Content Posted in 2017
Telecommunications: Have Regulators Dialed the Wrong Number? 1995-96, Department of Economics
Tell Him You Love Him, Maureen Okasinski
Temporal Contiguity as a Defining Feature of the Terms Reinforcer and Discriminative Stimulus: A Survey of Journal Editorial Staffs, Julie Ann Fillhard
Temporal Pattern of Gluconeogenesis in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Chinese Hamsters, John P. Ofenstein
Terminus, Diana Schellenberg
Testing of Beam Line for Charge Exchange Measurements, Mohd. Noor Ali
Test-Retest Reliability of the Levels of Rehabilitation Scale IIB, Maura Katherine Murphy
Texts of the Exeter and Vercelli Books, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Textual Scholarship of Medieval Iberian Literature (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
thalamanders, Jim Griffioen
Thallium Toxicity: Complexities of Diagnosis and Management, Emily Cordes, Chris Difelice, Lauren Lamie, and Tom Melgar
The 1932 Coup in Thailand: An Account of a Participant in the Coup, Perasant Ratanakul Serireongrith
The 1991 Cistercian Studies Conference, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The 1992 Cistercian Studies Conference, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The 1993 Cistercian Studies Conference, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The 1994 Cistercian Studies Conference, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The 1995 Cistercian Studies Conference, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The 1996 Cistercian Studies Conference, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The 1997 Cistercian Studies Conference, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The 1998 Cistercian Studies Conference, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The 1999 Cistercian Studies Conference, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The 2015 Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship Survey on Harassment, Jennifer C. Edwards
The '57 Olds, Sam Schwartz
The Academic Poet, U. Harold Males
The Acquisition of Spelling by Developmentally Disabled Adults: An Examination of Some Variations of the Look-Cover-Write-Check Cycle, Mark Stafford
The Acute Effects of Cocaine in Pigeons Performing under a Progressive-Ratio Schedule, Claudia Ann Jones
The Affects of Parent Death, Long Term Illness and Divorce on Children Running Away from Home, Robert J. Ackerman
The Aid Effectiveness Architecture in Africa: An Analysis of Aid Structures in Kenya’s Agriculture Sector, Daniel Kipleel Borter
The Albigensian Heresy and the Gnostic Tradition, John Stine Penman
The Amelioration of Interpersonal Perceptual Accuracy and Psychological Adjustment of Psychiatric Outpatients through Brief Perception Therapy: Three Case Studies, Carole Marie Bullmer
The American Political Dictionary, Jack C. Plano and Milton Greenburg
The Anchoress: A Novel, KellyAnn Fitzpatrick
The Annual Journal of Medieval Military History Lecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Application of a Statistical Trend Analysis Program to Ground-Water Quality Monitoring Data from Eight Western Michigan Solid Waste Landfills, Amy DeCosta Lachance
The Application of Chitosan on an Experimental Infection of Pseudogymnoascus Destructans Increases Survival in Little Brown Bats, Torin C. Kulhanek
The Application of Multiderivative Infrared Spectroscopy to Iodine Number Determination, Jeffrey C. Lowry
The Art Gallery, Sherwood Snyder III
The Association among Nonverbal Stimuli, Supervisory Strategies, and Satisfaction Ratings in Counselor-Trainee Supervision, Michael P. Wilbur
The Association between Neighborhood Factors and Mexican Americans’ Mental Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review, Kai Wei and Jaime Booth
Theatrical Wonder, Amazement, and the Construction of Spiritual Agency in Paradise Lost, Elizabeth Bradburn
The Attitudes of Students toward the Social, Political, and Economic Development of Guam, Franklin S. Cruz
The Automorphism Group of the Wreath Product of Finite Groups, Kenneth G. Hummel
The Bath, Maura Troester
The Beginning of an Era, L. W. Newland
The Behavioral and Resource Needs Assessment of the Hispanic Community in Kalamazoo County, Roberto Flachier
The Bended Tree, Graeme Shields
The Biblical Intertext in Peter Shaffer's Amadeus (Or, Saul and David in Eighteenth-Century Vienna), Nehama Aschkenasy
The Big Community, Jackson Freeman
The Birdbath, Victor F. Johnson
The Black Athlete, Venezia Jones
The Blue Belch, Earl Farrington Bmocloh
The Book of Genesis, Live in Concert, Scott Hummel
The Book of Margery Kempe, Spenser Santos
The Books and Life of Judith of Flanders, Amy Livingstone
The Box of Death, Clifton Schelhas
The Boysenberry Tree, Nic Gauthier
The Bride Wielded a Razor: Images of Women on the Blackface Stage of James McIntyre and Thomas Heath, Leslie Pasternack
The Broken Shoe, Carrie Porritt
The Burning of our House, Seth Nehil
The cadaver memorial: An opportunity to incorporate medical humanities in the WMed anatomy curriculum, Wendy Lackey-Cornelison
The Cat, Nancy Dewees
The Causal Relationship between Mathematics Achievement and Attitude in Grades 3 to 6: A Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis, D. William Quinn
The Child in Medieval Romance III: The Abused Child, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Child in Medieval Romance II: The Curious Child, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Child in Medieval Romance I: The Theorized Child, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"The chocolate-covered caramels have misbehaved again.", Lori Winter
The Chosen Way, Carol Marcks
The Chromatic and Cochromatic Number of a Graph, John Gordon Gimbel
The Cistercian and Monastic Inspiration for the Reformation: On the Occasion of the Five-Hundredth Anniversary of Luther's Theses, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 1987, Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2000, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2001, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2002, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2003, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2004, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2005, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2006, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2007, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2008, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2009, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2010, The Institute of Cistercian Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2012, The Center for Cistercian and Monastic Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2013, The Center for Cistercian and Monastic Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2014, The Center for Cistercian and Monastic Studies
The Cistercian Studies Conference, 2015, The Center for Cistercian and Monastic Studies
The Clergy and Religious Faith as Factors in Recovery from Bereavement, Maryann Biggers
The Cobra, Kevin Pottenger
The Collage Effect: Form and Participatory Reading in Contemporary Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Krystal Howard
The Collection, Constance O. Irvin
The College-Level Examination Program: A Survey of Attitudes of Selected Populations at Western Michigan University, Robert W. Gordon
The Colossus in Quicksand, John Ciardi
The Comic Ethos of Il Principe, Angus Fletcher
The Common Good and the Necessity of War: Emergent Republican Ideals in Shakespeare's Henry V and Coriolanus, Rita Banerjee
The Communication Age: Connecting and Engaging, Autumn P. Edwards, Chad Edwards, Shawn T. Wahl, and Scott A. Myers
The Competent Self: A Sociological Analysis of the Education of Community Leaders, Brian Moroney
The Concepts of Paoying and Karma: An Example of Syncretism, Alexander S. Levy
The Content of Consumer Education Teacher Preparation as Reported by Business Education and Home Economics Professors in Michigan, Michael Thomas Glenn
The Contribution of Education and the Role of the Media in Creating and Promoting Justice, Lavinia A. Baxter
The Coventry Corpus Christi Plays, Pamela M. King and Clifford Davidson
The Craft (Beer) of Medievalism: Popular Culture, the Middle Ages, and Contemporary Brewing (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Crazy Old Man Upstairs, John Provancher
The Creationist Movement: Science, Religion and Ideology, George M. Bevins
The Cripple, Priscilla Clark
The Crippled Chronicler, Roger Loeffler
The Crippling Stigma of Psychiatry, Sala V. Sadaps, Bangalore K. Ramesh, and Nicole J. Baker
The Crisis of Perception in Education: The Scientific and Historic Evolution of Systemic Educational Reform, Cynthia C. Phillips
The Crusades at Home: Roots, Impact, and Cultural Significance of the Crusades in France and Occitania, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Crusades through the Nexus of Text and Nonlinguistic Representations, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Cultural Roots of Behaviorism, Juan Mario Herakovic
The Cultures of Georgia and Armenia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Current State of Management Science and Operations Research in the Top Undergraduate Business Schools, Emma Stuba
The Curse of Caste; or The Slave Bride, Julia C. Collins, William L. Andrews, and Mitch Kachun
The Deadly Effect of Informatics on the Holocaust, Andrew S. Targowski
The Deaf Everyman and Deaf Snow White Theatre Projects (Documentary Film), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Death of an English Teacher, Kimberly Bartlett
The Death of Representation and the Representation of Death: Ionesco, Beckett, and Stoppard, Zoran Milutinović
The Debate on Lesbian Sadomasochism: A Discourse Analysis, Gudbjorg Ottosdottir
The Decision- Making Process in Fertility and Family Planning: A Quasi-Experimental Study, Rose Marie T. Franklin
The Delay-Reduction Hypothesis of Evocative Effectiveness and Latency, James Bryant Nuzzo
The Depo-Provera Controversy: A Sociological Analysis, Pamela A. Hayman
The Depositional History of the Point Pleasant Member of the Cynthiana Formation in Northern Kentucky, Gary J. Stefaniak
The Desert, Jim Sadler
The Design and Construction of Microprocessor-Computer Controlled Rapid Scanning Fiberoptic Spectrophotometer, Kathleen Marie Tobin
The Design and Evaluation of an Information System for Assessing Performance Appraisal Practices, James Michael Naughton
The Design, Field Test, and Description of a Model for Collaborative Long-Range Community Planning, Ozzie D. Parks
The Detection of Behavioral Effects in the F(sub)1(/sub) Generation of Mice Treated During Spermatogenesis with Cyclophosphamide, Procarbazine or Mitomycin C, Anthony Michael Podraza
The Detection of Behavioral Effects in the F1 Generation of Mice Treated During Spermatogenesis with Mitcmycin C and Ethyl-Nitrosourea, Bethel Elizabeth Imel
The Determination' of a Strength Gain of the Quadriceps and Hamstrings from Recreational Cross-Country Skiing, Cheryl A. Hofman
The Development and Assessment of Instructional Materials for the Teaching of Leadership Skills to Second Grade Students in Selected Public Schools, Sharon Rose Lockett
The Development and Empirical Validation of a Concept Analysis Program to Teach the Concepts in B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior, Norman McLeod Peterson
The Development and Evaluation of an Educational Therapeutic Group Procedure to Assist Preadolescent Children to Process Parental Divorce, Donna K. Prins
The Development and Pilot Operation of an Assessment Center with Implications for the Selection of School Principals, Margaret Gallagher
The Development and Use of a Film on Public Art in the City of Kalamazoo, Michigan, for the Purpose of Building Community, Sesta V. Peekstok
The Development and Validation of a Set of Procedural Guidelines for Preplanning an Evaluation of the Process of College Advisement, Mary-Maureen Snook-Hill
The Development of a Child Abuse and Neglect Detection Instrument for Use by Michigan Elementary School Educators, Anthony K. Citrin
The Development of a Community Education Pre-Retirement Program Model, Sidney Lynn Miller
The Development of a Curriculum Model for Undergraduate Education of Manufacturing Engineers, Mark Allen Curtis
The Development of a Self-Help Psychoeducational Booklet of Rational-Emotive Problem Solving, Alan D. Baldon
The Development of a Special Education Procedures Manual, Duane H. Greenwold
The Development of Instructional Materials to Facilitate the Interaction of Handicapped and Nonhandicapped Third Grade Students in Selected Parochial Schools, James Nicholas Gonwa
The Diary of a Young Girl and Jeff Mangum, Andrew Heurmann
The Differential Effects of Biobehavioral Feedback on Physiological Reactivity in Type A Coronary-Prone Males, Gary Michael Chavoya
The Differential Effects of Performance Monitoring and Performance Contingent Consequences in a Laboratory Setting, Julie A. Glasser
The Differential Effects of Three Job-Related Manipulations on the Task Performance of Movie Theatre Employees, Raymond Douglas Bennett
The Diffusion of Management Practices in the United States, Fumie Murase
The Dilemma of Naturalistic Tragedy: Strindberg's Miss Julie, Göran Stockenström
The Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Ethosuximide in the Pigeon, Rodney D. Clark
The Disliked Daughter, Chandra Vostral
The Distinguishing Characteristics of High Schools with High and Low Enrollments in Physics, Thomas Earl Van Koevering
The Dreamflower, Dick Embs
The Dualist, Paul Frederick
The Duck Attack, Christy Yurk
The Earliest Middle English Interludes, Stephanie Thompson Lundeen
The Eastern Mediterranean: History and Historical Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Economics of Discrimination 1989-90, Department of Economics
The Economics of Education 1991-92, Department of Economics
