and Pamela Hall O'Connor
Kalamazoo, the Place Behind the Products, Larry B. Massie and Peter J. Schmitt
Katherine A. Lawson, OTR/L, LMSSW, PhD, Honoring Family
Killing the Rotten Citric Lump: A Somatic Reading of the Death of Shahrazād’s Hunchback, Erin S. Lynch
Knights Errant and Private Dicks: From Romance to Noir, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Knowledge Translation Activities in Occupational Therapy Organizations: The Canadian Landscape, Catherine A. Donnelly, Heidi Cramm, Amanda Mofina, Marie-Eve Lamontagne, Shalini Lal, and Heather Colquhoun
Knowledge translation and occupational therapy: A survey of Canadian university programs, Heidi Cramm, Blair Short, and Catherine A. Donnelly
Knowledge, Wisdom, and Service: The Meaning and Teaching of Professionalism in Medicine, Matthew K. Wynia
Koineization and Standardization in Medieval Ibero-Romance Languages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
K+- Induced Dilation of Cremasteric Arterioles Involves Na+/K+Atpase and Inward Rectifier K+ Channels, Wendy Burns
Lacunae: Noticing What Is Not There, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ladies' Library Associations of Michigan: Women, Reform, and Use of Public Space, Sharon Carlson
Lake Michigan Lighthouse, Charles G. Lein
Landscape of Toxic Ferns, Mary Maroste
Land Tenancy and Poverty in Ethiopia, Daniel Teferra
Langston Hughes and Performing Transnational Presence: Scottsboro Limited and Harvest, Ramona Tougas
Language and Time, Quentin Smith
Large-Scale Land Acquisition: A Threat to Human Insecurity-Led Land/Ethnic Conflict or a Solution for Economic Development? The Case of Gambella, Ethiopia, Daniel Tessema Firrisa
Las paraguayas, Matias Montes-Huidobro and Jorge Febles
Late Old English Verse, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Laterality of the Perception of Computer Presented Written Sexual Words by Right-handed Males and Females, Randall W. Stewart
Latino Migration to Protestantism: A Historical, Socio-cultural, Ecclesiastical Analysis, Larry Ortiz
Law and Ideal Justice in Medieval Contexts and Beyond, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Law and Legal Culture in Anglo-Saxon England: Sessions in Memory of Lisi Oliver I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Law and Legal Culture in Anglo-Saxon England: Sessions in Memory of Lisi Oliver II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Law as Culture: Felony, Insanity, and Vigilantism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Law, Farce, and Counter-Kingship in the Semur Fall of Lucifer, Nicole R. Rice
Lawman's Brut and Translation: Text and Context, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Leader Attitudes and Leader Stress: Is There a Connection?, Earl B. Kaurala
Leadership Case Studies in Education, Peter Guy Northouse and Marie Lee
Leadership Competency Needs of U.S. Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, John Nathaniel Vinson
Leadership in a Juvenile Detention Facility: Portrait of an Effective Youth Management Program, D. John Morris Jr.
