Content Posted in 2011
16 Minutes of “Eyes-on-Text” Can Make a Difference: Whole-Class Choral Reading as an Adolescent Fluency Strategy, David D. Paige
17th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
18th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
19th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
2010-11 Series - Jaimy Gordon National Book Award Event, University Center for the Humanities
2010-11 Series - Martha Nussbaum, University Center for the Humanities
2011-12 Series - Convergence of Cultures, University Center for the Humanities
20-HETE Constricts Cremasteric Arterioles, Scott Nathan Pinchot
20th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
21st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
22nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
23rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
24th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
25th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
27th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
28th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
29th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
30th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
31st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
33rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
34th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
40th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
41st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
44th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
45th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
46th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Brief Introduction to Boolean Algebra and its Application in Switching Circuits, Elaine Hoelzle
Accounting and Auditing in France: An American's Viewpoint, Norman Schafer
Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, Lynn Piasecki
Accounting Requirements in Corporate Finance, Norma Tomaszewski
Accumulation and Effects of Exogenously Applied Cd in Brassica rapa, Ann E. Chamberlain
A Characterization of the Morphology of Mitral Cells and Their Interactions with Glomeruli in Adult Zebrafish, Holly K. Yettaw
A Comparative Consideration of Lipoprotein Distribution and Stress response in the Mallard Duck and Man, Janice Mackay
A Comparative Zeitgeist of 19th Century American and 19th Century French Painting Through Winslow Homer and Gustave Courbet, Caroline Ann Brown
A Comparison of Print Advertisements to Corresponding Web Sites: Are Marketers on Target, Sarah Jo Sautter
A Comparison of the Amounts and Types of Glycoproteins in the Blood Plasma of Diabetic vs. Non-Diabetic Chinese Hamsters, James Poplawski
A Computer Program for Statistical Curve Fitting, Paul W. Callahan
A Copywriting Portfolio, Christine Blankemeier
Adaptive Control in Swarm Robotic Systems, Hanyi Dai
Adaptive Selling Behaviors, Noreen R. Lindberg
A Digital Multimedia Portfolio of Design Work at WMU, Trevor Catanese
Adjacent Hard Places & the Soft Spot in Between: Ethnography of Homelessness, Carl Bevelhymer
Adopting the Japanese Kieretsu System for the Singapore Economy, Hui Hon Ho
Advertising Tools & Cultural Research = More Successful Advertising in Japan for American Advertisers, Jonathan R. Grey
Aerodynamics in Baseball, Joseph R. Hopkins
A "Fond Farewell" to Yolanda Mihalko, Karen F. Thomas
A Fourteenth-Century Augustinian Approach to the Jews in Riccoldo da Monte Croce’s Ad nationes orientales, Lydia M. Walker
A French Vicar Visits Wounded Allied POWs in Cambrai
A German Red Cross Nurse Writes a Letter for a Wounded British POW
A Histological Exploration into the Role of ARK-5, Nate Meyer
A History of Pension Accounting and the Effects of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 158, Matthew J. Miller
Alcell® Process Waste Behavior Study, Brian Campbell
A Literature Review of Women's Role Portrayal in Magazines: 1958-1983, Kimberly A. Fischer
Allied POW Officers Playing Tennis, Anonymous
Allied POWs Marching into Captivity
Allied Prisoners on the German Raider, S.M.S. Moewe
A Look Ahead to the 15-Hour Change in Michigan, Patrick J. Murtha Jr.
A Look at Advertising in France and Canada with an Emphasis on Kellogg's® Cereal, Jane Keramidas
Altered Eosinophils in Peyer's Patches of Nematode Infected Intestines, Kara Elizabeth Stark
A Manifesto for Generation Y, Adrienne Mesnard
American Occupation Forces Cross the Rhine
American Occupation Troops Enter Hetzerath, Germany
American Occupation Troops in Front of the Coblenz City Hall
American Occupation Troops Visit a German Palace
American POWs Disembark Train in Switzerland
American War Prisoners' Aid Secretaries in Switzerland
American WPA Secretaries Arrive in Europe
American YMCA War Prisoners' Aid Poster
A Multi-Image Production Slide & Tape Show on "Style - Surface and Substance", Karen DeBoer
Analysis of Acquaintance Rape on College Campuses, Marin Henderson-Posther
Analysis of Chemical Changes Occurring Within the Formulated AIDS Drug Delavirdine, Cara A. Kujawa
Analysis of Dental Management of those with Physical and Mental Disabilities, Ashley M. Fleck
Analysis of June 8, 1999 IRS Public Disclosure Requirements, Casey C. Dick
Analyzing and Negotiating Conflicting Ethics in Journalism, Jessica R. Herndon
An Analysis of Feedback Given to Strong and Weak Student Writers, Janet L.D. Dinnen and Rachel M.B. Collopy
An Analysis of University Programs of Career Planning and Preparation--With Special Focus on the Needs of the Liberal Arts Student, Pamela Marian Brooks
An Anatomical and Histological Study of the Nervous System of Felis Domesticus, Daniel John Ganz
An Android/LAMP Mobile In/Out Board Based on Wi-Fi Fingerprinting, Keith Kelley, Karlis Kaugars, and Scott Garrison
An Assessment of Family and Medical Leave Policy, Stefanie Wilde
An Ecological Study of Coliform Bacteria Associated with Vaccinium Corymbosum, Harry C. Bittenbender
An Electromyographic Study of the Activity of the Upper and Lower Segments of the Right Rectus Abdominis During Exercise, Patricia E. Gary
An Evaluation of Cooling Towers for Nuclear Power Plants, Donald G. Southwell
An Examination of Gunflints from the Fort St. Joseph Site (20BE23) in Niles, Michigan, Cezar Carvalhaes
An Examination of Preservice Literacy Teachers’ Initial Attempts to Provide Instructional Scaffolding, Joyce E. Many, Donna L. Taylor, Yan Wang, Gertrude T. Sachs, and Heidi Schreiber
An Examination of the Evolution, Effectiveness, and Viability of Product Placement, Jismy Jose
An Exploration into the Nature of the Creative Process: A Walk Through Time, S. Keith Fuller
An Exploration of University Students’ Spelling Abilities, Mary Jo Fresch
Angle-Resolved Study of Ar 2p₁/₂,₃/₂⁻1ns,d Resonant Auger Decay, Marc Andrew Humphrey
An Inquiry into Japanese Landscape Garden Design, Karen S. Jore
An Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy for the Western Michigan University Ad Club 2005-2006, Trevor A. Moore
An Investigation of Apoptosis and Tyrosine Hydroxylase-Expressing Neurons in the Deafferented Olfactory Bulb of Zebrafish, Eric J. Cecil
Announcements, vol.46 no.2 2010
An Outcome Observational Study on the Efficacy of Warfarin Usage for Orthopedic Surgery Patients at Munson Medical Center, Michelle Suppnick
Antibiotic Resistant Microorganisms: An Increasing Threat to Public Health, Scott Austin
Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Bovine Mastitis in Europe and the United States, Andrea de Oliveira
An Undergraduate's Guide to Numerical Techniques for the Resolution of an Integral Equation, Mark P. Kust
A Personal Process of Design, Elizabeth Sadlowski
A Phylogenetic Analysis of Eumenine Wasps, Michael Ahrens
A Poet in Your Pocket: Contemporary Poetry for Middle School Students, Maria A. Perez-Stable and Mary H. Cordier
Appeal for Books for British POWs in Germany
Applied Behavior Analysis in Populations with Autism: A Look at Social Interactions, Katelyn M. Callahan
Appreciation of Cartoon Humor by Brain Injured Adults: A Pilot Study, Amy S. Cashen
Approximate Solutions to First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Scott Marovich
A Proposal, Casey Groves
A Qualitative Study of the Use of Alternative Versus Conventional Medicine in the U.S., David J. Willard
A Quantitative Study of the Distinctive Proteins of the Eosinophil: A Comparison of Normals and Eosinophilic Patients, James M. Olson
A Rank-Based Estimate for Cell Lineage Data, Tamer M. Elbayoumi and Jeffrey Terpstra
A Readership Study of Trade Publications in the Food Industry, Ellis J. Luchies
Are Avid Readers Lurking in Your Language Arts Classroom? Myths of the Avid Adolescent Reader, Nance S. Wilson and Michelle J. Kelley
Are Institutions the Answer? Mitigating Sectarian Protest in Divided Nations, Matthew P. Arsenault
Art is Dead?: A Criticial Analysis of Arthur Danto's End of Art Theory, Laura M. Ginn
Artwork, Brandon Dellario and Alessandra Santos Pye
Artwork, Brandon Bruce Dellario
A Sensitizing and Synthesizing Theory of Power and Social Control, Joseph M. Woodworth
As Life Stressors Increase, Do Emergency Department Visits Increase?, Catherine L. Kothari
A Spatial Analysis of Captures of Fall Migrant Wood Warblers, Thurshes and Kinglets Near Kalamazoo, Douglas Powless
Assisted Reading with Digital Audiobooks for Students with Reading Disabilities, Kelli J. Esteves and Elizabeth Whitten
Association Reading Room in a POW Camp
A Statement by Vern Yenor to be Consumed or Exhumed by the Honors College, Vern Yenor
A Study Guide for Accounting 210 at Western Michigan University, Charles W. Miller
A Study in the Rheological Conditions in Coating Filter Media, Chris A. Walrad
A Study of Computer Integration into University Accounting Education: Past, Present, and Future, Eron W. Lange
A Study of Customer Satisfaction with Products and Services Offered by the Bernhard Center, Heidi L. Haskins, Dana Hasselback, Kimberly Heffel, Dean Seales, and Amanda Wartchow
A Study of Minor League Hockey Kids' Clubs, Melissa K. Peckham
A Study of the Breeding Birds of the Martha Mott Sanctuary, Van Buren County, Michigan, David A. Good
A Study of the Utility and Validity of Earnings Forecasts, Michael P. Howell
A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of a Style Guide in a Collegiate Level Accounting Course, Jackie Lynn Smith
A Study to Determine the Job Tasks and Levels of Employment for Apparel and Accessories Marketing Occupations Using DACUM Occupational Analysis, Kelli A. Guikema
A Study to Identify the Attitudes of Kalamazoo Area Consumers Towards Paper and Plastic Grocery Sacks, Ransom G. Leppink
A Survey of the World Food Problem: Economic, Nutritional, and Cultural Considerations, Joyce Vermeersch
A Three-Phase Study of the Educational Experience in the Paper Science and Engineering Curriculum, Richard R. Hartman
A Time to Appraise: Was the FASB Necessary and is it Effective?, Michael A. Goheen
At the Bus Stop: A Dance Film, Rachel Nadler
Auditor Independence: The Battle Over Non-Audit Services, Janell Bolen
Auditor's Role in Detecting Fraud: An Analysis and Implications of SAS No. 99, Stacey L. Witten
Aura, Aurora, Satori: Thesis Watercolor Exhibition, Brooke E. Colby
Australian Aboriginal English and African American Language: The Development of Marginalized Language Varieties, Sarah E. Hercula
Autobiographies from Auschwitz: Gender Differences, Patricia Meade
Avant: A Collection by Koriel Jock, Koriel Jock
Average Genus of the Cube, Jody Koenemann
A View of Urban and Rural Teenage Pregnancy in Young Adult Fiction and the Realities in Southern Michigan, Nora A. Fox
A Window Into Brain Injury, Connie L. Lee
A Work in Progress: From Research to Implementation of an Accounting System, Michelle Beebe
A YMCA Secretary Visits Two Wounded Russian POWs
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.46 no.2 2010
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.47 no.1 2011
Baltic National Bibliographies without the Book Chambers, Maira Bundza
Barred Windows and Uncaged Birds: The Enclosure of Women in Chrétien de Troyes and Marie de France, Jean-Marie Kauth
Bavarian Cavlary Charge at the Battle of Lagarde (1914)