The Economics of Health 2011-12, Department of Economics
The Economics of Health Care 1999-00, Department of Economics
The Economics of Natural and Unnatural Disasters 2008-09, Department of Economics
The Economics of Rich and Poor: The Political Economy of Income Redistribution 1994-95, Department of Economics
The Economics of Sports: Winners and Losers 1998-99, Department of Economics
The Economics of Work and Family 2000-01, Department of Economics
The Edict of King Gälawdéwos Against the Illegal Slave Trade in Christians: Ethiopia, 1548 -- FEATURED SOURCE, Habtamu M. Tegegne
The Effectiveness of Music Therapy to Reduce Agitation among Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease, Caroline Mazon
The Effectiveness of Special Education Placement and Services: A Descriptive Study, Michelle D. Lewis
The Effectiveness of Video Tape Monitoring of Direct Instruction Procedures Across Teachers, John H. Cottrell
The Effect of a Conditioned Establishing Operations Procedure on Rats Responding on a VI 30 Second Schedule for Sweetened Condensed Milk, Daniel James Knip
The Effect of Aerobic Training and Weight Training on the Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Body Cathexis, and Self-Concept of College Females, John Stuart Irvine
The Effect of a Multi-Component Treatment Package on Seat Belt Usage Among Hispanics, Senez Rodriguez-Charbonier
The Effect of Annotating Articles from Scientific American on Student Understanding, John A. Knapp II
The Effect of Assertiveness Training on Assertive Behavior and Corresponding Self-Descriptive Statements, James Scott Boland
The Effect of a Student Assistance Program on the Quality-of-Life of Senior High School Students, Greg M. Kuhn
The Effect of Discrimination Training on Salt and Sugar Taste Thresholds of Preschool Children, Susan M. Castine
The Effect of Feedback Given to Nurse Aides on Response Latency to Patient Call Lights in a Geriatric Nursing Home, Patricia L. Matuszak
The Effect of Health Fair Attendance on Attitudes Toward Health, Cheryl A. Dickson, Elizabeth Kinsella, Michael Chavarria, Daphne Darmawan, Auditi Kundu, and Lakshmi Ramachandran
The Effect of Heroin on the Sexual Behavior of Males: A Comparison of Addicts, their Cohorts, and Other Drug Abusers, Kimberley A. Decker
The Effect of Indoleacetic Acid and Related Chemicals on Growth Patterns of Decapitated Bean Plants, Lewis V. Buchanan
The Effect of Integrated Grouping and of Studying Minority Culture in Reducing Cultural Cleavage in Elementary Classrooms, Daniel L. Paul
The Effect of Non-Stoichiometry on the Structure of La-Ni and La-Ni-Ga Alloys, Pertrice Auguste Wethey
The Effect of Nursing Intervention on Anxiety of Post Operative Patients, Phyllis C. Nicolaou
The Effect of Occupational Exploratory Experiences upon the Occupational Awareness and Occupational Analysis of Junior High School Seventh and Eighth Grade Students, Edward Lewis Pelkey
The Effect of Organization Type on Job Satisfaction: Private and Public Sector Employees in Saudi Arabia, Saeid Al-Hajri
The Effect of Progressive Relaxation Training upon Empathy, Edo Weits
The Effect of Public Posting and Supervisor Recognition on Treatment Team Performance in a Mental Health Institution, Susan Mencarelli
The Effect of Range Training on the Vocal Accuracy of Restricted and Complete Range K -3 Singers, Jane Mary Rooks
The Effect of Road Salt Runoff on Lake Methanogens and Methane, Emily Irene Sprague
The Effect of Self-Concept Enhancing Activities on Students in Classrooms for the Emotionally Impaired, Pamela Neal Britton Schutz
The Effect of Stereoelectronic Control and Long Range Interaction on the Stability of Bicyclic Enolate Anions, Edwin M. Van Dam
The Effect of Study Skills Training on the Academic Performance of Learning Disabled Students in Mainstream Classes, Kathleen M. Allen
The Effect of Systematic Cursive Instruction on the Length of Writing Samples, John Kendall Vail
The Effect of Task Responsibilities on Assistant Principals' Roles, Sandra B. Sirotti
The Effect of the Nonverbal Cue of Female Clothing on Perceived Leadership as Determined by Naive Judges, Julie Ann Larson
The Effect of Two Proxemic Variables upon Counselor and Client Evaluations of a Counseling Relationship, Daniel R. Klainer
The Effect of Varying Weightload Intensities on Biceps Curl Technique, Jeffrey C. Gailhouse
The Effect of Vestibular Stimulation on Expressive Language of Pre-Schoolers with Down Syndrome, Tiffany Bergo
The Effect of Wee1 on mitosis in the spb Mutant, David LeRoy
The Effect of Well Efficiency on In-Situ Permeability Test Results, Scott T. Dennis
The Effect of Western Material Goods upon the Social Structure of the Family among the Shirishana, John Fred Peters
The Effect of Word Abbreviation on Decoding Speed and Accuracy, Frances Piccione
The Effects of a Cognitive Stress Management Program on Perceptions of Stress Levels, Sara Sue Schaeffer
The Effects of a Conditioned Establishing Operation on Performance of a Two-Component Chain, Kenneth Lee Alling
The Effects of a Contingency Contract on Bulimic Behavior, Tim Lee Vander Molen
The Effects of Activity Group Structure on Cohesion, Engagement, and Affective Meanings in Acute-Care Psychiatric Patients, Hope L. Brucki
The Effects of a Cumulative Review Procedure Upon the Acquisition and Retention of Basic Addition Facts Under Mastery Learning Conditions, Michael Jeffrey Harshman
The Effects of Added Purpose on Fine Motor Performance in Learning Disabled Children, Sarah Lynn Austin
The Effects of Adventure Activities on an Objective Measure of Self-Concept, Marjorie Ellen Bethke
The Effects of Aerobic Conditioning Upon the Resting Metabolic Rate, Marti R. Davis
The Effects of Alprazolam and Triazolam on Two Methods of Induced Aggression in Rats, Howard Kiel Plummer
The Effects of Altruism on Activity Productivity in Elderly Women in Skilled-Care Nursing Facilities, Carol J. Getz
The Effects of a Minimal Intervention on the Acquisition of Behavior and an Evaluation of the Utility of its Maintenance, Cheryl Anne Brandt
The Effects of an Instructional Package on Study Question Completion Skills of High School Students, Jeffery David Montgomery
The Effects of an Integrated Environment on Specific Target Behaviors in Severely Impaired Young Children, Rosemarie R. Smith
The Effects of a Performance-Management Procedure on High School Students with Poor Academic Achievement, Thomas R. Harwood
The Effects of a Reinforcer on Behavior Maintained by a Second External Reinforcer, Jeanne Marie LaMere
The Effects of a Residential Basic Counseling Skills Training Program, Richard W. Fox
The Effects of a Structured Study-Support Program on the Academic Performance of Minority College Freshmen in a General Psychology Course, Mark Andrew Jackson
The Effects of a Student Determined Curriculum Versus a Traditionally Determined Curriculum on the Health Interests and Cognitive Development in Health of College Students, James H. Price Jr.
The Effects of a Time Limited and a Non Time Limited Mode of Counseling on Producing Therapeutic Change, Joseph S. Oldz
The Effects of Audiotape Self-Monitoring on Direct Instruction Teacher Presentation Techniques, Kay D. Simon Brynildson
The Effects of Brief Visual Stimuli on the Anxious Arousal Associated with Public Speaking, Dayanthi Nishani Samaraweera
The Effects of Caffeine Alone, and in Combination with Nicotine, on Several Behaviors in Rats, Judith S. DeVoe
The Effects of Cigarette Smoking and Vitamin E on the Morphology of Mice Testes, Kathleen Grams Hall
The Effects of Composting of Yard Wastes on the Ground-Water Quality: WMU Farms Site, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Bryan Kirk Allen
The Effects of Contingency-Management on Probationary Students' Academic Behavior, Brian Delano Yancey
The Effects of Contingent Shock on Cigarette Smoking Behavior: An Attempt to Replicate, Marianne M. Narick
The Effects of Contracting and Self-Monitoring on the Academic Performance of Middle School Students, Carol Elaine Parker
The Effects of Daily and Weekly Supervisor Feedback on the Performance of University Clerical Staff, Christopher Benjamin Turla
The Effects of Differential Group Treatments on the Self-Actualization of Counselors in Training, Pamela Elizabeth
The Effects of EMG Assisted Relaxation Training with Hyperkinetic Children: An Alternative to Medication, William J. Hampstead
The Effects of EMG Biofeedback Assisted Relaxation Training upon Problem-Solving Abilities of Anxious Children, Mazhar Khan
The Effects of Fading and Rule-Stating on the Instructed Reacquisition of a Five-Link Behavioral Chain, Okechukwu S. Ozuzu
The Effects of Fear Appeal Communications and Communicators upon Attitudes Alcohol Consumption, Robert D. Fritzen
The Effects of Feedback and Remediation Treatment on Student Ratings of Instructors, Linda H. Goldsmith
The Effects of Feedback Modality on Performance, Garrett D. Warrilow
The Effects of Given Versus Self-Derived Rules on Children's Performance of a Complex Discrimination Task, Susan F. Roy
The Effects of Goal Setting and Supervisory Feedback on Staff Performance in a Human Service Setting, Michael D. Mack
The Effects of Group Incentive Plans on Individual Performance, Karen Geralyn Stoneman
The Effects of Human Relations Training on Selected Personality Variables, Everette E. Nance
The Effects of Hypnosis and Mastery Imagery on Task Performance, Robert J. Russell
The Effects of Immediacy to Parenthood on the Perceptions of Importance of Parent Education Topics, Nancy Mauro Gerard
The Effects of Immediate Versus Delayed Feedback on Error Detection Accuracy in a Quality Control Simulation, Matthew A. Mason
The Effects of Increased Cycling on Local & Global Green House Gas Emissions, Trevor Roberts
The Effects of Individual and Social Comparison Graphic Feedback on Incented Performance, Yngvi Freyr Einarsson
The Effects of In-School and Out-of-School Contracting on Academic Performance, Kelly Lynn Kent
The Effects of Instructions and Cue Controlled Relaxation Training on Cardiovascular Reactivity to Social Stressors, Patricia A. Fettes
The Effects of Insulin on Hepatic Glucocorticoid Receptor Content in the Diabetic Rat, Jeffrey John Yourick
The Effects of Intermittent Feedback on the Verbal Communication Skills of Therapy Supervisors, Silva Goncalves
The Effects of Intermittent Photic Stimulation upon Respiration Rate and Anxiety, Patricia Moulton Guilford
The Effects of Intermittent Schedules of Reinforcement on the Generation of Adjunctive Behavior in Humans, Kenneth L. Hearn
The Effects of Magnitude of Extrinsic Reinforcement on Intrinsic Interest: An Experimental Analysis, Brian Howard Gribler
The Effects of Mechanically-Delivered Human-Delivered Reinforcement and Human-Delivered Reinforcement on Intrinsic Interest, Duangkaew Ungsrithong
The Effects of Meditation on Counselor Candidates' Self-Actualization, Clifton H. Burrows
The Effects of Mephenytoin on Schedule-Controlled Responding in the Pigeon, Victoria Mary Pellettiere
The Effects of Methsuximide and Mephenytoin on the Repeated Acquisition Performance of Pigeons, Dawn D. Delaney
The Effects of Methylphenidate on the Learning and Performance of a Child Diagnosed ADDH, Kendra Leigh Heath
The Effects of Modeling and Feedback in Training Tutors, Kathleen M. Krumhus
The Effects of Multiple Educational Methodologies on Student Perception of Teacher Performance, James E. Bultman
The Effects of Music Listening and Progressive Muscle Relaxation on the Anxiety Level of Adjudicated Adolescent Males in a Residential Treatment Setting, Ned David Gladfelter
The Effects of Music Upon Job Attitudes and Performance in an Industrial Inspection Task, Christopher D. Freiburger
The Effects of Music Videos on Adolescent Females Self-Concept and Body-Image, David Scott Eggli
The Effects of Music Video Violence on the Aggression Level of Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents, Kathleen Jo Young
The Effects of Nautilus Circuit Weight Training on Aerobic Capacity, Rhonda M. Ludwig
The Effects of Oil Well Sites on Forest Species of Birds, Wendy J. Baker
The Effects of Parental Tutoring on Reading Achievement, Cara K. Krumrie
The Effects of Parent Monitoring on Homework Completion of Low Performing Students, Maria del Carmen Barocio
The Effects of Participation in the Family Support Program on the Adaptive and Maladaptive Behaviors of Developmentally Disabled Individuals, Patricia L. McDonald
The Effects of Peer Tutoring on a Direct Instruction Reading Program, Robert Schuyler Brooks
The Effects of Pentazocine and Tripelennamine on Analgesia and Locomotion, James Philip Cleary
The Effects of "Perceived Success" and "Union Militancy" on the Opinions of School Principals, Michael Roy Williamson
The Effects of Performance Anxiety Management Training on Musicians’ Self-Efficacy, State Anxiety and Musical Performance Quality, Nancy Barnes Mansberger
The Effects of Performance Feedback on the Implementation of a Statistically-Based Quality Control Program, Gordon O. Henry
The Effects of Photoperiod on the Prolactin Cells of Notropis Cornutus (Mitchell), Matthew Kevin Hettinger
The Effects of Positive and Negative Teacher Behavior on Student Rating of Teachers, George Smith Ticknor
The Effects of Praise on Selected Variables in Secondary School Classrooms: A Behavior Modification Approach, Robert Earl Hardy
The Effects of Pre and Post-Performance Review Goal Setting on Subsequent Job Performance in a Human Services Setting, Christie L. Kleinhuizen
The Effects of Precipitation on the Quality of Ground Water and Leachate Seeps at a Stabilizing Landfill, Nicholas C. Pogoncheff
The Effects of Problem-Solving Skills Training with Chronic Schizophrenic Patients, Asiah Mayang
The Effects of Progressive Cigarette Smoke Dilution Upon Smoking Pattern and Stress Responses in Humans, David M. Keenan
The Effects of Prostaglandin E2 on the Healing Processes of Rat Perforated Tympanic Membranes, Diane Sue Saylor
