Content Posted in 2012
1212 Remembered: The Eight Hundreth Anniversary of Las Navas de Tolosa, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
1776-1976: Looking Back, Kenneth VanderMeulen
1985-1986 Internship Project Report, Kurt Brust
2003 University Assessment Fellows Public Seminar, Office of the Provost
2010-11 Series - Developing a Humanities Center, University Center for the Humanities
2010-11 Series - Humanities in Professional and Vocational Education, University Center for the Humanities
2010-11 Series - Kickoff Event, University Center for the Humanities
2011-12 Annual Report, University Center for the Humanities
2012-13 Series Brochure - Power and Publics, University Center for the Humanities
2012-13 Series - Chris Mooney, University Center for the Humanities
2012-13 Series - E.J. Dionne, University Center for the Humanities
2012-13 Series - Harry Elam, Jr., University Center for the Humanities
2012-13 Series - Jocelyn Cesari, University Center for the Humanities
2012 Morimichi Watanabe Lecture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
3-D Reservoir Characterization of the South Buckeye Field, Dundee Formation (Devonian), Michigan Basin, USA, Shawn Michael McCloskey
47th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Behavioral Analysis of Mnemonics and its Ramifications for Education, Greg Stikeleather
A Behavioral Approach to Modus Operandi: Incident Form Completion and its Effect on Predictive Analysis, Sarah Elizabeth Casella
A Boost for the "Basics" Through Children's Literature, Carl Braun
Absorber Geometry Optimization for a New Wave Energy Converter, Rachel A. Durren
Academic Achievement of Children in Single Parent Homes: A Critical Review, Mark S. Barajas
Academic Diversity: Reading Instruction for Students with Special Needs, William H. Rupley and William D. Nichols
A Case Grammar Analysis of the Representation of African-Americans in Current Fifth Grade Social Studies Textbooks., Patrick P. McCabe
A Case Study in Mass Transportation: Kalamazoo--A Solution?, Richard L. DeClair
A Case Study: Kalamazoo County Education for Employment, Traci Lynne Campbell
A Case Study of the Policies and Challenges of Healthcare in Guatemala, Sarah E. Kenning
A Case Study: The Emotional Development of Richard M. Nixon, Julie M. Wikaryasz
A Caution Concerning the Use of Standardized Tests, Ronald Crowell
Accelerated Degree Completion Programs: The Effects of Core Professors in Nontraditional Higher Education, Dale Frederick Gadd
Accelerating ESL Students' Reading Progress With Accelerated Reader, Jeanne M. McGlinn and Amy Parrish
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Randomized Technique Evaluation Trial, Marchion J. Hinton
Accessible Community Garden: A Grant Proposal, Anna E. Timmons
Accountability, Homer L.J. Carter
A Chapbook of Poetry and Prose, Robert Post
A Class of Its Own, Sharon Carlson
A Collection of Poems, Thomas Justin Watkins
A Collection of Short Stories, Michael Maddalena
A Collection of Short Stories, Charlotte Miller
A College of Distinction, Margaret Merrion
A Comparative Analysis of Human Rights Laws in the United States and Australia, Emily F. Chalifoux
A Comparative Analysis of NOSS Profiles on Nigerian and American Preservice, Secondary Science Teachers, William W. Cobern
A Comparative Study of Attitudes of First Grade Children in Two Reading Programs--Individualized and Basal, Ann Warren and E. Coston Frederick
A Comparative Study of Educators' Perceptions and Use of Mandated Reading Assessments, Charles K. Kinzer and Ruth J. Stone
A Comparison of Average Readers at Different Grade Levels, Frederick A. Duffelmeyer
A Comparison of Backward and Forward Chaining as Represented in Shoe Tying, Pamela K. Kies
A Comparison of Children's Ability to Define and Apply Phonics Terms, Lynn J. Moore and John H. Litcher
A Comparison of Syntactic Structures in First-Graders' Oral and Written Language, Linda Lehnert
A Comparison of the Early Lives, Philosophies, and Leadership of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr., Marie Preston
A Comparison of the Effect of In-Street Pedestrian Signs Alone, the Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon Alone and Both Together on Yielding Behavior, Hana Sahar Manal
A Comparison of Underlying Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension and Retention, Thomas R. Schnell and Daniel J. Rocchio
A Comparison of Young Children's Writing Products in Skills-Based and Whole Language Classrooms, Penny A. Freppon, Ellen Mclntyre, and Karin L. Dahl
A Comparison Study of the Challenges and Benefits of Elementary Spanish Programs in the Kalamazoo Area, Pamela R. Wiersma
A Comprehensive Analysis of the Techniques Utilized for Selection of Federal and State Judicial Officers, Andrew McGaughey
A Computer-Assisted Pre-Service Program in Reading, Camille L.Z. Blachowicz and Peter G. Fairweather
A Contemporary Novel: Glory of the Flowers, Marilyn Livingston
A Contribution to Reading: The Nebraska Golden Sower Reading/Award Program, Dee C. Storey
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Office of Independent Counsel, Joseph C. Perry
Acquisition of Syntax--A Developmental Process, Linda Lehnert
A Critical Course For Literacy Education, Andrea Bartlett
A Critical Look at the Reading Approaches and Grouping Patterns Currently Used in the Primary Grades, Katherine D. Wiesendanger and Ellen Birlem
A Critique of How Words Fit Together, Helen E. Master
A Cross-Gender Comparison of Perceived Mathematical Ability and Appropriateness, Kathryn M. Rich
A Cross-National, Longitudinal Test of Institutional Anomie Theory, Marc Alan Kittleson
Action Book Nursery Rhymes and Favorite Tales, Gerry Bohning and Margie Radencich
Active Objects II: Agency and Phenomenology, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Active Objects I: Optics and Transparency, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Activism and the Academy (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Curriculum Plan Based on a Sung Dynasty Landscape Artist's Work and Techniques, Lindsey R. Terbrack
Acute Effects of Cocaine on Nucleus Accumbens Dopamine in Cocaine-Naive and Cocaine-Experienced Rats: An In Vivo Microdialysis Study, Danielle Larson
A Dane for All Seasons: A Friends' Personality, Maria A. Perez-Stable
Adaptation in Families with Asthmatic Children, Kathryn Sohn
Adaptations of Manzo's Guided Reading Procedure, Dixie Lee Spiegel
Adapting Basal Instruction to Improve Content Area Reading, Donna E. Alvermann
Adaptive Radial Basis Function Neural Networks-Based Real Time Harmonics Estimation and PWM Control for Active Power Filters, Eyad KH Almaita
Adaptive Resonance Theory 2 (ART2): Implementation in an Object Oriented Neural Net Library, John M. Lee
Adaptive Security-Aware Scheduling for Packet Switched Networks Using Real-Time Multi-Agent Systems, Ma'en Saleh Saleh
Adding a Foreign Language Component to Standard Curricular Lessons, Erin Farmer
Addressing the Unforgettable Killer in a Forgetful Mind: A Look into the Advances of Treating Alzheimer's Disease, Heather Tews
A Developmental Analysis of Media Effects on Young Female Body Image and Auspicious Prevention Programs, Jessica L. Silye
ADHD: The School Psychologist's Role in Assessment and Treatment, Trisha R. Parish
A Different Look, Michael McDonnell
A Disabled Student? In My Classroom?, Carol Ann Moore
A Discriminative Imaging-Based Framework for Road Sign Condition Assessment Using Local Features and SVM Classifiers, Jafar Jameel Abukhait
Administrative Training in County Government, Trisha Barrett
Administrators Can Help Meet Reading Improvement Objectives, Roger H. Garvelink
Adolescent Development and Sexuality Workshop for Parents of Teens, Aleea Swinford
Adolescent Self-Esteem and the Societal Devaluation of Girls, Stephanie Janelle Brown
Adopting a Whole Language Program for Learning Disabled Students: A Case Study, Pamela J. Farris and Carol Anderson
Adult Reading Plans: Enjoyment, Enrichment, and Inquiry, Nancy Jolly
Advertising's Magic Language--A Primer for the Reading Blahs, Harvey Frommer
Aelred of Rievaulx: Preacher and Churchman, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Affect and Emotional Production in Early Drama, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Affective and Cognitive Dimensions of Student Programming Experiences: An Empirical Study, Glen G. VarnHagen
Affiliation of Authors in Production and Operations Management Journals, Steven M. Yager
Affirmative Action and Western Michigan University: A Case Study, Elaine L. Knoska
Affirmative Action Programs and Women in Employment, Barb Craft
A Flexible Home Design For A Comfortable Lifestyle: A Case Study of the Effect of Universal Design, Meghann Balmer DeHaan
A Foot in the Door: The Annotated Checklist, Timothy R. Hornberger and Jack Cassidy
A Fortunate Life: A Friends' Personality, Gordon Eriksen
A Four-Year Comparative Analysis of First-Year Experience Seminar (FYE 2100), Toni Woolfork-Barnes
African-American Stories and Literary Responses: Does a Child's Ethnicity Affect the Focus of a Response?, Jennifer L. Altieri
A Friend is a Friend is a Friend, Nathan Squires
A Frill That Works: Creative Dramatics In The Basal Reading Lesson, Mary Ann Gary
After Chaucer, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Functional Approach to In-Service for Secondary Content-Area Teachers, W. John Harker
Against the Grain: The Experience of Subject Religious Communities in the Medieval Iberian and Western Mediterranean World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Gallimaufry of Books, David Isaacson
"Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale", David Isaacson
Age Discrimination in Employment: Another Day at the Office, Ryan Trierweiler
A Generation of Isolation: Cuban Political Economic Policies, Elba Marcell Rivera Rodriguez
A Good Teacher and an Eclectic Approach: The Hopeful Answer to Successful Reading Instruction, Maria Luisa Alvarez Harvey
A Great Library... A Great University, Lance Query
"A Great University...A Great Library", Lance Query
A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory of Western Michigan University, Gloria K. Benson
A Guide to Finding the Resources that Caregivers Need, Amanda Ryan
A Guide to the Wise, Sharon Carlson
A High School Physics Program Stressing Application to Concept Instead of the Traditional Concept to Application Approach, William Semrau
A Historical Analysis of Written Obscenity and the First Amendment Freedom of Speech, Jaime Willis
A Historical Exhibit: The Historical Significance and Preservation of North Burdick Street, Tegan D'Arcangelis
A Historical Perspective of the Michigan youth Arts Festival, 1963-1995, Jeffrey A. Sonneville
A Hobsons Choice: Books or Web Sources?, David Isaacson
A Holistic Reading and Language Arts Approach for the Intermediate Grades, Susan P. Homan, Herbert G. Karl, Vilma Vega, and Doretha Edgecomb
Ah, Wilderness, George Egland
Aid for the School Principle: Evaluate Classroom Reading Programs, Sandra McCormick
Aiding At-Risk Students, Jeremy Baldwin
Aircraft Radar Systems, Peter M. Lahm
Airline Management Style and Its Affects on Profitability: A Study of Southwest Airlines and AMR Corporation, Tim Stapleton
Airline Quality and Airline Passenger Rights, Eric M. Johnson
Airline Yield Management in Transition, Olgierd Hinz
Air Transport Pilot Knowledge Exam, Andrew Tavelli
A Journey Within a Journey: The Journey of Three Computer Learners on a Journey Down Under, Valerie G. Hall, Brenda P. Dixey, Susan L. Nierstheimer, and David G. O'Brien
A Kindergarten Writing Workshop: How Kindergarten Students Grow as Writers, Marjorie Hertz and Warren Heydenberk
Alain Chartier: Courtly, Uncourtly, Anti-Courtly, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Alcohol Consumption: An Assessment of the Changing Patterns Among Pregnant Women, Melissa A. Hayes
A Lesson Before Prying: Invitation to Inquiry within a Collaborative Community of Literacy Educators, Nancy L. Williams and Mary Lou Morton
Alfredian Texts and Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Algae as a Source of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Shanmugam Puvanendran
A Library Scholarship, Sara M. Volmering
A Life in Eight Genres: A Screenplay, Katherine C. Webb
A List of Basic Sight Words For Older Disabled Readers, Jerry L. Johns
A Literary Review of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Using Eye-Movement Desensitization as a Treatment, Tammalette Mattison
Allied POW Imprisoned in a Silo for Punishment
Allied POW in a Cage for Punishment
Allied POW Tied to the Stake for Punishment
Allocation of time in reading, George H. McNinch, Gary L. Shaffer, Patricia Campbell, and Sondra Rakes
All the Nazi News..., Beatrice Beech
Almost Dying, Rebecca Murtha
A Localized Investigation of High Resolution Groundwater Flow Properties of the Saginaw Aquifer Mason, Michigan, Amanda Hayden
A Local Market Analysis of Various Exempt and Non-Exempt Positions at a Community Mental Health Provider, Stephanie Wallace
A Logico-Structural, Worldview Analysis of the Interrelationship between Science Interest, Gender, and Concept of Nature, William W. Cobern, Jane E. Ellington, and Daniel M. Schores
A Look At Linguistic Readers, Nicholas P. Criscuolo
A Look at the Future: Teachers in Non-Traditional Adult Reading Programs, Richard W. Burnett and Thomas R. Schnell
Alphabet Books Can Be Used With Fluent Readers and Writers, Luethel M. Kormanski and Carol B. Stevens
Altering the Succession of Illiteracy in Families: A Tutoring/Home Intervention Model, Ruth Crawford
Alternative Constructions of Science and Science Education, William W. Cobern
Alternative Explanation of Organophosphate Induced Delayed Neuropathy, Michael Clift
Alternative Fuel Options in Aviation, Nathan DeLisle
Alternatives to Ability Grouping in Reading, Terrell A. Young
Alternative uses of Networking, Kay Camperell and Lawrence L. Smith
A Major Revision of the Reading Model for Classroom Teachers, David Elijah and Alice Legenza
Amateur Etymologists at Play, Louis Foley
Ambulance Maintenance System, Mike Davis, C.J. Marks, and Adam Riggs
American-Chinese Connections via Mathematics: International Conference on Representation Theory (ICRT) V, Terrel Hodge
American Common Law: A History and Evaluation, Toree Fedewa
American Humanics Student Association Public Relations Plan, Sarah R. Krueger
"A Message From Our Sponsor", Kenneth VanderMeulen
A Method for the Determination of Purity of PNU-10483 Bulk Drug by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis, Gavin Gibson
A Mini Look at Some Maxi Ideas, Heath Lowry and Barbara Waters
A Model for Faculty In-Service in the Secondary Reading Program, George M. Usova
A Model for Using Television and Video to Motivate Writing, Marie F. Doan Holbein, Valerie J. Bristor, and Noorchaya Yahya
A Mother Looks At Reading, Joan Archambault
A Motivational Strategy for Teaching Locational Skills: The Name Game, Sharon J. Crawley
A Multi-Media Approach to Reading, Lucetta A. Johnson
Anachronisms: Creating Tools for Thinking, Joseph T. Echols and George H. McNich
An Acquired Taste, Donna Heady
An Advance Organizer is…All or None of the Above, Evelyn F. Searls
Analogies: Word Attack and Reading Comprehension Skills in a Thinking Context, Jerome Axelrod
An Alternative model for the Growth and Evolution of Paleozoic Algal Mounds with Significance to Reservoir Distribution, Audrey Ritter
Analysis of Able and Disabled Sixth-Grade Readers' Knowledge of Story Structure: A Comparison, Evelyn L. Kreine and Jane Ann Zaharias
Analysis of Commercial Wear-out, Kate L. Coombs
Analysis of Computer Programming Languages, Jason Winters
Analysis of Relational vs. Object Oriented Database Management Systems, Meera Choudhary
Analytical Determination of Residual Cleaning Agents, Lisa Leonard
Analyzing Behavior with Contingency Diagrams, Kim Ingersoll
Analyzing Connections Between Teaching and Learning Fractions Using the Investigations Mathematics Curriculum, Caroline J. Crawford
An American Chameleon: First Lieutenant William Calley and Public Opinion, Carrie DeGood
An Analysis and Interpretation of the Lithic Assemblage at the Elam Site (20 AE 195), Allegan County, Michigan, Amy L. Campbell
An Analysis of Children's Responses to Storybook Characters in Non-Traditional Roles, Dianna D. Anderson and Joyce E. Many
An Analysis of Constituent Views of Court Services: Eighth District Court, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Angela Harry
An Analysis of Published Informal Reading Inventories, Larry A. Harris and Jerome A. Niles
An Analysis of Service-Learning and Applied Anthropology, Danielle Nordbrock
An Analysis of Stereotypic Concepts Presented in Recently Published Basal Readers, Connie Arnt
An Analysis of the Public Relations Practices Surrounding Dow Corning's Decision to File for Bankruptcy, Anna Gulvas
An Analysis of Three of Henrik Ibsen's Characters According to Kierkegaard's Theory of Self, Mary Lichty
An Apostolic Vocation: The Formation of the Religious LIfe for the Dominican Sisters in the Thirteenth Century, Julie Ann Smith
An Assessment of Phonics Knowledge in Special Education Teachers, Gay Goodman and Brad Hammond
An Assessment of the Evaluation Process for Teacher Education Students at Western Michigan University, Lynn Nations-Johnson
An Atom-Efficient Synthesis of 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane, Jesse Dionne
An Attitude Survey of Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading, Honey Halpern
An Authentic Literary Experience: Sixth-Graders and Preservice Teachers in Shared Response, Delores E. Heiden and Pamela Schmitt
Anchoritic Studies II: Anchoritic Guidance Texts in the Modern Classroom (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Anchoritic Studies I: Rules, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
...and a child shall lead them, Nelleke Stravers
And Gladly Collect..., Sharon Carlson
And It Happened to Me, Joe R. Chapel
And This Little Teacher Went to Market, Charles R. Whaley and Deborah Yacinda
A Needs Assessment of Breastfeeding Support at the Western Michigan University College of Health and Human Services, Lisa R. Hamilton
An Environmental Impact Statement: Designing Supportive Literacy Classrooms for Young Children, D. Ray Reutzel and Mary Wolfersberger
A Neural Network Light Tracking System, Michelle Brill
An Evaluation into the Cause of Corrosive Failure in Autophoretic Coated Material, Sean M. Derrick, Matthew A. Johnson, Gary P. Nola, David Meade PhD, and Margaret Joyce PhD
An Evaluation of a Community Based Awareness Program on Violence and a School Based Violence Education Workshop on Knowledge of Dating Violence with Middle School Children, Christina B. LaBruzzo
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Selected Readability Formulas Applied to Secondary Texts, Donna Keenan
An Evaluation of the Utility of Choice Assessments in Increasing Activity Engagement and Positive Affect in Elders with Dementia, Stacey M. Cherup
A New Look at Longfellow's "Evangeline", Louis Foley
A New Non-Parametric Test for Umbrella Alternatives, Gilbert Ngwa Muma
A New Study Habits Inventory: Description and Utilization, Mark E. Thompson
A New Teacher Looks Toward That First Memorable Year, Harriet E. Fredenberger
An Examination and Evaluation of Methods Used by Interest Groups Lobbying the Supreme Court, Robert Ferriby
An Examination of Ethnic Content in Nine Current Basal Series, John W. Logan and Jesus Garcia
An Examination of International, Federal, and State law as Applicable to Sexual Abuse of Incarcerated Women, Loren Gross
An Examination of Kierkegaard's Concept of Dread as it Appears in Selected Plays of German Expressionist Drama, Mary Ann Jasper
An Experiment in Cross-Age Tutoring, Connie Strong Morrison
An French Arab POW Incarcerated in Germany
Angel Flight Operations at the WMU College of Aviation, Steven D. Vaught
Animal Narratives in Old English Poetry, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Animals in Marie de France, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
An Increasing Need for College-Adult Reading Courses, Homer L.J. Carter
An Individual Case Study in Juvenile Delinquency, Stacey Elliott
An Individualized Reading Program in the Elementary Classroom, Janet Langerveld
An Informal Reading--Language Test, Una A. Lange, Dixie D. Sanger, and Sheldon L. Stick
An Inquiry into Summer Loss in Reading: Grades 1-7, Jerry L. Johns and Richard T. Vacca
An Inquiry into the Search for Sexual Equality: Changing Views of Work, Conrad Kaufman
An Inservice Plan for Teaching Reading in Kindergarten: A Description, Michael P. French
An Instrument for the Evaluation of Secondary Reading Programs, Robert P. Cooter Jr.