Behavioral Issues, Self-Esteem Struggles, Retention, and More: The Portrayal of Book Characters with Dyslexia, Jennifer L. Altieri
Behind the Plexi-glass Partitions: An Intern's View of American Museums, Brittany L. Miller
Belgian Deportees Leave for Germany
Belgian Deportee Working in a Munitions Factory
Belgian POWs Dig Trenches under German Supervision
Belgian POWs Receive Their Noon Rations
BFA Degree Exhibition, Donna M. Dickmann
BFA Graphic Design Exhibition, Autumn Borchak
Biochemistry of Creatine and Its Applications in Exercise Enhancement, Jeremy Kelley
Biography for Children Has Never Been Better, Barbara A. Ward and Terrell A. Young
Biologically Engineered Foods: The Forbidden Fruit, Shana R. Heilbrun
Bittersweet Ski Area Market Research, Andrew Zuehlke
"Black Madonna" Painted by a Polish POW in a German Prison Facility
Book Review of "Clothing the Spanish Empire" by Marta Vicente, Miranda Howard
Books for Laughing Out Loud, Barbara A. Ward and Terrell A. Young
Books that Especially Appeal to Boy Readers, Terrell A. Young and Barbara A. Ward
Book Talk: Continuing to Rouse Minds and Hearts to Life, Cheri F. Triplett and Alisa Buchanan
Branching Ratio of π⁻ + He⁴ → t + n, Chun-Ming Leung
Brave, Determined, and Strong: Books for Girls (and Sometimes Boys), Barbara A. Ward and Terrell A. Young
British and French POWs Play Chess
British Labor Detachment Heading for Work
British POW Labor Detachment off to Work
British POWs Eat Dinner in a German Prison Camp
British POWs Head for Farm Work in the Fields
British POWs Incarcertated at the Citadel in Cambrai
British POWs Remove Bark from Logs
British Prisoners Captured at the Citadel at Cambrai
British YMCA Hospitality Station at the Cannon Street Station
British YMCA Leaders at Repatriation Station at Cannon Street Railway Station
Broadening Our View About Technology Integration: Three Literacy Educators' Perspectives, Shelley B. Wepner, Liqing Tao, and Nancy M. Ziomek
Building Their Stories: Electronic Case Studies of Struggling Readers, Terry S. Atkinson and Sarah C. Williams
Bullies in Recent Books for Children and Young Adults, Terrell A. Young and Barbara A. Ward
Burn Injury: The Impact on Occupational Performance, Donna R. McHugh
CAESked: A Class Scheduler for WMU Students, Chris Fruin and Jerry Grochowski
Camp Canteen in a German POW Facility
Camp Kitchen in a German POW Facility
Captured French Garibaldi Troops
Captured French Officers Await Transportation from Vouziers
Captured Russian POWs and Artillery in Seiny in Lithuania
Captured Russian POWs Drag Their Machine Guns
Captured Russian POWs March into Captivity
Captured Russian POWs with Machine Guns
Captured Serbian Troops Cross the Save River
Capture of Russian Troops from Kyrgyzstan at Brzeziny
Carolee Schneemann: Woman, Muse, Pioneer, Jennifer M. Petriches
CEAS e-news 01.06.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 01.08.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 01.12.2010, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 01.17.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 01.24.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 01.29.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 01.30.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 02.02.2010, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 02.07.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 02.14.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 02.17.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 02.19.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 02.24.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.01.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.04.2010, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.06.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.11.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.11.2010, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.19.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.20.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.21.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.22.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.31.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.01.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.03.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.03.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.06.2010, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.15.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.17.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.20.2010, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.23.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.25.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.26.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.30.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 05.06.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 05.13.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 05.13.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 05.15.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 05.19.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 05.20.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 05.26.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 05.31.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 06.03.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 06.03.2010, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 06.09.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 06.10.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 06.12.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 06.19.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 06.23.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 06.26.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 06.27.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 07.01.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 07.02.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 07.08.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 07.10.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 07.15.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 07.22.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 07.24.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 07.31.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.03.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.05.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.06.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.07.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.12.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.16.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.18.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.27.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.28.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 09.01.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 09.02.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 09.08.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 09.09.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 09.11.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 09.16.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 09.18.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 09.23.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 10.02.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 10.07.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 10.07.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 10.09.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 10.13.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 10.16.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 10.23.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 10.23.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 10.30.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.03.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.04.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.04.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.06.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.18.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.19.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.20.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.22.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.24.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.27.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 12.02.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 12.03.2009, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 12.04.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 12.11.2007, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 12.16.2008, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 12.16.2011, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Celebrate the Magic of Poetry, Terrell A. Young and Barbara A. Ward
Celebration of the Arts, Sean Jeremy Handler
Celebrity Politics: Representations of Politicians in Newsweek 1980 and 2004, Jenna Marie Keedy
Censorship and the National Endowment for the Arts: An Analytical Look at the Enola Gay and Robert Mapplethorpe Controversies, Tamara L. Peterson
Changes in Adult Onchocerca Volvulus Following Treatment with Ivermectin, Stephanie Benton
Changes in the Vascular Adhesion Profile of the Estrogen-Treated Rat Uterus, Matthew Wesley Brown
Changes Occurring in the Concentration of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, Amylin and in Insulin in Relation to Diabetes Melltius, Michelle L. Kagey
Changing Attitudes on Volunteerism Among Students at Western Michigan University: 1976 and 1994, Angela Maxwell
Characterization of CDC20, a Cell Cycle Gene, in Zebrafish, Travis Jon Dams
Characterization of Metal-Regulated Genes in Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Melanie Pearson
Chaucer's Visions of Manhood by Holly A. Crocker., Kristin Bovaird-Abbo
Children's Attitudes Toward Television Advertising: A State of the Art Review, Heidi L. Haskins
Children's Literature for Cultural Understanding between Students in Taiwan and Mainland China, Su-Yen Chen
China's Foreign Trade, David C. Borsos
Christine de Pizan's Metaphoric Womb, Tina-Marie Ranalli
CIE L*a*b* the New Measure of Quality, Trista Lee Goike
Click to Submit\Place Order Now: Environmental Design through Light and Sound, Christopher Michael Bassett
Cloning of Herpes Simplex Virus-1 Polymerase Gene for Mutagenesis of Amino Acid 823, Katie Anne Peterson
Closed Head Injuries and the Long Term Patient, Emily Dannison
Cold Comfort, Jennifer Moss
Collection Point of Allied POWs at Soissons (1918)
College Consumption Patterns: An Analysis of Students' Spending Patterns, Living Conditions and Financial Positions Throughout the Past 30 Years, Kristine Farabaugh
College of Arts & Sciences Newsletter: Fall 2005, College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences Newsletter: Spring 2005, College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences Newsletter Vol. 7 No. 2 Spring 2006, College of Arts & Sciences
Colonel Famechon, the French POW Doctor at the Hospital in Cambrai
Combination Effects of Irradiation and Chemical Doping on High Temperature Superconductors, Russell J. Fedewa
Combinatorial Topology: A Theorem, Charles Nagy
Common Currency Examined in Latin America, Jack William McCloskey
Community Policing: Effective Law Enforcement Strategy or Catch Phrase, Jennifer L. Prince
Companion and Series Books: Invitations for Many Happy Returns, Terrell A. Young and Barbara A. Ward
Comparison & Evaluation of Commercial & Laboratory Refining Methods at Western Michigan University, Abigail Lee
Comparison of Computational and Experimental Aerodynamics: Results for a WMU Solar Car Model, Yang Yang and William W. Liou
Comparisons among College Students Who Do and Do Not Obtain Routine Pap Smears, Heenashree I. Patel
Comparisons of Sitting and Standing Patterns Between Males and Females, Elizabeth R. Skidmore
Competition and Interpersonal Conflict in Same-Sex Platonic Friendships, Ewa Urban
Computer Aided Statistical Analysis of Data from Mixture Experiments, Chad Michael Schafer
Conflict Theory: Concepts, Techniques, and Stages, Thomas Kramer
Considering Medieval Women and Gender by Susan Mosher Stuard., Anne E. Lester