The Effects of Public-Posted Feedback on the Use of a Photocopy Machine by Faculty in an Academic Department, Shijing Hu
The Effects of Public Posting on Job Performance with and without Supervisory Participation, Jan Marie Miller
The Effects of Punishment on Resistance to Change and Reinstatement, Tomesha A. Manora
The Effects of Purpose Orientations on Recent High School Graduates’ College Application Decisions, Gitima Sharma, Jungnam Kim, and Julia Bryan
The Effects of Quality Contingent Extrinsic Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation, Kimberly Ann Filler O'Connor
The Effects of Quantitative Information Content on Selection Strategies in a Complex Concept Formation Design, Tony B. Croke
The Effects of Reinforcement Magnitude on the Transfer of Stimulus Control, L. Martin Grabijas
The Effects of Repeated Trials on the Cardiovascular Responses to Reading Aloud and Non-Stressful Conversation, George S. Renfrey
The Effects of Rules and Videotape Training on Complex Observation Skills, Gerald L. Shook
The Effects of Selected Forms of Inservice Training in Modifying Teacher Image, Phillip A. Clark
The Effects of Self-Evaluation Procedures on the Numbers and Accuracy of Alphabet Letter Writing Behavior of Preschool Children, Kevin R. Coleman
The Effects of Self-Management Training on Fluid Compliance in Hemodialysis Patients, Glen Roland Peterson
The Effects of Self-Recording on the Generality of Parenting Behaviors, Sonia Beatriz Meyer
The Effects of Sex-Role Attitudes on Womens' Self-Actualization and Life Satisfaction, Mary Ann Vigilanti
The Effects of Skin Color and /or Situational Phenomena upon Race Relations, Wyatt Douglass Kirk
The Effects of Standardized and Personalized Hypnotic Induction Techniques on Depth of Trance, William C. Schirado
The Effects of Students' and Teachers' Racial Identities on Student and Teacher Perceptions of the Teacher Role, Karen Van Wagner
The Effects of Teacher Directed Small Group Instruction on Quality and Control of Behavioral Contracts in a Large Study Section of High School Students, Laurie A. Thompson-Montgomery
The Effects of Three Instructional Strategies on the Food Group Labeling Responses in Preschool Children, Jon Jeffery Boes
The Effects of Toyota Production System Training Discontinuation, Robert Patrick Biggins
The Effects of Two Contracting Methods on Altering the Eating and Exercise Behavior of Seven Obese Adolescents: An In-Home Weight Treatment Study, Donald Edward Montgomery
The Effects of Two Training Procedures on the Acquisition and Retention of a Sight-Word Vocabulary in Remedial Readers, Marilyn Monteiro
The Effects of Two Types of Hypnotic Suggestions on Analgesic Responding in Moderately Hypnotizable Subjects, Gloria M. Haddad
The Effects of Unilateral Brain Damage on Analogical Reasoning by Stroke Patients, Letitia Lynn Gillespie
The Effects of Urbanization on a Portion of the Portage Creek Watershed: A Case Study on Surface Water and Groundwater Quality, Susan E. Rezek
The Effects of Validation Versus Reality Orientation Approaches in Music Therapy with Disoriented Elderly Adults, Debra Diane Harvey
The Effects on Self of a Twenty-Three Day Experiential Wilderness Program for Adults: Implications for Counseling, Robert S. Doud
The Eighth Sacrament, Richard B. Hauck
The Elevator, Sandra Lawrence
The Emerging Role of the Community School Director, Walter Langs Jr.
The Liber Nemrod, an Arabic Library, and the First French Royal Psalters, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Empowerment of Academic Women Leaders at Saudi Universities and Its Relationship to Their Administrative Creativity, Azala M. Al Ghamdi
The End of Merlin, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
“The End of Nigerian History”: Wole Soyinka and Yorùbá Historiography, Glenn A. Odom
The Enemy, John Coyne
The Escape Artist, Stacy Graber
The Eternal Quadrilateral, U. Harold Males
The Ethanol-Induced Loss of Control Concept in Alcoholism, Thomas Kay Williams
The Evaluation of a School-Court Program that Deals with Chronic Absenteeism of Middle School Students, Robert A. Duell
The Evaluation of Beginning Therapist Effectiveness Using Karon's Thematic Apperception Test Pathogenesis Index: A Psychological Approach, Catherine Rae Miller
The Evaluation of Efficiency Determination of Screening Device (Pressure Screen) by Image Analysis, Rajeev Kumar Goyal
The Evangelical High Church: A Moderate Answer to the Oxford Movement, David Wayne Carmicheal
The Evolution of Text Formatting Languages, Dirk Herr-Hoyman
The Evolution of Turkey's Foreign Policy: The Truman Doctrine and Turkey's Entry into NATO, Sinan Toprak
The Exchange, Jan Nyquist
The Experience of Beauty in the Middle Ages, Bonnie Millar
The Experience of Power in Medieval Europe, 950-1350, Robert F. Berkhofer III, Alan Cooper, and Adam J. Kosto
The Facilitative Teacher-Student Relationship and Selected Educational Outcomes, Richard Roy Benedict
The Faith in One's Food: Food as an Aspect of Religious Proselytization and Polemic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Falcon, Barbara Jordan
The Fall, David Morgan
The Fall of South Vietnam: A Study of the South Vietnamese Armed Forces, Binh Phuoc Le
The Fall of the Picket Fence, Melissa J. Favara
The Familial Interrelationship Patterns, Socialization, and Juvenile Delinquency: An Integrated Theory and Research, Alan J. Pearl
The Features and Significance of Layering and Shearing Within the Zone of Mylonitization, Northeastern Idaho Batholith, Jon Michael Hermann
The Feature-Value Effect in Children; An Attempt to Replicate and Further Experimentation, Kathleen Wright
The Feet Revolt, Phil Rogers
The "Female Martinet": Mrs. Harper, Gender, and Civic Virtue on the Early Republican Stage, Jason Shaffer
The Five-Minute Theory, Cory Fryling
The Five Senses in Premodern English Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Flight of Hamilton Smith, John Coyne
The Fly in the Window, Robert J. Schneider
The Functioning of Informal Networks in Relation to the Hiring Process in Higher Education, Barbara Rae Mills
The Fungal Ecology of the Activated Sludge Process, Douglas William Jaques
The Futilist, Pauline Hylkema
The Future of Aztec Law, Jerome A. Offner
The Future of the Profession: The Adjunctification of the Academy and the Fate of Medieval Studies (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Future of Wireless Networks, Mohesen Guizani, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, and Chonggang Wang
The Geology and Geochemistry of the Summit Creek Molybdenum Prospect, Custer County, Idaho, Thomas Murray Hanna
The Geology of Burnt Ridge Quadrangle and Vicinity Ravalli County, Montana, Randall Reichert
The Geology of the Southern Bull Mountain Area, Jefferson County, Montana, Michael Edward Streeter
The Georgetown Guide to Arabic-English Translation, Mustafa Mughazy
The Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program: Occupational Therapy’s Imperative Role in Interprofessional Education, Jeannine Nonaillada, Natalie C. Gangai, Chrysanne Eichner, and Rosario Costas-Muniz
The Germans and Their Nazi Past: To What Extent Have They Accepted Responsibility?, Martin Hille
The Glacial Geology of Southern St. Joseph County, Michigan, Linda Nicks
The Glass of Fashion, U. Harold Males
The Golden Cornet, John Pilaar
The Gospels, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Gospels with Salt, Francis Gross
The Government of England and the Continent in the Later Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Graduate Standard - 01/2017, Western Michigan University
The Grave Digger, Sunshine VanBael
The Gray Blue Mountain, David Petty
The Great God Pavlov, Neil Lamper
The Great Transition: Climate, Disease, and Society in the Late Medieval World (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Greed of Men, Maria Morukian
The Griselda Story: Feminist Perspectives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and Rhythmic Competency: A Correlational Study, Michael J. Migliore
The Happiest Days of Our Lives, Roger E. Hawkins
The Healing Nature of Occupation, Jennifer Fortuna
The Healing Nature of Occupation, Jennifer Fortuna
The Hilltop Review, vol 9, no 1. Fall 2016
The Hilltop Review, vol 9, no 2. Spring 2017
The History, Present State, and Future of Information Technology, Andrew Targowski, T. Grandon Gill, and Dominik Sankowski
The Hobby, Pete Cooper
The Hungry Staircase, Heather Renouf
The Hustler, Gene A. Castle
The Hyperactive Child and the Family: A Procedural Approach to Evaluation and Treatment, Marian Maria Sofia van Dooijeweert
The Idea of the Garden in Medieval Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Idiot, Charles Rogers
The Impact of an Electronic System on Behavioral Screening Compliance in a Pediatric Clinic, Charles Brewerton, Grace Walter, Roger Apple, Peter Hoeksema, Beau Prey, and Stephanie Van Alsten
The Impact of Anthropogenic Noise on Avian Communication and Fitness, Erin Grabarczyk
The Impact of a Student Device Technology Integration Professional Development Program on K-6 Performance Data, Peter Grostic
The Impact of Community Mental Health Programs in Southwestern Michigan on Social Indicators: A Demonstration and Evaluation of the Time Series Method, John T. Gallagher
The Impact of Concentrations of African Americans and Latinos/Latinas on Neighborhood Social Cohesion in High Poverty United States Neighborhoods, Laurie A. Walker and Daniel Brisson
The Impact of Denominational Affiliation on Organizational Sense of Belonging and Commitment of Adjunct Faculty at Bible Colleges and Universities, Kimberly M. Pilieci
The Impact of Dysfunctional Families and Sexual Abuse on the Psychological Well-being of Adolescent Females in Eastern Cape, South Africa: A Research Note, Jabulani G. Kheswa
The Impact of Heart Rate Monitor Use on Student Intensity in Elementary Physical Education, Gerrit J. van Klaveren
The Impact of Higher Education on Linguistic Culture in Senegal and the Midwest United States, Kelsey Gough
The Impact of Mindfulness Training in a Division I Gymnastics Team: A Pilot Study, Nicholas Cherup
The Impact of Monetary Policy on Banks’ Risk-taking: Evidence from the Post Crisis Data, Nardos Moges Beyene
The Impact of Procedural Compliance to the Individualized Education Program Document on Student Achievement and Academic Benchmarks, Christine Robertson
The Impact of Sexually Transmitted Infections on the Birth Outcomes for Women in Kalamazoo, Michigan Between 2008-2014, Laura Bauler, Cathy L. Kothari, Alyssa Woodwyk, Duncan Vos, and Terra Bautista
The Impact of Values and Gender on Advising Satisfaction and Persistence of African Americans at Predominantly White Universities, Gregory A. Moorehead
The Impact of WMed Family Medicine Obesity Clinic on Weight Loss and Patient's Overall Health in the Family Health Center, Kalamazoo, MI, Latifa Pacheco DO and Abigail Annan MD
The Impacts of China's Rise on the Pacific and the World 2015-16, Department of Economics
The Impeachment and Trial of Secretary of War William Worth Belknap, Duane Edward Holthof
The Imperfect Plan, Cynthia Grant
The Implementation of a Generalized Database Directory, Claudia Helms-Vaccaro
The Implementation of Human Reproductive Programs Following PA 226 of 1977 in Michigan K-12 Public School Districts, Jerry L. Hilton
The Importance of, and Capability to Perform, Program Evaluation as Perceived by Wisconsin District Media Directors, Roger Leslie Hartz
The Importance of Food, Jennifer List
The Importance of Joining the Marrow Registry: The Biology behind how a Donor can Cure Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Alisa Kraft
The Inaguration of James W. Miller as Third President of Western Michigan University, Western Michigan University
The Indentation of Foam Pattern Surfaces by Coordinate Measuring Machine Probes, Sanjay Nenawati
The Influence of Feedback on Implicit Bias in a Sample of Primarily Caucasian Women Counselors-in-Training, Branson L. Boykins
The Influence of Perceived Teachers' and Parents' Expectations on Student Achievement, William Zollweg
The Influence of Same-Sex and Cross-Sex Mentors on the Professional Development and Personality Characteristics of Women in Human Services, Barbara Jean Charlesworth Quinn
The Influence of Training Procedures on Generalization Performance in Scent-Detection Rats, Erin Watkins
"The Innocence", Richard Donovan
The Integrated Basic Science Course at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Dorothy Nichols Hackett
The Interpersonal Dimensions of Depression as Differentiated by Cognitive Style, Frederick Tobias Sulier
The Interrelationship of Leader Self-Actualization and Life Stressors to the Resultant Incidence of Reported Medical Problems of Middle Management Educators, John S. Thatcher
The Intersection of Material and Spiritual Culture in Medieval Monasticism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Interview, U. Harold Males
The Intuitive Dimension of the Therapist's Consciousness: A New Paradigm, Bonnie Marie Truax
"Their labour doth returne rich golden gaine": Fishmongers' Pageants and the Fisherman's Labor in Early Modern London, Laurie Ellinghausen
The J-Curve: An Empirical Investigation of the Trade Balance and Balance of Payments in Seven European Countries, Sabine Beate Bomke
The Jitterbugs, Susan Darling
The Jury, Bryan Charles
The Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home's Foster Shelter Care Unit: Toward an Evaluation, Michael John Underwood
The Keeper, Douglas Hodgman
The Kind Leading the Blind: Best Practices in Graduate Advising (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Kinetics and Mechanism of the Pyrolysis of Oxygen Difluoride and of the Reaction of Hydrogen with Oxygen Difluoride, Thomas W. Asmus
The Kinetics of the Metal Exchange Reaction between N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) Iminodiacetatonickelate (Il) and Copper(II), Craig R. Weed
"The Kingdom of Heaven within Us": Inner (World) Peace in Gilbert Murray's Trojan Women, Simon Perris
