Content Posted in 2018
1000 Paper Cranes, Pavitra Attanayake
100+ Ph.D.s, John M. Dunn
100th Anniversary of Naval Reserve, John M. Dunn
10.1 Enterprise Innovation in Developing Countries: Evidence from Ethiopia, Megersa Debela Daska
10-An Archaeological Survey of Calhoun and Jackson Counties, Michigan: 1980 Multiple Transect Survey in the Upper Kalamazoo River Valley, William M. Cremin and Rebecca E. Dinsmore
10. Session: Entrepreneurship, Employment, Women and Children Empowerment, Wei-Chiao Huang
110- Geophysical and Archaeological Survey of Lake Bluff Park, St. Joseph, Michigan, Michael Nassaney and William Sauck
11.1 Angst and Unrest in Africa: A Latent Variable Approach, Adesoji Adelaja
11.2 Food Insecurity and Terrorism, Adesoji Adelaja
11.3 Terrorism and Food Insecurity? Evidence from the Boko Haram Insurgency, Justin George and Adesoji Adelaja
1.1 Defining Health in the 21st Century, Alemu Fite
11. Session: Modeling Conflict and Violent Extremism in Africa, Amos O. Aduroja
11th Annual Year Book Western State Normal School 1914-15, Western Michigan University
12-An Archaeological Survey of the Thornapple River Basin in Hastings and Castleton Townships, Barry County, Michigan, William C. Cremin and Caven P. Clark
12th Annual Year Book Western State Normal School 1915-16, Western Michigan University
13th Annual Year Book Western State Normal School 1916-17, Western Michigan University
1418, Springtime in Paris: Violence, Memory, Meaning, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
14th Annual Year Book Western State Normal School 1917-18, Western Michigan University
15th Annual Year Book Western State Normal School 1918-19, Western Michigan University
16th Annual Year Book Western State Normal School 1919-20, Western Michigan University
16th Century Shakespeare and 21st Century Students, Sheridan Lynn Steelman
17th Annual Year Book Western State Normal School 1920-21, Western Michigan University
19th Annual Year Book Western State Normal School 1922-23, Western Michigan University
1-An Archaeological Survey of the East Main Street Project Area, Kalamazoo Township, T2S R11W, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, William M. Cremin
1. Session: Agriculture, Health and Education, Wei-Chiao Huang
1st Excellence in Diversity Awards Ceremony, John M. Dunn
1: What is Archaeology?, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
2010 Matriculation Ceremony, John M. Dunn
2011 United Way Kickoff, John M. Dunn
2012 Matriculation Ceremony, John M. Dunn
2012 Respecting Differences Diversity Event Opening Remarks, John M. Dunn
2013 Matriculation Ceremony President’s Video-Taped Remarks, John M. Dunn
2014 Matriculation Ceremony, John M. Dunn
2014 Orientation Welcome, John M. Dunn
2014 Tenure and Promotion Lunch, John M. Dunn
2015 Matriculation Ceremony, John M. Dunn
2016 Matriculation Ceremony, John M. Dunn
2016 Tenure and Promotion Lunch, John M. Dunn
2017 State of the College of Health and Human Services Power Point, Earlie Washington
2018 Western Michigan University Assessment in Action Conference, Office of Assessment and Undergraduate Studies
20/20, Joy Kiefer
20-Historical Archaeology in Battle Creek, Michigan: The 1996 Field Season at the Warren B. Shepard Site (20CA104), Nicole Kuemin, Christine McMillan, Michael S. Nassaney, Carol Nickolai, William Sauck, and Daniel Sayers
20th Anniversary of Phi Kappa Phi WMU Chapter, John M. Dunn
20th Annual Respecting Differences Event: Salsa, Soul and Spirit in a Multicultural Age, Edward Montgomery
20th Annual Year Book Western State Normal School 1923-1924, Western Michigan University
21-An Intensive Archaeological Survey of the James and Ellen G. White House Site (20CA118), Battle Creek, Michigan, Hidetsugu Kosaka, Michael S. Nassaney, Carol Nickolai, William Sauck, Daniel Sayers, and Brian C. Wilson
2.1 Understanding Healthcare Access in a Developing Country through Mapping: Two Case Studies in Rwanda, Steven Jones, Preston Jutte, Travis Atkison, and Olive Musoni
22-An Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey to Locate Remains of Fort St. Joseph (20BE23) in Niles, Michigan, William Cremin, Renee Lutes-Kurtzweil, Christine McMillan, and Michael S. Nassaney
2.2 Household Shocks and Child Labor: Evidence from a Panel Survey of Nigerian Households, Wei-Chiao Huang and Kofi Acheampong
25 Year Club, John M. Dunn
25 Year Club, John M. Dunn
25 Year Club, John M. Dunn
25 Year Club, John M. Dunn
25-Year Club, John M. Dunn
25-Year Club, John M. Dunn
25-Year Club, John M. Dunn
25-Year Club, John M. Dunn
25-Year Club, John M. Dunn
293, Kenneth D. Hannan
29th Food Marketing Conference, John M. Dunn
2-An Archaeological Survey of Allegan County, Michigan: 1977 Transect Survey in the Lower Kalamazoo River Valley, William M. Cremin, R. David Hoxie, and Donald E. Weston
2: Fort History, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
2nd Annual Imagine Gala WMU Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine, John M. Dunn
2. Session: Health, Education, and Child Labor, Wei-Chiao Huang
30th Food Marketing Conference Welcome, John M. Dunn
3.1 Peace and Sustainable Development in the Horn of Africa, Tigist Yeshiwas
3.2 Ethiopia’s Quest for a Sea Outlet: Developing a Strategy to use Ports of Eritrea and Somaliland, Brook Hailu Beshah
3: Change and Continuity at Fort St. Joseph, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
3. Session: Regional Human Security, Integration, and Politics, Sisay Asefa
4.2 An Inquiry about the Patterns and Structures of Grand Corruption: The Case of Ethiopia, Seid Y. Hassan
42nd Annual Stulberg International String Competition Welcome, John M. Dunn
48th Food Marketing Conference, John M. Dunn
49th Food Marketing Conference, John M. Dunn
4: Commercial Activities at Fort St. Joseph, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
4. Session: Governance, Corruption, and State Capture, Amos Aduroja
50th Anniversary Celebration of Behavior Analysis at WMU, John M. Dunn
5.1 Determinants of Youth (Un)Employment in Addis Ababa, Aynalem Megersa Gemechu
51st Food Marketing Conference, John M. Dunn
5.1 The Effect of Women’s Employment on Marital Instability: The Case of Rural Women in Central Oromia, Ethiopia, Aynalem Megersa Gemechu
52nd WMU Food Marketing Conference Welcome, John M. Dunn
5.2 Sources of Women Empowerment Information and the Role of Language Policy and Practice in the Process: The Case of the Sidama Zone, Ethiopia, Mekdes Tegegnework
53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies
53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
5: Project History, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
5. Session: Youth Employment and Child Livelihood, Alemu Fite
6.1 Financial Literacy and Wealth-Building Consciousness: A Key Driver and Strategic Imperative for Building Wealth and Economic Empowerment, Meskerem Tadesse
6.2 Factors Influencing Sustainable Employee and Business Development in Africa: The Case of Chinese Organizations, Lisa Qixun Siebers
6: Military Presence at Fort St. Joseph, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
6. Session: Manufacturing, Finance and Business Development, Susan Pozo
7.1 Benefits and Possibilities of Provincial Federation in Ethiopia: A Panel Discussion, Daniel Teferra, Assefa Mehretu, Daniel Kendie, and Sisay Asefa
7: Public Archaeology at Fort St. Joseph, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
7. Session: Federalism and Political Reform - Panel Discussion, Daniel Tefera
8.1 Peace, Transport, and Understanding: A Research Agenda in Support of Sustainable Development Goal 16, Steven Jones
8.2 Conflict, Food and Water Security in Ethiopia, Desalegn Dagnew
85-An Archaeological Survey of the Ayers Road Extension in Sections 35-36, Summit Township (T3S R1W), Jackson County, Michigan, William M. Cremin
8: Religious Life at Fort St. Joseph, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
8. Session: Human Security, Conflict, Food and Water Security, Sisay Asefa
9/11 Remembrance, Bronson Park, John M. Dunn
9.1 Evangelical Christians in Ethiopia: Examining the Terrains of Political Engagements, Tibebe Eshete
9.2 What Brought Us (Ethiopians) Where We Are Today?, Solomon Addis
9. Session: Religion, Politics, and Peace Building, Alemu Fite
A 3D Simulation of Leukocyte Adhesion in Blood Flow, Tai-Hsien Wu
"Abandoning Time:" Temporal Symmetry in Recent Physical Cosmology: Entropy, Nomically Consistent Reversibility and McTaggart's C-Series, Nathan R. Wright
A Behavioral Analysis of Ethical Systems, Glen R. Peterson
A Behavioral-Analysis, Systems Approach in a University-Based, Food Co-Operative, Harry M. Kent
A Behavioral Assessment of Preference for Erotic Visual Stimuli, Robert P. King
A Behavioral Parent Training Follow-Up Using Direct Observation and Audio-Taping in the Home Setting, Michelle Fedko Nelson
A Behavioral Research-Supervising System for Masters Level Research, Michael J. Dillon
A Behavioral System for Supervising Undergraduate Research, Gary D. Gant
A Behavior and Cost Analysis of Two Remediation Procedures, Theodore D. Apking
A Bibliographical Guide to the Study of the Troubadours and Old Occitan Literature, Robert A. Taylor
A Bibliographical Survey of the West Indian Novel, Ruta Mara Sani
A Bibliography of the Published Writings of Joel T. Rosenthal, Christine Fox
A Bibliometric Analysis of Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications by British Occupational Therapy Authors, Ted Brown, Yuh-Shan Ho, and Sharon A. Gutman
A Bioassay Study of Portage Creek Using Tetrahymena Pyriformis as an Indicator Organism, George T. Mimidis
A Biosystematic Study of Cacalia Atriplicifolia L. with Emphasis on Its Life History, Tso Pen Chang
A Body of Poems, Sarah Stiennon
A Brief History of Coffee, Marnie McCasland
Abstracts of EAF International Conference on Contemporary Development Issues in Ethiopia 2001, EAF International Conference on Contemporary Development Issues in Ethiopia, Sisay Asefa, and Adugna Lemi
AC-4 Meeting Community College Counselors, John M. Dunn
Academic Medievalists after Conservative Religion (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Camel's Pace: A Cautionary Global, Bonnie Cheng
A Case Study of Affirmative Action at Western Michigan University, Elizabeth Betina Lockett
A Case Study of Claims Between the U.S. Government and David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco, TX, Kimberly A. Salow
A Category of Banach Spaces, Kenneth Leroy Pothoven
Acceptance and identity as moderators of the relationship between negative disability-related stereotypes and academic and social outcomes., Michael Lotz M.S.Ed. and Eric D. Deemer Ph.D.
Acculturation and Ethnic Identity of the Chinese Population in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Tsi-Yin Lee
Acculturative Stressors, Resilience, Quality of Life and Psychological Well-Being Among African Immigrants in the United States, Maame-Safowaa Geary M.A., NCC and Laurie D. McCubbin PhD
Accusatory "You" and Assertive "I" Messages as Cues for Anger and Compassion in High and Low Anger Subjects, Lori Ann Diaz
ACE Leadership Conference, John M. Dunn
A Central Administration Internship in the Grand Rapids Public School System, Ronald F. Fite
A Central Administration Internship in the Hastings Area School System, Jane M. Skidmore
A Chemistry Instructor's Views of Teaching and Learning: Response to Pedagogic Reform in College Science Teaching, Uric Cameron Geer
Achievement Motivation and Leadership Opinion, John Maxwell Clark
A Cigarette After Java Bread, Vicky Kailas
A Cinematographical Analysis of Selected Factors Affecting the Efficient Performance of the Back Somersault in Floor Tumbling, John W. Newton
A Cinematographical Analysis of the Execution of Three Types of Pitches Using the Windmill Style Softball Delivery, Bonni L. Kinne
A Classification and Review of Group Contingency Procedures Used in Educational Settings, Lois M. De Mersseman
A Classroom Investigation of Delayed Timeout with Educable Retarded Children, Phillip Kent Duncan
A Classroom Investigation of Self-Recording of Teacher Verbal Approval, Dale Laurel Robertson
A Classroom Investigation of the Effect of Delayed Time-Out from Activities of Different Reinforcing Value, Alan Stuart Zamosky
A Clergyman's Career in Late Medieval Portugal: A Prosopographical Approach, Maria do Morujão and Anísio Miguel Saraiva
A Cohort Analysis of Juvenile Probationers from the Kalamazoo County Juvenile Court, 1971, Karl B. Kucab
A Cold November, Glenn Ward
A Collaborative Children's Literature Book Club for Teacher Candidates, Tara-Lynn Scheffel, Claire Cameron, Lindsay Dolmage, Madisen Johnston, Jemanica Lapensee, Kirsten Solymar, Emily Speedie, and Meagan Wills
A Collection of Three Pieces for Solo Instrument and Electronics, Carolyn Borcherding
A Column for the High Pressure Liquid Chromatography of Some Potentially Hazardous Metal Ions, Stephen R. Friebe
A Community of the Dead in Late Medieval London, Christian Steer
A Comparative Analysis of a Patient Trainer versus a Student Trainer as Therapeutic Agents in Occupational Therapy Setting, Elahe Karimi
A Comparative Analysis of Individually Guided Education in the Elementary Grades of the Benton Harbor Area Schools, Leslie C. Collins
A Comparative Analysis of Preintervention Diagnostic Tools in Organizational Behavior Management, Rachael E. Tilka
A Comparative Analysis of Professional Pilot Jobs, Ryan Snoeyink
A Comparative Analysis of the Language of Mentally Retarded and Non-Retarded Children, Hartmut Günther
A Comparative Analysis of the Training, Internships, and Job Opportunities for Clinical and Counseling Psychologists, Mary Theresa Zirpoli
A Comparative Analysis of Training Methods Used for the Development of Clerical Checking Skills, Tyrone Daniels
A Comparative Analysis of Two Methods of Teaching: The Cecchetti Method of Classical Ballet and the Royal Academy of Dance, Barbara Ann Ruemenapp
A Comparative Anatomical Study of the Pineal Gland in Mammals, Nishi Bala Sood
A Comparative MMPI Study of Alcoholism and Criminal Behavior, Rudolf H. Stahlberg
A Comparative Review of Visual Perception Assessment Tools for Adults with Brain Injury, Krista Wohlfert and Jennifer Bosworth
A Comparative Study of the Helminth Fauna of Salmo Gairdneri Rich. From Three Different Environments: A Hatchery, a Lake and, a River, Jose Felipe Ribeiro Amato
A Comparative Study of the Labor Movements and Legislation in the United States and South Korea, Ki Yop Lim
A Comparative Study of the Physical Fitness of Nigerian Elementary School Children of Different Socioeconomic Status, Adeline Omokhogie Oseni
A Comparative Study of Women and the Modernization Process in Taiwan and Japan, Natalie Robinson Sinanian
A Comparison between Self-Paced and Instructor-Paced Instructional Systems, Laura Lee Winter
A Comparison of Alternative Route Alignments for the North Country Trail Through Calhoun County, MI, Whitney K. Lambert
A Comparison of Art Course Offerings in Representative Community Colleges in the Midwest, Wayne L. Shaw
A Comparison of Authentic and Simulated MMPI Profiles, Gaylis D. Brown
A Comparison of Behavioral Incentive Systems in a Job Search Program, Louise Smith Rogers
A Comparison of Calculation Speed and Accuracy on Two Levels of Problem Difficulty using the Conventional and Hutchings’ "Low Stress" Subtraction Algorithms and the Pocket Calculator, Margaret T. McGlinchey
A Comparison of Changes in Student Responses to Counselor Education, Rosemary McCauley Morley
A Comparison of Choice and Forced Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity, David Bertsch Gray
A Comparison of Choice Procedures: Negative Reinforcement, Raul Rene de la Garza Cano
A Comparison of Choice Procedures: Positive Reinforcement, Michael Joseph Boivin
A Comparison of Circadian Rhythms in Feeding, Plasma Insulin, Glucose and Glucagon and Pancreatic Insulin and Glucagon between Normal and Diabetic Chinese Hamsters, William VanSickle
A Comparison of Concurrent and Removed Component Procedures for Teaching Toothbrushing Skills to Preschoolers, Timothy Ian McKinley
A Comparison of Differential Response Rates with Children under Two Schedules of Reinforcement and Extinction Using Programmed Mathematics Instruction, David L. Sorenson
A Comparison of EEG Feedback Techniques in the Enhancement of Bilateral Theta: A Tri-Phasic Design, Gary M. Chavoya
A Comparison of Electromyographic Feedback and Progressive Relaxation in Training Frontalis and Forearm Muscle Relaxation, Denise Ann Dommers
A Comparison of Employer and Student Perceptions of College Graduate Employment, Ray Montagno
A Comparison of Frankenbrew and Traditionally Manufactured Brewing Equipment, Daniel King
A Comparison of Hospitalized and Non-Hospitalized Male Alcoholics on the Basis of Anxiety and Depression, Linda J. Townsend
A Comparison of Individual Versus Dyadic Instructional Arrangements with Young Children Identified as Autistically Impaired, Dawn Michelle Liebek
A Comparison of Isotonic Versus Isokinetic Exercise in the Development of Strength and Concomitant Enhancement of Body Proportions for College Females, Diane Lloyd Gillo
A Comparison of Laboratory and Non-Laboratory Course Designs as a Setting for Increasing Agreement with Course Materials, J. Michael Gautney
A Comparison of Luteinizing Hormone and Prostaglandin F2 α Stimulation of Pseudo-Pregnant Rat Ovarian Steroidogenesis in Vitro, Ross R. Erickson
A Comparison of Personality Self-Descriptions Using a Structured Personality Inventory and Open-Ended Personality Questionnaire and Critical Incident Survey, Birda Lee Walker
A Comparison of Reading and Listening Performances of Braille and Print Readers, Betty P. Zook
A Comparison of Responses of Aphasics to Stimuli Presented by Pictures, Objects and Videotape, Lucille J. Kline
A Comparison of Selected Critical Writings of Jean-Georges Noverre and Theophile Gautier and their Continuing Influence on Dance, Kathleen Carol Tenniswood
A Comparison of Selected Students in the Honors College and in the General Degree Program at Western Michigan University, Clara H. Brainard
A Comparison of Some Personality Traits between the Criminal Alcoholic and the Noncriminal Alcoholic, Jerry Reimann
A Comparison of Sprague-Dawley and Wistar Albino Rats on Maze Learning Ability, Richard W. Daniels
A Comparison of Supervisor Graphing and Self-Graphing of Performance in a Procedure for Controlling Time on Scheduled Tasks, Sheldon L. Stone
A Comparison of the Contractual Approach and the Traditional Method for Teaching High School Biology, Bernard G. Fecher
A Comparison of the Effects of Generalized Conditioned Reinforcement and Discrete Conditioned Reinforcement on Human Lever Press Responding Under Different Deprivation Conditions, Steven I. Zlutnick
A Comparison of the Explanatory Utility of Theories of Social Change: Parsons and Other Selected Theorists, Joseph N. Muthiani
A Comparison of the Hutchings' “Low-Stress" and Current Addition Algorithms for Speed and Accuracy in Two School Settings with Regular and Special Education Children, Laurence E. Rudolph
A Comparison of the Hutchings' “Low-Stress", Fulkerson "Full-Record" and Conventional Addition Algorithms for Speed, Accuracy and Preference with Regular Education Students, John Robert VanHevel
A Comparison of the Hutchings "Low-Stress”, Fulkerson Tens Method, and Conventional Addition Algorithms for Speed, Accuracy and Preference with Regular Education Students, Gregory N. Vaughan
A Comparison of the Momentary Time Sampling and Partial Interval Recording Methods of Behavioral Observation, Geoffrey DeBery
A Comparison of the Phobic Test Apparatus with Traditional Measures of Fear and Avoidance, Robert F. Doljanac
A Comparison of the Physical Activity, Body Composition and Self-Esteem Levels of 5th and 6th Grade Students in Southwest Michigan, Rebevva C. Coady
A Comparison of the Relationship between Self-Concept of Intellectual Ability and Self-Esteem in Nigeria, Julius Andera Ate
A Comparison of the Standard MMPI with a Short Form: The Mini-Mult, B. Gerald Hartman
A Comparison of Three Measures of Stimulation Seeking, John L. Kasten
A Comparison of Total Communication and Traditional Speech Training Methods with Hearing Noncommunicating, Severely Mentally Retarded Individuals, Michael E. Wells
A Comparison of Two Job Satisfaction Measures, Marianne Osterkorn
A Comparison of Two Non-Vocal Language Systems for the Severely Physically Handicapped, Bonnie I. Hurlbut
A Comparison of Two Systems of Instruction in Three Sixth-Grade Language Classes, David G. Fossum
A Comparison of Two Treatment Procedures on Assertive Training in Female Adults, Sandra K. Beaty
A Component Analysis of Therapeutic Empathy Behaviors, Barbara P. Nash
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Elementary Education in the Springfield School District, James R. McNutt