Constructing Cannabis: A Social History of Marijuana from a Race, Class and Gender Perspective, Kim Star
Consulting Independence, Julie D. White
Consumer Buying Behaviour: An Analysis of Children's Purchase Influence in Urban China, Terah VanDam
Consumer Opinions and RFID Implementation, Anna K. Brown
Consumption and Investment: An Econometric Analysis, Nathan Blecke
Copper Accumulation and Its Toxicity Threshold in Common Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris), Dylan B. Keon
Copywriting Portfolio, Jessica Hendren
Cover Page of the Worlds' Alliance List of Traveling Library Books
Creating a Curriculum for the Autism Toddler Classroom at WoodsEdge Learning Center, Katherine J. Beckstrom
Creating Collaborative Art, Sarah J. Nott
Creating Metadata Best Practices for CONTENTdm Users, Myung-Ja Han, Sheila A. Bair, and Jason Lee
Creative Mathematics, Noah Mashni
Croquet Game, Anonymous
Cross-Cultural Implications of Sales Management, Stefan M. Haney
Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden in a War Prisoners' Aid Parcel Room
Crystallization Experiments on the Aspartate-49 Phospholipase A2 from the Venom of the Copperhead Snake (Agkistrodon Contortrix Contortrix), Desiree Graves
Cultural Differences as Barriers to Market Entry in East and Southeast Asian Countries, Nicole Richards
Culturally Relevant Texts and Reading Assessment for English Language Learners, Ann E. Ebe
Cyclic Error-Detecting Codes, Vern Paulsen
Cytogenetic Test of Captan and Triethylenemelamine in Mouse Bone Marrow, Stephen M. Fry
Danish YMCA Headquarters Building in Copenhagen
Darius Davis Prepares WPA Traveling Libraries for POWs
Dear Reading Horizons Readers, Karen F. Thomas and Allison L. Baer
Death of the Blues, William Olsen
Deconstructing the Accelerated Reading Program, Robin D. Groce and Eric C. Groce
Decreasing Wandering: An Intervention for Caregivers, Monica A. Spear
Deinking Recycled Pulp by the Cross Flow Filtration Method, Matthew James Walters
Deinking Xerographic Printed Paper, Greg Unser
Demographic Affects on the Field of Speech-Language Pathology, Gretchen Storm
Department of Comparative Religion - Newsletter
Departure of French POWs for German Prison Camps
Departure of French POWs from Verdun
Depictions and Gaps: Portrayal of U.S. Poverty in Realistic Fiction Children’s Picture Books, Jane E. Kelley and Janine J. Darragh
Deportation of Belgian Women to Germany
Design and Construction of a Lithium Vapor Oven, Corey A. Leon
Design of a Forced Air Induction System for a Suzuki RMZ-450 Engine, Conrad R. Meekhof
Destruction of the Russian 10th Army at the Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes (February 1915)
Detection of Mutations in Chernobyl Clean-up Workers, Kari E. Haag
Determination of Energy Value and Volume Reduction from Burning of Paper Industry Sludge, Kristy M. Kozlowski
Determining Polymerase Fidelity in the PCR of Mouse HPRT Exon 3, Timothy M. Sassanella
Detour Distance in Graphs, Jamie Wacyk
Developmental Feedback: Excursions with Fractals, Chaos and Growth, Walter Sousanis
Development of a DIabetic Rat Model for the Study of Insulin Mimetics, Lora Campbell
Development of Computerized Printing Estimating System for Welborn Printing Management & Research Center, Deepak Madan
Development of Literacy Beliefs and Practices: Preservice Teachers with Reading Specializations in a Field-Based Program, Wayne M. Linek, Mary Beth Sampson, I. Laverne Raine, Kimberly Klakamp, and Brenda Smith
Differentiated Reading Instruction: What and How, Julie W. Ankrum and Rita M. Bean
Digitization Projects and Metadata, Sheila A. Bair and Pam Cowart
Direct Instruction with Playful Skill Extensions: Action Research in Emergent Literacy Development, Jean M. Keaton, Barbara C. Palmer, Karen R. Nicholas, and Vickie E. Lake
Disability Awareness: Influencing Children's Personal Views of Disabilities Through Experiential Education, Dori E. Seymour and Jennifer L. Urbahns
Disinfection Machine in a German Prison Camp
Disposition Studies of the Antitumor Agent, AT-125, in Rats, James F. Carow
Dissociation: A Systems Approach, Carly Wiggins
Distribution of Apoptotic and Necrotic Cell Death Across the Transmural Border of Myocardial Ischemic Versus Ischemic/Reperfused Tissue, Kristen Marie Snyder
Distribution of Wolbachia in Fire Ants (Solenopsis Species), Lauren M. Sheill
Diverting Sludge from Landfills to Insulation, Tracy L. Stevens
Do Brief Seizures Cause Hippocampal Atrophy in Children with TLE? An MRI Longitudinal Study, Lori Nieboer
Does Gender Affect Speech Fluency?, Rebecca DeVries-Williams
Doing Catalan Spanish: Pragmatic Resources and Discourse Strategies in Ways of Speaking Spanish in Barcelona, Robert E. Vann
Domestic Violence and the Legal System, Jennifer L. Evans
Do Off-Campus Students Still Use Document Delivery? : Current Trends, Michele D. Behr and Julie L. Hayward
Down's Syndrome - Understanding the Multi-Handicapped Individual, Julie A. Hutson
Dr. Debu, the French Chief Surgeon, at the Hospital at Cambrai
Dreamscapes, IDs and Alter Egos, Janis Tippett
Drive Into Spring - A Promotional Event for DeNooyer Chevrolet, Bethany Holmes
Drug Sensitivity Differences Among Normal, Alzheimer, and Down's Syndrome Fibroblasts, Linda Joanne Barrett
Dust Cloud to Black Hole: The Life of a Giant Star, John C. Good
Early Stage Detection of Marine Oil Oxidation, Loren LaPointe
Earth Art: Seeing the Site, Caitlin Kochevar Bouma
Easy: An Integrated Marketing Communications Program for the City of New Orleans, Brett Rogers
Eating Disorders and College Women, Jamie A. Zioncheck
Edge Idependence in Graphs, Denny James Roehm
Editor’s Letter, Toni N. Strutz
[Editor's Note], Christopher Jones
[Editor's Note], Karen F. Thomas and Allison L. Baer
[Editor's Note], Allison L. Baer
[Editor's Note], Allison L. Baer
Effect of Finishing on Sales, Stacie M. Lauritsen
Effects of Assisted-Repeated Reading on Students of Varying Reading Ability: A Single-Subject Experimental Research Study, Jo-Ann Hapstak and Diane H. Tracey
Effects of Nitrogen on Zooplankton Populations and Chlorophyll Concentrations in Vernal Ponds, Marc B. Wegener
Effects of Particle Size on Absorption of U96988 in Rats, Murray D. McLaughlin
Effects of the 1972 United States - Soviet Trade Agreement on United States Business, Bryan Floyd Smith
Effects of U-101287G and Haloperidol on Local Cerebral Glucose Utilization in a Rat Model of Schizophrenia, Erik Dale Knedgen
Effects of Zinc on Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Buffalo Rat Liver Cells, Bryan G. Sauer
Effects on Digital Image Quality when Photographing Through a Transparent Material Used to Hold or Flatten an Original Object, Paul E. Howell
Eighth Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Elastic Scattering of Alpha Particles from Carbon-12, Jon F. Sleder
Electrical Conductivity and Band Structure of Lithium-Ammonia Solutions, David P. Hoogerheide
Electric Vehicle Battery - Wind Energy Storage System, Steven K. Srivastava and Gary Nola
Eleventh Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucer and the Discourse of German Philology: An Addendum, Richard Utz
Engaging Children with Useful Words: Vocabulary Instruction in a Third Grade Classroom, Lynn Cohen and Katherine Byrnes
Engaging the Masses: Library Instruction with Large Undergraduate Classes, Patricia Fravel Vander Meer, Maria A. Perez-Stable, and Donna M. Ring
English Language and Literacy Enrichment Comparing Comprehension and Alphabetic-Phonological Approaches, Paula Vergunst
English POWs Captured at St. Elot Escorted by German Lancers
Epilogues and Endways, Sarah E. Milosch
Equity, Fairness and Conformity in Intimate Relationships, Carolyn Pepper
Ernst Satorius, Editor of "Le Messager," a Monthly YMCA Magazine for POWs
Errorless Learning as a Treatment Method for Adults with Memory Problems, Nicole Schrauben
Esoterotica: Concept Conquers Object, or, The Seduction of Mind by Hand, Thomas VanderMeulen
Establishment of a Method to Examine Plant Pathogen Effectors, Jessica Wayne
Estimating Temporal Correlation of Exposure to Environmenta Contaminants, Matthew Schipper
Ethics and Whistle-Blowing, Saurabh Saraswat
Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs: A Comparison, Karen Holbert
Evaluating the Visual Perceptual Skills of Children Who Have Cerebral Palsy, Ann M. Leonard
Evaluation of Dye and Pigment Based Ink Jet Ink Sets, Veronika Chovancova
Evaluation of Emissions Modeling Software, Katherine S. Pershell
Evaluation of the Special Olympics Michigan Area 16 Unified Sports Program, Jarrod DeGroff
Evolution of a New Awareness: Growth and Development as an Artist, Randy Walbridge
Examining One Class of Third-Grade Spellers: The Diagnostic Potential of Students’ Spelling, Molly K. Ness
Examining the Feasibility of a Women's Center at Western Michigan University, Kathryn Kucyk and Michelle Kachman
Exchanged British Medics in London
Exchange of Sick and Wounded Allied and German POWs at Flushing
Exhibition of Paintings, David Banner
Exploring Z2Cp: Using Idempotents, Polynomials, and o(2), Peter Buczkowski
Expression of Soluble Hepatitis C Virus Ns5b Protein in E. Coli, Amy Predenkiewicz
Extralegal Factors in Sentencing and Their Relationship to the Sanctions Imposed, Debra Gregory
Factors Associated with Supermarket Shopping Behaviors, Time Preferences, Impulse Buying, Nutritional Information Interest and Body Mass Index, Danielle M. Carl
Family History as a Public Health Tool for Risk Assessment and Disease Prevention, Umberto Berlasi
Family Literacy: The Missing Link to School-Wide Literacy Efforts, Vicky Zygouris-Coe
Feeding Habits of Juvenile Largemouth Bass Micropterus Salmoides (Lacepede), Thomas R. Goodwill
Felting, Becky Frick
Female Mate Choice in Rainbow Darters, Etheostoma Caeruleum, Theresa M. Mau
Fifteenth International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fifth Biennial Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Financing Michigan Education: An Interpretation, Analysis and Suggested Improvements of the State School Aid Fund, John A. Gipson
Finding the ‘I’ in Imagination: “Kubla Khan” as the Solution to the Problem of the Individual in Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kevin Drzakowski
Fixing the Weak State, Evan M. Mayo
Flight of French West African Troops
Fluency, Text Structure, and Retelling: A Complex Relationship, Lynn Cohen, Rosanne L. Krustedt, and Maria May
Following the Flechas: The Camino de Santiago and its Inner Workings, Brenna C. Halpin
Food Marketing Association: Fund Raising Task Force, Miranda K. Owen
Food Plant Use by Larvae of Milkweed Tiger Moth, Euchetes Egle (Drury), Andrea Kryger
Formant Theory and Spectral Shape Theory: The Evolving Study of Speech Perception, Courtney Dykman
Fostering Self-Regulated Learning at the Reference Desk, Edward J. Eckel
Fourteenth International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fourth Biennial Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Freedom of Choice: High Risk Investment Choices at Stake, Julie M. Godfrey
French and British POWs at Peronne Await Transportation to Germany
French and British POWs Board a Train at Cambrai for German Prison Camps
French Barber Shop in a German POW Camp
French Circulating Library in a German Prison Camp
French Internee in Prison Cell at Fort Hirson
French Orchestra Performs in a German Prison Camp Compound
French POW Fire Engine Company
French POW Ice Skating, Anonymous
French POWs at Laon Await Transportation to Germany
French POWs at Peronne Marching to Captivity
French POWs Captured at Lille (1914)
French POWs Captured at Verdun (1916)
French POWs Depart Germany by Train
French POWs Depart the Fortress at Maubeuge (September 1914)
French POWs Erect a Barbed-Wire Enclosure
French POWs in Germany Enroute to a Prison Camp
French POWs Install a Barbed-Wire Fence
French POWs Marching through Ripont
French POWs March through a French Town
French POWs March to Captivity at Craonne
French POWs March to Train Station for Transportation to Germany
French POWs Pull a Wagon through a German Prison Camp
French POWs Receive Rations at the Food Counter
French POWs Receive Rations in a German Prison Camp
French POWs Repair a Railroad Tunnel