An Integrative Reading-Language Approach, Dixie D. Sanger, Sheldon L. Stick, and Una A. Lange
An Intensive Behavioral Treatment Package for Reducing the Incontinence of Autistic Children: An Outclinic Evaluation, Sarah Crossett
An Inventory for Assessment of Oral Language Production, Joyce M. Hamrick
An Investigation of First Grade Children's Use of Language Structure, E. Coston Frederick and Beverly Hackleman
An Investigation of Preservice Elementary Teachers' Thinking About Science, William W. Cobern and Cathleen C. Loving
An Investigation of the Power of Government Versus the Rights of the Accused: Reflections on the Sixth Amendment, Renee M. Zak
An Investigation of the Treatment Integrity of a Computerized Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression, Rachel M. Farrell
An Invitation to Violence, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Anomie: Collected Stories, Eric Mitts
A Non-Traditional Technique for Testing Vocabulary, Frederick A. Duffelmeyer
An Open Letter to All Students: Why Read?, Dorothy Edna Smith
An Open Letter to Blanche O. Bush, Dorothy J. McGinnis
A Nose in a Book by Hook or by Crook, Pearl Sarno
Another Declaration of Independence, James A. Wright
Another Hat for the Special Reading Teacher, Lucille Larzelere
Another Look at Reading and the Teaching of Reading, Melvin L. Miller
An Ounce of Prevention…, Lawrence G. Erickson
"An Ounce of Prevention…", Jane Iannelli
An Overview of the Mechanisms of Biofeedback and Its Implication for the treatment of Tension Type Headache, Kendra Pearsall
Anti-Catholicism in the 1920's and Al Smith, Michael Alfonso Reynolds
Anti-Immigration Policies for Students and Professionals in Science and Technology: A Voluntary Cessation of U.S. Economic Prosperity and Post 9/11 Security Initiatives, Shannon R. Napier
An Uneventful Life? A Friends' Personality, Gordon Eriksen
A Path Well-Chosen, Gordon Eriksen
A Perception Analysis of Downtown Residents: The City of Lansing, MI. Food Desert in Context, Thomas J. Veldman
A Physical Education Teacher Looks at Reading, Richard Grushon
A Picture is Worth—a Thousand Uses, Miranda Howard Haddock
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Uses—Part III, Miranda Haddock
A Picture is Worth...Part 2, Miranda Howard Haddock
A Plan to Improve Reading Instruction for the Superior Student in First Grade, Jo Ann Nieuwkoop
A Pleasant Reminder: There Is an Established Criteria for Writing Alphabet Books, Betty L. Criscoe
Apocalyptic Expectations and Apprehensions in Premodern Culture and Society I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Apocalyptic Expectations and Apprehensions in Premodern Culture and Society II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Point of View Concerning Anxiety and Its Relationship to Reading Achievement, Dorothy McGinnis
A Poor Attitude: A Deterrent to Reading Improvement, L. D. Briggs
A Portrait of a Reading Teacher, Barbara J. Griffin
A Portrait of Change: Student Engagement at Western Michigan University, Suzan F. Ayers
A Possible Screening Model for Determining Highly Bound Drugs Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography and a Human Serum Albumin Column, Allison J. Vallad
Apothecaries and Medical Texts in Medieval Italy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Application Development on the Microsoft.NET Platform, Brian Atkinson
Applications of cloze procedure to reading assessment in special circumstances of literacy development, Norbert Francis
Applying Cloze Procedure to Children's Book Selections, Anne M. Ferguson
Applying Effective Reading Techniques In Content Area Classes, Candace Poindexter
Applying the Critical Reading Process to the Gray Model, Fehl L. Shirley
Appreciating the “A” Word Putting A Plan in Action, Maira Bundza, Laura Darrah, and Brad Dennis
Appreciation of Reading Through the Five Senses, Mary Jane Gray
Approaches and Methods for Reading Specialists: A Continuing Debate, Mark E. Thompson
A Precious Legacy, Louise J. Walker
A Preliminary Study in Programming Reading for the Mentally Retarded Learner, Chris Koronakos
A Pre-service Look at Implementing Technology in a Middle School Classroom, Jennifer Leigh Sikorski
A Program to Help Prepare pre-Schoolers for Reading, Rona F. Flippo and Helen Branch
A Prologue: What Happens Before Alternative Groupings, Mary E. Hauser
A Proper Attitude Toward Science, William W. Cobern
A Psycholinguistic Look at the Informal Reading Inventory Part II: Inappropriate Inferences from an Informal Reading Inventory, Constance Weaver and Laura Smith
A Psycholinguistic Look at the Informal Reading Inventory Part I: Looking at the Quality of Readers' Miscues: A Rationale and an Easy Method, Laura Smith and Constance Weaver
A Qualitative Analysis of How Communication Relationships in the Workplace Predict Psychological Job Outcomes for Customer Service Providers, Lana M. Escamilla Carroll
A qualitative assessment of non-traditional graduate student cohort experiences at a WMU regional location, Amy Routhier
A Quantitative Description of the Content Reading Practices of Beginning Teachers, Mary W. Spor and Barbara Kane Schneider
Arab POW in a German Prison Camp
Archaeological Investigations of Control and Autonomy at the Colony Farm of the Michigan State Asylum, 1880-1950, Alison Thornton
Archives of University History, Sharon Carlson
Archiving International School Library History, Sharon Carlson
A Readers' Theater Performance of Mankind (A Performance and Roundtable Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Reading Classroom Isn't Grimsville, Lois B. Muehl
A Reading Development Course, Angela M. Labmeier and Edward L. Vockell
A Reading Lesson Checklist for the Principal, Sandra McCormick
A Reading Specialist Reacts to Chall's Reading Study, Nicholas P. Criscuolo
A Reasoned Approach to the Teaching of Evolution in The Public's Interest, William W. Cobern
A Reckoning: Translation as Cultural Change and Culture Clash, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Recreational Reading Program for Disabled Readers: It Works!, Marilyn A. Colvin and Elton Stetson
A Re-Examination of the IRI: Word RecognitionCriteria, Susan P. Homan and Janell P. Klesius
A Reflection of Us: An Annotated Bibliography of Multicultural American Children's Picture Books for use in Kindergarten, Elizabeth Raymond
"Aren't we going to write today?": Using parody in grade three, Terrence V. Stange and Susan L. Wyant
Are Perceptual Skills Necessary for Success in Reading? Which Ones?, Jean R. Harber
A Report on the Use of a Dog training Method for the Acquisition of Recall Behavior in a Rabbit, Katherine Binder
A Research Report on Natural Language Processing, Stephen W. Turner
A Review of Literature: Men's Experience of Fear During Their Partner's Labor, Tynan K. Mohney
A Revitalized Role for Library Media Specialists in School Reading Programs, Mary L. Piersma and Diane D. Allen
A Revolution in Maps: The New Technology, Jason Glatz
Are You A Reader? Are You A Writer?: Answers From Kindergarten Students, Deborah Diffily
Are You From Camelot? Recent Arthurian Film and Television as Innovators of the Arthurian Tradition and Their Impact (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Are You Going?, Homer L.J. Carter
A Roadmap to Early Investigation of Structural Bridge Deficiencies, Cem Mansiz
A Role for Bibliotherapy in Teacher Education, Cynthia M. Morawski
A Room All to Myself: An Interpretive Guide to Public Nature Preserves in the Greater Kalamazoo Area, Andrew A. Laucher
A Rose by any Other Name: State Criminality and the Limits of Social Learning Theory, Elizabeth A. Bradshaw
"Around and about the German Grail"—hôher êren pflegen: A Session in Honor of Francis G. Gentry, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Art and Devotion in Anglo-Saxon England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Art and Devotion in Medieval England III: Materiality, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Art and Devotion in Medieval England I: Images of Saints, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Art and Devotion in Medieval England II: The Image in Alabaster, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Art and Devotion in Medieval England IV: Devotional Performance, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthurian Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Arthur on Stage (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Art in Occupational Therapy: An Introduction to Occupation and the Artist, Molly Bathje
Art in Occupational Therapy: An Introduction to Occupation and the Artist, Molly Bathje
Aryl-aryl Bond Forming Reactions for the Preparation of 2,6-bisarylpyridines, Brian Dishinger
A Schoolwide Program to Help Children Analyze Story Characters, Gerald L. Fowler
A Second Grade Experiment with a New Reading-Language Process, Bruce A. Lloyd and Linda Cobbs
A Secure Resource, Beatrice Sichel
A Self-Appraisal Inventory for Reading Teachers, Linda Mixon Clary
A Self-Instructional Supplement to Selected High School Chemistry Topics, Jon T. Taylor
A Sharing Life: A Friends' Personality, Gordon Eriksen
A Short-Cut to Testing Passage Comprehension, J Jaap Tuinman, Charles K. Kinzer, and Neal A. Muhtadi
A Simplified Miscue Analysis for Classroom and Clinic, James W. Cunningham
A Small Sound of the Trumpet: Women, Writing, History: Essays in Memory of Margaret Wade Labarge, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
A Social Profile of the Youth in the Greater Battle Creek Community, Carrie Schroeck
Aspects of a Caring Reading Curriculum, Timothy V. Rasinski
Aspects of Reading Instruction in Mathematics, Wilma H. Miller
Assessing and Extending Comprehension: Monitoring Strategies in the Classroom, Amos L. Hahn
Assessing Changes in the Behavior of Children with Autism, Krista M. Manganello
Assessing Cultural Competence in HPER: What Do We Say We do?, Jody Brylinsky
Assessing Mild Cognitive Impairments: Detecting Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease, Joel W. Parraghi
Assessing Professional Behaviors, Carrick D. Craig
Assessing Professional Behaviors, Carrick D. Craig
Assessing Student Leader Competencies, Lynnae Stankus
Assessing Student Learning in the CECP Training Programs, Kelly McDonnell
Assessing the Metacognitive Dimensions of Retrospective Miscue Analysis Through Discourse Analysis, Wendy L. Black
Assessment and Supervision of the Field Experience of a Competency Based Reading Methods Course, Martha Dillner
Assessment for Improvement: Closing the Loop, Joni Jones and Kim Searing
Assessment: Insights into Children's Beliefs and Perceptions About Process Writing, Rebecca P. Harlin and Sally E. Lipa
Assessment: Insights Into Teachers' Beliefs and Practices, Sally E. Lipa and Rebecca Harlin
Assessment Matters #10, May 2010, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #11, Nov 2010, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #12, Feb 2011, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #13, July 2011, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #14, Nov 2011, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #15, Feb 2012, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #1, Nov 2007, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #2, Dec 2007, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #3, Feb 2008, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #4, Apr 2008, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #5, Nov 2008, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #6, Feb 2009, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #7, Oct 2009, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #8, Dec 2009, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment Matters #9, Feb 2010, Assessment in Action Committee
Assessment of Food Intake and Consumption Patterns in Preschool Children: A Method to Compare Actual Dietary Habits to the RDA, Gayle M. Stroh
Assessment of Library Instruction on Undergraduate Learning Outcomes, Maira Bundza and Barbara J. Cockrell
Assessment Procedures and Curriculum Design for Multiply Handicapped Preschool Children, Janice Lynn Peterson
Assessment: Stopping the Revolving Door at Rock Valley Community College, Richard L. Bernardi and K. Sue Castleberry
Assessment System Development, Patrick Benton
Assessment to Promote Success in Graduate Education, Jeffrey A. Barney, Katharine Cummings, Lindsay Naokes, and Diane Rogers
Assistance Models in Reading Instruction, Martha Grindler
Associations of Physiological Factors, Age, and Sensory Over-Responsivity with Food Selectivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Michelle A. Suarez, Nickola W. Nelson, and Amy B. Curtis
A Step Toward the Future: Foreign Languages in Elementary Schools, Kelly M. Dobbick
A Study Comparing Women and Men on Perceptions of Time Shortage and Desire to Set and Follow Time Schedules, Tiffany L. Lindquist
A Study of: Activity Based Costing and its Role in Process Improvement, Sarah Stocchiero
A Study of Congressional Action Relating to the Federal Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia 1962-1963: With Specific Attention to the Effects of that Action upon United States-Yugoslav Relations, Michael R. Fitzgerald
A Study of Learning Utilizing Visual-Visual and Visual-Auditory Stimuli, Alice Ann Geiger
A Study of the Community Development Advisory Act Committee 1978-1979, Christopher W. Cottrell
A Study of the Effectiveness of Sex Education Classes on the HIV/AIDS-Related Attitudes and Behaviors of Adolescent Women, Imelda Reyes-Phetteplace
A Study of the Impact of Adult Day Care Centers on the Caregivers of Clients with Dementia, Abby L. Olsen
A Study of the Relevance of Debate through a Comparison of Propositions with Congrssional Deliberation, Janine Holloman
A Study of the Teaching Methods of High School History Teachers, Ashley Sanders
A Study of the Transition from Concrete Operations to Formal Operations, Linda J. Havens
A Study of the Use of Portfolio Assessment in the Classroom, Rebecca Simion
A Study of Undergraduate Preparation in the Teaching of Reading Skills, David Taylor, Louis Govatos, and Bruce Lloyd
A Summary of Studies Related to the Effect of Question Placement on Reading Comprehension, Katherine D. Wiesendanger, Ellen D. Birlem, and John Wollenberg
Asunder, Alex P. Watson
A Survey of Contexts for Successful Literacy Tutoring, Dorothy Leal, Cathy Mowrer, and Jodi Cunningham
A Survey of Diagnostic/Corrective Reading Instruction and Practices in Relation to the Interactive Reading Process, Judy M. Wedman and Richard D. Robinson
A Survey of Reading Readiness Practice, Marie Carducci-Bolchazy
A Survey of the Attitudes and Practices of the Top One Hundred Corporate Food Retailers Toward Employee Pilferage and Customer Shoplifting, Richard J. Lorenzetti and Gregg Turley
A Survey of the Kalamazoo Park System and Its Adequacy for Future Use, Amanda Mazur
A Survey of the Use of Reading Readiness Tests, Marie Carducci-Bolchazy
As We See It; Classroom Teachers View Reading Recovery, Jennifer Hamill, Cynthia Kelly, and Jeanne M. Jacobson
A Tartar Prisoner-of-War Incarcerated in Germany
A Taxonomy of Thinking Skills for Young Readers, James A. Wright
A Telecommuter Program for Second To None, Inc., Michael J. Postma
A Test of the Utility of High Frequency Words, Patrick Groff
A Thematic Unit on the Country of Ireland for Grades 4-5, Lyndsay Wherley
A Time of Magic, Dorothy J. McGinnis
A Treasure of Viewing, Miranda Haddock
A Treat Puts First Graders in their Seats: Improving Attendance in a First Grade Classroom, Kai-lyn Westcott
At-Risk Preschool Children: Establishing Developmental Ranges that Suggest At-Promise, Lea M. McGee and Alanna R. Dail
Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: Repercussions on Today's Children, Julie Christine MacPherson
Attitudes and Perceptions of Local Residents and Tourists Toward the Protected Area of Retezat National Park, Romania, Andrea Blanka Szell
Attitudes, Barriers, and Behaviors Associated with HIV Prevention in College Students, Brandy Ephraim
Attitude Toward Reading and Reading-Related Concepts Among Elementary Students, Penny Jo Nielsen
A Tutorial for Today: ResearchPath, Dianna E. Sachs
Atwood, Adrienne Odmark
At Your Service: Waldo's Federal Depository, Michael McDonnell
Audio-Visual Stories: Pre-Reading Activities for Bilingual Children, Oran J. Stewart
Auditioning for the Musical Theatre, Kristin Tatarchuk
Auditory Closure and Reading, Jean R. Harber
Aura, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Author and Article Index, Volumes 1-12
Authors and Texts from the Carolingian Age, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Autoethnography: Reflections on Writing, Wendy Unser
Autographs of the Powerful and Famous in 1910, Beatrice Beech
Automated Test Fixture for a Circuit Board Assembly, Gordon Grove, Allan Hoffman, and Regina Roiter
Automation of Unit Testing in R Software, Matthew Weston and Trevor Robinson
Auxilary Enterprises (AE) Request Tracking System, Kevin Steuer
A Validation of the Unrestrained Pulmonary Monitoring Assay in Rats, Jill Rouleau
A Values Framework for Teaching Global Science, William W. Cobern
Aviation Exploration, Ellen Brinks
A Virtual Experience, Joseph G. Reish
A Voice from the Shadows: The Novels of Toni Morrison, Ardith A. Muse
Avoiding Dangers in the Secondary Reading Program: The Principal's Role, George M. Usova
A Whole Language Flight Plan: An Interview with Three Teachers, Priscilla L. Griffith and Janell Klesius
A Whole New Approach: The Emergence of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Mainstream American Society, Katherine A. Liebler
A Will Before There's a Way: Preschoolers And Books, Evelyn B. Freeman and Virginia Wasserman
A Workshop to Incorporate Language Development in Teaching Reading, Dixie D. Sanger and Sheldon L. Stick
A Writing Approach to High School Reading, R. Baird Shuman
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.47 no.2 2011
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.48 no.1 2012
"Bad Habits": Religious Dress and Its Controversies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Banners Catch and Teach, Michael Whang
Basal Reader Alteration: A Creative Way To Put Schema Theory Into Classroom Practice, Sandra K. Moser and Samuel A. Perez
Basal Reading Instruction and E.S.L. Students, Lee Gunderson
Baseline Environmental Assessment of Western Michigan University's Business Technology Research Park (BTRP) in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Regan Goodrich
Basic Reading Skills, Gwen Horsman
Beaten into the Clay: The Enduring Presence of Oliver Cromwell and his 1649-1653 Irish Campaign in Irish Folk and Literary Consciousness, James Griffioen
Becoming Literate: The Acquisition of Story Discourse, David L. Brown and L.D. Briggs
Bede: Friends and Enemies I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Bede: Friends and Enemies II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Be Everything We Say You Are: Teenzines, School Culture, and Readers' Perceptions of the Texts, Korin Isotalo
Beginner's Manual: Child Abuse, Child Neglect, and Child Placement, Kelly M. Wenzler
Beginning Band Practices and Recruiting Techniques in Southwest Michigan, Laura Ann Robinson
Beginning Readers' Perceptions of Reading and Reading Instruction, Beverly Swanson
Beginning Reading: More than Talk Written Down, Janice A. Dole
Beginning Reading Without Readiness: Structured Language Experience, Patricia Cunningham
Behavioral Academic and Career Counseling, Lisa M. LeVasseur
Behavioral Research Supervisory System, Rachel Bissi and Michelle Seymour
Behavioral Research Supervisory System, Russell Buero
Behavioral Systems Analysis Approach to the Professional Psychology Practicum, Alyssa Warshay
Behavior Systems Analysis Project, Elizabeth Saur
Behold the Enemy! Belgian Internees Deported to Germany
Benchmarking of a Single-Cylinder Engine Toward the Development of a Direct Fuel-Injection System, Michael J. Nienhuis
Benefits of literacy field experiences: Three views, Kathy Everts Danielson, Wilma Kuhlman, and Jarene Fluckiger