The Knightly Lifecycle, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Ladder, Bob Ford
The Lake, John Coyne
The Last Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show, Melinda Moustakis
The Last World Emperor and the Angelic Pope: Eschatological Figures as Representative of the Medieval Struggle of “Sacerdotium" and “Imperium”, Christopher Joseph Beiting
The Laureate; 16th Edition, Nicholas Alti
The Laureate, 16th Edition (2017)
The Learn System for Computer-Assisted Instruction, Garret Alan Vander Lugt
The Legacy of The Cult of Saint Swithun: In Honor of Michael Lapidge, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Librarian's Introduction to Programming Languages, Beth Thomsett-Scott
The Life Course in Medieval Ireland, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Light, Gauri Manohari NK
The Limit of Use, Lynn Clapham
The Local Cafe, Heather Crull
The Lover as a Tree in Autumn, John Murphy
The Major Functions of Michigan Public Community College Business Offices, Robert J. Chick
The Management of Blood Pressure Using Progressive Muscle Relaxation under Nonstressful and Stressful Conditions, A. Janelle Maldonado
The Mapping of a Colored Petri Net Model to an OPS5 Rule-Based Production System, Sally S. Lockwitz
The Marxian and the Weberian Theories of Bureaucracy: Contradictions and Approximations, Khai Leong Ho
The Materiality of Scholasticism: Urban Life and Forms of Learning, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Matter of Ornament, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Meaning of Selected Educational or Educationally - Related Concepts as Adjudged on the Semantic Differential by Professional School Personnel in a Public School System, Gerald Edward Smith
The Medieval History of Attention (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Medieval Past, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Medieval Reception of Augustine of Hippo I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Medieval Reception of Augustine of Hippo II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Medieval Tradition of Natural Law I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Medieval Tradition of Natural Law II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Medieval University Today, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
the memory light, R. Foco
The Men in My Life, Kelly Day
The Merling Trio, 1/12, College of Fine Arts
The Merling Trio, 11/9, College of Fine Arts
The Mexican American Elderly and Barriers to the Utilization of Health Care Services, Kathleen Anne Hoekstra
The Modification of a Curtain Coating Formulation: A Study of Rheology and Surface Tension, and Their Effect on Pitting, Samantha Leigh Schoenfelder
The Moral Majority: The Fundamental1st-Christian's Fight Against Humanism and Pluralism in American Politics, James A. Kruis
The Morning, Gary Tafelsky
The Morning Pachamama was Born, Megan Murphy
The most life, Rachel Posner
The Mother of All Battles, James Orr
The Mourners, Bonnie Berthaum
The Mouth, Manpreet K. Bagga
The Mushroom Cloud, H. Don Phillips
The Musical Sturm und Drang, Linn VanMeter-Drew
The Music of the Beneventan Rite I (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Music of the Beneventan Rite II (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Myth of Tereus and the Nightingale Motif in Classical and Medieval Literature and in the Works of Chauce, Betty Vanderwielen
The Nature of the British Fairies of Medieval and Folk Literature an Annotated Bibliography 1900-1983, Constance Reik
The Need for Compensating Victims of Violent Crime, Alan Roger Phelps
The New Merchants of Death: A Look into the Advertising of Tobacco in Third World Countries, Kraig McAllister
The Night Bud Fought, Douglas Hodgman
The Nightwind's Children, James Albert
The Normative Integration of the American Divorce Chain, Ann Goetting
The Nose Hat, Derek Beaumont
The Note, Anonymous Anonymous
The Obituary Habit, Catherine Boyd
The Objector, John Weber
Theology and Philosophy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Oncolytic Potential of Tanapoxvirus to Treat Retinoblastoma, John D. Christie
The Oral Self-Administration of Nicotine in Two Groups of Rats, Jay D. Hansor
Theoretical Thermodynamic Properties of Low Temperature Fluids, Zul Azhar Zahid Jamal
The Original Rule of the Knights Templar: A Translation with Introduction, Robert T. Wojtowicz
The Origin of Carbonate Cements in Bahama Escarpment Limestones, Katharine D. Fulker
Theorizing Orientalism in the Middle Ages (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Other World, Bob Chatterson
The Paleoethnobotany of Schwerdt (20AE127): An Early Fifteenth Century Encampment in the Lower Kalamazoo River Valley, Gregory R. Walz
The Paradoxes of Slavery in Thomas Southerne’s Oroonoko, Diana Jaher
The Patterns of Cultural Behavior Which Promote and Disrupt the Transmission of Malaria in Haiti, Janet Jenks Sloan
The Pauli Operator Correction in the Effective ΛN Interaction, Jaleh Owliaei
The Perceived Effectiveness of the Borgess Human Assistance Program as Measured by a Checklist of Key Components, Kevin G. Clark
The Perceived Effects of Physical Distance, Intervening Obstacles, and Race During Interviews between Administrators and Teachers, James L. Kraai
The Perceived Practicability of Human Skills in Expanding Community Education Settings: Selected Descriptors and Environmental Conditions, J. Patrick McMahon
The Perceptions of Music Therapy Interns and Internship Supervisors: American Music Therapy Association Professional Competencies, Jordan Rebecca Novak
The Perceptual Effect of Patients' First Name on the Clinical Judgment of Psychopathology by Psychotherapists, Dennis G. Cowan
The Pilgrim's Library: Books and Reading on the Medieval Routes to Jerusalem and Rome, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Pills, John E. Rathbun
The Pink Door, Nancy Schanze
"The Pistill of Swete Susan": Translation and Commentary, Yvonne Daulton Carmicheal
The Plague and Immunity in Othello, Jaecheol Kim
The Play of Surface: Theater and The Turn of the Screw, Frances Babbage
The Poetics of Rage: Gender, Anger, Form (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Policy Nexus: Panhandling, Social Capital and Policy Failure, Amanda R. Tillotson and Laura Lein
The Political Economy of Good Governance 2012-13, Department of Economics
The Political Philosophy of John Rawls: An Examination of His View of Man and Social Stability in the Just Society, Calvin Jay Mouw
The Politics of Ecology: Land, Life, and Law in Medieval Britain, Linda E. Mitchell
The Pond, Angela Hoxworth
The Post-Exercise Cardiovascular Response of Post Myocardial Infarction Males to Varying Water Temperatures in a Hot Tub, Janeen S. Docsa
The Power of the School Business Official in the Decision-Making Processes of the Boards of Education in Selected Michigan School Districts, Robert Del Fein
The Practical Medicine of Medieval Surgeons and Physicians, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Prehistory of the Birch Run Road Site, Saginaw County, Michigan, Caven P. Clark
The Preparation and Reaction of Novel Glycosyl Ureas and Thioureas, Robert Scott Johnson
The Preparation of Junior-High Science Teachers in the Public Schools of Southwestern Michigan, George A. Faber
The Prevalence of Hopelessness in Hospitalized Alcoholics, J. Michael McCarthy
The Problem of Reductionism in Theories of Hemispheric Specialization and Recovery of Functions, Grant Jackson Butterbaugh
The Procedural Comparison Method of Performance Analysis for Comprehensive Community Colleges, Robert Walter Pricer
The Professional Improvement of Teachers Through Positive Appraisal Techniques, Anthony J. Shinkfield
The Propensity toward Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Rehabilitation Needs of Alternative Education Students in Western Michigan, Joseph Steven Miller
The Provenance of the Jacobsville Formation of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan through a Petrographic Study, David Walter Lindsay
The Psychological Aspects of Loneliness Experienced by College Students, Jerie Kull Wood
The Public Financing of Higher Education in Nigeria, Gabriel O. Taylor
The Purposeful Use of an Object in the Development of Skill with a Prosthesis, Hon Keung Yuen
The Quantum Dancing of Hot Atomic Nuclei: A New Theoretical Approach, Herlik Wibowo
The Quest, Kathi Daley
The Question, An Answer, Thomas A. Donovan
The Quick Analysis for Principals in the Alignment of Administrative Plans within the School Improvement Framework at the Middle School Level, James Vanden Heuvel
The Rain, Thomas A. Gayle
The Rain, Jennifer Elena Burigana
Therapeutic Benefits of Certified Canines for Veterans with War-Related Trauma Disorders, Smith Lauren
Therapeutic Benefits of Certified Canines for Veterans with War-Related Trauma Disorders, Erin Caspers
The Reaction of Acetaldehyde with Some Cobalt (III) Complexes Containing Coordinated Glycine, James C. Dabrowiak
"There Are One Million Cars in New York ", John Harada
The Reciprocal Relationship Between Art and Occupational Therapy Practice, Jennifer Fortuna
The Reciprocal Relationship Between Art and Occupational Therapy Practice, Jennifer Fortuna
The Reduction of Negative Affect in Human Subjects: A Laboratory Investigation of Rational-Emotive Psychotherapy, David Edward Burkhead
The Regularity Lemma and its Applications, Elizabeth Sprangel
The Relation of Dogmatism to Dyadic Counseling Relationship Congruency, William Larry Osborne
The Relation of Expressed Student Interest in Behavioral Objectives to Achievement in Civil Defense Adult Education, Nina Louise Ruskjer
The Relation of Personal Values and Value Disclosure to a Faculty Member's Influence on Students, Donald T. Van Hoeven
The Relationship between Adjacent Residential Development and Breeding Bird Populations, Steven L. Harbron
The Relationship between Anthropogenic Climate Change Acceptance and Agreement with Authentic Dissenter Messages, Andrew Phillip Keller Bentley
The Relationship Between Cognitive Style Match and Observer Ratings of Cotherapy Teams, Philip R. Mitchell
The Relationship between College Department Chairperson's Leadership Style as Perceived by Teaching Faculty and that Faculty's Feelings of Job Satisfaction, Earl Melvin Washington
The Relationship between Demographic Factors and Leader Behavior of Department Chairpersons of Colleges of Education in Michigan, John H. Ortyoyande
The Relationship between Intellectual Development and Ratings of Teaching Effectiveness, Carol Ann Norman
The Relationship between Interpersonal Perception and Locus of Control, Richard G. Smith
The Relationship between Interpersonal Perception and Psychological Adjustment, Barbara A. Dambach
The Relationship between Knowledge of Teamwork, Satisfaction, and Perceived Performance Effectiveness among Professional Human Service Teams, Sonya Monroe-Clay
The Relationship between Leadership Theory Behaviors, Follower Attitudes and Behaviors, and Organizational Performance in United States County Governments, Jonathan Muterera
The Relationship between Managerial Experience and Conflict Management Styles of Men and of Women in Community College Administration, Betty Pritchard
The Relationship between Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and Growth Patterns in Children Diagnosed as Hyperactive, Teri Mitchel Hibbard
The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Support for Employee Communication Skill Improvement, Roberta M. Supnick
The Relationship Between Perceived Career Barriers and Career Decision Self-Efficacy on Initial Career Choice Among Low-Income, First Generation, Pre-Freshman, College-Bound Students, Nicole Pulliam, Kara P. Ieva, and Larry Burlew
The Relationship between Personality Traits and Treatment Outcome in a Therapeutic Environment, William G. Birch II
The Relationship Between Personality Type and Burnout in Michigan Community College Counselors, John M. Rinke
The Relationship Between Sales and Service Performance by Group Insurance Representatives Who Perform Both Functions, Ralph F. Hagemeier
The Relationship between Selected Demographic Characteristics and Mental Health Board Members' Endorsement of Community Mental Health Ideology, Kathryn S. Thiel
The Relationship between Styles of Super Vision and Needs Satisfaction of Two Levels of Management Employees, John Hodge
The Relationship between Systems Theory and Behavior Analysis, Michael B. Oberlin
The Relationship between Thought Disorder and the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, David Frank Fatzinger
The Relationship between Women's Levels of Achievement and Self-Reported Characteristics Using the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, Sandra Kay Ragen
The Relationship of a State Teacher Negotiations Law to the Role Behavior of Elementary School Principals, Troy E. Bramlett
The Relationship of Competency as Part of the Self-Concept to Occupational Role: A Comparison Study of Females in Three Occupational Roles, Merry Carson Pattison
The Relationship of Declining Enrollment, Community Involvement, Tax Support, and Assessed Evaluation to Labor Peace in Some Selected Michigan School Districts, William Right Kirby
The Relationship of Pore Volume and Pore Size Distribution to the Development of Gloss and Scattering Coefficient, John A. Cook
The Relationship of Preferred Work Environment and Job Satisfaction of Community College Administrators, Susan Dunn DuFord
The Relationship of Selection Criteria to Success in a Graduate Psychology Program, Cheri R. Stein
The Relationship of Student Ratings of Teachers to Teacher Exodus, Roger Neil Grabinski
The Relationship of Treatment Team Interpersonal Communication to Staff to Client Relationships in a Residential Treatment Setting, Martin L. Mitchell
The Relationships among Student Ratings of Teachers, Principal Ratings of Teachers, and Student Achievement, Alvin Brossette Jr.
