Content Posted in 2019
10th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
14-01 Exploring the Equity Dimensions of US Bicycle Sharing Systems, C. Scott Smith, Jun-Seok Oh, and Cheyenne Lei
14-02 Developing Public Health Performance Measures to Capture the Effects of Transportation Facilities on Multiple Public Health Outcomes, Colleen Casey, Stephen Mattingly, Jianling Li, and James Williams
14-03 Transportation System and Its Association with Human Health - A Review and Modeling Approach, Jun-Seok Oh, Valerian Kwigizile, Ali Hamzah Hussein Alzuhairi, and Fnu Zahid
14-04 Conditions that Influence Drivers' Yielding Behavior at Uncontrolled Crossings and Intersections with Traffic Signal Controls, Robert Wall Emerson, Eugene Bourquin, Dona Sauerburger, and Janet Barlow
14-05 Development of Decision Support Tools to Assess Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety: Development of Safety Performance Functions, Valerian Kwigizile, Jun-Seok Oh, Ron Van Houten, and Keneth Morgan Kwayu
14-06 Development of Safety Performance Functions and Other Decision Support Tools to Assess Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety, Timothy J. Gates, Peter T. Savolainen, Steven Stapleton, Trevor Kirsch, and Santosh Miraskar
14-07 Development of Decision Support Tools to Assess Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety: Focus on Population, Demographic and Socioeconomic Spectra, Deo Chimba and Abram Musinguzi
14-08 Big Data Analytics to Aid Developing Livable Communities, Li Yang, Hyunkeun Cho, and Jun-Seok Oh
14-09 Alternatives for Providing a Safe Passage for Non-motorized Traffic across an Existing Highway Bridge, U. B. Attanayake and L. A. Lopez
14-10 Innovative Park-and-Ride Management for Livable Communities, Ziqi Song and Yi He
14-11 Travel in Adverse Winter Weather Conditions by Blind Pedestrians, Dae Shik Kim, Robert Wall Emerson, Dave Guth, and Richard Long
14-12 Capacity Analysis of Pedestrian Facilities Involving Individuals with Disabilities, Mohammad Sadra Sharifi, Keith Christensen, and Anthony Chen
14th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
15-01 Effect of Cycling Skills on Bicycle Safety and Comfort Associated with Bicycle Infrastructure and Environment, Jun-Seok Oh, Valerian Kwigizile, Kapseong Ro, Ahmad Feizi, Brent William Kostich, Raed Abdullah Hasan Hasan, and Fadi Abdallah Mousa Alhomaidat
15-02 Estimating and Enhancing Public Transit Accessibility for People with Mobility Limitations, Jun-Seok Oh, C. Scott Smith, Rostam Qatra, and Mohammad Al-Akash
15-03 Real Time Bicycle Simulation Study of Bicyclists' Behaviors and their Implication on Safety, Valerian Kwigizile, Jun-Seok Oh, Raed Hasan, Cole G. Villalobos, Aous Hammad Kurdi, and Anil Shaw
15-04 Travel Behavior of Blind Individuals before and after Receiving Orientation and Mobility Training, Dae Shik Kim, C. Scott Smith, and Elyse Connors
15-05 Infrastructure and Technology for Sustainable Livable Cities, Upul Attanayake, Mehedi Hasan, and Lizmert Lopez
15-06 Integrated Crowdsourcing Platform to Investigate Non-Motorized Behavior and Risk Factors on Walking, Running, and Cycling Routes, Ala Al-Fuqaha, Sepideh Mohammadi, Jun-Seok Oh, Valerian Kwigizile, and Fadi Alhomaidat
15-07 App-based Crowd Sourcing of Bicycle and Pedestrian Conflict Data, Stephen Mattingly, Colleen Casey, and Taylor Johnson
15-08 Community-Aware Charging Station Network Design for Electrified Vehicles in Urban Areas: Reducing Congestion, Emissions, Improving Accessibility, and Promoting Walking, Bicycling, and use of Public Transportation, Ratna Babu Chinnam and Alper E. Murat
15-09 Impact of Access Management Practices to Pedestrian Safety, Deo Chimba and Henry Ajieh
15-10 Development of Multi-class, Multi-criteria Bicycle Traffic Assignment Models and Solution Algorithms, Seungkyu Ryu, Anthony Chen, Keith Christensen, and Keechoo Choi
15-11 Assessing Transit Oriented Development Strategies with a New Combined Modal Split and Traffic Assignment Model, Guangchao Wang, Anthony Chen, Ziqi Song, and Songyot Kitthamkesorn
15-12 Analysis of Walking Facility Performance Guidelines for Individuals with Disabilities, Keith Christensen, Anthony Chen, and Mohammad Sadra Sharifi
15-13 Exploring Bicycle Route Choice Behavior with Space Syntax Analysis, Zhaocai Liu, Anthony Chen, and Seungkyu Ryu
16-01 Paths to ADA-Compliance: the Performance and Cost Efficiency of Measurement Technologies that Support ADA-Mandated, Self-Evaluations of Pedestrian Rights of Way, Jun-Seok Oh, Jiansong Zhang, Kapseong Ro, and Majid Mastali
16-02 Enhancing Non-motorized Mobility within Construction Zones, Upul Attanayake, Abul Fazal Mazumder, Wjdan Dhaif Sahi Sahi, Mathew Mueller, and Dustin Black
16-03 The Effects of High Visibility Enforcement on Driver Compliance to Pedestrian Stop Right-of-Way Laws in Ann Arbor, MI, Ron Van Houten, Jun-Seok Oh, and De'Lon Dixon
16-04 Effectiveness of Bicycle Signals for Improving Safety and Multimodal Mobility at Urban Intersections, Jun-Seok Oh, Valerian Kwigizile, and Odai Al houz
16-06 Vehicle-to-Device (V2D) Communications: Readiness of the Technology and Potential Applications for People with Disability, Ala Al-Fuqaha, Jun-Seok Oh, and Valerian Kwigizile
16-07 Blame-the-Victim Policy Narratives and State-Level Transportation Policy Decisions, Stephen Mattingly, Karabi Bezboruah, Jennifer Sloan, Saeed Reza Ramezanpour Nargesi, and Ayushi Mahiyar
16-08 Does Location Matter? Performance Analysis of the Affordable Housing Programs in Dallas-Fort Worth, Shima Hamidi, Somayeh Moazzeni, Jinat Jahan, Reza Sardari, and David Weinreich
16-09 Transportation Mobility Among Low-Income, Transportation Disadvantaged Older Adults Living in a Low Density Urban Environment Using Innovative Data Collection Methods, Noelle Fields, Courtney Cronley, Stephen Mattingly, David Levine, Vivian J. Miller, Erin R. Murphy, Marcus Crawford, Lubia Gwak, Saeed Reza Ramezanpour Nargesi, Ziaur Rahman, and Meenakshi Balasubramanian
16-11 Microsimulation of the Impact of Access Management Practices to Pedestrians, Deo Chimba and Kevin Soloka
16th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
17-01 An Intersection Database Enhances Blind Pedestrians' Access to Complex Signalized Intersections: Stage 2 Analysis & Database Development, Dave Guth, Janet Barlow, Paul Ponchillia, Lee Rodegerdts, Dae Shik Kim, and Kevin Lee
17-05 Effects of Safe Bicycle Passing Laws on Drivers' Behavior and Bicyclists' Safety, Ron Van Houten, Jun-Seok Oh, Valerian Kwigizile, Ahmad Feizi, and Majid Mastali
17-07 Phase-II: Community-Aware Charging Station Network Design for Electrified Vehicles in Urban Areas: Reducing Congestion, Emissions, Improving Accessibility, and Promoting Walking, Bicycling, and use of Public Transportation, Saravanan Venkatachalam, Ratna Babu Chinnam, and Alper E. Murat
17th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
17th Edition of The Laureate, Jessie Fales
18th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
1961-1973: Honoring James W. Miller Third President of Western Michigan University, Western Michigan University
1980 Brown & Gold, Western Michigan University
1981 Brown & Gold Western Michigan University, Western Michigan University
1982 Brown & Gold Western Michigan University, Western Michigan University
1983 Brown & Gold Western Michigan University, Western Michigan University
1984 Brown & Gold Western Michigan University, Western Michigan University
1985 Brown & Gold Western Michigan University, Western Michigan University
1993 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
1994 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
1995 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
1996 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
1997 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
1998 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
1999 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
2000 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
2001 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
2002 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
2003 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
2004 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
2005 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
2006 University Employee Service Recognition Program, Western Michigan University
2012 News, College of Education and Human Development
2013-14 Everyone Counts Learning Community on Race & Racism, Lewis Walker Institute for Study of Race and Ethic Relations
2013 News, College of Education and Human Development
2015 Annual Report Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities, Western Michigan University, University of Texas Arlington, Wayne State University, Utah State University, and Tennessee State University
2017-2018 Acetyl Fentanyl Trends In Southwest Michigan: Is There A Larger Pattern?, Tong Li, Jalynn Zou, Erinn Ton, Christine Stevens, Elizabeth Douglas, and Prentiss Jones
2017 School of Music News, WMU School of Music
2018 School of Music News, WMU School of Music
2018 State of the University Address, Edward Montgomery
2019 Diversity, Equity, and Student Success Conference Association of American Colleges & Universities, Julie Apker
2019 Graduating Presentation "The Lights Have Vanished", Kylie Vinitski
2019 Western Michigan University Assessment in Action Conference, Office of Assessment and Undergraduate Studies
20th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
21st Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
22nd Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
23rd Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
24th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
25th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
25 Year Club, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 26th Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 27th Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 28th Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 29th Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 30th Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 31st Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 32nd Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 33rd Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 34th Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 35th Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: 36th Annual Gala, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: Fourth Annual Banquet, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: Second Annual Banquet, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: Seventeenth Annual Banquet, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: Sixteenth Annual Banquet, Western Michigan University
25 Year Club: Twelfth Annual Banquet, Western Michigan University
26th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
28th Safar procession led by official agitator, Reinhold Loeffler
35th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
36th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
3d Printed Lab on Chips for In Vitro Studies, Muralidhar K. Ghantasala, Piyush Pokharna, Prabhjot Singh, and Elena Rozhkova
3D Printing Robotic Arm on Linear Rails, Thomas T. Steele
3D Simulation of Layer Mixing in a Three-Layer Stratified Headbox, Jatetana Kunsriluksakul
3rd Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
3rd ICHITA Program, Western Michigan University
4th ICHITA and 13th IT FORUM Call for Papers, Western Michigan University
54th Annual Food Marketing Conference
54th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
60th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
61st Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
62nd Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
63rd Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
64th Conference on Senior Engineering Design, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
8th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
9th Conference on Senior Engineering Design Projects, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
A 3-D Biomechanical and EMG Analysis of Three Mountain Bike Pedal Designs, David Lacy
"A beggar's book Outworths a noble's blood": The Politics of Faction in Henry VIII, Stuart M. Kurland
A Bioarchaeological Investigation of Two Unmarked Graveyards in Bridgetown, Barbados, Christopher Crain
A Biomedical Analysis of the Walking Patterns of Blind Individuals Who Consistently Veer, Beth Engler
Aboriginal Autonomy: The Future of Indigenous Development in Western Australia, Matthew B. Eugster
Absent Fathers and Problem Behavior, A Comparison of Children from Broken and Unbroken Homes, Earl Walter Morris
Absolute Photonic Band Gaps of Zincblende, Ulrich Bass
Absorbing Interests: Kyd's Bloody Handkerchief as Palimpsest, Andrew Sofer
A Bundle In The Heart: Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome Presenting As Cardiac Arrest, Anandbir Bath, Stephanie Chang, Eric Sieloff, and Jeffrey Wilt
A Case Of Methamphetamine Toxicity In A Child With Pica, Erinn Ton, Christine Stevens, Brandy Shattuck, and Prentiss Jones
A Case Study of a Jail Participating in an Animal-Assisted Crisis Response Program, Erica Schlau
A Catalan Corpus Christi Play: The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian with the Hobby Horses and the Turks, Max Harris
Accelerating Discovery: Research Annual Report 2018, Office of Vice President for Research
Acceptability of Social Media Incentives to Increase Physical Activity, Amanda Devoto and Anthony DeFulio
Accidental Hanging: A Case Of Autoerotic Asphyxiation Determined After Additional Information From Family, Jalynn Zou, Theodore Brown, and Laura Bauler
Acculturation Differences Among International Students at Western Michigan University, Kemal Aydin
Acculturation to a Work Force of Diversity: Two Case Studies of Japanese-Owned Companies Operating in the United States, Jun Nagasawa
A Closer Look at Development of Self-Awareness and Compensatory Strategy Use in Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury, Melissa A. Byrne
A CMOS Chaotic Oscillator, Boonsin Chansilp
A Commitment to Excellence: Faculty Recognition Dinner 1986, Western Michigan University
A Comparative Analysis Of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Rehabilitation Protocols In Southwest Michigan, Donghoon Lee, Tong Li, and Keith Kenter
A Comparative Analysis of John Foster Dulles and Henry A. Kissinger and the Impact Their Personalities Had on the Formulation of American Foreign Policy, Denis Joseph Sullivan
A Comparative Analysis of Pixel-Based and Object-Oriented Image Analysis Methods Using Landsat Imagery, Jason Joseph Delisio
A Comparative Analysis of the Harm That Russian and Chinese Organized Crime Groups Can Inflict on American Society, Bryce L. Hoekenga
A Comparative Analysis of the Vertical and Plyometric Style Depth Jump Using Electromyography (EMG), Robert M. Conatser
A Comparative Analysis of Walking Patterns between Genu Varum and Normal Subjects, Nerline Varda Maurisseau
A Comparative Approach into the Differentiation of Two Strains of Staphylococci, Walter D. Hosksema
A Comparative Review of Cognitive Assessment Tools for Adults in the Acute Care Setting, Nicole Gagnet and Bethany Noffke
A Comparative Review of Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Assessments, Danielle Costantini and Kyle Ailes
A Comparative Study of Cryoballoon, Radiofrequency, and Laser Ablations for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation, Amanda Croft
A Comparative Study of Musical Memory in Children with Articulation Disorders and Normal Speaking Children, Alf E. Preus
A Comparative Study of the Jaw Movements of Children with Normal and Abnormal Articulation, Jean Fraser Ward
A Comparative Study of the Pollen Morphology of the Solanaceae (Nightshade Family) of Michigan, Ronald A. Kudile
A Comparison between Signal-to-Noise Ratios of Stutterers and Normal Speakers, Allen A. Montgomery
A Comparison between Stationary and Moving Handlebars during Forward and Backward Pedaling at Various Resistances on an Elliptical Trainer, George Hajiefremides
A Comparison of Human Femoral Neck Cortical Bone: Walkers vs. Non-Walkers, Meghan M. Moran
A Comparison of Methods to Allocate Tasks on a Multiprocessor System, Kelly Cousineau
A Comparison of the Shopping Preferences of College Age Apparel Shoppers in Turkey and the United States, William C. Perrine
A Comparison of x86 Computer Architecture Simulators, Ayaz Akram and Lina Sawalha
A Comparison Study of Water Well Grouting Materials, Sherry L. Callaway
A Component Analysis of an Electronic Data Collection Package, Cody Morris
"A Conflict of Truth with Error": Southern Preachers, Their Worldview, and Sectional Tensions, 1830-1865, Timothy A. Ehrhardt
Acoustic and Perceptual Correlates of Breathy Vocal Quality, Ronald Allen Cleveland
Acoustic, Kinematic, and Auditory Perceptual Characteristics of Clear Speech, Kristin L. Greilick
Acoustic Wave Based Biosensor, Aditya A. Vijh
A Critical Analysis of the Development of an American Business Apologetic from Knight and the Libertarians to Selekman and the New Business Moralists, Magondi N. Rudrabasavaraj
Activation of Signal Proteins by Insulin and Selenite in Primary Rat Hepatocytes, Ginny Lynn Garlock
Activism, Public Relations, and the Internet: A Case Study of, Erich Sommerfeldt
A Curious Case Of Conversion Disorder, Grace Walter and Ruqiya Shama Tareen M.D.