Be Ready for the Censorship Challenge, Linda Mixon Clary
Bernard of Clairvaux: Theologian and Mystic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Best Books: A Millennial Bibliography?, David Isaacson
Betrayed. The Legacy of the African American Soldier, Timothy Hampton
Better Attitudes via Branched Stories, Sharon Crawley and Lee Mountain
Between Theory and Practice: Late Medieval Scandinavian Political Thought, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beuna Vida S.A.: Search for the Good Life, Blake Nichols
Beyond Bibliotherapy: Tell-A-Therapy, William S. O'Bruba and Donald A. Camplese
Beyond Book Jackets: Creative Bulletin Boards to Encourage Reading, Alan Frager and Janet Valentour
Beyond Flint's Dependent Deindustrialization: A Visual Examination of Social Capital, Amanda Graziano
Beyond Library Walls, Michele D. Behr
Beyond Technique, Alice J. Perejda
Bible Truth Books Computer Program, Jonathan Stryd
Biblical Exegesis among the Medieval Franciscans, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Biblical Interpretation from the Marginalized, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Biblioblogosphere: One Librarian's Teaching Blog, Edward J. Eckel
Bibliography: Solving Problems Through Reading, Willian S. O'Bruba
Bibliotherapeutic Literature: A Key Facet of Whole Language Instruction For The At-Risk Student, Dan T. Ouzts
Billy and the Three Billy-Goats Gruff or, How Billy Learned to Read Naturally, Gail M. Huffman
Biofuel Characteristics in Micro Turbojet Engine Application, Ing Huang Tan
Biographies and Biographers in Medieval Iberia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Biographies in the Basals: Which People Are Featured?, Teri S. Lesesne and Lee Mountain
Birthday Booktalks: Fostering Emergent Literacy and Self-esteem in Young Children, Terry L. Norton and Carol S. Anfin
Birth Defects: Topics Including-Bladder Exstrophy, Anal Fissure, Anorectal Fistula, Meckel's Diverticulum, Ostomy, Stoma, and Colostomy, Heather Welsh
Bishop's Bog: Forty Years of Vegetational Change, Gregory M. Korchnak
Bistro Bavarde: A Conceptual Restaurant Proposal, Stephanie Marie Supp
Black American Aid Organizations: The New Dimension in Aid to Africa (A Study of Africare and BARAC), Morenike Soremekun
Black Dialect in Children's Books, Melvin W. Wells
Black Students Get an Edge in Reading, Barbara C. Palmer and Lawrence E. Hafner
Blending Whole Language and Basal Reader Instruction, Robert E. Cooter and E. Sutton Flynt
Blueprints of the Past—I, Suzanne Husband
Blueprints of the Past—II, Suzanne Husband
Boccaccio and Dante, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Boethius and the Liberal Arts I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Boethius and the Liberal Arts II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Book Reading Interactions: What Parents and Children Say, Janice Porterfield-Stewart
Book Review, Judy Sims
Book Review, Elanor Buelke and Greta Ray
Book Review, Eleanor Buelke
Book Review, Eleanor Buelke
Book Review, Suzanne Thorsen Schoen
Book Reviews: Picturebooks for Older Children, Fredrick Burton
Books and Status: Owners, Readers, Consumers, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Books are for Reading, Fannie Schmitt
Books as Art, Pam Rups
Books for the Youngest Readers, Karla Hawkins Wendelin
Books For Young Children, John C. Towner and Theodore A. Mork
Border Crossings: Risks and Rewards, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Brain Sex: Toward a Biological Understanding of Human Sexual Orientation, Minh-Thu Nguyen
Brain Surfing: A Strategy for Making Cross-Curricular Connections, Susan Davis Lenski
Brain Surfing: A Strategy for Making Cross-Curricular Connections, Susan Davis Lenski
Breaking the Emotioanl Barrier through the Bibliotherapeutic Process, Dan T. Ouzts
Breastfeeding Policies and Employer Attitudes in the Hospitals of Southwest Michigan, Kayla Kryszak
Bricks for Building the Self Concept of the Disadvantaged Child, Gloria I. Dixon
Bridging the Gap: Ways to Help Children Understand the Elderly, Maria Valeri Gold
Bringing Children and Books Together, Mary Jane Gray
British East Indian Prisoner-of-War
Brothers and Sisters in Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom!, Stephanie M. Kellogg
BRSS: Self-Management, Amanda Vig
Brunhild, Kundrie, Gudrun, and Other Heroines of Medieval Literature in Modern European Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Building a Legacy, Sharon Carlson
Building an Effective Reading Program, Donald C. Cushenbery
Building an Effective Remedial Reading Program for Secondary Students, Donald C. Cushenbery
Building a Research Library History: Part II, Sharon Carlson
Building by the Lakeshore: Preservation Planning in Douglas, Michigan, Lisa M. Barker
Building Conceptual Understanding through Vocabulary Instruction, William H. Rupley, William Dee Nichols, Maryann Mraz, and Timothy R. Blair
Burn after Reading: Miniature Manifestos for a Post/medieval Studies (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Burnout and the Reading Teacher, James C. Sadler and James W. Cunningham
Business Education in Nigeria with an Eye to the Future: Its Demands and Possibilities, Raphael Olu Aina
Business Plan for the Development of Office and Apartment Units in Suttons Bay, Michigan, Michelle Charise Evatt
Business Process of Beckering Advisor Incorporated, David J. Beckering
Business-to-Business Marketing on the Internet: The Knowledge You Need for Today's Online World, Erin E. Maloney
Bussing: Year One in Kalamazoo, Curtis Fonger
Busy Parents Can Help Their Children Be Good Readers, Marilyn A. Colvin
But How Does It Sound?, Louis Foley
Byzantium and Its Neighbors, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Café Culture: Promoting Empowerment and Pleasure in Adolescent Literacy Learning, Brandi Gribble Mathers and Amanda J. Stern
Call for Submissions, Jonathan Bush
Cancer Pain: An Allopathic or Alternative Approach?, Amanda Keating Walker
Can Good Become Better?: The Progression of an Exemplary Teacher, Suzanne F. Davis
Can Middle School Students Summarize?, Andrea Giese Maxworthy and Arlene Barry
Can Reading Failures Be Eliminated By 1980?, Homer L.J. Carter
“Can these bones come to life?”: Insights from Re-construction, Re-enactment, and Re-creation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Can We Meet the Challenge?, Homer L.J. Carter
Can We Update Experienced Teachers' Beliefs and Practices in Reading?, Thomas W. Bean
Can You Tell a Book by its Cover?, Jeanne M. Gerlach and Steven D. Rinehart
Carlson Orates..., Galen Rike
Case Studies of the Influence of Reading on Adolescents, Fehl L. Shirley
Case Study Analysis in Reding/Language Arts: Getting to the "Nitty-Gritty", Janet H. Towell
Case Study of a Business in Crisis, Joan McDowell
Case Study of Anthropogenic Effects on the Ecology of Jenny Lake in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming Summer 2000, Megan Rogers
Castle Rushen, Valerie Dawn Hampton
Catalyst Frontiers in Eastern Europe: Frontiers and Ethnogenesis, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Catalytic Engineering of the Flagellin Protein, Alexandra M. Haase
Cathedrals in Context: Considering the Interplay of Secular and Sacred, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Catholicism and Protestantism in a Highland Guatemalan Community, Kathleen M. Cutler
CD68 Immune Cell Involvement in Purkinje Cell Degeneration in the Cerebellum of Multiple System Atrophy Patients, Ashley A. Bostic
CEAS e-news 01.24.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 02.24.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 03.14.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 04.01.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 05.04.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 06.08.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 07.13.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 08.17.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 09.14.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 10.12.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
CEAS e-news 11.09.2012, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Celebrate Poetry Through Creative Drama, Kathy Everts Danielson and Susan Crites Dauer
Celebrations at Court, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Centennial Afterthoughts, David Isaacson
Central Europe on the Boundaries and at the Core of Empire, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Certification By and For Reading Specialists, Homer L.J. Carter
Challenge Accepted, Linda Shannon McConnell
Challenge and Commitment, Lance Query
Challenging the Curious Mind, Dena Heynen
Change as Challenge, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Change Bell Ringing and Mathematics: A High School Student Excursion into Graph Theory and Group Theory, Kristi Carlson
Changes in GDNF Protein Content of Skeletal Muscle Following Involuntary Exercise are Long Lived, Kyle R. Kinnell, Monica J. Czarnopys, and John Spitsbergen
Changes in Nursing Student Attitudes Toward Mental Illness, Jared Rogge
Changing Forces in Staff Development: Implications for Reading, JoAnne L. Vacca
Changing Friends, Karie Blum
Changing Perspectives on Context, Argiro L. Morgan
Changing Roles of Women in Spanish Society, Diana Bergwin
Changing the Face of Reading Instruction: Recommendations of Six National Reading Reports, D. Ray Reutzel and Parker C. Fawson
Chant and Liturgy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaos and Order, Mystery and Knowledge, the Beautiful and Mundane: College Student Conceptualizations of Nature, William W. Cobern
Chapter 11 of NAFTA v. U.S. Democracy, Cara Mroczek
Chapter One Reading Programs: Do Student/Family Factors Make A Difference?, Linda Thistlethwaite and Myron Mason
Characteristics of Effective Spelling Instruction, Randall R. Wallace
Characteristics of Michigan Charter Schools, Kimberly Reynolds
Characteristics of Reading Programs in Michigan Community and Junior Colleges, Michael R. Hiatt and Ted K. Kilty
Characterizing and Supporting Change in Algebra Students' Representational Fluency in a CAS/Paper-and-Pencil Environment, Nicole L. Fonger
Charley Knauff: Adventures of a Lifetime, Laura Knauff
Chaucer Aloud in Honor of Alan T. Gaylord (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chaucer and Pagan Antiquity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cherokee Word: The Origins of Cherokee Journalism from Sequoyah to the Cherokee Phoenix, Danielle R. Routheir
Child Development and Language Arts at Aquinas College, M. Bernetta
Child Parent Relationship Therapy for Parents of Children with Disruptive Behavior, Alison Moses
Children and Poetry, Marion Hilberry
Children and Poverty, Lisa Marie Chudd
Children as Storytellers, David Hayes
Children Get Ready to Read, Michael D. Davis and Joseph A. Muia
Children's Books, Susan Cress
Children's Books, William P. Bintz and Patricia A. Rice
Children's Books, Steven L. Layne
Children's Books, William P. Bintz
Children's Books, Maureen A. Hart, Susan Miller, and Dona Icabone
Children's Books, Jeanne M. Jacobson, Shelly Schragg, Janet Chupka, and Sherry Myers
Children's Books, Janet Chupka, Sherry Myers, and Shelly Shragg
Children's Books, Elsa Geskus
Children's Books, Mary Radtke, Sherry R. Myers, and Jeanne M. Jacobson
Children's Books, Rick Kowalski, Karen Welch, and Jeanne M. Jacobson
Children's Development of Printed Word Knowledge in Sentence-Based Reading Approaches., Darrell Morris
Children's Knowledge of Environmental Print, L.D. Briggs and W.D. Richardson
Children's Linguistic Insight: What We Think We Know, Camille Blachowicz
Children's Literature and Back to the Basics, W. John Harker
Children's literature and environmental issues: Heart over mind?, Rebecca Monhardt and Leigh Monhardt
Children's Literature and Literacy Instruction: "Literature-Based" Elementary Teachers Belief and Practices, Barbara A. Lehman, Evelyn B. Freeman, and Virginia G. Allen
Children's Literature and the Classroom Teacher, Lucetta A. Johnson
Children's Literature: What's on the Horizon, Lauren Freedman
Children's literature: What's on the horizons, Lauren Freedman
Children's literature: What's on the horizons, Lauren Freedman
Children's literature: What's on the horizons, Lauren Freedman
Children's literature: What's on the horizons, Lauren Freedman
Children's Literature: What's on the Horizons, Lauren Freedman
Children's Literature: What's on the Horizons, Lauren Freedman
Children's Literature: What's on the Horizons, Lauren Freedman
Children's Literature: What's on the Horizons, Lauren Freedman
Children's Nutrition: Good Habits for Life, Lauren M. Oates
Children Soldiers in Africa, Sabina Balos
Children's Perceptions of Oral and Silent Reading, Duane R. Tovey
Children's Recognition of Words in Isolation and in Context, Patrick Groff
Children's Reviews, Lou Ann Homan
Children's Reviews Counting and Poetry: Two Reviews, Mary Ann Homan and Kimberly DeYoung
Children, Storybooks and Computers, Susan Talley, David F. Lancy, and Thomas R. Lee
Chinese Medicine: Integration into Western Culture, Anna Hehl
Chipola's Drop Ins, Mertice B. Ringer
Cholinergic Neurons Regulate and Utilize GDNF Secreted by C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells in Culture, John-Mary Vianney and John Spitsbergen
Christian Hebraism in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Christianity in and out of Church (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Christianity in the Roman World from the Reign of Nero through the Reign of Nerva (A.D. 54-98), Barbara Larsen
Christopher Dawson's The Making of Europe Eighty Years Later, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Chronic Sorrow in Patients with Chronic Illness, Their Families and Caregivers, Laura Maus
Churchill's "Anglo-Saxon" Words, Louis Foley
Church, Mission, Enculturation, and Conversion in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Church v. State: A Study on Bloomingdale, Michigan, Jennifer A. White
Cistercian Expansion and Innovation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Humanism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Intellectual History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Prayer, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercians and the Lords Temporal, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercians in Brittany and Flanders, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Stories as Historical Sources, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cistercian Teaching Appropriated and Transmitted, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Clare's Influence on Franciscan Women I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Clare's Influence on Franciscan Women II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Classroom and the Cloze Procedure: Interaction in Imagery, Jane W. Meeks and Raymond F. Morgan
Classroom Oral Reading and its Needs or Restraints, John H. Warren
Cleaning Validation with total Organic Carbon Analysis, Eileen M. Kowalski
Clearing the Air of Fog and Smog, Sharon Muir
Clinically Meaningful Change in Heart Failure: The Six-Minute Walk Test and Daily Activity, Michael J. Shoemaker
Closing the Gap Between Theory and Practice: Teacher Beliefs, Instructional Decisions and Critical Thinking, Jon Shapiro and Donna Kilbey
Cloze Encounters of a Different Kind, Robert F. Carey
Cobasal Reading Adoptions Present Unique Problems, John W. Miller
Cocaine Discrimination in Rats Reared in Enriched and Isolate Conditions, Dawn Duke
Coexistence of HIV Treatment and Quality of Life, Heather Thompson
Cognition, Conation, and Connotation, Anna C. Crebo
Cognitive Approaches to the Middle Ages I: Cognition, Space, and Identity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cognitive Approaches to the Middle Ages II: Cognitive Linguistics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cognitive Style: What it Means for Personalized Reading Instruction, James D. Bowman
Collaboration Between Schools for the Blind and Public Schools During the transition of Students with Visual Impairments, Kim Zebehazy
Collaboration on the Book Club Project: The Multiple Roles of Researchers,Teachers, and Students, Taffy E. Raphael, Virginia Goatley, Deborah Woodman, and Susan I. McMahon
Collaborative Learning: Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom, Dennis M. Adams and Mary Ann Rotondi
Collaborative Storybook Reading: Bring Parents and At-Risk Kindergarten Students Together, Linda Smetana
Collections in Context: The Organization of Knowledge and Community in Europe, Eddie McCaffray
Collective Security in the Post-Cold War Era, Steven J. Pedler
College Days: A Collection of Non-Fiction Essays, Heidi Paterni
College Students As Readers, Jan LaBonty
College Students Reading to Preschoolers, David Hayes
College Students' Reflections on Reading, Cindy Gillespie
Combining Reading and Writing With Science to Enhance Content Area Achievement and Attitudes, Valerie J. Bristor
Combs: A Renaissance Man: A Friends' Personality, Gordon Eriksen
Come As You Are: Queer Christology from the Perspective of LGBT Christians, Madison E. Edwards
Coming to Terms with Medievalism (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Commentary: A Pledge of Responsibility for Children by Teachers of Reading, Richard D. Robinson
Commerce, Economics, and Finance in the Fourteenth Century, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Common Immigration Policy in the EU: Factors of Resistance and Compliance, Anna Liisa Schourek
Communicating with the Sacred: Visual Puns, Rebuses, and Codes: Words and Images in the Art of the Later Middle Ages (1200-1600), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Communication Across Four Generations, LaVisa Wilson and Mary Ellen Titus
Communication of Women in Managerial Leadership: An Exploratory Study, Deidre L. Popovich
Communing With Nature: A Movie for Relaxation and Meditation, Katie E. Summers
Communities: A Cross-Curricular Unit for First Grade, Andrea T. Glassman
Community Corrections: An Alternative to Institutional Corrections, Sara E. Patrick
Comparative History on Kent State: 1970, John C. Worrell
Comparative Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Comparing Achievement, Ability, With Visual memory and Visual Association, James Battle and George Labercane
Comparing Recreational Reading Levels with Reading Levels from an Informal Reading Inventory, Lawrence L. Smith and C. Rosanne Joyner
Comparing the Voices of Memory: An Analysis of the Memoirs of male and Female Survivors of Auschwitz, Kerrie Leigh Hall
Comparison of Bow and Firearm Hunting for Effectiveness of Whitetail Deer Population Management in Southwest Michigan, Stephen Podewell
Comparison of the American and Mexican Judiciaries: Their Relationship to the Extradition Issue, Julianne M. Cassin
Compass Sent to French POWs to Aid Escapes
Competency Model for Preservice Teachers in a Basic Skills Course, Mary Sue Eckert and John Wollenberg
Competency vs. Achievement: Why Connections are so Important in Writing Teacher Education, Kristen Turner
Competing Visions of the Religious Life in the Later Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Competing Visions: The CIA, the Congress for Cultural Freedom and the Non-Communist European Left, 1950-1967, Scott Kamen
Compliance and Psychosocial Issues of the Diabetic Adolescent, Jenna McIntosh
Composition of Jazz Pieces with Samba and Marimba Influences, Maria Cecelia Davila Almeida
Comprehending and Using Text Ideas: The Order of Processing as Affected by Reader Background and Style, Gary Steinley
Comprehending Metaphor: Using a Salient Characteristic Analysis Technique (SCAT), Parker C. Fawson and D. Ray Reutzel
Comprehension and Rate: Oral vs. Silent Reading for Low Achievers, Paul D. Burge
Comprehension Monitoring Strategies of College Reading Methods Students, Mary F. Heller
Comprehension: Process or Product?, Mary Jane Gray
Computational Analysis of a Wing Oscillator, Ryne Derrick Radermacher