The Relationships between Clergy Attachment Style, Leadership Style, and Clergy Professional Longevity, Marc Nelesen
The Relationships between Family Communication, Self-Concept, and Academic Achievement of Adolescents in Some Schools of Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, Aizan Mohd Yusof
The Relationships between Two Methods of Teaching College Biology in Achievement and Attitude, Judson M. Vander Wal
The Relationship That Teachers' Concerns and Their Perceptions of Organizational Climate Have with Innovation Maintenance, Frederic Wayne De Vall
The Relative Contribution of Perceived Parental, Science Teacher, and Best Friend Evaluations of Science Ability on the Self Concept of Science Ability Held by Eighth Grade Females, Virginia Kemp Fish
The Repeated Acquisition Procedure as a Means of Analyzing Instructional Stimulus Control and Rule-Directed Behavior, Jeffrey S. Danforth
The Repeated Acquisition Procedure as a Means of Analyzing Rule-Governed Behavior, Margaret E. Peterson
The Response of the Kentucky River Drainage Basin to a Lowering of Base Level Control, David B. Warwick
The Revision and Validation of an Instrument Designed to Assess Spatial Conceptual Abilities in Visually Impaired Children, Everett W. Hill
The Revolving Door Syndrome Comparing Service Versus Private Patients in a Psychiatric Hospital, Alcid M. Pelletier
There was Magic in It, Leo Swartz
The Rhetoric of Slobodan Milosevic and War on the Territory of Yugoslavia, Agneza Bozic
The Riddle of Human Growth & Development, Jane Mount
the rims of the grand canyon, Monica Ann Evans
The River, L. A. Diebold
Thermodynamics of the Diluted Spin Heisenberg Chain with Single Ion Anisotropy, Salmah Ahmed
The Road North, George F. Thompson
The Robert T. Farrell Lecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Role of Automatic Conditioned Reinforcement and Automatic Conditioned Punishment in Infant Vocal Behavior, Rick A. Smith
The Role of Calcium in Regulation of Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor by Skeletal Muscle Cells, Alicia M. Boynton
The Role of Curricular and Instructional Innovation in the Past, Present, and Future of Honors Programs in American Higher Education, Timm R. Rinehart
The Role of Meaning in Teaching the Fundamental Process, Herbert H. Hannon and Pearl L. Ford
The Role of Nutritional Education for the Homeless, Jen RaaeNielsen; Claire Cameron-Ruetz; Chandler Vondy; Michael Krafft; Audrey Jensen; Cheryl A. Dickson; Cathy L. Kothari PhD; and Ransome Eke MD, PhD
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Community-Based Programming: Addressing Childhood Health Promotion, Julie D. Kugel, Heather Javherian-Dysinger, and Liane Hewitt
The Role of Socialization in the Process of Political Life: An Analysis of Gender Roles in Elementary School Textbooks on Taiwan, Chien-Hong Lee
The role of the serine biosynthesis pathway on the growth and proliferation of EML4-ALK driven lung cancer cells, Salma Mumuni
The Rorschach as a Diagnostic Aid in Differentiating the Bipolar Affective Disorder from the Schizophrenic Disorder, Stephen James Newman
The Routledge History of American Sport, Linda Borish, David K. Wiggins, and Gerald R. Gems
The Russet Tree, Peg Brotherston
The R Value at VO2 Max during Maximal Graded Exercise Treadmill Tests of Coronary Artery Diseased and Nondiseased Subjects, Sherry S. Williams
The Sacralization of Revenge in Antonio's Revenge, Phoebe S. Spinrad
The Sadist, John R. Provancher
The Saga of LBJ, Ken Patterson
The Salvation of Giovanni, Duane L. Coykendall
The Sandbag Enemy, Max Steele
The Schematization of Time, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Scope of Community Services Programming in Michigan Public Community Colleges, Michael Howard Parsons
The Scribe, Monique Dillard
The Scriblerian Stage and Page: Three Hours After Marriage, Pope’s “Minor” Poems, and the Problem of Genre-History, Katherine Mannheimer
The Second Sex: Women and Power in Old Norse-Icelandic Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Second Shepherds' Play: An Adaptation (A Film Screening), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Secret, Peg Brotherston
The Secret Life of Mitty Walters, Betty Fouch
The Secular Morality of Middleton’s City Comedies, Derek B. Alwes
The Semi-Monthly Meeting of the Great Thinkers Society, Jeffery G. Rockey
These Things Here and Now, Jeffrey Angles
The Sheep's at the Flowers, Patrick E. Cloney
The Shut-In, Aaron Shohet
The Sidneys and the Sister Arts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Significance of Organic Complexing in the Mobility of Iron in the KL Landfill Leachate Plume, Kalamazoo, Michigan, James D. Rudder
The Silver Stage or How to Become Part of Hollywood without Actually Being a Star, Cindy Siegrist
The Siriono People of Eastern Bolivia: Cultural Survival Amidst Directed Social Change, Ronald S. Scholte
The Skin of Winter, Laura Kasischke
The Snapshot, Kathy Settles
The Soccer Game, Trent Stewart
The Social Ecology of Central Nervous System Pathology, Dominic Amante
The Social Exclusion of Dually-Involved Youth: Toward a Sense of Belonging, JoAnn S. Lee and Jessie Patton
The Socializer-Fall 2016, Department of Sociology
The Socializer-Spring 2017, Department of Sociology
The Socio-Cultural Transformation of Japanese Medical Systems, Takako Matsunaga
The Song of the Minstrels, Ryan Maureen Tubbs
The Sounds of Mr. Foster, Ryan Witt
The Specialist, Bill Gilbert
The Spiders that Haunted, Greg Sjoberg
The Spirit of the Chorus in D'Annunzio's La città morta, James Nikopoulos
the stamen is taboo?, Sean Jones
The State of Economic Science: The Views of Six Nobel Laureates 1988-89, Department of Economics
The Station, Sue Thomas
The Status of Performance Evaluation Practices as Perceived by Student Personnel Administrators in Michigan Four-Year Colleges and Universities, Todd Steven Voss
The Stones Cry Out: Modes of Citation in Medieval Architecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Stream: A Fable, James Wood and William Hoel
The Streets of New Delhi, Kamaljit K. Bagga
The Stress Reducing Properties of Five Intervening Variables, Edward R. Lyon
The Structured Meeting System: A Procedure for Supervising the Completion of Nonrecurring Tasks, Barbara J. Fulton
The Student Services Needs of Adult Evening Students, Louis Edward Bednar
The Style of Love in the Alexandria Quartet, Bill Speckman
The Suburban Rice Farmers: Economic and Cultural Change in Japan, Makoto Chiwaki
The Survival of Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria Subjected to UV Irradiation, Sajida A. Shaikh
The Syndergaard Sessions I: Ballads: Borders and Border-Crossings, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Syndergaard Sessions II: Ballads: Sources and Analogues, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Synthesis and Characterization of Some Transition Metal Complexes Prom Mixtures of Poly Pyrazolyl Borates, Robert Matthew Alway
The Synthesis and Photolysis of Kreysiginone and the Syntheses and Antibacterial Activity of 1-Vinyl-3,4-Dihydroisoquinoline Methiodides, Bruce L. Jensen
The Task /Time Management Component of the Learning to Learn System, James B. Cook
The Teaching of Music Theory in the Piano Lesson: A Survey of Methods, Donna R. Hood
The Teaching of Old English (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Technological Revolution and Data Science, Leslie Walcott
The Textual Foundations of Late Medieval History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Theology of Catherine of Siena, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Theory and Practice of Medieval Rhetoric, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Therapeutic Use of Hope, Bonnie Lee Timmer Aardema
The Time I Ate Dog Food, Scott Cummins
The Training of a Few Response Forms under Multiple Controlling Variables, Mary-Ann Wiermanski
The Transformative Pearl-Poet: Translation and Adaptation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Transmission and Reception of Medieval Commentaries and Sermons: In Memory of Steven Cartwright, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Trophy, Bill Strong
The Truthful Lie: Fiction and Fictionality in Medieval Persian Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Two Worlds of Whitman, Steven Mitchell
The Uncatchable Crook: Pursuing Effective State Crime Control, Daniel J. Patten
The Underground Economy 1993-94, Department of Economics
The Unifying Power of Education, Keagan Potts and Jenji Learn
The United States of Medievalism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Untitled Story, Fidelia Echezona
The Upper Mississippi Component at The Fort Meigs Site, Northwest Ohio, with Special Emphasis on the Analysis of the Ceramic Assemblage, William Evan Rutter
the upstairs tenant- last door on the left, Priscilla Cook
The Use and Transferability of Systematic Human Relations Training in a Paraprofessional Associate Degree Program, Terrance Albert Hagan
The Use of a Behavioral Checklist to Delimit and Define the Premenstrual Syndrome, R. Hope Kerr
The Use of Activity Analysis by Occupational Therapists in Treatment Decisions, Hiromi Yoshikawa
The Use of Advance Organizers in the Teaching of English Grammar to Emotionally Impaired Adolescents, Garrett Boersma Jr.