A Current Overview of Ten University-Based Reading Clinics, Bethanie Pletcher, Phyllis Robertson, and Maureen Sullivan
Acute Calcific Longus Colli Tendonitis: A Mimicker Of Meningitis, Mridul Parmar and Richard Roach
Acute Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction (Ogilvie Syndrome) Leading To Respiratory Compromise And Death, John Dewey and Joseph Prahlow
Acylpyrazolones: Synthesis, Self-Assembly and Lanthanide Metal Ion Separation, Jun Yang
Adaptation and Appropriation: Liturgies for New Power Realities in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Adaptation of Project Finance to Small Contractor Financing, Ragunathan Venkateswaran
Adapting the Habitat for Humanity Model to Sabah, Malaysia, Rozita Abdul Manap
Adaptive Channel Equalization Techniques, Saied Razavilar
Addition of Automatic Dimensioning Feature to D-M-E’s Ultimate Mold Base Design Software, Cori L. Brown
Addition Of Pharmacist In A Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Clinic, Teresa Bailey PharmD, Laura Bauler, Mireya Diaz, Alyssa Woodwyk, Carolina Herrera, Jayne Barr MD, Nichole Vess, and Myrtha Gregoire-Bottex MD
Addition of Workforce Education and Development Major and Minor Rounds out Program Offerings at WMU, College of Education and Human Development
Addressing Diversity in Academia, Maria C. Fava
Addressing Spirituality in Occupational Therapy Treatment, Barbara R. Howe
A Depositional Analysis of the Wymer Site, Berrien County, Michigan and Its Relationship to Post-Glacial Lake Levels in the Lake Michigan Basin, Kevin A. Kincare
A Descriptive Analysis of Drug Interaction Effects, Matthew Boss
A Descriptive Analysis of Restrictive and Intrusive Procedures in Behavior Support Plans, Kelsey Webster
A Descriptive Study of Offenders Sentenced to Special Alternative Incarceration from 1988-1990 in Kalamazoo County, Sherri DeBoef Chandler
“A Different Way to Portray It”: A Phenomenological Analysis of Audiencing the [New] Newlywed Game, Christopher Reed Groscurth
A Direct Measurement of the Ratio of the Reaction Cross Sections for Two-Photon and Three-Photon Positron Annihilation in Aluminum and Silver, Robert Maurice Heavenrich
Administrative Barriers to Compliance with the 2010 NCAA Policy on Concussion Management, Tyler Norman
Admirable Musicians: Women's Songs in Othello and The Maid's Tragedy, Rochelle Smith
Adolescent Drinking and Driving: A Descriptive and Intervention Study, Emalee M. Fields
Adolescents’ Perceptions of Their Roles in Decision-Making in the Oral Cleft Clinic, Rebecca Ann Hague
Adoption of western practices, such as a child's birthday party, Reinhold Loeffler
Adoption of western practices, such as a child's birthday party, Erika Friedl
A Drug Free America? A Web Page Discourse Analysis, Darrin Kowitz
“A drunken cunt hath no porter”: Medieval Histories of Intoxication and Consent, Carissa M. Harris
Advancing Art Education: Development of an Innovative Series of K-12 Encaustic Curriculum Modules, Christina Chin
Ælfrician Texts and Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Aelred of Rievaulx and the Dramatic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Feasibility Study for Using Computerized Water Well Records to Delineate Areas of Recharge-Discharge Potential, Lauren D. Hughes
Affective Criticism: Theories of Emotion and Synaesthesis In the Experience of Literature, Edward Jayne
A Follow-up Study of Business Administration Graduates from Western Michigan University January, 1953 to August, 1961, David T. Kollat
A Follow-Up Study of Industrial Technology Graduates from Western Michigan University, Dale Donald King
A Follow-Up Study of Western Michigan University Graduates with Majors in Industrial Arts, Richard Duane Murphy
African American Single Mother - An In-Depth Study, Donna Jean Russau
African Literature Association, Vivan I. P. Steemers
African Traditional Drama and Issues in Theater and Performance Criticism, John Conteh-Morgan
After Empire: Using and Not Using the Past in the Crisis of the Carolingian World, ca. 900-ca. 1050 I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
After Empire: Using and Not Using the Past in the Crisis of the Carolingian World, ca. 900-ca. 1050 II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
After Empire: Using and Not Using the Past in the Crisis of the Carolingian World, ca. 900-ca. 1050 III, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Afterlives of Medieval Religion in Contemporary Works, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Afterlives of Rape in Medieval English Literature, Nicole Nyffenegger
After the Black Death: Recurrent Outbreaks of Plague in the Medieval World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Generic Multi-Electrode Automated/Semi-Automated Field Resistivity System, Douglas D. Werkema
A Geochemical Survey of the Natural Waters of Belize, Central America, Anthony D. Marfia
Age of Arthur: Late Antiquity in Gaul and Britain, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Age of First Drink, First Alcohol Intoxication, and Alcohol Abuse Behaviors Among Occupational Therapy Students, Randy P. McCombie
A Geostatistical Screening Strategy for Assessing Contaminated Sediment, Yasuyo K. Makido
Age, Status and Gender: Mortality Patterns and Mortuary Practice at Umm El-Jimal, Jordan, Melissa Cheyney
A Hands-On Introduction to Islamic Astrolabes (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Heuristic Procedure for Designing a Cellular Manufacturing System While Minimizing Makespan, Panduranga Badam
A Histological Approach to Taphonomy: The Freeze-Thaw Cycle and Water Immersion, William A. Souchick
A K-Epsilon Extension for Wall-Bounded Flows on the Broadband Aeroacoustic System Simulator, David González
A Kingdom of Co-Inherence: Christian Theology and the Laws of King Magnus the Lawmender of Norway, 1261-1281, Dillon Richard Frank Knackstedt
A Large Scintillation Detector for Nuclear Physics Experiments at Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, Apurva Pathak
Alcoves in the stone walls of an active shrine, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Alfieri's Saul as Enlightenment Tragedy, Jerome Mazzaro
Alfredian Texts and Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Alkali Silica Reaction in Virgin and Recycles Aggregates: State of the Art and Experimental Investigation using ASTM C 1260 and the Staining Method, Shadi Sami Bajjali
Alkyl Nitrates during the Prophet ’98 Summer Intensive, Kristi A. Ostling
Alkyl Nitrates in Dickson during the SOS 1999 Field Campaign, Mei Ma
"All Manner of Knyghtly Games": Games in and Inspired by the Arthurian Tradition (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Allosteric Tuning of Ruthenium 2,2’-Bipyridyl Luminescent Sensor Systems, Daqing Gan
All Roads Lead To... Recognition 1970, Western Michigan University
Alternative Economic Indicators 2018-2019, Department of Economics
Alternative Rescue Breather, Brandilyn Wilkinson
Alumna Angela Harness Designs Colorado Springs Office Space, College of Education and Human Development
Alumna Interviewed After Dietetic Internship, College of Education and Human Development
Amalasuintha: The Transformation of Queenship in the Post-Roman World, Nicole Lopez-Jantzen
A Measurement of the Spin Relaxation Time of Optically Pumped Rubidium Vapor, Robert Oliver Breault
A Medieval Solution to an Early Modern Problem? The Royal Animal Seals of Jambi, Annabel T. Gallop
American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) and Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Magda Tigchelaar
American Foreign Policy: Constitutionality of Congressional Initiatives into Presidential Prerogative—Who Controls the War Powers?, Jay F. Donaldson
American Policy in Korea, 1867-1954, Ernest Gilman
American Revolution Bicentennial: Faculty Recognition Dinner 1976, Western Michigan University
American Translators Association Conference, Vivan Steemers
A Method for Classification Analysis on Simultaneous Product Defects, Jason S. Trahan
A Method of Evaluating First Line Supervisory Training, Benjamin I. Killian
Aminomethylation and Hydroxymethylation of 6-Mercaptopublne and 6-Alkylthiopubines, Charles P. Bryant
A Model for Optimizing the Selection of Project Delivery Systems Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Arosha De Silva
A Model of the Natural Spread of the Invasive Insect Species Emerald Ash Borer in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, Jennifer L. Weller
A Modified Procedure for the Quantitative Determination of Fluoride and the Application of This Procedure to a Fluoride Balance Study in Children, Beatrice Shuang Wu
Amoral Gower and Its Impact (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Amphitheater Staging: In-the-Round or to the Front (and What About Asides)?, Richard Fotheringham
A Multiplicity of Goals in a Migrant Household, Patrick James Maher
Anachronous Antipodes: The Island of California, the Medieval Mediterranean, and the Modern Pacific, Scott Riley
Analysis Of B Cell Progenitors In Sickle Cell Disease, Jesse Chou and Nichol Holodick
Analysis of Combustion Chamber Design Variables in Planetary Rotary Engine, Sathyanarayanan Arumugam
Analysis of Factors Affecting Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) Abundance in Gull Lake, Michigan, Ryan P. Miller
Analysis of Organic Nitrates in Artic Outflow, Deanna Elyea-Piper
Analysis of Pore Architecture and Correlation to Sonic Velocity Values in Silurian (Niagaran) Reefs of the Michigan Basin, Amy Kathryn Noack
Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Hazardous Wastes in Semcog Region, Michigan, Junfang Chen
Analysis of the Relationship of Items on an Employment Application to Length of Service, Margery Hidenach White
Analysis of the Skeletal Remains from the Knobloch Site, 20AE633, Allegan County, Michigan, Alexandra D. Bybee
Analytical Modeling and Simulation of an AUV with Five Control Surfaces, John Tomasi
Analyzing the Effects on Muscle in an Inactivated Catalytic Domain of UNC-82, Wenceslao Martinez Navarrete
Analyzing Unemployment, Education-Occupation Mismatch, and Immigrant’s Participation in the US Labor Market, Riyadh Naeem Arooq Arooq
An Analysis of Cytological Screening for Cervical Cancer (A 7 Year Survey), Phoebe E. Rutherford
An Analysis of Democratic Consolidation in South Korea, Sangmook Lee
An Analysis Of Early Childhood Developmental Program Accessibility And Parental Desires: A Survey Of Kalamazoo Northside Parents, Kelsy Schultz, Jeanne Oord, Rachel Tomassi, Shanika Lucas, Trina Jones, Grace Lubwama, and Catherine Kothari PhD
An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Congressional Campaign in Fourth Congressional District, Richard Earl Marshall
An Analysis of Selected History Tests Prepared for Use in the High School, Charles E. Reed
An Analysis of Texture Resulting From Thermomechanical Processing of Ti-6Al-V, David J. Brock
An Analysis of the Articulation Errors in Spontaneous Speech of One Hundred Children with Lisps, Paula C. Downs
An Analysis of the Developmental Enrichment of the Seattle Children's PlayGarden, Caitlin Koob
An Analysis of the Effect of Reserpine on Adult Stutterers, Barbara Anne Mitchell
An Analysis of the Lithic Assemblage from the Armintrout-Blackman Site (20AE812), Allegan County, Michigan, Arthur L. DesJardins
An Analysis of the Notices of Judgement under the Federal Food, Drug and Costmetic Act, LaVerne H. Boss
An Analysis of the Qualifications of Selected Business Students Who Graduated from Comstock, Michigan, High School to Determine the Adequacy of Their Training, Esther Larsen Fellows
An Analysis of the Rapacki Plan to Denuclearize Central Europe, James R. Ozinga
An Analysis of the School Shop Maintenance Activities of Industrial Education Teachers in a Selected Group of Michigan Schools, Alan Roman Suess
An Analysis of the Woodland Ceramics from Galum Crossing (Site 21C4-29): An Early Late Woodland Occupation in the Southern Illinois Interior, Gabrielle Aberle
An Application of Risk Analysis to the Doctrine of Self-Defense, Kirsten Welch
An Arbitrary Matching Training Supplement to the AVC Discrimination Test, Charles P. Butler
An Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Psychology and Physical Health Comorbidity among Law Enforcement Officers, Terri L. Belville
Ancillary Merlin in Literature, Art, and Film, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Andrew Jackson: Blackbird of L’arbre Croche, Grace Walz
And So It Goes: An Introduction to Volume 2 of the Journal of Communication Pedagogy, Scott A. Myers
An Ecological Survey of Maple Products as a Natural Resource of Athens Township, Calhoun County, State of Michigan, Ralph P. Gies
An Efficient Collective Communication Library for PVM, Chirapol Mathawaphan
An Electrifying Mouse Tale, Marissa Chupp
An EMG Analysis of Five Abdominal Exercises, Teresa E. Brady
An EMG Comparison of Muscle Recruitment Associated with the Wide Grip Pull-Up and the Lat Pull-Down Exercise, Marla S. Bauermeister
An Empirical Examination of Hispanic-Americans in a University Setting and the Influences on Their Attitudes Towards Assimilation, Ramon Rodriguez
An Empirical Investigation of Quality and Productivity Management Practices in Manufacturing Firms, Kiran Vuppalapati
An Empirical Investigation of Total Quality Management (TQM) Effectiveness in Healthcare Organizations, Lokesh S. Basappa
An Empirical Study of Just-in-Time and Total Quality Management Principles Implementation in Manufacturing Firms in the U.S., Loknath Sriparavastu
An Ergonomics Approach to Evaluate the Use of Two Different Fixtures for Upholstering, Maria Luisa Roa
An Evaluation of City Hall Departmental Complaints in Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1993 and 1994, Monique R. Moore
An Evaluation of Five Perfluorinated Hydrocarbons as Tracers in Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids, Jennifer K. Bergin
An Evaluation of Methods to Determine the Thickness of Free Product in a Shallow Water Table Aquifer, Ross B. Wagner
An Evaluation of Preference for Modeling Interventions, Kaneen B. Geiger
An Evaluation of the Impact of Computerized Physician Order Entry on Medical Errors, Shannon Loewy
An Evaluation of Tin Can Recycling in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Rose Ann Husted
An Evolutionary Approach to Allocating Tasks in Hard Real-Time Distributed Systems, Christian Lang
A New Chronostratigraphic Framework for the Silurian (Wenlockian) Niagara and Salina Units of the Michigan Basin, Matthew Rine
A New Early Eocene Mammalian Fauna from the Great Divide Basin, Southwestern Wyoming: Vertebrate Paleontology, Paleoclimatology, and Biostratigraphy, Edward M. Johnson
A Newly Discovered Fragment of a Visitatio Sepulchri in Stockholm, Nils Holger Petersen
An Examination and Analysis of Current Supervisory Development Programs in Municipal Police Departments, Stanley W. Kelley
An Examination of Claims Concerning College Student Credit Card Issues, Michael J. Macaluso
An Examination of Countervailing Forces in Canadian Foreign Policy, James F. Hettinger
An Examination of Flintlock Components at Fort St. Joseph (20BE23), Niles, Michigan, Kevin Paul Jones
An Examination of the Attitudes of Students in Clinical Training Toward Concepts Judged Important to the Therapeutic Process, David B. Ingram
An Examination of the Concepts and Critics of the Theories of Mass Society, Jeffrey Stephen Margolis
An Examination of the Purchase and Pooling of Interests Methods for Recording Business Combinations, James J. Leisenring
An Examination of the Relationship between Adolescent Depression, Anhedonia, and Behavioral Therapy, Alison A. DeLizza
An Experimental Apparatus for Studying Differential Scattering of Multiply-Charged Ions from Neutral Targets Following Capture, John Edward Edens
An Experimental Apparatus for Studying Double Differential Scattering by Low-Energy Multiply Charged Ions from Atomic Targets, Meenatchi S. Gopinathan
An Experimental Study into the Role of Routing Flexibility in the Justification of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Sanjay Pathak
An Exploration into the Controls and Extent of Capillary Rise in Fine-Grained Sand, Neal S. Turluck
An Exploration of Numerous Customer Characteristics Associated with Impulse Purchasing Behavior, Ira J. Jager
An Exploration of Resources Available to Deaf Children Attending Public and Deaf Community Schools, Katelyn Reid
An Exploratory Analysis of Participation in the Laetrile Movement, Yvonne M. Vissing
An Exploratory Investigation into the Role of Evaluation Theory in Evaluative Thinking, Lyssa Wilson Becho
An Exploratory Investigation of the Indifferent Pattern of Accommodation to Work-Related Organizations, John E. Blissick
An Exploratory Study of Deferred Gratification Patterns of Junior High School and Senior High School Drop-Outs and Part-Time Attenders, Charles T. Woods
An Exploratory Study of Differential Diadochokinesis, Marie C. Crickmay
An Exploratory Study of the Relation of Perceived Parental Attitudes to the Vocational Choices of Graduate Students at Western Michigan University, Colleen Cosgrove Schrier
Anglo-American Isthmian Diplomacy and the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, George W. Shipman
Anglo-French Political Culture during the Hundred Years War, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Norman Texts and Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Saxon Literary Landscapes: Ecotheory and the Environmental Imagination, Renee R. Trilling
Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts and Their Early Modern Readers, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Angular correlation of CO60, Henry Kuhlman
An Imaging System for Concrete Bridge Inspection, Mohammed Talal Al-Bataineh
Animal Crimes, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Animals in Celtic Magical Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
An Intensive Surface Collection and Intrasite Spatial Analysis of the Archaeological Materials from the Coy Mound Site (3LN20), Central Arkansas, William Glenn Hill
An Intervention Designed To Increase Post-Partum Visit Attendance Rates At A Federally Qualified Health Center, Mehmiya Raghid, Megan Potilechio, Dalal Kassir, Lauren Vocke, Angela Barreto, Lauren Piper, Jennifer Moubray, and Alyssa Woodwyk
An Intimate Death Sentence, Arden Lapin
An Investigation and Improvement of Electrorheological (ER) Fluid Technology, Adil F. Dalal
An Investigation into the Influence of Common Fillers on Color Reversion of BCTMP Pulp, Joseph N. Mikowski
An Investigation into the Possible Relationship Between Phonic Ability and Articulatory Defectiveness in University Students, Ralph W. Redel
An Investigation into the Possible Relationship Between Reading Ability and Functional Articulatory Defective Speech, Joan Elizabeth Weir
An Investigation of Adaptation to the Delayed Auditory Feedback Effect by Normal Speakers, Nelson H. Bormann
An Investigation of a Possible Correlation between Metallic Elements in Human Hair and Coronary Heart Disease, Lamar E. Bullock
An Investigation of Certain Factors Influencing the Testing of Auditory Phonetic Discrimination, Warren Scott Curtis
An Investigation of Dramatic Arts Programs and Attitudes in Sixteen Counties of Southwestern Michigan, Philip F. Faustman
An Investigation of Employee Attitudes and Employee Performance, Richard V. Washburn
An Investigation of Kavilorai: A Hero Stone Site in the Nilgiri Mountains of South India, Jacob Landon Bach
An Investigation of the Change in the Self Concept of Stutterer, Lois Nelson
An Investigation of the Effect of Auditory and Combined Auditory-Visual Cues Upon Judged Intelligibility of Artificial Larynx Speech and Esophageal Speech, Mary Ellen Carder
An Investigation of the Genetic Basis of Alcoholism, Daniel F. Malamud
An Investigation of the Horizontal-Vertical Illusion, Frederick J. Boersma
An Investigation of the Identification of One’s Own Voice by Speech Defective and Normal Speaking Children, Robert L. Frankenberger
An Investigation of the Influence of Certain Phonetic Contexts upon Articulation of the /S/ Sound, Theodore J. Peters
An Investigation of the Influence of the Suprapharyngeal Ganglia upon Water Balance and on Osmoregulation in Lumbricus Terrestris, Richard M. Dennany
An Investigation of the Influence of the Suprapharyngeal Ganglion upon Oxygen Consumption of Resting Lumbrious Terrestris, William E. Elzinga
An Investigation of the Interlobate Area West of Three Rivers, Michigan and Its Relationship to the Late Wisconsinan Glaciation of Southwest Michigan, Scott J. Kendzierski
An Investigation of the Maturation of Articulation of Elementary School Children, Thomas D. Marshall
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Spelling and Articulation, Richard Errol Ham
An Investigation of the Relationship of Tongue Clicking to Mandibular Descent, Amy Louise Bricker
An Investigation of the Relationships between Judgements of Esophageal and Artificial Larynx Speech Made by Sophisticated and Naïve Judges, Gerald Robert Moses
An Investigation of the Surface Temperature Distribution in the Detroit Region, Allen R. Smith
An Investigation of the Use of the Semantic Differential for Assessing Reactions to Stuttering Behavior, Douglas J. Spurlock
An Investigation of the Visual Processes Involved in the Vertical-Horizontal Illusion, Robert L. Vette
An Investigation of the Vocal Phonic Abilities of Children with Normal Speech and Articulation Disorders, Orville Wilson Wensley
An Investigation of Turbulent Taylor-Couette Flow Using Laser Doppler Velocimetry in a Refractive Index Matched Facility, Joseph C. Parker
An Investigation on Nonenzymatic Autoxidation of Phenolic Compounds in Natural Waters, Lei Jiang
Annual Journal of Medieval Military History Lecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Annual Recognition Banquet 1950, Western Michigan University
Annual Recognition Banquet 1951, Western Michigan University
An Occupational Therapy-based Supported Education Program for University Students with Various DSM-5 Diagnoses: Program Description and Academic Outcomes, Victoria Schindler
An Occupation-Based Approach to Management of Concussion: Guidelines for Practice, Christina Finn
An Ocean of Possibilities: From Lokadharmī to Nātyadharmī in a Kathakaḷi Santānagōpālam, Phillip B. Zarrilli
An offering, Eliza Sandra Foli
Anonymous Anglo-Saxon Saints' Lives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
An Outline for Physical Geography in the Secondary School, David S. Mellander
An Overpayment and Improved Reconciliation Process, Logan Wright
Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Michigan Birds - A High School Learning Experience, Cody Benfant
Anti-Intellectualism in Medieval Italy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anti-Jewish Polemics in Carolingian Gaul: The Campaigns of Agobard and Amulo Against the Jews of Lyons, David Harrison Horton
An Unequal Consumption? Sex and Gender Differences in Tuberculosis, Sarah K. W. Avink
An Unusual Presentation Of Pyelonephritis In An Adolescent, Stephanie Witte and Steve Pollens
Any Given Tuesday: Performance of Law During Small Claims Court, Michael E. Muhme
A Palpable Pulsatile Radial Arterial Line Insertion Simulator, Carleigh Zahn, Thomas Melgar, and Aniruddha Paranjpe
A Pedagogical Guide to Teaching an Interpersonal Communication Course, Jordan Atkinson and David McMahan
A Performance-Driven Routing Approach for MCM-C, Qiong Yu
A Phenomenological Investigation of Women’s Infertility and Miscarriage Grief Experiences, Tristan McBain
A Pilot Study: Baseline Educational Achievements of Children Raised by Grandparents in a Kinship Care Program, Mary Lou LaComb-Davis, Phd, APRN, CPNP-PC; Michael Patton, MSW; and Jean Pawl, PhD, RN, OCN, CNE
A Pilot Study: Identifying the Characteristics of Postsecondary Offices of Disability Services Associated with High Graduation Rates, Tiffany B. White
A Pilot Without A Plane: A Case Of Pseudologia Fantastica, Darren Almagro and Ruqiya Shama Tareen M.D.
A Policy Analysis of Teen Courts: A Look at Teen Courts as a Viable Alternative to the Juvenile Court System, Jon P. Mathieu
Apoptosis Following Peripheral Sensory Deafferentation in the Olfactory Blub of Adult Zebrafish, Danio Rerio, Akiko M. VanKirk
A Portable, Object-Oriented Library for Neural Network Simulation, Martin P. Franz
A Post-Marxist Perspective on Chuck Palahniuk’s Early Novels and the Four Plays of Incarcerated, Ron Riekki
Apple trees blooming in the orchard of the tribal chief of Sisakht, Reinhold Loeffler
Application of Differential Outcomes to a Cocaine-Saline Discrimination Procedure: Assessment of Stimulus Generalization to Dopamine D3 Receptor Agonists, Kelly J. Garner
Application of Geochemical Fingerprinting and Isotopes to Identity Landfill Gas Impacts to Groundwater, Eric E. Wallis
Application of Risk Analysis in Investment Decision Making for New Products, Chul Paik
Application of the Paleomagnetic Fold Test to Determine the Relative Timing of Sill Intrusion and Deformation in the Southwest Helena Salient, Montana, Stephen Christopher Whisner
Applications of Integrated Data Viewer – IDV in an Introductory Meteorology Class for Non-Science Majors, Ricardo C. Nogueria
Appreciation Luncheon 1961, Western Michigan University
Approaches to and Synthesis of Chalcone Amides, Gregory S. Marczak
Approaches to Editing and Translating (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Approaches to Teaching Behn's Oroonoko, Laura Saetveit Miles
Approximate Algorithms for Regulatory Motif Discovery in DNA, Hasnaa Imad Al-Shaikhli
A Practical Guideline for Establishing Non-Return Valve Specification and Performance Criteria, Eric W. Dawkins
A Preliminary Historical Report on Embracing Online Education in Occupational Therapy, Janel Anne Belarmino and Angela Bahle-Lampe
A Preliminary Study of the Kaogong Ji (The Book of Artificers), Hanmo Zhang
A Previously Unknown Ordo Prophetarum in a Manuscript Fragment in Zagreb, Clyde Brockett Jr.