Computational Analysis of Microarray Data, Partha S. Vasisht
Computer-Assisted Analysis of Medieval Texts (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Computer-Based Training for Manufacturing Measurement Tools, Jeana L. Koerber and Jennifer J. Parsons
Computerized Searches on Articles Reporting Reading Research: A Closer Look, Florence E. Dehart and Leo W. Pauls
Computer Literacy: Beyond the Menu, Mouse, and Screen, Constance Lynn Welcher
Computer Support in Medical Education, Christen Moore
Conceptions of Love in Medieval Culture, Literature, and Religion, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Concept Question Chain: A Framework for Thinking and Learning About Text, Barbara E. Johnson
Concepts of History, Time, and the Past in Celtic Cultures and Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Concepts of Space/Place beyond Britain, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Concepts of Space/Place within the British Isles, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Conceptualizations of Nature and Scientific Literacy, Part I: Research Methodology, William W. Cobern and Adrienne T. Gibson
Conceptualizations of Nature: An Interpretive Study of 16 Ninth Graders' Everyday Thinking, William W. Cobern
Conectandonos al Mundo Hispano: A Website Project to Unite Communities, Kristin Lukasik
Confidence Helps Build Competence, Bobbye S. Goldstein
Conjuring Fairies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Consequences: The Russian Environmental Decision, Erin Dunleavy
Constraining Competitiveness: The Effect of H-1B Limitations on American Science & Engineering Industry, Ana Owczarzak
Constructing and Locating Women Warriors in Medieval Eurasia II: Myth and History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Constructing and Locating Women Warriors in Medieval Eurasia I: Romance and Legend, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Constructing Meaning from Literature: Examining Discourse in Departmentalized, Multidisciplinary, and Interdisciplinary Contexts, Joyce E. Many, Lisa Nicklow, and Rebecca Hutchingson
Constructivism and Non-Western Science Education Research, William W. Cobern
Constructivism for Science Teachers, William W. Cobern
Container of Sabotage Material Mailed to a French POW
Content Area Reading: A Modular Approach, Walter L. Powers, Michael C. McKenna, and John W. Miller
Content Area Reading Preparation: Effectiveness of Four Methods of Instruction, Lois A. Bader and Daniel L. Pearce
Content Area Textbooks--Waste Not…, Sandra L. Robinson
Content Reading and Whole Language: An Instructional Approach, Nancy D. Turner
Content Reading: Past. Present! Future?, Ernest K. Dishner and John E. Readence
Contexts of Early Medieval Monasticism I: Architectural Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Contexts of Early Medieval Monasticism III: New Perspectives on the Historiography of Monasticism, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Contexts of Early Medieval Monasticism II: Texts and Textual Traditions, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Contextual Constructivism: The Impact of Culture on the Learning and Teaching of Science, William W. Cobern
Continental Ecclesiastical Music in the Early Reformation Period: 1500-1575, Alfred John Eppens
Contingency and Necessity in Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Continuous Quality Improvement of Programmed Instruction: An Application to Teaching the Concept of Reinforcement, Alexandra Allmacher
Contrasting Perspectives: Anthropologists, John Collier, and Other Involved Parties in the Indian Reorganization Act, Philip W. Dietrich
Controversy, G.M. Chronister
Cool or REALLY Cool?, Margaret Watson
Cooperative Grouping in Literacy Instruction, Katherine D. Wiesendanger and Lois Bader
Cooperative Men and Library Ladies, Sharon Carlson
Corporate Media: Deregulation, Profit, and the Way Out, Alyssa B. Coffey
Correspondence for German POWs in Russia Carried by A.C. Harte
Corruption in Egypt: The Effects of 'Koosa' on Economic Development and Political Stability, Ashley V. Aubermann
Cosmopolitanism and the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Costume in Medieval Texts: Sessions in Honor of Laura Hodges I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Costume in Medieval Texts: Sessions in Honor of Laura Hodges II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Couple Awareness and Communication, Gary Johnson
Court Culture in Medieval Iberia II: The Court in Other Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Court Culture in Medieval Iberia I: Writing for Courts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Creacion de Comunidades: An Ethnographic Study of the Migrant Women Community Builders in Southwest Michigan, Kara L. Aubin
Creating a Disabled Reader: A Father's Perspective, Jerry Phillips
Creating a Medieval Studies Program (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Creating an Alternative Route to Teaching Certification and Adding Teaching Endorsements for Community Members, Marcia Fetters
Creating an Interactive Web Page, William Bonofiglo
Creating an Interdisciplinary Game Development Minor, Karlis Kaugars
Creating a Pathway to Multicultural Education in Urban Communities: Real-Life Experiences for Preservice Teachers, Margaret A. Moore-Hart
Creating Classroom Contexts for Readers: Linking Children With Books, Susan Lehr
Creating Clear Pathways: Assessing and Enhancing the First Year Experience at WMU, Jillian Kinzie
Creating Experiences for Listening and Learning, Jeanne Swafford and Tamara Paulos
Creating Metacognitive Experiences During Written Communication: Positive Self-Talk Using the Thinking Mirror, Jane A. Haugh and Jan Pawtowski
Creating Original Garments Using Couture Sewing Methods, Nicole S. Eckerson
Creating Temporal Space: Time and Place in Middle High German Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Creation and Development of a Service-Based Organization: An Executive Summary, Stephen Denuyl
Creation of a Custom Course Textbook for the WMU First-Year Experience Seminar, Maleeka T. Love
Creative Classroom Management: A Handbook for Elementary Education Teachers, Jodi Brazeau
Creative Education: The Process of Student Planned Curriculum, Mary Ann Skidmore
Creativity and the Reading Specialist: Some Observations from Research Data, Mark E. Thompson
Creatures after Their Kind, Emily J. Stinson
Crime and Punishment in the Islamic Late Classical and Middle Periods (Ninth-Fourteenth Centuries CE), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Critical Progress Indicator Tools and Their Use in Clinical Pathways at Saint Mary's Mercy Medical Center, Kristina Ehlenfeldt
Critical Reading and Today's Adolescent, Donald C. Cushenbery
Critical teacher thinking and imaginations: Uncovering two vocabulary strategies to increase comprehension, Elaine Roberts
Critiquing the Corporate Culture: Using Virtue Ethics in Business, Melanie Bigler
Cross-Age Tutoring and the Sacrosanct Reading Period, Jack Cassidy
Cross-Age Tutoring--Using the 4 T's, Lawrence L. Smith
Cross-Functional Work Teams: Are They Being Incorporated into the Organizational Structure of Hospitals?, Lora Varnelis
Crossing boundaries: Addressing ageism through children's books, Patricia A. Crawford
Crossing Boundaries: What Do Second-Language- Learning Theories Say To Reading and Writing Teachers of English-as-a-Second-Language Learners?, Jill Fitzgerald
Crown and Countryside in Late Medieval England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Crying Fowler, David Isaacson
Cryptograms, Elizabeth Jane Zike
C. S. Lewis on Learning: Modern Education, Medieval Practice, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cultural Aspects of Learning Science, William W. Cobern and Glen Aikenhead
Cultural Constructivist Approach to the Teaching of Evolution, William W. Cobern
Cultural Differences Affecting Design and Business: Turkish Restaurant Programming Document, Stephanie Lynn Brentin
Cultural Impact on Marketing, Laura M. Polanco Fermin
Culturally Important Issues and Science: A Gender and Science-Interest Investigation, William W. Cobern and Cathleen C. Loving
Current and Future Trends in MRO Procurement, Edward G. Pederson
Current Music Therapy Practice with Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in the United States: A Survey of the Profession, Melinda K. Murray
Current Reading Research: What Does it Tell the Classroom Teacher?, Ellen R. Smith
Current Vs. Ideal Body Image Perceptions of Undergraduate Students, Abby Giffin
Curriculum Dilemma: The Early Reader "Mom, I never READ in school", Sarah L. Dowhower
Cusanus and Fifteenth-Century Studies: Past, Present, and Future (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Cyberspace: A Study of Computer Crime, David L.S. Kaczkofsky
Daddy, I know what the story means — now, I just need help with the words, William Bintz
"Daddy, Read to Me": Fathers Helping Their Young Children Learn to Read, Robert W. Ortiz and Laurie L. McCarty
Damnit!, Joseph G. Reish
Dancing Around the Greenhouse, Angela Wozniak
Dancing at Dusk, D.H. Winter
Daniel Hobbins's Authorship and Publicity before Print: Jean Gerson and the Transformation of Late Medieval Learning (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante III: Critical Perspectives on Intertextuality in Dante’s Comedy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante II: Perspectives on Dante's Paradiso, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante I: Politics, Law, Exile, and Community in Dante’s Works, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante IV: Dante and Intertextuality, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante VI: Critical Perspectives on Dante’s Purgatorio, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dante V: Interpretive Problems in Dante’s Inferno, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Database Creation and Implementation Using Open Source Software, Shelby Patru
D-Day through Song: Teaching History through music and the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Lucas Rewa
Dear Author, Your Book Is Important To Me, Wilma D. Kuhlman and Carol L. Moutray
Death, Burial, and Ethnicity in Viking-Age Ireland, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Debating Debate Poems: Tensos and Partimens (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Decoding Skill and Successful Beginning Reading in Different Instructional Settings, Ellen McIntyre
Decreasing Latency Through Reinforcement, Megan R. Heinicke and James E. Carr
Deepwater, Deep Ties, Deep Trouble: A State-Corporate Environmental Crime Analysis of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, Elizabeth A. Bradshaw
Defense of Adolescent Self Identity: A Literature Review, Allison Fillwock
Defining Heresy and Orthodoxy in Medieval Christianity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Defining "Science" in a Multicultural World: Implications for Science Education, William W. Cobern and Cathleen C. Loving
Definitions of Culture, Meghan Van Lente
D.E.L Loneliness, Wendy Archambault
DeNooyer Chevrolet Rent-a-Car's Computer System, El Hadji Siaibou Cisse
Deported French and Belgian Worker Post Card
Deriving Significance from the Capstone Experience, Christina G. Clark
Describing Digital Images of Medieval Manuscripts Using Dublin Core: Projects and Proposals (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Describing the Apprenticeship of Chemists through the Language of Faculty Scientists, Brandy Ann Skjold
Description and Analysis of Bilingual Programs Implemented in Kalamazoo Public Schools, Jessica Glover
Design and Analysis of a Propeller Test Apparatus, William Giffin, Daniel Hendrickson, and Thomas C. Wenstrom
Design and Construction of a Radio Telescope, Sean Fischer, Marie Maddix, and Ben Stegink
Design and Initial Evaluation of a Competency-Based Curriculum for the Occupational Therapy Program, Carla Chase
Design, Modeling and Fabrication of Shear Mode Bulk Acoustic Wave Sensor as a Potential Biosensor, Chi-Jung Cheng
Design of a Catenoidal Shaped Anechoic Termination, Kyle Myers
Design of a High-Lift Wing for a Remotely Piloted Vehicle, Paul M. Klahn and David W. Fanjoy
Desirable Teaching Behaviors for Writing, Dixie Lee Spiegel
Determinants of Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of College Jobs, Alexander D. Smith
Determination fo WS3 Concentration in Mint Oil and Flavor by GC-MS Analysis, Heidi Maria Egloff
Determination of the Rate of Formation of HCN, Mitchell Hull
Determining the Appropriate Role of Online Bidding in a Growing B2B Marketplace, Julie Olszewski
Developing a Cross-Cultural Worldview with Implications for Classroom Teaching, Elizabeth A. Palmateer
Developing an Understanding of Literacy through Production of Pop-Up Books, Patrick Shannon and Barbara G. Samuels
Developing a Philosophy of Reading: Piaget and Chomsky, Robert P. Craig
Developing a Sense of Audience: An Examination of One School's Instructional Contexts, Joyce E. Many and Susan D. Henderson
Developing a Standardized Checklist Curriculum to Improve Checklist Performance Under Normal Workload Flight Operations, Jared K. Neterer
Developing a Treatment for Noncompliance in a Child Diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Jason Rockwell
Developing Automated Program Transformations for MIMD Computers, Jeanine Wright
Developing Basic Mathematics Skills Through the use of African-American Children's Literature, Loraine Moses Stewart
Developing Creativity in Reading, Myrtie M. Barnhardt
Developing Elementary Science Concepts by an Individualized Approach, Blanche O. Bush and Louis A. Govatos
Developing Fluency in the Disabled Reader, Barbara Johnson
Developing Fluency in Word-by-Word Readers, Patrecia A. Ross
Developing Higher-Level Comprehension with Short Stories, Richard J. Smith
Developing Mental Content Through Creative Activities, Martha Barrett Newell
Developing Preservice Teachers' Perspectives on Reader Response, Dana L. Grisham
Developing Social Work’s Self-efficacy Model of Student Assessment, Yvonne Unrau and Melinda McCormick
Developing Story-Telling Skills with Language-Experience Stories, Charles L. Smith
Developing the Instructional Potential of Teachers in the Content Areas: An Affective Component in Reading Teacher Education, Cynthia M. Morawski
Developing young authors: Collaborating in a supportive community, Carol L. Moutray and John F. Ennis
Developmental Spelling in Fourth Grade: An Analysis of What Poor Readers Do, Kathryn L. Laframboise
Development and Implementation of a Criminal History Review Policy, Amy Tuley
Development of a New Technology Venture Balanced Scorecard Derived from Critical Factors that Impact Product Quality, Zella Jackson Hannum
Development of a New Word List, W James Popham
Development of an Improved Extraction Method of MGA in High Mineral Premixes, Jamie Nicole Schippers
Development of a Social Skills Curriculum for Children with Pervasive Developmental Disabilities, Jennifer Ann Delaney
Development of a State-of-the-Technology Microcomputer Course, Angela M. Mercure
Development of a Task Assignment Tool to Customize Job Descriptions and Close Person-Job Fit Gaps, Bryan W. Booker
Development of Pedagogical Knowledge Related to Teaching At-Risk Students: How Do Inservice Teachers and Preservice Teachers Compare?, Diane D. Allen and Rebecca A. Swearingen
Development of "Reading Want Ads:" A New Informal Reading Inventory for Older Exceptional Children, Catherine Morsink
Devious Derivations, David Isaacson
Diagnosis--A Part of Content Area Reading, Martha C. Cheek and Earl H. Cheek
Diagnosis of Teacher's Reading Instruction as Well as the Pupil's Reading Program, Timothy R. Blair and William H. Rupley
Diagnostic Performance-Based Assessmentl: A Tool for the Kindergarten and Primary Grade Teacher, Rona R. Flippo
Diagnostic-Prescriptive Reading Instruction: What? Why? How?, Earl H. Cheek and Martha Collins Cheek
Diagnostic Statistical Manual 5 Changes to the Autism Diagnostic Criteria: A Critical Moment for Occupational Therapists, Rondalyn Varney Whitney and Heather Miller-Kuhaneck
Dialogue Journals as a Vehicle for Preservice Teachers to Experience the Writing Process (I Like Him; Should I Tell Him at Recess?), Mary Ann Wham and Susan Davis Lenski
Diamond Jubilee--WMU, Kenneth VanderMeulen
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Did You See?, Betty L. Hagberg
Diet, Dining, and Everyday Life: The Uses of Ceramics in the Third- to Ninth-Century World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Differences in Schema Gap: A Case Study, Deanna M. Lamb and Lorraine M. Leidholdt
Differentiating Text Assignments in Content Areas: Slicing the Task, John R. Readence and David Moore
Different Perspectives on the Natural World: Biology Professors and Their Students, William W. Cobern
Different Types of Mental Imagery Across Sports, Abigail C. Korchnak
Differing Perspectives on the Goals and Means of Reading Instruction, Patrick Shannon
Diffusion-limited Crystallization in Ultra Thin Polymer Films, Y.R. Narammagari
Diffusion of Innovations within the US Health Care System: Recommendations for the Implementation of the ICD-10 Code Sets, Whitney E. Dach
Digital Gower, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Imaging for Medievalists (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Medieval Studies for Dummies (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Methods and Resources for Paleography and Manuscript Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Digital Recording and Playback System, Albert DiNatale II, Bradley Edgell, and James Seefurth
Digression, Anne Bak
Dimensions of Transcultural Nursing Addressed in Professional Literature on Diabetes Mellitus Among Latinos, Olga Lupe Munguia
Direct Connect Trade (DCT), Brandon B. Reinkensmeyer
Direct Instruction of Comprehension: What Does it Really Mean?, Gerald G. Duffy and Laura R. Roehler
Direct Instruction Versus Incidental Learning of Reading Vocabulary, Patrick Groff
Direction—Continuity—Accomplishment—A Friends’ Personality, Gordon Eriksen
Discovering Art through Reading: An Honors Thesis Project, Cassandra Stein
Discovering My Local Natural Environment, Samantha Cooper
Discrete Targeting of Peptide and Non-Peptide Neurotransmitters by a Single Neuron, Daniel Kueh
Discriminating Readers are Critical Thinkers, Patricia J. Cianciolo
Discrimination in Sentencing: A Pseudo-Controversy in Criminal Justice, Neil Assante
Discussing Read-Aloud Fiction: One Approach For Motivating Critical Thinking, Donna E. Alvermann and James R. Olson
Disjecta Membra: The Evidence of Fragments, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dispelling the Mystery about Comprehension: Kintsch's Model and Implications for Instruction, Donald J. Richgels
Disruptions in Foster Care, Sarah Font
Disruptive Effect: A Phenomenon in Oral Reading, John W. Miller
Distinguishing Science Related Variations in the Causal Universal of College Students' Worldviews, William W. Cobern
Divide and Conquer: Syllabication Assessment and Older Students, Jbernard P. Floriani and John T. Wolinski
Divorce--Reading Style, Nicholas P. Criscuolo
Do Books on Tape Make a Difference? A Survey, Sally L. Case
Documentary Perspective of Bibliotherapy in Education, Johnson A. Afolayan
Documenting and Evaluating Oral Language Development in the Classroom., Ruth Crawford
Documents and Monuments of Medieval France, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Does a Linked First-Year Seminar and Undergraduate Career Exploration Course Influence the Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy and Transitional Success of Undecided Traditional First-Year Students at Western Michigan University, Glinda Rawls, Toni Woolfork-Barnes, and Lauren Frye
Does Content-Area Reading Teach Content-Area Learning, W John Harker
Does the Taking of Reading Improvement RI-100 Have a Lasting Effect on a Student's Academic Success?, Donald L. Ferguson