The Use of a Job Model with Self-Recording and Performance Information as an Alternative to On-Site Supervision, Mark Kevin Forbes
The Use of Alternative Behaviors, Covert Sensitization and a Package Intervention in Treatment of Bulimia, Janice Marie Arone
The Use of Bonus Pay to Produce Cost Effective Behavior Change in the Direct Care Staff of a Residential Mental Health Program, William F. Uhlman
The Use of Electrical Resistivity to Delineate a Brine Contamination Plume in the Walker Oilfield, Kent County, Michigan, Kent E. Meisel
The Use of Evaluative Information in Administrative Programmatic Planning, Caryl Ann Levleit
The Use of Films in Elementary Science, George G. Mallinson
The Use of Guided Imagery and Progressive Relaxation in Treating Hemodialysis Patients for Dietary Compliance, James B. Morrissey
The Use of Guided Imagery in the Control of Food and Liquid Intake of Hemodialysis Patients, Thomas E. Higgins
The Use of Hydrotherapy in Labor to Promote Physiologic Labor, Nicolette Johnson
The Use of Job Aids as an Alternative to Training New Employees, William D. Powers
The Use of Musical Wind Instruments as an Expiratory Therapy with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients, Ellen R. Griggs Drane
The Use of Performance Data to Monitor and Support the Reorganization of an Educational System, Ellen Spall Thompson
The Use of Personality Type to Improve Team Collaboration within Design Studios, Beth Rolston Jarl
The Use of Punishment in Industry, Promise Sibonisiwe Zungu
The Use of Repeated Acquisition as a Technique for Establishing a Behavioral Baseline with Victims of Alzheimer's Disease, Michelle D. Stone
The Use of Sensory Extinction in the Treatment of Self-Injurious Behavior, Michael F. Dorsey
The Validation of a Behavioral Programmed Text for Increasing Self-Control Attitudes, Douglas Howard Ruben
The Validation of an Instrument to Measure Hourly Worker Acceptance of Counseling in Industry, Frank H. Jeremy
The Validation of a Programmed Text: Behavioral Counseling for Alcohol-Related Problems, Suzanne Carol Leiphart
The Van Dorsten Lecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Versatile Marie de France, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Virgin as Bridge: Cultural Exchange and Connection through Images of the Virgin Mary, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Visit, Fara Skinner
The Voices, Mary Jean Lentsch
"The walls are non-colors", Peggy Moore
The War Babies, Mindy Wolf
The Way of Ektu, John A. Eastman
The Weaver, Dave Marks
The Weeping Mothers in Sumidagawa, Curlew River, and Medieval European Religious Plays, Mikiko Ishii
The Western Iberian Kingdoms after 1143 I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Western Iberian Kingdoms after 1143 II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Western Michigan University Programming Contest Proctor System, Joel Marshall Fletcher
The White Hart Lecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Wiedergeburt in the Religion of the Zoarites, Elizabeth Siber White
The Windows of Kanley Memorial Chapel, Sherwood Snyder
The Wings of an Angel, Heather Herrick
The Wittig Reaction with Carbohydrates and the Addition of Benzenesulfonyl Azides to Indoles, George R. Wellman
The Wooden Doctrine: Basketball, Moral Character, and the Successful Life, Janelle DeWitt
"The wood is cut in lusty, brown shreds", Wendy S. Neidlinger
The World of Finance in Russia, Matthew Thomas
The Worm Ranch, Jim Sadler
They Said: We Are All in This Together., Michelle A. Suarez
Things Blow Up, Michael Weiss
‘things like truths, well feigned’: Mimesis and Secrecy in Jonson’s Epicoene, Reuben Sanchez
Things My Mother Won't Find in My Room, Andrew Davis
Thinking, Paul Frederick
Thinking with Medieval Thought, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Third Century Urbanization in Northern Britain, Brent L. Coates
Third Way, Brenda LeFevre
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Cockroach: Apologies to Wallace Stevens, Jeff Hoover
Thirteen Ways to Beat a Dead Blackbird, Dave Sisson
Thirty-Third Catalog 1936-1937 with Announcements, Western Michigan University
Thirty Years of Feasting and Fasting: A Roundtable on Caroline Bynum's Holy Feast and Holy Fast, 1987-2017 (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
This Glass Sun and Other Cities, Elizabeth Marzoni
“This I Believe” About the Teaching of Writing: Secondary Teachers’ Digital Essays About Their Pedagogical Understandings, Denise N. Morgan and Natasha H. Chenowith
This Medication May Kill You: Cognitive Overload and Forced Commercial Speech, Devin S. Schindler and Tracey Brame
This Place of Wrath and Tears, William H. Pyne
This Side Of Reality, Jamie Potts
Thomas Aquinas I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Thomas Aquinas II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Thomas Aquinas III, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Thomas Heywood's The Royall King, and the Loyall Subject and the Fall of Robert Devereux, Second Earl of Essex, Kevin Lindberg
Those Summer Days, April Anderson
Thoughts Beneath the Planet, Denese Badgerow
Thoughts While Gazing Into Portage Stream, John Murphy
“Thou livest and breathest, yet art thou slain in him”: The Absence of Power in Richard II, Imke Lichterfeld
Threadbare Unification, Judith Querciagrossa Danaher
Three Empirical Investigations into the Logic of Evaluation and Valuing Practices, Satoshi Ozeki
Three Essays Assessing Global Value Chain Fragmentation on International Trade Using the World Input-Output Database, Johanna Retana Attoh
Three Essays on Financial Constraints and Foreign Direct Investment, Todd Sarnstrom II
Three Essays on Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Behavior, Wan Wei
Three Essays on the Economics of Child Labor and Child Education, Kofi Acheampong
Three in Becoming, John Griffith
Three Letter Word, Megan Caszatt
Three Poems, Cindi Hoffman
Three Poems by Marcel Price, Kevin Kerr
Three Wise Men, Dave Chappell
Three Women Saints in the Thirteenth Century: Mentalities and Roles, Ulrike Strasser
Thromboelastography Following Liver Resection, Brandon Tanner M.D., Gitonga Munene M.D., Steven Lu M.D., and Richa Khatri M.D.
Through a Medieval Looking Glass: Reading Eustache Deschamps's Miroir de mariage, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Through Distorted Eyes, Lisa Jennifer Brown
Thumbelina, David Miles
Time-Dependent Photoionization of Gaseous Nebulae, Ehab Elsayed Elhoussieny Ahmed
Time Exposure of Wood Sculpture, Anne Clark
Timelines and Trade Chat: Comparing Contextual Self-Disclosure and Perceived Social Capital on Social Networking Sites and Massively Multiplayer Online Games, Ryan P. Castillo
Time Management for University Community Education Center Directors, David Laurence Perry
Timothy Croft, Double Bass, Timothy Croft
Timothy Zehr, Clarinet, Timothy Zehr
Tim Williams, Tuba, Tim Williams
Tina Gorter, Piano, Tina Gorter
Tire and Foliage, Larry Mercure
Title: New onset mood disorder and seizure disorder in the pediatric patient after undergoing cardiopulmonary arrest, Joseph Lamar and Matthew LaCasse D.O.
To and Fro They Come and Go, Deane McKercher
To Boxer, Fiver, and Hazel, Lisa Dice
To Calliope, Robert Graves
Today and Today and..., Shirley Havice
Today a Stranger, John Murphy
"today it is morning", David M. Marovich
Toes and Paint, Nick Alti
To "Gladly Teche": Becoming Great Teachers in Graduate School (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Toilet-Training a Child with Autism in a School Setting, Kristianna Ferrier
“To kindle an industrious desire”: The Poetry of Work in Lord Mayors’ Shows, Kara Northway
To Laura, Clifton Schelhaus
Tolkien and Language, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Tombstones of Winter or Seeds of Spring, Shelly Ebbert
Tommy Proulx, Saxophone, Tommy Proulx
To Mother Earth in April, Pete Cooper
to nobody, too, Ariel Berry
Tony Babecka, Saxophone, Tony Babecka
Topic Generation and Development in the Freshman Research Paper, Edward J. Eckel
Topics in Medieval Numismatics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Topics in the Economic History of the Late Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Topographies and Geographies of Anchoritism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Topology Based Routing Algorithms for Multilayer IC Layout Design, Moazzem Hossain
Torsion Element Test Bench Design, Trevor Gick
Total Blood Cholesterol, Blood Triglyceride, and Blood HDL Correlation, Rebecca Lynn Babler
Total Bridge Replacement of M-13 Over Cheboyganing Creek, Daniel Burns
To the Sun, Flying, Barbara Troy
Touring the Ivies with Iphigenia, 1915, Niall W. Slater
Tourism Planning and Local Community Participation: Veron – Punta Cana Municipal District, Dominican Republic, Jose Ernesto Fernandez Lorenzo
Tourist Trap, Katy Newberg
Toward a History of Documents in Medieval India: The Encounter of Scholasticism and Regional Law in the Smṛticandrikā, Donald R. Davis Jr.
Toward a National Heterotopia: Ancient Theaters and the Cultural Politics of Performing Ancient Drama in Modern Greece, Eleftheria Ioannidou
Towards A Democratic Nepal, Mahendra Lawoti
Towards Poetic Unity, Richard B. Hauck
Toward the Development of a Substantive, Sociological Theory of Teacher, Teacher-Aide Relationships, John H. Natzke
To Webster, Mary Ann Williams
Traceability in Graphs, Ronald J. Gould
Trade Friction between the United States and Japan: An Analysis of the Situation in 1992, Mariko Hirano
Trading with Infidels: Legal Approaches to Interfaith Commerce, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Traditional Education and Folktales: A Stimulus to Literacy Amongst the Nomadic Fulani, William W. Cobern, Abdurrahman Umar, and Mohammad I. Junaidu
Traditional Lectures and Team-Based Learning in an Occupational Therapy Program: A Survey of Student Perceptions, Anne H. Zachry, Brittany H. Nash, and Ann Nolen
Traffic Grooming, Routing, and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Transport Networks with Sparse Grooming Resources, Osama Awwad
Tragedy After Darwin: Timberlake Wertenbaker Remakes "Modern" Tragedy, Sara Freeman
Training Mildly Retarded Adults to Generate Effective Solutions to Daily Living Problems, Dennis Munk
Training Parents to Treat Noncompliance in Children with Developmental Disabilities Using Guided Compliance, Christine Bennett
Training Self-Control in Food Selection through Verbal Self-Instruction, Thomas Vincent O'Melia
Transcendence, Clifton Schelhas
Transformations in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages II: New Methodologies and Approaches, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Transformations in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages I: Restructuring the World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Transforming Data Into Information, Gloria Rogers
Transition, Mary Lou Lemon
Transitioning Children with Autism from a Discrete Trial Classroom to a Group Classroom, Alexandra Ennis
Transitioning Children with Autism from One-on-One Discrete-Trial Settings to Special Education Classrooms, Jennifer L. Freeman
Translation and Comparative Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Translucence, Anonymous Anonymous
Transplacing Ophelia: Woman and Nation in the Earliest Russian Hamlets, Daria Chernysheva
Transplanting the Work of “that rooted man”: The Reception of John Millington Synge’s Drama in Hungary, Maria Kurdi
Traumatic Laceration of the Posterior Tibial Tendon Treated with Novel Technique, Nicholas Miladore and Robert Gorman
Traumatic Stab Wound to the Chest: A Rare Cause of Pituitary Apoplexy, Jairo Espinosa M.D., Tim Wysozan, and Chris Sloffer
Travelin, Kari Lynn Podolan
Travel Is So, Robert C. Ryan
Travis Freshner, Trumpet, Travis Freshner
Travis Netzer, Tuba, Travis Netzer
Treatment of Headache in the ED: Haloperidol in the Acute setting (THE-HA Study), Kim Aldy D.O., Jessica McCoy M.D., Elizabeth Arnall D.O., and Joshua Petersen Pharm.D.
Treatment Techniques to Encourage Lip Closure and Decrease Drooling in Cerebral Palsy, Kim M. Samelstad
Treat Transparency, Amanda Van Giesen
Trends in U.S. Tea Imports: 1991-2015, Evan Kennedy
Tribute to the Grown-Up, Jeanne Jabin
Tricksters in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Trio, Ben Tibbs
Triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer in Indolylketones, Larry E. Hewitt
Trobar! (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Trout Stew Song, Judy Pattullo
Trying and Dying: Are Some Wishes at the End of Life Better?, Oliver J. Kim
Tse-Tse, C. W. Gusewelle
T.S., Where Are You? Are You Happy?, Jay French
Tunnels, Ruth Hill
Turbulence Analysis for the Improvement of Internal Combustion Engine Efficiency, James R. MacDonald and Claudia Fajardo-Hansford
Twelve Angry Carolingians I: Anger Management, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Twelve Angry Carolingians III: Being Angry, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Twelve Angry Carolingians II: Not Angry, Just Disappointed, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Twenty Miles, Terry Caszatt
Twenty Years and Let It Fly, U. Harold Males
Twins, Larry Fahrner
twist on unorthodox premises, Greg Smith
Two Apparently Effective Strategies for Increasing Employee Compliance, Ann M. Backe
Two Different Worlds, Dana Lamers
Two Ears and a Tale, Bob Chatterson
Two Faces of Alienation: A Study of the Iranian Students' Activism and Passivity in American Universities, Alireza Mohseni-Tabrizi
Two For the Price of One, Harold Males
Two Poems, Bryce Forester
Two Sketches, Liz Dettmer
Type 1a Supernova Models and Galactic Chemical Evolution, Spencer Henning
Ultrafast Charge Carrier Dynamics in Highly Luminescent Cesium Lead Halide (CsPbX3) Perovskite Nanocomposites, Abubkr Abuhagr
Uncle Bill, Pete Green
Uncle Bob & Wooden Duck, Mary Maroste
Uncle Phillie and the Plate of Prunes, U. Harold Males
Underdevelopment and State Capitalism: A Cross-National Study, Massoud Chalabi
Undergraduate Recital, Noah Dyer
Understanding, John Pilaar
Understanding American History through Children's Literature, Mary H. Cordier and Maria A. Perez-Stable
Understanding Parents’ Attitudes Towards Complexity in Children's Books, Dorit Aram, Deborah Bergman Deitcher, and Gali Adar
Underutilization of Temporary Employees as a Determinant of Turnover, Elizabeth de la Ossa
Unfinished/Infini: Incomplete, Ongoing, and Never-Ending Works of Art, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Ungelic is us": Queer Old English Elegies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Uniform Factorizations of Graphs, David Burns
Unmasked, Ariel Berry
Unpardonable Sins: The Hazards of Performative Language in the Tragic Cases of Francesco Spiera and Doctor Faustus, Daniel Gates
Un Pensamiento, Karen Meisel
Untitled, Carla Zorrilla
Untitled, Bill Fleming
Untitled, Bill Fleming
Untitled, Bill Fleming
Untitled, Bill Fleming
Untitled, Max Steele
Untitled, Max Steele
Untitled, Max Steele
Untitled, Max Steele
Untitled, Sheri Miller
Untitled, Sue Cook
Untitled, Connie Eschelman
Untitled, Nancy Patterson
Untitled, Guy Gallap
Untitled, Franklin W. Simons
Untitled, Guy Gallap
Untitled, Connie Eshelman
Untitled, Lloyd Peterson
Untitled, Paul Burk
Untitled, Lloyd Peterson
Untitled, Emily Brown
Untitled, LeRoy Waterman
Untitled, Larry Mercure
Untitled, Lloyd Peterson
Untitled, David Petty
Untitled, Forest L. Weber Jr.