April 2018 news items, Office of Vice President for Research
April 2019 Newsletter, Haworth College of Business
April and May 2017 news items, Office of Vice President for Research
A Procedure for G-Matrix Calculation from a Momentum Space Potential, Zhaohui Gao Busche
A Program Proposal 1956, Western Michigan University
A Proposal for a Theater Museum: Staging the Fragments of Greek and Roman Drama, Timothy Richard Wutrich
A Qualitative Investigation of the Polymerization Process in the IHSS Humic Substances Extraction Procedure using Model Phenolic Compounds, Roger J. Germay
A Quality Improvement Initiative To Remodel Medication Refill Processes In A Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Clinic, Teresa Bailey PharmD, Laura Bauler, Mireya Diaz, Alyssa Woodwyk, Carolina Herrera, Jayne Barr MD, Nichole Vess, and Myrtha Gregoire-Bottex MD
A Quantitative Analysis of Morphological Changes in Specific Laminae of the Olfactory Bulb of Adult Zebrafish Following Peripheral Sensory Deafferentation, Travis L. Devlin
Arab American Interest Groups and Congressional Decisionmaking: A Case Study of the Arab American Institute, Robert L. Harbaugh
A Rather Different ‘Operating System’ for Courses, Learning and Assessments — a Formative, Objectives-Mastery, Modular System (FOMMS), David Schuster
Archaeology and Experiment: Moving beyond the Artifacts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Archaeology and Sigillography in Northern Europe, Michael Andersen
Archaeology of the Medieval Iberian Peninsula: Another Approach to Its History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Archbishop Wulfstan of York, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Architectural Rhetoric in Shakespeare and Spenser, Jennifer C. Vaught
ArchivesSpace to Primo Pipeline: Harvesting Finding Aids for Discovery, Marianne Swierenga and Emily Gross
Ardent Ambitious College Teachers and Emeriti 1953, Western Michigan University
Areas of Knowledge and Skills Essential to Occupational Therapists in Clinical Psychiatry --A Critical Study of 395 Performance Examples, Elizabeth A. Boles
A Reassessment of the Date and Provenance of the Cornish Ordinalia, Gloria J. Betcher
A Recipe for Success in the ‘English World’: An Investigation of the Ex-Amish in Mainstream Society, Jessica R. Sullivan
Are the Most Educated Indeed the Least Religious? A Study Across Countries, Faiths, and Generations, Yevgeniya Leontyeva Abbott
Are U.S. Congregations Patching the Social Safety Net? Trends from 1998 to 2012, Emily Warren, Melody Waring, and Dan Meyer
A Revelation of Purgatory, Barbara Zimbalist
Are We Globalized? Transformative Education and Internationalization within NASPAA Programs, Li Cheng
Argument Pedagogy for Everyday Life, Jeffrey P. Mehltretter Drury, Nicholas S. Paliewicz, and Sara A. Mehltretter Drury
Ariel Dorfman and Harold Pinter: Politics of the Periphery and Theater of the Metropolis, Stephen Gregory
Aristocratic Women’s Kinship Ties in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Flanders and Champagne, Sydne Reid Johnson
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy In A Young Athlete, Lucas Rich, Joshua Rarick, and Joseph Prahlow
Arrival of transhumance pastoralists at new camp site, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Arthuriana, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthurian Afterlives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthurian Animals, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthurian Names, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthurian Taboos (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Artist as Academic Leader, George H. Brown
"Art made tongue-tied by authority": Elizabethan and Jacobean Dramatic Censorship, by Janet Clare, Robert C. Evans
Art, Science, and the Natural World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
'Art' They Can't See, Lines, Anatomy of Decomposing, October on Danford Creek, Wing Bone, and Taxidermy, Kailyn J. Dekker
Ascending Higher: The Story of Aviation at Western, Tom Thinnes Sr., Steve Jones, Gil Sinclair, and Raymond Thompson
A Scoping Review of Challenges and the Adaptation Process in Academia: Implications for Occupational Therapy Educators, Maria Concepcion C. Cabatan, Lenin C. Grajo, and Erlyn A. Sana
A Scoping Review of Self-Awareness Instruments for Acquired Brain Injury, Danielle Mahoney, Sharon A. Gutman, and Glen Gillen
As Different as Night and Day: Palamon and Arcite Reconsidered, William Hamilton
A Selection from the Chieko Poems by Takamura Kōtarō, Leanne Ogasawara
Ashura celebration, Reinhold Loeffler
Ashura celebration before village mosque, Reinhold Loeffler
Ashura celebration, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Ashura celebration, Boir Ahmad village, Reinhold Loeffler
Asian American grandparents caring for grandchildren: Findings from the Census 2010-2012 American Community Survey, Fengyan Tang, Heejung Jang, and Elizabeth Mulvaney
A Single Session of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Health-Related Behavior Change: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Monica Barreto
A Small Flaw Translates into Many Miscalculations: A Narrative Criticism of the Intel Pentium Chip Crisis, Christine H. Hoek
A small village on a hillside in inner Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
A small village on a hillside in inner Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
A Sociometric Study of Popularity and Academic Achievement in a Ninth Grade Class, Elizabeth V. Banks
A Space of Her Own: Genderfluidity and Negotiation in The Life of Christina of Markyate, Meghan L. Nestel
A Spatial Temporal Analysis of Infant Mortality in the Midwest Industrial Belt: 1940 and 2000, Julie MacArthur
A Speculative Political Allegory in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Maurice Hunt
Aspiration And Ards After Repair Of A Ketorolac-Induced Ulcer, Thomas Duong, Michael Chavarria, Thomas George, and Joseph Prahlow
Assessing and Predicting Safe Power Mobility Use in Adults, Vannessa Valadez and Cally McShane
Assessing Child Care Need in Niles, Michigan, Lori L. McNeil
Assessing Creative Growth in the Frostic School of Art, William Charland
Assessing Infrastructure Elements using Automated Object Detection Technique in Smart City Applications, Majid Mastali
Assessing Land Deformation and Sea Encroachment in the Nile Delta: A Radar Interferometric and Modeling Approach, Esayas Gebrekidan Gebremichael
Assessing Physical Demands of Construction Workers Using Wearable Sensors, Salam Salman Chiad Alharishawi
Assessing Silicone Holdout for Release Papers, Rudolf Haraga
Assessing the Acceptance of the New Environmental Paradigm in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Jaclyn Rose Burke
Assessing the Assessors: Potential Barriers to Engaged Writing Assignments, Lisa Singleterry and Susan L. Caulfield
Assessing the Cost, Quality, and Effectiveness of Local Government Training Methodologies, Michael Dean Norman
Assessing the Pragmatic Skills of Adolescents With and Without Learning Disabilities on a Dramatization Task, Amy L. Juergens
Assessing The Prevalence Of Food Insecurity In A Walk-In HIV Testing/Services Center In Southwest Michigan, Kailin Kuo; Kevin Cates; Ola Jandali; Mariyam Sheidu; and Melissa Olken M.D., PhD
Assessing the Supports and Variables Needed for Graduation of Students Receiving Special Education Service: A Longitudinal Study, Jennifer DeWaard
Assessing Water Quality of the Davis Creek Watershed, Michigan using AnnAGNPS Model, Mustafa Rezaur Rahim
Assessment Matters @ WMU, Fall 2019, Karen M. Stokes Chapo and Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment of Land Use/Land Cover Change Impact on Water Quality in the Davis Creek Watershed, Southwestern Michigan, Porntip Limlahapun
Assessment of Methylphenidate Sensitization Using a Two-Lever Drug Discrimination Procedure, Ann Marie Heidema
ASSESSMENT OF ORAL ANTIBIOTIC PRESCRIBING PRACTICES IN WMED OUTPATIENT CLINICS, Alyssa Woodwyk, Heather Rauch, Mark Schauer, Shun Yi Wan, Glenn V. Dregansky DO, and Michael Klepser PharmD
Assessment of Sediment and Nutrient Loadings in the Davis Creek Watershed, Southwestern Michigan using the SWAT Model, Peter Kibowen Kimosop
Assessment of the Discriminative Properties of a Selective D3 Antagonist, Mary-Jo E. Miller
Assessment of the Stimulus Properties of MDA and MDMA Stereoisomers in a LSD-Saline-Amphetamine Discrimination, Michele Marie Taylor
A State Architecture Notation Specification of the Electronic Industries Association RS-232-C Generic Interchange Circuit, Nelson E. Hastings
A Statistical Analysis of the Ceramics from the Dieffenderfer Site (20SJ179), St. Joseph County, Michigan, Mark A. Steeby
A Statistical Analysis of the Distribution of Roads Salt in Blueberry Farm Soils of Van Buren County, Michigan, Melissa M. Kovach
A Stitch In Time Saves Nine: Untreated Perinatal Depression Hurts Future Generations, Ruqiya Shama Tareen M.D. and Rajiv Tandon
A Strategy for Distributed Relational Database Design, Ismail Omar Hababeh
Astrogliosis in the Adult Zebrafish Olfactory Bulb during Repetitive Peripheral Damage, Jackson Scheib
A Structural and Stratigraphic Study of the A-2 Carbonate in Southwest Michigan and Reservoir Characterization of an A-2 Carbonate Gas Storage Field, Clayton Joupperi
A Structural Investigation of a Basement-Involved Thrust System in Southern Sphinx Mountain Quadrangle (Madison Range) Southwestern Montana, Jeffrey Scott Brown
A Study in the Morality of the African American Reparation, Jason L. Moulenbelt
A Study of Aging in an Old Order Amish Mennonite Community, Louise Chahbazi
A Study of Aquifer Sensitivity and Vulnerability in Kalamazoo County, Michigan Based on Hydrogeologic and Agricultural Factors, Steven Douglas Chidester
A Study of Body Scent as a Social Identifier Among Members of the Arabic Culture, Mia M. Wilson
A Study of Certain Effects of Local and Topical Anesthetics on the Speech of Stutterers, Charles Michael Gross
A Study of Child Rearing Attitudes Among Negro Mothers Residing in a Low Status Neighborhood, Curtis J. Jones
A Study of Cholesterol and Lecithin Blood Levels in Rh Sensitized Women Treated with Rh Hapten, Franklyn Lewis
A Study of Figural After-Effects in the Inverted-“T”-Illusion, Wayne H. Bartz
A Study of Kanban Based Production System in Cellular Manufacturing Environment, Sanjay Bhargava
A Study of Safety Education in Secondary-School Shops (Grades 7-12) in Southwestern Michigan, Wallace Frederick Fillingham
A Study of Selected Variables for Prediction of Success and Placement in General Chemistry at Western Michigan University, Stephen M. Yekeson
A Study of the Application of Science and Mathematics in Industrial Arts, Jack David Fox
A Study of the Base Catalyzed Decompositions of Azoacetates, David V. Herman
A Study of the Chemical and Physical Interactions Between a Wetland and a Shallow Aquifer in Cass County, Michigan, Lisa Marie Anderson
A Study of the Effectiveness of a Commercially Available Feedback Training Program in Increasing the Classroom Attending Skills of Students with Attention Deficit Disorder, Janice M. DiGiovanni
A Study of the Effect of Avoidance on Stuttering Frequency in an Adaptation Situation, Theodore Ray Dixon
A Study of the Effects of Delayed Side-Tone Upon Voiced and Whispered Reading Time, Bruce Presten Ryan
A Study of the Fluctuation of Some Blood Chemical Constituents In Relation to the Reproductive Cycle of the Mallard Duck, Edward H. Decker
A Study of the Government of Parchment, Michigan, Shirley Forbes Swenson
A Study of the Latvian Exile-Immigrant Group in Kalamazoo, Henry George Halla
A Study of the Preservation of the Classical Tradition in the Education, Language, and Literature of the Byzantine Empire, Germaine Manuel
A Study of the Work Functions of Nigerian Industrial Technicians, Olugbenro A. Ajayi
A Study of Time Management – By a Selected Group of Employed Homemakers, Patricia M. Skrocki
A Study of Verbal Output, Relating to Otsego Public School First Grade Students with Functional Articulatory Defects, John M. Bartholomy
A Summary of the Contributions of Four Key African American Female Figures of the Civil Rights Movement, Michelle Margaret Viera
A Surprising Case Of Adult Intussusception In A Patient With Prior Ileocolic Anastomosis, Laura Stearns, Joshua Hekmatjah, and Michael Chen
A Survey of Current Techniques for Selecting First-Line Supervisors in Industry, Linford A. Sutherland
A Survey of Management Opinions of Noise in the Pulp and Paper Industry, Carola Trittin
A Survey of Medieval Drama and Theater in Germany, Hansjürgen Linke
A Survey of Merit Rating in Industry, N. K. Nahavandi
A Survey to Determine the Attitudes and Opinions of Young People Toward a Career in Supermarket Management, William O. Haynes
A Synoptic Air Mass Climatology of the Eastern United States, Robert I. Wittick
A Systematic Comparison of Functional Assessment Outcomes in Organizational Behavior Management, Nathan T. Bechtel
A Tale of Two Cities: The Legacy of Medieval Kingship in Palermo and Naples, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Technique for Teaching Science in the Junior High School, Thomas S. Harro
Athletic Amenorrhea: Prevalence and Awareness among Female Athletes at Western Michigan University, Michele R. Chupurdia
A Three-Choice Drug Discrimination Procedure Differentiates the Stimulus Effects of d-Amphetamine and MDMA, Amy K. Goodwin
A Tool Supporting Validation of UML Models, Weng Liong Low
Attempts in the Synthesis of T-Alkylhydrazines, Richard A. Evans
Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) And Psychotropic Polypharmacy Trends In Children And Young Adults, Szymon Litkowiec, Heather Girand, and Minji Sohn
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescents and Risk for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, Margo A. Adams
Attenuated Astrogliosis In The Olfactory Bulb Of Adult Zebrafish After Repeated Peripheral Damage, Jackson Scheib and Christine A. Byrd-Jacobs
At The Crossroads of Race, Class and Culture: Identifying the Unintended Consequences of Technology on the Agency of Blues Musicians, Michael D. Berghoef
Attitudes of College Students Toward Affirmative Action Policies for Women and Minorities, John Porter Lee
Attitudes toward Euthanasia and Suicide for the Terminally Ill: An Updated Analysis, Thomas Melvin Stankewicz
A Two-Stage Bayesian Variable Selection Method with the Extension of Lasso for Geo-Referenced Count Data, Yuqian Shen
Augmented Reality in International Pilot Training to Meet Training Demands, Lori Brown
August 2016 news items, Office of Vice President for Research
Augustinian Approaches to Paul: Augustine and/or Other Medieval Authors, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
August Strindberg: A Modernist is Spite of Himself, Göran Stockenström
A Unique Case Of Osteomyelitis Caused By Gardnerella Vaginalis And Streptococcus Parasanguinis In A Post-Menopausal Woman, Jin-Ju Kim, Ricardo de Castro, Mark Schauer, and Laura Bauler
Auriculares/Headphones, Nicholas Talamantez
Autumn, Steven J. Maloney
Awareness and Usage of Community Mental Health Services by Chicanos: The Effect of Assimilation and Social Stratification, Fernando Munoz
A Window into Practice: Examining Elementary Writing Methods Instruction, Judy H. Paulick, Joy Myers, Alexa Quinn, Lori Couch, Judith Dunkerly-Bean, Holly H. Robbins, Haley Sigler, and Allison Ward-Parsons
A Working Model for Integrating Two Basic Christian Concepts into Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Lauren Brya
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Dustin John Byrd
Baby in a traditional cradle, Reinhold Loeffler
Backbiter and the Rhetoric of Detraction, Douglas W. Hayes
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.54, no.2, winter 2018
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.55, no.1, summer 2019
Back to Addams and Richmond: Was Social Work Really a Divided House in the Beginning?, John B. Thompson, Richard Spano, and Terry L. Koenig
Bandello's "Timbreo and Fenicia" and The Winter's Tale, Thomas E. Mussio
Band Structure for Acoustic Waves Propagating in a Periodic Elastic Media and Impurity Modes Arising from Slab Substitutions, Abdur Rahman
Banish Belly Bulge and Chisel Your BIs: A Semiotic Analysis of Gender Representations in Fitness Magazine Advertising, Lauren A. Teal
Banking Supervisory and Regulatory Policy in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Determinants and Impacts, Nanda Ayu Wijayanti
Barriers to Freedom: Exploring the Influence of Patriarchy on Risk Preference in Battered Women, Cathy Gordon
BARRIERS TO HPV VACCINATION AT KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN’S FEDERALLY-QUALIFIED HEALTH CENTER, Nathan VanderVeen, Arike Wieneke, Samantha Tran, Amie Kim, Kathryn Davis, Richard Brandt BS, Duncan Vos, and Debra Taubel MD
Barriers To Obtaining A Full Set Of Vital Signs In The Emergency Department, Kelly Halt, Samantha Mix, Thomas Olsen, David King, Fahad Khan, Clay Mishler, Paige Neaterour, Jon Parker, Brenton Kinker, Elise Klesick, Brendan Hayes, Erik Hume, Duncan Vos, Daniel Foley, Heather Rauch, Anita Bell, Rashmi Kothari, and Richard Lammers M.D.
Beasts and Conflict in the Brut, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Becoming Your Brand, Blake Kuzma
Bedrock Topography Mapping of the East Leroy and Climax 7.5’ Quadrangles, MI using HVSR and Other Geophysical Methods, Tyler A. Norris
Beginning of school day at girls' elementary school in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Behavioral Interactions in a Fixed Aggregation of Bobwhites, Jack Pierce
Behavioral Skills Training for Parents of Children with Autism: Teaching Implementation of the Natural Language Paradigm, Jill N. Gillett
Beliefs and Attitudes of Recent High School Graduates on the Subject of Beverage Alcohol, Francis E. Chape
Belief Systems and the Court, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Belonging in the Later Medieval English City, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Benefits and Risks of Botulinum Toxin-A Injections for Tone Management, Brittany Perlaki and Kate Soens
Benefits of Doodling, Olivia Bevacqua
Benefits of Group Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Victoria Vaughan and Kristyn Bickley
bepress Culture: The Past and the Present, Greg Borman
Bernard's De consideratione and Its Afterlife, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Best Approach to Treating Distal Radius Fractures, Ashley Godawski and Caceti Dobrowolski
Best Organic Chemistry Practices in the Midwest, Claire Van Der Bosch
Best Practice for Increasing Upper Extremity Sensory Function after a CVA, Holly Nagy and Christie Schmitt
Best Practices for Facilitating Difficult Dialogues in the Basic Communication Course, Kristina Ruiz-Mesa and Karla M. Hunter
Best Practices for Teaching Discussion as Part of High School Common Core State Standards, Mitchel Stengel, Leah Nolan, David Donnick, Wesley Skym, and Anna M. Wright
"Between Two Worlds": The Dybbuk and the Japanese Noh and Kabuki Ghost Plays, Zvika Serper
Beyond Borders and Boundaries in Early England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beyond Cadfael: Medieval Medicine in Popular Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beyond the Battlefield: Medieval Literature in Wartime, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beyond the Canso, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Big Data" in Medieval Studies I: Creating Corpora, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Big Data" in Medieval Studies II: Corpus Exploration, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bimenjegan in 1965, Reinhold Loeffler
Bimenjegan in 2006, Reinhold Loeffler
Biochemical Characterization of Disease-Causing Mutation in N-Terminal Wilson Protein Domain Six, Patrick Ochieng
Biophysical Analysis Of Mutagenic DNA Structures In The Human PKD1 Gene, Aaron Zebolsky, Emma Swayze, John Dewey, Gloria Alvarado, and Erik Larson PhD
"Bird in a Cage:" Exploring Transnational Immigrants' Identity Negotiations, Ewa Urban
Bischof and Byrd-Jacobs to Present in Quest for Honors College Deanship, College of Education and Human Development
Black River Watershed Management Plan, Erin M. Fuller
Black Women, Beauty, and Labor: Towards an Archaeology of African-American Women in Indianapolis, Indiana, Genesis M. Snyder
Blind Spots of Knowledge in Shakespeare and His World, Subha Mukherji
Blocked Localized Wavefunction Analysis of π and σ Bonds in the Metal Carbonyl, Kazuhito Nakashima
Bodies and Gender in Marie de France: New Theoretical Lenses (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Body and Ritual in Farquhar, Derek Hughes
Body, Mind, and Matter in Medieval Scandinavia I: Emotional and Social Communities, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Body, Mind, and Matter in Medieval Scandinavia II: Cognitive Ecologies in a More-than-Human World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Body Politics and Bodies Politic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Boir Ahmad landscape, Reinhold Loeffler
Boir Ahmad landscape, wheat fields, Reinhold Loeffler
Boir Ahmad landscape with Loeffler field vehicle, Reinhold Loeffler
Bolete Trio, Lauren Johnson
Bonaventure's Hexaëmeron, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bone Density Testing as an Early Detection Devise For Anorexia Nervosa and Osteoporosis in Pre-Adolescent and Adolescent Girls, Kelle L. Brooks
Book Review, Fikresus Amahazion
Book Review of King & Etty's England and Scotland, 1286-1603, Austin M. Setter
Borate Autocasting: Kinetics Model and Effect of Carbon Dioxide on Reaction Rate, Ali Zuhair Fadhel
Borates as Infrared Drying Agents and Bulking Agents in Paper Coatings, Balarama K. Morla
Borax as a Strength Additive in Recycling, Siva Krishnagopal Devisetti
Borax as Internal Stock Additive in Papermaking, Nejib S. Yousef
Borderland Identity, Sandra D. Espinoza Montes
"Boxes", Western Michigan University
Boydell & Brewer, 1969-2019: Fifty Years of Academic Publishing (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Boy helping with sheep at milking time in rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Boys' elementary school in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Boys selling wares in a village in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Boys serving as shepherds, Reinhold Loeffler
Boys waiting for candy to be tossed at a wedding, Reinhold Loeffler
Breaking Protocol: The Failure of the Bush Administration to Ratify the Kyoto Protocol as A State Crime, Jacquelynn A. Doyon
Breaking the Be Nice Rule: Direct Action Community Organizing, Adriana Rosas
Breaking Through the Noise: Literacy Teachers in the Face of Accountability, Evaluation, and Reform, Catherine M. Kelly, Sara E. Miller, Karen Kleppe Graham, Chelsey M. Bahlmann Bollinger, Sherry Sanden, and Michael McManus
Brecht on Shakespeare: A Revaluation, Doc Rossi
Bride in Western dress rinsing hands in henna, Reinhold Loeffler
Bride led into tent of her husband's family by older women, rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Bride waiting for transfer to husband's home, rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Bride with girlfriends in tent, rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Bridging the Gap Between Real and Artificial Worlds: The Next Generation Classroom, Lori Brown
Bridging the Gap: Classicists and Medievalists in Continuous Dialogue, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Brief Interventions With Patients With Cystic Fibrosis (CF) And Caregivers Who Score Symptomatically On The PHQ-9 And GAD-7, Sheryl Lozowski-Sullivan, Andrea Caskey, Niecia Anjorin, Teresa Bailey PharmD, Mireya Diaz, Laura Bauler, Sally Bonnema, and Myrtha Gregoire-Bottex MD
Bringing Liberalism and Communitarianism Closer, Paul Frazier
Brokering Glory for the Chinese Nation: Peking Opera's 1930 American Tour, Nancy Guy
Budget Effects on Defense Planning, Charles Ventura
Building an Understanding of the Effects of Power and Privilege on Human Development, Doris Ravotas PhD
Building a Predictive Model for Paleo Indian Archaeological Site Location Using Geographic Information Systems, Zachary Jaime
Building Deconstruction Guidelines: Tools for Recovering Building Materials, Ali Ayedh Merzen
Building for the Future: The Faculty Recognition Dinner 1991, Western Michigan University
Building on a Solid Foundation: A History of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Western Michigan University 1903-2003, Thomas Swartz
Buildings that Aren't Churches: The Wider Field of Medieval Architecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bureaucracy and Document Culture in the Fourteenth Century, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Business Magazine (2017), Haworth College of Business
Business Magazine (2018), Haworth College of Business
Business Magazine (2019), Haworth College of Business
Business Plan for Southwest Michigan Trolley, Cynthia Glass
Butter harvest from a day's milk at peak season, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Buttressing Effect in 3, 3' -Disubstituted-2, 2' -Three-Carbon-Atom Bridged Biphenyls, Yunn Hui Chiang
Byzantine and Medieval Syrian Theological Aesthetics I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Byzantine and Medieval Syrian Theological Aesthetics II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Byzantine Education, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Byzantine Responses to Minorities: The Case of the Physically Impaired, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cadmium Induced Gene Expression and Signal Transduction Pathway, Daisuke Maki
Calibration, Installation Techniques, and Initial Measurements for Vertical Resistivity Probes Used in Hydrogeologic Investigations, Jeffrey Mark Groncki
Call and Response (Between 2 Hearts), Aspen Jaxson
"Calling [herself] Eleanor": Gender Labor and Becoming a Woman in the Rykener Case, Kadin Henningsen
Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL) Annual Conference, Virginia David
Canon, Pedagogy, Prospectus: Redesigning "Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Drama", Richard Bevis
Can Status Be Revealed? Dichotomous Cultural and Physiological Markers of Social Differentiation in Two Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Sites in the Levant, Monika L. Trahe
Can the Lifeworld Save us From Neoliberal Governmentality? Social work, critical theory, and Habermas, Stephanie A. Bryson
"Can These Bones Come to Life?": Insights from Reconstruction, Reenactment, and Re-Creation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Capillary Electrophoretic Separations of Metal Ions, Elena Hofman
Carbon Nanotube Based Chemical and Biological Sensors, Srikanth Singamaneni
Carcinostatic Sulfonic Acid Esters of Selected 1,4-Diols, Robert A. Earl
Cardiovascular Responses to the Combination of Caffeine and the Repeated Acquisition and Performance Procedure, Cristin L. Sullivan
CARDS: A Collaborative Community Model for Faculty Development or an Institutional Case Study of Writing Program Administration, R. Nichole Rougeau-Vanderford PhD, Rebecca Day Babcock PhD, Aliethia Dean MA, and Victoria Hinesly BA
Career and Technical Education Faculty Members Secure Federal Grant, College of Education and Human Development
Caregiver Awareness Of Genetic Testing For Autism Spectrum Disorder, Aaron Zebolsky, Duncan Vos, and Neelkamal Soares
Caregivers’ Perceptions of Accessibility and Quality of Services in the Community for Children with Mental Health Diagnoses: A Pilot Survey, Karin E. Brems
Caribbean Caliban: Shifting the "I" of the Storm, James E. Robinson
Carpenter working with modern machines, Reinhold Loeffler
Carrying litter to cemetery, Boir Ahmad village, Reinhold Loeffler
“Car vallés sui et nient mescine”: Trans Heroism and Literary Masculinity in Le Roman de Silence, Caitlin G. Watt
Case Report: A Congenital Neuroblastoma Patient With Brain Metastases, Minh Nguyen, Carla Schwalm, and Nicholas George
Castles in the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia, 1257-1276, Marius Nielsen
Castrati, Balzac, and BartheS/Z, Yvonne Noble
Cathedral Chapter and Town Council: Cooperative Ceremony and Drama in Medieval Rouen, Thomas P. Campbell
Caustic Treatment of the Pulp: Caustic Recovery by Reverse Osmosis, Miroslav Suchy
Cave prison at ruins of Qale Safid, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Centlivre v. Hardwicke: Susannah Centlivre's Plays and the Marriage Act of 1753, Margo Collins
Central Sleep Apnea Thought To Be A Result Of Strangulation As A Presenting Symptom Of Musk Positive Myasthenia Gravis, Mehmiya Raghid, Megan Potilechio, Dalal Kassir, and Glenn V. Dregansky DO
CFMMS – Computerized Facilities Maintenance Management System, Prawit Rotsawatsuk
Challenges In The Diagnosis Of Gallbladder Volvulus, Vishal Somnay, Joseph Walbridge, Zakiur Rahaman, and Saad Shebrain M.D.