Does the Teacher's Attitude Toward Reading Affect the Attitude Toward Reading Held by the Students?, Mary Jane Gray
Do Medical Schools Provide Their Students With Enough Information About HIV and AIDS?, Mark Dzwik
Don't Call Me "Madam", Louis Foley
Do Pictures Make a Difference in College Textbooks?, Brenda D. Smith and Joan M. Elifson
Do Students Effectively Monitor Their Comprehension?, Brenda K. Bradshaw
Do Study Guides Improve Text Comprehension?, Andrea Giese Maxworthy
Do Teachers Really Know Their Students?, Homer L.J. Carter
Dour Gower, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Do You, Like these Teachers, Value Readings?, Evelyn F. Searls
Do Your B.E.S.T., Breast Education Saves Tomorrows, Traci Jones
Drawing Lines: Identity and Self-Fashioning in Medieval Iberia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Drawing of a French Prisoner-of-War
Dream Books, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles III: Dress and Textile Vocabulary Revealed, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles II: What Not to Wear, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles I: Studies in Memory of Verna Rutz, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Dress and Textiles IV: From Field to Fabric: The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Flax-to-Linen Project, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Drill Versus Discovery: The Effects on Student Attitudes, Charles H. Hill
Drop-Outs Can Achieve, Homer L.J. Carter
Dropped Out or Kicked Out?, Bruce A. Lloyd
Drug Use and Abuse by People with Autism, Todd A. Merritt
Duets in Motion, Benjamin Beck and Holly Florian
Duets in Motion, Benjamin Beck and Holly Florian
Durkin Revisited, Katherine D. Wiesendanger
Dwight B. Waldo on Liberal Education, David Isaacson
Dyslexia: The Real Issues, Donald C. Cushenbery
Early book sharing: What teachers should know, Sherry Kragler and Linda Martin
Early English Manuscripts, Paul Szarmach
Early Irish Monastic Culture: The Bible and Apocrypha at Home and Abroad, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Language Learning With and Without Music, Douglas Fisher
Early Language Learning With and Without Music, Douglas Fisher
Early Literacy: From Understanding to Classroom Implementation, Jennifer K. Echter
Early Medieval Europe I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Medieval Europe III, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Early Modern Devotional Writing, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Earning by Learning: Changing Attitudes and Habits in Reading, George W. McNinch
Earning by Learning: Changing Attitudes and Habits in Reading, George W. McNinch
East Hall: Collective Memory and Adaptive Reuse Challenges, Melissa S. Milton
Eating Disorders: A Review of the History, Incidence, Causation and Treatment Models, Laura Spenceley
Ecclesiastical Hierarchies: Law and Custom, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Echoes From the Field, Ernie Adams
Echoes From the Field, Ernie Adams
Echoes From the Field, Ernie Adams
Echoes from the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes from the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes from the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes from the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Ramona Thomas
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes from the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel and Ronald A. Crowell
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel and Ronald A. Crowell
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel and Ronald A. Crowell
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field, Ronald A. Crowell
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel and Ronald A. Crowell
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel and Ronald A. Crowell
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel and Ronald A. Crowell
Echoes From the Field, Lois VanDenBerg
Echoes From the Field, Lois VanDenBerg
Echoes From the Field, Lois VanDenBerg
Echoes From The Field, Lois Vandenberg
Echoes From the Field, Lois VanDenBerg
Echoes From the Field, Lois Robinson
Echoes From the Field, Lois VanDenBerg
Echoes From the Field, Lois VanDenBerg
Echoes From the Field, Joe R. Chapel
Echoes From the Field: Philosophy for Secondary Remediation, Shirley Madsen
Ecologies (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Editing Old English: Ælfric's Lives of the Saints, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Editorial Comment, Ken VanderMeulen
Editorial Comment, Ken VanderMeulen
Editorial Comment, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Comment, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Comment, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Comment, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Comment, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Comment, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Comment, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Comment, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Editorial Comment, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Comment, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Comment, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Comment: 1984 is Not Just a Number, Kenneth VanderMeulen
Editorial Policy, Homer L.J. Carter
Editorial Policy, Homer L.J. Carter
Editor's Comments, Homer L.J. Carter
Educational Developmentalism in Nigeria: Education for the Masses or just Mass-Education?, William W. Cobern and Mohammad I. Junaid
Educational Games on File, Richard H. Sherman
Educational implications relating neuroanotomical research and developmental dyslexia, Joseph P. Kender and Mark A. Kender
Educational Programs for Gifted Students, Wendy L. Freed
Education Research Will Not Profit From Radical Constructivism, William W. Cobern
Educators Collaborate to Integrate Language Arts Instruction for Preservice Teachers and Elementary Students, Janet Dynak and Nancy Gagliano
Effective Approaches for Improving the Reading Comprehension of Problem Readers, Samuel A. Perez
Effective Leadership Approaches and Qualities, Brian A. DeVries
Effectively Leading a Student Organization: Society for Excellence in Human Resources, Keri L. Tate
Effectively Managing Time to Degree: Best Practices for Doctoral Advising, Gary Bischof
Effectiveness Procedures for Teaching Reference Study Skills, Donald C. Cushenbery
Effective Ways of Building Vocabulary in Every Content Area, Donald C. Cushenbery
Effect of Addition of Ground Flaxseed to Orange-Bran Muffins on Nutritional Quality and Overall Acceptability, Tara Lassila
Effects of Active Comprehension Instruction on Attitudes and Motivation in Reading, Ruth Helen Yopp and Mariam Jean Deher
Effects of Adding Folklore to Basal Reading Programs, Ellen R. Sallee and Renuka R. Sethi
Effects of alpha-Ethyltryptamine (Monase) on Conditioned Place Preference in Male Sprague-Dawley and Long-Evans Rats, Sara Sytsma
Effects of a Secondary Reading Methods Course on Students' Attitudes toward Teaching Content Reading, Bruce A. Lloyd
Effects of Orexin-A Microinjections in the Lateral Hypothalamus on Conditioned Place Preference in Rats, Elyse M. Cornett
Effects of Sustained Silent Reading on Attitudes Toward Reading, Edward J. Dwyer and Valda Reed
Effects of Symbol Prompts and 3D Pavement Illusions on Motorist Yielding at Crosswalks, Nicole M. Cambridge
Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Multiple-Agent Systems and its Application in Cognitive Radio Networks, Jing Zhang
"El Despertar": A Short Spanish/English Film by Kristen Fairchild, Kristen C. Fairchild
Electricity--Electronics I: A Course of Study, Bruce Gearns
Electric Power Distribution Protective Equipment Enhancer, Kyle Brayton, Matt Hanley, and Julie D. Houck
Electroencephalographic Analysis of Avoidance Conditioning, Approach-Avoidance Conflict, and Conditioned Emotional Response in the Rat, Stephen Haynes
Electronic Clutch Actuator Test System, Andrew Vosters, Gregory Vosters, and Steven Zeigler
Electronic Medievalist Games (A Festive Workshop and Poster Session), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Electron Vacuum Tube Guitar Amplifier, Erik Widman
"Elementary" Engineering Experiences, Steven E. Butt and Tycho K. Fredericks
Elementary Movement Notation Class: Teaching Outline and Materials, Mary C. McGuinness
Elementary School Math Instruction: Can Reading Specialist Assist?, Audrey S. Heinrichs
Elementary Students' Definitions of Reading, Kathleen M. Ngandu
Elementary Teachers of Reading as Models, Mary Jane Gray and Anne Troy
Elfland Aesthetics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Eliminate Discipline Problems Through Grouping, George M. Usova
Elimination of Self-Injurious Skin-Picking in Two Retarded Female Adults Using Relaxation Training and Competing Behaviors, Douglas H. Ruben
Elizabeth I and Shakespeare, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Aglaeca: What's in a Word?, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
E-mail Reference: Another Path to Knowing, Maira Bundza
Arma: The Technology of Fighting Wars, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Beowulf and the Hêliand in Comparative Cultural Perspective, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Emblems and Visual Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Emblem Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Emergency Teaching, Ronald Sharp
Emergent Literacy: A Comparison of Formal and Informal Assessment Methods, Rebecca Harlin and Sally Lipa
Emergent Literacy: Avoiding the Plateau Effect, William T. Fagan
Emerging Theory, Method, and Practice in Medieval Archaeology, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
La corónica International Book Award: Folke Gernert, Parodia y contrafacta en la literatura románica medieval y renacentista (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Macbeth: Pre-texts, Texts, and After-Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Natura Nova: Ecocriticism and Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Employee Empowerment: A Strategic Management Initiative for the Future, Angela Kinley
EMPOWER: A Framework for Teaching and Learning with Text in High School and College Classrooms, Wayne M. Linek, Mary Beth Sampson, Michael Sampson, Kathleen A.J. Mohr, and Lois Botha
Empowering Students with Cognitive Impairments through the Implementation of Self-Determination Strategies, Laura Wolanin
Empowering the Elderly/Handicapped Learner through Computer Literacy: An Exploratory Case Study, Mari L. Fleming
The Canterbury Tales, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
The Hobbit on Its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Veniat Pax: Gerson and His Contemporaries on War and Peace, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Virumque Cano: Those Fighting Medieval Wars, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Encountering the Other in Medieval Life and Text: Sessions in Honor of John McCulloh I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Encountering the Other in Medieval Life and Text: Sessions in Honor of John McCulloh II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Encounters with information text: Perceptions and insights from four gifted readers, Dorothy Leal and Barbara Moss
Encouraging Reading/Writing Literacy with Young Children in the Home, Maria Valeri-Geld
Encouraging Recreational Reading through Book Talks, Edward J. Dwyer
Ending the Great Debate in Reading Instruction, Jon Shapiro and James Riley
Energy Management System for Solar Vehicle, Matt Belanger, Leo Wilson, and Chris Winczewski
ENGL 400, The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop: A Complete Course for Teaching College Undergraduates, Sonja R. Tack
English and America, Stephen M. Wickey
English Cistercians and English Critics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
English Department Faculty Development Forum, Beth Bradburn
Enhancing Communication Experiences, Christopher Jones
Enhancing Metacognitive Awareness of College Learners., Amelia E. El-Hindi
Enhancing Poetry Writing Through Technology: The Yin and the Yang, Sherron Killingsworth Roberts and Denise Schmidt
Enhancing Social Skills in Adolescents with High Functioning Autism using Motor-based Role-play Intervention, Sharon A. Gutman, Emily I. Raphael-Greenfield, Neal Carlson, Rachel Friedman, and Amanda Iger
Enhancing Vocabulary Growth, Dixie Lee Spiegel
Enhancing WMU Student Services through Extended University Programs, Betty D. Dennis
Enlarging the Perspective: Whole Teacher, Whole Student, Whole Reading, Dianne Hunter
Enliven History with Books, Karla Hawkins Wendelin
Enriching the Beginning Reading Program: Natural Language Technique, Janet Ross Kendall
Environmental Education in Michigan's Secondary Curriculum, Diane DuBois
Environmental Education in Middle School and High School: What are Students Learning?, Kari A. Carlin
Environmental Landscapes for Learning: A Key Resource for Creating & Developing School Communities, Keely Brent
Environmental Readings of Medieval Celtic Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Environmental Studies Across the Curriculum, Eda Koning
Eric Hoffer and the Significance of Reading, Mark E. Thompson
ERIC/RCS Report: Retrieving Information From ERIC, Rodney J. Barth
Escape Aids Sent to French POWs
ESL learners: Process writing and publishing good literature, Jane F. Rudden and Anita R. Nedeff
Essays on Spatial Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth Determinants in Developing Countries, Uwaoma George Nwaogu
Establishing a Classroom Culture, Melissa L. Schroeder
Establishing a Housing Cooperative in Kalamazoo, Christopher Moore
Establishing Guidelines For Using Readers Theater With Less-Skilled Readers, Steven D. Rinehart
Establishment Clause Jurisprudence: An Examination of the Lemon Standard, Megan Watson
Esther's Angel: A Novel, Maresha Y. Mead
Ethical Dilemmas in HIV/AIDS and Healthcare, Kurt Raffler
Ethical Views of Nursing and Pre-Medical Students on Voluntary-Assisted Euthanasia (VAE), Gaurav Chand
Ethical Views of Nursing Students on Voluntary Assisted Suicide (VAS), Amy Bowron
Ethics of a "Model" Health Care System, Amber Heath
Ethnomedicine in Health Systems of the World: A Semester at Sea Survey of Health System Usage in 11 Countries, Stephanie Schley
ETS Major Field Test in Business, Robert Balik and Judy Swisher
Et Tu, Judy Blume: Are the Books Girls Choose to Read, Sexist?, Jon Shapiro and Geraldine Snyder
European Integration and the Expansion of the European Union: Identity Formation in Europe, Aaron P. Boesenecker
Evaluating Computer Books With The Yawn Index, Ruth E. Betza
Evaluating Professional Preparation in Professional Practice, Marcia Fetters and Cathe Springsteen
Evaluating Prospective Teachers of Reading in CBTE, Richard Allington
Evaluating the Effects of Lithofacies and Thin Shales on the Lateral Distribution of Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin, Peter J. Feutz
Evaluation of Neonates for In Utero Exposures, Danielle K. Tanis
Evaluation/Testing Procedures In Reading, Elene S. Demos
Everyday Politics in Tibetan Society, Kasey Cathleen Bracken
Everyday Thoughts about Nature, William W. Cobern
Evolution of a Hero: The Nature vs. Nurture Debate in Harry Potter and His Dark Materials, Elizabeth Krolik
Evolution of Teacher Efficacy Across Generations of Health Education Candidates and Teachers, Michelle Ponzio
Examining Psychopathic Characteristics and Language Processing in a Nonclinical Population, Elizabeth Tyner
Examining the Function of Thumb-sucking and Nail-biting in Children, Adelene M.L. Siah
Examining the Research Designs and Analytical Techniques in Athletic Training from 2005-2010, Monica R. Lininger
Examining the Sensory Profiles of At-Risk Youth Participating in a Pre-employment Program, Chi-Kwan Shea and Robyn Wu
Excess and Scarcity in Malory's Morte Darthur, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Exclusive Rights: Patents & Trademarks, Michael McDonnell
Exemplary Teaching and Exemplary Teachers: A Prologue, Jeanne M. Jacobson and Suzanne F. Davis
Exercise and Accommodation: Women and Power in the Medieval Iberian and Western Mediterranean World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Exogenous Alpha-Synuclein Induces Cell Death Related Proteins in C6 Oligodendrocyte-Like Cells Corresponding to Protein Expression Observed in Multiple System Atrophy, Derrick Samuel Hilton
Expanding Children's Vocabulary, Frederick A. Duffelmeyer
Expanding Horizons, Sharon Crawley, Linda Jones McCoy, Victoria Hammett, Mary P. Deming, and Maria Valeri-Gold
Expanding Horizons, Toni S. Walters
.... EXPANDING HORIZONS .... Preschool Scrapbook Journals, Cynthia Kelly
Expanding Horizons: The Reading Bookbag To Go, Char M. Lemons
Expanding Horizons: Writing Cliffhangers, Jerry Phillips
Expanding the Reading Interests of Secondary Students, Donald C. Cushenbery
Expatriate Training, Nichole Smith
Expensive Economy, Kenneth VanderMeulen
Experiencing "Both/And-Ness": Dialectics of Interactions of International Students, Yoko Kubo
Exploratory Reading in the Secondary School, Fehl Shirley
Exploring Medieval Values in Asia Minor and South-Eastern European Geographies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Exploring Personal Experiences of Volunteer Caregivers in End-of-Life Care, Meghan Lindsay
Exploring the Factors Associated with the Standardized Test Performance Between Black and White Students, Adeya N. Richmond
Exploring the Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley and Information Compliance on Organizational Business Processes: An IT Perspective, Jason Carrigan
Exploring the Relationship Between U.K. Midwives and First-Time Mothers Receiving One-to-One vs. Standard Midwifery Care During the Postnatal Period, Danielle Matthys
Exploring the use of three level guides in elementary and middle school classrooms, Anne Crout Shelley, Nicole J. Ashley, Christy Emerson, Christi Medlock, Tammy Smith Owings, and Kelly Richardson
Exposing the Heartland: Jounreys Across America, Kevin Kane
Expository Text Structure and Student Learning, David Hays
Exposure of Nervous System Cells to Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Results in Significant Alterations in Levels of Expression of Neurotrophic Factors, Charles F. Ide, Jay C. Means, Trisha M. Basford, and John Spitsbergen
External Review of Portfolios in Preservice Teacher Education: Studying Our Own Practice., Patricia A. Scanlan and Delores E. Heiden
Extreme Makeover: Assessment Plans Edition, Katharine Cummings
Eye Movements During Reading: An Updated Bibliography (1966- ), Gloria T. Mann
Eyes of the Beholders: A Roundtable Discussion on the Monstrous, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fabrication of Printed Substrate for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Ali Eshkeiti
FAB:ulous! Family Literacy Nights: Learning to Listen to Families, Ellen Mcintyre, Hope Longwell-Grice, and Diane Kyle
Face the Future, Katherine Anderson
Fact and Fiction: Pain and Pleasure, Paul L. Maier
Fact and Fiction: Personalizing Social Studies Through the Textbook-Tradebook Connection, Maria Ceprano and Eleanor B. English
Factors Affecting the Relationship Between Listening and Reading, Shirley Olejnik
Factors Associated with teacher Knowledge of Reading at the Secondary Level, Harbans Lal Narang
Factors Related to Breastfeeding Discontinuation Between Discharge and Two Weeks Postpartum, Elizabeth Brand
Factors That Affect Labor Support Behaviors of Nurses, Samantha Jean Barrett
Facts and Fiction about Language 'Skills', Victor Froese
Fahrenheit 451: A Teacher's Guide, Jaclyn Shurmack
Faith and Certainty: Augustine and Aquinas on the Adequacy of Faith in Understanding God in This Life, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Faithful Remembering: Constructing Dutch America in the Twentieth Century, David E. Zwart
False Prerequisites in Learning to Read, Marie Carducci-Bolchazy