A Comprehensive Survey, Index, and Listing of Community Agency Resources Currently Providing Services to the Residents of Charlevoix and Emmet Counties, Ronald L. Moore
A Computer-Assisted Instructional System and its Application to a Course on Computer Structures and Hardware, Tahir Mufti
A Concept Analysis Program for Teaching Elementary Verbal Relationships, Norman McLeod Peterson
A Conceptual Analysis of Radical Behaviorist Epistemology, Marcia L. Bennett
A Conceptual Analysis of the Two Models of Power Distribution, Thomas E. Kolassa
A Confusion Matrix Intelligibility Testing Procedure for Preschool Children, Jane C. Coe-Kruse
A Content Analysis of Philippine School Textbooks: A Study of Political Socialization and Development, Larry Lee Grosser
A Contingency Management Program for the Treatment of Overweight, Giuliana Guerci
A Correlational Study of Factors Utilized in Counselor Candidate Selection at Western Michigan University, Mary Lou Garrison
A Counseling Internship at a Community Mental Health Center, Mary Lou Collins
Acquiring and Maintaining Conflict Management Skills: An Experimental Validation of the Effects of Homework, Laurie L. Assadi
Acquisition of Problem-Solving Behavior via Precurrent Training, Diane E. Nelles
A Critical Examination of Korman's Self-Esteem Motivation Theory, Dierdra E. Bowditch
A Critical Inquiry Approach to Teaching Young Adult Literature, Steffany Comfort Maher
A Critical, Review of the Literature Dealing with Current Psychological Approaches to the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, Pamela Jane Goy
A Critique of Transcendent Realism: The Foundation for a New Metaphysic, Kristin Alexandra Andrews
Activity in a Random Light-Dark Environment, Robert O. Baldwin
Adaptation to the Functional Loss of Pinnae in Sound Localization Ability, Marvin Richard Navarro
Adapting "Gregor the Overlander" for the Stage, Wiegand Brian
Addressing Community Awareness of Self-Help Groups, David Glenn Anderson
A Dead Girl, Lisa Brow
A Deep Learníng-Based Data Minimization Algorithm for Big Genomics Data in Support of loT and Secure Smart Health Services, Mohammed Aledhari
A Defense of the Descriptive Theory of Names and Its Epistemic Applications, Richard J. Van Every
A Delicate Balancing Act Between Continuity and Change: The Jain Community in Bartlett, Illinois, Jennifer R. Ralston
A Description and Quantitative Analysis of Artifacts Recovered from Fort Meigs (1813-1815) Wood County, Ohio, John P. Nass
A Description of the Development of a Procedural Guide for Coordinating the Sturgis Public Schools' Language Arts Program, Viola A. Schuler
A Descriptive Analysis of Individuals with Congenital Palatal Insufficiency, Judith Dabkowski
A Descriptive Analysis of the Kalamazoo Consultation Center for Clergy, Arthur Eckert Bilyeu
A Descriptive Study of Child-Bearing Attitudes of Harried College Students, 1950 to the Present, Geraldine B. Flowers
A Descriptive Study of Michigan Auto Workers' (UAW) Physical and Psychological Responses to 1987 Plant Closures, Lorraine Marie Oginsky
A Descriptive Study of Parish Clergy and Their Counseling Practices, Gregory J. Ludlow
A Descriptive Study of the Relationship between Maternal Perceptions and Responsivity to Infant Distress Cues, Michele Lee Rosa
A Developmental Study of the Choreographic Works of Erick Hawkins Including a Guide to Available Literature, Jane Ellen Thornbury
A Diagnostic Teaching Analysis of the Feasibility of Teaching Trainable Mentally Impaired Students Hutchings’ Low-Stress Addition Algorithm, Marsha K. Markle
A Diagnostic-Teaching Investigation of the Feasibility of Using the Hutchings' “Low-Stress" Algorithm for Addition Skill Development in Trainable Mentally Impaired Pupils, JoAnn Bankston McKay
A Differentiation between Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Schizophrenic Patients, Gerald H. Smith
A Direct Measurement of the Ratio of the Reaction Cross Sections for Two-Photon and Three-Photon Annihilation of a Positron and an Electron in Aluminum, Jeffrey Ira Siegel
Admission Characteristics as Predictors of Alcohol Outpatient Treatment Contacts, William Charles Marshall
Admitted Student Reception, John M. Dunn
Admitted Student Reception, John M. Dunn
Admitted Student Reception, John M. Dunn
Admitted Student Reception—Chicago, John M. Dunn
Admitted Student Reception—Chicago, John M. Dunn
Admitted Student Reception—Kalamazoo, John M. Dunn
Admitted Student Reception—Oak Brook, Ill., John M. Dunn
Admitted Student Reception—Troy, MI, John M. Dunn
A Drug Discrimination Task with Cocaine Using FR 20 Resetting and Non-Resetting Schedules of Reinforcement: A Methodological Comparison, Daniel L. Roe
Adventitious Reinforcement and Conditioned Reinforcement in Auto-Maintenance, Dennis H. Passe
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Resilience and Well-being, Laurie McCubbin Ph.D, Jody Zhong BA, and Emily Weber BA
Advocacy and Resistance (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ælfrician Texts and Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Æthelflæd in Post-Medieval Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Family Affair: Pampangan Hukism, James P. Hardy
A Faunal Analysis of Five Woodland Period Archaeological Sites in Southwestern Michigan, Terrance J. Martin
A Feasibility Study Concerning the Use of Alternate Energy Sources in Taiwan, Li-Juan Lee
A Feminist Renaissance in Anglo-Saxon Studies I: Interdisciplinary/Extramural, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Feminist Renaissance in Anglo-Saxon Studies II: Projects in Process (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Affect and Identity in MS Ashmole 61, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Affects of Thermal Assimilation and Low Grade Metamorphism on a Xenolith Bearing Basalt Dike in Marquette, Michigan, William E. Coons
Affinities and Divergences in Existentialism as Represented in Camus and Sartre's Works, Brendan Sapato
A Fifteenth-Century London Chaplain and his Colleagues, Anne DeWindt
A Fifth Component: Updating the Concept of Alextithymia, Shu Ling MA
A Five-Year Study of Community College Business Graduates with Implications for Curriculum Improvement, Mary Elizabeth Foster
A Floral Survey of the Lake Michigan College- Ross Property, Van Buren County, Michigan, William Monroe Knott
A Follow-Up Study of the Kalamazoo Learning Village, Margarita Camacho
A Follow-Up Study of the Master's Degree Graduates in the Department of Business Education and Administrative Services at Western Michigan University, Jane Gustafson Morrison
A Formal Analysis of the Prehistoric Ceramics from Draper Park (20-SC-40): A Wayne Tradition Occupation on the St. Clair River in Southeastern Michigan, Robert David Hoxie
A Four Year Moment, Hannah Truckenbrod
African American Adolescent Males' Experiences within the Education System: Implications for School Counseling Practice, Damon D. Chambers
African American men, hyper masculinity, & homophobia, Sandra Fanning MS
African-American Self-Consciousness and African-American Students Attending Predominantly White Universities, Kenneth B. Durgans
After Hours, Jeffrey M. Weinstein
After Hours in Cabin B-2, Jessica Ratzow
Afternoon Coffee and Tea Break
Afternoon Coffee and Tea Break
A Functional Analysis of Response Contingent Full Physical Guidance, Richard J. Jackle
A Further Note on the Dalyngrygge Case, John L. Leland
Again, Heather Ackerman
Age and Attitude Similarity-Dissimilarity as Determinants of Task-Related Attraction, Sharon Fange von Montry
A Generalized Dirac Equation with Spin I, Tilahun Eneyew
Agents and Action: A Theory of Religious Modulation, Todd Tremlin
A Geochemical Study of the Sudbury Breccia, Kevin M. Prochaska
A Geographical Analysis of Selected Causes and Effects of Michigan Tornado Patterns, 1930-1969, Hans J. Stolle
A Geographic Analysis of College Enrollment: The Case of Calvin College, Melissa Dykstra Diekema
A Geographic Interpretation of the Growth and Development of Constantine, Michigan, Mary Jeanne Dowty
A Geographic Study Examining the Major Elements Involved in the Rise of Cotton Production in Southeast Missouri 1922-1925, Charles E. Hudson
Aggression Caused by Withdrawal from Morphine, Irene Ann Bitinas
A Great Thirteenth-Century Hunter: John Giffard of Brimpsfield, Jean Birrell
A Grim Tale, Greg Wright
A Guide for Leadership Consultants, Michael Joseph O'Shea
A Guide for Preparing Office Procedures Manuals, George Fisher
A Guide for the Development of Theoretical Understanding and Practice of Teaching for Artistic Behavior: A Response for 21st Century Art Education, Lisa Van Plew-Cid
A Guide to Developing a School Foundation in the State of Michigan, Dirk A. Schuiteboer
A Guide to Evaluating Adult Education Programs, Kenneth L. Ebersole
A Handbook for Beginning School Business Officials in Michigan, Raymond M. Sreboth
A Hands-On Introduction to the Astrolabe and Chaucer’s Treatise (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Histochemical Study of the Neurosecretory Substance(s) Controlling Osmoregulation of Lumbricus Terrestris, John W. Goudie
A Histological and Immunological Study of the Forty-Eight Hour Normal Lymphocyte Transfer Reaction, Charles W. Ford
A Histopathological Study of the Effect of Ethylnitrosourea on HA(ICR) Mice Testes, Mildred Rodriguez
A Historical Review of the Treatment of Juvenile Delinquents, Lorenz Hansen
A History of Company C 156th Signal Battalion (Combat Area) Michigan Army National Guard in the Berlin Crisis 1961-62, Warren J. Lawrence
A Holistic Computational Approach to Boosting the Performance of Protein Search Engines, Majdi Ahmad Mosa Maabreh
A "Human" Diplomacy: The American Friends Service Committee in Israel, 1950-1961, Francis Bonenfant
A Hybrid Parallel Approach to High-Performance Compression of Big Genomic Files and in Compresso Data Processing, Sandino N. Vargas Pérez
Aids and My Sex Life, Thornas Kacer
Ailred of Riveaulx the Consistency of His Life and Writings with His Thought and His Profession as Cistercian Monk, Tyrrell Hughes
Air Force/Army Commissioning Ceremony, John M. Dunn
Air Zoo Innovation Hall of Fame Gala, John M. Dunn
Air Zoo Innovation Hall of Fame Gala, John M. Dunn
Air Zoo Science Innovation Hall of Fame, John M. Dunn
AKA Keynote, John M. Dunn
A Late Pleistocene Geography of Southwestern Michigan: A Cultural and Historical Study, David R. Williams
Albertus Magnus as Reader of Scripture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Alcohol Education: Approaches by the Business Community and the Public Schools, Colleen K. Johnson
Alcoholics in the Mental Hospital: The Effect of Admission Path, Arthur Anderson
Alcoholism: The Insidious Disease, Kathryn Van Bruggen
A Learner Verification and Revision of a Linear Programmed Text, Frank J. Schwartz
Alexander's Revenge: Hellenism and Hellenistic Influences upon the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Alfonso X's Libro de los juegos: Big Results from Small Data, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Alfredian Texts and Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Alienation in Students as a Function of Systems Variables: The Effect of Different Teacher Organizations and School Structures, Theophilus Olatunde Odetola
Alimentation and Accommodation during (Literary) Journeys in the Middle Ages and in Early Modern Times, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
All in the Family? Monastic and Clerical Careers among Family Members in the Late Middle Ages, Marilyn Oliva
Allison vs. the typewriter, Daniel Brooks
All the King's Men: Episcopal Political Loyalties in the Merovingian Kingdoms, Greg Halfond
All the King's Men: Prosopography and the Santa Barbara School, Stephanie Evans Christelow
A Logging of my Involvement in a Career Education Project in the Coloma Community Schools and the State of Michigan Summer Migrant Program, Diane M. Miller
A London Merchant and the Governance of Medieval England, Boyd Breslow
A Lone, but Not Alone: Building Collaborations across Medieval Studies (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Longitudinal Analysis of Selected Aspects of Faculty Activity and Institutional Reward Practices at a State University, Gregg M. Goodman
A Longitudinal Study of Prenatal Care and Prenatal Outcomes of Women in Foster Care across Michigan Counties, Lauryn Jianrattanasawat
A Low-Cost Parent Training Program for Single Parent Families, Joanne Benjamin Bauman
Alpha Lambda Delta Ceremony, John M. Dunn
Alpha Phi Alpha Luncheon, John M. Dunn
Alpha Phi Alpha Remarks, John M. Dunn
Alphonsus Bonihominis' Conversionary Letter from Rabbi Samuel to Rabbi Isaac, Melodie F. Harris
Alteration of Pupil Produced Noise in a Public School, Gilbert Walter Schmidt
Alternating Punishment and Non-Punishment of Aggression, Joseph McIntosh Savage
Alternative Aspects of Medieval Pilgrimage (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Alumni Association’s Deans Reception Grand Rapids Downtown Campus, John M. Dunn
Alumni Unscripted: Lessons Learned from WMU, DeRondal Bevly
Alumni Unscripted: Mindfulness in Business, Angela Marturano
Alumni Unscripted: Navigating Life's Transitions, Kameron Kampen
Alumni Unscripted: Saving For Retirement, Now!, Drew Everett
Alumni Unscripted: Stay Close, Stay Connected Post-Graduation, Holly Evey McCarthy
Alumni Unscripted: Three Qualities to Succeed as a First-Time Manager, Tim Hiller
Alumni Unscripted: Tips for First Time Business Travelers, McKenzie Decker
Alumni Unscripted: Tips for Transitioning to Your Home Away from Home, McKenzie Decker
A Machine Learning Approach for Categorizing User-Adjusted Seat Pan Contours During Extended Task Seating, Joan Y. Martinez
A Man's Mary: Male Devotion to the Virgin Mary in the Later Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ambassador Kassa TekleBerhan Gebrehiwot
Ambassadors Distinguished Scholars Program
Ambiguities of Political Loyalties in Edwardian England: The Case of Richer de Refham, Boyd Breslow
AMBUCS Contest Draw, John M. Dunn
AMBUCS Luncheon Address, John M. Dunn
A Measure of the Differential Effects of Two Language Training Sequences: Expressive-Receptive and Receptive-Expressive, Melbourne Frank Hovell
A Memory Training Procedure for Learning the Ordering of Machine Set Up Instructions, Douglas Stephen Johnson
American Muslim Women: Feminism, Equality, and Difference, Amber Coniglio
A Method for the Calculation of the Electric Microfield Distribution in a System of Charged Hard Spheres, Ronald M. Flegal
A Method of Increasing in-Class Academic Productivity through a Work Adjustment Procedure, Duane E. Kiley
A Methodological Holy Grail: Nominal Record Linkage in a Medieval Context, Richard Gorski
A Methodology for Documenting the History of Michigan Houses Built between 1830 and 1930, Esther M. Walton
A Missing Capetian Princess: Advisa Daughter of King Robert II of France, W. Scott Jessee
A Mixed-Methods Study Examining Developmental Milestones and Parental Experiences in Ghana, Kate G. Barlow and Stacey Reynolds
A Model of an Environmental Advisory Committee for City Government, Henry Barrett Baker
A Model Public Relations Plan for the K-12 Clintondale Community Schools Based on the Results of a Survey of Community Attitudes, James Caudill
A Modern Day Fairy Tale: Leise in Search of Self, Kimberly Paye
Amongst Brothers: Italians' Networks in Papal Avignon (1360s-80s)*, Joëlle Rollo-Koster
A Multiple-Baseline Analysis of Social/Academic-Skills Training Across Different Stimulus Conditions: Generalization as a Function of Stimulus Diversity, Stanley R. Carlock
A Multiple Baseline Analysis of the Use of a Social Skills Training Package with Shy Children, Patricia A. Haist
An acoustic survey of Fort Drum, New York, for severely declining nocturnal birds, Sydney Brooks
An Acquisition of New Administrative Skills with Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Jerry B. Van Leeuwen
An Activity Perspective of Alcohol Consumption and Problem Drinking Among Older Adults in Michigan, Gerald M. Burns
An Alternative Sets Analysis of Temporal Responding, Francis H. E. Wojnicki
Analysis and Interpretation of the 5,000 ft (1,538 M) Red-Bed Sequence Encountered in the Sparks et al. #1-8 (Michigan Basin Deep Borehole), John H. Fowler
Analysis of an Interlobate Boundary in the Wisconsinan Drift of Kalamazoo County and Adjacent Areas in Southwestern Michigan, Norman A. Lovan
Analysis of Chert by Particle Induced X-Ray Emission, Jeanette E. Gibeson
Analysis of Functional Redundancy between Two Plastid-Targeted Iron-Sulfur Carrier Proteins, Manasa Satyanarayan
Analysis of Mixtures of Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite, Ying-Chien Chu
Analysis of Opioid Hospitalizations in Michigan Counties, Stephanie George
Analysis of Single Sperm Acrosomal Enzymes in Genetic Toxicology, Steven Craig Johnson
Analysis of the Motor Fitness and Strength of the 1992 through 1995 Western Michigan University Football Teams, Erick W. Schork
Analysis of the Prehistoric Settlement Pattern Survey Project in the Lower Kalamazoo River Valley: The 1978 and 1979 Field Seasons, Deborah K. Rhead
Analyzing Evaluation of Counseling Psychology Student Competence, Ashley E. Schoener M.A. and Samantha Hinnenkamp M.A.
Analyzing the Legislative Productivity of Congress During the Obama Administration, Zachary Hunkins
An Analysis and Annotated Bibliography of Selected Books for Children about Negro Life, Dorothy L. Stevens
An Analysis and Comparison of Title II River Basin Commissions, Douglas Alden Cox
An Analysis of Aggressive Display in the Game Cock: Response Decrement and Reinstatement, William Herbert Fullmer
An Analysis of American Violence, John Bolcato
An Analysis of Behavioral Approaches to Obesity/Weight Reduction, Charlene Marie Curtis
An Analysis of Behavioral Contrast in a Concurrent Schedule Using Qualitatively Different Reinforcers, Richard J. Lodge
An Analysis of Climatic Influences on Aggression, Alan M. Gonick
An Analysis of Conceptual Color Matching, James T. Northrop
An Analysis of Dogmatism and Military Experience, Daniel C. Hoeschen
An Analysis of General Patterns and Variations in the Occurrence of Wet and Dry Days in Benton Harbor, Michigan, Linda Rae Dalrymple
An Analysis of Instruction Duration as a Consequence for Correct and Incorrect Answers, J. Eric Hayes
An Analysis of Internal Reporting Systems in Commercial Banks, Gordon Eugene VanBeek
An Analysis of Nitrate Concentrations in the Ground-Water of Antwerp Township, Van Buren County, Michigan, John Emil Klanke
An Analysis of Overcorrection Movements: Topographic Relation and Re-Educative Function, Pamela Roberts
An Analysis of Polydipsia as Produced by a Multiple Schedule, Joseph J. Vaal
An Analysis of Power and Influence Patterns on the Michigan Supreme Court 1968-1973, Thomas R. Radecki
An Analysis of Pre and Post Employment Interview Opinions Held by Applicants in a University Job Placement Center, Robert J. McAvoy
An Analysis of Salt Eating in Birds, Kathryn Julia Herson
An Analysis of Systematic Desensitization and Covert Modeling: A Theoretical Comparison, Frank G. Barefield
An Analysis of the Behavioral Consequences of an Attendance Bonus Program, David William Smith
An Analysis of the Comparative Effectiveness of Day Center Treatment and Out-Patient Treatment for a Psychiatric Population, John T. Gallagher
An Analysis of the Effects of Time and Competing Responses on Data Reliability, Paul B. Williams
An Analysis of the Factors that Determine the Success of Congressional Campaigns, Paul J. Seigel
An Analysis of the Faunal Assemblage from the Elam Site: An Upper Mississippian Seasonal Encampment on the Kalamazoo River in Allegan County, Michigan, Kenneth A. Barr
An Analysis of the Faunal Remains from the Schwerdt Site, a Late Prehistoric Encampment in Allegan County, Michigan, Michael J. Higgins
An Analysis of the Generalization of Multiple-Word Response Forms across Stimulus Conditions, James E. Nofziger
An Analysis of the Peak S h ift Explanation o f Response Summation, Jeanne Page
An Analysis of the Recovery of Responsiveness Subsequent to Habituation, Lowell G. Smith
An Analysis of the Relationship between the Instructional Emphasis of Two Filing Textbooks Commonly Used in Secondary Schools and Their Relation to the Filing Procedures in the Business Office, Patricia Ann Skinner
An Analysis of the Role of Reinforcement Magnitude in the Transfer of Stimulus Control in a Receptive Discrimination Task, Beverly S. Adler
An Analysis of the Role of the Principal in a Selected Middle School, Susan B. Weybright
An Analysis of the Self-Images of Workers with Physical Disabilities who Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits, Russell F. Guetschow
An Analysis of the Stone Artifacts from Gallinas Springs, New Mexico, Marvin G. Keller