Leadership in Re-accreditation of the MPA Program, Udaya Wagle
Leadership Practices and Job Satisfaction: An Examination of the Relationship between Academic Deans and Department Chairpersons, Vera Kay Dauffenbach
Leadership Roles of Native American Women in Education in the 1990s, Linda S. Keway
Leadership Scholarship Collaboration Resources: Research Annual Report 2012, Office of the Vice President for Research
Learning Expectations and Learning from Problem Situations in Occupational Education, Michael Alexander Krischer
Learning to Construct Proofs in a First Course on Mathematical Proof, Peter R. Atwood
Least Cost Analysis for Solar Photovoltaic Maintenance of the WMU Miller Auditorium Array, Kelsey Pitschel
Leon Sun, Linda Hanes
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Doctoral Students Mentoring Relationships with Faculty in Counseling Psychology a Qualitative Study, Julianne S. Lark
Lesbian Identity Development and Career Experiences, Mary Jo Thiel
Lesbian's Perception of Parental Support and the Disclosure of Sexual Orientation, Janet Trudee Snyder Tarkowski
Lesser Aristocratic Women in Twelfth-Century Charters: A Lincolnshire Case Study, Hanna Kilpi
Lessons from Sweden: Solidarity, the Welfare State, and Basic Income, Almaz Zelleke
Lessons to Share on Teaching Grammar in Context, Constance Weaver
Letter from the Editors, M. Andrew Bodinger
Letters I Never Sent, Heaven Barlow
Let Us Now Praise Famous Names, Aimee Valentine
Level of Ego Development and Degree of Distress Experienced During Marital Separation, Richard A. Strait
Lever-Press Acquisition by Rats: Effects of Some Historical Variables, Susan M. Snycerski
Levittown, Pennsylvania: A Sociological History, Chad M. Kimmel
LHC Lines- Fall 2015, Lee Honors College
Linguistic Approaches to Medieval Languages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Literary Heiresses and Historical Countesses in Thirteenth-Century France: Some Methodological Notes, Kathy M. Krause
Literature & Lives: A Response-Based, Cultural Studies Approach to Teaching English, Allen Carey-Webb
Little Low Heaven, Anthony Butts
Little "Sister", Raina Khatri
Liturgy and Politics in the Ottonian Empire, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Living in the Shadow of ISIS, Alexis Hickey
lnfluence of Persulfate on Solidification/Stabilization Characteristics of ISS Treatment, Jeffrey M. Hudson
Load Balancing and Congestion Avoidance Routing, Konstantinos N. Kokkinos
Load Interaction Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth, Stoyan Ivanov Stoychev
Lobbying in the Nonprofit Sector: A Study of Practice and Values, Larry A. Buzas
Localization and Transport Effects in the Disordered Materials, Vladislav Malyshkin
Local Sanctity in the Global Middle Ages: The Material Promotion of New Saints I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Local Sanctity in the Global Middle Ages: The Material Promotion of New Saints II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Lollardy and Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Loneliness and Graduate Students: A Descriptive Study, Mary Zirpoli
Long Term Benefits of LSVT-BIG Program for Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease, Emily Sandberg and Katelyn Weiandt
Looking Back at the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Looking Out a Window, Bradley Miller
Los primeros conuentus episcopales contra el presbítero "predestinacionista" Lúcido (Avignon y Lyon, 469), Raúl Villegas Marín
Loss of the Lifelong Partner: Implications for Social Adaptation, Anora Ackerson Grinwis
Lost in the Fifties: A Study of Collected Memories, Janelle L. Wilson
Lost in Transmission? Literary and Musical Forms in the Translation of Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Love in the Other Places, Danielle Kropveld
Love, Religion, and Vengeance: Aesthetic and Social Contexts in Medieval Iberian Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Loving and Hating Lydgate, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Low German Medieval Literature: Legends, Drama, Epics, Translations, and Others, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Lukács/Ibsen: Tragedy, Selfhood, and "Real Life" in The Master Builder and When We Dead Awaken, William Storm
Lydgate as Formal Innovator, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Lying: A Failure of Autonomy and Self-Respect, Jane Zembaty
Machaut in the South, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Machaut on Page and Screen, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Madonna, Whore: Mary’s Sexuality in the N-Town Plays, Emma Maggie Solberg
Magic on the Page: Transmission and Representation of Magic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Majority and Minority Supervisees' Perceptions of Clinical Supervision, Vivian Barnette
Make Yourself a Millionaire: How to Sleep Well and Stay Sane on the Road to Wealth, Charles C. Zhang and Lynn L. Chen-Zhang
Making Academic Change Happen-Any Way We Can?, Julia Williams
Making an Early Medieval Ethnie: The Case of the Early Slavs (Sixth to Seventh Century A.D. ), Florin Curta
Making Meaning with Friends: Exploring the Function, Direction and Tone of Small Group Discussions of Literature in Elementary School Classrooms, Katie Peterson