Challenging the Status Quo: Infusing Non-Western Ideas into Occupational Therapy Education and Practice, Wanda J. Mahoney and Anne F. Kiraly-Alvarez
Changes in Channel Morphology and Flood-Plain Ecosystems of the Green River between the Flaming Gorge Dam, Utah and the Gates of Lodore, Colorado, Gloria Christine Celeste Britton
Changes in Microbial Community Structure of Petroleum Contaminated Sediments are Reflected in Subsurface Geophysical Signatures, Jonathan P. Allen
Changing village home designs, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Changing village home designs, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Chant and Liturgy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chant and Liturgy in the Beneventan Zone, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Characterization And Biocompatibility Of A Novel Bioink Of Collagen And Hydroxyapatite, Adil Akkouch, Robert Swenson, Amber Bates, Emily Lanzel, Kathy Walters, Liu Hong, and Kim Brogden
Characterization and Expression of Pseudomonas Fluorescens L-Arabinose Dehydrogenase: Genetic Elements in Pseudomonas Putida, Carol M. Wierenga
Characterization of Organo-Tin and Organo-Mercury Compounds with Electrospray Mass Spectrometry, Kan Zhu
Characterization of p62, HAH1 and their Interaction with the Wilson Disease Protein, Paul Sifuna Oshule
Characterization of Swinepox Virus Secretory Polypeptides, Takeshi Shimamura
Characterization of the Speed bump Mutant in Zebrafish, Kendall Jablonski
Characterizing Urologic Dysfunction In Male Patients With Lumbar Disc Disease, Joshua Hekmatjah, Ernest Agatstein, and Mireya Diaz
Chaucer and Power I: Governance/Resistance, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucer and Power II: Gender/Post-Gender, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucer and Power III: Empathy/Revulsion, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucerians Read Conrad (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucer's Pardoner: The Medieval Culture of Cross-Dressing and Problems of Religious Authority, Larissa Tracy
Cheating Death: The Demedicalization of CPR, Michelle Nicole Erwin
Chemical and Isotopic Investigation of Groundwater in Eastern United Arab Emirates (UAE), Ahmed Ali Abdalla Murad
Child drinking water from goat skin bag, Reinhold Loeffler
Child held up to kiss the wall at Hussein Kuchik shrine, Shiraz, Reinhold Loeffler
Childhood Health and Nutrition: An Exploration of Enamel Hypoplasia Studies Using the Milwaukee County Institutional Grounds Cemetery, 1882-1925, Maura K. Polli
Children at play, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Children at wedding, Reinhold Loeffler
Children in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Children in rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Children in rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Children in rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Children in rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Children's Tool Making Capabilities: Implications for Hominid Intelligence Models and Skill Acquisition Theory, Jill S. McCleary
Children's vaccination program, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Child sleeping in outpost branch hut, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
China's Unethical Economic Development Practices, Kimberly A. Madsen
Christine Robinson and Dr. Richard Zinser Beginning New Positions, College of Education and Human Development
Chronostratigraphic Correlation of the Burnt Bluff Group across the Michigan Basin, USA, Mohammed A. Al-Musawi
Chylothorax In A Patient With A Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter And Multiple Pro-Thrombotic Risk Factors, Anna Trinh, Mehdi Farishta, Mark Schauer, and Laura Bauler
Cisgender Fragility, Zachariah Graydon Oaster
Cistercian and Monastic Studies 2018 Conference, The Center for Cistercian and Monastic Studies
Cisterician and Monastic Studies 2019 Conference, The Center for Cistercian and Monastic Studies
Citation for Eunice Kraft 1962, Western Michigan University
City of Lost and Found: Reflections of an Adult Third-Culture Kid, Jeddie Sophronius
Civil Society in Palestine: A Palestine Profile, Shadia Kanaan
Class and Gender in Southwestern Michigan: Interpreting Historical Landscapes, Deborah L. Rotman
Classical Deities in Medieval Northern European Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Classical Philosophy in the Lands of Islam and Its Influence (A Workshop) I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Classical Philosophy in the Lands of Islam and Its Influence (A Workshop) II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Classifying Forest Composition using Fractal Dimension as an Index of Image Texture, Fitria Latifah Wahid
CliftonStrengths for Students: Developing Engaged and Thriving Students through Strengths Awareness and Development, Adrienne Fraaza and Ewa Urban
Climate Change and Invisible Suffering: Transgenerational Impacts of Traumatic Maternal Experiences of Extreme Drought, Bilinda Straight, Charles E. Hilton, Georgiana Onicescu, Belinda Needham, Amy Naugle, Olungah C. Owuor, Yuqian Shen, Stephanie M. Haft, Saman Leseela, Daniel L. Leseela, Celina Jeska, and Caronline Sisina Kelempu
Climatic Change Considered as the Major Factor in the Abandonment of the Grand Canyon Region, Paulette Fern Rayel
Clinical Clues To Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Jay Patel MD and Kevin Kunzer
Closing remarks, Maira Bundza
Cloud Tectonics: A Footlight 2 Production, Cal Kreiner
Cobalt(III) Complexes With 1,2-Propanediaminediacetic Acid, Paul John Magnell
Code-Switching in Medieval English Drama, Hans-Jürgen Diller
Cold Wax Demystified Workshop with Miles Conrad, Cat Crotchett
Collaborative Care Best Practices Model (CCBPM) Development for Nursing and Occupational Therapy Assistant Interprofessional Simulation, Carrie M. O'Reilly, Lisa P. Simmons, and Mary L. Romanello
Collaborative Learning for High Voltage Engineering Education, Pablo Gomez and Edmund Tsang
Collaborative Pedagogy in Medieval Studies: A Scaffolded Workshop Series III: Structures: What Pedagogical Structures, Experiences, and Assignments Will Best Facilitate Student Learning?, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Collaborative Pedagogy in Medieval Studies: A Scaffolded Workshop Series II: Outcomes: What Do We Want Our Students to Gain from Our Teaching?, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Collaborative Pedagogy in Medieval Studies: A Scaffolded Workshop Series I: Objectives: What Do We Mean When We Talk about Rethinking Our Pedagogy?, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Collaborative Pedagogy in Medieval Studies: A Scaffolded Workshop Series IV: Content: What Materials Best Advance Our Students' Thinking and Learning about the Middle Ages in New Ways?, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Collaborative Referencing in Wernicke's Aphasia: A Case Study, Rachel Wilgenhof
Collective Memory and the Argentine Military Dictatorship: A Discourse Analysis, Caitlin Wiley
College Adjustment, Belongingness, Academic Self-Efficacy, Persistence, and Academic Success among First-Generation College Students, Heather R. Highhouse
College of Arts and Sciences: Winter 2019, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Fine Arts 2017-18 Year in Review, College of Fine Arts
College of Fine Arts 2017-18 Year in Review
Color-Blind Racial Ideology, Social Justice Attitudes, and Cultural Competency in U.S. Medical Students and Resident Physicians, Jennifer G. Hahm
Color Management of Desktop Input Devices: Quantitative Analysis of Profile Quality, Xiaoying Rong
Combining Strategies for Improved Outcomes of Social Interaction Skills in Children with Autism in Occupational Therapy, Kelly Allen and Kaitlyn Felt
Commercial bakery has replaced home bread baking in Boir Ahmad village, Reinhold Loeffler
Communal breakfast prior to spring cleaning of irrigation canals in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Communal breakfast prior to spring cleaning of irrigation canals in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Communication Barriers Faced by Female College Students (18-24) During Business Internships, Gail Foldenauer
Communication Concepts in Action: Best Practices in Case Study Pedagogy in the Organizational Communication Course, Andrea L. Meluch and Patricia E. Gettings
Communication Debugging Platform, Husam Beitello
Communication in Stormwater Utility Fees Across Michigan, Hailey Olson
Community-Based Recommendations for the Kalamazoo County Elder Abuse Prevention Task Force, Janet S. Hahn and Jeana Brown
Community Driver Education: A Study of the Driver Education Program of the Kalamazoo Area Safety Council, Milton J. Marovich
Community in Liberal Thought, Richard C. Brill
Community leader speaking with farmer, Reinhold Loeffler
Community leader speaking with farmer in a village in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Community leader speaking with farmer in a village in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Community leader speaking with farmers, Reinhold Loeffler
Community leader speaking with farmers, Reinhold Loeffler
Community Leaders’ Perceptions of Violence Against Women as a Public Health Issue, Deborah J. Bartz
Community-Working Occupational Therapists Serving as Fieldwork Supervisors: Characteristics and Associated Factors, Tore Bonsaksen, Anne-Stine Dolva, Sissel Horghagen, Unni Sveen, Cathrine Hagby, and Cathrine Arntzen
Comorbid Symptom Treatment in Parkinson’s Disease Using Neurofeedback, JoAnne McFarland O'Rourke
Comparative Analysis of Walking Patterns with Flip-Flops between American and Japanese Males, Ko Tada
Comparative drama Vol. 52 No. 1 & 2 2018
Comparative Evaluation of Small to Mid-Size U.S. Bus Transit Systems, 1997, Greg P. Vlietstra
Comparative Myology of the Pectoral Girdle of Microtus Pennsylvanicus and Pedomys Ochrogaster, Marie Hagerman
Comparative Phytogeography of the Ushkanii Island, Lake Baikal, Russia, and the Caribou Islands, Lake Superior, Canada, Robert J. Liebermann
Comparing Prompting Methods for Teaching Receptive Identification, Laurel Jungblut
Comparing Refractory Coatings on Shell Sand Utilizing Elevated Temperature and Collapsibility Testing, Suet Fong Cheah
Comparison Effects of Tape and the McDavid Ultra Brace in Limiting the Amount and Rate of Ankle Inversion, Leah M. Pataki
Comparison of Alcohol Offenses of College Students with Those of Persons in a Similar Age Group Who Have Not Had College Experience, Cornelis Laban
Comparison of Martin’s Empirical Correlation with Measurements on a Compact Plate Heat Exchanger, Abdulmohsen A. Alothman
Complete Issue, Volume 5, 2 (2019)
Complete Nucleotide Sequence of PstI-L fragment of Tanapox Virus Genomic DNA, Sarah J. Neering
Complicit: White Women and the Project of Empire, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Composers of Color in our Libraries: A Study of Composers of Color included in Rob Deemer's Composer Diversity Database and how they are represented in WorldCat, Michael J. Duffy IV
Composition, Craft, and Performance, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Compound Defects in High Temperature Superconductors, P. Niraula, E. Bokari, S. Iqbal, K. Waters, M. Smylie, U. Welp, W. K. Kwok, A. Kayani, and Lisa M. Paulius
Computational Simulation of Turbulent Forced Convection Flow over a Horizontal Plate Heater in a Rectangular Channel, Bhagavathi Perumal Natarajan
Computer Integrated Print Production and JDF, Deepak-Kumar Mohan-Kumar
Computer Model to Select Leed Certification for Building Projects, Ruba Mirghani Mohammed
Conceptions of Death and Dying in Early Medieval Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Concepts and Practices of Performance in Medieval European Culture I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Concepts and Practices of Performance in Medieval European Culture II (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Concurrent Operants Treatment of Escape-Maintained Problem Behavior using Random Reinforcement Schedules, Rebecca Kolb
Concurrent Osteochondroma And Synovial Chondromatosis Of The Hip In The Absence Of Multiple Hereditary Exostosis: A Case Report, Guston Zervoudakis, Tyler Snoap, and Jason Roberts
Concussion in Student Athletes: Prevention, Assessment, and Recovery, Miriam A. Carroll-Alfano
Conditional Discrimination and Generalization of Facial Cues as a Function of Training Multiple Exemplars with Autistic Preschoolers, Sebastien Bosch
Conflict and Balance Among ASEAN Countries: Geopolitics and Security Issues, Akihito Yonekura
Conflicting Perspectives and Policies: An Analysis of the Failure of the United Nations Capital Development Fund, Marjon Vashti Kamara
Confluence of Religious Cultures in Medieval Spanish Historiography: A Digital Humanities Project (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Conform- A Computerized Job-Built Concrete Construction Formwork Design, Kajpong Pongponrat
Confraternities and Carnival: The Context of Lorenzo de' Medici's Rappresentazione di SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Konrad Eisenbichler
Connections, 01/2019, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 02/2019, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 03/2019, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 04/2019, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 05/2019, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 06/2019, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 07/2019, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 09/2019, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 11/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 12/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Consanguinitas Et Ius Sanguinis: Kinship Calculation and Medieval Marriage, Sandra Masters
Conscious Consumerism: A design process for stylish sustainable apparel, Luz Becerra
Constant X of the Alcoholic Personality, Jean Carpenter
Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy vs. Bimanual Therapy for Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy, Rachael Harroun and Emily Wirtz
Constraints and Context: Testing the Effects of Anthropogenic Noise and Social Factors on Avian Signaling Behavior, Erin E. Grabarczyk
Constructing Sacred Space, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Constructing the Structurally Competent Classroom, Leah A. Jacobs and Hanna Mark
Construction and Validation of Six Mental Health Sub-Scales by Age, Sex, and Educational Status, Thomas James Boynton
Construction of a modern home in Sisakht, Reinhold Loeffler
Contemplative Pedagogy in the Classroom: Engaging Students’ Self-Awareness to Enhance Learning, Michele McGrady
Contemporary Artists of Color and Non-Western Artists in the Middle School Art Curriculum, Katherine L. Stiffler
Contemporary Contexts of Jonson's The Devil Is an Ass, Robert C. Evans
Contemporary Productions of Medieval Plays, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Continuity Skits I-V 1964, Western Michigan University
Continuity Skits VI-X 1964, Western Michigan University
Continuity Through Change: Faculty Recognition Dinner 1985, Western Michigan University
Continuous Improvement in Academic Affairs, Jen Wells
Continuous Improvement in Student Affairs, Jen Wells
Control and Data Acquisition for an Electron Spectrometer System, Stanislav Rumega
Control Law Synthesis for Lockheed Martin’s Innovative Control Effectors Aircraft Concept, Cameron James Segard
Convenire Vindicibus, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Conversations on Color Workshop: Lisa Pressman & Richard Frumes, Cat Crotchett
Coordination Environment: A New Approach to the Sensing of Lead (II) Itself, Kristina Marie Nespechal
Copper Exchange Studies between the First and Fourth N-Terminal Metal-Binding Domains of Wilson Disease ATPase, Jennifer Bunce
Coptic Stitch Binding (A Hands-On Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Coronary Artery Dissection Associated With Ascending Aortic Dissection, Joshua Rarick, Lucas Rich, and Joseph Prahlow
Corpus Christi "Cycles" in Yorkshire: The Surviving Records, Barbara D. Palmer
Correlation and Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate for different R-Ratios, Sudip Dinda
Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology 2018 News, College of Education and Human Development
Crafting Culture at Fort St. Joseph: An Archaeological Investigation of Labor Organization on the Colonial Frontier, Brock A. Giordano
Crea Taylor - Daughter of the Ground
Creating A Point Of Care Ultrasound Course For Medical Residents: A Model For Curriculum Development, Zachary Rich, Anita Shallal, Jayne Barr MD, and Thomas Melgar
Creating Efficiencies Through Process Improvement, Stephanie Radant
Creativity Or Collusion?: Representations of Women in Music Videos, Jan E. Urbina
Crime and Mental Health Problems in Norway - a Zero-Sum Game?, Dag Leonardsen
CRIME VICTIMIZATION OF INDIVIDUALS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS: RESPONSE BY THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, Nikki Nguyen, Kristi VanDerKolk MD, Alyssa Woodwyk, Bob Butkiewicz MA, Matt Patton MSW, Rebecca Sherwood MD, Jeff Getting JD, and Catherine Kothari PhD
Criminalizing Pregnancy: An Analysis of the War on Drugs and the Fetal Rights Movement, Sheryl R. Fett
Crisis Communication and Organizational Image: A Study of the Nasa Challenger and Exxon Valdez, Amy O'Connor
Crisis, Corruption, and Entropy: England, ca. 1250-1450, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cristalian de Espana, Ana Grinberg
Critical Approaches to Medieval Men and Masculinities, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Critical Bibliography and Premodern Materiality (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Critical Study of John Rawls’ Theory of Justice, Jae-Wan Chung
Critique of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019, Katherine Fournier
Crossbow Homicides: More Common Than Reported?, Lo Tamburro, Theodore Brown, and Laura Bauler
Cross Cultural Volunteering: A Best Practices Guide for Aspiras USA, Lindsey King
Cross Platforms Display Calibration and Profiling Mac OS and Windows, Reem El Asaleh
CRT Versus LCD Monitors for Soft Proofing: Quantitative and Visual Considerations, Veronika Chovancova
Crusades in Context I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crusades in Context II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crusades in Context III, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crybaby Lane: A Short Story Cycle, Charles Michael Fischer
C. S. Lewis and the Middle Ages II: Lewis and the Monsters/Monstrous, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
C. S. Lewis and the Middle Ages I: Lewis and the Medieval Consolation Tradition, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cultural Considerations in Clinical Reasoning: An Occupational Therapy Case Study, Sandra M. Winter
Cultural Encounters: The Peruvian Artifacts Collected by Cristobal Vaca De Castro, Genoveva Garcia-Gallardo Carcedo
Cultural Transactions: An Introduction to Medieval Seals from a Global Perspective, Brigitte M. Bedos-Rezak
Culture Without Borders: Intercultural Awareness Through Interviews and Images from International Asian Students, Zhi Xin Wee
Cumulative Average Pricing Method for Estimating Average Service Life, Mahendra Babu Hosangadi
Curation, Erika K. Hartley and Miro Dunham
Curatorial Discourses on Medieval Art, Past and Present, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Current Normative Data for Grip, Pinch, and Fine Motor Control for Pediatrics and Adults, Jackie Kaiser and Kyle Richards
Curriculum Mapping as a Path for Success, Susan L. Caulfield, David Paul, and Cynthia Visscher
Curtis Otto Bismarck Curtis-Smith, Hollis Claire Wittman
Cutting Jashir (Prangus ferulacea) for animal fodder in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Damnable Deconstructions: Vice Language in the Interlude, Alan Somerset
Dance Club Culture, Amy M. Iseler
Dances with Brecht: Huang Zuolin and His Xieyi Theater, Ronnie Bai
Dances with Mei Lanfang: Brecht and the Alienation Effect, Ronnie Bai
Dancing with the Stars: How the Night Sky Influenced Medieval Thought, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante Studies I: Civic Life in the Commedia and Other Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante Studies III: Scriptural and Liturgical Considerations in the Commedia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante Studies II: Love, Mysticism, and the Ineffability of Being in the Commedia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Data Analytics, Power BI and Emerging Technologies in the Accounting Classroom, Sunday M. Bonifas
Data Fusion Technique for Measuring Intersection Delay Using GPS-Enabled Probe Vehicles, Byung-Hee Han
Date Rape: Assessment of Facial EMG Arousal and Cue Recognition During Audiotaped Vignettes, Scott Walter Maieritsch
Daughter of fieldworker attempting to bake bread, Reinhold Loeffler
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Accessibility at Drive-Through Restaurants, Regina McLeod
Dean Li Attends Meijer Alumni Breakfast, College of Education and Human Development
Death From Pheochromocytoma Initially Suspected Of Being A Homicide, Apoorva Dharmadhkari and Joseph Prahlow
Death Related To Epiglottitis, Joseph Prahlow and Ernest Morton
Decade Zero: Works for Instruments & Electronics, Christopher Biggs
December 2018 Holiday Newsletter, College of Education and Human Development
Decision Support System for Bridge Maintenance, Imran Fazal
Decline in herding economy, Reinhold Loeffler
Deconvolution and Segmentation of Ground Penetrating Radar Images, Vincent Krause
Deep Imprints 20th-Century Media Stereotypes towards East Asian Immigrants and the Development of a Pan-Ethnic East-Asian-American Identity, Christopher Maiytt