An Analysis of the Usage Patterns of Cooperative Education Students by Employers in the Major Malls of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Glenn J. Gelderloss
An Analysis of Validity Constructs in the Dichotic Listening and Hemispheric Competition Procedures, Wade Addam Kapik
An Analysis of Variation in Sentencing Tendencies Among Judges of Multi-Judge Circuits in Michigan, John T. Hawthorne
An Analysis of Worker Satisfaction, Thomas W. Westrate
An Analytic Study of a System of Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations at an Irregular Type Singularity, James M. Lamb
An Application of Infrared Spectroscopy to the Study of Binder Migration in Paper Coatings, Fred E. Huang
An Application of the Species-Specific Defense Reaction Hypothesis, Michael R. Petersen
An Appraisal of the Performance of Selected Secondary School Principals as Perceived by Teachers and as Perceived by Themselves, Vernon J. Johnson
An Approach to a Kalamazoo Metropolitan Data Bank and Information System, Alan Benjamin Le Coff
An a Priori Analysis of the Internal Validity of Interval Recording, Christopher R. Milar
An Archaeology of Disbelief, Edward Jayne
An Archaeology of Disbelief: The Origin of Secular Philosophy, Edward Jayne and Elaine Anderson Jayne
An Argument for Historical Continuity: Low and Middle Vassal Families in the Eleventh-Century Saumurois, William Ziezulewicz
An Army of Maples, Diane Dragon
An Assessment of an Urban School District's Compliance with Its Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Program, Patsy Ann Fox
An Assessment of Attitudes of Faculty Men and Faculty Women Toward Faculty Women in Higher Education in the Republic of Korea, Kyunghui Lee
An Assessment of the Problems of Recruiting and Retaining Substitute Teachers for the Elementary Schools of the Jackson Public Schools, Jackson, Michigan, William Henry Sumner
Anatomical Associations on the Rorschach Test as a Predictor of Assaultive Behavior, Keith O. Schmidt
An Attempt to Demonstrate a Learned Drive Based on Saline Induced Thirst, David G. Born
An Attempt to Demonstrate the Presence of a Local Utero-Ovarian Transport Mechanism in the Guinea Pig by Radioisotope Tracer Techniques, Michael C. Fleck
An Attempt to Develop a Model as a Secondary Reinforcer and Elicitor by Observational Learning, John William Pangburn
An Attempt to Manipulate the Results of a Psychomotor Learning Task, Robert D. Cable
Ancient Roots of Romanian History, Lucian Rosu and William H. Peck
"And Her Name Was...?" Gender and Naminf in Medieval Southern Italy, Patricia Skinner
And Yet I Have Loved Him: The Judgement of William of Saint Thierry on Peter Abelard, Rozanne Elder
An Early Intracounty Railroad Network and the Development of Fruit Culture: Van Buren County, Michigan, Dale L. Kubicki
A Necessary Evil?, Jessica Wetzel
An Edition of Newberry MS 31 (RY 8), Spiritual Texts, Ross Roberts
An Editorial Note, George Beech
An Editorial Note, Joel Rosenthal
An Elementary Student as a Behavioral Engineer, Paul R. Surratt
An Essay Regarding the Systems Approach in Social Science from the View of Political Science, Gregg William Smith
An Ethnohistorical Study of the Dowagiac Chieftains, Kathryn A. Bishop
A Neuro-Clinical Study of the Spread of Experimentally Induced Epileptiform Discharge from the Amygdala, Daniel Rosen
An Evaluation of a Portable Automated Desensitization Device Using a Standardized Hierarchy, Robert John Eizenga
An Evaluation of a Rehabilitation Program for Adolescent Psychiatric Patients, Kenneth Richard Gibson
An Evaluation of a Videotape Discrimination Training Program to Teach One-to-One Training Skills, Norman L. Schultz
An Evaluation of a Weight-Loss Contract within a Weight Control Program, Brandon L. Hall
An Evaluation of Domestic Violence Shelter Programs and Research Best Practices, Katherine Brown
An Evaluation of Physical Activity Methods of College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Justin Vagnozzi
An Evaluation of Student Attitudes in the Audio-Tutorial Biological Science Program at Western Michigan University and How They are Reflected in Student Achievement Versus Time Spent in Laboratory, Dorothy Anne Hackett
An Evaluation of the Challenge Day Program, Deborah S. Higgins
An Evaluation of the Client Progress Assessment (CPA) Instrument as a General Purpose Measure of Adaptive Behavior of Developmentally Disabled Adults, Robert Edward Endias
An Evaluation of the Community School Program Springfield Public Schools Battle Creek, Michigan, Robert Bruce Sellers
An Evaluation of the Concurrent and Predictive Validity of the Athletic Apperception Test for the Sport of Hockey, Joseph Michael Kalinowski
An Evaluation of the Kalamazoo County Jail Rehabilitation Program, Janice Eileen Grady
An Evaluation of the Precision Teaching Project, Jerilynn Dorow
An Evaluation of the Variety and Availability of Continuing Education Opportunities for Occupational Therapists, Rachel Marquardt
An Evaluation of the Volunteer Training Program at Gryphon Place, Randall I. Katz
A New Method for Studying Variables Controlling Television Viewing, Diana Reda
An Examination and Analysis of Effective Leadership Styles and the Skills Necessary to Successfully Lead a School District, Jerome S. Goosen
An Examination and Explanation of Paranormal Phenomena as a Legitimate and Significant Area of Communication Studies, Leonard O. Sowers
An Examination of Age Labels in Music Related Dissertations and Theses: 2009-2016, Phillicia Jackson
An Examination of Behavior Analysts' Treatment Selection Behavior for Escape-Maintained Problem Behavior, Rebecca Eldridge
An Examination of Certain Factors which Contributed to the Separation of Central America From Spain: 1808-1821, John R. Permesang
An Examination of Distinguishing Characteristics between Recidivist and Non-Recidivist Juvenile Offenders, Peter A. Draugalis
An Examination of "Jock Taxes" Levied on National Football League (NFL) Athletes, Charlee Nichols
An Examination of Selected Editions of Folklore for Children, Barbara Ann Hull
An Examination of the Differential Effects of Retesting and a Mastery Criterion on Student Performance in a PSI Course, Carol M. Sundberg
An Examination of the Distribution of Women in Regional Professional Associations of Sociology, Psychology, and Political Science, Robert Rogers Wheeler
An Examination of the Ecological Psychology Literature with Respect to School Size, Behavioral Psychology and Cultural Survival, Bruce E. Hesse
An Examination of the Functionality of Self-Monitoring under External Reactive Conditions, Richard Scott Montier
An Examination of the Red Blood Cell Alloantigentic System in the Chinese Hamster, Kathryn Elliget Blashfield
An Examination of the Secular Deterioration Hypothesis, Roger L. Carothers
An Experience with College Administrators at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Christopher E. Nord
An Experience with School Administration in the City of Grand Rapids, Gerald L. Siegel
An Experience with Student Personnel Services at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Ivan Klinesteker
An Experiential Project Examining the Dual Roles of Curriculum Director and Elementary Principal, Michael M. Perry
An Experiential Project Examining the Realm of the School Business Function, Robert J. Gabel
An Experiential Report of an Internship with the Nottawa Christian (Beachy Amish) Day School, Daisy Marie Allabach
An Experiential Survey of a Comprehensive Community Mental Health Program, Gordon J. Dahm
An Experimental Analysis of Human Social Behavior in a Competitive Situation with the Opportunity for Aggression, William A. Michael
An Experimental Study Comparing the Effects of Small Group-Discovery Learning and Conventional Instruction on Student Achievement and Attitudes in Calculus, Mary Catherine Brechting
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Classroom Photography on the Self-Concepts of Culturally Disadvantaged Sixth Grade Students, Donald L. Wetmore
An Exploration of Data Mining Approach in Prediction of the Use of Physical and Occupational Therapy in US Adults, Raju Chowdhary
An Exploration of the "Fear of Hawk" Hypothesis Using Stationary Silhouetted Stimuli with Naive Japanese Quail, John Stuart Clement
An Exploratory Study of the Effect of Aggressive Feelings and Their Relation to Humor Preference, J. Edward Chase
An Exploratory Study of the Effect of Feeling and Behavior Upon Judgment, Wayne Van Zomeren
An Exploratory Study of the Relationship of High School Non-Academic Achievements to Community College Academic Achievement, Ira C. Livingston
Anglo-Norman Texts and Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Saxonists, and the Southwest: In Anticipation of ISAS 2019, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Angular Correlation of Positron Annihilation Radiation in Damaged Nickel and Iron, Hsien Chen Huang
Angular Correlation Study of the 105 keV Level in Gd155, John B. Gouvas
Angular Distributions of Protons from the 28Si(∝,P)31P Reaction, Susan Mary Allen
A Night Summons, Steve Rhodes
Animal Studies I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Animal Studies II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
An Indeterministic Approach to the Investigation of CBD Commuter Flows in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Bruce Richard Bullis
An Indirect Spectrophotometric Method for Expansion of the Optimum Concentration Range, Henry David Mitchell
An Inner-City Junior High School Experience with School Administration in the City of Benton Harbor, Dale P. Cryan
An Inquiry into Limited Membership in Jamaican Peasant Communities, Kathleen Joy Adams
An Inquiry into the Origins, Bibliography and Literary Analyses of Sir Orfeo, Michael E. Moriarty
An Integrated Decision Support Framework for Life-Cycle Building Asset Management, Maha Reda Alkasisbeh
An Integrated Mixed Methods Study to Construct a Usable Model for Impact Evaluation Capacity Development, Corey D. Smith
An Interactionist Perspective on Centrality and Racial Discrimination in Professional Baseball, David S. Czurak
An Internship Experience at the Family Divorce Counseling Service, Barbara L. Metcalfe
An Internship Experience at the Grand Rapids Baptist Academy Grand Rapids, Michigan, Mark Chapman
An Internship Experience at the Office of International Student Services, Chantra Nimityongskul
An Internship Experience at the Riverwood Community Mental Health Center, LeRoy Stanley Carter
An Internship Experience at the Specialty Products Division Brown Company, Ronald L. Freemire
An Internship to Develop a Screening Process to Determine Probable Pilot Training Success, Ronald Dean Quisling
An Internship to Gain Entry Level Knowledge and Skills to Become a School Superintendent, L. Arthur Willick
An Internship with the Western Michigan University Para-School Learning Center June 18, 1973-July 21, 1973, Diane S. Smith
An Interpretation of the Determinants and Development of the Cheyenne Council of Forty-Four, David J. Pfundt
An Investigation into the Nature of Action of the Hyperglycemic Factor Present in the Suprapharyngeal Ganglia of Lumbricus Terrestris, Bruce M. Taylor
An Investigation of Creative College Students Using Two Measures of Flexibility, John L. Roberts
An Investigation of Food Deprivation and Competition on Hoarding Behavior in the Domestic Cat, Jo Ann Sinclair
An Investigation of Indecisive Behavior in Stutterers, John Charles Hotchkiss
An Investigation of Nitrogen Utilization as a Factor in the Size Selective Feeding Habits of Lepomis Macrochirus, Stephen M. Hinckley
An Investigation of Photographic Phase Holograms, Dale Lance Markham
An Investigation of Relaxation Training Effects and Generality Using Biofeedback and Verbal Instructions, John W. Kesselring
An Investigation of Some Effects of Timeout Using the Repeated Acquisition Design with Children, Anita Lynn Wilson
An Investigation of Sub-Meter Skill in STEM and Non-STEM Undergraduate Students, Laura A. Tingin
An Investigation of the Effect of Response-Contingent Shock on Stuttering Behavior, Kenneth Welt
An Investigation of the Effects of Randomization of the Item Order in the Mini-Mult, Robert A. Bornstein
An investigation of the efficacy of corn cob hemicellulose as a gas barrier and dry strength agent on previously uncoated linerboard, Zachary Witherspoon
An Investigation of the Froth Flotation Process as a Means of Concentrating Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge, Merwin Lee Miller
An Investigation of the Genotoxic and Bacterial Growth Altering Properties of Engineered Nanoparticles, Kelley M. Current
An Investigation of the Instructional Communicator Style Expectations of Nontraditional and Traditional Male and Female Undergraduate Students, Chryl Irvine Snyder
An Investigation of the Maxi-Mult, Thomas Kozlowski
An Investigation of the Merits of Multi-Sensory Remedial Work in the Teaching of Tenth Grade Biology, Marie Agatha Champagne
An Investigation of the Protein Quality of Several Protein Materials, Marvin Eugene Buck
An Investigation of the Refractive Index of Selected Liquids in the Ultraviolet, Robert Bruce Eaton
An Investigation of the Relationship between Attitudes toward Beverage Alcohol and Dogmatism, Ronald Dean Teed
An Investigation of the Reliability of Existing Functional Assessment Rating Scales, Tonita C. Baines
An Investigation of the Role of the Electrodermal Activity in Reduction of Snake Phobia, Mohammad Jaafar Behbehani
An Investigation of the Study Habits and Attitudes of Successful and Unsuccessful Introductory Accounting Students, Chander Kanta Varma
An Investigation of Variables Affecting Self Modification Techniques, Patricia Ann Hartlep
An Investigation of Vicarious Reinforcement in a Basic Research Setting, Ted R. Ruggles
An in Vitro Study of the Effects of 17Β Estradiol on a Possible Atherosclerotic-Causing Enzyme, Xanthine Oxidase, Peter E. Malo
An lntegrated Approach (Remote Sensing, Hydrogeology, Geotechnical, and Geoinformatics) to Assess and Monitor Fossil Aquifers and Associated Land Deformation Over the Arabian Peninsula, Abdullah Ghurmullah Saeed Othman
Announcement of a VP of Marketing and Strategic Communication, Edward Montgomery
Annual State Conference Michigan ACE Network for Women Leaders in Higher Education, John M. Dunn
(An Ode to) Melanin, Aspen Jaxon
Anonymous Anglo-Saxon Saints' Lives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anonymous Versus Identifiable Individual Judgments Under Social Influence, Charles J. Campolo
An Oral History of Portage Schools: Cleora Skinner to Pete McFarlane, Tom Vance
A Normative Analysis of Psychological Test Results of Students Selecting Graduate Counselor Education, Buena Flor H. Mendoza
A Normative and Validation Study of the Behavior Problem Checklist, Wilma J. Busse
Another Daughter for Piers Gaveston? Amie de Gaveston, Damsel of the Queen's Chamber, J. S. Hamilton
Another Look at the Mini-Mult, Dianne S. Umansky
Anselm of Havelberg His Life and Works, Raymond Eugene Bierlein
Ante Bellum Studies in Slavery, Politics, and the Railroads, Robert R. Russel
Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Nepali Shamanism, Christopher J. Busick
Antibiotic Potential in the Liverworts, Especially Ricciocarpus Natans (L.) and Marchantia Polymorpha (L.), Theodore Roy Shields
Anticlimax, Lauren Klein
An Upwardly Mobile Medieval Woman: Juliana of Warwick, Hugh M. Thomas
Anxiety, Sarah Sussman
An X-Ray Diffraction Study by the Powder Method of Solid Solutions in the System ZnO-CrO3-H2O at 25° C, William Alan Livingston
A N.Y. Sidewalk, Geoff Azzopardi
APAN Production through Photooxidation of Isoprene in the Presence of NOx, Timothy Glidewell
A Parametric Analysis of Choice Under Risk, David W. Sottile
APA Recognition Reception, John M. Dunn
A Partial Component Analysis of Modeling as a Technique for Increasing Normative Work Rates in Rehabilitation, Ralph G. Pifer
APA "State of University" Five-Minute Remarks, John M. Dunn
A Pawn in the Calm of Winter, Jeffrey Barrett
A Peer-Managed Contract Study Program for High School Students, Jane F. Stinson
A Performance of the York Feast of Saint Cecilia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Petrographic Analysis of Black Mesa, Arizona Ceramics, Elizabeth M. Garrett
A Philosophic Inquiry into Causation Comparing Diverse Metaphysical Systems, Jane Fisher
A Pilot Study Regarding the Effects of the Reading Plus Program on Reading Levels, Jane Ellen Barnes
A Plantagenet Revolution in Government? The Officers of Central Government and the Lancastrian Usurpation of 1399, Douglas Biggs
A Plant-Derived Zinc-Finger Protein Increases Light Tolerance and Cell Growth in Cyanobacteria, Yan Lu
A Poem to Make Someone Guilty By, Kiki Cook
A Point System for Maintaining Accurate Grading in a PSI Course, Terry E. McSween
A Popular Uprising in Twelfth Century France the Capuciati of the Auvergne, Lila Beth Burke
A Poster Session - #1, Browse the presentations during Poster Session #1 from 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM.
A Poster Session - #2, Browse the presentations during Poster Session #2 from 5:00 PM - 5:50 PM.
A Poster Session - #3, Browse the presentations during Poster Session #3 from 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM.
A Poster Session - #4, Browse the presentations during Poster Session #4 from 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM.
A Power Comparison Study of Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests Under Severe Violations of the Parametric Assumptions of Normality and Homogeneity, Richard Edward Ryan
Apparent Motion as a Measure of Visual Preference for Dinnerware Patterns, Robert G. Schulz
Application of Delayed Conditioning Procedures to the Behavior Problems of an Elementary School Child, Michael L. Schwarz
Application of Handheld ED-XRF for High-Resolution Chemostratigraphy in Texturally Homogeneous Carbonate Mudstones: Salina A-1 Carbonate (Silurian), Michigan Basin, Matthew A. Hemenway
Application of Reinforcement Principles to the Modification of Isolate Behavior in a Withdrawn Child, Patricia C. Rinaldi
Application of Response-to-Intervention in a Pre-Kindergarten Special Education Classroom, Justin J. Daigle
Applications of Sidman's Mediated Transfer Paradigm to the Teaching of Reading: Total Communication and American Sign Language, Bruce C. Jackson
Apprenticeship in the Records of the Goldsmiths' Company of London, 1444-1500, Stephanie R. Hovland
Approaches to Teaching Medieval Drama, Revisited, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Approach to Nickel-Tin Alloy Electrodeposition and Parameters of the Nickel Tartrate Complex, Kenley R. Lee
Appropriation of a Tradition: Continuity and Discontinuity of Daoism in North America, Steven V. Chamberlin
A Practical Method for Achieving Perturration and Changing Attitudes, Rick Edwin Noonon
April 2018 CEHD Newsletter, College of Education and Human Development
April 2018, Global News, Haenicke Institute
A Process Study: Developing an Elementary Language Arts Guide, Norma Korn
A Program for Teaching Beginning Language Skills to Mentally Retarded Children, Thomas James Elzinga
A Program for Teaching Self-Care Techniques to Severely Retarded Residents of an Institution for the Retarded, Timothy S. Nelson
A Proposal for a Dictionary of Anglo-Norman Bibliography, Victoria Chandler, Charlotte A. Newman, and David S. Spear
A Proposed Genealogy for Marbode, Angevin Bishop of Rennes, 1096-1123, Melissa B. Lurio
A Proposed Procedure for a Secondary School Teacher to Gain Entry Level Knowledge and Skills to Become a High School Principal, Wayne E. Mason
A Prosopographical Approach to Justinian's Army, David Alan Parnell
A Prosopographical Study of the Greyfriars of York, Ca. 1230-1538, Michael Robson
A Prosopography of Irish Scholars, Mary Hayes Somers
A Prosopography of Medieval Venetian Mint Officials, Alan M. Stahl
A Prosopography of the University of Paris at the End of the Middle Ages, James K. Farge
A Psychophysiological Study of Response to Fear Evoking Stimuli, Phyllis E. Fecher
A Q-Sort Historical Analysis or the Learning Theories of Clark L. Hull and B. F. Skinner, Keith V. Syrja
A Qualitative Investigation of How Adult Missionary Children Make Meaning of Their Past Transcultural Experiences, Robyn J. Geelhoed
A Qualitative Investigation of the Interpersonal Changes White Psychology Trainees Experience During their Race-Based Learning and Development, Molly K. Beagle
A Quantitative Analysis by Emission Spectroscopy of the Metallic Constituents of Biological Samples after Treatment by a Carcinogenic Agent, Charles R. Frydrych
Aquinas and Being, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Aquinas and His Reception, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Aquinas/WMU Engineering Partnership Signing, John M. Dunn
Arab American Well-being: Where counseling misses the mark, Rawan Atari M.S. and Marlenne Devia M.A.