Making Sense of the Material, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Making Time/Making Space: Temporality in Medieval and Renaissance Drama, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Male and Female He Created Them: Ælfric’s Lives of Saints and Patristic Theories of Gender, Rhonda L. McDaniel
Management Style, Organizational Climate, and Organizational Performance in a Public Mental Health Agency: An Integral Model, Pamela Sue Meserve Erbisch
Managing Organizational Behavior, Henry L. Tosi, John Rizzo, and Neal P. Mero
Managing Supply Chain Risk : Integrating with Risk Management, Sime Curkovic, Thomas Scannell, and Bret Wagner
Man in the Spangled Pants, Joe Stockdale
Manuscript Context for Early Anglo-Saxon, Caroline, and Germanic Verse, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Manuscripts and Marginalia: Traversing Textual Boundaries, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mapping, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mappings III: Medieval Maps, Their Makers and Uses, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mappings II: Mapping Space and Time, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mappings I: The Roman Heritage of Medieval Maps, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Maranao Muslim Women Educational Administrators: An Initial Study of the Emerging Muslim Women Leaders in the Philippines, Carmelita S. Lacar
Marginal Bodies, Corporeal Communities in Anglo-Saxon England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Martha Councell-Vargas, Christine Lena
Mass Shootings and Mental Health Policy, Jessica Rosenberg
Mastodon, 80% Complete: Poems, Jonathan Johnson
Material Culture & Medieval Drama, Clifford Davidson
Material Processes and Making in Medieval Art and Architecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Matthew A. Tapie, Aquinas on Israel and the Church (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Max Horkheimer’s Critical Theory of Religion:The Meaning of Religion in the Struggle for Human Emancipation, Michael R. Ott
Maximal and Maximum Independent Sets in Graphs, Jiuqiang Liu
“May the odds be never in your favor” – An economic representation of the Hunger Games trilogy, Kaitlin Marshall
MDMA and Learning: Effects of Acute and Neurotoxic Exposure, Thomas P. Byrne
Meaningful Learning: Reconciling the Tensions between Constructivist and Environmentally Sustainable Pedagogy, Nancy Van Kannel-Ray
Measures of Partial Association Based on Rank Estimates, Sudhakar H. Rao
Measuring Access to Learning Opportunities, Willis D. Hawley and Timothy Ready
Measuring Changes in Spontaneous Play Behavior in Preschoolers with Autism Associated with a Receptive Language Intervention, Jori Reijonen
Media Ethics: The Powerful and the Powerless, Elaine E. Englehardt
Mediating for Peace and Political Space in the Ethiopian Political-Economy System: A Conceptual Framework, Berhanu Mengistu
Medical Responsibility: Paternalism, Informed Consent, and Euthanasia, Wade Robison and Michael Pritchard
Medicine and Manuscripts, 900–1150, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval America: Traditions, Folklore, Identity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Architecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Art: Recent Perspectives, Gale R. Owen-Crocker and Timothy Graham
Medieval Chess (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Chronicles, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Ecocriticisms: Why the Middle Ages Matter (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval England: An Encyclopedia, Paul E. Szarmach, M. Teresa Tavormina, and Joel T. Rosenthal
Medieval Forms of Argument: Disputation and Debate, Georgiana Donavin, Carol Poster, and Richard Utz
Medieval Franciscan Women as Theologians, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Genre Again: Redefining the Normative Hybridity of Medieval French Generic Conventions, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval German Trojan War Stories of Herbort von Fritzlar, Konrad von Würzburg, and Others: Interpretations, Translations, Interpolations, Adaptations, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Iberia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Iberian Languages: Linguistic Perspectives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medievalism and Anti-Semitism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medievalism and Labor (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medievalism in the Modern World, Richard Utz and Tom Shippey
Medieval Landscapes of Disease, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Military History II: Food, Fortifications, Resolution, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Military History I: Using Non-traditional Sources, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Necropolitics: Dead Bodies and Living Systems, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Peasant World I: Culture and Religion, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Peasant World II: Economy and Society, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Performance as Appropriation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Pilgrimage: Gender, Geography, and Transformation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Prosopography, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Prosopography 31 (2016)