French POWs Studying in Their Barracks in a German Prison Camp
French POWs Wash Clothing in an Outdoor Laundry
French POWs Work on a Sculpture in a German Prison Camp
French Shoemakers in a Prison Cobbler Shop
French Troops Marching before the German Command at Maubeuge (September 1914)
From The Popcorn Book to Popcorn! Multigenre Children's Books, Kathy Everts Danielson and Jeanne Harrington
Fromm and Kohlberg on Ethics of Aggression, Alexander Wirth-Cauchon
From Reading Clinic to Reading Community, Deborah Ann Jensen and Jennifer Amy Tuten
From Silence to a Whisper to Active Participation: Using Literature Circles with ELL Students, Catherine Carrison and Gisela Ernst-Slavit
From Skeptic to Believer: One Teacher’s Journey Implementing Literature Circles, Deanna Day and Glenna Ainley
From the Editor, Allison L. Baer
From the Editor, Allison L. Baer
From the Editor, Allison L. Baer
From the Editor, Allison Baer
From the Editor, Allison L. Baer
From the Editor, Allison Baer
From the Editor, Allison Baer
From the Editor, Allison Baer
From the Editor, Allison L. Baer
From the Editor, Allison L. Baer
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.46 no.2 2010
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.47 no.1 2011
Fruita da Vida - A Revolutionary Method of Sizing and Design for Women's Pret-a-Porter Clothing, Emily Staff
Frustrations of the Documentary Linguist: The State of the Art in Digital Language Archiving and the Archive that Wasn’t, Robert E. Vann
Game of Leap Frog, The Great War in Pictures
Game of Leap Frog, The Great War in Pictures
Gatherings No. 10 Fall 1995, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 11 Winter 1996, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 12 Spring 1996, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 13 Fall 1996, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 14 Winter 1996, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 15 Spring 1997, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 16 Fall 1997, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 17 Winter 1998, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 18 Spring 1998, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 19 Fall 1998, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings (No. 1) Spring/Summer 1990, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 20 Winter 1999, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 21 Spring 1999, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 22 Fall 1999, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 23 Winter 2000, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 24 Spring 2000, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 25 Fall 2000, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 26 Winter 2001, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 27 Spring 2001, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 28 Fall 2001, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 29 Winter 2002, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings (No. 2) Fall 1990, Firends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 30 Spring 2002, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 31 Fall 2002, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 32 Winter 2003, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 33 Fall 2003, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 34 Spring/Summer 2004, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 35 Fall 2004, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 36 Spring/Summer 2005, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 37 Fall/Spring 2005-2006, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 38 Summer 2006, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 39 Fall/Spring 2006-2007, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings (No. 3) Winter 1991, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 40 Summer 2007, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 41 Fall/Spring 2007-2008, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 42 Summer 2008, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 43 Spring 2009, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 44 Spring/Summer 2010, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 45 Fall/Spring 2010-2011, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 4 Fall 1991, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 5 Fall 1993, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 6 Spring 1994, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 7 Fall 1994, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 8 Winter 1994, Friends of the University Libraries
Gatherings No. 9 Spring 1995, Friends of the University Libraries
GCD Algorithms: Analysis and Experimental Evaluation, Linda Eroh
GDNF Expression in L6 Skeletal Muscles in Vitro, Angela W. Lim
Gender Difference in Student Organization Participation and Leadership Among College Students: A Longitudinal Study, 1918 to 1998, Jennifer L. Hook
Gender Differences in Physiological Responses to Alcohol and Tobacco: Raising Adolescent Awareness, Rachel A. Schleichert
Gender Identification of Preadolescent Children's Voices, Kathleen M. Warner
General Schmidt, German Chief Surgeon, and His Family at Cambrai
General Schmidt, German Chief Surgeon in Cambrai
General Secretaries of the World's Alliance of YMCA's
Generation of rKir & rSUR2B Expression Constructs for Reconstitution of Novel K-ATP Channel ctivity in Xenopus Oocytes, Kelly Biegan
Genetic Therapy of Hematopoietic Stem Cells Using a Φ C31 Integrase Based System, Joshua R. Clevenger
German 5 Pfennig Prison Camp Script Note
German and Austro-Hungarian Prison Camp Money (Script)
German Army Disinfection Machine
German Arrest of a French Mayor
German Cavalry Attack at Argeful in Romania (1916)
German Medical Service during World War I
German Medics Place a Wounded British POW in an Ambulance
German Pass for Repatriated British Internee
German Police Pass for Repatriated British Internee
German POW Ration Time Line 1915-1916
German POW Ration Time Line 1916-1919
German Prison Camp Money (Script)
German-Romanian Parley for the Surrender of Bucharest (December 1916)
Germans Seize Belgian Deportees for Work in Germany
German Trench Attack on British Lines
German Trench Raid on French Lines
German Troops Storm a French Trench
German Wooden Boots Issued to British POWs
German YMCA Missionaries in Africa
German YMCA Missionary Medical Service in Africa
Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) and Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) Protein Level Alterations with Physical Activity in Adult Rat Heart, Katie L. Walkowiak
Glycosaminoglycans as Related to Age and Gender for Non-Diabetic Monkey Serum, Joanna Gonyer
Going for the Gold: Recruiting Students and Engaging Administrators through Education and Entertainment in the Library, Michele D. Behr, Maira Bundza, and Barbara J. Cockrell
Going Global: Books to Help Us Better See Our Ever-Changing World, Barbara A. Ward and Terrell A. Young
Going Green: Books that Invite Wonder and Action about Earth’s Endangered Environment, Terrell A. Young and Barbara A. Ward
Good Books for Good Times, Terrell A. Young and Barbara A. Ward
Grade Level and Gender Differences in a School-Based Reading Tutoring Program, Sau Hou Chang
Graph of POWs Captured from August 1914 to July 1915
Great Sexpectations Fantasies & Fears: Public Relations and Marketing Plan, Michael Schuster
Grey Areas in Accounting, Jaclyn Brown Young
Gross Sensory Evaluations: A Comparison and Discussion, Laura J. Soper
Group of Russian POWs on the Vistula Front (December 1915)
Growth Factors and Their Receptors in the Olfactory System of Adult Zebrafish, William Jason Sulaka and Donald L. Neirink
Guided Writing Lessons: Second-Grade Students’ Development of Strategic Behavior, Sharon A. Gibson
Guide to Becoming a Spinal Cord Injury Survivor, Patricia Fahey
Gymnastics, The Great War in Pictures
Hamiltonian Labelings of Graphs, Willem Renzema
Hamster Right Atrium as a Model for Action Potential Prolongation, Andrew J. Powers
Harnessing the Power of Story: Using Narrative Reading and Writing Across Content Areas, Steven Nathanson
Harvey's Hideaway: Patron Profile, Jessica Hummel
Headquarters of the Danish YMCA in Copenhagen
Heart Accessory Efferent Target Innervation in the Leech Hirudo Verbana, Danielle Harik
Heidi Breuer. Crafting the Witch: Gendering Magic in Medieval and Early Modern England. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2009., Kristin Bovaird-Abbo
Here Comes the Groom: The Influence of Gender on the Planning & Purchasing of Wedding Cakes, Carrie L. Johnson
Hispanic Food Marketing Insights, Stephanie Willibey
Hispanic Marketing, Julia Wartchow
Histopathology Associated with Ketoacidosis in the Ileum and Colon of the Chinese Hamster, Mary Pozivilko
HIV/AIDS: Women's Knowledge, Their Perceived Risk and Willingness to Engage in Risky Sexual Behavior, Kimberly A. Cleary
Hollywood to Paris: Comparing In-Store Marketing Strategies in Grocery Stores Across the Globe, Whitney L. Edwards
Hospital 106 in Cambrai, France
How Are Colleges and Universities Preparing Reading Specialist Candidates for Leadership Positions in the Schools?, Shelley B. Wepner and Diana J. Quatroche
How "Just-In-Time" Affects Cost Accounting, Jill K. Powers
How to Get to Madison Avenue from the South Bronx, Michael Shutkas
How to Market an International Artist in the U.S., Michelle Craig
Hungry French POWs in a German Prison Camp
Hydrogen Absorption in Diamond-Like Carbon Films, George Tecos
Iatrogenic Causes of Voice and Hearing Impairments in Neonates, Karen S. Zalewski
Idealism in Yogācāra Buddhism, Sean Butler
Identification of Bacillus Strains Containing Plasmids Coding for Antibiotic Resistance, Elizabeth C. Muehlberger
Identification of Chemical Compounds that Inhibit YopE Lethality, Greg M. Delgoffe
“If It’s Not Fixed, the Staples are Out!”: Documenting Young Children’s Perceptions of Strategic Reading Processes, Bette S. Bergeron and Melody Bradbury-Wolff
Imbedding Problems in Graph Theory, William Goodwin
IMC Campaign for WMU Library, Mai Nguyen
Improving Financial Literacy Among College Students, Colleen Mead
Inclusive Outdoor Education: Opportunities and Challenges, Aimee M. Roy
Increasing Fluency in Disabled Middle School Readers: Repeated Reading Utilizing Above Grade Level Reading Passages, David D. Paige
Indian POWs Captured at the Citadel at Lille
Indirect Observations: Some Works by Alice Aycock, Sue Hanel
Induced Rotation Numbers of Graphs, Heather Jordan Gavlas
Induction of Entner-Doudoroff Enzymes in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Rodger Fagerburg
Influence of Pigment Packing on Gloss and Printability of Inkjet Paper Coatings, Ryan J. Stoklosa
Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Synthase with L-NAME Prevents Myocardial Ischemic Preconditioning, Stacey Leva
In Memoriam Karl Heinz Göller (May 13, 1924 - April 22, 2009), Richard Utz
InnerStates, Jana Sliuzas
Inquiry, August 2006, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, August 2007, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, August 2008, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, Fall 2009, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, Fall 2010, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, January 2005, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, November 2005, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, Spring 2007, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, Spring 2008, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, Spring 2009, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, Spring 2010, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, Spring 2011, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry, Summer 2006, Office of Vice President for Research
Insert Student Here: Why Content Area Constructions of Literacy Matter for Pre-service Teachers, Kristine Gritter
In-Service Teachers and Computer Mediated Discussions: Range and Purposes of Reflection, Gaoyin Qian and Liqing Tao
Insider Vol. 10 No. 1 Spring 2009, College of Arts & Sciences