Defamiliarizing Epic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Deference of Defiance? Principal-Agent Theory and the US Courts of Appeals during the Rehnquist and Burger Courts, Nathaniel R. Vanden Brook
Defining American Dreams: An Ideological Analysis of the Michigan Militia, Pamela LaBelle
Defining Peaceful Picketing: The Michigan Supreme Court and the Labor Injunction, 1900-1940, Coreen Derifield
Definition and Evaluation of the Mississippian Lithic Assemblage from the Wymer-West Knoll (20 BE 132), Berrien County, Michigan, Sean R. Brown
Degrees Awarded 1980, WMU Board of Trustees
Delaying Kindergarten Entrance by Participating in Pre-Kindergarten and Academic Achievement in Elementary School: Red-Shirting and Achievement Scores, Rachael Postle-Brown
Deliberation for Devolution in the Public Sphere: A Case Study from Pakistan, Beenish Kulsoom
Democracy, Hegemony, and Consent: A Critical Ideological Analysis of Mass Mediated Language, Michael Alan Glassco
Demonic Pedagogy and the Teaching Saint: Voice, Body, and Place in Cynewulf's Juliana, Christina M. Heckman
Denying and Minimizing the Allegations: The Martha Stewart Scandal, Rebecca A. Schmidt
Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Silurian Reefs, Michigan Basin, USA, Zaid N. Nadhim
Dermatoglyphic Analysis of Male Criminals, Jeremy Matyas
Descendant family of ho tribal chief, Reinhold Loeffler
Descendant family of tribal chief in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Description of the Final Phase of Augusto Roa Bastos’ Narrative, Marlene Camacho Ochoa
Design and Development of a Heterogeneous Parallel Computing System, Eruch R. Rustomji
Design and Development of a User Interface between MAPICS/DB and Factor 5.2, Raghu Pothuri
Design, Fabrication and Testing of 3D Printed Lab-On-Chip Devices for Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Applications, Piyush Prakash Pokharna
Design of an Advanced Formula SAE Chassis Utilizing Carbon Fiber Laminates, Susanne Crum
Design of a Portable Biogas Purification and Storage System, Anilkumar Kosna
Design of a Portable Biogas Purification and Storage System, Anikumar Kosna and Bade Shrestha
Design of a Thrust Stand for Electric Propulsion, Hannah Watts
Design of Multi-Electron Transfer Catalysts for the Reduction of Trichloroethylene, Christopher Gerard Eman Ciptadjaya
Detail of black tent exterior, Boir Ahmad, Iran, Reinhold Loeffler
Detail of ruins of a Sassanian (224-651 AD) bridge pylon in Boir Ahmad, Khersaan River, Reinhold Loeffler
Detecting and Mapping the Michigan Vegetation Tension Zone Using Ecological Indicators, Janice Marie Fulford
Determinants Of Faim Transcriptional Regulation, Mekala Neelakantan, Phillip Key, Tom Rothstein, and Hiroaki Kaku
Determinants of Worker Perceptions of Team Effectiveness, Scott D. Mist
Determination of Stiffness Matrix of Tapered Roller Bearings for Vibration Models, Jeeva Kumar
Determination of the Bulk Modulus of a Lennard-Jones Solid, Spencer A. Van Roekel
Determining Flow Type in a Carbonate Bedrock Aquifer, Presque Isle County, Michigan, Bonny Armstrong
Determining the Depositional Environment of Amherstburg Formation, Elizabeth Gaines
Developing a Digital Voice: Embedding Digital Communication Platforms, Networks, and Technologies in the 21st-Century Classroom, James M. Proszek
Developing Early Warning Systems for Debris Flows and Harmful Algal Blooms, Sita Karki
Development and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Directed Against Tanapox Virus, Michael Franz
Development and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Directed Against Yaba-Like Disease Virus, Scott Haller
Development and Characterization of Nano Nickel-Based Conductive Inks for Flexographic Printing of Electronics and New Interpretations of Surface Energies of Solids, Bilge Nazli Altay
Development and Validation of Hybrid Continuum/Structural Finite Element Model for Evaluating Foot and Ankle Biomechanics, Saif Alrafeek
Development in Drawings and Language of Young Children with Hearing Impairments, Daniel Carey Nordenbrock
Development of a Method for Determining Antioxidant Efficacy against Hydroxyl Radicals, Cherie Hacker
Development of a Mold Trial Procedure for Establishing a Robust Process, Marc R. Vander Kooi
Development of an Arc View™ Extension to Measure Local Fractal Dimension, Christopher Page Caird
Development of a Photoinitiator Blend for UV Cured Inks and Coatings, Madhu Bansal
Development of a Redesign Plan for Moore Hall using Architectural Principles of Green Building and Sustainable Design, Alkhaziam Saad
Development of a Simulation for the Prediction of PVDF Surface Velocity Sensor Response for Vibrating Beams and Rectangular Plates, Brian C. Zellers
Development of a Submaximal Test to Predict VO2MAX Using an Elliptical Trainer, Alicia C. Armour
Development of a Systematic Approach to the Implementation of a Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) for Small to Medium Sized Companies, G. Steven Trimmer
Development of a Two Channel Counter for Measurement of Faraday Rotations, Donald R. Flach
Development of a Web-Based GIS for Groundwater Exploration in Arid Lands, Nakul Manocha
Development of Heat Transfer Correlations for Low-Reynolds Numbers, Flows in Horizontal Circular Pipes, Latif Eyada Ibraheem
Development of Kohonen Neural Network Application as a Pattern Recognition System for an Electronic Nose, Lori Lynn Evesque
Development of Mechanical Properties Micromapping for Composite Polymer Systems, Zheng Huang
Development of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy for Studying Electron Transport in Lipid Monolayers and Gold Nanoparticle Films, Violeta Stoycheva
Devils and Vices in English Non-Cycle Plays: Sacrament and Social Body, John D. Cox
Devotee kissing the wall of the shrine at Shah Cheraq in Shiraz, Reinhold Loeffler
Devotional Vocabularies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dialect Density and Discourse Maturity of African American Elementary Students, Brandi Lynette Newkirk
Dialectics in Mother-Child Relationships Among First-generation Asian Indian Women in the United States, Chitra Akkoor
Dietary Exposure to Aroclor 1254 Impairs Radial Arm Maze Acquisition and Performance in Rats, Danielle M. Paris-Larson
Dietetic Interns Receive Student Sustainability Grant, College of Education and Human Development
Dietetics Student Receives Research and Creative Activities Scholarship, College of Education and Human Development
Dietetics Students Compete in Poster Contest, College of Education and Human Development
Dietetic Students Place First and Second in Poster Competition, College of Education and Human Development
Differences in Retention Rates between Cocaine and Alcohol Dependent Individuals in a Drug-Free Setting, Barbara A. Johnston
Differences in the Self-Talk of Students with Language Impairments when Completing Math Computation and Story Problems, Jennifer Shepard Crouse
Differential Distribution of D4 and D2 Dopamine Receptors in Rat Brain: An Autoradiographic Study Using [3H]YM-09151-2 and [3H]Raclopride, Nancy C. Stratman
Differential Outcomes in a Cocaine versus Saline Discrimination, Thomas B. Morgan
Differential Survival: Do Racial And Socioeconomic Disparities Persist Beyond "Poor Birth Outcomes"?, Angela Barreto, Samuel H. Lai, Jennifer Kim, Jennifer Balun, Duncan Vos, Terra Bautista, Deb Lenz, Lisa Graves, and Catherine L. Kothari PhD
DIFFERENT PATHWAYS TO INFANT HEALTH, BY RACE AND BY INCOME, Charlene Lin, Catherine Kothari PhD, Terra Bautista, Duncan Vos, and Lisa Graves
Digging grave, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Digital Castles: New Developments in Research and Teaching (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Maps and Mapping, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dimensionality and Internal Composition of the Twenty-Two Item Mental Health Inventory, John William Fox
Dimethyldioxirane in TCF Bleaching Sequences, Nayereh Mahdavi
Dimethyl Sulfoxide Oxidation of Primary Alcohols, Carmen Vargas Zenarosa
Dimethyl Sulfoxide Oxydation of Hydroxy-Steroids and Studies on the Oxidation of the 5’–Hydroxy Group of Nucleosides, Carmen V. Zenarosa
Dinner Music "Through The First 50 Years" 1954, Western Michigan University
Direct Memory Acquisition of Fast Analog Signals, Syed Javaid Iqbal
Disability and the Religious Body, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Disability before Disability in the Medieval Icelandic Sagas, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Disability Services for Students in Postsecondary Education: Opportunities for Occupational Therapy, Diane Powers Dirette
Discourse Features of Anchoritic Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Discovery from Failure: Understanding Developing Countries' Battles with Poverty and Culturally Appropriate Answers to Them, Daniel Tennant
Discovery: Research Annual Report 2017, Office of Vice President for Research
Discriminative Stimulus Effects of (+)-7-OH-DPAT in Rats: Importance of D3 Receptors, April J. Christian
Disease, Disaster, Disruption, and the Apocalyptic Imagination, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Distance in Malory's World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Distinguishing the Molecular and Cellular Cues for Neuronal Wiring in the Inner Ear, Meskerem Tolossa
Distribution of Fluoride in Groundwater in Selected Villages in Northern Red Sea and Anseba Regions of Eritrea, Filmon Tsegay Fisseha
"Diverse Galskaber" in Ibsen's The Wild Duck, Brian Johnston
Diversity in the 21st Century: Perceptions of Minority Professionals in Organizations, Nancy Greer-Williams
Doctor examining patient in a village clinic, Reinhold Loeffler
Documenting Aguaje Palm Swamp Area and Conditions in the Peruvian Amazon, Malinda Van Sledright
Does Pancreatic Enzyme Dose Correlate With Improvement Of Vitamin D Levels {25(OH)D}, In Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Patients?, Myrtha Gregoire-Bottex MD, Sally Bonnema, Jasmine Saeedian, Alyssa Woodwyk, Teresa Bailey PharmD, Heather Rauch, Polly Hollenbeck, and Laura Bauler
Doing More with Less: Methodological Creativity with Medieval Castilian Sources, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Don Juans in Retirement Land: The Last Drama Quintet 1956, Western Michigan University
Don’t “Just Call the Social Worker”: Training in Structural Competency to Enhance Collaboration between Healthcare Social Work and Medicine, Margaret Mary Downey, Joshua Neff, and Kate Dube
Door of home at a village outpost in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Do Safety Observers Perform More Safely as a Result of Conducting Observations?, Alicia M. Alvero
Do Social Workers Support NASW's Political Activism? Evidence From Texas, Richard Hoefer, Brandi Jean Felderhoff, and Larry Watson
Downstream Medication Dosing Errors Associated With Three Different Methods To Obtain Weights On Prehospital Pediatric Patients, John Hoyle MD, Glenn Ekblad, Tracy Hover, Rasha Kazi, William Fales, Alyssa Woodwyk, and Richard Brandt BS
Drama and Ritual Once Again: Notes toward a Revival of Tragic Theory, Michael Hinden
Drama and Sermon in Late Medieval England: Performance, Authority, Devotion, Charlotte Steenbrugge
Dreams and Visions in a Global Context, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles III: Kings, Knights, and Courtiers, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles II: Transformation and Ambiguity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles I: Saints, Sinners, and Fools, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
“Drop and Give Me Twenty!”: The Social Production of a Marine, Martha E. Frohlich
Drugs That Make Your Skin React - Case Of Steven-Johnson Syndrome Associated With Adalimumab Therapy, Jasreen Kaur, Vishal Deepak, Anandbir Bath, and Prashant Patel
Drug Use Among Female High School Senior Students in Michigan: An Application of Social Bond Theory, Halime Unal
Drying acorns prior to processing into flour, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Ductile Regime Nano-Machining of Silicon Carbide, Biswarup Bhattacharya
Durkheim’s Greatest Blunder, Stephen M. Marson and J. Porter Lillis
Dynamic Pulse Buckling of Columns with Viscous Damping, Murli Kadandale
Dynein’s Binding Ability to Microtubules in Budding Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Gregory Lyle Waltz
Dysphoric Pedagogies: Teaching about Transgender and Intersex in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early English Poetics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Education, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe I: Christianity and Society: The Construction of Ecclesiastical Authority in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe II: Correctio, Conquest, and Reform: The Reconfiguration of the Christian West in the Carolingian Period, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Modern Britain’s Relationship to Its Past: The Historiographical Fortunes of the Legends of Brute, Albina, and Scota, Philip M. Robinson-Self
Early spring at a herding outpost in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Earning the Right: Exploring the Communication Strategies of European Americans in Interracial Relationships, Angela L. Putman
East Meets West: Revisiting the Medieval Dichotomy of Place and Space in Asia and Europe (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Economic Development and the Absence of Democracy in China, Megan Whipp
Ecstasy and Peak-Experience: W. B. Yeats, Marghanita Laski, and Abraham Maslow, Natalie Crohn Schmitt
Editorial Note, Sisay Asefa
Editorial Review Board RH v.58 n.1
Editorial Review Board RH v.58 n.2
Editorial Review Board RH v.58 n.3
Editor's Introduction, Jonathan E. Bush, Tammie Pierce, and Erinn Bentley
Edmund, Eadred, and Eadwig: Forgotten or Passed Over Reigns in Tenth-Century England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Educating Fourth Grade Students in Michigan about Gray Wolves (Canis Lupus) Using a Teaching Trunk, Jessica Marie Wesel
Education and Meaning Making in Medieval Romance, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Effective Interventions for Sensory Modulation Disorder in Children that Experienced Complex Trauma, Mahalia Adams and Madison Herfert
Effectiveness of a brief online mindfulness intervention on first-year college students’ perceived stress., Danielle Stuut
Effectiveness of Art-Based Interventions for Reducing Stress among Caregivers of Cancer Patients, Emily Kocjan and Sarah Powell
Effectiveness of Fall Prevention in Individuals with Dementia, Jeana Smith and Madison Kowalewski
Effectiveness of Movement-Based Interventions to Improve Low Tone in School-Aged Children, Morgan Pugh and Katie Bell
Effectiveness of Multifaceted Fall Prevention Programs in Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Marissa Friday and Cali Mohney
Effectiveness of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) on Gait and Balance in Older Adults, Alyssa Bradenburg and Savannah Dugan
Effectiveness of Sensory-Based Intervention in a Classroom Setting, Daneel Dickson and Emily Resmer
Effectiveness of the ALERT Program for School-Aged Children, Collin Gatien and Jake Dowling
Effectiveness of Two Keyboarding Instructional Approaches on the Keyboarding Speed, Accuracy, and Technique of Elementary Students, Denise K. Donica, Peter Giroux, and Young Joo Kim
Effectiveness of Ultrasound (US) on Adults with Lateral Epicondylitis (LE), Jensen Aubry and Ashley Ott
Effectiveness of Wavelet Transform, Fractals, Lacunarity and Spatial Indices in Content-Based Image Retrieval, Sivagurunathan Chinniah
Effective OT Interventions for Pain Management in Persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Danielle Rudd and Andra Stormer
Effective Supervision in Community-Based Services from the Developmentally Disabled, Laura L. Methot
Effective Teaching Methods for Elementary Students with ADD/ADHD, Jane Bensen
Effect of Ability to Cross Midline on Performance of Handwriting, Lindsey Richmond and Michaela Marks
Effect of Antioxidants on Cadmium Induced Oxidative Stress and Signal Transduction, Deepti Goel
Effect of Caffeine Supplementation on Vertical Jump Performance, Heart Rate Variability, and Electromyography, Collin T. Garner
Effect of Calendaring on Flexographic Print Ability of Linerboard, William P. Woods
Effect of Calendering of Flexographically Printed Silver Flake Ink, Sujay Pandkar
Effect of Concentrated Carbohydrate-Electrolyte Gel on Moderate-Intensity Intermittent Exercise, Sarah M. Handlogten
Effect of High Temperature Drying of Paper on Heat Transfer Rates and Sheet Properties, Dania Awni Al-Said
Effect of Insulin and Vanadate on SRE-mediated c-fos Expression and JNK Activation, Francisco J. Berguido
Effect Of Long-Term Exercise On GDNF Expression And Innervation In Rat Skeletal Muscle, Alberto Cintron-Colon and John Spitsbergen
Effect of Modified Clay-Zeolite Pigment on the Viscoelastic, Optical, And Printing Properties of a LWC Gravure Coating, Lokendra Pal
Effect of Oil Price Shock on Monetary Policy in Nigeria: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis, Ama Agyeiwaa Abokwah
Effect of Partial Borate Autocausticizing on Causticizing Rate and Equilibrium, Murugavel Anbalagan
Effect of Polymerization Conversion on the Experimental Determination of Monomer Reactivity Ratios in Copolymerization, Sevim Zeynep Erhan
Effect of Precalendering on Surface and Printing Properties of Coated Sheets, Hariharan Venkata-Chinnaswamy
Effect of Size Level and Fiber Coarseness on Ink-Jet Printability of Size Press Coated Paper, Falguni Mehta
Effect of the Cycle-Run Transition on Running Economy in Triathletes, James J. Swanson
Effect of Various Starch Sources on the Silicone Holdout of Release Paper, Chandrasekaran Duraiswamy
Effect of Verbal Directions on Grip Strength Evaluated Using the Handheld Dynamometer, Laura Walsh and Marie-Christine Potvin
Effect of Wire Gauge, Web Speed, and Coating Solids on Leveling of Streaks in Rod Coating, Mukhtar A. Khan
Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption and Ventricular Function in Heart Failure Rats, Victoria Kras
Effects of Alkaline Internal Sizing on Rotogravure Print Quality Using Waterbased Inks, Michael L. Busche
Effects of Beta-Blockers on Maximal Oxygen Consumption, Steven P. Cramer
Effects of Cocaine on Fixed-Ratio Responding of Rats: Modulation by Required Response Force, Malath Makhay
Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen Fixation on a Legume-Based System: A Test with Soybean and the Soybean Looper, Pseudoplusia Includens, Angela M. Spickard
Effects of Emu Oil in Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness of the Quadriceps, Michaelyn Sebold
Effects of Insulin and Insulin Mimetics on Antioxidant Enzyme Levels: In Vivo and In Vitro, Shikha Varma
Effects of Insulin and Insulin-Mimetics on mRNA Levels of c-fos and c-jun in Primary Rat Hepatocytes in Culture, Guangmin Li
Effects of Maternal Views and Support on Childhood Development Through Joint Play, Amiya Waldman-Levi, Sherraine Grinion, and Laurette Olson
Effects of Methylphenidate on the Sensitivity to Reinforcement in Children Diagnosed with ADHD: An Application of Matching Law, Laura Kay Murray
Effects of Partnerships between Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities and Service Dogs, Terry K. Crowe, Jean C. Deitz, Melissa Y. Winkle, Rachel A. Nelson, and Jennifer Woolf
Effects of Polymers on Pressure Water Retention and Binder Migration of Aqueous Coatings, Arvind M. Singhal
Effects of Radiation upon Consumption of Alcohol as a Discriminated Fluid Stimulus in the Rat, Joseph A. Straka
Effects of Rote Exercise, Imagery, and a Material-Based Occupation on Postural Control in Children Ages 3-9, Robin Lengel
Effects of Stuttering Frequency, Speaking Rate and Treatment on Speech Naturalness in Adults Who Stutter, Emily Hausman
Effects of Subchronic Dietary Lead Exposure on DMTP and DNMTP Performance in Fisher 344 Rats, Joshua D. Vardigan
Effects of Temperature Control on Gravure Packaging Inks, Rodrigo Sosa
Effects of the PRBar and PowerBar on Fat Metabolism, Chad F. Witt
Effects of Writing Therapy across PTSD and Chronic Stress, Jennifer E. Lewis
Efficacy of Deep Learning in Support of Smart Services, Basheer Mohammed Basheer Qolomany
Efficacy of Early Mobilization in Acute Care, Brianna Byrd and Lauren Korte
Efficacy of Therapeutic Listening Intervention on Auditory Processing/Attention in Children Ages 3-11, Casey James Pawell
Efficiency of Distributed Priority Queues in Parallel Adaptive Integration, Rodger Zanny
Eid Nouruz is brought to the graveyard, reconciling Islamic and non-Islamic practices, Reinhold Loeffler
Electrical Conductivity Measurements of Lithium-Ammonia Solutions, Mariana Constantin Barbu
Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Induced Polarization Techniques with Paired Vertical Resistivity Probes, Adrian Ezeagu
Elisabeth and Eleanor of Vermandois: Succession and Governance in the Counties of vermandois, valois, and Amiens, Heather Tanner
Ella Sharp's Hillside Farm: Expressions of Class and Gender in Nineteenth Century Rural Michigan, Carol A. Nickolai
Elucidation of the Pathway Required for the Stimulation of G6PDH Gene Expression by Insulin and Its Mimetics, Asavari Wagle
A Boal Companion: Dialogues on Theatre and Cultural Politics, by Jan Cohen-Cruz and Mady Schutzman
A Catalogue of Paintings in the Folger Shakespeare Library: "As Imagination Bodies Forth.", by William L. Pressly, Sandra Billington
Actors in the Audience: Theatricality and Doublespeak from Nero to Hadrian, by Shadi Bartsch, M. K. Thornton
A Dictionary of Stage Directions in English Drama, 1580-1642, by Alan C. Dessen and Leslie Thomson, Michael D. Friedman
Adulterous Alliances: Home, State, and History in Early European Drama and Painting, by Richard Helgerson, Sara Eaton