Fame! Exploring Reputation, Rumor, and Historical Legacy in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Family Members as Partners in an After-School and Summer Literacy Program, Teresa B. Jayroe and Devon Brenner
Farmland Preservation in the United States: Concentration on Programs in Michigan, Sarah Wieland
Fathers' and Mothers' Book Selection Preferences for Their Four Year Old Children Abstract, Jim Anderson, Ann Anderson, Jon Shapiro, and Jacqueline Lynch
FDI Transmission to a Third Developing Country Through the Remittances Channel, Ibrahim Hamdy Sheta
Feasibility of a Single European Currency Unit, Marrey C. Cannon
Feasibility Study for Spencer Inc., Joe Spencer
Feast and Famine: Abundance, Scarcity, and Power in the Medieval World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Feelings About Books, Louis Foley
Female Agency in Reaching God, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Femmes de pouvoir, femmes politiques durante les derniers siecles du Moyen Age et au cours de la premiere Renaissance, Elena Woodacre
Fernán Pérez de Guzmán: The Historian, the Poet, and His Times, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fiction and Non-Fiction on the Subject of AIDS for Children and Young Adults, Anne Louise Lape
Field Based Teacher Education Promise or Problem, Mary Jane Gray
Fifteenth-Century English History and Culture, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fifty Years after Lynn White's Medieval Technology and Social Change (1962) III: The Mechanical Revolution, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fifty Years after Lynn White's Medieval Technology and Social Change (1962) II: The Agricultural Revolution, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fifty Years after Lynn White's Medieval Technology and Social Change (1962) I: Military-Technical Revolutions, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fighting AIDS with Holistic Weapons: An Integrated Approach, Tom Goodwin
Fighting for Mr. Kush, Megan C. Weeks
Figurative Language: How is it Used in Basal Readings?, Maria Valeri and Edwin H. Smith
Filling In the Gaps? Considering the Contribution of Digital Modeling and Virtual Reconstruction in Research, Teaching, and Heritage Interpretation (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Finding the Spark: Upton Sinclair's Attempt to Effect Social Change in The Jungle and The Goose-Step, Melissa A. Walker
FindIt@WMU, George Boston
Find That Upper Room... If You Can Get There, Joel Fisher
Fingerpoint-Reading and Beyond: Learning About Print Strategies (LAPS), D. Ray Reutzel
First-Aid for Troubled Readers, William S. O'Bruba
First American POWs in Germany
First Forbidden Book, Mary Schmich
First-Generation, African American Students' Experiences of Persisting at a Predominantly White Liberal Arts College, Candy S. McCorkle
First Things First, David Dynak
First World War POW Images: "American POWs Disembark Train in Switzerland"
Five Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary As a Process, Nancy L. Hadaway and Viola Florez
Five Supreme Court Cases Everyone Should Know, Ann K. Vaught
Flexibility: A Key Element for Reading and Study Skills Specialists, Mark E. Thompson
Flexibility Yes. Speed No., Homer L.J. Carter
Flexible Electrical and Software Programmable Transceivers for Wireless Communications (FEAST II), Mike Ellinger, James Etters, and Eric Juntunen
Flight Test Methods Design, Matthew Mandziuk, Stephen Yurk, and Martin Grashik
Fluency in Children's Writing, V. Andree Bayliss
Fluorescence-Based Organophosphorus Pesticide Detection, Brigitte J. Engelmann
Flutes, Festivities, and Fragmented Tradition: A Study of the Meaning of Music in Otavalo, Brenna C. Halpin
Focus on the Learner, Sara R. Swickard
Following Certain Traces: Gene Vance (An Emory Memorial Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Follow the Leader: Exploring the Communication of Opinion Leadership within the Black Community, Stephen A. Spates
Follow-up Evaluation of Treatment Integrity for a Stimulus-Stimulus Pairing Procedure on Vocal Behavior in Children Diagnosed with Autism, Eleanor R. Giles
Food Selectivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Associated Factors and Impact on the Family Mealtime Experience, Michelle A. Suarez
Footnotes, Issue 10, Fall 2011, Department of English
Footnotes, Issue 11, Spring-Summer 2012, Department of English
Footnotes, Issue 1, Spring 2008, Department of English
Footnotes, Issue 2, Fall 2008, Department of English
Footnotes, Issue 3, Spring 2009, Department of English
Footnotes, Issue 4, Fall 2009, Department of English
Footnotes, Issue 6, Fall 2010, Department of English
Footnotes, Issue 7, Nov.-Dec. 2010, Department of English
Footnotes, Issue 8, Jan.-Feb. 2011, Department of English
Footnotes, Issue 9, Spring-Summer 2011, Department of English
Foreign Direct Investment in Italy 2000-2010: Spatial Patterns and Implications, Enzo Crescentini
Fortunate Choices: A Friends' Personality, Gordon Eriksen
Fostering a Healthy Self Image in the Young Child, Carolyn Houdek
Fostering Multi-Cultural Awareness: Books for Young Children, Doris Walker-Dalhouse
Foundations in Assessment, Mary Allen
Foundations, Re-foundations, and Failed Foundations: The Challenges of Establishing a Monastic Community, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Four Strategies for Teaching Reading in Content Areas, R. Baird Shuman
Fourteenth-Century France, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fourteenth Century Normans in West Africa, Kaye Louise Centers
Fraudulent Politics and Joe Louis: 1935-1940, Robert W. LaBre
Freedom to Learn, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Free Press vs. Fair Trial: The Televising of Courtroom Proceedings, Michael S. Straubel
French and Belgian Prisoners-of-War in Germany
French and North African POWs in a German Prison Camp
French Civilian Internees from Lorraine
French Cultural Traditions in Italy (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
French Hostages at Zosle in Lithuania
French Hostages in Their Barracks at Szczuezyn in Lithuania
French Internee Camp at Milejgany in Lithuania
French Secret Code in POW Correspondence
Friends' Annual Meeting, Laurel A. Grotzinger
Friends at Work and Play, Mary Ann Bowman
Friends in Need, Sharon Carlson
From A to Z: Using Alphabet Books as an instructional Tool with Older Readers, Gerry A. Coffman and Judy Jackson Spohn
From Basal Reader to Whole Language: Transition Tactics, Pamela J. Farris
From Mankind to Marlowe and Back Again: Growth of Scholarship in the Popular Drama of Tudor England in the Age of Bevington, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
From McGuffey Readers to Taking Notes on the Sermon: Literacy Experiences in a Catholic Home Schooling Group, Jennifer L. Altieri Ph.D.
From Seeking to Finding: A Friends' Personality, Gordon Eriksen
From the Dojang to the Dance Floor: Does Practicing the Art of Tae Kwon Do Improve Dance Skills?, Nichole J. Nelson
From the Editor, Allison L. Baer
From the Editor, Karen F. Thomas
From the Editor, Karen F. Thomas
From Theory to Practice: A Comparative Case Study on Process Education in the Undergraduate Classroom, Holly Zimmerman
From Theory to Practice: Incorporating Philosophies of Teaching English into a Comprehensive Unit Plan, Nicole Smith
From the Page to the Mind, Louis Foley
From the Ship-of-the-Line to the Ironclad: The Evolution of the Royal Navy from 1815-1870, Matthew Henderson Elder IV
From University to Classrooms: A Preservice Teachers' Writing Portfolio Program and its Impact on Instruction in Teaching Strategies for Writing Portfolios in the Classroom, William Bintz and Mary Shake
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.47 no.2 2011
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.48 no.1 2012
Fuck Me: On Never Letting Go (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Fuck This: On Finally Letting Go (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Full-Text! As Far as the Eye Can See, Randle Gedeon
Functional Annotation of Aromatic Amino Acide Biosynthesis-related Genes in Nannochloropsis Oceanica, Teresa J. Clark
Fundamental Principles Underlying Good Teaching of Reading, Gwen Horsman
Futility, Robert Meacham
Future Teachers Look at Reading Instruction, Dolores Warner
Game Books for Reading Instruction, Carol J. Hopkins and Alden J. Moe
Game-Playing, Storytelling, and Manuscripts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Games at Court, Medieval and Neo-medieval, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Games Medieval Authors Play, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Games Played in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gaming in the Libraries, Maira Bundza
Gardens and Nature in Medieval Italy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gardens and Social Space in Medieval Spain, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gaspara Stampa, The Complete Poems: The 1554 Edition of the "Rime," a Bilingual Edition, Amanda G. Madden
Gastarbeiter, Beur, Immigrant: Immigration, Integration and Identity in Post-war Western European Film, Bethany Erin Nufer
Gate Cottage: A Study and Proposal for Use, Kristin Gifford
Gatherings No. 46 Fall 2011/Spring 2012, Friends of the University Libraries
Gauging Political Success as a Function of Operational Theory: A Comparison of the Civil Rights and Roma Rights Movements, James Whitesides
Gawain and Middle English Romance, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gazelle Sports Information Entry and Reporting Database: Using System Analysis and Design Techniques, Jennifer Knierim
Gender and cultural differences: A sociocognitive perspective on parent involvement in students' autobiographies, Janine A. Kaste
Gender and Sexuality in the Literature of the Iberian Peninsula, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender and the Boundaries of National Identity: U.S. Women as a Citizen Class in the Long 1960s, Sara Bijani
Gender and Voice, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender Bias in Education: Do Girls and Boys Receive Equal Treatment in the Classroom?, Kelly McIlvain
Gender Differences in the Aviation Flight Science Program: A Study of Performance, Lisa Whittaker
Gender, Epistemology, and Education: An Exploration of the Knowledge Construction of Female and Male Pupils, Joyce E. Many, Francis Howard, Melanie J. Cardell, and Geoff Lewis
Gender Politics: The Effects of Gender Socialization on the Political Participation of Women, Elizabeth A. Rhein
Gender, Sexuality, and Disability, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gender Stratification in Adolescent Comic Books, Carolyn Krupp
General Education Assessment, Mary Allen
Generating Response To Literature With At-Risk Third Grade Students, Kathy Everts Danielson and Patty Tighe
Generation of hydrogen Gas from Water Using Well-defined Metallic nanoparticles at Semiconductor Interfaces, Liyana Wajira A. Ariyadasa
Generation of Tanapoxvirus Ankyrin Repeat Gene Deletion Mutant for Evaluating its Role in Cell Tropism, Yogesh Suryawanshi
Generativity and the Emily Trilogy, Ellen M. Wagenfeld
Genetics and Cancer: The ras oncogene, James R. Bray
"Genius," F.W. Myers, and "The Autobiography of William Butler Yeats:" An Interpretation, Joseph VanderMeulen
German and Austrian Prison Camp Money, Anonymous
German and Austrian Prison Camp Money, Anonymous
German Crucification of a Canadian POW Memorial
Germanic Languages and Literatures of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
German Translation of French Secret Code
German Unification: Its Psychological Impact Upon the East German People, Mark Wolfgram
Germany and European Monetary Union, Mohd Puzi Mohamed
Germany and the Crusading Movement, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gestalt Theory and Reading, Homer L.J. Carter
Get a GRIP on Comprehension, Paul M. Hollingsworth and D. Ray Reutzel
Get in the Game! Creating a Winning Environment through 'Other-Oriented' Communication, Amanda R. Bellino
Getting It Together, Kenneth VanderMeulen
Getting Started in the Fall: Organized Reading Instruction, James F. Baumann
Getting to the Point: The Dart-Arrow Transition in Plum Bayou Culture, Kendra Pyle
Ghost2, Matthew Klepac
Gifted Reading Programs: Uncovering the Hidden Potential, Patricia Alexander and Joseph A. Muia
Gifting Books and Places, Susan M B Steuer
Gifting the Libraries, Laurel Grotzinger
Gifts and Gift Exchange in the Later Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Girls in Motion: World War I as a Catalyst for Change in the Cultural and Fictive Landscape of American Girlhood, Emily Honey
Girls, Mothers and Others: Female Representation in the Adolescent Fantasy of J.K. Rowling, Philip Pullman, and Terry Pratchett, Jeanne Hoeker LaHaie
Girls Reading About Girls: An Exploration of Girls' Views on Young Adult Literature, Kristin Koski
Giving Effective Feedback to Tour Guides in a University Tour Office, Jennifer K. Rudowske
Giving Our Children an Opportunity to Learn, Shasta A. Waller
Global Connections—Online!, Maira Bundza
Global Corporations: Their Role, Impact, and Responsibilities to Society, Danielle R. Hidalgo
Global Financial Crimes: An Overview and Analysis of Money Laundering in Latin America, Emily Hawrysz
Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory of Western Michigan University, Rachel Farabaugh
Globalization in Education: Striving for Peace through Artistic Expression in the Classroom, Kara N. Engel
Gluten-Free Guide for College Students, Amy M. Bobalik
Good Readers and Their Reading Strategies, Mary Jane Gray and Marion Henneberry
"Gora Euskadi" versus "Visca Catalunya:" The Role of Political Graffiti in Basque and Catalonian Nationalism, Rebecca B. Verreau
Goscelin of Saint-Bertin, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Gower and Translation, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Grades four and eight students' and teachers' perceptions of girls' and boys' writing competencies, Shelley Peterson
Graduate Study in Reading, Homer L.J. Carter
Graduating Presentation Concert, Ryan Schmidt
Grammar With Grace, Louis Foley
Grand Ambitions: The Effects of the 'Develop the West Plan' on Tibet, Jaime LeBlanc-Hadley
Grandma's Gift: A Story About a Quilt, Jennifer Taylor
Graphing as a Reading Skill, Don Deresz and Grover C. Mattewson
Gravity Modeling of a Patch Reef in Allegan County, Michigan, Mei Leng Wong
Great Books for Late Summer Reading, Terrell A. Young and Barbara A. Ward
Green Lumber, An Introduction to Failure, John Brewster
Group Photograph of First American POWs Incarcerated in Germany
Growing Up with the Middle Ages: The Influences upon Children’s Ideas about the Medieval World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Growth for Citizenship, Winifred Winn
Growth for the Sake of Growth: The Mismanagement of NASCAR, David G. Beach
Guatemala: The Relevance of Traditional Education in a Rural Setting of a Developing Nation, Monika Stoldt
Guest Editorial, Joyce Hamrick
Guest Editorial: Message to Publishers--We Need Expanded Role Models in Reading Materials, Kathryn P. Scott
Guest Editorial: The Elderly Reader of the Future--Need We Be Concerned?, Richard D. Robinson and Anne Marie Bernazza Haase
Guidelines for Alternative Spring Break, Christopher A. Meyer
Guiding Illiterate Parents in Assistning their Children in Emergent Literacy, Pamela J. Farris and Mary R. Denner
Gypsies: A Forgotten People, Sandra Ballman-Burke
Hafiz, Sufism, and Islam in the Fourteenth Century, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Half Full?, Joseph G. Reish
Hardy Carroll: "Gladly Wolde He Learne...and Gladly Teach", Laurel A. Grotzinger
Harvard Cowboys: The Role of Silas Weir Mitchell's Creative Works in Defining Western-Style American Masculinity, Becky De Oliveira
Has Anyone Seen Melvin?, Emma Jane Marek
Have Good Readers--Will Go Places, Joan Paul
Haworth College of Business: Student Leadership Advisory Board, Jan Gabel-Goes
Heads Up, Delwyn G. Schubert
Health and Healing in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Healthy Behaviors in Health Care Profession Students, Tena Hoekstra
Healthy Sexual Expression, Shelley Worden
Hell Studies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Help for the "Fourth-Grade Slump"—SRQ2R Plus Instruction in Text Structure or Main Idea., Michael L. Walker
Help for the Mobile Student, Linda Mixon Clary
Helping Children Construct Meaning: Comprehension Strategies that Work!, Barbara Johnson
Helping Children Develop Reading Competency for the Twenty-First Century, Donald C. Cushenbery
Helping Parents Help Their Children, Linda M. Clary
Helping Parents To Select and Evaluate Private Reading/Learning Centers, Norman A. Stahl and William A. Henk
Helping Students Understand Complicated Sentences, Kathleen C. Stevens
Helping to Learn: Components and Principles of Reading Recovery Training, Noel K. Jones
Helping Young Readers: A Teacher's Talk for Parents, Jill Fitzgerald
Help Them to Speak, Write, and Listen--They'll Be Better Readers, Linda Jean Lehnert
Help Wanted: Seven Year Old Boy Fears Failure In Reading; Won't Try. Apply: Anywhere School, Joan Claire Gordon
Henry Flamethrowa, Courtney Yoder
Herbs and Healing from the Ancient Mediterranean through the Medieval West: Papers in Honor of John M. Riddle I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Herbs and Healing, from the Ancient Mediterranean through the Medieval West: Papers in Honor of John M. Riddle II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Heroes and Demons: A Study of Humanity through the Works of Jacques-Louis David and Francisco de Goya, Kurt D. Johnson
Heroes and Villains in the High Middle Ages., Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hexavalent Chromium in the Pine River and Horse Creek, Alma, MI: A Scientific Study and Analysis, Heather E. Gott
Hidden in the Memories: Examining Military Ethics and United States Activity in Cambodia During the Vietnam War, Kathryn Ann Pinter
Higher Education Leadership in American Geography: Restrospect and Prospect, Michael S. DeVivo
Higher for Hire: A Business Plan for Amphibious Air Charter Operations in Michigan, Joel Gibbons
High in Protean Content: Chivalry and Its Transformations, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
High School Discipline Problems and Reading Disability, George M. Usova
High School Remedial Reading or Blood, Sweat, and Tears?, Robert Sandell
Hildegard of Bingen: Bridges to Infinity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hildegard of Bingen's Visionary Theology as Expressed in the Chants for Saint Ursula and Her Companions (A Lecture Recital), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hirabayashi and Korematsu: The Stone Court's Double-Edged Sword, Thomas Seilheimer
His "Infinite Variety", Gordon Eriksen
Historical Awareness and Memorial in the Anglo-Norman World II: Paths of History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Historical Awareness and Memorial in the Anglo-Norman World I: Paths of Memory, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Historical Object Research: From a Chair to a Story, Emily Neilan
Historical Referentiality in E.L. Doctorow's The Book of Daniel and Ragtime, Hanan Hashem Aly
Historiographies of Feeling (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Historiography in India: A Study of the Muslims as the First Historiographers in India, Judith L. Clawson
History in the Present—I, Maria A. Perez-Stable
History in the Present—II, Maria A. Perez-Stable
HIV/AIDS Coverage in the Daily Nation Newspaper: A Mixed Methods Content Analysis to Inform Health Promotion and HIV Prevention in Kenya, Shannon Locke McMorrow
Holistic Analysis of Basal Readers: An Assessment Tool, Arne E. Sippola
Home Schooling laws of the Fifty States in America: A New Ranking System, Jamie A. Dye
Home Series, Joel Fisher and Ricardo de Sousa Costa
Homosexuality and the United States Supreme Court, Mary Elizabeth Crawford