Untitled, Dana Jean Everson
Untitled, Julie Maxson
Untitled, Rebecca Ryan
Untitled, Priscilla Cook
Untitled, Jim Ballard
Untitled, Greg Smith
Untitled, Margaret Rose Champion
Untitled, Holly Fellman
Untitled, Sherry Baughman
Untitled, Joan Reitzel
Untitled, Lori Harvey
Untitled, Peggy Moore
Untitled, Katy Newberg
Untitled, Anne Schreiber
Untitled, John Griffith
Untitled, Joshua Keidan
untitled, Katherine E. Murray
untitled, Chandra Vostral
Untitled, Jessica Scheidt
Untitled, Ken Blust
Untitled, Janel Stead
untitled, Lauren Moran
Untitled, Ellen Simonson
Untitled, Benjamin Peacock
Untitled, Kendal Heins
Untitled, Dan Towner
Untitled Story, Karen Feldkamp
Untitled Story, Pat Gowen
Untitled Story, David Quint
Unusual Isotopic Effects Produced in Precipitation as a Byproduct of Unusual Atmospheric Processes, Shelby Hurst
Un Vilda Dansk, Carol Hesemann
Updates in Academic Affairs: 01/10/2017, Office of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Updates in Academic Affairs: 01/24/2017, Office of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Updates in Academic Affairs: 02/07/2017, Office of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Updates in Academic Affairs: 02/28/2017, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Updates in Academic Affairs: 03/21/2017, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Updates in Academic Affairs: 04/25/2017, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Uranium-Lead Zircon Ages and Crustal Contamination of the Northeastern Idaho Batholith, James J. Dexter
Urban Economies in the Fourteenth Century, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Urban High School Dropouts and Graduates: A Comparative Study of Pupil-Teacher Relationships and Profile Characteristics, Barry C. Fitzgerald
Use of a Changeover Key to Train Serial Learning in the Pigeon, Rhoda Kay Yutzy-Ryan
Use of a Supervisory Safety Checklist and Safety Meetings to Reduce and Prevent Hazardous Safety Conditions in an Automotive Plant, Todd Alan Brighton
Use of Contingency Contracting for the Generalization of Social Skills of Emotionally Impaired Students, Michelle M. Kapp
Use of Dopamine in a Statewide Emergency Medical Services System, Jen RaaeNielsen and William Fales
Use of Geology and Petrophysics in the Characterization of St. Peter Sandstone Reservoirs, Rusli Bin Adam
Using American Sign Language with a Direct Instruction Mathematics Program to Affect the Mathematics Achievement of Deaf Students, Annette J. Bass
Using a Neighborhood Crime Prevention Program to Reduce Residential Breaking and Entering, Paul H. Selden
Using Anthropological Approaches in a Human Service Setting, Steven Alan Erickson
Using Biosurfactant Production to Enhance the Applicability and Performance of Bioslurry Systems for Site Remediation, Andrew John Hudak
Using Concept Maps to Monitor Knowledge Structure Changes in a Science Classroom, Leah J. Cook
Using Data to Tell Your Story, Kristen McKinney
Using Focus Groups to Understand Racial Disparities in Infant Mortality, Amy Damashek, Alison Geist, Ariel Berman, and Cathy L. Kothari PhD
Using Group Psychotherapy for Enhancing Late Adolescent Selfconcept: Comparing the Effects of Hypnosis and Rational-Emotive Therapy, James J. Buldas
Using high fidelity simulation to impact occupational therapy student knowledge, comfort, and confidence in acute care, Debra M. Gibbs, Mary Dietrich, and Emmy Dagnan
Using Open Manuscript Data II: Advanced (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Using Open Manuscript Data I: Introduction (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Using Performance-Management to Improve the Academic Success of High-Risk College Students, Valerie L. Jager
Using reflective learning opportunities to reveal and transform knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and skills related to the occupation of sexual engagement impaired by disability, Rondalyn V. Whitney and Wendy W. Fox
Using Stiffeners for Improved Geometric Fidelity of Flexible Elements, Ankit Kapoor
Using the Boundary Element Method for Prediction of Sound Radiated from an Arbitrarily Shaped Vibrating Body, Mark J. Christensen
Using the Construct of Instructor Credibility to Forecast Student Decision- Making Behaviors, Robert David Mendelsohn
Using Video Modeling to Teach Functional Direction Following, Breanna Burns
Usurped, Nancy Squire
Utah, Tom Jevert
Utility of Fern Test to Determine Rupture of Membranes, Wesley Eichorn and Susan Jevert-Eichorn
Utilizing Daily Repertoire Behavior to Facilitate the Acquisition of Generalized Imitation in Profoundly Mentally Retarded Adults, Scott A. Kremser
utopian incubus, Wayne A. Wolbert-Perez
Vacancy, Nancy Pattison
Validating Bachelorhood, Scott Slawinski
Validation and Validity Generalization of Placement Exercises Used in the Selection of Clerical Employees, Keith Edward Mitchell
Value-Orientations, Socialization and Social Mobility: A Replication and Conceptual Extension of Kohn, Eric O. Johnson
Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcal Endocarditis Presenting as Spondylodiskitis, Meveshni Govender, Larry Lutwick, and Yirang Zhu
Variations on a Theme to William Carlos Williams, Tenley Magdich
Vase, Bonnie Berthaum
Verbal Interaction Patterns, Student Opinions, and Teacher Perceptions in Classrooms with Mexican American Student Enrollment, Richard M. Sanchez
Vertical Take-off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Payload Delivery Applications, David Ajoku
Veterans’ Satisfaction with Veterans’ Administration Healthcare Systems, Dale Arnold
Victoria McCarthy, Piano, Victoria McCarthy
Victorian Medievalism: Translation and Adaptation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Videotapes: An Aid in Teaching Behavior Identification and Techniques for Behavior Management, Florence M. Taber
Violations In the Morning, John Coyne
Virgin Mary, Jackie Mummaugh
Virtual Civilization in the 21st Century, Andrew S. Targowski
Visionary "Staycations": Meeting God at Home in Medieval Women’s Vision Literature, Jessica Barr
Visiones Convergentes: Mito, Historia Y Arquetipo En La Dramaturgia De Lourdes Ortiz, Sabina Berman Y Diana Raznovich, Nuria Ibanez-Quintana
Visitation, Richard Armstrong
(Vista), Max Steele
Vista Forms for Orchestra, Monte Schwarzwalder
Visual Impairment and Factors Associated with Difficulties with Daily Tasks, Anne T. Riddering
Vocal Pitch Range and Habitual Pitch Level: The Study of Normal College Age Speakers, Patricia Jo Huss
Vocational Personality Type, Personality Characteristics, and Satisfaction with College Major: An Investigation of Holland's Theory, Kent Allen Laudeman
Voices of Violence: Medieval French Farce and the Dover Cliff Scene in King Lear, Edward Wheatley
Voice, Song, and Silence in Medieval England (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Voltage Controller for Simulating Transition between Boost –Buck -Boost Converter, Aula Jameel Al-Kamil
Waiting for O'Hare, Allison Bryant
Waitress, Taina Mantey
Walk Away, Mick Dumke
Walking to the Cider Mill, Tami Kimery
Warfare in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Warm Hearts and Sharp Tongues, Erika Friedl
Washington D.C., Sam Pipe
Was the Bayeux Tapestry Made in France?, George T. Beech
Watching Beauty Through a Cold Window, Gabe Oliver
watercolours, Andy Bikichky
Water Lips, Narhan Corstange
Water Poverty and its Impact on Income Poverty and Health Status in Sudan: The Case of Gezira State (1993-2013), Mutasim Abdelmawla
Wedding, Pamela Zoltowski
Weed, J. Pilaar
Weight Lifter, James Jordan
Welcome Message from the Co-Editors-in-Chief
Wendy's, Cindy Swart
Wendy Wheeler, Soprano, Wendy Wheeler
Werner Sichel Lecture Series History 1963-2016, Department of Economics
Western Michigab University Newsletter, January 1958, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, April 1956, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, December 1955, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, December 1956, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, January 1956, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, January 1957, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, July 1956, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, June 1956, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, March 1956, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, October 1955, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, October 1956, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College Newsletter, September 1956, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan College of Education Graduate Division Announcement 1952-1953, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University 2017 Assessment Conference, Office of Assessment and Undergraduate Studies
Western Michigan University Bronco Marching Band: Proposed Fundraising Plan, Elizabeth Mena
Western Michigan University Graduate Catalog 2017-2018, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Magazine, Fall 2017, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Magazine, Research Issue 2017, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Magazine, Spring 2017, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Magazine, Winter 2017, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, April 1957, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, April 1958, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, April 1959, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, April 1960, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, April 1961, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, April 1962, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, April 1963, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, April 1964, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, April 1965, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, April 1966, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, August 1966, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, August 1967, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, August 1968, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, August 1969, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, August 1970, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, December 1957, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, December 1958, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, December 1959, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, December 1960, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, December 1961, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, December 1962, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, December 1963, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, December 1966, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, December 1969, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, December 1970, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, February 1966, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, February 1967, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, February 1968, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, February 1969, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1959, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1960, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1961, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1962, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1963, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1964, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1965, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1966, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1967, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1969, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1970, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, January 1971, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, July 1957, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, July 1958, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, July 1959, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, July 1960, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, July 1961, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, July 1962, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, July 1963, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, July 1965, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, July 1968, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, July 1970, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, June 1957, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, June 1958, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, June 1959, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, June 1960, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, June 1961, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, June 1962, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, June 1963, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, June 1968, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, June 1969, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1957, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1958, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1959, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1960, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1961, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1962, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1963, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1964, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1966, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1968, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1969, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, March 1970, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, May 1965, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, May 1966, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, May 1967, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, May 1969, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, November 1964, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, November 1965, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, November, 1966, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, November 1967, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, November 1968, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1957, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1958, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1959, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1960, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1961, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1962, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1963, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1964, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1965, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1968, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, October 1970, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1957, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1958, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1959, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1960, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1961, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1962, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1964, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1965, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1966, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1968, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1969, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Newsletter, September 1970, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University’s Department of Dance Marketing Plan, Cassandra Hartline
Western Michigan University Statistical Summary 1980-1989, Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 10, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 10, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 10, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 11, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 11,1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 1, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 12, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 12, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 13, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 13, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 14, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 14, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 15, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 15, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 16, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 16, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 17, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 17, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 18, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 18,1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 19, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 19, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 21, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 21, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 21, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 2, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 24, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 24, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 3, 1975, April 3, 1975
Western News, April 3, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 4, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 5, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 5, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 6, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 7, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 7, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 8, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 8,1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, April 9, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 10, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 11, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 11, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 12, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 12, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 13, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 14, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 14, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 16, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 17, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 17, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 18, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 18, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 19, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 19, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 20, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 21, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 2, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 22, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 29, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 30,1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 31, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 31, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 3, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 4, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 4, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 5, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 5, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 6, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 7, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 7, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 8, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 9, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, August 9, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 10, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 11, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 11, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 1, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 1, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 12, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 12, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 13, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 15, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 16, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 17, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 17, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 19, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 2, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 2, 1982, Western Michgan University
Western News, December 3, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 4, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 4, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 5, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 6, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 6, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 7, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 8, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 8, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 9, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, December 9, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 10, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 10, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 11, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 1, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 12, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 13, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 13, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 14, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 15, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 15, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 16, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 16, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 17, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 17, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 18, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 19, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 19, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 20, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 21, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 21, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 2,1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 22, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 23, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 23, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 23, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 24, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 24, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 24, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 25, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 26, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 27, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 27, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 28, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 28,1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 3, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 3, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 3, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 3, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 4, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 5, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 5, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 6, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 7, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 7, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 8, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 9, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 9, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, February 9, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 10, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 10, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 11, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 12, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 12, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 12, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 13, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 13, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 14, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 15, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 15, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 16, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 17, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 17,1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 18, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 19, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 19, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 19, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 20, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 20, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 21, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 22, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 22, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 23, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 24, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 24, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 25, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 26, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 26, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 26, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 27, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 27, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 28, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 29, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 29, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 30, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 31, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 31,1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 3, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 4, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 5, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 5, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 5, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 6, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 6, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 7, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 8, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 8, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, January 9, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 10, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 10, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 11, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 1, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 1, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 12, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 12, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 13, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 14, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 14, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 15, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 15, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 16, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 17, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 19, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 20, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 21, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 21, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 21, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 2, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 22, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 22, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 23, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 24, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 24, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 24, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 25, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 26, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 26, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 27, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 28, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 28, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 29, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 29, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 30, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 30, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 31, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 31, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 3, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 3, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 5, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 6, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 7, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 7, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 8, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 8, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, July 9, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 10, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 10, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 11, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 1, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 12, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 12, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 14, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 14, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 15, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 16, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 16, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 16, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 17, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 17, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 18, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 19, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 20, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 21, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 2, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 2, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 22, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 22, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 22, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 22, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 23, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 24, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 26, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 26, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 28, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 28, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 29, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 30, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 30, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 3, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 3, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 4, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 5, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 5, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 6, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 7, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 7, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 8, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 8, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 9, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, June 9, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 11, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 11, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 1, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 12, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 13, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 13, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 13, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 14, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 15,1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 16, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 16, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 17, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 17, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 18, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 18, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 19, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 20, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 20, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 21,1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 2, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 22, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 22, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 23, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 24, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 24, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 24, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 25, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 25, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 27, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 27, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 28, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 29, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 29, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 30, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 30, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 31, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 31, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 3, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, March 3, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 10, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 10,1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 11, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 11, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 1, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 12, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 12, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 13, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 13, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 14, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 15, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 15, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 17, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 17, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 18, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 18, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 19, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 19, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 19, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 20, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 20, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 20, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 21, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 22, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 22, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 23, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 24, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 24, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 25, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 25, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 26, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 26, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 27, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 27, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 28, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 29, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 29, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 31, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 31, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 3, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 3, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 4, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 5, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 5, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 6, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 6, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 7, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 8, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 8, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, May 9, 1985, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 10, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 10, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 11, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 11, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 1, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 1,1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 12, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 13, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 13, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 14, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 15, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 15, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 16, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 17, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 17, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 18, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 18, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 19, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 20, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 20, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 20, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 21, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 2, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 2, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 24, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 24, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 25, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 29, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 29,1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 30, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 3, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 4, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 4, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 4, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 5, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 6, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 6, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 7, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 8, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 8,1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, November 9, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 10, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 11, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 11, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 1, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 12, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 13, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 13, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 14, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 14, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 15, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 16, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 16, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 16, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 17, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 18, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 18,1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 19, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 19, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 20, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 20, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 20, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 21, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 21, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 2, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 2, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 22, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 23, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 23, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 24, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 25, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 25, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 26, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 27, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 27, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 28, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 28, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 29, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 30, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 30, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 31, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 3, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 4, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 4, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 5, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 5, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 6, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 6, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 7, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 7, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 8, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 9, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, October 9, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 10, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 11, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 11, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 1, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 1, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 12, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 13, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 13, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 14, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 15, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 15, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 16, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 16, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 17, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 18, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 18, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 19, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 20, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 20, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 21, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 21, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 21, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 2, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 2, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 22, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 22, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 22, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 23, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 23, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 24, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 25, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 25, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 26, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 27, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 27, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 28, 1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 29, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 29, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 30, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 30, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 3, 1981, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 4, 1975, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 4, 1980, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 5, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 6, 1979, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 6, 1984, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 7,1978, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 7, 2017, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 8, 1977, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 8, 1983, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 9, 1976, Western Michigan University
Western News, September 9, 1982, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, April 11, 1974, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, February 8, 1973, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, January 11, 1973, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, March 28, 1973, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, March 8, 1973, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, November 16, 1972, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, November 20, 1973, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, October 12, 1972, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, October 30, 1973, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, October 31, 1972, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, September 27, 1973, Western Michigan University
Western Official News, September 6, 1973, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin, Catalog 1939-1940 and Announcements 1940-1941, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v33 n4: Catalog 1937-1938 and Announcements 1938-1939, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v34 n1: Facts for Freshman and Information for New Students, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v34 n2: First Report Michigan Country Life Association A New Day in Country Life Meeting, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v34 n3: 1939 Summer Session, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v34 n4: Catalog 1938-1939 and Announcements 1939-1940, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v35 n1: Facts for Freshman and Information for New Students 1939-1940, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v35 n2: Details of Curricula 1939-1940, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v36 n1: Facts for Freshman and Information for New Students 1940-1941, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v36 n2: Details of Curricula 1940-1941, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v36 n3: 1940 Summer Session, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v36 n3: 1941 Summer Session, Western Michigan University
Western State Teachers College Bulletin v36 n4: Catalog 1940-1941 and Announcements 1941-1942, Western Michigan University
Wetland Study of Southeastern Portage Township, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Kevin M. Walsh
We Wade Through Junipers, Megan Murphy
"We wrapped packages in bed", Debra Riggs
What Lost Generation?, Margaret Perry
What's Happening, Gabriel Rodriguez
"What the bones do", Betsy McLellan
When, Thomas W. Williams
when frogs die, Aaron Hillebrand
When Gallantry was Commonplace: A History of the Michigan Eleventh Volunteer Infantry January 1863 to September 1864, Leland W. Thornton
When Is Transition Over? 1997-98, Department of Economics
When I Was Your Age I..., Martha Gaitskill
When Medievalists Fictionalize the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
When ‘Places’ Include Pets: Broadening the Scope of Relational Approaches to Promoting Aging-in-Place, Ann M. Toohey, Jennifer A. Hewson, Cindy L. Adams, and Melanie J. Rock
When with my Grandfather, Eric Dreyer
Where Does the Sky End?, Faith Thoma
Wherefore Verona in The Two Gentlemen of Verona?, David M. Bergeron
Where I Learned to Forget the Garbage Lady, Holly Criswell
Where is Rhodora, Clifton Schelhas
Where I Turn Bad, Michelle Ann Bonczek
White Dresses and Combat Boots: The Birthmark of a Twentieth Century Rebel, Heather Schmidt
Whitman and Lincoln: Clairvoyant Companions, R. M. Hofmann
Whitney Miller, Bassoon, Whitney Miller
Who Controls Immigration Judges?: Towards a Multi-Institutional Model of Administration Judge Behavior, Mark Richard Beougher
Who is the One Percent?, Christopher Chupp
Who Made That? Misattribution and Anonymity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
“Whom seek ye, sirs?”: The Logic of Searching in the York Herod and the Magi, Nicole R. Rice
Why do Women Delay in Seeking Prenatal Care? A Discrete-Time Survival Analysis, Ama Agyeiwaa Abrokwah
Why Trees Lose Their Leaves, Valerie Soledad
Why We Read (Medieval) Fiction (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Wicker People, Karry Blank
Widening the Differential: a Case of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Disguised as a Fever of Unknown Origin, Emily Cordes
WIDR-FM: A Program Analysis of an Alternative Music Format, Michael A. Finn
Wild Freedom, Elizabeth Field
Wild Grass on the Riverbank, Hiromi Ito and Jeffrey Angles
William Morris and the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings: Historic Preservation in Victorian Great Britain, Andrea Elizabeth Harger
Williams Syndrome and Music: A Systematic Integrative Review, Donovon Thakur
Willie Paul, Donna Love
Will Karsten, Tuba, Will Karsten
WiMAX Software Defined Radio, Assad Saleem
Window and Door, Larry Mercure
Windows, Andrea Urbiel
Winds of Fortune, Bob Schuring
Winter, Ginger Yake
Winter Divorce, Karen Gernant
Winter Theorm, Peg Brotherston
winter walk, carl gasta
Winter Walk, Ann Katherine Conley
Wishes, Wendy Martin
Witch?, Steven R. Chisnell
Witches Every Month? The Social Construction of Premenstrual Syndrome, Suzanne Latham
with deaf ears, Jim Sadler
W Magazine Fall 2017, Western Michigan University
WMU 2017 Multicultural Meet and Greet, College of Education and Human Development
WMU Board of Trustees Formal Session April 27, 2017, WMU Board of Trustees
WMU Board of Trustees Formal Session December 13, 2016, WMU Board of Trustees
WMU Board of Trustees Formal Session January 24, 2017, WMU Board of Trustees
WMU Board of Trustees Formal Session June 29, 2017, WMU Board of Trustees
WMU Board of Trustees Formal Session March 15, 2017, WMU Board of Trustees
WMU Board of Trustees Formal Session September 20, 2017, WMU Board of Trustees
WMU Board of Trustees Formal Session-Special Meeting, April 12, 2017, WMU Board of Trustees
Wolves Outside, Inside, and at the Medieval Door, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Woman and Child, Larry Taylor
Women, Richard Vosburgh
Women and/as Objects: Foreign Brides and Cultural Transmission I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Women and/as Objects: Foreign Brides and Cultural Transmission II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Women and Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Women and the Bible in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Women in Educational Leader Positions: An Investigation of Some Common Factors in Socialization, Educational Background, and Career Commitment, Elaine Barr Morris
Women in the Age of Bede I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Women in the Age of Bede II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Women Leaders in Marketing: Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling, Hallie Green
Women’s Representation in Local Democracy: Formal and Informal Institutions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Abida Bano
Women’s Role in their Reproductive Process: The Effects of Authoritative Knowledge and Biomedical Interventions on the American Birth Experience, Shannon Sheffey
Women's Roles: A Marxist-Existentialist Analysis, Ellen Ruth Robert
Women’s Roles and Vulnerability to Depression, Monika Johanna Haussmann
Wood Sculpture, Anne Clark
Wood Sculpture, Marilyn Molesworth
Words, James Keats
Words for a Deaf Ear, U. Harold Males
Words on the Ignorance of Birds, Margo Grahn
Workshop Attributes as Predictors of Effectiveness for Inservice Education of School Administrators, Wayne Richard Robbins
Workshop on Ibero-Romance Paleography, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Would You Write More, or What? The Quest to Publish Historically-Based Creative Writing in the Contemporary Literary Marketplace (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Writing Apprehension and Writing Intensity in an Industrial Organization, Kaye P. Bennett
Writing Trouble: Emotional French Literary Reaction to the Reigns of Charles VI and Charles VII, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Writing with Parents in Response to Picture Book Read Alouds, Danielle L. DeFauw
Written Language Performance Following Embedded Grammar Instruction, Ginger Collins and Jan Norris
Wynken, Blynken and What's the Use Anyway, Catherine Stripe
Yanyan Shi, Violin, Yanyan Shi
Yarmo and the Catfish, Douglas Hodgman
Yeast Mannans: Use as a Transport Vehicle for Peptides, Jacqueline Cesario Lee
Yellow Yamaha Rocket, Jim Schepers
Yiwen Li, Piano, Yiwen Li
you did not come, Peg Brotherston
Your Fyre Shall Burn No More, Jose Antonio Brandao
"your ribbon tied the days", Margaret Rose Champion
Youth Attitudes Toward the Police and Law Enforcement: A Contextual Analysis, Donald G. Williams
"You were an actor with your handkerchief": Women, Windows, and Moral Agency, Cynthia Lewis
Yu-Lien, Piano, 2/8, College of Fine Arts
Yu-Lien The, Piano, Yu-Lien The
Yumhali Garcia, Violin, Yumhali Garcia
Yu Wang, Piano, Yu Wang
Zachary Lane, Double Bass, Zachary Lane
Zamboni, Richard Meldrum
Zarathustra Geht Nach Jerusalem, Robert Parks
Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses: Mythic Revision as a Ritual for Grief, Miriam M. Chirico
Zolpidem in Treatment of Refractory Catatonia, Sala V. Sadaps, Michael Redinger, Jessica Ramsay, Meagan Maas, and Peter Longstreet
Zuruckkehrende Winde, James Keats