Arachniphobia, Ray Mittan
A Rationale and Program for School-Community Relations for the Jenison Public Schools, David E. Bly
Archaeology and Experiment: Moving beyond the Artifacts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Archaeology of the Medieval Iberian Peninsula: Another Way of Approaching Its History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Archbishop Wulfstan of York, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Archeological Site Survey of the Lower Kalamazoo River Basin: Results of the 1976 Field Season, Phillip D. Neusius
Architectural Design, Neighboring, and Victimization in Group Housing: An Examination of Relationships, Kathleen Anne Tiemann
Architectural Medievalism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Architectural Representation and the Dragon’s Lair in Beowulf, Margaret Heeschen
A Readers' Theatre Performance of the Pearl-Poet (A Performance), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Area High School Counselors, John M. Dunn
Area High School Counselors Welcome, John M. Dunn
A Reinterpretation of Plains Indian Adaptation: The Case of the Comanche, Lynn R. Johnson
A Reliability and Validity Assessment of Scales Measuring the Perception of the Evaluations of Others, John A. Vonk
A Reliability Study of a Sew System for Coding Family Therapists' Verbalizations, Judith Mayerovitch
A Replication Study: The Police and Cynicism, Trenia B. Brown
A Report of an Intern Experience in the Role of the Principal in the Kalamazoo Public Schools Kalamazoo, Michigan, Paulina B. Ikeda
A Report of an Internship at Paw Paw Public Schools, John A. Gunnell
A Report of an Internship at Portage Public Schools, Mary A. Groening
A Report of an Internship Experience at Three Rivers Community Schools, Robert E. Sickles
A Report of an Internship Experience in the Benton Harbor Area Schools Benton Harbor, Michigan, Judith Jean Johansen
A Report of an Internship Experience in the Central Administrative Offices of the Battle Creek Public Schools, Aileen M. Klingaman
A Report of an Internship Experience in the Grand Rapids, Michigan, Public Schools, Daniel G. Licea
A Report of an Internship Experience with the Grand Rapids Public Schools Grand Rapids, Michigan, William D. Upton
A Report of an Internship Experience with the Kent Intermediate School District Grand Rapids, Michigan, Marcia Harriet Mills
A Report of an Internship in, and an Analysis of, the Benton Harbor Area School District, Jeanne O'Brien Yingst
A Report of an Internship in Central Office Administration in the Forest Hills Public Schools, Joyce M. Newhouse
A Report of an Internship in Coloma Community Schools, Coloma, Michigan, David A. DeFields
A Report of an Internship in Gull Lake Community Schools, Gull Lake, Michigan, Gary J. Jackson
A Report of an Internship in Niles, Michigan, Public Schools, Frank A. Algate
A Report of an Internship in Public Relations at Western Michigan University, John G. Dezek
A Report of an Internship in School Administration at Mount Clemens Community Schools, Carolyn J. Smith
A Report of an Internship in the Admissions and Counseling Office at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Constance M. Speers
A Report of an Internship in the Bloomingdale, Michigan, Public Schools, James F. Scholley
A Report of an Internship in the Buchanan Community Schools Buchanan, Michigan, Gloria M. Vanderbeck
A Report of an Internship in the Central Office of the Vicksburg Community Schools, Raymond C. Staples
A Report of an Internship in the Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools, Galesburg, Michigan, Robert C. Cretsinger
A Report of an Internship in the Hastings Area Schools, Hastings, Michigan, Sally W. Fullerton
A Report of an Internship in the Kalamazoo Police Department, Roy C. Aslanian
A Report of an Internship in the Kalamazoo Public Schools Kalamazoo, Michigan, Celeste Kaiser Vogan
A Report of an Internship in the Kalamazoo Public Schools Kalamazoo, Michigan, Barbara J. Wright
A Report of an Internship in the Office of Instructional Development Western Michigan University, Emmanuel Mariampillai
A Report of an Internship in the Parchment Public Schools Parchment, Michigan, Rita Linnenkugel Current
A Report of an Internship in the Portage Public Schools, Diana Lung Castell
A Report of an Internship in the Reading Center and Clinic Western Michigan University, Lucetta A. Johnson
A Report of an Internship in the Three Rivers Community Schools, Three Rivers, Michigan, Janis Monreau Morton
A Report of an Internship in Three Rivers, Michigan, Public Schools, Jerry E. Dalman
A Report of an Internship in Western Michigan University Para-School Learning Center Kalamazoo, Michigan, Providentia Pollard
A Report of an Internship with a Uniserv Director of the Michigan Education Association Wayne County, Michigan, John Arthur Goniea
A Report of an Internship with the Bangor Public Schools, Alfred M. Hawkins
A Report of an Internship with the Northwest School District Jackson, Michigan, Catherine M. Campbell
A Report of a Principal Internship in River Valley School System, Richard D. Kelly
A Report of a Project in the Business Administrative Office of East Grand Rapids Public Schools, Lorraine Koloseik
A Report of a Project in the Central Administrative Offices of the Grand Rapids Public Schools, Steven J. Golembiewski
A Report of a Summer Internship at Buckhorn Children's Center Buckhorn, Kentucky, Catherine Smith Armitage
A Report of Early Professional Experiences, Joy Rogers
A Report of my Internship with the Van Buren Intermediate School District Migrant Program, Franklin S. McCarroll
A Report on the Domesday Book Database Project, Robin Fleming
A Retrospective Pre-Post Treatment Study of Occupational Therapy Intervention for Children with Sensory Processing Challenges, Sarah A. Schoen, Lucy Jane Miller, and Joanne Flanagan
A Review of Lombard Prosopography, Steven C. Fanning
A Review of Nicholas Orme: The Minor Clergy of Exeter Cathedral, 1300-1548, Malcolm C. Burson
A Review of Research with Benzedrine, Dexedrine, and Ritalin on the Hyperkinetic Behavior Syndrome, William J. Hampstead
A Review of Short Forms of the MMPI, William M. Skinner
A Review of the Short Forms of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Edward Gerald Tava
A Review on the History and Application of Videotape Self-Confrontation in Therapy and Human Relations Training, Gerald F. Skillings
Ariadne, Andrew Cance
Arianism and the Goths: Religion and Identity Preservation in Late Antiquity, Richelle K. Mead
A Right to Motherhood? Race, Class, and Reproductive Services in the Jim Crow South, Cynthia Edmonds-Cady
Arlette Higounet-Nadal, Familles patriciennes de Perigueux a la fin dy moyen âge., Neithard Bulst
Around Town, KariAn L. Wahl
Art and Aftermath, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthurian Ethics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthurian Sanctuaries, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthurian Sidekicks (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthurian Translation (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Artifacts, Dylan Rinker
Arts and Sciences Open Faculty Forum, John M. Dunn
Arts Education Organization Acceptance Speech, John M. Dunn
arts & sciences enews: Fall 2018, College of Arts and Sciences
arts & sciences enews: Spring 2018, College of Arts and Sciences
arts & sciences enews: Winter 2018, College of Arts and Sciences
A Science of the Human: Medical Discourse as a Way of Knowing, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
ASD Program Development in Special Education Teacher Preparation: An Exploratory Study, Christine DeWildt
"A Signature Year: Building Community Connections": Kiwanis Luncheon, John M. Dunn
A Single Session Design to Assess Schedule Interactions, Thomas J. Edwards
A Single Subject Comparison on the Effects of Three Treatments on the Rate of Stuttering, Bradford S. Haire
A Social Impact Assessment Study of the Barrier Sand Dune Controversy in Bridgman, Michigan, Linda Lee Sweigart
A Social System Analysis of Preferred Leadership Role Characteristics in High School, Orel D. Callahan
A Socio-Historic Analysis of the Multicultural Education Movement and its Relationship with Higher Education, Barbara D. Muncey
A Soldier's Life:The Civil War Experiences of Ben C. Johnson, Ben C. Johnson and Alan S. Brown
A Somewhat Entertaining Short Story with Little, If Any Redeeming Social Significance, Joel Firehammer
A Spectral Study of the 4-Arylamino-1,2-Naphthoquinone System, Lloyd Myles Phipps
A Spectrographic Method for Determination of Lead in Human Blood Utilizing the Far Ultraviolet Wavelength Region, Marianne Oriel Lull
Aspects of Habitat Selection in Grassland Birds, Keith Graham Harrison
Assessing In-Course Projects and Students' Interest in Science, Heather Kasper, Mary Anne Sydlik, and Susan R. Stapleton
Assessing Land Deformation and Sea Encroachment in the Nile Delta, Egypt, Esayas Gebremichael
Assessing Students’ Writing and Public Speaking Self-Efficacy in a Composition and Communication Course, Terrell K. Frey and Jessalyn I. Vallade
Assessing the Benefits and Risks of Choice-Based Art Education in the Modern-Day Classroom, Kayla Lindeman
Assessing Treatment Efficacy in a Personalized Medicine Era, Eunice Anderson
Assessment for Mild Cognitive Impairment: Striving for Best Practice, Julie Leigh Dalmasso
Assessment of Wildland Fire Fighter Exposure to Carbon Monoxide Using Modified Occupational Exposure Limits, Joshua G. Scott
Asset Building as Social Investment, Michael Sherraden
Assimilation: An Empirical Test of Milton Gordon's Model on Mexican Americans in Holland, Michigan, Denise L. Tyiska
Assimilation of Chinese Families in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Lily Shu-Hong Sun
Assimilation of Korean College Students, Jei Hyun Yoo
Assisting the Most Vulnerable Populations in the Regions of La Rioja and the Maghreb: The Human Rights-Based Approach and Social Work, Neus Caparrós Civera, Domingo Carbonero Muñoz, and Esther Raya Díez
A Statistical Analysis of the Factors Influencing Student Achievement and Instructional Effectiveness in the Audio-Tutorial Biological Science Program at Western Michigan University, William Lawrence Wissinger
A Statistical Analysis of the Prehistoric Ceramics from the Hacklander Site, Allegan County, Michigan, Robert G. Kingsley
A Study and Analysis of Intern Training Experience at Western Michigan University's Community School Development Center, Henry Houseman
A Study Based on the Opinions of the Graduating Classes of 1970-1972 from the Springfield Public School System, Jo Ann Frank
A Study Following-Up on Master's Degree Graduates in the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences at Western Michigan University, David Louis Lau
A Study in Role Conflict: The Role of the University Research Administrator, Robert Mendelsohn
A Study of a Graphical Valued Function Associated With an Extension of Graphs, Douglas W. Nance
A Study of Aquisition of Stimulus Matching, Stanley George Smith
A Study of Asymptotic Solutions of Second Order Linear Differential Equations, Toshitake Okada
A Study of Behavioral Contrast Using Multiple Discriminative Stimuli, Gary M. Stoynoff
A Study of Behavior Modification Practices in Work Oriented Rehabilitation Facilities, Robert Bruce Verplank
A Study of Blood Constituent Levels and the Influence of Certain Environmental Factors upon Them in the Wild Mallard Duck, Christopher Louis Schatte
A Study of Cataloging Procedures in Community Colleges in Eleven Southeastern States, Gayle L. Pierce
A Study of Change in Secondary Teachers' Attitudes towards School Library Concepts after Instruction in Librarianship, Rulon Kent Wood
A Study of Clear Lake Camp’s Contributions to the Elementary Curriculum, Herman C. Kranzer
A Study of Completed Suicide and Attempted Suicide in the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area of Flint: Michigan, I960, Friedrich Volker Wenz
A Study of Cotorsion Groups, Arlo D. Davis
A Study of Current and Planned High School Business and Vocational Office Education Programs in Southwestern Michigan, John A. Fabrizio
A Study of Defects in Platinum Using Positron Annihilation, Clarence D. Esseltine
A Study of Dietary Effects on Peripheral Blood Constituents of the Female Mallard under Estrogen Stimulation, Nickolias George Smyrnios
A Study of Foreign and United States Students' Perceptions of Seriousness of Selected Criminal Offenses: A Cross-Cultural Inquiry, Obi N. Ignatius Ebbe
A Study of Forward vs. Backward Chaining, using Hutching's "Low Stress" Algorithm in Simple and Complex Addition Problems with Third Graders, Linda Sue Clark
A Study of Habitat Preference for the Aestivation of the Alfalfa Weevil Hyper Postica (Curculionidae: Coleoftera), Donald D. Myers
A Study of Intelligence and Its Measurement as It Pertains to the Preschool Deaf Child, Patricia H. Slesdet
A Study of Isospin Mixing in 16O Near 18 MeV Exitation Energy, Li-yun Kuo
A Study of Kinship and Patronage: The Rise of the House of Bek, Paul A. Fox
A Study of Lommel Functions, Robert Glenn Mayo
A Study of Opinions Related to Corporal Punishment: 1980, Susan J. Walz
A Study of Perceptions of the Effect of Student Dress and Grooming on Behavior and Achievement in Selected Michigan Public Secondary Schools, Ozzie D. Parks
A Study of Personal Characteristics and Behaviors Perceived to be Most Important for Effective Job Performance by Elementary School Principals, Thomas Lee Dunton
A Study of Personality Dimensions Associated with Creative Individuals, Michael J. Bodi
A Study of Personal Naming Customs in Medieval Poitou, Eleanor Louise Krawutschke
A Study of Pertinent Contract Information for Van Buren County Teacher-Negotiators, Howard W. Wood
A Study of Reaction Time as a Test for Validity of Personality Questionnaires, William McCague Shearer
A Study of Schistosomiasis in the Mizurata Area, Libya, Abubaker I. Swehli
A Study of School Finance as it Relates to Cash Flow, Reserves, Negotiations, Board Philosophy, Inflation, and Budget Philosophy, James Alvin Brouwer
A Study of Selected Aspects of Alcohol Education in Michigan's Elementary and Junior High Schools, Calvin J. Hoogstra
A Study of Selected Factors Relating to Success Achieved by Beginning Typewriting Students at the High School Level, Loren A. Cook
A Study of Selected Michigan Elementary Schools to Identify Factors Supporting the Development of the Media Center, Peggy Maclean
A Study of Seven Library Technology Programs to Determine to What Extent the Programs Parallel the American Library Association Criteria for Library Technology Programs, Evelyn Ruth Schneider
A Study of Shore Erosion at Seventeen Sites along Eastern Lake Michigan, Walter George Fingleton
A Study of Social Constraint as a Characteristic of Social Conditions Related to Suicide in Japan and Italy, Efrem Massano
A Study of Some Matrix Elements for the Four-Pion Decay Mode of Neutral Bosons, George Victor Weller
A Study of Some of the Ways that Homework is Used in a School System and an Evaluation of its Possible Value, Gary C. Rosenthal
A Study of Stereotype Perceptions of Northern and Southern College Students, G. Lance Gilbert
A Study of Stimulus Control Functions Following Discrimination Training Using a DRL Schedule of Reinforcement, Kathleen M. Krafft
A Study of Student Library Assistant Programs in Selected Class B Secondary Schools in the State of Michigan, 1970-71, Marie Rose Sivak
A Study of Substance Abuse by Black Youths, Monroe H. Johnson
A Study of Tee Relationship between Machiavellianism and Mutual Gaze in the Therapist-Client Dyad, James Paul Kelly
A Study of the 16.7 MeV Level of the 5He, James David George
A Study of the 1968 Emergency Legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany, Donald J. Van Doeselaar
A Study of the Accuracy of Prediction Motion in Depth, Neal I. Gelfand
A Study of the Acquisition of Learning-Set Behavior in Pigeons, E. Jill Moir
A Study of the Attitudes of First-Year Shorthand Students, Carol Yvonne McLoughlin
A Study of the Attitudes of Michigan Civil Servants toward Regulations on their Political Activity, Lauri E. Kallio
A Study of the Audit Opinions Issued by Certified Public Accountants, Thomas P. Klammer
A Study of the Changes in the Intellectual Environment from the Middle Ages to the Late Nineteenth Century Culminating in the Professionalization of Anthropology, Linda Marie Place
A Study of the Current Practices in Program Planning in the Summer Camps of the Y.W.C.A. in the Midwest, Mary Louise Lang
A Study of the Development and Value of an Experimental Management Course for Librarians, William Keith Smith
A Study of the Effectiveness of Mail Order Library Service to Rural Communtities in Upper Michigan, Dorrine Ann Anderson
A Study of the Effectiveness of the Beginning Reading Tutorial Program Administered by Elementary Aides, Reginald T. Hosner
A Study of the Effect of Fiber Length Distribution on the Tear Strength of a Synthetic Fiber Sheet, Kit Funderburk
A Study of the Effect of School Socio-Economic Composition on Student Achievement, Ruth Van Kampen
A Study of the Effect of Socio-Cultural Demographics, Health Status, and Use of Music on Music Preferences, Kaitlin McKinley
A Study of the Effect of the National Science Foundation Course Content Improvement Materials on the School Library, Eleanor R. McKinney
A Study of the Effects of a Reading Program for Reluctant Readers, Florence Evelyn Banks
A Study of the Effects of Changes in Response Requirement on Lever Preference in a Discrete-Trial Choice Procedure, Charles L. Lowe
A Study of the Effects of Vacancies on the Angular Correlation of Positron Annihilation Radiation for Iron and Copper, Ronald L. Meade
A Study of the Factors Associated with the Various Degrees of Perceived Marginality among Black Business Leaders, Janet M. Brenneman
A Study of the Feasibility of Teaching Selected Library Science Courses by Tape and Two-Way Amplified Telephone Communication, Marguerite Baechtold
A Study of the Feasibility of the W.A.I.S. as a Self-Administered Pencil-Paper Test, Marlene Mason
A Study of the Films Produced by the Aluminum/Water Reaction Using Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy, Reed L. Shilts
A Study of the Impostor Phenomenon: Research and Popular Literature, Karen Elaine Metzger
A Study of the Influence of a Church School Upon Its Youth, Esther Jane DeWeerd
A Study of the Influence of Dogmatism on Student Perception of Teacher Qualities, Ann Elizabeth Laffan
A Study of the Influence of Serum Thyroxine on the Annual Reproductive Cycle of the Adult Female Mallard, Deward L. Walker
A Study of the Influence of the Naturalistic Philosophies in the Development of Political Science in America, James Michael Graham
A Study of the Library Knowledge of a Sample of Freshmen Students Enrolled at the University of Puerto Rico for the School Year 1980-81, Sarai Rodriguez de Perez
A Study of the Materials Used in the Teaching of Reading by Teachers with and without a Library-Media Center with a Full-Time Media Specialist, Mary Ann Paulin
A Study of the Models Describing Fines and Filler Retention by Utilizing Cationic Starch as the Retention Aid, Nen-Sen Chen
A Study of the Organizational Council System and the Relating Subsystems of Muskegon Community College, James Donnely Verboncouer
A Study of the Portrayal of Saints Peter and Paul in French Gothic Art, Claire Kriebel
A Study of the Process by Which a Central Administrative Office Functions in a Selected School System, D. Bruce Galland
A Study of the Relationship between Church Sponsored K-12 Education and Church Membership in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Warren Earl Minder
A Study of the Relationship between Perspective Ability and Map Conceptualization in Elementary School Children, Russell L. Cobb
A Study of the Relationship of the Verb-Adjective Ratio in Linguistic Construction to Induced Stress, Bruce A. Schurman
A Study of the Relative Effectiveness of Three Methods of Teaching an Unfamiliar Speech Sound, Nancy A. Thompson
A Study of the Summer Recreation Program Administered by the Portage Township Park Board, Nina Piper Boyd
A Study of the Summer Recreation Programs in Small Michigan Communities, Walter A. Gillett
A Study of the Target Thickness Effect for Chlorine on Germanium from 25 to 49.5 MeV, James Robert Slusser
A Study of the Variables Influencing Subliminal Perception, Daniel Gilman
A Study of the Varying Degrees of Creativity Manifested by Kindergarten Children from Open or Traditional Classrooms, Susan Spelman Lewis
A Study of the Vegetation on Three Sanitary Landfills in Kalamazoo County, John Warren Rogers
A Study of Trace Metals in Hair and Nails of Myasthenia Gravis Patients, Frank Melvin Whitaker
A Study of Trans-Apparatus Generalization and the Effects of Reward and Non-Reward, Roderick Wong
A Study of User and Nonuser Reactions to WMU Online Automated Retrieval System (OARS), Janet Dommer
A Study of Visual Pollution from Overhead Wires and Associated Structures, Robert J. Schodorf
A Study to Determine Methods of Evaluating Achievement of Business Communications Students and Predicting Success of These Students, Susanne Bellaire Philp
A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of a Library Instruction Course in Teaching the Use of the Library to Upward Bound Students, Emma Bradford Perry
A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of an Interest Grouping Classification for Primary Grade Children, Dianne T. McAfee Williams
A Study to Evaluate the Effect of the Minnesota Plan, (ESEA, Title II), on the Development of Selected School Libraries, Rolland Gerald Billings
A Substance Abuse Prevention Plan Proposal for the State of Michigan, William Lucien MacLeod
A Suggested Program for Co-Educational Activities in Physical Education at Marshall High School, Melvin William Aussieker
A Suggested Sight Vocabulary Training Program, Martin Halvorsen
A Summary of Experiences in an Internship in the Area of Community College Administration, Charles E. Henkel
A Summary of Experiences in an Internship in the Area of School Business Management, Lawrence H. Stancliff
A Superintendent's Guide to a Successful Bond Proposal, Scott D. Mollenberndt
A Survey of Cross-Cultural Determinants of Mental Disorders, Janet Lesniewski
A Survey of Elementary School Technology Needs: A Needs Assessment, Shaun Kellogg
A Survey of Employment Needs and Opportunities for Office Workers in Muskegon County, Kenneth L. Deal
A Survey of Graduates of a One-Year Clerical Office Block Class —1976-1981— with Recommendations for Curriculum and Course Content Revision, Audrey Lee Watson
A Survey of Graduate Students in Two Library Schools to Determine the Factors Considered of Primary Importance in the Selection of a Library School, Katherine V. Shaw
A Survey of In-Service Training of Water Treatment Systems’ Operators in Michigan, Alouch Whitfield
A Survey of Lightning Safety Policy in Selected High Schools, Katie Groszek
A Survey of Michigan School Psychologists: Some Facts and Opinions, Elisabeth Rebecca Thall
A Survey of Nine Common Laboratory Compounds as Causative Agents of Ciliostasis in Tracheal Explants from Mice, Josie Marshall Fletcher
A Survey of Non-Persisting Students Muskegon Community College Fall-Winter Semesters, 1974-75, Harold J. Gelderloos
A Survey of Perceptions and Professional Boundaries Between Music Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology, Jennifer Rose Fromius
A Survey of Psychological Services Available to Two-Year Community College Students, Alice Hildrebrandt North
A Survey of School Plant Needs in the Grandville School District, Elmer H. Theodore
A Survey of Security and Privacy in Mobile Cloud Computing, Bhuvaneswari Rayapuri
A Survey of the Relationship between Rhetoric and Music, Robert Stephen Brown
A Survey of the Significant Addenda to P.L.R.E., Ralph W. Mathisen
A Survey of the Status of Secondary School Intramural Sports for Boys in the State of Michigan, Robert Epskamp
A Survey of the Writings of the First Fifteen Women Presidents of the American Library Association, O. Mell Bushin
A Systematic Analysis of Between and Within Grader Variability as Affected by Answer Key Condition, Grader Experience, and Test Set Assigned, Leonard Eugene Swistak
A Systematic Investigation of the Conditioned Facilitation Phenomenon with Human Beings as Subjects, Gladys Olivia Bright
A Systems Analysis of Laboratory Report Editing, Suanne A. Williams
A Systems Approach to Complex Social Behavior: The Formulation of a Methodology and Its Application to the Peasant Village of Tzintzuntzan, William Earl Reynolds
A Taxonomy of Organizations for Assessing Research in Organizational Communication, Margaret E. Dennany
A Test as a Delayed Contingency for Acquiring Elementary Textual Behavior in a Classroom Setting for Trainable Retardates, Eugene A. Kaprowy
A Test of the Affects of Selected Variables on Student Attitudes toward Political Participation, Donald R. Clark
A Theoretical Integration of Robert Kegan's Developmental Psychology and Heinz Kohut's Self Psychology, Wilmar VanderPol
Athlete Coping and the Influence of Coach Leadership Behaviors in Elite Figure Skaters, Taylor Sonia Allen
Athletes and Practitioners: Agents of Social Change within Sport, Jessica L. David MSEd, Jesse A. Steinfeldt PhD, and Jacqueline E. Hyman MEd
Athletic Trainers' Perceptions of Competence in Therapeutic Exercise, Christopher J. Jones
A Three-Year Field Study of Cacalia Atriplicifolia, L. with Emphasis on Dispersal Mechanisms, Joann T. Athey
A T-Matrix Analysis for the Scattering Cross Section, Michael J. Linville
A Toast to Art, Liz Lents
A Training Module on How to Effectively Speak with Older Adults with Hearing Loss, Valerie Rubley
A Training Sequence Designed to Teach Vocal Imitation to a Retarded Child Exhibiting a Stereotyped Vocal Response Pattern, Patricia Ann Martin
A Treatment Package for Proctor Pre-Quiz Discussion in an Instructor-Paced Introductory Psychology Course, Benjamin Robert Ober
A Treatment Package to Improve Academic Performance, Lynn Daniel Larrow
A Triphasic Design for Comparison of Three Biofeedback Training Methods on Bilateral Theta EEG Wave Activity, Morris D. Edwards
Attention: Its Meaning and Its Control in the Classroom, Robert G. Packard
At the Piano, Teresa Wen
Attitudes, Beliefs, and Appropriate Shin Guard Usage in Division III Collegiate Soccer, Aimee Reuter
Attitudinal and Perceptual Differences between Industrial Supervisors and their Subordinates Regarding Leadership Climate and Reward Criteria, Raymond Sauers
Attribution style as a moderator in the relationship between post-tramatic stress and relationship satisfaction, Jessica Olin and Elizabeth Goncy PhD
At war: The Military and American Culture in the Twentieth Century and Beyond, Edwin A. Martini
Auditory Discrimination of Pitch Differences among Pure Tone and Voice Stimuli, Demetria Bilycia
Auditory Evoked Potentials: Relationship to Stimulus Intensity and Effects of Noise Exposure, Judith Lyn Buelke
August 2018, Global News, Haenicke Institute
August 2018 Newsletter, Haworth College of Business
Augustine's Mystical Legacy: Eckhart, Cusanus, and Women Mystics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Authority Characteristics and Municipal Outputs: An Analysis, Harold E. Old
A Utilization of Topographic Maps to Verify Selected Aspects of Pre-Collected Data Accuracy, Larry L. Patrick
Autism Funding News Conference with Representative Margaret O'Brien, John M. Dunn
Autocorrelation in Behavior Modification Data, Suzanne M. Girman
Automobile Safety Construction, Robert C. White
Automotive Youth Educational Systems and Qualified Entry-level Automotive Technicians, David M. Garrett
Availability and Utilization of Student/Personnel Services for Academic and Personal Development at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Verlyn R. Knowles
Availability of an Aggressive Response During Sidman Avoidance, Michael Albert Minervini
A Validation of Target Heartrate Formulas Used in Swimming, Tasha Kay Litwinski
A Validation of Tests for Selection of Office Workers at Western Michigan University, Allen E. Doolittle
Average Solid Angle for Detection of Photon Pair Positron Annihilations, Albert S. Ferrari
Avian Succession on Lake Michigan Sand Dunes, John B. Van Orman
Aviation Anniversary Celebration Dinner, John M. Dunn
Aviation Business and Industry Event, John M. Dunn
Aviation Grad Letter, John M. Dunn
A Vocational Intervention for Collegiate Student-Athletes, A. Benton Darling M.A., Alexandria Kinder M.A., and Robert C. Hilliard M.S.
Avoidance and Escape Responses in a Free Operant Avoidance Procedure as a Function of Avoidance-Shock Intervals, Kathleen M. Krumhus
Avoidance of Time-Out from, and Withdrawal of, Positive Reinforcement in Humans: Reduction in Actual and Potential Reinforcement as a Stimulus for Aggression, Brigitte Symannek
Avoiding Pitfalls in Administrative Internships, M. Scott Korpak
Award Ceremony for the President's Grant for Study Abroad, John M. Dunn
A Workshop Approach to Training Paraprofessionals in the Theory and Application of Behavior Modification Principles and Techniques, Janice H. Schoonmaker
A World at Risk, Jochanan Stenesh
A Written History of the Western Michigan University Department of Dance, Amy Russell
A Yorkshire Thegn and His Descendants After the Conquest, Hugh M. Thomas
Backbone, Erin Gendron
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.53, no.2 2018
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.54, no.1, summer 2018
“Back When I Was A Kid...”: Facilitating Parent-Child Dialogue on Alcohol-Related Behaviors, Casie Morgan and Charlotte Little
Baking 101, Lindsey Prudhomme
Balancing Efficacy and Effectiveness with Philosophy, History, and Theory-Building in Occupational Therapy Education Research, Barbara Hooper, Jyothi Gupta, Andrea Bilics, and Steven D. Taff
Banesism and Molinism in Theory and Practice, Rev. Burns K. Seeley
Baptism and the Naming of Children in Late Medieval England, Philip Niles
Barbarians and Barbarian Kingdoms II: Barbarians and the Church, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Barbarians and Barbarian Kingdoms I: Italy and the Balkans, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Barcelona's Patronage of the Dominican Convent of Santa Catalina, 1219-1299, Antonio M. Zaldivar
Barriers to Counseling for African Americans, Jody Zhong BA, Lali McCubbin PhD, Ja'lessa Hardwick MA, and Kaylyn Watterson M.A.