Insider Vol. 10 No. 2 Fall 2009, College of Arts & Sciences
Insider Vol. 10 No. 3 Spring 2010, College of Arts & Sciences
Insider Vol. 10 No. 4 Summer 2010, College of Arts & Sciences
Insider Vol. 11 No. 1 Winter 2011, College of Arts & Sciences
Insider Vol. 11 No. 2 Fall 2011, College of Arts & Sciences
Insider Vol. 8 No. 1 Fall 2006, College of Arts & Sciences
Insider Vol. 8 No. 2 Spring 2007, College of Arts & Sciences
Insider Vol. 9 No. 1 Fall 2007, College of Arts & Sciences
Insider Vol. 9 No. 2 Spring 2008, College of Arts & Sciences
Insider Vol. 9 No. 3 Summer 2008, College of Arts & Sciences
In Situ Hybridization on the African Clawed Frog Xenopus Laevis After Exposure to Aroclor 1254, Bjorn T. Olsen
Integrated Marketing Campaign: Dodge Caravan, Andrew Ronald Bell
Intellectual Property in China: A Firsthand Account of Counterfeit Markets in Beijing, Amanda J. Ahler
Interactions of Delavirdine, an HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor, with Selected Isoforms of Cytochrome P450, Kathleen Bortell
Interior of a Camp Kitchen in a German POW Facility
Inter-Judge and Intra-Judge Agreement using the SSI: A Further Investigation, Michelle Thompson
Internees Walk Home from Germany
Internet Taxation: An Analysis of the Uncertainties and Issues Surrounding the Internet Tax Question, Brian Risley
Interrogation of a Russian Spy
Investigating Connections Between Teacher Beliefs and Instructional Practices with Struggling Readers, Sherry W. Powers, Cassie Zippay, and Brittany Butler
Investigating the Private Investigator, Michelle Garland
In Vitro Metabolism of 1-Cyclopropyl-4-Phenyl-1,2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine (CPTP), Kathryn M. Stafinksi
Is Justice Available to All? Indigent Defense in Michigan, Barbara K. Lanning
Isolation Camp for Polish Internee Cholera Victims
Isolation of Cremasteric Arteriolar Cells by Enzymatic Digestion, Mianda Carr
Isozyme Variation in Bacillus Cereus Var. Mycoides From Diverse Natural Origins, Terry L. Baxter
Isozyme Variation in Three Species of Solitary Wasps, Dennis Milanowski
Italian POWs Captured at Karst
It’s Time to Foreground the Relational Aspects of Literacy Learning, Mona W. Matthews and John E. Kesner
It Takes a Village to Raise Young Women: Saving Our Adolescent Females, Britne R. Amos
Japan's Economic Malaise, Janelle Garchow
Judith Herrin. Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007., Kriszta Kotsis
Juvenile Court Volunteers, Mary Ippel
Kaiser Wilhelm II and Crown Prince Wilhelm Review French POWs
Kaiser Wilhelm II Meets a Serbian Boy POW
Kaiser Wilhelm II Reviews French POWs
Kalamazoo Area Resource Guide: Services, Support, and Information for Disorders of Speech, Language and Hearing, Sarah J. DeWeese and Anne Marie VanSlambrouck
Kaleidoscope: A Personal Discovery in the Process of Design, Kristy Feldpausch
Kindergarten Teachers Speak Out: “Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast!”, Patricia A. Gallant
Kinesthetic Intervention for Normative Pelvic Alignment in Dancers, Shawna K. Smith
KJV in the USA: The Impact of the King James Bible in the USA, Brian C. Wilson
Knowing the Text, Knowing the Learner: Literature Discussions with Fifth Grade Struggling Readers, Kristen Celani, Ellen McIntyre, and Elizabeth C. Rightmyer
Kusaki-zome: Its Colour and Shape, Cristina Keiko Tomita
K-x-ray Emission in Fast O5+ on Ar Collisions, Tamer Elkafrawy
Language, Race, and Culture in Porgy and Bess, Madeline J. Baker
Learning to Teach: The Influence of a University-School Partnership Project on Pre-Service Elementary Efficacy for Literacy InstructionTeachers’, Denise Johnson
Lessons Learned as a Novice Researcher: A Pilot Study in Mathematics Education, Nicole L. Fonger
Letter from Editorial Board, Lotfi Ben Othmane, Christina Triezenberg, and Ilse Schweitzer
Letter from the Editor, Lotfi Ben Othmane
Lettering the Self in Medieval and Early Modern France by Katherine Kong., Elizabeth A. Hubble
Licoricia of Winchester:Marriage, Motherhood, and Murder in the Medieval Anglo-Jewish Community by Suzanne Bartlet., Hannah Johnson
Life Review and the Elderly: A Review of the Literature, Joseph M. Pellerito and Karen M. Simms
Lighting: Assorted Paperwork, Kaitlyn E. Anderson
Linkage Analysis of Familial Renal Cell Carcinoma, Aaron Hampton
Literacy and Science Connections in the Classroom, Donna M. Plummer and Wilma Kuhlman
Literacy: The First Decade of the New Millennium, Jack Cassidy and Evan Ortlieb
Living Temple Buddhism in Contemporary Japan: The Tendai Sect Today, Stephen G. Covell
Living with an Amputation, Camille Dykstra
Looking Back to Move Forward with Guided Reading, Michael P. Ford and Michael F. Opitz
Looking in the Past for a Discourse of Motherhood: Birgitta of Sweden and Julia Kristeva, Laura Saetveit Miles
Looking Twice at Illustrated Books, Barbara A. Ward and Terrell A. Young
Loyalty Marketing: The New Key to Food Retailing, Karen R. Crova
Lyric Detachment: Two New Books of Poetry, William Olsen
Magical Forces of Tradition: Shamanic and Vodun Art, Vanessa Glasby
Magneto-Resistance Measurements in High-Temperature Superconducting Crystals, Joseph W. Snyder
Making Heroes Out of Villians, Andria R. McBride
Malaysia: Profit Center of Asia, Azlan B. Hamid
Malory's Morgan le Fay: The Danger of Unrestrained Feminine Power, MaryLynn Saul
Manual for PAPR 251 - Electronic Publishing - 4th Edition, Amos Ridenour
Map of POW Labor Camps in Saxony
Market and Feasibility Analysis: Olde Schoolhouse Commons, Stephanie Zak
Marketing Finals Finish 2007, Mila Cristina Sackett
Marketing Memories: Favorite Recipes as Retrieval Cues in Autobiographical Memory, Holli C. Johnson
Marketing Research for Western's Panhellenic Council, Julia Renee Williams
Measurements of Caudal Fat Deposits in Macropus Eugenii as an Indicator of Infection Level, Eric Dziuban
Mechanisms of Memory and Learning, Wayne Kinning
Medieval Holy Women in the Christian Tradition c. 1100-1500. Edited by Alastair Minnis and Rosalynn Voaden., Larissa Tracy
Medievalism and Literature: An Annotated Bibliography of Critical Studies, Richard Utz and Aneta Dygon
Medieval Nominalism and the Literary Questions: Selected Studies, Richard Utz and Terry Barakat
Medieval Originality: A Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Meeting of the Executive Committee of the World's Alliance of YMCA's in Geneva
Meeting the Informational Needs of the Elderly: An Information Book for Senior Services, Inc., Deborah R. Kastner
Memory: A Look into Sleep's Affect on a Proposed Mechanism of Explicit Memory Consolidation, Kyle Nappo
Mental Illness and Civil Liberties, Paul Denenfeld
Methanol Distillation Optimization, Kristen L. Bellmer and Scott Sherrod
Mexicanidad and Appropriation in the Paintings of Frida Kahlo: Analysis of Recurring Pre-Columbian Symbolism, Sandy M. Lisenbee
Michigan Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Brandon Bruce Dellario
Michigan State Government Employment Sector: Are We in Line with the National Trends?, Thomas Walter Cronkright II
Microbial Fermentation of Cellulose, Dolly Bondarianzadeh
Micro-Characterization of sCD4(178)-PE40 Heterogeneity, Molly McKeough
Mirrors, Sandra Lynn Henry
Mitral Cell Projections int he Olfactory Bulb of Adult Zebrafish, Marleah E. Russo
Modeling of a Photonic Crystal Waveguide Modes with the FDTD Method, Buddhi Rai
Molecular Evolution of Insecticidal Spore-Forming Bacteria, John Pool
Museums in the United States: A Social, Political and Economic Analysis, Jane Linn
Narratives of Terror: A Study of Holocaust Survivors, Todd Clason
National Comparisons of Present Day Juvenile Boot Camps, Michelle A. Roberts
National Food Brokers Association Members Communicate Attitudes About Women Working in Food Brokerage Positions, Dennis S. Moore
Naturalized Epistemology Considered, Jason D. Gooch
New Directions for Accounting Services, Aimee Grausam
New Forms of Heterosexual Marriage and Mating, Robert Lundy
New Limbs for Old to Treat Paralysis
New York Headquarters of the American YMCA
Ninth Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
non-things, Lynn Batchelder
Notes from the Editor, Joshua R. Berkenpas
Nursing Students Use of Nonpharmacologic Pain Relief Techniques, Lauren R. Brim
Observation of Neutron-Unbound Resonant States in 23O and 28Ne, John Novak
Occupational Therapy in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Kristen Chelgren and Jennifer LaRoy
Occupational Therapy in the Schools, Laura Day
Off-Balance Sheet Financing, Nancy J. Tyrrell
Office of the "Commission Romande des Internes" in Geneva
Offices of the YMCA World's Committee in Geneva
One, Ayla Batton
On Ɣ-Labeling of Oriented Graphs, Scott Herlein
On Public Knowledge, Joanne Lau
On the Horizon. What's new in children's books
On the Irregular Colorings of Graphs, Mary Lynn Radcliffe
Oral Cancer Screening, Damon Omar Watson
OT and Accessible Gardening with a Low-Income Older Adult Population, Kimberlee Hojna and Liza Timmons
Otto Gründler: In Memoriam (1928-2004), Richard Utz
Oxidation Resistance Studies of CrAIN Coatings on 430 Stainless Steel, Kurtis Wickey
Pale Preoccupations, Betsy Jo Herweyer
Parade of Romanian POWs Marching to Captivity at Heltau (1916)
Parents and Preschool Children Interacting with Storybooks: Children’s Early Literacy Achievement, Jacqueline Lynch, Jim Anderson, Ann Anderson, and Jon Shapiro
Particle Size Distribution Modeling of Centrifugal Cleaners in Paper Stock Preparation Systems, Amy E. Vought
Parts of a Whole: An Artistic Journey of Self Expression, Kara Dembowski
Party Line: Allen Ginsberg and political expression in Death & fame, Todd Ide
Peer Intervention for Children with Severe Speech and Physical Impairments within a Literacy Context, Sheila A. Carrier
Peptide Absorption in a Rat Intestinal Perfusion Model, Wendy A. Bushouse
Perceptions of Speech-Language Pathologists, Abby M. Spicko
Personal Reflection of Graphic Design, Adam Wesoloski
Phagocytosis-Dependent Labeling of Presumptive Microglial Cells in the Deafferented Olfactory Bulb of Zebrafish, Jamie L. Johnson
Pharmaceutical Development of the HIV-Protease Inhibitor, Carrie L. Lipkea
Philosophies & Projections of the Artist-Teacher, Deborah Lynn Kitchen
[Photographs], Valerie Dawn Hampton
Physical Analysis of the Region from E. Coli Strain JM101 Coding for p50, a Periplasmic Protein, Cindy Lea Wolf
Physiological Effects of Acute Exhaustive Exercise and the Pathophysiology of Overtraining Syndrome, Katie Perz
Plenary Meeting of the World's Alliance of YMCA's in Geneva in 1917
Plenary Meeting of the World's Alliance of YMCA's in London in 1914
PMA-Activated Type III PKC Translocation to the Nucleus in the IIC9 Cell Line, Elaine A. Bermudez
Pockets - Three Dimensional Evolution, Susan Dow
Poems, C. Glennon Rowell
Poetry and Emotion: With a Review from Frank Bidart's "Desire", William Olsen
Poetry and Vision, William Olsen
Poetry Proves to be Positive in the Primary Grades, Terrence V. Stange and Susan L. Wyant
Polarization of Compton-Scattered Gamma Rays, James G. Hudson
Portfolio of Practical Writing Materials, Maria Kemper
Portfolios for Student Development and Success, Ashley Nicole Tremble
Portrayals of Bullying in Children’s Picture Books and Implications for Bibliotherapy, Emily Moulton, Melissa Allen Heath, Mary Anne Prater, and Tina Taylor Dyches
Potential Components of Time Personality: A Literature Review, Jane Ackerson
Poultry Farming on a German Prison Camp
POW Exchange at Flushing in the Netherlands
POWs Conduct Flood Control Work on the Neisse River in Silesia
POW Soccer Match, The Great War in Pictures
POW Soccer Team, YMCA
POWs Sell Food in a German Prison Camp Compound
POW Ward at Hospital 106 at Cambrai
Preconditioning Triggers Neuroprotection Against Excitotoxicity in Pig Retinal Ganglion Cells, Sean K. Calvert
Preparation Materials for HR Assurance of Learning Exam, Nicole Drew
Prescott V.A. Medical Center, Megan E. Edwards
Prevention and Rehabilitation in the Juvenile Court System for All Juvenile Delinquents, Suzanne M. Suchyta
Prism #04, January 2005, Office of the Provost
Prism #05, February 2005, Office of the Provost
Prism #06, March 2005, Office of the Provost
Prism #07, April 2005, Office of the Provost
Prism #08, May 2005, Office of the Provost