African Drama and Performance, edited by John Conteh-Morgan and Tejumola Olaniyan
Agora and the Reception and Reputation of Hypatia of Alexandria (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A History of Italian Theatre, edited Joseph Farrell and Paolo Puppa
A History of Theatre in Africa, edited by Martin Banham
Alexis: The Fragments: A Commentary, by W. Geoffrey Arnott, David Konstan
Ambrosia in an Earthen Vessel: Three Centuries of Audience and Reader Response to the Works of Thomas Middleton, Ejner J. Jensen
American Drama: The Bastard Art, by Susan Harris Smith, James Coakley
An Axe Falling on a Blind Statue by Mohamed Fouad, Nina Youkhanna
Ancient Sun, Modern Light: Greek Drama on the Modern Stage, by Marianne McDonald, Brian Johnston
An Enemy of the People: Ibsen's Reluctant Comedy, Harold C. Knutson
A New History of Early English Drama, edited by John D. Cox and David Scott Kastan, Stephen K. Wright
Anglo-American Interplay in Recent Drama, by Ruby Cohn, James Coakley
An Introduction to Post-Colonial Theatre, by Brian Crow with Chris Banfield, Janet V. Haedicke
An Outward Show: Music for Shakespeare on the London Stage, 1660-1830, by Randy L. Neighbarger, Anne Russell
"Antike Roman": Power Symbology and the Roman Play in Early Modern England, 1585-1635, by Clifford Ronan, Margaret J. Arnold
Antonio Buero-Vallejo: Four Tragedies of Conscience, edited by Patricia W. O'Connor
Antonio Buero-Vallejo: Four Tragedies of Conscience, translated and edited by Patricia W. O'Connor
Approaches to Teaching: Early Modern Spanish Drama, edited by Laura R. Bass and Margaret R. Greer
Approaching the Millennium: Essays on Angels in America, edited by Deborah R. Geis and Steven F. Kruger, Craig Rowe
Appropriating Shakespeare, by Brian Vickers, Grace Tiffany
A Register of English Theatrical Documents 1660-1737, edited by Judith Milhous and Robert D. Hume, Derek Hughes
Armed Response: Plays from South Africa, edited by David Peimer
Around the Absurd: Essays on Modern and Postmodern Drama, edited by Enoch Brater and Ruby Cohn, James Coakley
Arthur Miller's America: Theater and Culture in a Time of Change, edited by Enoch Brater
As She Likes It: Shakespeare's Unruly Women, by Penny Gay, Lisa S. Starks
Audience and Authority in the Modernist Theater of Federico García Lorca, by C. Christopher Soufas, Carolyn J. Harris
August Wilson: Completing the Twentieth-Century Cycle, edited by Alan Nadel
Autumn by Jules Breton, Sharon Fish Mooney
Beckett at 100: Revolving It All, edited by Linda Ben-Zvi and Angela Moorjani
Embedded Fault Class Detection Methodology for Condition-Based Machine Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance, Nagdev Amruthnath
Embedded in the Mainstream: Ritual Magic Incorporated in "Legitimate" Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bianca de' Rossi as Play, Ballet, Opera: Contours of "Modern" Historical Tragedy in the 1970s, Marita Petzoldt McClymonds
Bibliothecarii ex Machina: Medievalist Librarians at the Nexus of Production of and Access to Medieval Studies Scholarship (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Emblematic Pictures for the Less Privileged in Shakespeare's England, Elizabeth Truax
Emblems of Folly in the First Othello: Renaissance Blackface, Moor's Coat, and "Muckender", Robert Hornback
Bristol: Records of Early English Drama, edited by Mark C. Pilkinton, John J. McGavin
British Drama, 1660-1779: A Critical History, by Frances M. Kavenik, Derek Hughes
Carnival: Culture in Action - The Trinidad Experience, edited by Milla Cozart Riggio
Catharsis of Comedy, by Dana F. Sutton, William M. Owens
Charismatic Authority in Early Modern English Tragedy, by Raphael Falco, Christy Desmet
Chekhov: Four Plays and Three Jokes, translated by Sharon Marie Carnicke
Chinese Theatre and the Actor in Performance, by Jo Riley, Nancy Guy
Christopher Marlowe in the Eighties: An Annotated Bibliography of Marlowe Criticism from 1978 through 1989, by Bruce E. Brandt, Robert C. Evans
Church and Stage in Victorian England, by Richard Foulkes, Robert Sawyer
Civic Ritual and Drama, edited by Alexandra F. Johnston and Wim Hüsken, John J. McGavin
Civil Idolatry: Desacralizing and Monarchy in Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton, by Richard F. Hardin, Sandra Billington
Collected Plays of Satish Alekar, by Satish Alekar
Contemporary Armenian Drama: An Anthology of Ancestral Voices, edited by Nishan Parlakian
Contemporary Gay American Poets and Playwrights: An A to Z Guide, edited by Emmanuel S. Nelson
Contemporary Theatres in Europe: A Critical Companion, edited by Joe Kelleher and Nicholas Ridout
Cultural Readings of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Theater, edited by J. Douglas Canfield and Deborah C. Payne, Luis R. Gámez
Czech Theatre Design in the Twentieth Century: Metaphor and Irony Revisited, edited by Joe Brandesky
Czech Theatre Design in the Twentieth Century: Metaphor and Irony Revisited, edited by Joe Brandesky
Dada and Surrealist Performance, by Annabelle Henkin Melzer, James M. Harding
Delectatio et Utilitas in Hrotsvit of Gandersheim's Resuscitatio Drusianae et Calimachi, Mary Maxine Browne
Demons of Disorder: Early Blackface Minstrels and Their World, by Dale Cockrell, John Saillant
Discontinuities: New Essays on Renaissance Literature and Criticism, edited by Viviana Comensoli and Paul Stevens, Nick Moschovakis
Dorset, edited by Rosalind Conklin Hays and C. E. McGee. Cornwall, edited by Sally L. Joyce and Evelyn S. Newlyn, Brian Murdoch
Drama and Ideology in Modern Israel, by Glenda Abramson, Shimon Levy
Drama and Resistance: Bodies, Goods, and Theatricality in Late Medieval England, by Claire Sponsler, Clifford Davidson
Drama and the Market in the Age of Shakespeare, by Douglas Bruster, R. A. Foakes
Dramatic Concepts, Greek and Indian: A Study of the Poetics and the Nātyaśāstra, by Bharat Gupt, David L. Gitomer
Early Modern Academic Drama, edited by Jonathan Walker and Paul D. Streufert
East of Eden: New Romanian Plays, edited by Andrei Marinescu
Edward Albee: A Casebook, edited by Bruce J. Mann
El Canto de la Sibila, I: León y Castilla, by Maricarmen Gómez Muntané, Clyde W. Brockett
Elizabeth 1: To Speak or Use Silence (A Performance), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Elizabethan Performance in North American Spaces, edited by Susan Kattwinkel
Elizabethan Theater: Essays in Honor of S. Schoenbaum, edited by R. B. Parker and S. P. Zitner, David Bevington
El teatro mexicano en cierne, by Guillermo Schmidhuber, Laurietz Seda
Enacting the Sacrament: Counter-Lollardy in the Towneley Cycle, by Lauren Lepow, Ann Eljenholm Nichols
Encyclopedia of Asian Theatre, edited by Samuel L. Leiter
Encyclopedia of Latin American Theater, edited by Eladio Cortés and Mirta Barrea-Marlys
English Drama 1660-1700 by Derek Hughes, Michael Cordner
English Dramatic Interludes 1300-1580: A Reference Guide, edited by Darryll Grantley
English Parish Drama, edited by Alexandra F. Johnston and Wim Hüsken, Margaret Rogerson
Enter the King: Theatre, Liturgy, and Ritual in the Medieval Civic Triumph, by Gordon Kipling, W. R. Streitberger
EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT UTILIZATION OF CAT SCANS IN EMBOLISM (EDUCATE), Kathryn Redinger MD, David Gibbons DO, Mauli Shah DO, Lovita Scrimshaw DO, Daniel Scrimshaw DO, Ramya Venigalla DO, Nour Sinno MD, Collin Sabatini DO, Will Schaeffer DO, Paul Cohen MD, and Aaron Rumberg MD
Erotic Beasts and Social Monsters: Shakespeare, Jonson, and Comic Androgyny, by Grace Tiffany, Kent Cartwright
Eugene O'Neill and the Emergence of American Drama, edited by Marc Maufort, Stephen Watt
Eugene O'Neill's Creative Struggle: The Decisive Decade, 1924-1933, by Doris Alexander, Michael Hinden
Euripides and the Poetics of Sorrow, by Charles Segal, Jerome Mazzaro
European Theatre 1960-1990: Cross-Cultural Perspectives edited by Ralph Yarrow, Felicia Hardison Londré
Farce and Farcical Elements, edited by Wim Hüsken and Konrad Schoell, with Leif Søndergaard
Fastelavnsspillet i Danmarks senmiddelalder-om "Denutro hustru" of fastelavnsspillets tradition, by Leif Søndergaard, Larry Syndergaard
Fat King, Lean Beggar: Representations of Poverty in the Age of Shakespeare, by William C. Carroll, Cynthia Marshall
Feminisms and the Honor Plays of Lope de Vega, by Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano, Margaret Rich Greer
Festivals and Plays in Late Medieval Britain, by Clifford Davidson
Florentine Drama for Convent and Festival: Seven Sacred Plays, by Antonia Pulci, Nerida Newbigin
Folie et Rhétorique dans la Sottie, by Olga Anna Dull, Peter Happé
Gender and Politics in Greek Tragedy, by Michael X. Zelenak, Mary Kay Gamel
Gendering Bodies/Performing Art: Dance and Literature in Early Twentieth-Century British Culture, by Amy Koritz, Stanton B. Garner Jr.
Gender in Play on the Shakespearean Stage: Boy Heroines and Female Pages, by Michael Shapiro, Ralph Berry
Gender, Theatre, and the Origins of Criticism: From Dryden to Manley, by Marcie Frank
Gli araldi della commedia: Teatro a Firenze nel Rinascimento, by Paola Ventrone, Konrad Eisenbichler
Grotowski's Empty Room, edited by Paul Allain
Hamlet and The Life of Galileo, Doc Rossi
Hamlet in Japan, edited by Yoshiko Uéno, Mikiko Ishii
Hamlet versus Lear: Cultural Politics and Shakespeare's Art, by R. A. Foakes, John D. Cox
Harriet Bosse: Strindberg's Muse and Interpreter, by Carla Waal, Göran Stockenström
Herefordshire, Worcestershire, edited by David N. Klausner, Clifford Davidson
Holy Terrors: Latin American Women Perform, edited by Diana Taylor and Roselyn Costantino
Hospitable Performances: Dramatic Genre and Cultural Practices in Early Modern England, by Daryl W. Palmer, Cecile Williamson Cary
"Household Business": Domestic Plays of Early Modern England, by Viviana Comensoli, Greg Walker
How Theatre Educates: Convergences and Couterpoints, edited by Kathleen Gallagher and David Booth
Ibsen's Drama: Right Action and Tragic Joy, by Theoharis C. Theoharis, Brian Johnston
Illustrations of the Stage and Acting in England to 1580, by Clifford Davidson, Christopher Wortham
Impersonations: The Performance of Gender in Shakespeare's England, by Stephen Orgel, James E. Robinson
In a Fine Frenzy: Poets Respond to Shakespeare, edited by David Starkey and Paul J. Willis
Inside Shakespeare: Essays on the Blackfriar's Stage, edited by Paul Menzer
International Bibliography of Theatre: 1985, edited by Berito Ortolani, Ian Lancashire
Interpreting Ladies: Women, Wit, and Morality in the Restoration Comedy of Manners, by Pat Gill, Claudia Newel Thomas
Inwardness and the Theater in the English Renaissance, by Katharine Eisaman Maus, Maria Teresa M. Prendergast
Irish Theater in America: Essays on Theatrical Diaspora, edited by John P. Harrington
Isben, Strindberg and the Intimate Theartre: Studies in TV Presentation, by Egil Tornqvist, Valerie Barnes Lipscomb
Italian Opera, by David R. Kimbell, Bernard Zelechow
Jewish Theatre: A Global View, edited by Edna Nahshon
Jewish Theatre: Tradition in Transition and Intercultural Vistas, edited by Ahuva Belkin
Jews and the Making of Modern German Theatre, edited by Jeanette R. Malkin and Freddie Rokem
Joan of Arc, A Saint for All Reasons: Studies in Myth and Politics, edited Dominique Goy-Blanquet
John Bale, by Peter Happé, Erick Kelemen
Jonson and the Contexts of his Time, by Robert C. Evans, Peter Happé
Journey's Beginning: The Gateway Theatre Building and Company, edited by Ian Brown
Julius Caesar, edited by Marvin Spevack
Kaigai Koen Kotohajime [The Beginnings of Overseas Performance], by Yoshihiro Kurata, Yoko Chiba
Kurt Weill on Stage: From Berlin to Broadway, by Foster Hirsch
La comedia española y el teatro europeo del siglo XVII, edited by Henry W. Sullivan, Raúl A. Galoppe, and Mahlon L. Stoutz, Gary E. Bigelow
La corónica International Book Award in Honor of Dr. Philip Daileader for Saint Vincent Ferrer, His World and Life: Religion and Society in Late Medieval Europe (New York: Palgrave, 2016) (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Lancashire edited by David George, Richard Rastall
Landmark Yidish Plays: A Critical Anthology, edited by Joel Berkowitz and Jeremy Dauber
Latin American Shakespeares, edited by Bernice W. Kliman and Rick J. Santos
Le Jeu de Robin et Marion, by Adam de la Halle, Matthew Steel
L ' Escole au deable: Tavern Scenes in the Old French Moralité, Alan Hindley
Liking Mozart by Chen Chia-tai, Elaine Wong
Making Subject(s): Literature and the Emergence of National Identity, by Allen Carey-Webb, Gonzalo Martínez Camino
Mal_Functions for String Quartet and Live Electronics, Elliott Andrew Lupp
Marian Moments in Early Modern British Drama, edited by Regina Buccola and Lisa Hopkins
Marian Moments in Early Modern British Drama, edited by Regina Buccola and Lisa Hopkins
Marlowe, History, and Sexuality: New Critical Essays on Christopher Marlowe, edited by Paul Whitfield White, Karen Cunningham
Marlowe's Counterfeit Profession: Ovid, Spenser, Counter-Nationhood, by Patrick Cheney, Grace Tiffany
Marriage to Death: The Conflation of Wedding and Funeral Rituals in Greek Tragedy, by Rush Rehm, David Konstan
Martial VII.61 by Martial, George Held
"Master Harold" and the Bard: Education and Succession in Fugard and Shakespeare, David E. Hoegberg
Medicine and Shakespeare in the English Renaissance/em>, by F. David Hoeniger, Bridget Gellert Lyons
Menander and the Making of Comedy, by J. Michael Walton and Peter D. Arnott, Robert C. Ketterer
Missing Persons: Character and Characterization in Modern Drama, by William Gruber, James M. Harding
Mit manigir slachti wunnin: The Politics of Pleasure in the Holy Roman Empire, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mnema and Forgetting in Euripides' The Bacchae, Jerome Mazzaro
Mock Kings in Medieval Society and Renaissance Drama, by Sandra Billington, John D. Cox
Modern Arabic Drama: An Anthology, edited by Salma Khadra Jayyusi and Roger Allen, Nabil Matar
Modern British Drama, 1890-1990, by Christopher Innes, J. L. Styan
Modern Drama and the Rhetoric of Theater, by W. B. Worthen, James Coakley
Modern Drama: Defining the Field, edited by Ric Knowles, Joanne Tompkins, and W. B. Worthen
Modern Korean Drama: An Anthology, edited by Richard Nichols
More Scott Operas: Further Analyses of Operas Based on the Works of Sir Walter Scott, by Jerome Mitchell, Bernard Zelechow
Music in the English Courtly Masque, 1604-1640, by Peter Walls, Kathryn Lowerre
Music in the Theater: Essays on Verdi and Other Composers, by Pierluigi Petrobelli, Gary Schmidgall
Myth, Emblem and Music in Shakespeare's Cymbeline: An Iconographic Reconstruction by Peggy Muñoz Simonds, Michael Bath
New Sites for Shakespeare: Theatre, the Audience, and Asia, by John Russell Brown, Ralph Berry
Nude with Anything, James D'Agostino
Of Borders and Thresholds: Theatre History, Practice, and Theory, edited by Michael Kobialka, Frank Bradley
Old Comedy in the French Renaissance 1576-1620, by Donald Perret, Catherine E. Campbell
O'Neill's Shakespeare, by Normand Berlin, Michael Hinden
Oscar Wilde: A Long and Lovely Suicide, by Melissa Knox, James Coakley
Othello and Interpretive Traditions, by Edward Pechter, Robert C. Evans
Emotion and Meaning in Music, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Emotion and the Seduction of the Senses, Baroque to Neo-Baroque, Lisa Beaven and Angela Ndalianis
Emotion Detection through Facial Feature Analysis: Towards Digital Support for Children with Autism, Vaishnavi Raju
Emotions in Medieval Life and Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Our Moonlight Revels: A Midsummer Night's Dream in the Theatre, by Gary Jay Williams, Ralph Berry
Penda's Fen (1973) (A Screening), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy, edited by Simon Goldhill and Robin Osborne, Francis Dunn
Performing America: Cultural Nationalism in American Theater, edited by Jeffery D. Mason and J. Ellen Gainor, Thomas P. Adler
Performing Drama/Dramatizing Performance: Alternative Theater and the Dramatic Text, by Michael Vanden Heuvel, Stanton B. Garner Jr.
Performing Shakespeare in Japan, edited by Minami Ryuta, Ian Carruthers, and John Gillies
Pinter Et Cetera, edited by Craig N. Owens
Pirandello and Film, by Nina Davinci Nichols and Jana O'Keefe Bazzoni, Jerome Mazzaro
Pistoles/Paroles: Money and Language in Seventeenth-Century French Comedy, by Helen L. Harrison, Bradley Rubidge
Employment Opportunities for Marketing Graduates: A Mail Survey of the 500 Largest U.S. Industrial Corporations as Listed in the Fortune Directory 1962, Max L. Densmore
Popular Theatre: A Sourcebook, edited by Joel Schechter
Postmodern Theatric(k)s: Monologue in Contemporary American Drama, by Deborah R. Geis, Carla J. McDonough
Power into Pageantry: Spectacle Entertainments of Early Imperial Rome, by R. C. Beacham, Garrett Fagan
Praecepta Magistri: The Benedictine Rule in Anglo-Saxon England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Puppets of Nostalgia: The Life, Death, and Rebirth of the Japanese Awaji Ningyo Tradition, by Jane Marie Law, Kunikazu Iwane
Race, Ethnicity, and Power in the Renaissance, edited by Joyce Green MacDonald, R. W. Desai
Reading for the Stage: Calderón and His Contemporaries, by Isaac Benabu
Records of Early English Drama: Shropshire, by J. Alan B. Somerset, Darryll Grantley
Recovering Shakespeare's Theatrical Vocabulary, by Alan C. Dessen, Grace Tiffany
Recycling the Cycle: The City of Chester an Its Whitsun Plays, by David Mills, Lawrence M. Clopper
Refiguring the Hero: From Peasant to Noble in Lope de Vega and Calderón, by Dian Fox, Ronald E. Surtz
Regicide and Restoration: English Tragicomedy, 1660-1671, by Nancy Klein Maguire, Derek Hughes
Remembering: Oral History Performance, edited by Della Pollock
Restoration and Georgian England, 1660-1788, edited by David Thomas and Arnold Hare, Derek Hughes
Restoration Theatre and Crisis, by Susan J. Owen, Margo Collins
Rethinking Tragedy, edited by Rita Felski
Retreats from Realism in Recent English Drama, by Ruby Cohn, June Schlueter
Revenge Tragedy: Aeschylus to Armageddon, by John Kerrigan, Grace Tiffany
Rewriting Melodrama: The Hidden Paradigm in Modern Spanish Theater, by Wadda C. Ríos-Font, Elena Garcia-Martin
Roman Shakespeare: Warriors, Wounds, and Women, by Coppélia Kahn, Clifford Ronan
Roman Theater and Society, edited by William J. Slater, Sander M. Goldberg
Romeo and Juliet: Parallel Texts of Quarto 1 (1597) and Quarto 2 (1599), edited by Jay L. Halio
Samuel Beckett and Music, edited by Mary Bryden, Enoch Brater
Samuel Beckett's Artistic Theory and Practice: Criticism, Drama and Early Fiction, by James Acheson, Dawn Duncan
Samuel Beckett, W. B. Yeats, and Jack Yeats: Images and Works, by Gordon S. Armstrong, Mary Lydon
Seizures of the Will in Early Modern English Drama, by Frank Whigham, Heather Hirschfeld
Sermo in Cantilena: Structures as Symbol in Imago Sancti Nicolai, Michael L. Norton
Sex, Gender, and Desire in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe, by Sara Munson Deats, Sara Eaton
Shakespeare After Theory, by David Scott Kastan, Michael L. Hays
Shakespeare and Opera, by Gary Schmidgall, William E. Grim
Shakespeare and Politics, edited Catherine M. S. Alexander
Shakespeare and Scandinavia: A Collection of Nordic Studies, edited by Gunnar Sorelius
Shakespeare and the Authority of Performance, by W. B. Worthen, James Coakley
Shakespeare and the Eighteenth Century, edited by Peter Sabor and Paul Yachnin
Shakespeare and the Jews, by James Shapiro, Grace Tiffany
Shakespearean Power and Punishment: A Volume of Essays, edited by Gillian Murray Kendall, Cynthia Marshall
Shakespeare, Computers, and the Mystery of Authorship, edited by Hugh Craig and Arthur F. Kinney
Shakespeare East and West, edited by Minoru Fujita and Leonard Pronko, Ralph Berry
Shakespeare in American Painting: A Catalogue from the Late Eighteenth Century to the Present, by Richard Studing, Bernice W. Kliman
Shakespeare in Performance: A Collection of Essays, edited by Frank Occhiogrosso
Shakespeare in Production: As You Like It, edited by Cynthia Marshall
Shakespeare in the New Europe, edited by Michael Hattaway, Boika Sokolova, and Derek Roper, Hans-Jürgen Diller
Shakespeare, Jonson, and the Myth of Venice, by David McPherson, Robert C. Evans
Shakespeare, Memory and Performance, edited by Peter Holland
Shakespeare on the German Stage, I: 1586-1914, by Simon Williams, Christa Jansohn
Shakespeare's Christian Dimension: An Anthology of Commentary, edited by Roy Battenhouse, Margaret J. Arnold
Shakespeare's Comic Commonwealths, by Camille Wells Slights, Harriet C. Frazier
Shakespeare's Early History Plays: Politics at Play on the Elizabethan Stage, by Donald G. Watson, Barbara Hodgdon
Shakespeare's Family, by Kate Emery Pogue
Shakespeare's Midwives: Some Neglected Shakespeareans, by Arthur Sherbo, John M. Wasson
Shakespeare's Monarchies: Ruler and Subject in the Romances, by Constance Jordan, Christy Desmet
Shakespeare's Noise, by Kenneth Gross, Grace Tiffany
Shakespeare's Professional Career by Peter Thomson, John M. Wasson
Shakespeare's Second Historical Tetralogy: Some Christian Features, edited by Beatrice Batson
Shakespeare's Speaking Properties, by Frances Teague, James Fisher
Shakespeare Survey, edited Peter Holland
Shaw's People: Victoria to Churchill, by Stanley Weintraub, James Coakley
Song in Morality Plays and Interludes, by Peter Happé, Joanna Dutka
Sophocles' Tragic World: Divinity, Nature, Society, by Charles Segal, E. Christian Kopff
Spanish Studies in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, edited by José Manuel González
Staged Action: Six Plays from the American Worker's Theatre, edited by Lee Papa
Stage Directions in Hamlet: New Essays and New Directions, edited by Hardin L. Aasand
Staging Reform, Reforming the Stage: Protestantism and Popular Theater in Early Modern England, by Huston Diehl, R. Chris Hassel Jr.