Baseline Response Rate and the Effect of a Stimulus which Precedes Response-Independent Reinforcement, William M. Arnold
Basic Course: Informing Communication Pedagogy through Teacher Training and Program Assessment, Cheri J. Simonds
Basic Instrumentation of a Three-Zone Convection Coater Dryer for Calculation of Heat and Mass Balances, Byron H. McKinstry
Basketball Video Script with Coach Hawkins, John M. Dunn
Battle of the Buildings Kickoff, John M. Dunn
BC/Kalamazoo United Way Reception, John M. Dunn
Becoming Fiction: Reassessing Atheism in Dürrenmatt's Stoffe, Olivia Gabor-Peirce
Bede and Material Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bee WeiRd., Pam Trigilio
Behavioral Aspects of Southwest Michigan Opilionids, Wolfgang C. Schroeter
Behavioral Assessment and Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Problems, Mary M. Riordan
Behavioral Changes in a Student in a Regular, Public-School Classroom through Token Reinforcement, Bonnie Hardy Kays
Behavioral Community Psychology: Encouraging the Community-Based Elderly to Participate in a Nutritious Meal Program, Theodore J. Bunck
Behavioral Community Psychology: Increasing Participation in a Community-Based Blood Pressure Screening Program, Marcia L. Kane
Behavioral Comparison of Septal Lesioned and Anosmic Rats, Sharon Kay Suppes
Behavioral Contracting: The Effects of Metacontingency Contracting on Math Performance of At-Risk Students, Vernard V. J. Jones
Behavioral Contracting with Community Based Inmates for Job-Seeking Behavior, Thomas Krupar
Behavioral Contrast: A Comparison of Responses Maintained by Qualitatively Different Reinforcers, Paul Whelan
Behavioral Contrast After Errorless Discrimination Learning as a Function of Non-Contingent Shock, James H. Kaye
Behavioral Contrast Using a Simulated Organizational Task, Brandon M. Ring
Behavioral Effects of Different Doses of Gammahydroxybutyrate (GHB) on the AutoShaped Responding of Pigeons, Kineta Lynn Morgan-Paisley
Behavioral Techniques to Increase Conceptual Mastery, William D. Ellis
Behavioral Treatment of Alcoholism: An Avaluative Review, Kenneth Francis Foti
Behavior Change in University Students through Participation in a Workshop for Eliminating Self-Defeating Behavior, Margaret Eileen Feringa
Behavior Systems Analysis of a Worker Managed Bakery, Marie Louise Greening
Behind the Bishop's Back: The Middle and the Lower Clergy in Late Antiquity I: Clerics, Women, and Problems, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Behind the Bishop's Back: The Middle and the Lower Clergy in Late Antiquity II: Hierarchy, Clerics, and Monks, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Being Old in an Aging Society: The Meaning of Old Age and Religion in Contemporary Japan, Yumi Takahashi
Belgium, Ann Reddig
Belief in Phenomena that are Supported, and are not Supported by Science: Assessment and Intervention, Nicole I. Berri
Belligerent Mothers and the Power of Feminine Speech in _The Owl and the Nightingale_, Wendy A. Matlock
Bells for Her, Melissa Allen
Belongings, Sophie Dennis
Benedictine Exegesis of the Bible in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Benedictine Masters of the Medieval University of Paris: Careers and Regency, Thomas Sullivan
Benton Harbor Area Schools Major Internship, Edwin R. Dass
Berhtgyth's Letters to Balthard, Kathryn Maude
Bernhard Center Program Following Chavez March, John M. Dunn
Bernie Sanders Event Welcome, John M. Dunn
Bertran de Verdun: Royal Service, Land, and Family in the Late Twelfth Century, Richard Dace
Best Practices for Facilitating Communication-Centered Professional Development for Non-Communication Faculty, Stephanie Norander
Best Practices for Retaining Public Speaking Students, Kimberly M. Weismann, Shannon B. Vanhorn, and Christina G. Paxman
Best Practices for Training New Communication Graduate Teaching Assistants, Melissa A. Broeckelman-Post and Kristina Ruiz-Mesa
Beta-Testing of an Interactive Multimedia Computer Program of Exposure Therapy for PTSD, Marie C. Barrett
Betty Kocher Luncheon, John M. Dunn
Betty Kocher Luncheon, John M. Dunn
Betty Kocher Memorial Tribute, John M. Dunn
Between Spaces, Dakota Kipper
Between the Lion and Red Dragon: The Marcher Lordship of Aberga Venny C. 1320 through the Lens of Monastic Disobedience, Matthew McConnel
Beyond Bannatyne: Celebrating Four Hundred and Fifty Years of the Bannatyne Manuscript, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beyond Delooz: Sanctity Individual and Corporate, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bibliographical Advances in Byzantine Prosopography of the Middle and Later Periods: Part One, Alexis G.C. Savvides
Bibliography: Anglo-Saxon England, 1970-81, Janet Nelson
Bibliography of English Scholarship, 1970-81: Part I--1066-1307, Joel T. Rosenthal
Bibliography of English Scholarship, 1970-82: Part 11--1307-1509, Joel T. Rosenthal
Bibliography of Studies in Medieval Prosopography: Wales, 1970-80, Ralph A. Griffiths
Bigelow/Hoekje Hall Closing Ceremony Remarks, John M. Dunn
Bigelow Night with the Prez, John M. Dunn
Bill Signing/Enhanced Oil Recovery, John M. Dunn
Binding of Aminoacyl-tRNA to Bacterial Ribosomes, Somesh Datt Sharma
Biochemically Instigated Avoidance of Alcohol in Hats, James Hugh Gold
Biographical Data Related to Achievement in Undergraduate Psychology, Keith E. Fleming
Biography and Prosopography in Arab-Islamic Medieval Culture, Manuela Marín
Biological Studies on Some Ghanats of Iran, Fardin Oliaei
Biomechanical Analysis of the Volleyball Overhand Floater Serve, Jian Lu
Bio-Socially Inspired Strategies in Support of Dynamic Spectrum Access: An Evolutionary Game Theory Perspective, Mohammad Ali Marzoug Abu Shattal
Bird Populations in a Grassland-Thicket in Relation to Plant Succession and Adjacent Land Use, Steven L. Harbron
Bird Populations of Three Oak Forest Areas in Southern Michigan, Ted B. Gottshall
Blackened Faces and a Veiled Woman: The Early Korčula Moreška, Max Harris and Lada Čale Feldman
Black Graduate Students’ Experiences of Stress and Coping, Shealyn J. Blanchard
Black Power in Green and White: Integration and Black Protest in Michigan State University Football, 1947-1972, John Matthew Smith
Blinding the Medusa's Eye: Prolegomena to a Social Hermeneutics, David Boyer
Blood Constituent Levels Associated with Transition into Reproduction and During Egg Formation in the Female Mallard Duck, Robert L. Smoes
Blood Fishing, Brie Tiderington
Blue Cactus (Home), Jordan Randall
B'nai B'rith Scholar Athlete Awards, John M. Dunn
Boat-Lift Design and Analysis, Nathan Schick
Bodies, Bones, and Burial: Death in Early Medieval Texts and Culture I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bodies, Bones, and Burial: Death in Early Medieval Texts and Culture II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Book Review: Courtrooms and Classrooms: A Legal History of College Access, 1860-1960, Mark A. Addison
Book Review of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Expanding Your View, Deborah Langosch
Boom to Bankruptcy the Story of the Manistee and Northeastern Railroad, Donald Stroup
Borrowings and the Authorial Domain: Gostanzo, Polonius, and Marston's Gonzago, Charles Cathcart
Boston ACUPCC Climate Leadership Summit, John M. Dunn
Bottled Beauty: A Semiotics Analysis of Perfume Advertisements, Asdis G. Ragnarsdottir
Bottle of Rain, Kelly Skar
Boundaries of Negotiations in Later Medieval Europe: Political, Cultural, Economic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bowling for Manhood, D 'Anne Witkowski
Boys on the Road: Mobilities and Childhood Geographies in Young Adult Road Trip Novels, Jason Vanfosson
Breakdowns of Democracy in Nepal: A Comparative Study Between 1960 and 2005, Abi Chamlagai
Breakfast, Jeddie Sophronius
Breaking the Poverty Trap in Africa: A Comparative Perspective on Poverty Alleviation, ABU Girma MOGES
Break - Prepare for Dinner and Closing
Breastfeeding and Changing American Child-Rearing Practices, Jeanne Reed
Brief Notices, Ralph Mathisen
bright blue ribbons, Sarah Crabtree
Bring Back the Ethiopianism Philosophy to Indigenize Ethiopia’s High Quality Education System, Mammo Muchie
Bringing About and Maintaining a Mature Sentence Style in Undergraduate Students, Mary Beth Tillema
British and American Strategy in the European Theater of Operations December 1941 to August 1944, Ronald A. Refior
Broken, Marissa Chupp
Bronco Bash Talking Points, John M. Dunn
Bronco Bash Talking Points, John M. Dunn
Bronco Buds Welcome, John M. Dunn
Bronco Buds Welcome, John M. Dunn
Bronco Buds Welcome, John M. Dunn
Bronco Buds Welcome, John M. Dunn
Broncos4Broncos Campaign Celebration, John M. Dunn
Broncos4Broncos Kickoff, John M. Dunn
Broncos4Broncos Kickoff, John M. Dunn
Bronco Way Orientation Videotaping, John M. Dunn
Bronson Leadership Retreat, John M. Dunn
Brotherly Love, Blair Stock
Brown and Golden Memories: Western Michigan University's First Century, Larry Massie
Brown & Gold Gala-Grand Rapids, John M. Dunn
Bruno: Modern Europe's First Free Thinker, Edward Jayne
Budgeted Money in Staff Development and Technology Integration, Chad Frerichs
Buena Vista High School Student's Open House Welcome, John M. Dunn
Buffet Dinner and Closing Remarks, Kassa Tekleberhan Gebrehiwot
Building Community From Within, Demarra Gardner MA
Building Literacy Bridges Between the Home and School Environments: Parents' Perspectives, Beth A. Carlson
Bulletin: Western Michigan College of Education v37 n1: Facts for Freshman and Information for New Students 1941-1942, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western Michigan College of Education v37 n2: Details of Curricula 1941-1942, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western State Normal School Register of Students Summer and Fall Terms 1904, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western State Normal School Register of Students Summer Fall and Winter Terms 1904-5, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western State Normal School Summer 1904, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western State Teachers College 1934 Summer Session, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western State Teachers College Adult Education, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western State Teachers College Improvement of Reading Through the Use of Tests, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western State Teachers College Radio Addresses, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western State Teachers College Radio Addresses, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western State Teachers College Summer 1933, Western Michigan University
Bulletin: Western State Teachers College Summer 1936, Western Michigan University
Bullshit Baby, Shelley Stobbelaar
Burian University-Community Lecture Welcome, John M. Dunn
Burnout Among Filipino Occupational Therapists: A Mixed Methods Analysis, Rod Charlie Delos Reyes
Burnout among undergraduate women in STEM: The role of identity interference and chilly climate, Laura Jensen B.A. and Eric Deemer PhD
Business Ethics, Fritz H. Allhoff
Business Office Internship, Kathryn S. Weeden
Business Plan: Consulting Firm focused on Manufacturing Digitalization, Edward Mulford
Bystander Intervention: An evidence-based program for sexual assault prevention on college campuses, Tacianna Pinheiro Oliver Indovina MA, Kerry Beduna MA, Hunter Sully MA, and Ashley Boester-Dean PhD
Calculations of Nuclear Structure Using Isospin Formalism, Roger A. Cook
California Trip Reception Remarks/Bullets, John M. Dunn
Campground Usage and User Attitudes in the Allegan State Game Area, Allegan County, Michigan, Gregg R. Squire
Campus Activities Board (CAB) 2016-17 Kickoff/25th Anniversary Year, John M. Dunn
Campus Campaign Kickoff, John M. Dunn
Campus Sustainability/Honeywell Celebration, John M. Dunn
Campus-Wide Forum on Student Mental Health Difficulties and Suicidality, John M. Dunn
Cancer and the Common Woman in Margaret Edson's W;t, Jacqueline Vanhoutte
Candle, Laura L. Davis
"Can These Bones Come to Life?" II: Issues of Authority in Reconstructing, Reenacting, and Recreating the Past (and in Medieval Studies), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Can These Bones Come to Life?" I: Issues of Authenticity in Reconstructing, Reenacting, and Recreating the Past, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Capital Intern Program Reception, John M. Dunn
Capital Intern Program Reception Remarks, John M. Dunn
Capitol Interns Reception, John M. Dunn
Captan-Induced Reversions in Bacteria, Gayle M. Nii LoPiccolo
Career Education for Benton Harbor Area School Youth a Report of Involvement and Experiences with the Career Education Committee, Veloriah M. Carter
Career Exploration at the Calhoun Area Vocational Center, David Johnson
Career Indecision Profile-65 Scores’ Measurement Equivalence in College and Non-College Samples, Margaret Nauta Ph.D., Casey J. Zobell M.S., and Matthew S. Hesson-McInnis Ph.D.
Career, Springboard, or Sinecure? University Teaching in Fifteenth-Century Italy, Peter Denley
Caregiving in Sub-Saharan Africa and Older, Female Caregivers in the Era of HIV/AIDS: A Namibian Perspective, Eveline N. Kalomo and Fred H. Besthorn
Carl E. Lee Service Remarks, John M. Dunn
Carman School District Major Internship, James Stanton Jones
Carny, Bill Butske
Carolingian Connections, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Carriers of the Thunder Stick, Catherine Aiken
Car Trip, Andrea Auringer
Case Studies of Medieval Crossover: Meetings of the Sacred and Secular in Medieval Romance, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Casting an International Congress on Medieval Studies Pilgrim's Badge (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
CAS Video Script, John M. Dunn
Catching Glimpses of “Those Who Worked” in Rural Europe in the Middle Ages, Constance A H Berman
Cathedral Clergy in England and Wales: Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, Diana E. Greenway
Cathedral Deans and Lancastrian Kings, A. Compton Reeves
Catherine Mooney's Clare of Assisi and the Thirteenth-Century Church (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017) (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Catherine of Siena: Responses to André Vauchez Vie et passions (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Causes and Treatment of Orgasmic Dysfunction: A Behavioral Approach, Francisco Jose Noleto Neto
Celebration of Life of Charles Warfield, John M. Dunn
Celibacy and the Gregorian Reform, Raymond M. Rademacher
Cell Free Amino Acid Incorporating Systems from Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria, Nisson Schechter
Celtic Magic Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Center for Disability Services- July 2016, College of Health and Human Services
Center for Gerontology Opening, John M. Dunn
Center for Health Information Technology Advancement CHITA Welcome, John M. Dunn
Center for the Humanities Panel Discussion, John M. Dunn
Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, John M. Dunn
Central Europe across and without Borders (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cerebrosides of Human Aorta: Isolation and Fatty Acid Distribution, Eric Coles
Certainty, Caitlin Rooney
Cesar Chavez Remarks Remarks, John M. Dunn
Cesar Chavez Scholarship Dinner Welcome, John M. Dunn
Cesar Chavez Scholarship Dinner Welcome, John M. Dunn
Cesar Chavez Scholarship Dinner Welcome, John M. Dunn
Cesar Chavez Scholarship Dinner Welcome, John M. Dunn
Cesar Chavez Scholarship Dinner Welcome, John M. Dunn
Cesar Chavez Scholarship Dinner Welcome, John M. Dunn
Chair's Annual Report, 1990-91, Lewis Walker
Challenges and Resources Available for Mothers in Opiate Recovery: A Qualitative Study, Michelle A. Suarez, Wendy Horton-Bierema, and Caitlyn E. Bodine
Challenges and Solutions Paths for the Analysis of Ipsative Data, Qian Wang
Champion Club Reception Remarks, John M. Dunn
Champion's Club, John M. Dunn
Change in Cysteine and Total Basic Amino Acid Contents in Regenerating Planaria, Lynn Gunnison
Changes in Annual Rain, Snow and Temperatures in Michigan- Is Climate Change Evident?, Neal Turluck
Changes in Rates of Food-Reinforced Bar-Pressing and Collateral Licking during a Signal Preceding Response-Independent Shock, Sander Stern
Changing Landscapes and Images: New Collaborative Projects in Ecclesiastical History: Monasticon Aquitaniae, Mont Saint-Michel, MILBRETEUR (l'an MIL en BRETagne et en EURope), Beauport Abbey (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Changing Perspectives on the Guidonian Hand, or, What Is at Stake in Reconstructing the Musical Space of the Middle Ages? (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chanhassen, Minnesota: Population 1, Brian Macon
Chantra, Miguel Centellas
Chantry Chaplains at St. Paul's Cathedral, London CA. 1200-1548, Marie-Hélène Rousseau
Characteristics of Adults Enrolled in the Kalamazoo Public Schools Adult High School Program, Walter W. Fiebig
Characteristics of the Narrator: Chaucer’s the Canterbury Tales, Gerald Cecere
Characterization of a Cholinergic Synapse in a Model of Glaucoma, Cynthia Anne Cooley-Themm
Characterization of Pinitol Catabolism in Sinorhizobium Meliloti and its Role in Nodule Occupancy, Angela Irene Kennedy-Mendez
Characterization of Some Unidentified Components in Aorta Lipids, Max Elvin Royer
Characterization of Streptozotocin Induced Small Colony Phenotypes in Bacteria, David M. Zimmer
Charcoal: Its Multifarious Effect in a Rural Guatemalan Community, John G. Hehr
Charles d’Orléans: Forms and Genres, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Charles Langlade in the French and Indian War, Paul M. Trap
Chaucer and the Senses III: Feeling Sensorially, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucer and the Senses II: Taste, Touch, Smell, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucer and the Senses I: Sight, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucer and the Senses IV: Sound, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucer Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chavittunātakam: Music-Drama in Kerala, Joly Puthussery
CHEAR Lab Opening Welcome, John M. Dunn
Chicago Board of Trade Group, John M. Dunn
Childeric III and the Emperors Drogo Magnus and Pippin the Pious, Constance B. Bouchard
Childhood, Jeddie Sophronius
“Children Can’t Learn on an Empty Stomach”: The Black Panther Party’s Free Breakfast Program, Husain Lateef and David Androff
Children's Associations to the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Designs, Margaret J. Garvey
Chinese Nuo and Japanese Noh: Nuo's Role in the Origination and Formation of Noh, Min Tian
Chinese Propaganda and the People’s Republic in the Twentieth Century, Christopher E. Maiytt
Chocolate, Mary Oettinger
Choice as a Dependent Measure in Autoshaping: Sensitivity to Frequency and Duration of Food Presentation, Mitchell Jon Picker
Choices, Jessica Oja Rohloff
Chris Given-Wilson and Alice Curteis, The Royal Bastards Of Medieval England (London, 1984), Charlotte A. Newman
Chris's Knees, Becky Kosick
Christian Baptism in the Second Century AD, S. Mark Veldt
Christianity Encounters Totalitarianism in Germany, Viola M. Gross
Christine and the Arts: Aesthetics and Poetics in the Writings of Christine de Pizan, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Christmas Eve Service, Corey Pennington
Christ University MBA Program Lecture Transformative Ties: How International Education Makes Us Strong, John M. Dunn
Chromosome Behavior and Cytokinesis of Nezara Sp. and Lygaeus Sp., Mohamed Barka Marwan
Church in the City: Ecclesiastical Power and Urban Government in Medieval Italy (Tenth-Thirteenth Centuries), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Church, Mission, Enculturation, and Conversion in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
CIO Updates - 02/2018, Office of Information Technology
CIO Updates - 03/2018, Office of Information Technology
CIO Updates - 04/2018, Office of Information Technology
CIO Updates - 05/2018, Office of Information Technology
CIO Updates - 11/2017, Office of Information Technology
CIO Updates - 12/2017, Office of Information Technology
CIS 6400: Data Analytics Book, Rachel Larson
Citing Authories in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Citizen Advisory Committees: The Relationship between Member Satisfaction and Committee Variables, Linda Kimmel Pifer
Citizen Participation in the Genesee County Model Cities Program: A Narrative History and a Test of Four Hypotheses, Gloria Jean Quinney
Citizen Perceptions of Various Police Behaviors: A Conceptual Framework and Practical Recommendations for Improvement, H. Preston Elrod
Claire Sponsler: In Memoriam I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Claire Sponsler: In Memoriam II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Clare of Assisi and the Thirteenth-Century Church: Religious Women, Rules, and Resistance, Mary Anne Gonzales
Class Activist Lens for Teaching about Poverty, Susan Weinger and Linda C. Reeser
Classical Conditioning of Aggression: A Developmental Study, Bruce E. Gideon
Classical Discrimination Conditioning of Pain-Elicited Aggression, Delmar A. Ozolins
"Classifying Scholarship" An Analysis of Biographical Texts from Ibn Harith's Akhabar Al-Fuqaha' Wa-L-Muhaddithin, Luis Molina
Class Presentation: "Why Is It Important to Develop a Political Philosophy", John M. Dunn
Class, Race, and Contextual Factors on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety, Eileen E. Joy and Theodore T. Bartholomew
Classroom, Eric Camu Kramp
Classroom Ideas for Promoting Social Justice: Encouraging Student Activism in Intercultural and Gender Communication Courses, Amy Aldridge Sanford
Clerical Concubinage and Sexual Relationships in the Visitation Records of the Fourteenth-Century Diocese of Barcelona, Colleen Marie Bos
Climate Change Litigation, Policy and Governance, Denise Keele
Closed Water Systems on Paper and Board Machines Using the Dysco Simulation Program, Stephen Robert Tremont
Cluniac Necrologies : A Status Report, Dietrich Poeck
Cocaine and d-Amphetamine Fail to Interfere with Self-Control in Rats, Kimberly Ann Jarema
Co-constructing Simulations with Learners: Roles, Responsibilities, and Impact, Diane E. MacKenzie, Kathleen E. Collins, Mylene J. Guimond, Abby C. Hunter, Kassia J. Jurcina, Johanna L. McDonald, Nikki L. Richards, Stephanie. H. Sinclair, and Kelsey Y. Taylor
"Codex diplomaticus regni Siciliae": Notes on a New Publishing Project, Herbert Zielinski
COEL and the Computer: Towards a Prosopographical Key to Anglo-Norman Documents, 1066-1166, K. S. B. Keats-Rohan and David E. Thornton
Coffee House, Julie Hinkle
Cognitive Levels of Thinking for Religious Training Materials and Infusion Across the Curriculum, Patrick Low
Collaborating Music Therapy with Counseling: Finding Wholeness Through Young and Professional Issues, Chelly Neuenschwander M.A. and Cassandra Haines MT-BC, B.S.M.T.