Prism #09, September 2005, Office of the Provost
Prism #10, October 2005, Office of the Provost
Prism #11, November 2005, Office of the Provost
Prism #12, January 2006, Office of the Provost
Prism #13, February 2006, Office of the Provost
Prism #14, March 2006, Office of the Provost
Prism #15, April 2006, Office of the Provost
Prism #16, May 2006, Office of the Provost
Prism #17, September 2006, Office of the Provost
Prism #18, October/November 2006, Office of the Provost
Prism #19, January 2007, Office of the Provost
Prism #1, September 2004, Office of the Provost
Prism #20, February 2007, Office of the Provost
Prism #21, March 2007, Office of the Provost
Prism #22, April 2007, Office of the Provost
Prism #23, May 2007, Office of the Provost
Prism #24, September 2007, Office of the Provost
Prism #25, October 2007, Office of the Provost
Prism #26, November 2007, Office of the Provost
Prism #27, January 2008, Office of the Provost
Prism #28, February 2008, Office of the Provost
Prism #29, March 2008, Office of the Provost
Prism #2, October 2004, Office of the Provost
Prism #30, April 2008, Office of the Provost
Prism #31, May 2008, Office of the Provost
Prism #32, September 2008, Office of the Provost
Prism #33, October 2008, Office of the Provost
Prism #34, November 2008, Office of the Provost
Prism #35, January 2009, Office of the Provost
Prism #36, February 2009, Office of the Provost
Prism #37, March 2009, Office of the Provost
Prism #38, April 2009, Office of the Provost
Prism #39, May 2009, Office of the Provost
Prism #3, November 2004, Office of the Provost
Prism #40, September 2009, Office of the Provost
Prism #41, October 2009, Office of the Provost
Prism #42, November 2009, Office of the Provost
Prism #43, January 2010, Office of the Provost
Prism #44, February 2010, Office of the Provost
Prism #45, March 2010, Office of the Provost
Prism #46, April 2010, Office of the Provost
Prism #47, May 2010, Office of the Provost
Prism #48, September 2010, Office of the Provost
Prism #49, October 2010, Office of the Provost
Prism #50, November 2010, Office of the Provost
Prism #51, January 2011, Office of the Provost
Prism #52, February 2011, Office of the Provost
Prism #53, March 2011, Office of the Provost
Prism #54, April 2011, Office of the Provost
Prism #55, May 2011, Office of the Provost
Prism #56, September 2011, Office of the Provost
Prism #57, October 2011, Office of the Provost
Prison Camp Money in German and Austro-Hungarian Prisons
Prison Camp Money in German and Austro-Hungarian Prisons
Prison Camp Money in German and Austro-Hungarian Prisons
Prison Cell and Furniture in Fort Hirson
Prison Cell for Several Internees at Fort Hirson
Privacy-preserving Transactions on the Web, Sahil Behl and Leszek T. Lilien
Probability Distributions of Stock Market Returns, Chad R. Schumacher
Process Color Profiling: Syncing a Digital Printer with an Offset Press, Kate Blout and Laura Kraft
Profit Maximization Through Competitive Part Pricing and Market Share Analysis; and Product Life Cycle Management, Matthew D. O'Neill
Programed Woodcarving, Linda E. Daniels
Promoting At-Risk Preschool Children’s Comprehension through Research-Based Strategy Instruction, Andrea DeBruin-Parecki and Kathryn Squibb
Proofs by Mathematical Induction in Mathematics and Computer Science, Vinit Shah
Property, Plant, and Equipment: The Next Frontier for Fair Value, Ryan A. Breisach
Prosody and Interpretation, James A. Erekson
Providing Effective Assistance of Counsel to Indigents: An Analysis of the Contract System in 8th District and 9th Circuit Courts, Douglas James Tanner
Puffed Snack Production Line Design - Kellogg Company, Adeel A. Khan, Hannah E. Davis, Leslie M. Klein, David M. McNish, Christopher D. Rumsey, and Ashley A. Saberniak
Purification and Characterization of Mannitol Binding Protein in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Joseph A. Wolff
Purification of Mannitol Binding Protein in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Fariba Ghazizadeh
Purkinje Cell Association with Microglia/Macrophages in Degenerating Cerebellum of Multiple System Atrophy Patients, Ashley A. McKinney
Putting Together a New York Style Cabaret: A Personal Analysis, Megan Elizabeth Jacobson
Quality Attributes of the Stryker 940 Cast Removal System: Findings About User Satisfaction, Robert Christian Bristol
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Controversy in Public Administration: An Analysis of Statistical Data Presented on United Kingdom People Category in the CIA World Factbook, Khandaker Nayeemul Islam
Quantum Error Correcting Codes, Erin Nunnold
Quantum Theory and Religion, Trilisa M. Perrine
Queen Mary and Repatriated British POWs
Queen Mary Welcomes Repatriated British POWs at Cannon Street Railway Station
Queen’s Gold and Intercession: The Case of Eleanor of Aquitaine, Kristen Geaman
Queering the Blog: Authorship and Postfeminism in Blogs and Blooks, Staci L. Stutsman
Railways and the Economic Development of India, Vinod Thomas
Rationabilis Dos: A Study in Dower, Politics, and Popular Perceptions, Eric J. Ware
Reading Advocacy: What Matters in Students', Parents', and Teachers' Lives, Karen F. Thomas
Reading Comprehension, Figurative Language Instruction, and the Turkish English Language Learner, Barbara C. Palmer, Ebru M. Bilgili, Arzu Gungor, Susan H. Taylor, and Judith T. Leclere
Reading Graphically: Comics and Graphic Novels for Readers from Kindergarten through High School, Barbara A. Ward and Terrell A. Young
Reading Horizons vol. 46 no. 1
Reading Horizons vol. 46 no. 2
Reading Horizons vol. 46 no. 3
Reading Horizons vol. 47 no. 4
Reading Horizons vol. 49 no. 1
Reading Horizons vol. 49 no. 2
Reading Horizons vol. 49 no. 3
Reading Horizons vol. 49 no. 4
Reading Horizons vol. 50 no. 1
Reading Horizons vol. 50 no. 2
Reading Horizons vol. 50 no. 3
Reading Horizons vol. 50 no. 4
Reading Horizons vol. 51 no. 1
Reading Horizons vol. 51 no. 2
Reading Interest and Behavior in Middle School Students in Innercity and Rural Settings, Daphne Greenburg, Amanda D. Gilbert, and Laura D. Fredrick
Reading the Past: Historical Antecedents to Contemporary Reading Methods and Materials, Arlene Barry
Recently Captured French POWs Eat Lunch
Recently Captured French Troops Incarcerated in a Church
Recently Captured Russian Soldiers
Recently Captured Russian Soldiers after Delousing
Recently Captured Russian Soldiers before Delousing
Recently Captured Russian Soldiers in Galicia
Recently Captured Russian Troops under German Guard
Recently Repatriated Russian POWs in Petrograd
Recreational Reading: Useful Tips for Successful Implementation, Katherine Wiesendanger, Gretchen Braun, and Jeannine Perry
Redefined, Liza M. Nay
Redesign of a Torsion Bar Testing Machine, Amanda J. Meiser, David Lawrence, and Brian Maher
Redesign of Tire Stiffness Testing Machine, Peter G. Feldpausch and Benjamin Williams
Reduction of Fresh Water in a Paper Mill, James Bruno
Renaissance Earwitnesses: Rumor and Early Modern Masculinity by Keith M. Botelho., Celia M. Lewis
Repatriated American POWs Arrive in Bern, Switzerland
Repatriated American POWs Arrive in Switzerland
Repatriated American POWs in France
Repatriated British and French POWs Cross the Rhine
Repatriated British POWs Enjoy YMCA Hospitality
Repatriated British Prisoner-of-War
Repatriated French POWs Arrive in France
Repatriated French POWs Arrive in Strausbourg in November 1918
Repatriated French POWs Cross the Rhine
Repatriated French POWs Wait for a Train in Switzerland
Repatriated Indian POWs in London
Repatriated Indian POWs in the Netherlands
Repatriated Wounded and Sick American and British POWs
Research, Revisions, and Updates for BIOS 5310 Biology of Aging, Michael Taipale
Resolvability and the Upper Dimension of Graphs, Christopher Poisson
Results and Recommendations of Water and Wastewater Affordability Study, Ryan A. Breisach
Retention Aid Optimization on a Text Grade, Kathleen Miles
Review of D'Arcens and Ruys, eds. Maistresse of My Wit, Richard Utz
Review of David Matthews, The Invention of Middle English, Richard Utz
Review of Elisabeth Vavra, ed. Der Wald im Mittelalter, Richard Utz
Re-visioning White Nudes: Race and Sexual Discourse in Ottoman Harems 1700-1900, Jennifer M. Black
Robert Hjelmstad's Senior Recital, Robert Hjelmstad
Role-Taking and its Relationship to the Self-Concept of the Delinquent, Stephan M. Gaus
Romanian Officers Negotiate a Surrender
Romanian POWs Unload a Barge on the Danube
Round up of French Internees in Guiscard
Running Out of Options: An Investigation of Stock-Based Compensation, Mark A. Powell
Russian and Serbian POWs Did Not Receive Food Parcels from Home
Russian Boy POWs and Their Teacher in a German Prison Camp
Russian Burial Detail, The Times History of the War
Russian Choir in a German Prison Camp Compound
Russian POW Choir Sings in an Association Hut
Russian POWs at a German Railroad Yard
Russian POWs at Augustowo (1914)
Russian POWs Bowling, Anonymous
Russian POWs Captured at Przemsyl in Galicia
Russian POWs Captured at the Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes (February 1915)
Russian POWs Celebrate Peace after Learning of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russian POWs Construct a German War Memorial
Russian POWs Deliver Bread Rations in a German Prison Camp
Russian POWs Eating a Meal in a German Prison Camp
Russian POWs Exercising, YMCA
Russian POWs Fumigating Clothing in a Prison Camp
Russian POWs in East Prussia (1914)
Russian POWs in Russian Poland
Russian POWs Pass through Berlin to a Prison Camp
Russian POWs Planting Potatoes
Russian POWs Playing Soccer, YMCA
Russian POWs Receive Their First Meal in a German Prison Camp
Russian POWs Remove Rubble in Augustowo in Russian Poland
Russian POWs Stack Bales of Straw
Russian POWs Sweep a Street in Russian Poland
Russian POWs Turn over a Field for Spring Planting
Russian POWs Unload Potatoes from Railroad Cars
Russian POWs Wash in an Outdoor Lavatory at Hahnoefersand
Russian Retreat during the Battle of Tannenberg (August 1914)
Russian Scavengers Captured by a German Uhlan Patrol
Russian Surrender Negotiations
Russian Troops Captured at the Battle of Tannenberg (August 1914)
Russian YMCA Band in a German Prison Camp
Russian YMCA Orchestra Performs in a Prison Camp Compound
Sangren Mural Project, Paula Clayton
Sarbanes-Oxley: The Aftermath, Chapter One, Emilie Robyn
Second Biennial Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Self-Preservation - BFA Graduation Show, Jodi L. Pallett
Senegalese POWs in a Prison Compound
Senile Dementia and Mitochondrial Changes in Gdnf Heterozygous Mice, Paul Sirajuddin
Senior Project: BFA Graduation Presentation, Barbara J. Wirtz
Senior Recital, Evan D. Snyder
Senior Showcase, Chelsea Morgan
Sensitivity, Resistance, and Cross-Resistance to Anticancer Drugs Measured with P288 Mouse Leukemia and Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Lines, Lisa A. Gerkowski
Sensory Integration and Its Academic Implications on the Middle School Child, Jaime Lynn Pinchot
Sentencing for Our Future: An Exploration of Drug Court and Community Correction, Shawn P. Eyestone
Serbian POWs Crush Rocks for Road Construction
Serbian POWs Enroute German Prison Camps
Serbian POWs in Macedonia March into German Captivity
Seventh Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Severely Wounded German and Russian Soldiers in Suwalki
Sexual Assault, Simone Lindsay
Sexuality and Disability, Shannon Weinmann
Sheep and Dairy Farming on a German Prison Camp
Should Western Michigan University Accept American Sign Language as a Foreign Language, Melissa A. Wadell
Singing the Story: Narrative Voice and the Old English Scop, Lisa M. Horton
Single Motor Neurons Segregate Multiple Neurotransmitters in Leech, Christine Eskander
Sixteenth International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Sixth Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Soccer Match, Anonymous
Social Participation and Alienation: A Study of Mass Society, Susan Wismer
Somos y Estamos, enero 2005, Department of Spanish
Somos y Estamos, febrero 2006, Department of Spanish
Somos y Estamos, otoño 2003, Department of Spanish