Honoring Foremothers in Medieval Feminist Publishing: University of Pennsylvania's Jerry Singerman and Ruth M. Karras I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Honoring Foremothers in Medieval Feminist Publishing: University of Pennsylvania’s Jerry Singerman and Ruth M. Karras II: Today’s Issues in Feminist Publishing (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Hope, Elba Marcell Rivera Rodriguez
Horizons of Reading Education: Attacking the Problem of the Adult Learner, William L. Holladay
Horizons of Reading Education: Self-Image and the Disabled Reader, William L. Holladay
House Biographies: A Manual for the Research and Interpretation of Historic Homes, Nancy L. Sizer
How Can We Use What We Know About Questioning Skills to Develop Literate Thinkers?, Bonnie B. Thomas
How Disabled Readers Try to Remember Words, Catherine Morsink, Donald P. Cross, and Jane Strickler
How Johnny Can't Learn, Howard G. Ball
How Parents Perceptions of Literacy Acquisition Relate To Their Children's Emerging Literacy Knowledge, Jim Anderson
How Preservice Teachers Perceive Traditional and Competency-Based Reading Education, Richard T. Vacca and John L. Johns
How Should Competency-Based Instruction Be Used in College Reading Courses?, Wilma H. Miller
How Students Make Book Choices, Karla Hawkins Wendelin and R Ann Zinck
How the Historian Got His Reputation: The Transmission of Categories in Interpretations of Ibn Khaldun, Indira Falk
How to Avoid Being Tyrannized by Readability Formulas, Betty M. Davenport and Judith F. Phillips
How to be a Highly Effective First-Year Teacher: Learning from Others and Being Prepared, Terri R. Bentley
How to Effectively Teach a Diverse Classroom: Success for All Students, Kristin Barterian
How to Save a Life, Erica Nicole Dinino
How to Say Yes to Assessment: Breaking Down Barriers, David S. Reinhold
How well are you Organized to Deliver and Evaluate the Learning that you Value?, Marilee J. Bresciani
Human-Computer Interface, Input from Novice Users, Christin L. Clayborn
Humanism in Teaching, Kenneth VanderMeulen
Hydrophobicity of Polymer on Precipitation Inhibition of Poorly Soluble Drug, Maureen McGlinchey
Hypothesizing about Reading Recovery, Michael F. Opitz
Identifying and Educating Low-Literate Adults, Susan Davis and Sheila Diaz
Identifying Mechanisms of Change: Utilizing Single-Participant Methodology to Better Understand Behavior Therapy for Youth Depression, Andrew R. Riley
Identifying the Basic Elements of Critical Reading, Thomas R. Schnell
Identity and Material Culture at the Frontier: An Archaeological Perspective, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Ideological Domination: Assyrian Palace Wall Reliefs, Ashley M. Deming
Ideology and Memory of the Crusades, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
ID Hysteria Says More About Some People's Freudian 'ID' than About Science, William W. Cobern
If They Talk When You Say "Listen!" And Won't Talk When You Say "Discuss!" Read!, Patricia M. Cunningham
Ignition System Learning Aid, Patrick Shea
Ihling Brothers Everard: Documenters of Business, Sharon Carlson
Illiteracy and Dropouts, Homer L.J. Carter
Illiteracy in the United States, Stephen Eric Kyle
Illustrations, Text, and the Child Reader: What are Pictures in Children's Storybooks for?, Zhihui Fang
Illustrative Aids Improve Reading, Thomas E. Skruggs and Margo A. Mastropieri
Image Restoration and the "Black Sox" Scandal of 1919: Corrective Action as an Ideal Image Restoration Model for Professional Baseball, Zachary J. Walsh
Imaginary Jews in Pre-Conquest England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Imagining the Crusades in the Nineteenth Century, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Imagining Women in U.S. Politics: The Problem of Sisterhood in the Long 1960s, Sara Bijani
Immigration from India: A Focus on Sikhs to Michigan, Laurie Frazier
Impediments to the Improvement of National Administration and Public Management in Developing Nations, Mursi S. Abubaker
Implementing a Campus Wide Universal Student Event Calendar, Chris Sligh
Implementing a Holistic Reading Series In First Grade: Experiences With A Conversation Group, Martha Combs
Implementing Content Management Solutions for Nonprofits, Joseph Harder
Implications for Nursing Involvement in Health Care Reform: An International Comparison, Erin McCuen
Implications from Psycholinguistics for Secondary Reading, W. John Harker
Implications of Piagetian Theory for Correlating Art and Reading, Barbara C. Palmer, Nancy A. Frederick, and Lawrence E. Hafner
Important Insights into the Reading of Social Studies Text, James A. Wright
Imprisoning Medieval Women: The Non-Judicial Confinement and Abduction of Women in England, c. 1170-1509, Lizabeth J. Johnson
Improved Self-Confidence and Conceptual Understanding Through Students' Use of Graphing Technology in the Middle School Mathematics Classroom, Brian Bierenga
Improving Mediation Training for University Resident Assistants, Nicole J. Postma
Improving Parental Involvement in Children's Literacy, Kathy Everts Danielson
Improving Server Performance in a Fine Dining Establishment through Checklists, Feedback, and Training, Kara Rosso
Improving Students' Comprehension of Character Development in Plays, Claire Ashby-Davis
Improving Textbook Learning with S4R: A Strategy for Teachers, Not Students, Elton G. Stetson
Improving the Campus Sustainability Assessment Process, Andrew Nixon
Improving the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Textbook Selection Procedures: A Smorgasbord of Suggestions and Strategies, Jeanne Shay Schumm and Martha Doucette
Improving the Reading Comprehension Skills of Poor Readers, J. Lloyd Eldredge
Improving Truck Processing Productivity Through Project Teamwork, John Clark
I'm the Same Me: Communication and Renegotiation of Identity in the Weight-Loss Surgery Experiences of Women, Heather D. Schild
In and Out of the Marital Bed: Seeing Sex in Renaissance Europe, Sally A. Livingston
Inaugural Issue (Spring 2012): Full Issue
In a Word, Philology: Etymology, Lexicography, Semantics, and More in Germanic, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Celebration of the Yale Edward III (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Incite, In Mind, Ashley M. Deran
Including All Students Within a Community of Learners, Curt Dudley-Marling and Susan Stires
Incorporating Hatha Yoga Into a Holistic Practice of Psychotherapy, Karen Anne Campbell
Incorporating Hispanic Culture into a Secondary Instrumental Classroom, Alexander Armstead
Incorporating Technology in the Classroom: Practical Pedagogy, Sara Wachtmann
Increase Awareness of and Participation in the Food & CPG Program at WMU, Brendon L. Steiner
Increasing Attendance at Voluntary Academic Tutoring Sessions on a Large University, Meghan Sadler
Increasing Communication Between Administrators and Reading Personnel, Thomas P. Fitzgerald
Increasing Students' Achievement and Interest in Reading, Gary P. Moser and Timothy G. Morrison
Increasing the Communicative Assertiveness of Two Autistic Boys, Teresa Hayden
Increasing the Educational Effectiveness of a Graduate Practicum and Intervention Strategies in Human Service Settings, Valerie Kaye
Increasing the Effectiveness of the Reading Aide: A Guide for Teachers, Nancy A. Anderson
Increasing the Use of Injury Reduction Techniques in a Hospital Operating Room, Thomas R. Cunningham
In Defense of a K-12 Reading Perspective, Earl H. Cheek Jr., Jimmy D. Lindsey, Adele D. Rutland, and Theresa S. Doyle
In Defense of Bookworms, David Isaacson
In Defense of Film Art: The Effects of Digital Media on Narrative, Live-Action Film, Scott Williams
In Defense of Realism: It Really Is Commonsense, William W. Cobern and Cathleen C. Loving
Independent Cloze Activities for Increasing Sight Vocabulary, Anne M. Ferguson
Individualized Reading In a University Course, Marilyn Winzenz and David Winzenz
Individualized Vocabulary Instruction in Developmental Reading, Loren C. Thompson and Alan M. Frager
Individual Rights and Their Progression from States to the Federal Government: A Case Study of the Disability Rights Movement, Sarah M. Riley
Induction of Hepatic Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase by Glucose, Alison J. Holmes
Inefficient National Political Parties in Brazil and the Effects on Economic Policy, Jason Sullivan
Inertial Navigation System, Michael Calabrese Jr., David Engblom, and Aaron Fleckenstein
Inertial Navigation System (INS) for a 2-Dimensional Field, Raheel A. Chaudhry, Li Hsien Chen, and Voon Ping Teng
Inferential Aspects of the Cloze Task, Michael C. McKenna
Infertility in America: The Convergence of American Cultural Norms and the Technology of Assisted Reproduction, Amanda Rose
Influence or Interchange? Vernacular and Scholarly Cultures, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Influences: A Collaborative Dance Concert, Christina Maley
Informal Children's Literature Inventory: Test Yourself, Karla Hawkins Wendelin
Informal Reading Inventory Comprehension Questions: Are Classification Schemes Valid?, Rosie Webb Joels and Betty Anderson
Information Literacy: A Movable Feast, Michele D. Behr
Information Literacy and Hypermedia, Lance Query
Information Literacy: On Our Way, Judith M. Arnold
Information Literacy—Revisited, Lance Query
Informed Decision-Making Tool for Selecting Optimal Bridge Construction Method, Abdul Wahed Mohammed
Infusing Writing Activities Into College Reading, Laureen C. Cate and Charles E. Heermann
In Honor of E. Ann Matter II: Transforming the Map of Gender and Bodies, Medieval to Modern (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of E. Ann Matter I: The Writings, Revelations, and Reception of Italian Women Mystics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of Sherry Reames III: Saints as Students and Teachers, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of Sherry Reames II: The Legenda aurea and Its Visual Narratives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of Sherry Reames I: The Legenda aurea and Its Written Narratives, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of Thomas Cable: Messy Linguistics: Metrics, Markers, and Morphology, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of Thomas F. X. Noble I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of Thomas F. X. Noble II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Honor of Thomas F. X. Noble III, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Initiating Assessment of Student Needs in Content Areas, Jerry L. Johns
Injury-Induced Degeneration and Regeneration of the Adult Zebrafish Olfactory System Affections Morphology, Function, and behavior, Taylor R. Paskin
Injury-Induced Degeneration and Regeneration of the Adult Zebrafish Olfactory System Affects Morphology, Function, and Behavior, Taylor R. Paskin
Inkjet Printability of Electronic Materials Important to the Manufacture of Fully Printed OTFTs, Sooman Lim
In Memoriam-Homer L.J. Carter, Dorothy J. McGinnis
In Memoriam, J.F.K., Charles Allen Smith
Innovative Assignments from the Chaucer Classroom (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Inquiry, Fall 2011, Office of Vice President for Research
Inquiry: How it Functions in the Upper Elementary Classroom, Jessica Burris
Inquiry into Reading Assessment: Teachers' Perceptions of Effective Practices, Mary B. Campbell
Inquiry into Reading Assessment: Teachers' Perceptions of Effective Practices, Mary B. Campbell
In-Service Reading Programs: Are They Relevant?, Nicholas P. Criscuolo
Inspired by Sherry Reames (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Instant Messaging Reference by Students, Kate Langan
Instituting Whole Language: Teacher Power and Practice, Karen F. Thomas and Steven D. Rinehart
Instructional Cloze: Confronting Some Common Concerns, Nancy Lee Cecil
Instructional Cloze Procedures: Rationale, Framework, and Examples, William J. Valmont
Instructional Practices Which Contribute to Sight Vocabulary Deficits, Carl Braun
Instructional Problems in Reading as Viewed by the Teacher and by Her Administrators
Instructional Strategies for Implementing a Reading for Meaning Approach, Elaine G. Wangberg
Instruction in Elementary Reading Methods Courses: Faculty Orientations and Strategy Use, Judy A. Bryant and Judy M. Wedman
Instruction Meets Learner: Success of an Inner-City Learner in a Traditional First Grade Classroom, Ellen McIntyre
Insular Perspectives I: Anglo-Saxon Elements in Medieval Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Insular Perspectives II: Chaucer and the Pearl-Poet, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Insular Perspectives III: English Affiliations, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Integrated Democratic Education: Dream to Change the World, Crystalyn J. Gusse
Integrated Supply Matrix Management "Success is up to You", Jill Ann Marske
Integrating African- American Literature in the Elementary Social Studies Classroom, Loraine Moses Stewart
Integrating Art and Literature Through Multicultural Studies: Focusing on Native American Sioux Culture., Barbara Erwin, Pat Smith Hopper, and Marcia Kauffman
Integrating Depositional Facies and Stratigraphy in Characterizing Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs: Trenton Group of the Albion-Scipio Trend, Michigan, Marcel R. Robinson
Integrating Diverse Backgrounds to the Aviation Program, Gail Y. Rouscher
Integrating Language Activities into Reading Instruction, Dixie D. Sanger, Sheldon L. Stick, and Una A. Lange
Integrating Reading And Writing Lessons, Diana Scott and Carolyn L. Piazza
Integrating Reading and Writing: The DRWA, Elizabeth H. Saikey and Margaret A. Cagney
Integrating Technology in Middle School Mathematics, Lindsay J. Akers
Integrating Technology in Middle School Mathematics, Diane Rogers
Integrating Technology in the Elementary Classroom, Mark Raffler
Integrating the ESL Reader into the American College Classroom, Suzanne L. Bunkers
Integrating the Language Arts for Primary-Age Disabled Readers, Robert F. Busch and Patricia W. Jenkins
Intellectual Disability in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Interactive Bibliotherapy as an Innovative Inservice Practice: A Focus on the Inclusive Setting, Cynthia M. Morawski and Jenelle Gilbert
Interactive Children's Literature: MovingFrom Print to Electronic Literacy, Dennis M. Adams
Interior of a French Barracks in an Unidentified German Prison Camp
Interior of Grain Facility Which Housed French Hostages at Milejgany in Lithuania
Internal Controls in a Data Base Environment, Bruce West
Internal Motivation and Feelings of College Students in the Developmental Program, Anne M. Ferguson and Joe Bitner
International Business Culture: A Comparative Guide to International Business Culture Through Higher Education, Cristin McCurley
Interpreting and Implementing English Language Arts State Standards/Expectations in Secondary Classrooms, Amanda Stearns-Pfeiffer
Intersection: BFA Graduating Presentation in Dance, Corey K. Yarnell
Intersections III: Women's Texts and Contexts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Intersections II: Medieval Women's Spirituality in Conversation with Feminist Theory and Theology, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Intersections I: Women outside Traditions, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
In Their Own Words: The Lived Experiences of Unemployed African American Men, Kenlana R. Ferguson
Intonation in Oral Reading and Reading Comprehension, Andrea Karlin
Into the Zone: An Analysis and Synthesis of Postmodern Literature, Tim Newell
In Utero and Postpartum Effects of Smoking: A Closer Look at How Smoking Affects Breast Milk and the Nutritional Status of Mothers and Newborns, Natalie Martinez
Inventory Ordering Decisions Over the Product Life Cycle, Matthew J. Seiler
Investigating Inferences: Constructing Meaning From Expository Texts, Mary C. McMackin and Suenita Lawrence
Investigating Partisanship in a Nonpartisan Election: The Michigan Supreme Court, 2008, Thomas B. Kent
Investigating the Antipunishing Effects of Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in Pigeons, Lisa Jorgensen
Investigating the Biochemical Activity of Some Flavonoids, Coumarins and Modified Gold-Nanoparticles as Anti-Breast-Cancer Agents, Amr Ezzat Mohamed Mahmoud
Investigating the Support for Algebraic Thinking in the Math Trailblazers Elementary Curriculum, James L. Kratky
Investigation of the Environmental Fate of Selected Materials, Kristi Ostling
Investigation of the Mechanism of Silver Sensitized Photopolymerization of Styrene, Mary Karen Gleason
Investigations of Parallel Implementations of Boltzmann Machines, Bruce Benson Tesar
Irish Immigration to Southwest Michigan: Why and Where, Halley L. Stevens
Irish Literature, Legend, and Lore: Recovering the Theology of Secular and Spiritual Texts, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Iroquois Women: Revaluating the Paradigm, Kendra Eleanore Gates
Is It Just Me, Or Are There Other Parents and Teachers Out There Confused About SOL Reading Assessments?, William P. Bintz
Is It New?, Hazel Askin
Is Lip Movement Really So Bad?, Blanche Phyllis Zink
Issues and Trends: IRA National Conventions, 1962-1977, Kathleen M. Ngandu
Is the History of the English Language Undertheorized?, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Is the Influence of Psycholinguistic Research Evident in Preservice Teachers' Views of the Reading Process?, Mary Jane Gray
Is the PDA Ubiquitous? A Contemporary Look at PDA Use in Southwest Michigan, Mandy Lentz
Italian Art and the Confluence of Cultures I: Early Medieval Art in Italy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Italian Art and the Confluence of Cultures III: The Art of Islands and Islets, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Italian Art and the Confluence of Cultures II: “Latin” and “Greek” Visual Cultures on the Italian Peninsula, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Italian Art and the Confluence of Cultures IV: Cross-Cultural Exchanges within and beyond the Peninsula, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Italian Cities and Their Saints, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Italian Medievalisms in Contemporary Poetry, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
It Doesn't Look Right, Louis Foley
It Happened at the Fair, Denise Wolber
I Was a Less Able Reader: What Concert Choir Taught Me About Reading Instruction, Andrew Johnson
James J. Paxson Memorial Sessions I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
James J. Paxson Memorial Sessions II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
James J. Paxson Memorial Sessions III, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Jamie Lee Kakes: A Bakery Business Plan, Jamie Koyl
Japanese and American Approaches to Environmental Policy, Alison Case
Japanese Rice Politics, Dora L. Hanna
Jennifer and the Jungle: A Picture Book Story, Karen Smathers
Jet Equivalency Training Course Completion, Garrett R. Heinz
Jewish-Christian Studies I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Jewish-Christian Studies II: Egypt, Reality and Symbol, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Joan of Arc at 600 I: American Joans, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Joan of Arc at 600 II: In Her Own Time, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Job Aids to Improve Association for Behavior Analysis Convention Scheduling, Robert J. Schnarrs
Job Satisfaction and Positive Reinforcement: A Literature Review and Case Study, Annette M. Sejat
John Irving, Feminist Theory and Male Spirituality: Father and Son Dynamics, Kathryn R. White
Joystick Controller Conversion Kit for Child's Electric Vehicle, Tonya Cunningham, Kim Ehrlich, Vincent Woods, and Robb Yeager
Junior College Reading Problems, Terri Bruce
Justice, Law, and Christine, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Justice, Law, and Literature in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Just Who is the "Mistaken Purist"?, Louis Foley