Collective Bargaining and the Building Principal: A Case Study, Rosemary Ervine
College of Arts and Sciences 40 Year Congratulations Video Message, John M. Dunn
College of Arts and Sciences: State of the College 2017, Carla M. Koretsky
College of Education and Human Development 60th Anniversary Welcome, John M. Dunn
College of Education and Human Development Spring 2014, College of Education and Human Development
College of Education Scholarship Awards Ceremony, John M. Dunn
College of Fine Arts 40th Anniversary Dinner, John M. Dunn
College of Health and Human Services Research and FY17 Awards, Ann A. Tyler
College of Health and Human Services: State of the College, Dec. 1 2017, Earlie Washington
College Self-Funding Predicting Deviant Behaviors, Blake A. Darling
Collge of Education and Human Development, Collge of Education and Human Development
Color-Connected Graphs and Information-Transfer Paths, Stephen Devereaux
Color Doesn't Matter, Anne Prussing
Color Preference as a Function of Personality, Robert J. Russell
Comfort Climates at Grand Rapids, Michigan: A Dynamic Approach, Robert L. Janiskee
Commemorating Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians (d. 918), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Commencement Excercises - 3:00pm, John M. Dunn
Commencement Exercises-12:00pm, John M. Dunn
Commencement Exercises-9:00am, John M. Dunn
Comments for Beijing Language and Culture University’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, John M. Dunn
Common Law, Charity, and Human Rights as Responses to the Socio-Economic Crisis in Galicia, Spain, Francisco Xabier Aguiar Fernández, Santiago Prado Conde Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, and Carmen Verde Diego
Communication Effectiveness and Implications for Job Satisfaction in a Retail Merchandising Corporation, Elisa S. Wierenga
Communication in Divorced Families with Children, Casey L. James
Communication Patterns of Domestic Cats in a Home Environment, Mary Ellen J. Ratuszny
Communication Pedagogy and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A Natural Match and a Promising Future, Mary Ann Danielson
Communities in Schools Campaign Launch, John M. Dunn
Community and Public Health Education Methods: A Practical Guide, Robert J. Bensley and Jodi Brookins-Fisher
Community Approaches to the Plague, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Community-Based Literacy Learning Spaces as Counterhegemonic Figured Worlds for African American Readers, Melanie M. Acosta and Shaunté Duggins
Community College Counseling Emphasizing Student Personnel Services and Placement, Ronald R. Crandell
Community College Presidents Luncheon Recent Developments Important to CC/WMU Relationships, John M. Dunn
Community Conversation-Center for Michigan Event, John M. Dunn
Community Education, a Cooperative Effort, Mary Tracey
Community Empowerment and Social Policy Design: A Case Study of the Creation of a School-Based Health Center, R. Ian Costello
Community Partnerships: Building Meaningful Connections Through Archaeology, Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
Community Reception for Founding Dean Hal Jenson, John M. Dunn
Community Resources Workshop, Kalamazoo Michigan, 1971: A Descriptive Study of a Pilot Project, Mary Hurlbut Cordier
Community Welcome for New Legislators, John M. Dunn
Comparative Analysis of Impact of Ballistic Stretching and Dynamic Stretching on Power Output in Female Collegiate Dancers, Elisabeth Ohrnberger
Comparative Evaluation of Glucose Stimulated Insulin Secretion in Nondiabetic, Diabetic, and Prediabetic Chinese Hamsters, Ronald Neil Prange
Comparative Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Comparative Monasticism: Method, Theory, and Concepts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Comparative Osteology of Black-Capped and Carolina Chickadees, Sharon Olson
Comparative Religion in Medieval Muslim Literature: Abu Ra Yfian Al-Bir Uni and 'Abd Al-Karim Al-Shahrast Ani on Religions of the Hind, Hilman Latief
Comparing RNA Interference Methods in Planarians, Gabrielle Watson
Comparing Selection-and Topography-Based Fluency using Repeated Acquisition, Amy McCarty
Comparison of an Oral Form of the MMPI with a Booklet Form, Ronald Andrew Simia
Comparison of Internships in the United States and Germany, Kelsey Ennis
Comparison of Protein Kinase Activity in Tissue Extracts of the Diabetic and Nondiabetic Chinese Hamster, Michael Andrew Dombos
Comparison of Psychometric Properties of Balance Assessment Tools for Older Adults, Kelsey Johnson and Shannon Funk
Comparison of Religious Problem-Solving Styles on the Use of Problem-Focused and Maladaptive Emotion-Focused Coping Related to Financial Strain and Stress, Kirk A. Vander Molen
Comparison of Work Samples and a Psychological Test in a Vocational Evaluation Program, Charles Dircken
Comparisons Between Chinese and Japanese Characters, Ahmina Graves
Comparisons of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Bert Douglas Goens
“Compassion and Benignytee”: A Reassessment of the Relationship Between Canacee and the Falcon in Chaucer’s “Squire’s Tale”, Melissa Ridley Elmes
Complaining in the Middle Ages: The Genre of Complaint, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Complete Issue, Christopher W. Tremblay and Patrick O'Connor
Complete Issue: Volume 5, Issue 1
Completing Long-Term Undergraduate Projects: Some Critical Variables, Timothy K. Zoia
Completion Rates and Time-to-Degree Figures for the Mid-Fifteenth-Century Parisian Faculty of the Theology, Thomas Sullivan
Component Analysis of Hutchings' Low-Stress Addition Algorithm, Daniel V. McCallum
Compound Defects in High Temperature Superconductors, Lisa Paulius
Comprehension of Speech as a Function of Rate, Mary D. Berry
Compressed Air Systems Evaluation and Improvement, Lukas Swoboda
Computational Study of the Nature of Tetrel Bond, Yama Aman
Computer Aided Design for FET Circuits, Iyad Ahmad Natour
Computer MMPI Reports: A Comparison of Three Commercially Available Reports on Accuracy, Format, and Utility, Kathryn Elaine Edwards
Comstock High School Comstock Public Schools Major Internship, David F. Smith
Concentration and Fatty Acid Distribution of Aortic Cerebrosides in Cholesterol-Fed and Normal Rabbits, Robert V. P. Tao
Concept Acquisition as a Function of Two Verbal Training Sequences: Nonvocal-Vocal and Vocal-Nonvocal, Kim Thomas Pisor
Concept Mapping and the CO-OP Approach with Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Exploring Participant Experiences, Jessie Wilson, Angela Mandich, Lilian Magalhaes, and Kaity Gain
Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Bret Wagner
Concepts of Online Text: Examining Online Literacy Skills of Elementary Students, Jodi Pilgrim, Sheri Vasinda, Christie Bledsoe, and Elda E. Martinez
Conceptualizing Latina/o College-going Behavior in High School, Victor B. Saenz Ph.D., Anna P. Drake Ph.D., Claudia Garcia-Louis Ph.D., Wonsun J. Ryu, and Luis Ponjuan Ph.D.
Concert - Juris Ķeniņš, cello; Gunta Laukmane, piano, Juris Ķeniņš and Gunta Laukmane
Concurrent Punishment of Aggression and Nonpunishment of Aggressive and Nonaggressive Responses, Kay L. Mueller
Concurrent Sessions #1, Choose from among several concurrent sessions offered 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM.
Concurrent Sessions #2, Choose from among several concurrent sessions offered 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM.
Concurrent Sessions #3, Choose from among several concurrent sessions offered 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM.
Concurrent Sessions #4, Choose from among several concurrent sessions offered 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM.
Concurrent Sessions #5, Choose from among several concurrent sessions offered 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM.
Conditionability of Successively Presented Compound Stimulus Elements in a Conditioned Suppression Procedure, as a Function of Prior Conditioning to One of the Compound Elements, Michael Jay Schoenfeld
Conditional Discrimination: Generalization Outside the Range of Training Stimuli, Martha D. Itkin
Conditioned Avoidance to Water Following Exposure to X-Irradiation, Albert E. Roberts
Conditioned Punishment of Self-Injurious Behavior, George Hunt
Conditioned Reinforcement: An Attempt to Replicate the Thomas Procedure with Children, Michael B. Oberlin
Conditioned Reinforcement: An Attempt to Use Zimmerman Technique with Children, Priscila R. Derdyk
Conditioned Suppression in Humans, Eric W. Pott
Conditioned Suppression in Humans as a Function of Task Complexity, Henry H. James
Conference concludes., Thank you for your participation!
Conference on Sustaining the Business of Health Care in America Presentation, John M. Dunn
Confidential Publics: Digital Reconciliation and Queer Muslim Identities, Mariam Mustafa
Conflicts, Concerns and Family Circumstances in Custodial Grandmothers Over 8 Years, Cristina Noriega, Carol Musil, Jaclene Zauszniewski, and Camille Warner
Confronting Policy Challenges of the Great Recession: Lessons for Macroeconomic Policy, Eskander Alvi
Confucius Institute and Light Center for Chinese Studies, John M. Dunn
Confucius Institute Q & A, John M. Dunn
Confused?, Keith Ellis
Congruence and Development of Beliefs and Hierarchic Position among Institutional Mental Patients, Keith T. Handell
Connections, 01/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 02/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 03/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 04/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 05/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 06/2017, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 06/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 07/2017, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 07/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 08/2017, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 08/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 09/2017, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 09-2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 10/2017, College of Health and Human Services
Connections 10/2018, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 11/2017, College of Health and Human Services
Connections, 12/2017, College of Health and Human Services
Considering Networks of Charity: Family Traditions, Female Donation Practices, and the Hospital of Saint John in Brussels, Tiffany A. Ziegler
Considering Technology in the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, Cara E. Masselink
Constant Elements of Soviet Inspection Proposals for Disarmament, Philip Clifton Lewis
Constructing the Wycliffite Bible, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Construction of a Small Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrograph, Dale A. Eding
Consumer Perceptions of the Ocean Spray Cranberry Brand, Jill Puckett
Consumers Enhanced Meter Technology Event, John M. Dunn
Contemporary Analysis of Information Literacy in Music: A Literature Review and Selected Annotated Bibliography, Michael J. Duffy IV
Contemporary Medieval Poetry II: Forms and Histories, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Contemporary Medieval Poetry I: Remaking Genre, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Content Analysis of Asian American Suicide related outcomes(2012-2017), Yi Li
Content, Constraint, and Creation: Making the Role of Clergy Wife, Cynthia Ann Stravers
Continental Breakfast, Enjoy breakfast and visit the poster session that begins at 8:30 AM.
Continentality Variability in the United States, 1934-1973, John L. Kerr
Contrast Modulated Schedule-Induced Polydipsia, Thomas L. Fisher
Contribution of Monoaminergic Mechanisms to the Discriminative Stimulus Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) in Sprague-Dawley Rats, Harmony I. Risca
Controlling Political Corruption in Latin America: Institutional Constraints on Executive Power, George G. Lluberes
Control of Eating Behavior: An Evaluation of the Effects of Serving Less Preferred Foods Prior to the Meal on Preschoolers' Eating, Paul Joseph Smith Knight
Control of Simultaneously Reinforceable Concurrent Human Operants by a Multiple Reinforcer-Source Procedure, Stephen LeDoux
Control-Oriented Automatic Transmission- Based Powertrain Modeling and Simulation with Judder, Harshal B. Kundale
Coping Skills, Samantha Blosser
Copious Stream, Steven Green
Coptic Stitch Binding (A Hands-On Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Correlates of Death Attitudes within a Specific Population: A Field Theory Approach, Beti Thompson
Corruption and Authority in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Corruption of Manly Men in Late Medieval England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cortical and Subcortical Interhemispheric Interrelation in the Visual System, George C. Wagner
Counseling and prevention strategies for work with Syrian refugees, Anna Hope Covington BA, Lawrence Gerstein PhD, Huda Al Herz MA, and Rawan Atari MS
Counseling and Support Program for Retarded Adults: A Grant Proposal, Claudia Jo Unruh-DeGood
Counseling Gifted Individuals, Kristen Reser M.A. and Samantha Marie Hinnenkamp M.A.
Counseling Psychology Students as Sport and Performance Psychology Interns: Program Building, Group Programming and Coach Consultations, Jackie Hyman, Patrick McFadden, Jeffrey Grimes, and Jesse Steinfeldt
Counseling the Alcoholic and Drug Abuser, Carolyn B. Yaple
Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology 2017 News, College of Education and Human Development
Counselor Educators’ Perceptions of Nontraditional Master’s-Level Counseling Students and How Those Perceptions Shape Teaching Practices, Pamela J. Jordan
Counting Nuns: A Prosopography of Late Medieval English Nuns in the Diocese of Norwich, Marilyn Olivia
Country Blues, Sandy Bacsanyi
Covetousness in Book 5 of Confessio Amantis: A Medieval Precursor to Neoliberalism, Jeffery G. Stoyanoff
Crafting Fear: The Horror Film Trailer, Courtney Dreyer
Crayola Warfare, Dawn Carroll
Creating a Healthy School Using the Healthy School Report Card, David Lohrmann, Sandra Vamos, and Paul Yeung
Creating a Speech Choir: The Bounty of Authentic Audience Experience for Students, Susan Redding Emel
Creating Digital Editions (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Creating Great Learning Experiences that Help Students Learn and Succeed, Linda Suskie
Creating Identity through the Act of Will-Making: A Case-Study of Fourteenth-Century Wills by the Women of Lucca, Andrea Boffa
Creative Pedagogies: Approaches to the Commonplace Book (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crimes of the American Nuclear State: At Home and Abroad, David Kauzlarich and Ronald C. Kramer
Crimes on College Campuses, Angela M. Turner
Critical Bibliography and Medieval Materiality (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Critical Communication Pedagogy in/about/through the Communication Classroom, Kathryn B. Golsan and C. Kyle Rudick
Critical Reflections on Self-Management Support in Chronic Disease: The Value of Occupational Therapy in Health Promotion, Brocha Z. Stern
Critical Success Factors for Agile Project Management in Non-Software Related Product Development Teams, Jeff Totten
Critique of John Hare's Notion of the Relation of Autonomy to Religion in Kant, Michael Earl McKinley
Cross-cultural considerations of clinical supervision for minority and international trainees, Yue Shi M.A. and Chun Tao M.S.
Cross-Cultural Service Learning as Pedagogy for Character Development in Occupational Therapy Doctoral Students, Heather Y.Z. St. Peters and Nathan Short
Cross-Curricular Writing in Mathematics for Comprehension, Kirsten Stowell
Crown and Baronage in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem after the Battle of Hattin, 1187–1228, Stephen Donnachie
Crusaders and Templars: Robert the Burgundian Lord of Craon and Sablé and his Descendants, 1095-1192, Scott Jessee
Crusading and Crusading Ideology on the Frontier, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crusading Culture and the Holy Land in Medieval Britain, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
C. S. Lewis and the Middle Ages II: Lewis and Dead People, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
C. S. Lewis and the Middle Ages I: Lewis and the Problem of Allegory, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy: Metaphysical Theology in Science Fiction/Fantasy, Douglas L. Semark
CSM Semi-Annual Summit Keynote, John M. Dunn
Cue Conflict and Apparent Visual Movement, Michael Gerard Walraven
Cultivating Partnerships Talking Points, John M. Dunn
Cultural Continuities Despite Institutional Transformations Affecting Noble Persons and Dignitaries since ca. 1250, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cultural Game Theory and Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Culturally Responsive Practices in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Yvette D. Hyter and Marlene B. Salas-Provance
Culture Conflict as it Relates to a Psychocultural Therapeutic Model for Chicanos, Armando Tena
Cultures of Peasant Naming in Twelfth-Century England, Dave Postles
Cumulo Nimbus, Jon Jeffrey Grier
Current Techniques in the Internal Auditing of Construction Contracts for Public Utilities, Vernon M. Buttles
Curriculum Development at the Ottawa Area Skills Center in the City of Holland, Weyman V. Helton
Customer Service Session for Facilities Management Staff, John M. Dunn
Daddy, Annmarie Borucki
Daily Patterns of Oxygen Consumption in Limnodrilus Hoffmeisteri, Thomas Charles Beck
Daily Quizzes with Review and Rededial Quizzes and Examination Performance, Mary Collamer Hubbard
Damon Williams Introduction for Strategic Diversity, John M. Dunn
Dancing with Death in Medieval Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dandelions, Jon Steinhauer
Dangerous Distractions: The Perils of Sin in Medieval Monastic Communities, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Danish Summer Morning, Tyra Sorensen
Dante Studies I: Dante's Appeals to Classical Sources, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante Studies II: Corporeality, Materiality, Sin, and Suppression in the Divine Comedy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante Studies III: Theological, Historical, and Pedagogical Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Darkness at Dawn, Angela Kovalak
Daughter of the Ground, Crea Taylor
David Brink's Flawed Refutation of 'The Argument from Queerness', Anthony R. Gabriel
David Hume and the Design Argument: A Critical Examination, Anthony E. Givhan
Dead Grapes, He Said, Heather Strubank
Deadly Effect of Informatics on the Holocaust: How the Policies of IBM and its Machines Helped the Germans to Kill 4 Million More People During WWII, Andrew S. Targowski
Death, 1983, Lissa Ankli
Death is a Many Splendored Thing, Jeff Kosloski
December, Dakota Kipper
December 2017, Global News, Haenicke Institute
December 2017 Holiday Newsletter, College of Education and Human Development
De-centering the Romanesque I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
De-centering the Romanesque II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Decolonialism in the Profession: Reflections from WFOT, Diane Powers Dirette
Decomposition and Ionization of Ionic Liquids, Forrest Grady Kidd III
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Identity: How Queer Liberation Organizations Deploy Collective Identities, Ben Anderson-Nathe, Joseph Nicholas DeFilippis, and Gita R. Mehrotra
Deer-Vehicle Collisions in Kalamazoo County, Michigan: A Study Using GIS and Statistical Modeling, Alex Todd LaPorte
Defeat, Peggy Abbott
Defending Hedibia and Detecting Eusebius: Jerome's Correspondence with Two Gallic Women (Epist. 120-21), Andrew Cain
Defensive Football, John H. McAvoy
Defiant Priests: Domestic Unions, Violence, and Clerical Masculinity in Fourteenth-Century Catalunya, G. Geltner
Definite Educational Advantages, Western State Teachers College, Western Michigan University
Definition of the B Salt Edge of Southern Limb of the Michigan Basin Using Seismic Techniques, Huseyin Ali Fici
Definitions of Asexuality and Perceived Counselor Competencies, Emily L. Boswell, Steven R. Scally Jr, Nathan Walters, Joshua Staples, and Michele Owen
Delayed Desorption Improves Protein Analysis by Desorption Electrospray, Tara Maser
Demonstrating Functional Analytic Psychotherapy as an Independent Variable in Efficacy Research: A New Measure of Treatment Fidelity, Lindsey E. Knott
De Musica Vulgari Eloquentia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dennis Archer Reception, John M. Dunn
Denoising Large Neuroimage MRI Data Using Spatial Random Effect Models, Leonard Chukuma Johnson
DeNooyer Dealers Presentation, John M. Dunn
DeNooyer Leadership Talk, John M. Dunn
DeNooyer New Car Dealers Meeting, John M. Dunn
Department of Physics Newsletter, Summer 2017, College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics Newsletter, Summer 2018, Department of Physics
Department of Political Science Awards Luncheon, John M. Dunn
Depositional History and Tool Industries at the Winter Site: A Lake Forest Middle Woodland Cultural Manifestation, Jeffrey J. Richner
Design of an Electric Propulsion Thruster Breakout Box System, Ryan Powers
Design of Force Versus Displacement Test Stand, Andrew Fritchley
Designs, Curt Bradner
Details of Curricula 1932-1933, Western Michigan University
Details of Curricula 1933-1934, Western Michigan University
Details of Curricula 1934-1935, Western Michigan University
Details of Curricula, Western State Teachers College 1929-1930, Western Michigan University
Detection of Bedrock Fractures and Joints Beneath Cover: Geophysical Approaches to an Engineering Geology Problem, Muthanna Yousif Yaqoob Aldiney
Detector Geometry for Cascade Photon Experiments, Roger Minoru Munechika
Deterioration Prediction Modeling for the Condition Assessment of Concrete Bridge Decks, Aqeed Moshin Chyad
Determinants of Household Water Use in the City of Kalamazoo, Michigan: The Role of Climate and Socioeconomic Factors, Danielle Molenaar
Determinants of Youth (Un)Employment in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Aynalem Megersa
Determination of Chemical Notch, Kchem on Aluminum and Steel When Subjected Under Slow Strain Rate Test in Corrosive Environment, Joshua Teo Lee Kuok
Detroit Tigers Caravan Remarks, John M. Dunn
Developing a Program for Preventive Substance Abuse Education at Marshall High School, Sara Sue Schaeffer
Development and Application of Computer Assisted Instruction for Mini-Computers, Thomas A. Burne
Development and Evaluation of a Collaborative Model Level II Fieldwork Program, Annmarie T. Kinsella and Catherine V. Piersol
Development and Evaluation of a Student-Opinion Questionnaire for Career Education and Planning District 35's Shared-Time Programs, Charles Edward Dee
Development and Evaluation of the Programmed Text One Plus One = Three: A Teenager’s Guide to Birth Control, Deborah L. Hollander
Development and Implementation of an Outlining Preskills Program Utilizing a Multiple-Probe Design, Patricia Ellen Bird
Development of a Fake Scale for Edwards Personal Preference Schedule - A, James Harvey Brammer
Development of a Manual for Training Psychiatric Outpatients in Interpersonal Communication Skills, Gary Joseph Fusciardi
Development of a Method for Measuring Magneto-Optical Rotatory Dispersion, Donald K. Loving
Development of a Middle School Philosophy and Program for the Charlotte Junior High School for the School Year 1968-1969, Clarence J. Benson
Development of an Employment Clerical Aptitude Test for Use in India, Subhash R. Joshi
Development of an Integrated Program of Water Reuse in a Pulp and Paper Mill, Zafar M. Chaudhri
Development of an Ultra High Shear Recording Viscometer, David C. Thornton
Development of a System for Water Quality Analysis Using Particle Induced X-Ray Emission, James Albert Andrus
Development of Flexible Sensing Systems and Energy Harvesters Using Printing Techniques, Sepehr Emamian
Deviance Fluidity on the Urban Landscape: Graffiti and Street Art as Non-Normative Placemaking, Alyson M. Mabie
Deyville (or De Daiville): Origins of an English Regional Family, Oscar De Ville
Diabetes Prevention Program: Exploring Spirituality and Spiritual Interventions on Outcomes, Sharon E. Plutko Long
Diagnostics for Choosing between Stratified Logrank and Stratified Wilcoxon, Jhoanne Marsh C. Gatpatan
Die Gedenküberlieferung Der Angelsachsen Mit Einem Katalog Der 'Libri Vitae' Und Necrologien By Jan Gerchow, George T. Beech
Die Grafen Alemanniens in Merowingischer Und Karolingischer Zeit Eine Prosopographie by Michael Borgolte, George T. Beech
Dietary and Health Related Behaviors of WIC-Enrolled Pregnant Women, Quinyi Zhang
Diether H. Haenicke Memorial Service, John M. Dunn
Differences in Describing Domestic Violence in Heterosexual and Homosexual Romantic Relationships, Kristyn Oravec B.A.