Stanislavsky in Focus, by Sharon M. Carnicke, Jason Merrill
Strange Duets: Impresarios & Actresses in the American Theatre, 1865-914, by Kim Marra
Strindberg's Letters, edited by Michael Robinson, Göran Stockenström
Studies in Fifteenth-Century Stagecraft, by J. W. Robinson, Peter Happé
Symbolist Theater: The Formation of an Avant-Garde, by Frantisek Deak, Venne-Richard Londré
Teaching with the Records of Early English Drama, edited by Elza C. Tiner
Theater and World: The Problematics of Shakespeare's History, by Jonathan Hart, Larry S. Champion
Theater of Fire: Special Effects in Early English and Scottish Theater, by Philip Butterworth, Elizabeth M. S. Baldwin
Theatre and Drama in Francophone Africa: A Critical Introduction, by John Conteh-Morgan, Lifongo Vetinde
Theatre and Empowerment: Community Drama on the World Stage, edited by Richard Boon and Jane Plastow
Theatre and Feminist Aesthetics, edited by Karen Laughlin and Catherine Schuler, Regula Meyer Evitt
Theatre and Government under the Early Stuarts, edited by J. R. Mulryne and Margaret Shewring, Robert C. Evans
Theatre and State in France, 1760-1905, by F. W. J. Hemmings, Felicia Hardison Londré
Theatre in the Solovki Prison Camp, by Natalia Kuziakina, Sharon Marie Carnicke
Theatre in the Third Reich, the Prewar Years: Essays on Theatre in Nazi Germany, edited by Glen W. Gadberry, Uwe-K Ketelsen
Theatre of Chaos: Beyond Absurdism, into Orderly Disorder, by William W. Demastes, Jeffrey D. Hoeper
Theatre, Opera, and Audience in Revolutionary Paris: Analysis and Repertory, by Emmet Kennedy, Marie-Laurence Netter, James P. McGregor, and Mark V. Olsen, Theodore E. D. Braun
Theatres of India: A Concise Companion, edited by Ananda Lal
Theatre under the Nazis, edited by John London, Robert Hinkel
Theatricality, edited by Tracy C. Davis and Thomas Postlewait
The Biblical Drama of Medieval Europe, by Lynette R. Muir, Molly Lynde-Recchia
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film, edited by Russell Jackson, Frances Teague
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's Last Plays, edited by Catherine M. S. Alexander
The Darker World Within: Evil in the Tragedies of Shakespeare and His Successors, by Molly Smith, Christopher Wortham
The Drama in the Text: Beckett's Late Fiction, by Enoch Brater, Kristin Morrison
The Drama of Fallen France: Reading la Comédie sans Tickets, by Kenneth Krauss
The Dramatic Tradition of the Middle Ages, edited by Clifford Davidson
The End Crowns: All Closure and Contradiction in Shakespeare's History, by Barbara Hodgdon, Matthew H. Wikander
The English Stage: A History of Drama and Performance, by J. L. Styan, Greg Walker
The Function of Song in Contemporary British Drama, by Elizabeth Hale Winkler, Elise Bickford Jorgens
The Future of Ritual: Writings on Culture and Performance, by Richard Schechner, Timothy Light
The Golden Age Comedia: Text, Theory, and Performance, edited by Charles Ganelin and Howard Mancing, Ricardo Arias
The Heaven Singing: Music in Early English Religious Drama, by Richard Rastall, Andrew R. Walkling
The Imperial Dryden: The Poetics of Appropriation in Seventeenth-Century England, by David Bruce Kramer, Luis R. Gámez
The Jamaican Stage 1655-1900: Profile of a Colonial Theatre, by Errol Hill, Y. S. Bains
The Just and the Lively: The Literary Criticism of John Dryden, by Michael Werth Gelber, Jennifer Brady
The Love Letter Poetry Contest, Roselee Bundy
The Masque of Stuart Culture, by Jerzy Limon, Elise Bickford Jorgens
The Medieval Theater in Castile, by Charlotte Stern, Manuel J. Gómez-Lara
The Medieval Theater of Cruelty: Rhetoric, Memory, Violence, by Jody Enders, Leanne Groeneveld
The Merry Wives of Windsor: Classical and Italian Intertexts, Robert S. Miola
The Middle Cornish Interlude: Genre and Tradition, Evelyn S. Newlyn
The Middle English Mystery Play: A Study in Dramatic Speech and Form, by Hans-Jürgen Diller, Ann Eljenholm Nichols
The Most American Thing in America: Circuit Chautauqua as Performance, by Charlotte M. Canning
The N-Town Passion, produced and directed by Robert Cohen, Garrett P. J. Epp
The Orient of the Boulevards: Exoticism, Empire, and Nineteenth-Century French Theater, by Angela C. Pao, Lifongo Vetinde
The Origins of Drama in Scandinavia, by Terry Gunnell, Martin W. Walsh
The Oxford Companion to Indian Theatre, edited by Ananda Lal
The Performance Arts in Africa: A Reader, edited by Frances Harding
The Play of Paradox: Stage and Sermon in Renaissance England, by Bryan Crockett, Dympna Callaghan
The Play of Power: Mythological Court Dramas of Calderón de la Barca, by Margaret Rich Greer, Gary E. Bigelow
The Plays of John Heywood, edited by Richard Axton and Peter Happé, David Bevington
The Pleasure of the Play, by Bert O. States, James E. Robinson
The Politics and Poetics of Camp, edited by Moe Meyer, David G. Bass
The Politics of Alternative Theatre in Britain, 1968-1990: The Case of 7:84 (Scotland), by Maria DiCenzo, Greg Giesekam
The Politics of Reputation: The Critical Reception of Tennessee Williams' Later Plays, by Annette J. Saddik, Felicia Hardison Londré
The Purpose of Playing: Shakespeare and the Cultural Politics of the Elizabethan Theatre, by Louis Montrose, Ralph Berry
The Queen's Men and their Plays, by Scott McMillin and Sally-Beth MacLean, Sara Eaton
The Reel Shakespeare, edited by Lisa S. Starks and Courtney Lehmann
The Re-Imagined Text: Shakespeare, Adaptation, and Eighteenth Century Literary Theory, by Jean I. Mardsen, Claudia Thomas
The Rest Is Silence: Death as Annihilation in the English Renaissance, by Robert Watson, David Bevington
The Shakespearean International Yearbook, edited by Graham Bradshaw, Tom Bishop, and Mark Turner
The Shakespeare Trade: Performances and Appropriations, by Barbara Hodgdon, Sara Eaton
The Shoulders and the Burden by Abdellatif Laâbi, Allan Johnston and Guillemette C. Johnston
The Stage and Social Struggle in Early Modern England, by Jean E. Howard, Susan Snyder
The Stage Clown in Shakespeare's Theatre, by Bente A. Videbaek, Daniel-Raymond Nadon
The Stage Designs of Inigo Jones: The European Context, by John Peacock, Alan R. Young
The Tempest, Plautus, and the Rudens, Bruce Louden
The Tennessee Williams Encyclopedia, edited by Philip C. Kolin
The Text in Play: Representations of Rehearsal in Modern Drama, by Robert Baker-White, Kinereth Meyer
The Theater of Teaching and the Lessons of Theater, edited by Domnica Radulescu and Maria Stadter
The Theatre of Medieval Europe: New Research in Early Drama, edited by Eckehard Simon, Lynette R. Muir
The Tragedy of Origins: Pierre Corneille and Historical Perspective, by John D. Lyons, Bradley Rubidge
The Unmasking of Drama: Contested Representation in Shakespeare's Tragedies, by Jonathan Baldo, Cynthia Marshall
The Virgin Spring and The Seventh Seal: A Girardian Reading, William Mishler
The Winter's Tale and Guarinian Dramaturgy, Robert Henke
The Women of Provincetown, 1915-1922, by Cheryl Black
The World of Samuel Beckett 1906-1946, by Lois Gordon, J. C. C. Mays
Things Supernatural and Causeless: Shakespearean Romance, by Marco Mincoff, Grace Tiffany
Thomas Arden in Faversham: The Man Behind the Myth, by Patricia Hyde, M. L. Stapleton
Three Renaissance Usury Plays, edited by Lloyd Kermode
Three Tragic Actresses: Siddons, Rachel, Ristori, by Michael R. Booth, John Stokes, and Susan Bassnett, Anne Russell
Three Turk Plays from Early Modern England: Selimus, A Christian Turned Turk, and The Renegado, edited by Daniel J. Vitkus, John Saillant
Three Uses of the Knife: On the Nature and Purpose of Drama, by David Mamet, Richard W. Mitchell
Tom Stoppard and the Craft of Comedy, by Katherine E. Kelly, Kinereth Meyer
Tozai Engeki no Deai, by Sang-Kyong Lee, Yoko Chiba
Tragedy and Enlightenment: Athenian Political Thought and the Dilemmas of Modernity, by Christopher Rocco, Kathryn A. Morgan
Tragedy in Athens: Performance Space and Theatrical Meaning, by David Wiles, Joseph P. Wilson
Tragedy's End: Closure and Innovation in Euripidean Drama, by Francis M. Dunn, Laurel M. Bowman
Tragic Instance: The Sequence of Shakespeare's Tragedies, by Ralph Berry, Alexander Leggatt
Transference Vol. 7, Fall 2019
Transitional Exchange in Early Modern Theater, edited by Robert Henke and Eric Nicholson
Trevor Griffiths: Politics, Drama, History, by Stanton Garner, Jr., Jenny S. Spencer
Unconventional Conventions in Theatre Texts, edited by Günter Ahrends and Hans-Jürgen Diller, Heinz Kosok
Verbal Violence in Contemporary Drama from Handke to Shepard, by Jeanette R. Malkin, Servanne Woodward
Veritas filia Temporis: Apocalyptic Polemics in the Drama of the English Reformation, Dawn Massey
Visualizing Medieval Performance: Perspectives, Histories, Contexts, edited by Elina Gertsman
Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire, by Philip C. Kolin, Robert Bray
Winter Fruit: English Drama, 1642-1660, by Dale B. J. Randall, Richard Kroll
Woman's Theatrical Space, by Hanna Scolnicov, Regula Meyer Evitt
Women's Matters: Politics, Gender, and Nation in Shakespeare's Early History Plays, by Nina S. Levine, Christy Desmet
Yiddish Proletarian Theatre: The Art and Politics of the Artef, 1925-1940, by Edna Nahshon, Ahuva Belkin
Yiddish Theatre: New Approaches, edited by Joel Berkowitz
Enabling Robust Distributed Real-Time Hybrid Simulation Method and Expanding Its Applications in Floating Wind Turbine Systems, Mehmet Cinar
Encaustic Mixed Media & Collage Workshop Peninsula School of Art, Christina Chin
Encountering Medieval Iconography in the Twenty-First Century: Scholarship, Social Media, and Digital Methods (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ending Conflict: Raising the Costs of Defection in African Failed States, Brian Crisher
Engaging Persuasion: What Should Undergraduate Students Enrolled in a Persuasion Course Learn?, Stephen K. Hunt and Kevin Meyer
Engineering the Band Gap of New Materials for Optoelectronics, Steve M. Durbin, Robert Makin, Krystal York, N. Senabulya, J. Mathis, R. Clarke, N. Feldberg, P. Miska, L. Williams, C. Jones, E. Kioupakis, T. D. Veal, and R. Reeves
English-Russian and Russian-English Glossary of Marketing Terms, Dasha Culic Nisula
Enhanced Print Performance of Water-Based Rotogravure Inks through Rheological Balance, Rurou Mai
Enhancing Collaborative Practices with Preprofessional Occupational Therapists and Early Childhood Special Education Student Teachers: A Pilot Study, Kathleen M. Farrand, Megan Troxel Deeg, Oaklee Rogers, Allison M. Mullady, Stephanie S. Williams, and Bjorg T. LeSueur
Enhancing Diversity in FYE 2100 and Beyond, Everyone Counts Learning Community, Steve Palmer, and Robyn Bowers
Enhancing SAMPI Personnel Evaluation Procedures, Cody T. Williams
Ensuring Successful International Teaching Assisstants (ITAs), Dyanne Foskey
Entry Level Therapists’ Perceived Readiness to Prescribe Low-Technology Adaptive Equipment to Geriatric Populations, Russell Wood
Environmental Sociology: An Analysis of Trends, Gregory M. Fulkerson
Environment, Cultures, and Social Change on the Great Plains: A History of Crow Creek Tribal School, Robert W. Galler Jr.
Enzymatic Deinking of Flexographic Water-Based Inks, Somporn Chaiarrekij
Epic of the Commander Dhat al-Himma, Melanie Magidow
Epiphanal Encounters in Shakespearean Dramaturgy, Robert L. Reid
Episcopal and Papal Influences on Monasteries of Western Europe, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Episcopal Things and Ecclesiastical Spaces I: Clerics and Codices: Bishops, Secular Clergy, and Their Books, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Episcopal Things and Ecclesiastical Spaces III: Brevia on Bishops and the Secular Clergy in the Middle Ages (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Episcopal Things and Ecclesiastical Spaces II: Old Clerics, New Tricks: Bishops, Secular Clergy, and New Methodology, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Erasure on All Sides: A Public Health Analysis of Mental Health Disparities Experienced by Bisexual Individuals, Kaila K. Graham
Essays in the Application of Machine Learning in Development Economics, Dweepobotee Brahma
Establishing Delay-Based Criteria for Installing Traffic Signals at Two-Lane Roundabouts, Oluwaseun Ayomide Adegbaju
Establishing Similarities and Differences among the Self-Reported Academic Integrity of Australian Occupational Therapy Undergraduate and Graduate-Entry Master’s Students, Ted Brown, Helen Bourke-Taylor, Stephen Isbel, Louise Gustafsson, Carol McKinstry, Alexandra Logan, and Jamie Etherington
Estimating Sea Level Due to Crustal Stretching in the Margin of the Indian Ocean, Kisa Mwakanyamale
Estrogen Induced Eosinophil Migration into the August Rat Uterus is Associated with Intercellular Adhesion Molecule Expression, Daniel R. Orcutt
Ethics in Forensic Anthropology: The Evaluation of the Forensic Anthropologist as an Expert Witness, Brent D. Benzing
Ethiopian Manuscripts and Manuscript Studies in Honor of Getatchew Haile (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ethiopian Studies II: Saints, Struggles, and Sermons, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ethiopian Studies I: Magic, Medicine, and Religion, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ethnography for Archaeology: A Functional Interpretation of an Upper Great Lakes Prehistoric Fishing Artifact, Donald E. Weston
Euripides in South Africa: Medea and Demea, Albert Wertheim
Euripides' Medea: The Stranger in the House, S. Georgia Nugent
Eustasy Determination from Borehole Data, Onshore New Jersey: New Boreholes and New Porosity Estimates, William Alan Van Sickel
“Evaluating Knowledge and Perspectives of Behavior Analytic Language Strategies in the Clinical Practice of Speech-Language Pathology”, Mackenzie Sturman
Evaluating Recommendations Versus Utilization of Essential Components of a Functional Analysis Procedure, Alissa Conway
Evaluating Task-Interspersal Outcomes with Children Diagnosed with Autism: Systematic and Direct Replications, Ivy M. Chong
Evaluating Violence in Slasher Films: Similarity and Social Identification with the Final Girl, Felicia L. Sanders
Evaluation and Treatment of Musicians from a Holistic Perspective, Annie Ting and Janice Rocker
Evaluation Competencies, Instruction, and Academic Leadership, Daniela C. Schroeter
Evaluation of an Inservice Training Program for Psychiatric Attendants, Homer D. Green
Evaluation of an Outpatient Training Service for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Their Families, Britt Winter
Evaluation of Bail-Down Test Methods for Characterizing Free Product Recoverability from an Aquifer, Laura L. Krol
Evaluation of Clozapine Discriminative Stimulus Properties as a Function of Training Dose, Adam J. Prus
Evaluation of Data Collection Operations for Real-Time Influenza Surveillance during an Emergency, Yuwen Gu
Evaluation of Hydroxyprogesterone Acetate in the Prevention of Canine Estrus, Kenneth B. Haas
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete, Sajjad Ali Khan
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Self-Consolidating Concrete, Bhusan Basnet
Evaluation of Researchers and Their Research: Toward Making the Implicit Explicit, Chris L. S. Coryn
Evaluation of the Pediatric Test of Brain Injury, Heather K. Koole
Evaluation of the Picture Exchange Communication System, Anne Rena Cummings
Evaluation of the Systems Theory Based Interdisciplinary Patient Safety Practice Guideline on Restraint Reduction and Fall Prevention, Steven D. Eberth
Eva M. Richardville, OTR, ATP, CDRS, CAPS
Everyone Counts! Campus Project Online Learning Modules, Bryce Dickey
Everyone Counts Diversity Learning Community 2013-14 Race, Privilege, and Power, Allan G. Johnson
Everyone Counts Diversity Learning Community Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender Inclusion in Higher Education, Western Michigan University
Everyone Counts Open House and Reunion Luncheon, Jennifer Hsu, Mike Hodgkinson, and Tiffany White
Evidence-Based OT Practice for Patients with Cancer Related Fatigue, Kelsey Spitzley and Laura Tatu
Evidence for the Endoparasite Giardia Lamblia in Human Paleofeces from Salts Cave. Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, Lisa Karen Ruppert
Evolutionary Codesign, Karthikeyan Ethirajan
Examining Corrections Policy and Practice in Response to in Diana's Zachary's Law: A Regional Analysis, Janine A. Ralston
Examining Elementary Students' Purposeful and Ancillary Prior Knowledge Activation When Reading Grade Level Texts, Courtney Hattan and Daniel L. Dinsmore
Examining Restricted and Repetitive Behavior in Children with Autism: A Descriptive Study, Dawn Deann Detweiler
Examining the Effects of Cell Phone Use on Caregiver Supervision and Child Injury Risk, McKenna Corlis
Examining the Effects of Conducting Beavior-Based Safety Observations, Joseph R. Sasson
Examining the Effects of Individualized Computer Work Station Adjustments and Performance Management on Safe Behavior, Kathryn Culig
Examining the Nexus of Obesity, Mental Health and Rural County Level Food Access: Testing the Enduring Role of Persistent Poverty, Margaret Ralston, Kecia Johnson, Leslie Hossfeld, and Bettina Beech
Examining the Parasocial Relationships between Radio Announcers and Listeners: How Social Media and Self-Disclosure Impacts Credibility, Maureen E. Savage
Examining the Relationships of Coping Style and Athletic Identity with Adjustment to College among First-Year Division III Collegiate Athletes, Kate Hibbard-Gibbons
Exchanging Cultures: Anglo-French Relations in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Exegesis and Jewish-Christian Relations: In Memory of Michael A. Signer, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Experiencing Textiles in Medieval Culture and German Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Experiential Games in the Classroom (A Poster Session), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Experiential Learning in Collegiate Academia: The Silicon Valley Immersion, Kirsten Settle
Experimental Determination of Convection Boiling Curves for Water and Ethylene Glycol in a Rectangular Channel with Localized Heating, Andrew T. O'Neill
Experimental Investigation of Water Spray Cooling Characteristics of a Solid Heated Surface, Rainer F. Ponzel
Experimental Measurements and Mathematical Modeling of the Rigid Capillary Dewatering, Vrajesh N. Chokshi
Exploring a Connection between Learning and Student Perception of Place, Katelyn Roberts
Exploring Patterns and Drivers of Acoustic Diversity During the Dawn Chorus, Sharon Gill, Nate Fuller, Kathleen M. Baker, and Maarten J. Vonhof
Exploring Potential Water-Ice Occurrence on Asteroid 4 Vesta Using Orbital Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission, Elizabeth M. Palmer
Exploring the Dynamics of Scientific Research, Shilpa Lakhanpal
Exploring the Impact of Pretrained Bidirectional Language Models on Protein Secondary Structure Prediction, Dillon G. Daudert
Exploring the Influence of Supportive Communication Practices on Volunteer Satisfaction, Role Identity, Safety Perceptions, Loyalty, and Burnout, Virginia Ann Gregory
Exploring the Potential for a Student-Based Software Development Team, Jon Collier
Exploring the Social Dimensions of Grog-Temper Use at the Ink Bayou Site (3PU252): A Plum Bayou Culture Site in Central Arkansas, Eric Chadwick Drake
Exploring the transmission of different field sparrow (Spizella pusilla) song types, Eric Branch
Expressing New Rule: Seals from Early Islamic Egypt and Syria, 600–800 CE, Petra M. Sijpesteijn
Expression and Characterization of Hyperthermophilic Aqujfex Pyrophilus Flagellin Protein in Mesophilic Bacterial Systems, Srivani V. Mukkamala
Expression of Integrated and Methylated HIV-LTR in Human T-Cells and Monkey Kidney Cells by Frog Virus 3 Infection, Celene M. Spangler
Expression of α4β1 Integrin on Tissue Eosinophils in the August Rat, John C. Phipps
Extraction of Premafloxacin Radiolabeled with Carbon Fourteen from Loam Soil, Steven Gregory Staskiewicz
Eye of the Beholder, Stephanie Truitt
Facilitating the Creative Process Through Collaboration, Jennifer K. Fortuna MS, OTRL
Facilitating the Creative Process Through Collaboration, Jennifer K. Fortuna
Facing Addiction in College: The Effects on Alcohol, Drugs, and Academics, Alexis Frazier
Factors Affecting Individual Attitudes toward Democratization of South Korea, Gang-hoon Kim
Factors Affecting the Enrollment of Students in Homemaking Programs in Junior and Senior High Schools of Southwestern Michigan, Cecile L. Herscher
Factors Contributing to the Attrition of New Student Affairs Professionals, Nicole Millar Allbee
Factors Governing the Rate of Appearance of Fuels in Monitoring Wells, Bradley A. Green
Factors Influencing Prison Industry, Erik Dill
Factors of the Microclimate Affecting the Activity of Fox Squirrels in Southwestern Michigan, Frederick K. Courville
Factors Which Caused Changes in the Marketing Practices of the Sutherland Paper Company in the Period 1950-1960, Leslie C. Eaton
Faculty Achievements as Future Foundations: Faculty Recognition Dinner 1988, Western Michigan University
Faculty Dinner 1939, Western Michigan University
Faculty Dinner 1940, Western Michigan University
Faculty Publications 1976-77, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1955, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1956, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1957, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1958, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1959, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1960, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1962, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1963, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1967, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1971, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1972, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1973, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1974, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1975, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1977, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1978, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1979, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner 1982, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1988, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1989, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1990, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1991, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1992, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1993, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1994, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1995, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1996, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1997, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1998, Western Michigan University
Faculty Recognition Dinner Photo 1999, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2000, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2001, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2002, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2003, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2004, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2005, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2006, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2007, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2008, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2009, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2011, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2012, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2013, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2014, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2015, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2016, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2017, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2018, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner 2019, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2000, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2001, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2002, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2003, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2004, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2005, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2006, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2007, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2008, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2009, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2011, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2012, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2013, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2014, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2015, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2016, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2017, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2018, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner Photo 2019, Western Michigan University