Medieval Sculpture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Sermon Studies II: Images, Exempla, Rhetoric: What Sermons Reveal, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Sermon Studies I: Transmission and Circulation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Settlement and Landscape in Modern Ireland, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Studies and Medievalism, Past and Present, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Transidentities, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Translation Theory and Practice I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Translation Theory and Practice II (A Practicum), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Women Authors as Collaborators: Negotiating Authority and Authorship for Writers and Readers, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Melody Networking: Discovering, Comparing, and Understanding Medieval Chant, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Membership at Risk: Representation of Disability in Popular Counselor Education Textbooks, Nancy A. Rosenau
Members of Minority Student Organizations and Their Perceptions of Their Academic and Social Integration, Oris Tamaria Griffin
Memory Deficits in Older Adults: Evaluating Spaced Retrieval with Multiple Probe Techniques, Christopher Walmsley
Memory's Dramas, Modernity's Ghosts: Thornton Wilder, Japanese Theater, and Paula Vogel's The Long Christmas Ride Home, Joanna Mansbridge
Memory Support for Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease: Applications for Speech-language Pathologists, Laura Dober
“Men of Good Timber”: An Archaeological Investigation of Labor in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Aaron Howe
Merlin and the Round Table, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Metaphor: Medieval and Modern, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Metaphors of the Body Political: Research Inspired by Takashi Shogimen, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Method and the Middle English Text (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Michelle Bessemer, Violin, Michelle Bessemer
Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education News,Spring 2016, Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education
Michigan Geology: A Bibliography, March 2016, Peter Voice
Michigan's Deadlocked Commission on Death and Dying: A Lesson in Politics and Legalism, Joseph Ellin
Middle English Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Middle English Political Poetry, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Middle English Verse, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Military Fortifications, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
Millage Election Outcomes in Michigan Public School Districts: A Test of the Rational Choice and Social Psychological Voting Models, Christopher Petras
Mindfulness and Prevention in Western Medicine: Focus on Physician Assistant, Amber Bernelis
Minimization of Metamerism in Wood Grain Printing using Different GCR Settings, Vinay Anil Turke
Minor Figures in Courtly Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mission and Crusade in the Life and Works of Ramon Llull (1232-1316): Papers in Honor of the Seven-Hundredth Anniversary of His Death, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mistresses and Merveilleuses: The Historiographical Record on Female Political Players of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Christine Adams
Mistrusting the Historiography of Royal Mothers: Louis of Savoy and Catherine de Medici, Kathleen Wellman
Mitigating the Defects of Pluralism: Interest Group Coalitions Before the Supreme Court, Jason Frederick Jagemann
Mobilizing resources for ESL international students with visual impairments, Christie A. Gates
Model Based Vehicle Simulation for Electrically Actuated Transmission Test Cells, Kenneth L. Gruel
Modeling and Analysis of PCA Workflow, Ewing Tiong
Modeling Product Cooling for Baked and Snack Crackers, Jenna Hagenloch
Modeling the Strategic Impact of Management Accounting Methods on the Implementation of Lean Manufacturing, David Joseph Meade
Models and Copies, Masters and Pupils: New Work on Spanish Illuminated Manuscripts in Memory of John Williams, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Moderate Drinking Classifications as Social Constructions: The Utility of a Salutogenic Perspecitve in Assessing Drinking Behavior, Martin R. Hill
Modern Approaches to Teaching the Middle Ages: Challenges of the Present as Catalysts for the Rediscovery of the Past, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Molecular Staging of Colorectal Cancer: K-ras Mutation Analysis of Lymph Nodes Upstages Dukes’ B2 Patients, Jennifer S. Thebo
Monitoring the Effects of Psychotropic Drugs in Students with Emotional Impairments: Home and School Data, Lynne E. Turner
‘Mony Prowde Wordez’: Pronominal Speech Acts, Identity and Community in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Katharine Jager
Morality and God, John Hare
Morality versus Slogans, Bernard Gert
Moral Theory and Moral Life, Michael Pritchard
More Middle Ages on Screen? Reconsidering The Reel Middle Ages (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University