Differential Preference for Fixed-Time Delay over Variable-Time Food Presentation, Robert I. Cobez
Differentiating Phonemic and Spectrografhic Speech Characteristics of DAF Susceptibility, Peter J. Alfonso
Digital Editing / Digital Archiving II: (By and Large) Projects and Experiences, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Editing / Digital Archiving I: (Mostly) Theories and Methods, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Projects: Medieval Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Skin I: Beyond the Archive: Communicating Manuscript Materiality via Social Media (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Skin II: "Franken-Manuscripts" and "Zombie Books": Digital Manuscript Interfaces and Sensory Engagement, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Techniques for Documenting and Preserving Cultural Heritage, Anna Bentkowska-Kafel and Lindsay MacDonald
Dimensions of Charity versus Development: The Century-Old Debate in the Profession of Social Work, Héctor Luis Díaz and Antonio López Peláez
Dinner, Kalamazoo Latvian Association
Dinner with Ethiopian Food and Social Gathering
Diplomacy in Medieval Iberia: Language, Men and Texts in Diplomatic Exchanges (Twelfth-Fourteenth Centuries), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Directing as Political Act: The "Dangers" and "Fears" of Mounting Aeschylus's Oresteia in Contemporary Periods of "Tyranny", Avra Sidiropoulou
Directory of College Access & Success Programs, Hannah McIntosh-Burke
Dirt On the Shoulder, Matt Dertinger
DisArt: Redefining the Construct of Participation, Jennifer Fortuna MS, OTR/L
DisArt: Redefining the Construct of Participation, Jennifer Fortuna
Discovering Perspectives on Health and Well-Being from Parents and Teachers of Preschool- Aged Children, Divya Sood, Delawnia Comer-Hagans, Dirk Anderson, Diana Basmajian, Ashley Bohlen, Michelle Grome, Irada Imanova, and Kimberly Martin
Discrepancies between Historical Accounting Data and the Theoretical Data Requirements for Economical Order Quantity Application, James Edward Joyce
Discrimination Against Asian Indian International Students, Aashna Aggarwal B.A. and Ayse Ciftci Ph.D
Discrimination as a Function of Sex and Meaning of Stimuli, Thomas Joseph Schmitz
Discrimination Decrement in an Auditory Task as a Function of Time during a Prolonged Vigil, Wain Saeger
Discussion Procedures in College Teaching, Victor A. Arredondo
Distant Fields, Raquel Sutton
Distillation Optimization in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Clayton Carter
Distillation Optimization in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Daniel VanZweden
Distinguished Alumni Award Dinner, John M. Dunn
Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner, John M. Dunn
Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner, John M. Dunn
Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner, John M. Dunn
Distinguished Alumni Dinner Remarks, John M. Dunn
Distress and Resiliency: Qualitative Interviews With Akron Bhutanese Refugees, Nuha Alshabani BS
Distributed Model Predictive Control of Power Converters in Microsrids Under Different Modes of Operation, Riyadh Toman Thahab Toman
Distribution-Free Interval Estimation of the Largest α-Quantile, William E. Plouff
Distributive Fairness: An Exploration of Male-Female Differences in Allocation Behavior, Daryl G. Kelley
Diversifying Logres: Teaching Materials for the Continental Arthuriad (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Diversity in Aviation Luncheon, John M. Dunn
Diversity Lock-in Remarks, John M. Dunn
Diversity Video--Questions & Suggested Answers, John M. Dunn
Divine and Natural Causality, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Doamne Milueste": The Life of a Contemporary Orthodox Christian Monastery, David George Subu
Do Changes in Stratification, Caused by the Application of Road Salt Deicers, Impact The Vertical Profiles of Lake Microbial Communities?, Emily I. Sprague
Dodona: An Oracle of Zeus, Lawrence Treadwell
Does Access to a Manipulative Model Assist Student Learning of DNA Processes?, Patricia A. Richardson
Does Inclusive Growth Matter for Regional Integration in Africa? An Empirical Assessment, Mohammed Shuaibu and Mamello Nchake
Does Parent Skills Training Change Parent Behavior?, Ann M. McGrath
Does physical abuse or mental abuse during childhood yield larger symptoms of antisocial personality disorder later in life?, Zachary Tokar AA
Does the Past Predict the Future? A Retrospective Statistical Analysis of Lower Level Course Grades and Program Outcomes at Graduation, Peter A. Gustafson
Do Global Diets Affect the Rate of Type 2 Diabetes?, Demetria Meyer
Dogmatic and Decision-Making in a Variable Risk Situation, Robert E. Jones
Dolomitization of the Brassfield Formation (Lower Silurian) in Adams County, Ohio, Lisa L. Varga
Dominican Republic Academy - Principal Reception Remarks, John M. Dunn
Dominican Republic Independence Day, John M. Dunn
Dominican Republic University Presidents: "Financing and Cooperation Trends for Higher Education Institutions", John M. Dunn
(Don’t) Stand by Me: Social Regulation of Response to Threat in Interracial Dyads, Carmelita Sharonique Foster
Donuts with Dr. Dunn, John M. Dunn
Do students feel safe on campus? A Policy Evaluation of the Clery Act, Amanda Sidwell
Douglass Community Association 90th Anniversary Welcome, John M. Dunn
Do We Know What We Think We Know About Payday Loan Borrowers? Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances, Mary Caplan, Peter A. Kindle, and Robert B. Nielsen
Dowry and Inheritance Patterns: Some Examples from the Descendants of King Henry I of England, Kathleen Hapgood Thompson
Drag: The Herstory and Phenomenon, Avery Green
Dream Keeper, Jessica L. Jacobsen
Dreams, Shaunna Barr
Dress and Textiles III: New Analyses of Old Evidence, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles II: Metaphor and Materiality, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles I: Representing Textiles and Dress, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dr. Francis W. Schofield and Korea, Doretha E. Mortimore
Driftwood, Keith Ferguson
Drinking Gin on Torch Lake, Mary Maroste
Drinking Nights in Brooklyn, Adam Collins
Driving Home, Alexa Finkler
Driving Poems, Glenn Alan Lester
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 50th Anniversary Celebration Speech, John M. Dunn
Dr. Michitoshi Soga Memorial Service, John M. Dunn
Dr. Timothy Greene Welcome Remarks Chavez Scholarship Banquet, John M. Dunn
Drug Use and Abuse: Suggestions for Teaching in the Junior High School, Ardiccio Daniel Morales
Dualism and the Essential View of Matter, Robert Goldstone
Dunn Zone, John M. Dunn
Dynastic Continuity or Dynastic Change? The Accession of Baldwin II and the Nobility of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, Alan V. Murray
Eadmer of Canterbury's Breviloquium Vitae Sancti Wilfridi, Joshua A. Westgard
"Eald Enta Geweorc": Tolkien and the Classical Tradition, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Childhood Program Director Leadership Characteristics and Program Quality, Barbara J. June
Early Education: Preschool to Kindergarten, a Critical Period, John R. Chirco
Early History and Influence of Harvard College’s Hollis Professorship of Divinity (the First Endowed Professorial Chair in America), Russell Vernon Kohr
Early Ireland in a Roman Context, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe III: Real and Rhetorical Bodies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe I: Interpreting Conflict, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe II: Reading Meaning, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Modern Texts and Textiles: In Honor of Carole Levin, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
East Grand Rapids Public School District Major Internship, Robert G. MacEachran
Ecclesiastics of the Crown under King Edgar: A Prosopographical Study of Bishops and Abbots in Anglo-Saxon England, 959-975, Valerie Catherine Hauch
Ecocritical Responses to Anchoritism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ecological Momentary Assessment: Enriching Knowledge of Occupation Using App-based Research Methodology, Niki Kiepek
Ecology of Henslow's Sparrow, Jerome D. Robins
Economic Aid as an Instrument of Soviet Foreign Policy: The Case of Ghana 1957-1966, Patricia Masilo Hoeane
Economic Consequences of the European Economic Community: A Study of Economic Integration, Edward L. Sattler
Ecopoetics in Celtic Literatures, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Edge Induced Weightings of Uniform Hypergraphs and Related Problems, Laars C. Helenius
Editorial Note, Sisay Asefa
Editorial Review Board RH v.57 n.1
Editor's Introduction: A World Within Worlds? Reassessing the Global Turn in Medieval Art History, Christina Normore
Editor's Note, Bernard Bachrach, George Beech, and Joel T. Rosenthal
Editor's Note, Bernard S. Bachrach, George Beech, and Joel T. Rosenthal
Editor's Notes, Bernard S. Bachrach, George Beech, and Joel T. Rosenthal
Ed Leadership Retirement Celebration, John M. Dunn
Educating for the Life Sciences Business Review West Michigan Forum, John M. Dunn
Educational Attainment in Young Adulthood, Depressive Symptoms, and Race-ethnicity: The Long-reach of Parenting Styles in Adolescence, Brittany N. Hearne and C. André Christie-Mizell
Educational Experiences of Black Female Faculty, Monica Marie White
Educational Institutions as Depicted In The Biographical Literature of Mamluk Cairo The Debate Over Prestige and Venue, Carl F. Petry
Educational Leadership Graduate Class Lecture Notes, John M. Dunn
Educational Quality: An Analysis of the Effects of Process Versus Outcome Feedback on Instructor Performance, Daniel Vern McCallum
Education Career Fair, John M. Dunn
Effectiveness of Activity Therapy for Improving Psychosocial Skills for People with Schizophrenia, Ellie McIntyre and Annie Ryan
Effectiveness of Improving Performance with the Bigger Faster Stronger In-Season Training Program, Alicia D. Crelinsten
Effectiveness of Interactive Metronome Training for Children with ADHD, Bethany Fox and Corinne Leer
Effectiveness of Self-Feeding Interventions for Upper Extremity Tremors, Elsie Bush and Abigail Sibanda
Effective Reading Strategies for Increasing the Reading Comprehension Level of Third-Grade Students with Learning Disabilities, Nouf Rashdan Almutairi
Effective Teaching and Learning: Flipped Learning in the Classroom, Mohammed Fahad Alsobaie
Effect of Changing Appointment Making Procedures on Increasing the Number of Initial Appointments Kept at a Family Planning Agency, Carla A. Jones
Effect of Cold Exposure on Serum Levels of Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin in Male and Virgin Female Rats, Erik R. Larsen
Effect of Differentiation of Alternatives on Prolongation of Spontaneous Alternation the Y-Maze, Clarence D. Hammond
Effect of Informational Posting and Employee Inspection on Safety Hazard Reduction in a Retail Drug Store, Craig A. Berger
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Establishment, Density, and Strength of Merion Kentucky Bluegrass Sod Grown on a Mineral Soil, Kent W. Kurtz
Effect of Role Imposed Academic Abilities on Group Induced Risk Shift with Choice Dilemma Questionnaire Items, Sang H. Han
Effect of Social Feedback on Emotions and Preferences in Music, Megan Dillon
Effect of "Stressors" on Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin Activity in the Rat during Pregnancy, Muhammad Nasir Hussain
Effects of Adult Modeling on Literacy Behaviors of Head Start Preschoolers, Stephanie L. Kerbel
Effects of Aging & Exercise on Production of Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Protein by Fast & Slow Skeletal Muscle, Maria Jaramillo
Effects of a Historical Story on Student Understanding of NOS, Peng Dai
Effects of a Multiple Baseline Design on Maintenance of Treatment Effects across Time, Bernard D. Fabry
Effects of Anticonvulsant Drugs on the Morphological and Neurophysiological Aspects of an Experimental Model of Epilepsy, Linda D. Compton
Effects of Chlorpromazine on Rats' Acquisition of Lever-Press Responding with Immediate and Delayed Reinforcement, Thomas Peter Byrne
Effects of Computer Troubleshooting on Elementary Students' Problem Solving Skills, Anne Todd Ottenbreit
Effects of Concentric and Eccentric Biting and Biceps Muscle Contraction on Absolute Auditory Threshold, Roland A. Sauer
Effects of Container on Perception of Product Quality, Wayne O. Miller
Effects of Cue Presence, Duration and Association with Reinforcement on a Punishment Procedure, Elias Robles Sotelo
Effects of Different Intensity Bouts of Resistance Exercise but Equal Work on Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, Milos Galecic
Effects of Discriminated Stimuli on Temporal Responding in a Free-Operant Discriminated Avoidance Procedure, Darrel Elmer Bostow
Effects of Disrupted Taction on Certain Dimensions of Speech in an Adventitiously Deafened Individual, George Graham Helliesen
Effects of Early Experience upon Open-Field Behavior and the Conditioning and Extinction of Conditioned Suppression, Larry D. Irey
Effects of EMG Relaxation Training and the Role of Cognitions, During Training, on Self Image: A Pilot Study with Three Direct Replications, Kathleen E. Paulsen
Effects of Extraneous Auditory Stimulation on Visual Choice Reaction Time, William J. Wenger
Effects of Feedback and Incentives on the Use of Academic Skills, Jose E. Candia
Effects of Fixed-Interval and Random-Interval Escape Paradigms on Presession and Postsession Levels of Corticosterone in the Rat, Duane Dregits
Effects of Generalized Imitation Training on Functional Speech Acquisition During Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Training, Mindy K. Newhouse-Oisten
Effects of Homework Assignments, Parent Prompts, and Contingency Contracting on Classroom Spelling Accuracy of Trainably Mentally Impaired and Severely Multiply Impaired Students, Christine M. Blakeman
Effects of Hypobaric Hypoxia on Serotonin in Mouse Brain, Jacob Dale Peuler
Effects of Indomethacin on Gastric Secretion and Duodenal Ulcer Formation in Bile Duct-Ligated Rats, Diane M. Przewozniak
Effects of Informational Data upon Attendance in an Industrial Setting, Karen T. Suarez
Effects of Instability on Core Muscle Activation in a Side Bridge, Erin E. Kishman
Effects of Manipulating Enforced Attention and Reinforcement for Correctness on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Performances of Kindergarten Children, Galen James Alessi
Effects of Microaggressions & Stereotype Threat on Self-Esteem & College Adjustment, Catherine P. Chen BS and Eric D. Deemer PhD
Effects of Monaural and Binaural Delayed Auditory Feedback on Reading Time of Stutterers and Non-Stutterers, Barry E. Guitar
Effects of Multi-Day Music Enrichment on Salivary Cortisol and Cage Behavior in Shelter Dogs, Stacy D. Engerbretson
Effects of Multiple Exemplar Instruction on Reading Comprehension for Secondary Students with Reading Delays, Reilly Chabie
Effects of Muscle Activation on GDNF Protein Content in Skeletal Muscle, Ramsey Potter
Effects of Nuclear Deformation on Neutron Total Cross Sections, Dennis Gilbert Blondin
Effects of Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors on the Activity of Rat Myocardial Adenyl Cyclase, Garry Lee DeGraaf
Effects of Presentation Modality on Language Comprehension of School-Age Children, Andrea J. Brennan
Effects of Reinforcement on the Rate and Generalization of Play Behavior in Four Severely Retarded Children, Elizabeth Anne Labanowski
Effects of Relative Heterogeneity of Competence in Peer-Tutoring Dyads, Meredith Dawson Argyropoulos
Effects of Rheology on Pigmented Size Press Coating Pattern, Stanley L. Oakleaf
Effects of Ribonuclease upon the Regenerating Tissue of Conditioned Planaria, Harland E. Noll
Effects of Selenium on 1, 2-Dimethylhydrazine (BMH) Metabolism and DNA Alkylation, Philip Robert Harbach
Effects of Septal and Amygdaloid Lesions on Pain-Elicited Fighting, John H. Bryant
Effects of Several Fixed-Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement and of Extinction upon Temporalis and Masseter Muscle Contractions in Humans, Gregory Earl Pierce
Effects of Simulator Training on the Acquisition and Generalization of Pedestrian Skills in Retarded Persons, Terry J. Page
Effects of Supervisory Feedback Skills on Performance and Job Satisfaction, Kenneth Wayne Barnes
Effects of the Serotonin Depletor Parachlorophenylalanine Upon Shock-Induced Aggression and Pressing Responses in Rats, Robert G. Sewell
Effects of Training Method and Job Aids on Inspector Accuracy in a Simulated Quality Control Task, Rhonda Flaspohler
Effects of Two Different Types of Feedback Content on the Performance of Direct Care Staff, David J. Avery
Effects of UCS Habituation on the Conditioned Aggressive Display in Betta Splendens, Timothy G. Plaska
Effects of Vicarious Feedback and Social Model Type upon Cumulative Verbalization and Personal Pronoun Frequency, Louis F. Caputo
Effects of Weak Magnetic Fields on Reactive Oxygen Species Accumulation, Luke Kinsey
Effects of Withdrawing Diphenylhydantoin (Dilantin) on Matching to Sample Performance in Mentally Retarded Persons, Vicky June Davis
Effects of X-Radiation on Saccharine Consumption as a Function of Dosage and Interstimulus Interval, Michael Drillings
Efficacy of Interventions for Increasing Performance of Activities of Daily Living in Persons with Parkinson's and Lewy Body Disease, Jennifer Mejeur and Joshua Grimmer
Efficacy of the CELCIS Intensive English Program, Robert J. Dlouhy and Jason T. Burkhardt
Eight Years: Some Editorial Reflections, Bernard Bachrach, George Beech, and Joel T. Rosenthal
Eileen Evans Reception, John M. Dunn
Ein Versuch Der Prosopographie Von Gruppen Im 5. Jahrhundert: Das Buch Von R. W. Mathisen Über "Ecclesiastical Factionalism" in Gallien By Ralph W. Mathisen, Martin Heinzelmann
Elastic Scattering of 1.33 MeV Gamma Rays from Lead, William Jack Merrow
Elastic Scattering of 1.33 MeV Gamma Rays from Uranium, Joan Sue De Vries
Elastic Scattering of 1.33 MeV Gamma Rays from Uranium, David Rood Schwandt
Elastic Scattering of Alpha Particles from 12C, Hsi-chiu Liu
El Drama de Antonio Buero Vallejo: Implicaciones de La Desviacion, La Estigmatizacion, La Normalidad y Los Valores, Mary F. Smith
Elections before Elections: Insular Political Prophecy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Elections to the Order of the Garter in the Reign of Edward IV, 1461-83, Ben Daw
Electromagnetic Radiation Shield for Spacecraft, Oseas Hudy-Velasco
Electronic Contribution to Magneto-Thermoelectric Power in Many-Valley Model of n-Ge, Carlos Humberto Munera
Electrophysiological Correlates of the Basolateral and Corticomedial Amygdaloid Divisions Associated with Biting-Behavior, Jon F. DeFrance
Elementary/Middle School Pre-service Teachers’ Understanding of Variability and the Use of Dynamical Statistical Software, Yaomingxin Lu
Elimination of Disruptive Bus Riding Behavior via Token Reinforcement, Sandra J. Ferrell
Elite Aspects in Selected Thinkers of Russian Communist Thought, Julianne E. Smith
Elite Perspectives and Predictive Potential: Park in Korea 1963-1972, Brian Borlas
Elite Prosopography in Saxon and Norman England, C. Warren Hollister
Elites and Examiners at Italian Universities During the Late Middle Ages, Jonathan Davies
Elizabeth Bennet Whispering Hush, Jessie Fales
Elizabeth I, the Subversion of Flattery, and John Lyly's Court Plays and Entertainments, Theodora A. Jankowski
El Simbolismo en el Teatro de Alejandro Casona, José P. Soler
Elson S. Floyd Hall Remarks, John M. Dunn
Elucidating the Impact of Engineered Nanoparticles on Microbial Organisms in the Environment, Niluka Madhumi Dissanayake
Elucidation of the Toxicity of Anthropogenic Nanoparticles in Environments Containing Heavy Metals, Chartanay Bonner
A Brotherhood of Canons Serving God: English Secular Cathedrals in the Later Middle Ages by David Lepine, Marilyn Olivia
Adela of Blois: Countess and Lord (c. 1067-1137) by Kimberly A. LoPrete, Miriam Shadis
Ad imaginem suam: Regional Chant Variants and the Origins of the Jeu d'Adam, Charles T. Downey
Aetius: Attila's Nemesis by Ian Hughes, Gregory I. Halfond
Ahnen Und Heilige. Namengebung in Der Europäischen Geshichte by Michael Mitterauer, George T. Beech
Allegory and the Tragic Chorus in Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus, by Roger Travis, Kiki Gounaridou
An Index to the First Twenty-Five Years of the Harlaxton Symposium Proceedings by Hannes Kleineke, Joel T. Rosenthal
eManuscripts: Digital Humanities and Medieval Studies (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Prosopography of Post-Conquest England: The Continental Origins of English Landholders 1066-1166, Version 1 by K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, Stephanie Mooers Christelow
Aristocratic Women in Medieval France edited by Theodore Evergates, Joel T. Rosenthal
Beckett and Beyond, edited by Bruce Stewart, Michael Vanden Heuval
Benedictine Monks at the University of Paris AD 1229-1500: A Biographical Register by Thomas Sullivan, OSB, Mary A. Rouse
Beowulf, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beowulf Camp in Kalamazoo: Specific Results from the 2016 NEH Institute "Teaching Beowulf in the Context of Old Norse-Icelandic Literature", Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Better Left Unsaid and other poems, John Brugaletta
Between Theater and Philosophy: Skepticism in the Major City Comedies of Ben Jonson and Thomas Middleton, by Mathew R. Martin, Jennifer Low
Bigamy and Christian Identity in Late Medieval Champagne by Sara McDougall, Marie A. Kelleher
Emblem Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Emblem Studies and Visual Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Brittany and the Angevins: Province and Empire, 1158-1203 by J. A. Everard, Amy Livingstone
But owthir in frith or felde : The Rural in the York Cycle, Chester Scoville
Caesarius of Arles. The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul by William E. Klingshirn, Ralph W. Mathisen
Charters and the Use of the Written Word in Medieval Society edited by Karl Heidecker, Constance H. Berman