Faculty Retirement Recognition Dinner - Program Booklet Index Beginning 1973, Western Michigan University
Faculty Round-Up, Western Michigan University
Faculty Voices on the Framework: Implications for Instruction and Dialogue, LuMarie Guth, Judith Arnold, Veronica Bielat, Maria A. Perez-Stable, and Patricia F. Vander Meer
Faculty Work/Expert Gallery/Selected Works, Shandon Quinn
Faim Expression From Stress In Mice Spleens, Phillip Key, Mekala Neelakantan, Tom Rothstein, and Hiroaki Kaku
Fall 2018 Dietetics News Round-Up, College of Education and Human Development
Fall 2018 Family Science News Round-Up, College of Education and Human Development
Fall 2018 Fashion Merchandising and Design News Round-Up, College of Education and Human Development
False Fidelity: Othello, Otello, and Their Critics, James Aldrich-Moodie
Falstaff's False Staff: "Jonsonian" Asexuality in The Merry Wives of Windsor, Grace Tiffany
Family and Kinship in Marie de France, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Family at afternoon rest at village outpost in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Family of the tribal chief of Sisakht, Reinhold Loeffler
Family of the tribal chief of Sisakht, Reinhold Loeffler
Family of the tribal chief of Sisakht, Reinhold Loeffler
Family of transhumance pastoralists, Reinhold Loeffler
Family Science Program Faculty Member Awarded New Writers Fellowship, College of Education and Human Development
Family Science Student Organization Members Named Winners in the 2015 Family Life Education Month Contest, College of Education and Human Development
Family Studies Graduates with National Honors, College of Education and Human Development
Family Studies Students Win Contest, College of Education and Human Development
Family with whom Loeffler family stayed during fieldwork in Sisakht, Reinhold Loeffler
Family with whom Loeffler/Friedl stayed at field location, Reinhold Loeffler
Fanfares & Celebration: Faculty Recognition Dinner 1983, Western Michigan University
Fansy and Foly: The Drama of Fools in Magnyfycence, Peter Happé
"Far, Fast, and Fashionable": American Women Swimmers and Their Swimwear in 1920s and 1930s Sport and Consumer Culture, Elizabeth A. Zanoni
Farmer discussing grain tax with community leader in a village in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Farmer harvesting wheat in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Farmer in his fruit garden, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Farmer irrigating his clover field, Boir Ahmad village, Reinhold Loeffler
Farmer plowing rice field in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Farmer speaking with community leader in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Farmers registering their land holdings with government, Reinhold Loeffler
Fashion Merchandising and Design Professor has Article Published in National Journal, College of Education and Human Development
Fashion Startup Focused on Sustainability Wins WMU's Business Pitch Competition, College of Education and Human Development
Fat Bias and Culture Shock: Psychosocial Adjustments in Post-Obesity Life, Scott Thomas MacPherson
Father Charles E. Coughlin and the Formation of the Union Party 1936, Michael H. Parsons
Father Chaucer and the Critics: The Problems of Chaucerian Biography in the Twenty-First Century (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fatigue Performance of RC Beams Strengthened with Near Surface Mounted CFRP Composites, Tamer Ghaith Mousa Eljufout
FCS Faculty Member Dr. Duncan Lane Has Article in Journal of Marriage and Family Review, College of Education and Human Development
Feasting on Eyre: Community, Consumption, and Communion in The Shoemaker's Holiday, Stephen Maynard
Feast of Nations Dinner, Judith Gipper
Feature Detection using Linear Structure Modeling and PCA, Kawshif Muhammed Riaz Ahmed
February 2017 news items, Office of Vice President for Research
February 2019 CEHD Newsletter, College of Education and Human Development
February 2019 Newsletter, Haworth College of Business
February and March 2018 news items, Office of Vice President for Research
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation For Recurrent Clostridiodes Difficile Infections, Micah Rimpel and Dean Van Loo
Federal – Local Relations: A Case Study of the City of Kalamazoo in 1962, Glen L. Bachelder
Feeling the Magic: Affect and Embodiment, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Felt Absences: The Stage Properties of Othello's Handkerchief, Andrew Sofer
Female Authority in Word and Image: A Session in Memory of Mary Gibbons Landor, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Femicide in the News: How Newspaper Articles Represent the Killing of Women & Girls in Detroit and Ciudad Juárez, Danielle Branch
Ferro Ingenio: An Archaeological and Ethnohistorical View of Labor and Empire in Colonial Porco and Potosi, Brendan J. M. Weaver
Field Studies of Hydrophobic Filter Pack Performance in Free Product Monitoring and Recovery, Nathan J. Brandner
Fifteenth-Century England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fifty Shades of Green: Hagiography and Demonology in the Pearl-Poet Corpus, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fifty Shades of Green: The Islamicate Art of Seduction, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Financial Literacy Research in China: The Progress and the Role of Social Work, Minchao Jin and Yiqing Yuan
Financial Literacy: The Argument for Required Coursework Regarding Personal Finance in Schools, Maclain Canfield
Find A Primary Care Physician (PCP)! : Case Of A Self-Treating Physician, Wasif Elahi Shamsi and Thomas Melgar
Finding the Women in the Et Cetera: Doing Women's History with Medieval Documents and Modern Archives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Finishing Touches: Perfecting Manuscripts and Printed Books, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Finite Element Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Knot Configuration Effect on the Mechanical Performance of Surgical Suture, Arz Y. Qwam Alden
Fireflies, Christina Iaderosa
Firewood collected for cooking and milk processing in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Fireworks, Turks, and Long-Necked Mules: Pyrotechnic Theater in Germany and Catalonia, Max Harris
First and Second Generations of Urban Black Mayors: Atlanta, Detroit, and St. Louis, Harold Eugene Core
First Fall, Justin Lee
Fit for an Umayyad Prince: An Eighth-Century Map or the Earliest Mimetic Painting of the Moon?, Karen C. Pinto
Fitness Landscape Analysis of Discrete Constrained Optimization Problems, Sai Prasanna Ravichandran
Five Poems from Born Into by Uwe Kolbe, Louise Stoehr
Fixers and Go-Betweens in the Medieval Mediterranean and Medieval Iberian Worlds I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fixers and Go-Betweens in the Medieval Mediterranean and Medieval Iberian Worlds II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Flateyjarbók: Texts and Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Flattery in Shakespeare's Othello: The Relevance of Plutarch and Sir Thomas Elyot, Robert C. Evans
Fletcher's Satire of Caratach in Bonduca, Ronald J. Boling
Floorplanning for Mixed Block and Cell Designs, Arun G. Shanbhag
Floral Metaphors in the Material and Spiritual Culture of Medieval Monasticism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Flotation Deinking of Ultraviolet Radiation Cured Inks, Narayanasamy Seenivasan
Flow Due to a Moving Pressure Distribution Over Free-Surface with Finite-Depth Bottom, Noriaki Okita
Flow Structures in an Enclosed Simplified Full Scale Under-hood Engine Compartment during Steady State Operation, Chin Hoong Leong
Fluctuations of Abundance of Planktonic Rotifers in a Polluted Portion of the Kalamazoo River, Rudolph Prins
Food Justice: Growing Children through Growing Gardens, Lauren Johnson
Food Marketing Conference, 2017, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2017, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2017 - Advertisers, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2017 - Advertisers, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2017- Brochure, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2017 - Covers, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2017 - Food and CPG Marketing Board, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2017 - Food and CPG Marketing Programs, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2017- Student Yearbook, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2018 - Covers, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2018 - Food and CPG Marketing Board, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2018 - Food and CPG Marketing Programs, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2018 - Student Yearbook, Haworth College of Business
Food Marketing Conference, 2019 - Brochure, Haworth College of Business
For Communal Health and the Common Good: Social Control and Political Authority in Late Medieval Towns, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Foreign Graduate Students’ Political Participation in Two Different Political Environments, Ragaa Ibrahim Selim
Foreign University Students’ Image of the United States of America, Austra P. Balks
Foreword, Georgiana Donavin and Eve Salisbury
Foreword, Molly Lynde-Recchia
"Forget Scotland": Plays by Scots on the London Stage, 1667-1715, Adrienne Scullion
Forging Memory: False Documents and Historical Consciousness in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Forgotten But Not Gone: Hyperthyroidism In A Patient With Prior Total Thyroidectomy, Seth Moffett, Laura Bauler, and Mark Schauer
Forgotten Lydgate (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Forgotten Texts from the Sixteenth Century I: Exploration of a Terra Incognita, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Forgotten Texts from the Sixteenth Century II: Charting New Pathways into the Narrative World of the Reformation Era, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
For Jeannie, Kai Harris
Formation of a Complete IMC Campaign for a National Client, Caitlyn Gordon
Formation of Complete IMC Campaign for a National Client, Tatum Culhane
Forming Character: Between Personhood and the Nonhuman (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project 2018 Annual Report, Michael S. Nassaney
Fort St. Joseph Under French Control: 1693-1760, Cornelius Eringaard
Fortune and Virtue in The Duchess of Malfi, Leslie Thomson
Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Spanish Lyric Theater in the Eighteenth Century, John Dowling
Fostering Democracy in Iraq, Tristam E. Niederer
Founder of tribal school system of Boir Ahmad visits a village school, Reinhold Loeffler
Founder of tribal school system of Boir Ahmad visits a village school, Reinhold Loeffler
Founder of tribal school system of Boir Ahmad visits a village school, Reinhold Loeffler
Founder of tribal school system of Boir Ahmad visits a village school, Reinhold Loeffler
Found Family, Julianna Drachman
Four Poems by Dieurat Clervoyant, Elizabeth Dodd
Four Poems by Yao Nai, Andrew Gudgel
Four Poems from House of Razor Blades by Linda Maria Baros, Kathryn Kimball
Four Prose Poems by Ramy Al-Asheq, Levi Thompson
Frame Structure in The Conversion of St. Paul, Victor I. Scherb
Franciscan Women in Writing: Creating, Practicing, and Interpreting Theologies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Francis Quarles and Jesuit Images: Some Observations, Clifford Davidson
French and Spanish Epic Poetry, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
French Influences on the Historical and Nationalist Thought of Nicolae Balcescu: An Inquiry into the Structure of Romanian Nationalism, Ion Matei Costinescu
French stereotypical accent and pronunciation learning: Recalling implicit knowledge, Viviane Ruellot
Friedl at fieldwork, Reinhold Loeffler
Friedl at fieldwork, Reinhold Loeffler
Friendship in Hamlet, Robert C. Evans
From Fat Falstaff to Francophile Fop: Russian Nationalism in Catherine the Great's Merry Wives, Lurana Donnels O'Malley
From Gay to Gei: The Onnagata and the Creation of Kabuki's Female Characters, Samuel L. Leiter
From Mainstream to Fringe Conspiracy: Examining White Supremacist Literature Before and After the Civil-Rights Movement, James Andres
From Manuscript to Article: The OJOT Publication Process, Diane Powers Dirette
From Sexual Prejudice to Patriarchy and Its Agents: The Radicalization of Mary Daly's Analysis of Sexism, Teresa Bellow-Stratton
From the Boots on the Ground: A Comparison of the Attitudes and Beliefs of Military Members and Mental Health Professionals Regarding the Moral Injury Construct, Karis L. Callaway
From the Empire State to the North Star State: Voter Engagement in the 2016 Election, Katharine M. Hill, Shannon R. Lane, Jenna Powers, and Tanya Rhodes Smith
From the Romans to the Normans on the English Renaissance Stage, Lisa Hopkins
From Timbuktu to Kalamazoo I: Africa and Medieval Iberia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
From Timbuktu to Kalamazoo II: Africa and the Medieval Mediterranean, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
From WAG to FLAG: FLC for Supporting Writing Across WMU, Lisa Singleterry and Susan L. Caulfield
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.54, no.2, winter 2018
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.55, no.1, summer 2019
Functional Analysis of Excessive Crying in Infancy: Two Empirical Case Studies, Jamie L. Hirsh
Functional Assessment and Treatment of Elopement Occasioned by Transitions, Denice Rios Mojica
Functional Assessment of Problem Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Review of 32 Cases, Jessa R. Love
Functional Communication Training and Discriminated Manding, Colleen Jones
Fundamental Investigation of Vesicle Bilayer Membrane Dynamics, Wilson Okumu
Fundamental Study of the Coating and Basesheet Influences on Gloss in Relationship to Coated Inkjet Papers, Raja Ramakrishnan
Funeral of a village's first martyr to the Islamic regime, Reinhold Loeffler
Funeral of a village's first martyr to the Islamic regime, Reinhold Loeffler
Fuzzy Based Forebody Vortex Flow Controller for the X-29A Aircraft, Jin Suzuki
Gaining Access to the Language of Science: A Research Partnership for Disciplined, Discursive Ways to Select and Assess Vocabulary Knowledge, H. Emily Hayden, Anupma Singh, and Michelle Eades Baird
Gambling on a Simulated Slot Machine under Conditions of Repeated Play, Andrew Ellis Brandt
Game Theory and Power Politics, Michael Decker
Game Theory and the Application to Mainland China-Taiwan Relations from 1949-1995, Po-tung Chang
Garbled Martyrdom in Christopher Marlowe's The Massacre at Paris, Kristen Elizabeth Poole
Gardening as a Meaningful Occupation in Initial Stroke Rehabilitation: An Occupational Therapist Perspective, Grete Patil, Mona Asbjørnslett, Kristin Aurlien, and Nina Levin
Gas fire burning at an oil well, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Gas Sparging and Humic Acid Sorption/Desorption, Masaki Sakakibara
Gate into shrine at Shabliz, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Gaylord Workshop on Reading Chaucer Aloud, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender and Engendering in the Works of the Pearl-Poet, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender around the Irish Sea, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender, Circulation, and Re-Invention in Medieval French Literature and Lyric, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender Consciousness, Patriarchy and the Indian Women’s Movement, Aparna Thomas
Gender Differences in ADHD, Jillian Vogley
Gender Differences in the Career Paths and Wages in the Japanese Labor Market, Machiko Kitagawa
Gender Equality and Agricultural Development: Women and Agricultural Extension Programs in Malawi, Amanda Bigelow
Gender, Social Networks, and Microenterprise: Differences in Network Effects on Business Performance, Seon Mi Kim
Generalization of Language to Everyday Conversations: An Aphasia Treatment Study, Anika Johns
Generalization of Mands for Information across Establishing Operations, Sarah A. Lechago
Generalized Line Graphs, Mohra Abdullah Z. Alqahtani
General Motors and Toyota: Comparison of American and Japanese Managerial Cultures, Seiko Yomogita
Generating ICC Output Profiles for Different Printing Devices: Application to a Shinohara Offset Press, Tektronix and HP Designjet, Srinivasa Raju Alluri
Generating ICC Output Profiles for Different Substrates: Application too a Shinohara Offset Press & Several Printers, Kailashnath Jaganathrao Pohnerkar
Generational Differences in Remote Work, Lauren Nowakowski
Generation and Analysis of FCG Data using a Single Specimen and Kmax - ∆K Testing Matrix, Sree Phani Chandar Reddy
Generation Of A Socioeconomic Status Classifier From Kalamazoo County Postpartum Survey Responses, Alyssa Woodwyk, Mireya Diaz, and Catherine Kothari PhD
Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics Associated with High Conductivities in a Shallow Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Aquifier, Franklyn D. Legall
Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Shallow Basinal Brines from the Makgadikgadi Pans Complex, Northeastern Botswana: Determination of the Sources of Salinity, Loago N. Molwalefhe
Geological and Environmental Sciences - 2019, Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Geological and Hydrogeological Characterization of the Schoolcraft Aquifer, Schoolcraft, Michigan, William K. Steinmann
Geological Controls on Reservoir Quality and Geologic Carbon Sequestration Potential in the Upper Cambrian Mount Simon Sandstone, Kyle Patterson
Geophysical Characterization of a Former Refinery Site, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Baraka Damas Kinabo
Geophysical Characterization of a JP-4 (LNAPL) Contaminated Site at the Wurtsmith, Air Force Base, Oscoda, Michigan, Kristina C. Sprietzer
Geophysical Investigation of Anomalous Conductivity Associated with a Hydrocarbon Contamination Site, Mike S. Nash
Georgiy Borisov, Clarinet 12/2, College of Fine Arts
German Courtly Narrative and Lyric: Rethinking Sources and Influences, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Getting The Gist: An Unusual Presentation Of A Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor, Tania Torres, Jairo Espinosa M.D., Jesse Chou, and Saad Shebrain M.D.
Getting to What Is: Poetry as a Genre of Access for Multilingual Learners, Audrey A. Friedman, Joelle M. Pedersen, and Chris K. Bacon
Girl and boy in a Boir Ahmad village, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl assisting her mother with milking in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl assisting her mother with milking in Boir Ahmad, Erika Friedl
Girl assisting her mother with straining milk, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl baking bread in a black tent of transhumance pastoralists, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl drinking tea in rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl helping with daily milking, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl helping with daily milking, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl helping with milking, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl helping with sheep at milking time in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl helping with sheep at milking time in rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl milking goats while minding young sibling, Reinhold Loeffler
Girl minding a younger sibling, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls at a wedding in rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls at a wedding in rural Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls bringing home greens cut for stabled livestock, village life in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls chatting on a path in a Boir Ahmad village, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls dancing at wedding, Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls' elemenatry school in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls gather for breakfast before heading into mountains to gather wild herbs in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls gathering wild herbs in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls gathering wild herbs in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls' high school Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls practicing baking bread with leaves and sticks, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls queued at girls' high school in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
Girls to Women, Boys to Men: Gender in Medieval Education and Socialization, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Girl washing pots in the river at a herding outpost in Boir Ahmad, Reinhold Loeffler
GIS Application for Nitrogen Dioxide Pillution Monitoring in Moscow, Russia, Maria V. Privalsky
Gladstone, the Irish Home Rule Question, and Its Effect on the Liberal Party, Kenneth John Van Dellen
Global Expertise Database, Laura Large
Globalizing the Middle Ages: Pedagogical Choices and Potential Solutions (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Globally Engaged April 1, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged April 15, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged April 22, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged April 8, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged August 2, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged August 27, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged August 6, 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged December 17, 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged December 2, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged December 3, 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged December 7, 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged December 9, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged February 11, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged February 18, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged February 25, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged February 4, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged Holiday Edition 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged January 14, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged January 21, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged January 28, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged January 8, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged July 1, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged June 1, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged March 11, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged March 18, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged March 25, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged March 4, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged May 1, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged November 11, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged November 12, 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged November 18, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged November 19, 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged November 25, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged November 26, 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged November 4, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged November 5, 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged October 1, 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged October 14, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged October 15, 2018, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged October 21, 2019, Haenicke Institute
Globally Engaged October 22, 2018, Haenicke Institute