Somos y Estamos, Otoño/Fall 2011, Department of Spanish
Somos y Estamos, primavera 2007, Department of Spanish
Somos y Estamos, primavera 2011, Department of Spanish
Somos y Estamos, Spring 2007, Department of Spanish
Somos y Estamos, Spring 2011, Department of Spanish
Speech and Language Disorders Among Spanish and Bilingual Spanish-English Children, Amber Campbell
Sports Ground, but No Sports, The Times History of the War
SPSS Statistical Analysis of the Michigan Individual Income Taxpayers After the Amnesty Program of 1985, Charlotte E. Strohrer
Stability of Eukaryotic Elongation Factor One Alpha Protein in the Cell, Jennifer Watry
Standardization of Fluorescence-Based Detection of lacZ gene Expression in Eschericia Coli Cells Containing pBluescript, Emily M. Meyer
Starch Application with a Rod Coater, Timothy Eric Hagenbuch
Staying Warm in a Prison Cell in Fort Hirson
Storming of a French Trench on the Western Front
Storming of a Romanian Village in Dobruja
Stress-Related Enzymatic Catabolism of Corticosterone in Maternal and Fetal Mouse Tissues, John A. Mulder
Striking a Balance: Effective Use of Facebook in an Academic Library, Dianna Sachs, Edward J. Eckel, and Kathleen Langan
Structural and Biomedical Analysis of Iridescent Endophytic Pseudomonads, Briana K. Jackson
Stuck Together: Searching for a Model of Peritoneal Adhesions Using the August Rat, James W. Bathe
Student Involvement, Brianne E. Miller
Student Recital, Elisa Ruiz
Students Learn to Read Like Writers: A Framework for Teachers of Writing, Robin R. Griffith
Students’ Perceptions of “Fun” Suggest Possibilities for Literacy Learning: “You Can Be Entertained and Informed", Brandi Gribble Mathers
Supplier Price Analysis: Developing Cost Estimating Models, Kristina L. Oleszkiewicz
Supporting Teachers in their Integration of Technology with Literacy, Margaret A. Moore-Hart
Surrealism in Catalunya: The Works of Salvador Dali and Joan Miro, Mandy S. Jacobs
Susanna's Way of Becoming Literate: A Case Study of Literacy Acquisition by a Young Girl from a Chinese Immigrant Family, Gaoyin Qian and Junlin Pan
Susan Victoria...A Return to Style and Elegance, Susan Victoria Sickinger
Sustained Release of Renin Inhibitory Peptides after Subcutaneous Delivery, Cynthia A. Kruske
Synthesis and Characterization of Monolayer Protected Gold Clusters for Biological Applications using Amino Acids, Phillip Eskander
Taking Steps - A Personal Journey in Graphic Design, Melissa Rutowski
Taming Lightning in More Than One Bottle: Implementing a Local Next-Generation Catalog Versus a Hosted Web-Scale Discovery Service, Sheila A. Bair, George Boston, and Scott Garrison
Tax Shelter Investments, David R. Butzen
Teachers as Reflective Practitioners: Examining Teacher Stories of Curricular Change in a 4th Grade Classroom, William P. Bintz and Jill Dillard
Television Advertising and Children, Vince DeLange
Temptation is Not a Sin: A Comment on Everyday Addictions Perpetuated by an Imperfect World Filled with Imperfect People, Elisha Young
Tenth Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Testing the Tests: An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Alternative Assessment Methods for Bilingual Language-Impaired Children, Lena G. Caesar
Text in Vocal Music of the Renaissance and 20th Century, Maura C. Foley
Text Message - Retelling of the Classic Fairy Tale, Hansel and Gretel, Visually with Type, Julie Hamilton
Text Sets: Making Connections Between and Across Books, Barbara A. Ward and Terrell A. Young
Textual Appropriation in Engineering Master's Theses: A Preliminary Study, Edward J. Eckel
"That Reason Wonder May Diminish": As You Like It, Androgyny, and the Theater Wars, Grace C. Tiffany
The 150 Hour Requirement: Past, Present, and Future, Tracey Kramer
The 150-Hour Rule, Kendra Dee Taylor
The Alternative Minimum Tax: Problems and Possible Solutions, Florentina Marconi
The Amish - School Conflict, Dolores Loegel
The Aspiration of the Spanish Grapheme ‘h’, Carolina Gonzalo-Llera
The Attitudes of Illinois Petroleum Jobbers About the Marketing of Propane, Dale E. Houston
The Character and Control of a Bacteria Contaminant in a Dow Product, Jennifer Ehlert
The Classroom Library: A Place for Nonfiction, Nonfiction in its Place, Terrel A. Young, Barbara Moss, and Linda Cornwell
The Concept of Codependence: Depiction of Codependency in Three Plays by Tennessee Williams, Sharon L. Timm
The Construction of Sex and Family Roles in Original Stories Told by Pre-School Children, Elise A. Brandi
The Correlation Between the Freeze/Thaw Cycles and the Stability of the Lake Michigan Bluffs at Miami Park, Van Buren County, Michigan, Hachemi Y. Bouali
The Debate Over Planning, Socialism, Capitalism, and Competition, Alan Stafford
The Deinkability of Different Papers Printed with Soy and Petroleum Inks, Sonja Olendorf
The Developmental Impact of Casa Amparo on Young and Adolescent Girls in Reynosa, Mexico, Heather Rogers
The Development of the Persian Gulf States' Metallurgic Industries, and the United States Contribution to taht Development, J. Patrick Rau
The Ecological Effects of Oscillatoria Agardhii on Daphnia Magna, David Jahn
The Effect of Air Quantity and Bubble Size on the Ink Removal Efficiency of a Flotation Deinking System, Connie Bellows
The Effect of a Sheet Tension Controller on the Productivity of a Papermachine, Timothy J. Rummel
The Effect of a Training Protocol on Visual Perception of Children with Sensorimotor Problems, Deborah L. Durkin
The Effect of Circadian Rhythms on Productivity, Gail N. Verway
The Effect of Corn, Wheat, and Potato Starch on Coatings on Coated Paper Properties, John M. Muchukot
The Effect of Early Cochlear Implantation on Oral Language: A Review of the Literature, Nicole Supplee
The Effect of Female Server's Attractiveness on Restaurant Tipping, Anne M. Wisneski
The Effect of Fiber on Flotation Deinking Kinetics, Kyle J. Smith
The Effect of Gonadotropins and and Prostaglandins on Testosterone Production in Rat Leydig Cells in Vitro, Margaret Duffy
The Effect of Increasing Deinked Post-Consumer Waste Content on Optical and Rotogravure Printing Properties of Coated Paper, Terri Estkowski
The Effect of Molecular Weight and Charge Density of Cationic Starch on Retention, Marsha D. Bale
The Effect of Oxygen Free Radicals on Cardiac Na, K-ATPase and Na/Ca Exchanger Protein: The Role of Free Radical Scavenging Drug U78517, Cathryn G. Mazur
The Effect of Props on Story Retells in the Classroom, Marie A. Stadler and Gay Cuming Ward
The Effect of Substrate Roughness on Lateral Surface Binder Migration of Latex Formulations, Christopher W. Wade
The Effect of Surfactant Charge and Related Parameterson Fiber Yield and Fiber Length Distribution, Kevin J. Kryszak
The Effect of the Artistic and Literary Influences in paris on the Work of Marc Chagall, Carol Shea
The Effect of the Tirilazad Mesylate (U74006F) on Rat Liver Injury Induced by Lipid Peroxidation, Hypoxia, and Ischemia/Reperfusion, Kathryn M. Jordan
The Effect of Using Hemicellulase and Oxidase Successively as Pre-Bleaching Agents for Hardwood Kraft Pulp, Bryan R. Moore
The Effects of Alcoholic Family Structure on Adolescent Development, Rachel R. Luna
The Effects of Aryl Hydrocarbon [Benzo(a)Pyrene] Hydroylase Inhibitors and Inducers on 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)Anthracene Induced Mammary Gland Hyperplastic Lesions and Tumors in Rats, Kathleen Sallwasser
The Effects of Cadmium on Aphid-Milkweed Interactions, Phillip Tocco
The Effects of Chitosan on Wound Healing in Rats, Katrina N. Thelen
The Effects of Circumcision on Breastfeeding 24 Hours Post-Procedure, Trevor J. Barnum
The Effects of Diazepam on Pharmacologically Induced Anxiety in the Common Marmoset (Callithrix Jacchus) with FG7142, Laura Flook
The Effects of FASB Statement No. 121 on Financial Statements, Karen Courtade
The Effects of Hippotherapy as a Treatment Modality for a Person Who is Post-CVA, Kimberly Weburg
The Effects of Moist-Heat Treatments and Stratification on Germination of Prairie Plant Seeds, John E. Stuurwold
The Effects of Recycling Thermomechanical Pulp on the Sheet Surface Properties, Jeremy James Teachman
The Effects of Rose Bengal Application on the Production of Salicylic Acid in nahG Tobacco Plants, Nicole Christine Ott
The Effects of Strain Differences on the Binding of Concavalian A to Mouse Sperm, Lisa A. McKay
The Effects of the Condemnation of 1277, Jason Gooch
The Effects of Trade and Other Factors on Income Distribution: The Cases of Chile, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela, George G. Lluberes
The Effects of U-142043A upon Local Cerebral Glucose Utilization in Rats, Martin T. Lougen Jr.
The Effects of U-95666A on Local Cerebral Glucose Utilization in Lesioned and Non-Lesioned Rats, Angela M. Kabbe
The Effects of Word Walls and Word Wall Activities on the Reading Fluency of First Grade Students, Joanne Jasmine and Pamela Schiesl
The Emerging Engineering Scholar: A Citation Analysis of Theses and Dissertations at Western Michigan University, Edward J. Eckel
The European Wine Market, Edgar Arnold Kulakofsky
The Feasibility of Foamed Ink Use in Flexographic Printing, Anthony Malerich
The Flying Squadron--The First American YMCA Contingent to Europe
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977: Effects on Corporate Ethics, Michael Brian Shea
The Formation of a Business: A Case Study Examination of Nirali Magazine, Talat Faiza Mangla
Theft by Computer, Internal Control, and the Independent Auditor, Doris Lucinda Howard
The Gallery of Lost and Found, Chelsea Ann Goodwin
The Genre of Traditional Literature Influences Student Writing, Timothy G. Weih
The Gibbs Sampler, Christopher J. Cleveland
The Grand Rapids Challenge: A Market Based Analysis of Marshall Music Company, Jennifer Ruggles
The Great Potato Debate, James D. Hudson
The Guardian Angels, John Rybicki
The Hilltop Review, vol 1, Fall 2005
The Hilltop Review, vol 2, Spring 2006
The Hilltop Review, vol 3, Fall 2009
The Hilltop Review, vol 4, no 1 Spring 2010
The Hilltop Review, vol 4, no 2, Spring 2011
The History of Printing, Kathleen Dilks
The Holocaust, Gulag, and Sociology: Why is There Less Scholarly Interest in the Soviet Repressive System?, Rachel Schroeder
The Impact of Driving Conditions on PHEV Battery Performance, Nathan Christensen, John Patten, Steven Srivastava, and Gary P. Nola
The Impact of European Union Membership on Romani Children’s Ability to Access an Equal Education in the Czech Republic, Stephanie L. Hodek
The Impact of Multiple Fluency Interventions on a Single Subject, Jennifer Morra and Diane H. Tracey
The Impact of the Mentally Retarded Child on the Nuclear Family, Michael Emery Branigin
The Implementation of Contactless Payments in the U.S., Chera M. Burwell
The Implementation of the Recovery Oriented Systems of Care in Southwest Michigan, Gisele Tchamba
The Implications of Legal Liability and its Impact on Liability Coverage for the Accounting Profession, Mary Delong
The Importance of Diversity Marketing: A Case Study into Coca-Cola's Hispanic Marketing Program, Melissa A. Bottke
The Influence of Language Variables on Stuttering, Jennifer E. D'Uva
The Influences of Japanese Painting in the Works of Abanindranath Tagore, Michael J. Perrone
The Kalamazoo Museum During the Great Depression, Shawn P. Weiss
The Legacy of Jephthah’s Daughter: Chastity, Sacrifice, and Feminine Complaint in Chaucer's Franklin’s and Physician’s Tales, Sonya Brockman
The Legal Liability of Auditors, Scott E. Dagenais
The Magnitude of Roadway Mortality and Its Implications for Populations of Lepidoptera in East Central Illinois, Katherine Witschonke
The Many Forms of Venus Anadyomene: A Discussion of Depictions of Aphrodite and Venus as Sea-Goddess, Margaret Best
The Marketing Strategies of the Kalamazoo Corset Company: 1910-1940, John Quasarano
The Measurement of Magnetic Susceptibility by Means of a Torsion Pendulum, Mark Gerger
The Modification of the Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Method into a Mutation Detection Method Using a Plasmid Model System, Jennifer L. Fuentes
The Myth of Progress in Science: Dialectics, Distortion and Lysenkoism in the Soviet Union, Mark A. Ferguson Jr.