Clergy in London in the Late Middle Ages: A Register of Clergy Ordained in the Diocese of London Based on Episcopal Ordination Lists, 1361-1539 by Virginia Davis, Joel T. Rosenthal
Creating Cistercian Nuns: The Women's Religious Movement and Its Reform in Thirteenth-Century Champagne, Erin Jordan
Crusade and Christendom: Annotated Documents in Translation from Innocent III to the Fall of Acre, 1187-1291 edited by Jessalynn Bird, Edward Peters, and James M. Powell, Susanna A. Throop
Curia Regis: Untersuchungen zur Hofstruktur Heinrichs (VII.) 1220-1235 nach den Zeugen seiner Urkunden by Christian Hillen, Alan V. Murray
Daibert von Pisa. Zwischen Pisa, Pabst und dem erstem Kreuzzug by Michael Matzke, George T. Beech
Emden' s Registers and the Prosopography of Medieval English Universities, Malcolm C. Burson
Die Brügger Steuerlisten 1360-1390 edited by Klaus Krüger, Stuart Jenks
Die französischen Generalstände von 1468 und 1484 Prosopographische Untersuchungen zu den Delegierten by Neithard Bulst, Elizabeth A. R. Brown
Domesday Descendants: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166. 2: Pipe Rolls to Cartae Baronum by K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, Robin S. Oggins
Domesday People: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents, 1066-1166, 1: Domesday Book by K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, Charlotte Newman Goldy
Dominer la ville. Prévôts des marchands et échevins parisiens de 1260 à 1350 by Boris Bove, Bettina Bommersbach
Eleanor of Aquitaine: Queen of France, Queen of England by Ralph V. Turner, Amy Livingstone
English Episcopal Acta, 24: Durham 1153-1195 edited by M. G. Snape, Emma Mason
Emerging Issues on Research on Conflict, Terrorism and Development, Adesoji Adelaja
Emeriti Council Break Fest, John M. Dunn
Emeriti News, April 2017, Emeriti Council
Emeriti News, Fall 2017, Emeriti Council
Emeriti News, Spring 2018, Emeriti Council
Esmoreit and Lippijn: A New Translation for Performance of Two Plays from the Van Hulthem Manuscript, Mandy L. Albert
Europäische Reiseberichte des späten Mittelalters. Eine analytische Bibliographie edited by Werner Paravicini, Béatrice Dansette
Familie en Macht. De Familie Berthout en de Brabantse Adel by Godfried Croenen, David Nicholas
Family Power in Southern Italy: The Duchy of Gaeta and Its Neighbours, 850-1139 by Patricia Skinner, Barbara M. Kreutz
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300, 7: Bath and Wells by John Le Neve, compiled by Diana E. Greenway, Emma Mason
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300, 8: Hereford by John Le Neve, compiled by J. S. Barrow, Emma Mason
Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae, 2: Diocèse de Rouen by Vincent Tabbagh, David Bates
Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae, 3: Diocèse de Reims by Pierre Desportes, Theodore Evergates
Fasti Ecclesiae Portugaliae, 1071-1325, Maria do Rosário Morujão and Anísio Miguel Saraiva
Forever Juliet: The Life and Letters of Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies 1891-1992, by Martial Rose, Ann Eljenholm Nichols
Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet): From Shakespearean Tragedy to Postmodern Satyr Play, Igor Djordjevic
Gregory of Tours: History and Society in the Sixth Century by Martin Heinzelmann, translated by Christopher Carroll, Danuta Shanzer
Harold Bloom's Shakespeare, edited by Christy Desmet and Robert Sawyer, Jennifer Low
Heads of Religious Houses: England and Wales, 2; 1216-1377 edited by David M. Smith and Vera C. M. London, Joel T. Rosenthal
High-Ranking Widows in Medieval Iceland and Yorkshire: Property, Power, Marriage and Identity in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries by Philadelphia Ricketts, RáGena C. DeAragon
John Stone's Chronicle: Christ Church Priory, Centerbury, 1417-1472 Selected, translated, and edited by Meriel Connor, Marilyn Olivia
King Arthur 2017 (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
King John: Pre-texts, Texts, and After-Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Kinship and Conquest: Family Strategies in the Principality of Salerno During the Norman Period, 1077-1194 by Joanna H. Drell, Amy Livingstone
Klytaimestra Tyrannos: Fear and Tyranny in Aeschylus's Oresteia (with a Brief Comparison with Macbeth), Anton Bierl
La collégiale Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois de Paris (1380-1510) by Anne Massoni, William H. Campbell
La corónica International Book Award: Núria Silleras-Fernández, Chariots of Ladies: Francesc Eiximenis and the Court Culture of Medieval and Early Modern Iberia (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
La corte de Carolos III el Noble, rey de Navarra: Espacio doméstico y escenario del poder, 1376-1415 by María Narbona Cárceles, Michael Jones
La Famille en Gévaudan au XV siècle (1380-1483) by Philippe Maurice, Elizabeth A. R. Brown
Le Fresne Again! Ten Years of Performing Marie de France (A Performance), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
L'Église du Grand Schisme 1378-1417 by Hélèn Millet, Annick Brabant
L'Empire des Plantagenêt: 1154-1224 by Martin Aurell, Ralph V. Turner
Les Chevaliers de l'Ordre de la Toison d'or au XVe Siècle edited by Raphaël de Smedt, D' A. J. D. Boulton
Lincolnshire Parish Clergy c. 1214-1968: A Biographical Register, Part 1: The Deaneries of Aslacoe and Aveland by Nicholas Bennett, Joel T. Rosenthal
London in the Later Middle Ages: Government and People, 1200-1500 by Caroline M. Barron, Joel T. Rosenthal
Macbeth and Regimes of Reading in Francoist Spain, Keith Gregor
Magical Muse: Millennial Essays on Tennessee Williams, edited by Ralph F. Voss, Janet V. Haedicke
Manuscripts and Their Makers: Commercial Book Producers in Medieval Paris, 1200-1500 by Richard H. Rouse and Mary A. Rouse, George Beech
Medievalism: A Manifesto (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval London Widows, 1300-1500 edited by Caroline M. Barron and Anne F. Sutton, Joel T. Rosenthal
Medieval Merchants: York, Beverley and Hull in the Later Middle Ages by Jenny Kermode, Joel T. Rosenthal
Menaechmi and the Renaissance of Comedy, Richard F. Hardin
Modern Greek Theatre: A Quest for Hellenism, by Stratos E. Constantinidis, Mary Pittas-Herschbach
Moving Subjects: Processional Performance in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, edited by Kathleen Ashley and Wim Hüsken, Clifford Davidson
Naming Patterns in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem by Iris Shagrir, Dave Postles
Noblewomen, Aristrocracy and Power in the Twelfth-Century Anglo-Norman Realm by Susan M. Johns, Kathleen Thompson
Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval edited by K. S. B. Keats-Rohan and Christian Settipani, Allen E. Jones
Emotion, Affect, and Feeling in Late Medieval English Devotion, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Emotional Intelligence and Prosocial Behavior in Adolescents, Courtney Hull and Glenn Noble
Out of Love for My Kin: Aristocratic Family Life in the Lands of the Loire, 1000-1200 by Amy Livingstone, William Chester Jordan
Painting Shakespeare Red: An East-European Appropriation, by Alexander Shurbanov and Boika Sokolova, Felicia Hardison Londré
Parisian Scholars in the Early Fourteenth Century: A Social Portrait by William J. Courtenay, Sara Lipton
Empathy and Sympathy, David Borzkowski
People and Identity in Ostrogothic Italy, 489-554 by Patrick Amory, Steven Fanning
Peregrinatio Academica: Wanderungen und Karrieren von Gelehrten der Universitäten Rostock, Greifswald, Trier und Mainz im 15. Jahrhundert by Stephanie Irrgang, William J. Courtenay
Performance and Literature in the Commedia dell'Arte, by Robert Henke, Rosalind Kerr
Performing Canada: The Nation Enacted in the Imagined Theatre , by Alan Filewod, Ann Nothof
Performing the American Frontier, 1870-1906, by Roger A. Hall, Nicolas Witschi
Employee Reactions to Job Characteristics: A Partial Replication, Artegal R. Camburn
Employment Trends in Athletic Training at the Secondary School Level After CAAHEP Accreditation, Jared A. Hough
Power and Border Lordship in Meieval France: The County of the Perche, 1000-1226 by Kathleen Thompson, Fredric L. Cheyette
Prayer Book and People in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England by Judith Maltby, Marilyn Olivia
Empress Adelheid and Countess Matilda: Medieval Female Rulership and the Foundation of European Society, Constance H. Berman
Princely Brothers and Sisters: The Sibling Bond in German Politics, 1100-1250 by Jonathan R. Lyon, Phyllis G. Jestice
Prosopographia Asceticarum Aegyptiarum by María Jesús Albarrán Martínez, Anne Boud'hors
Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Xeit (PmbZ) Erste Abteilung (641-867), 1. Band: Aaron (#1)-Georgios (#2182) Nach Vorarbeiten F. Winkelmanns, Alexios G. C. Savvides
Empty, Noa Dahan
Reassessing the Roles of Women as "Makers" of Medieval Art and Architecture edited by Therese Martin, Amy Livingstone
Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, 1: 1316-1349 edited by William J. Courtenay, Andrew Traver
Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume 3: 1387-1394, 2 vols. edited by William J. Courtenay and Eric D. Goddard, Alex J. Novikoff
Saint Bernard de Tiron. L'Ermite, le moine et le monde edited by Bernard Beck, Kathleen Thompson
Sam Shepard and the Aesthetics of Performance, by Emma Creedon, Shannon Blake Skelton
Saving the Souls of Medieval London: Perpetual Chantries at St Paul's Cathedral, ca. 1200-1548 by Marie-Helene Rousseau, Marilyn Olivia
Sensory Experience and the Metropolis on the Jacobean Stage (1603–1625), by Hristomir A. Stanev, Natalie Katerina Eschenbaum
Shakespeare After Mass Media, edited by Richard Burt, Michael Shapiro
Shakespeare and Eastern Europe, by Zdenëk Stííbrny, Nicholas Rzhevsky
Shakespeare at the Cineplex: The Kenneth Branagh Era, by Samuel Crowl, Robert C. Evans
Shakespeare on the American Yiddish Stage, by Joel Berkowitz, David Bleich
Shakespeare on the American Yiddish Stageby, Joel Berkowitz, Michael Shapiro
Shakespeare's Serial History Plays, by Nicholas Grene, David M. Bergeron
Shakespeare: Text and Theater. Essays in Honor of Jay L. Halio, edited by Lois Potter and Aurthur F. Kinney, John R. Ford
Signifying God: Social Relations and Symbolic Act in the York Corpus Christi Plays, by Sarah Beckwith, Victor Scherb
Sir Rhys ap Thomas and His Family: A Study in the Wars of the Roses and Early Tudor Politics by Ralph A. Griffiths, Compton Reeves
Staging Consciousness: Theater and the Materialization of Mind, by William W. Demastes, Gene A. Plunka
Staging Domesticity: Household Work and English Identity in Early Modern Drama, by Wendy Wall, Ann C. Christensen
Susan Glaspell’s Poetics and Politics of Rebellion, by Emeline Jouve, Veronica Makowsky
Sussex: Records of Early English Drama, edited Cameron Lewis, Mark C. Pilkinton
Templar Families: Landowning Families and the Order of the Temple in France, c. 1120-1307 by Jochen Schenk, Laurence W. Marvin
The Aristocracy in the County of Champagne, 1100-1300 by Theodore Evergates, Yves Sassier
Theatre, History, and National Identities, edited by Helka Mäniken, S. E. Wilmer, and W. B. Worthen, Stratos E. Constantinidis
Theatricalities of Power: The Cultural Politics of Noh, by Steven T. Brown, Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei
The Buried Astrolabe: Canadian Dramatic Imagination and Western Tradition, by Craig Stewart Walker, Denis Salter
The Cambridge Companion to Sam Shepard, edited by Matthew Roudané, Arvid F. Sponberg
The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, 1: 600-1540 edited by D. M. Palliser, Lorraine Attreed
The Charters of Duchess Constance of Brittany and Her Family, 1171-1221 edited by Judith Everard and Michael Jones, Theodore Evergates
The Dramatic Art of Athol Fugard: From South Africa to the World, by Albert Wertheim, Henry I. Schvey
The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium edited by Adelbert Davids, Mark W. Graham
The End of the World and other poems, Gregory Divers
The English Elite in 1066: Gone but Not Forgotten by Donald Henson, Marilyn Olivia
The English Nobility under Edward the Confessor by Peter A. Clarke, Joel T. Rosenthal
The Fairie Queene, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Federal Theatre Project: A Case Study, by Barry B. Witham, Jeffrey H. Richards
The Foundations of Gentry Life: The Multons of Frampton and Their World, 1270-1370, Carole Hill
The Fourteenth-Century Sheriff: English Local Administration in the Late Middle Ages by Richard Gorski, Helen M. Jewell
The Golden Legend and the Standardization of Sanctity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The History of Parliament: The House of Commons, 1386-1421 J.S. Roskell, Linda Clark, and Carole Rawcliffe, Joel T. Rosenthal
The Household Knights of King John by S. D. Church, Joel T. Rosenthal
The Jewish Communities of Medieval England: The Collected Essays of R. B. Dobson by R. B. Dobson, edited by Helen Birkett with a new preface by Joe Hillaby, Charoltte Newman Goldy
The King's Other Body: María of Castile and the Crown of Aragon by Theresa Earenfight, Elena Woodacre
The Measure of Woman: Law and Female Identity in the Crown of Aragon by Marie A. Kelleher, Jeffrey Bowman
The Medieval European Stage: 500-1550, edited by William Tydeman, David Bevington
The Minor Clergy of Exeter Cathedral: Biographies, 1250-1548 edited by Nicholas Orme, A. K. McHardy
The Obedientiaries of Westminster Abbey and Their Financial Records c. 1275-1540 by Barbara Harvey, Marilyn Olivia
The Play of Ideas in Russian Enlightenment Theatre, by Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter, Nicholas Rzhevsky
The Politics of Carnival: Festive Misrule in Medieval England, by Chris Humphrey, Naomi Conn Liebler
The Princely Court: Medieval Courts and Culture in North-west Europe by Malcolm Vale, Ralph A. Griffiths
The Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit (641-867), Ralph Mathisen
The Search for Modern Tragedy: Aesthetic Fascism in Italy and France, by Mary Ann Frese Witt, Michael Hinden
The Shepheardes Calender and Apocalypse, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Temptation of Innocence in the Dramas of Arthur Miller, by Terry Otten, Gregory W. Lanier
The Theatre of Aphra Behn, by Derek Hughes, Christopher Nagle
The Ties that Bind: Essays in Medieval History in Honor of Barbara Hanawalt by LindaE. Mitchell, Katherine L. French, and Douglas L. Biggs, Lois L. Huneycutt
The Voices of Morebath: Reformation and Rebellion in an English Village by Eamon Duffy, Phyllis E. Pobst
The World of the Stonors: A Gentry Society by Elizabeth Noble, Joel T. Rosenthal
The Zimmern Chroicle: Nobility, Memory, and Self-Representation in Sixteenth-Century Germany by Erica Bastress-Dukehart, Alan V. Murray
Tragedy and Trauma in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe, by Mathew R. Martin, Zackariah Long
Transference Vol. 6, Fall 2018
"Tu felix Austria, nube." La dynastie de Habsbourg et sa politique matrimoniale à la fin du Moyen Âge (XIIIe-XVIe siècles) by Cyrille Debris, Élisabeth Mornet
Venom in Verse: Aristophanes in Modern Greece, by Gonda A. H. van Steen, Kiki Gounaridou
Women and Aristocratic Culture in the Carolingian World by Valerie L. Garver, Felice Lifshitz
Women and Economic Activities in Late Medieval Ghent by Shennan Hutton, James M. Murray
Women and Religion in Late Medieval Norwich by Carole Hill, Joel T. Rosenthal
Women and the Church in Medieval Ireland, c. 1140-1540 by Dianne Hall Anglo-Irish and Gaelic Women in Ireland c. 1170-1540 by Gillian Kenny, Linda E. Mitchell
Zecca: The Mint of Venice in the Middle Ages by Alan M. Stahl, John Munro
Enchanted Environs: Architecture, Automata, and the Art of Mechanical Performance I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Enchanted Environs: Architecture, Automata, and the Art of Mechanical Performance II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Encountering Muhammad in the Medieval West, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Encounters with the Paranormal in Medieval Iceland II: Being and Becoming, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Encounters with the Paranormal in Medieval Iceland I: New Methodological Approaches, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ending ageism: The need to reevaluate attitudes towards the elderly, Michiko Iwasaki Ph.D., Matthew Picchiello, and Anahys Aghababian
End of Summer, Jeddie Sophronius
Energy Calibration of the Western Michigan University Model en Tandem Accelerator, Michael Joseph Parrott
Energy Harvesting Power for the Smart White Cane, Pnina Ari-Gur
Engaging Student Patrons with Traditional and Experimental Technology, Scott Russell, Joshua Enos, James Lane, and Roy Zimmer
England in Europe: English Royal Women and Literary Patronage, c.1000–c.1150,, Mary Dockray-Miller
England’s Immigrants 1330–1550: A New Prosopographical Database, Jessica Lutkin
English Personal Names Ca. 650-1300: Some Prosopographical Bearings, Cecily Clark
English Sheriffs to 1154 by Judith A. Green, Stephanie Christelow
Enhancing Intersection Safety for the Blind and Visually Impaired (BVI) Pedestrian Using Device-to-Infrastructure Communication, Mohammad Sayyah Al-Akash
Enrique Rodríguez Sánchez, Enrique Rodríguez Sánchez
Environmental Stimulants upon the Activity Potential of Political Party Committees: A Case Study of Michigan Congressional District Committees, 1969, Shirley M. McFee
Episcopal Careers and the University in Fourteenth-Century France, Dale R. Streeter
Erotica, Soren White
Errata, K.S.B. Keats-Rohan
Error and Correction, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Escape from Conditioned Suppression in the Pigeon, Robert Douglas Hienz
ESGR Patriot Award, John M. Dunn
Establishing an Employee Assistance Program at Checker Motors Corporation, Eileen E. Rogers
Establishing Interagency Communication among K-12 School Districts and Government Agencies through an Intermediate School District, Gary R. Campbell
Establishing Verbal Behavior: The Effects of Using Establishing Operations and Imitative Prompts to Teach Mands to Two Non-Verbal Elderly Retarded Persons, Terry Steven Bradford
Estimation of Lipid Vesicles and Lipoprotein Aggregate Size for Correlation with Critical Properties, James Springstead
Ethical Responsibility: Rethinking Research and Practice With Vulnerable Populations, Nuha Alshabani BS, Samsara Soto BS, and Alejandra Gonzalez BS
Ethological Anthropology: An Examination of Biological and Experimental Influences on Some Behavioral Systems in Human and Non-Human Primates, Robert Jennings Miller
Etiological Manifestations of Specific Reading Disorders Suggested in the Clinical Assessment Data of Children, Brett Thompson
Eugippius and the Life of St. Severinus, Steven Muhlberger
Evaluating Syntactic Complexity in Written Language: Methods and Measures, Sally A. Andersen
Evaluating the Affective Impact of a Place-Based Learning Course Project in the Geosciences, Nathan Charlton
Evaluating the Efficacy of Convolution Neural Networks in Age at Deat Estimation Using 3D Scans of the Pubic Symphyseal Face, Melissa A. Brown
Evaluation Instruction in Council on Education for Public Health Accredited Master of Public Health Schools and Programs, Kristin Ann Hobson
Evaluation of a Computer Simulation to Assess Subject Preference for Different Types of Incentive Pay, Stephen Mark Sundby
Evaluation of an Experimental Time-Telling Program for Normal and Mentally Impaired Children, James W. Partington
Evaluation of Generalized and Specific Token Reinforcement Using a Paired Stimulus Preference Assessment and Progressive Ratio Schedules, Haily K. Traxler
Evaluation of the Talking About Safe Sleep Program, Summer Chahin
Evaluations of Former Kalamazoo Learning Village Participants, Salvatore S. Cullari
Everyone Counts Fall 2011 Semester Kickoff, John M. Dunn
Everyone Counts Fall 2012 Semester Kickoff, John M. Dunn
Everything Is All Right, Anya Gurski
Evidence of Eutrophication in Wall Lake Barry County, Michigan, John J. Meany
Examination of Student Outcomes in HSV 3650: Information Literacy, Betty D. Dennis and Debra K. Lindstrom
Examination of the Underlying Trends in Village and Rural Recreation with Application in the Three Oaks School District, Alfred Pfliger
Examiner Influence on the Holtzman Inkblot Technique, Robert G. Hamilton
Examining Social Pragmatic Communication: Evidence from Parent and Professional Questionnaires, Katelyn Adams
Examining the Impact of a Criminal Background in Social Work Education, Amy S. Vliek
Examining the Impact of Training in Functional Assessment on Group Problem-Solving, Andrew L. Piper
Examining U.S. Military Resiliency Training Programs, Alishia Salyer
Excellence in Diversity Awards Remarks, John M. Dunn
Excellence in Education Remarks, John M. Dunn
Excellence in Education Remarks, John M. Dunn
Excellence in Education Remarks, John M. Dunn
Exchange of Sacrifices: West Africa in the Medieval World of Goods, Sarah M. Guérin
Exemplary Women: Writers, Readers, Makers, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Exercise is Medicine: Achieving Total Campus Buy-In, John M. Dunn
Existentialism and the Freedom Theme, Kalmain D. Smith
Experiences Abroad: Not Just a Photo Op, but an Opportunity to Shape Practice and Research, Betsy Varner B.A. and Scott Barrera B.S.
Experiences of Underrepresented Minority Students in Health Professions Programs, and Their Journeys to the Programs, Alisha L. Davis
Experiencing Sexual Assaults: Understanding the Factors of Withholding Disclosure, Justin R. Harker B.A., Jacob A. Moore B.A., Michiko Iwasaki Ph.D., and Casie H. Morgan
Experiential Pedagogy (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Experimental and Theoretical Analyses of Instructional Tasks: Reading, Discrimination, and Construction, Satoru Shimamune
Experimental Comparison Between Hollow Cathodes with Cermet, Lanthanum Hexaboride, and Barium Oxide Insert Materials, Nagual Simmons
Experimental Production of Duodenal Ulcers in Rats with Corresponding Changes in Gastric Secretory Patterns, James Ellis Dale
Experimental Study of Global Luminescent Oil-Film (GLOF) Skin-Friction Meter on Delta Wings, Patrick Nicholas Wewengkang