Kalamazoo Academy of Dance: Architectural Programming and Interior Design, Caroline Frances DeWick
Kalamazoo Center for Autism, Kirsten Strauss
Kalamazoo County Small Claims Court Survey, 1971-1972, Robert Dale Wyman
Kalamazoo: The Performance, the Power, the Product, the Place, Lindsay Karthen
Karl der Große and Märendichtung: Lives, Chronicles, Legends, Chansons de Geste, Epics, Novellas, Meisterlieder, Drama, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Karlsruhe to Kalamazoo: The Krawutschke Chronicle, Gordon Eriksen
Keats and the Existential Response, Allan Sealy
Keeping Abreast, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Keeping It Real: Manuscript Studies and Historical Linguistics, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Kindergarten: Magic Moments, Lorelei Fetzer and Darlene Ponder
Kindle-ing the Codex: Are E-Books the New Lindisfarne?, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
King John: Historiographical Perspectives, Jennifer L. Teall
Kingship and Politics in Late Medieval England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Knowledge and Awareness of AIDS and the Influence of Homophobic Tendencies in the Stigmatization of AIDS Carriers by Midwestern University Students, James Patrick Johnson
Knowledge of the Holocaust: An Analysis of Press Coverage, Jill A. Green
Kwanzaa: A Holiday of Principles, Phyllis M. Ferguson and Terrell A. Young
Laboratory Research Enterprises, Inc. -- Administrative Office Reorganization, Susan McClay
Laboratory Testing of Capillary Rise in Fine-Grained Sands and Silts, Rachel Salim
Labyrinth: A Way In...A Way Out, Elaine A. Jayne and Judith M. Arnold
Landscape and Culture in Medieval Britain III: Domestic and Wild Spaces, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Landscape and Culture in Medieval Britain II: Places and Maps, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Landscape and Culture in Medieval Britain I: Spaces and Buildings, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Landslide Hazard Zonation Modeling Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study from the Jazan Area-Saudi Arabia, Racha El Kadiri
Language and Literacy: Mediating Reading Problems in a Communicative Context, Jim Waddell and Victoria J. Risko
Language and Mathematics: A Natural Connection for Achieving Literacy., Eula Ewing Monroe
Language and Music, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Language Teaching and Internet Technology, Nathan J. Richardson
La Noche de los Mayas: A Misunderstood Film and its Music, Abderrahman Anzaldua
Las Navas de Tolosa (1212): A Commemoration of Its Eight Hundredth Anniversary, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Late Antiquity I: Christianity and Culture in Western Late Antiquity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Late Antiquity II: Christian and Pagan Culture in Late Antiquity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Late Antiquity III: Material Culture and Frontiers in Late Antiquity, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Late Medieval French Language and Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Latin Texts, Barbarian Contexts: Challenges of Early Medieval Sources, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Law and Legal Culture in Anglo-Saxon England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Law and Rules: Legal Concepts and Terminology in Medieval English, German, and Scandinavian Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Law as Culture: Legal Development and Social Change, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Lay Prayer: Text, Context, and Practice, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Leadership: An Interpersonal Review, Kelly M. Gower
Leadership Communication as a Barrier to Organizational Learning, Stephen Spates and Jordan M. Tyler
Leadership Perceptions of the Elementary School Program, Marie F. Doan and Ronald G. Noland
Lean Manufacturing and its Implications in Research & Development, Jamie Fluhart
Lean Manufacturing Techniques in Today's World Class Manufacturers, Kelly Clickner
Lean Supply Chain Analysis and Application, Kyle Uhen
Learned and Lyrical Langland, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Learning About Language Arts Instruction Through Collaboration, Ellen McIntyre and Diane W. Kyle
Learning Basic (Reading) Skills K-12, Denny T. Wolfe Jr.
Learning Centers, Rebecca Brent
Learning from Experience to Improve Outcomes in Reading: A Case Study, Annette B. Weinshank, Ruth M. Polin, and Christian C. Wagner
Learning Modality: Another Pebble in the Pond, Diana Scott
Learning Phonics Naturally: A Model for Instruction, Barbara Johnson and Linda Lehnert
Learning the Ropes--Survival Techniques for College Freshmen, Gretchen Starks
Learning to Read Better: Training Decoding, Comprehension and Perceptual Skills, Elizabeth J. Short, E. Marcia Sheridan, and Louise Anes
Leaving Elementary School with a Sense of Order in Nature, William W. Cobern, Adrienne T. Gibson, and Scott A. Underwood
"Lefe chylde lore be-houeth": Sharing and Interpreting the Middle Ages in Children's and Young Adult Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Legal Innovations During the Reign of Henry II of England (1154-1189) and their Effects, Charles O. Houston III
Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Leg-Up: Helping Youth Apply Engineering, Tycho K. Fredericks and Steven E. Butt
Lend an Ear to Poetry, Charles Smith
Lesbian/Queer/Same-Gender-Loving Women Graduate Students in Mental Health Related Fields: A Grounded Theory of Attitudes Toward Transgender Individuals, Bonnie M. Benson
Lessons from a French Class on Becoming Literate: A Personal Reflection, Beth Weir
Leta Schoenhals: Nonretiring Spirit, Gordon Eriksen
Let's Discuss Chicano Adolescent Literature, Juan M. Flores
Let's Explore the Earth, Sun and Moon: A Third Grade Science Unit and MCOATT Portfolio, Christine Carlson
Let's Leave No Stone Unturned, Patricia Thomas and Lee Mountain
Let's Read, Betty Porter
Letter from the Editor: Welcome to OJOT!, Diane Powers Dirette
Letters of the Living, James Tracey
Let Them Read the Book, Patricia M. Cunningham
LHC Student Assessment, Katie Lynn Nelson
Libraries are People, Joseph G. Reish
Library Friends, Mary Ann Bowman
Life Phases, Michelle M. Hodgkin
Lighthouse History and Literature, Nicole A. Vanderhoff
Lingual Deviation, Visual Perception, and reading Achievement, Dolores Warner
Linguistic Development of Children and the Syntax of Basals, David L. Brown and L. D. Briggs
Link/Loop/Node Networks, Mark E. Gilbert
Listening and Literacy: Audiobooks in the Reading Program, Renee Michelet Casbergue and Karen Harris
Listening Instruction in College Reading Programs, Thomas R. Schnell
Listening Skills: Caught or Taught?, Karen L. Casebeer
Listening to Parents' Voices: Cross Cultural Perceptions of Learning to Read and to Write, Jim Anderson
Listening to Students About Reading, Beverly B. Swanson
Listen to Me, Edith Kahler
Listen to Their Teachers' Voices: Effective Reading Instruction for Fourth Grade African American Students, J. Helen Perkins
Literacy Development of Rural Appalachian Five Year Olds, Connie Green
Literacy Education in Kindergarten Classrooms, Arne E. Sippola
Literacy Lessons From the Childhoods of Authors, Marcia Baghban
Literacy Liaison: Sending Literacy Home and Back to School, Nicki McCullough Calabrese
Literacy Portfolios in Third Grade: A School-College Collaboration, Karen M. Cirincione and Denise Michael
Literacy Through Literature: The Role of Comparison, John D. Beach
Literacy Through University-School Collaboration, Janet Dynak and Ronald A. Crowell
Literacy Through University-School Collaboration: A Prologue, Ronald A. Crowell and Jeanne M. Jacobson
Literary and personal criticism for preservice teachers: A pedagogical imperative, Sherron Killingsworth Roberts
Literary Books Make the Difference in Teaching the ESL Student, Mary H. Appleberry
Literary pen pals: Correspondence about books between university students and elementary students, Patricia Austin
Literature Alive: Connecting to Story Through the Arts, J. Lea Smith and J. Daniel Herring
Literature Groups and Literature Logs: Responding to Literature in a Community of Readers, Kathy Everts Danielson
Literature of the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Literature Search: A Study of Diet and Nutritional Supplements of Mentally Retarded Children in Southwestern Michigan, Margaret Pawlak
Literature Study Groups with At-Risk Readers: Extending the Grand Conversation, Deborah McCutchen, Anne Laird, and Jan Graves
Literature, Theory, and the Future of Medieval Studies: Middle English and Its Others (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Little Known Chapters in Cistercian History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Little Red Riding-Hood, Louis Foley
Little Things Can Make Reading Easier, Louis Foley
Living Through Literacy Experiences Versus Literacy Analysis: Examining Stance in Children's Response to Literature, Joyce E. Many
Liza Marie Business Plan, Lori M. Nay
Locomotion: Effects of Procarbazine and Imipramine on Male and Female CD-1 Mice, Katherine A.J. King
Long-Term Effects of Clinical Intervention: An In-Depth Study, Barbara J. Rennie, Carl Braun, and Christine J. Gordon
Looking Into the Mirror: Chinese Childrenfs Responses to Chinese Childrenfs Books, Meei-Ling Liaw
Looking Out for Low-Achieving Readers, Terrell A. Young and Deanne McCullough
Looking Toward the Future, Dorothy J. McGinnis
"Look, Ma, He's Reading", Pauline Lucas
Look What We Got, Louis Foley
Lost in the Pages: To What Extent has the Modern Patriarchal Culture Erased the Lesbian Existance in Biographies of Famous Women?, Cheryl Peacock
Love and Adolescent Life: A Thematic Integration of Language Learning and Hispanic Poetry for Fourth Year Students, Cindy Panter
Love and Compulsion in Medieval German Literature, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Love and Sin: Reassessing Judgments on Tristan and Isolde, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Love Through the Last Stage of Life: The Experience of Losing a Loved One to Terminal Illness, Marisa A. Berry
Loving Relations: Familial Love in the Early Medieval World, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Low German Medieval Literature: Legends, Drama, Epics, Translations, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Low-Water Mark, Natalie A. Giarratano
Luke-Acts in the Middle Ages, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Maces to Kill Wounded Allied POWs
Mace to Kill Wounded Allied Prisoners
Machaut and His Contemporaries, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Machaut in His Material Context, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Machaut in History, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Magic and Religion: Applied Methodologies, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Magic, Judgment, and Punishment, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Magic, Mystagogues, and Charlatans, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mainstreaming, Kenneth VanderMeulen
Mainstreaming and the Classroom Teacher: A Practical Approach, Carolyn N. Hedley
Maintaining a Mand at Practical Levels Through Differential Schedules of Reinforcement, Jonathan P. Roland
Making a Cyber Literacy Connection From the Storage Room to the College Room, Paula Boxie
Making a Dent in the Content: Reading That Is, Elmer J. Cummings
Making a Difference: Improving a Campaign for an American Cancer Society Event, Lisa Krejcik
Making an Xbox360 Video Game, Daniel Frandsen
Making Effective Classroom Assignments, George M. Usova
Making Manuscripts (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Making Repeated Readings a Functional Part Of Classroom Reading Instruction, Timothy Rasinski
Making Seatwork Work, Patricia M. Cunningham
Making Story Time a Literacy Event for the Young Child, Beth Weir
Making the Connection for Reading Teachers Between Authentic Assessment Practices and Qualitative Research Techniques., Beth Hurst and Cindy Wilson
Making the Right to Read a Reality, Dorothy J. McGinnis
Making Wordsmiths, Beth Weir
Management Practice in Saudi Arabia -- The Arabian Oil Company, Hassan Al-Duliajan
Management Systems in Secondary Reading Classrooms, Christine C. Smith, Carolyn Burch, and Grace Warren
Man and His Environment, Homer L.J. Carter
Manifestations of Truth in the Realism of Flaubert, Zola, and Eliot, Paul N. Samra
Manuscripts (and Surrogates) in North America: Experiencing the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Many Moons: A Collection of 24 Poems, Beth K. Roberts
Mapa Provisonal de la Literatura Hispanoamericana de Entre Siglo (XX-XXI): Una Mirada al Camino Literario Actual, Claudia Lorena Márquez-Reséndiz
Margaret Anderson's War with Reality: Faith and the Fourth Way, Pamela Layne Wilson
Marginalized Literature in the English Classroom Working with Barbara Ehrenreich's Nickel and Dimed, Noelle Carpenter
Marguerite Porete, Her Inquisition Trial, and the Mirror of Simple Souls, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Marian Statues: Object and Cult I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Marian Statues: Object and Cult II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Marine Oil Pollution: Tankers and International Politics, Judith Locke
Marks in Manuscripts and Books (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mark Twain and the Limits of Women's Power as Shown in His LIfe and His Novel "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court", Christine Canfield
Marriage and the Master Speed: An Interpretation of Robert Frost's "West-Running Brook", Terry R. Nienhuis
Matching Instructional Design with Vocabulary Instruction, William Dee Nichols and William H. Rupley
Matching Teaching Stratiges To The Learning Styles Of Gifted Readers, Elinor P. Ross and Jill Wright
Material and Craft Aspects of Manuscript Production, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Materialities" and Material Cultures in Parish Communities, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Math Education: Teaching Data Analysis in Grades 3-5, Kathleen C. Teall
Mathematical Problem Solving: Changing Students' Attitudes Through the Use of Heuristics, Lori Fulton
Meals Medieval and Medievalist, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Meaningful Reading: Instruction for Children Experiencing Reading Difficulty, Carol A. Kirk
Meaningful vs. Meaningless Utterances in Inventories and Their Effects on Pupil Performance, Jerome Axelrod
Measureable Effects of a Read-Aloud Program, Roslind C. Hooper and Victoria Chou Hare
Measurement of Teacher Knowledge of Reading, H.L. Narang
Mechanical and Spectroscopic Analysis of Dense Polyurethanes Exposed to Various Aqueous Treatments, Darron J. Schneeberger
Media Technologies for the Reading Teacher, Camille Blachowicz
Medical Texts of the Early Medieval Mediterranean, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Art and the Cult of the Dead, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Chronicles, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Chronicles and Their Authors, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Coitus (Iberia), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Cultures of Death: Historical, Literary, and Material Perspectives II: Beyond the Christian Experience, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Cultures of Death: Historical, Literary, and Material Perspectives I: The Christian Experience, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Drama, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Environments I: Food Shortage and Subsistence Crises in Medieval Europe, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Environments III: Exploiting and Managing Animal Resources, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Environments II: Religion and the Environment, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Germany: Defining the Empire, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Icelandic Bishops' Sagas and Law, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval(ist) Alterities: Cultural and Temporal Alterities in Transdisciplinary Perspective (A Panel Discussion), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medievalists and Teaching World History: What’s Important and Why? (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Manuscript Culture: Patronage, Production, Texts, and Uses, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Manuscript Discoveries in North America: Texts, Illuminations, Collections, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Medicine, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Medicine: Cures, Collections, and/or Textualities of Pain and Remedy, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Medievalisms: Recycling, Reworking, Invention, Nostalgia, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Music: Reading from the Sources (A Workshop), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval New York I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval New York II, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Oral Tradition: Papers in Honor of John Miles Foley, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Religious Cultures: Key Questions and Directions for Future Research, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Sermon Studies II: From Benedictine Monks to Reforming Bishop: Preaching in Durham, ca. 1400-1579, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Sermon Studies III: Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic: Composition and Sources in Late Medieval Preaching, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Sermon Studies I: Saints, Sinners, and the Pastoral Art of Preaching, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Sicily as a Cultural Frontier, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Sources in Modern Catholic Popes, Scholars, and Writers, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Translation Theory and Practice I, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Translation Theory and Practice II (A Practicum), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Views: The Role of the Medieval in Pictorial Photography, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Women: Coining Identity, Sealing Power, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Medieval Writing Materials: Manufacture, Use, and Trade, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mediterranean Cross Cultural, Religious, and Economic Relations, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mediterranean Identities, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
"Medium Rare...", Tom Amos
Meeting Children's Reading Needs: Examining the Roles of Special Teachers, William H. Rupley and Marty Abramson
Meeting Individual Differences in Reading, Ronald G. Noland
Meeting the Reading Needs of Children by Aiding the New Elementary Teacher, Margaret Millard
Memory and Community in Anglo-Saxon England, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Memory Chip Emulator for Surgical Power Tools: "TPS NVRAM Box", Mike Dozeman, Cory Graves, and Grant Westphal
Men of the Cloth: Vestments and the Performance of Episcopal Power, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Mental Content and Its Relationship to Flexibility of Reading, Homer L.J. Carter and Dorothy J. McGinnis
Merlin, God, and the Devil, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
MESA: Growing a Federation for Medieval Studies (A Roundtable), Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University
Message from the President of the Homer L.J. Carter Reading Council, Fran M. Baden
Message From the President of the Homer L.J. Carter Reading Council, Fran M. Baden
Message From the President of the Homer L.J. Carter Reading Council, Fran M. Baden
Message From the President of the Homer L.J. Carter Reading Council, Clara Harbeck