The Myth of Racial Superiority in Sports, Ian B. Kerr
The Need and Feasibility of Early Language Emphasis for the Congenitally Deaf, Kathryn J. Hart
The New Meaning of Marketing: How Branding Changed the Fashion Industry, Leah Shesky
The Optimization of Organosolv CMP Brightness, Brian W. Johnson
The Origins and Implementation of FAS 106, Jennifer M. Perrin
The Phenomenology of Sunspots, Kamal K. Arora
The Phonics Lesson, C. Glennon Rowell
The Physical Anthropology of the St. Joseph, Michigan Ossuary, Mark Lundell
The Public Accountant in the Financial Reporting Process, Keven M. Fox
The Pyschological Type of the Nomad, Stephen Franzoi
The Reading Experiences and Beliefs of Secondary Pre-service, Peggy Daisey
The Reemergence of the Goddess Image in Contemporary Art, Tara E. Patrick
The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes About Stuttering in Populations of Elementary Education and Speech Pathology Students, Kelly D. Beens
The Relationship of Drawing, Writing, Literacy and Math in Kindergarten Children, Susan Steffani and Paula M. Selvester
The Relationship of Speech-Sound Disorders, Phonological Awareness, and Literacy Skills, Andrea L. Quast
“The Reputation of the Queen and Public Opinion: The Case of Isabeau of Bavaria”, Tracy Adams and Glenn Rechtschaffen
The Role of CD82 Expression on the Proteolytic Activity of a Prostate Cancer Cell Line, Nicole Renae Repair
The Role of D-Gluconic Acid in the Regulation of the Synthesis of the Enzymes of the Entner-Doudoroff Pathway in Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Steven C. Quay
The Role of Heat Sum in the Spring Phenology of the Southern Michigan Oak Forests, Allison McKenna
The Role of Social Networks, Mara M. Wenzler
The Role of Spectral Shape and Spectral Peaks in Speech Recognition, Jennifer C. Hall
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: A Look at its Influence on the Auditing Profession, Amber K. Law
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the Effects on the Accounting Industry, Laura J. Courtade
The S-Corporation: What it is and How it Can Help Your Business, David A. Heinig
The Search for Low Metal Abundance Stars: A New Calibration, Thomas Michael Shefler
The Struggle for Equality: An Examination of Gender Bias in the Juvenile Justice System, Niki Rebecca Kotts
The Study of an Escherichia Coli Subcutaneous Abscess in Mice, Debbie Turner
The Study of Ink Pigment Dispersion Parameters, Lokendra Pal and Paul D. Fleming III
The Supreme Court: A Decade of Opinion, Matthew A. Bahleda
The Teacher's Response Process in Dialogue Journals, Donna E. Werderich
The Theoretical Retrofitting of Chess Engines for the Purpose of Machine Translation, Thomas Lee Wilkinson Brown
The Three-Phase Reading Comprehension Intervention (3-RCI): A Support for Intermediate-Grade Word Callers, Holly L. Diehl, Connie J. Armitage, Diane H. Nettles, and Christine Peterson
The Tobacco Industry: The "Killing" They're Making in Society, Courtney Lang
The Use of Aquatic Insect Succession in Determining Post Mortem Interval for Forensic Applications, Ryan J. McCleary
The Use of Assistive Technology by Individuals with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury after Discharge, Carrie M. Engemann and Amanda M. Feldpausch
The Use of High-Intensity Interval Training in Aerobic Capacity and Endurance Training, Nicholas Failer
The Use of Indomethacin to Prevent Heterotopic Ossificiation Following Operative Treatment of Acetabular Fractures, Vanessa R. Bodnar
The Use of Music Therapy to Influence the Self-Confidence and Hostility of Adolescents Who are Sexually Abused, Joy Clendenon-Wallen
The Value of Subliminal Advertising to the Modern Marketer, Bruce Peckover
The Vascular Pharmacology of ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels: A Study of Glyburide and Pinacidil, Jami L. Martin
The World Wide Web as a Marketing Tool for Small Businesses in Southern Michigan, Brandon D. Phillips
Thickness Effects on X-Ray Yields per Particle in 40 MeV C2 on Ge Collisions, Steven M. Guiter
Thin: Party of Two, Julia Mitchell
Third Biennial Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Third Order Degree Regular Graphs, Leslie D. Hayes
Thirteenth Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Three Stage Analysis of Joint Injury, Repair and Treatment: Anterior Dislocation of the Glenohumeral Joint, Kiley Eversole
Through the Windows and the Walls: Guided Tours and Case Studies in the Canterbury Cathedral Project, Miranda Howard
Topological Groups and Infinite Dimensional Galois Theory, Theodore A. Sundstrom
Total Number of Allied POWs by Nationality by July 1915
Toward a Code of Ethics for Cataloging, Sheila A. Bair
Towards a Premodern Manuscript Application Profile, Sheila A. Bair and Susan Steuer
Transport Studies of Galactose in Acetobacter Aceti Var. Liquefaciens, James Henderson
Treason and Betrayal in the Middle English Romances of Sir Gawain, Gregory L. Laing
Trends and Prospects of Secondary School Education in English Speaking Sub-Saharan Africa, Ignatius N. O. Ebbe
Tributes for Trieble: A Diary, Lucas R. Blanco
Trombone Honors Thesis Senior Recital, Hana Belogavec
Twelfth Conference on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Typography: A Visual and Literal Expression, Kristi Breisach
Under Pressure: Controlling Factors Faced by Classroom Literacy Teachers as They Work Through a Professional Development Program, Faith H. Wallace
Understanding the Cultural-Linguistic Divide in American Classrooms: Language Learning Strategies for a Diverse Student Population, Kerry P. Holmes, Susan Rutledge, and Lane Roy Gauthier
Understanding Two-Electron Transitions in Atomic Collisions, Donald Joseph Pole
Units of a Ring of Polynomials, Hitomi Kobayashi
University Significant Cultural & Societal Issues Communicated Through Visual Awareness Imagery, Denise Anne Humphrey
Untapped Cultural Support: The Influence of Culturally Bound Prior Knowledge on Comprehension Performance, Ruanda Garth-McCullough
Use of Cochlear Implants to Understand Oral Directions: Responding and Clarifying, Carrie McCarter
Use of Manila Hemp Fibers in Currency Paper, Barbara A. Ness
Use of Transposon Tn5 Mutagenesis to Identify Metal-Responsive Genes in Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Marsha L. Kukuk
Using Picture Storybooks to Support Young Children's Science Learning, Rose M. Pringle and Linda Leonard Lamme
Utilitarianism as it Relates to Product Differentiation, Daryl Crall
Validation of a Measure to Assess the Prevalence and Severity of Fears in an Adult Population, Christine M. Foster
Variables Affecting the Cognitive and Linguistic Outcomes in School-Aged Survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury, Brianna A. Chapman
Vegetation of Yankee Springs Bog, Margaret Thompson
Viking Age Arms and Armor Originating in the Frankish Kingdom, Valerie Dawn Hampton
Visualization of Actin Cable in Roots of Arabidopsis Thaliana eEF1A T-DNA Knockout Lines, Caroline Eskander
Visual Resources, the Web, and Classroom Teaching: A Case Study of the Canterbury Cathedral Project at Western Michigan University, Miranda Howard
Volunteer Opportunities in the Criminal Justice Area, Susan Pritchard
Volunteer Retention: An In-Depth Look at What Retains College Student Volunteers, Amber J. Pritchard
Ward in Hospital 106 in Cambrai, France
War Prisoners' Aid Book Forwarding Department
War Prisoners' Aid Evangelism Campaign Poster
War Prisoners' Aid Secretaries in 1916
War Prisoners' Aid Traveling Library Store Room
Watercolors: Public and Private Portraits, Christien Weller
WAvE, Diana Wilson
Western Michigan University Occupational Therapy Department Web Page, Holly Pietrzak and Melissa Byrne
What Matters: Preparing Teachers of Reading, Sara R. Helfrich and Rita M. Bean
What's New in Children's Books: Sizzling Summer Reading, Barbara A. Ward and Terrell A. Young
What’s New in Children’s Literature? Engaging Readers through Series Books, Barbara A. Ward and Terrell A. Young
When did We Become Post/Human? postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies., Angela Jane Weisl
Where Does it Hurt? An Analysis of Musculoskeletal Discomfort Related to Lifting Tasks in Air Ambulance Crew, Angela Susan Krawczyk
Where Keywords Fail: Using Metadata to Facilitate Digital Humanities Scholarship, Sheila A. Bair and Sharon Carlson
Whirlwinds of Pain: An Analysis of Holocaust Diaries, Gillie E. Cameron
White Thugs & Black Bodies: A Comparison of the Portrayal of African-American Women in Hip-Hop Videos, Ladel Lewis
Who's Reading and Why: Reading Habits of lst Grade through Graduate Students, Deanne Camp
Why did FASB Report Against Extraordinary Item Classification for the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attack Costs?, Andrea Bailer
Why Do Plants Contain Estrogenic Compounds? A Test with a Generalist Herbivore, the Gypsy Moth (Lymantria Dispar), Joshua K. Radi
Wild Colors, Andrea Luke
Wind Charged Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle, John Patten, Nathan Christensen, Steven Srivastava, and Gary Nola
Wirballen--Russian POWs at Evening Prayer, The Great War in Pictures
WMU Mobile for iPhone, Christopher A. Ashbay, Justuce Reule, and Tim Wickey
WMU School of Communication Facebook Page, Ashley G. Wittbrod
Work/Life Balance Issues of Women in Public Accounting: Expectations vs. Reality, Kelley Long
Work of the Web Weavers: Web Development in Academic Libraries, Maira Bundza, Patricia Fravel Vander Meer, and Maria A. Perez-Stable
Worlds' Alliance of YMCAs Book Room for Traveling Libraries
World's Alliance of YMCA's Headquarters in Geneva
World's Committee of the World's Alliance of YMCA's Meeting in Geneva in 1910
Wounded British and French POWs at Hospital 106 in Cambrai
Wounded British and French POWs at Notre Dame Hospital in Cambrai
Wounded British and French POWs at the Hospital at Cambrai
Wounded French and German Troops in a French Castle
Wounded French POWs at a Belgian Cloister
Wounded French POWs Play Chess in a German Hospital
Wounded French Prisoners at the Church in Florenville
Wounded Russian Prisoners at Jaroslaw
Writing for Comprehension, Randy Wallace, Cathy Pearman, Cindy Hail, and Beth Hurst
Written vs. Oral Communication in Adolescents with Autism, Kim S. Schairer
YMCA Classroom in a German Prison Camp
YMCA Greets Repatriated British POWs at the Cannon Street Railway Station
YMCA Hut in a German Prison Camp
YMCA Library in a German Prison Camp
YMCA Reading Class for Russian POWs
YMCA Recreation Chests for German POWs in Britain and France
YMCA Secretary and Doctors at a German Prison Camp Lazarette
YMCA Secretary and Two Russian Artists in a German Prison Camp
YMCA Secretary Claus Olandt with English POWs in a German Prison Camp
YMCA Sign for U.S. Occupation Troops in Coblenz
YMCA War Prisoners' Aid Monthly Magazine "Le Messager"
YMCA War Prisoners' Aid Secretary with Russian POW's
Young Singles: A Look at the Grocery Shopping Preferences of a Unique and Underestimated Market, Survey & Analysis, Kelley Steinhofer
Y Save? Investing Interest in the Future, Andrea Petersen